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The Third Game: A Cautious Road to Glory

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Eddie Sparrow the real one tho.  He's got at least 83 refereeing.  While I think that's probably maxed out, that's still crazy at 22 years old.  AND he's got 70s in Entertainment.  Dunton Hall Jr., I love you.  Anyway, first event of December:






That is at worst the 6th best show we've ever had.  With two rusty unknowns.  Oh gooooood


In much sadder news, YEPW just popped out of the red.  No Dan Stone Jr...uh...David Stone for me.

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Jose frikkin Caballero won Young Wrestler 😭 He roasted me, to be fair.





I'm counting that for a point deal with it.  Also, I think he had one Indy show, so he might be ineligible now that he's on a Written.



Obvs not going to count.  This year.


Yoooooo Wolfie's gone from TCW (USPW now), and we beat out Psycho Circus, AND they're medium.  lul.  So that's...2 rolls, 1 more for new year, and...



36 spots off of a double roll.  4's awesome, though!


32. "As Real As It Gets" The World of Professional Fighting called you out and you delivered. Add +10 between Toughness and Menace. Add either MMA Fighter, Boxer or Pro Martial Artist to your character

28. “The RTG Movement” The fans love you, Yes! Yes! Yes!, add “Groundswell of support” to your attributes

8. "Where There’s A Will" One of your die hard fans has passed on bequeathing their worldly possessions to your promotion. Do you accept it or donate it to charity? Gain EITHER $56,609 or +5 Prestige

I'm not accepting it now, but this is the best roll in that first year.

45. "Fight Anyone" You never back down, add "Plays Badass Well" and “Dynamo” to your attributes

Now if I got Explosive Ring Style, sure...

5. "Lean On Me" Gain Strong Friendship with random wrestler in your promotion. Any addictions from your character's and your new friend’s attributes are set to Former.


That would have been MY FIANCE MELLOW FLASHHART.

6. "Master And Disciple” You can become the protégé of anyone 10 years or more older than you are (they must be on your roster) OR you can become the mentor of anyone 10 years or more younger than you (they must be on your roster). Randomly roll from anyone who is eligible.

I don't think I can get the backstage thingy from this, but MAN is this rife with roleplay potential.  In a non-RP diary.  Anyway, as I'm 23, gonna be the protege...

I'm...torn on Bullet Babu Menon, who I just rolled.  On the one hand, he's the owner, and so that's beautiful.  On the other hand, I'm better than him at everything but colour commentary-and I'd still be better than him at that-so...he can't be the mentor.  That's insane.


By the way, he had a 94-rated match with Matthew Keith in BHOTWG for the title (loss) back in April.  And a 97 three-way before that.  Yoooooo!


24. “The X-Factor” You have devoted your holiday season to learning how to present yourself better +10 to Star Quality


That's the before.  Note that I need to be an "Amazing Babyface" to truly be a figurehead.  Stoopy game.


42. “Super Awesome Wrestling-A-Go-Go: Electric Boogaloo” You are suddenly hilarious, add "Plays Comedy Well" and “Comedy worker” to your attributes

I know this is referencing CHIKARA (rip yeeeeesh), but there's that one announcer that says a-go-go in the database...anyway, since this removes that I'm bad at Comedy, AND helps me get closer to the babyface thing, woo!


16. “Hit The Bricks” You live in the gym. +20 to spend on physical skills. (Athleticism, Toughness, Stamina, Power)

88 Stamina would be good enough regardless of the fact that I can only have 15 minute matches.

9. "Keeping It In The Family" Create a younger sibling wrestler aged 17 (same 750 skill point split). If you are over 32 treat this as a son/daughter









See, I'm thinking about making a 75 announcer/75 commentator.  At that age, that should become absurdelite class.

Or Thunder Dragon v. 2.

idly blows air through his lips making that brrrrrbrbrbrbrbrbbrbrbrrrr sound

35. “Whose line is it anyway?” You have taken some improv training to get better on the mic. Add ‘Improv Training’ to your character. +10 points to spend across Charisma and Microphone.


31. "The Real Rock n' Rolla" You've filled in for a band member one night, who now wants to you tour with them as a result. +10 points to spend across Charisma and Microphone. Also add Musician to Misc for your character. If rolled 3 times upgrade to Famous Musician

Or dis.

42. “Super Awesome Wrestling-A-Go-Go: Electric Boogaloo” You are suddenly hilarious, add "Plays Comedy Well" and “Comedy worker” to your attributes


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One more roll for finally passing $1,000,000 gives me, I swear, the comedy roll.  So we're doing that and the musician thing!



