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Fix Venue For TV Shows

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I always wondering why it's not possible to fix a venue for TV Shows.
It's kind of annoying to select manually the same venue again and again.

I think it is more common to have a TV show at the same venue.
I remember back in the good old days studio wrestling was something.


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Also would be realistic. How many wrestling television shows have been tied to a particular location?

Wrestling at the Chase? World Class Championship Wrestling from the Sportatorium in Dallas? Chicago Wrestling from the Rainbo (I think I'm thinking about Chicago)? Capitol Wrestling from the Capitol Arena? Even if we go modern, TNA/Impact was long tied to a couple of different TV locations; WCW did most of their television from Disney MGM Studios for a while; WWF did most of their TV from Allentown for a long while; ECW did all of their TV at the ECW Arena; CMLL does all of its TV from Arena Mexico, Arena Coliseo, Arena Puebla...

I'm just sayin'.



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Fixing a venue or region for TV shows would also prevent a problem TEW 2020 has where a regional company travels outside of its stronghold to hold TV shows.

This is a problem with historical territory mods where all the stars are regional stars, only popular in specific regions. So when the companies travel to random regions, the stars don't score good ratings there, the TV shows tank, and the companies get cancelled by their broadcasters due to low ratings.

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