Edit: Y'know, being the noted comedy match worker that I am, and the improv genius, I should prooooooooooobably have higher acting (no I didn't change it; it's still 77).


Edit: And if the game dings me for talking too long for 30 minutes, I'ma throw something.

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Roster recap:

  • Das Mainen Eventorklaus
    • Aadesh Yadav: The god.  Only Tech, Acting, and Star Quality functionally matter right now.  And Psychology, I guess, if I could get 91 I think?
    • Cam Jones: A better brawler than Syd Collier (who himself is ~8 or so tech points better), a nicer person (Mercenary vs. Gloomy), a better star, but worse as a performer than his partner.  Mind you, Cam is more than good enough, so Syd's just a bit lower on ye olde single pushe.  Fantastic worker, though, if that wasn't obvious, and by FAR part of the best tag team we have.
    • Garry the Entertainer: Yeeeeeshhhhhh.  So his brawling is serviceable, but not good enough to do a slow build.  However, he can call in the ring, he's 76 star quality, and bonkers entertaining. So I love that he's gotten this high up as a comedy worker who also can challenge for the world title (and has lost like...4? times or so).  Recall that my cap is 62 pop; he's in the mid-40s.  Once he peaks, that's another one that can pull a 90+ promo.
    • Glorious Gloria: Overpushed for her skills.  She can call in the ring, but she doesn't have any notable in-ring or entertainment acumen.  That said, it's nice to have someone popular for the stars to have a good match with, and that she does well enough.
    • Hemant Velama: Oh, Hemant.  He can't quite call it in the ring, but ignoring that, he's...solidish.  He can brawl, he's entertaining, but he doesn't have a lot of star power.  He's a worse-but-younger Garry, or another Gloria, essentially.  Decent at promos, at least.
    • Hugh Ancrie: Brawl.  Tech.  Entertaining.  Utterly fantastic.  He doesn't have the best look of a star, but he gets a 90+ segment about as often as Aadesh does.
    • Jack Jackson: Essentially Garry, but better.  Also has a broken neck.
    • Jared Johnson: I think he's the best overall wrestler in the company.  No, no, Hugh's better, but Jared works Puro.  Point is, he wrestles incredibly well, and his entertainment isn't awful.  Still, he should keep to fighting angles.
    • Jimmy Chipolata: Young, well-rounded high-flyer, who has charisma but not much mike skill.  He sits at around the 70s range, so he's good, not great.  Akin to Gloria and Hemant, but he's more popular than either (and less entertaining than Hemant).
    • Mellow Flashhart: Brought in for the Comedy.  She's not good.  Her entertainment is fine, like it's 7x or so, but...I don't need that.  I really don't need it-rather, I really don't need it, but the chemistry boost I manufactured is cool.  Ignoring that I could still hit 100 without her.  But woooo engaged!
    • Princeton Pryce: Dethroned Donte Dunn at the first hurdle, lul.  Looks like a star, can brawl, is a fair bit flashy, and is a bit behind Hugh on the mike.  So...yeah, he's really good.  Expect him to be bona-fide soon (and he's 29!)
    • Seung Sun: The champion!  He doesn't pull as good entertainment (Microphone, actually) as I do, which is sad.  That he's behind Hugh Ancrie, however, is a bit odd.  I dunno.  Seems off.  Really good, and really young, though.
    • Sterling Whitlock: Has a 94 against Hollywood Brett Starr.  Has a 92 vs. Missy Masterson, our only >90 match.  Hugh's better in every non-Puro way, lul.
    • Syd Collier: The best non-me technician on the roster, and I already went over him with Cam Jones.  He's replaceable in theory, but I'd be an idiot to do so.
    • Valiant: Makes us...actually, no.  His merchandising does not make us money over his contract.  Lul.


  • Stars
    • Donte Dunn: I think the best brawler in the company?  He's a good-ol' country-fried Southern brawler.  From Barbados.  Love the nickname.  Anyway, underpushed because reasons, as he's only just about at 40 pop.  Lost the title to Pryce lul.
    • Skip Beau: Another guy that's a brawly entertainer.  Also in the shadow of Jared Johnson.  If I dropped Valiant and Gloria, I would theoretically have room for these two.


  • Middleguys
    • Eiichi Umehara: My only "Well Known" wrestler.  Huh.  I do not know why I brought him in, nor do I know why I'm pushing him.  A solid brawler, but nothing special.
    • Alyx Winters: A tech flyer that barely can't call it in the ring.  He's got the looks, he's charismatic, and oh right I put him over, did I?  Right.  He's not doing anything special right now, and he's kinda just another brawlyboi.  EXCEPT!  Hailey Hunter chemistry! He probably should be about 10 more popularity in the mid-30s, a well known midcarder.  He's the Miz.  Sure.  Aside from Miz being waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better on the mike.  Jack Jackson's Miz.  Dang it Jack for your neck and smoking!
    • Bullet Babu Menon: Owner.
    • Devilfish: DANG IT I FORGOT THAT HE HAS A BUSTED NECKBy a landslide the most flashy...the flashiest wrestler.  He can't talk, doesn't have charisma, but he looks a star, and he would have been in the main event by now.  Maybe even champion.
    • Joaquin Medina: Rangen who's strong friends with Alyx up there.  Has a Rebel default gimmick much like Kinmochi Nakanishi, so they're a tag team.  He's a 4-year 23-year old with...20 experience, neat.  He's not good in the ring, but he is probably solid on the mike, so he probably should be in the midcard.
    • Joshua Taylor: He's not retired yet.  One of like...5 wrestlers I hired due to being famous and me wanting to have beaten them.  A solid road agent, but I have better.  I just released him.
    • Kinmochi Nakanishi: Menacing as hell, great look, flashy flyer, he needs more experience, but he's absolutely going to Jannety the heck out of Medina up there.  This guy's one for the future (he's 21).
    • Purple Mosquito: ACL injury.  Dog crap psychology, but as a luchador, he has really good tech, flying, and flashiness.  In the 70s-ish.  So he can be carried to a better match than he ought to.  Works well with Fire Osprey, of course.  So...valuable as a low-level tag person.
    • Reggie Tate: Another brawler that looks okay but can't talk.  Also probably beat me at one point.  I'm having trouble pushing him at the moment.



  • Mostly everyone else (Oh no there are a lot...)
    • Armando Lozano: 24 year rangen rookie.  At least 70 psychology.  Bad basics and selling.  Probably entertaining.  $10 contract.
    • Astonishing Beetle: Can call in the ring.  Otherwise, a useless rangen with an animal name.
    • Brandon James: See Joshua Taylor.
    • Chucky Dorrance: Noted Comedian.  No entertainment skills.  Still a decent jobberino.
    • Crimson Leopard: meme animal
    • Don Jenkins: fffff spinal disk!  Disc.  Whatever.  As I said before, he's me-lite.
    • Elemental IV: Hopefully an entertaining techflyer.  Also, absolutely would be okay with BHOTWG poaching him, obviously.
    • Gringo Star: He's 25, and he's an entertaining enough brawlerguy for the low card.
    • Hiroaki Nakasawa: One of the better road agents.
    • Hiroyasu Gakusha: The best road agent.
    • Kiyotaka Mazawa: Entertaining not-very-technician not-great flyer.  71 star quality.  Go rangens!
    • Mainstream Hernandez: In decline at 38.  Ouch.
    • Mark Griffin: COME BACK DANG IT (techbrawler with meh entertainment; while he has better psychology, functionally he's a worse Jared Johnson.  I think.)  Doesn't want to come back I hate you.
    • Masaaki Hirota: rangen.  Good psych and entertainment.
    • Masakazu Kaima: Comedy!
    • Masked Stranger: Brawling, tech, psychology.  Nothing else.
    • Meathead McAullie: Don't know why I brought him and Kitty Katz in after Carnie Carnie'd, but I did.


And others.  I'm tired.  Mutant, Porkchop...Michele Deeley, Trevor Feather and Toady (team now)...I think that's all the relevant people.

Re: Thunder boi


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I'm going unbeaten this year.  Young Wrestler is mine.  Also, thought me'n'Dragonboi would've done better ._.




I totally didn't savescum for that <_<



24. “The X-Factor” You have devoted your holiday season to learning how to present yourself better +10 to Star Quality

Worst version of that roll (could have gotten marketability), but savescumming is for nerds.


I now have 100 (105, technically) star quality.

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Guess who moves the most merchandise, at $175.000 last month?  Beating second place by $30,000.


Guess.  Go ahead.















Chris.  Flynn.


He's good, sure, but he's not like that good what the heck?  Doesn't have any boost to marketability.  Lul.



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So Mikey Lau's our #1 heel.  Tentatively, that's my opponent.  Then Flynn, then MARC DUBOIS, THE TOP BABYFACE, then uh Masked Patriot and Casey Valentine.


Yoooo they got Irwin R Gutmann on the roster!  I never face him back in MWGP, but that's cool!






Now, even though I win in ~6 months, I need a Performance Center...

I know there are some alt TCW logos, so I'll grab one for it.




Oh, I'll send myself to the performance center lul




wait WHAT


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