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The Outlaw Mudshow Or Peter Valentine's Redemption...

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Texarkana, TX









Peter: “Greetings again everyone. It’s your favorite washed up wrestler here, Peter Valentine. Fresh off my trip to Mexico, where I was proclaimed a wrestling god by all the lucha libre fans! 


Of course once you get back from a trip what do you do? Check your messages and emails of course…






And unfortunately your boy Peter seems to have gotten myself into some hot water. I guess those corporate douches from Wrestleworld must have really believed me when I said I could get Sam Strong to make a few appearances. Well, truth be told that dude won’t take any of my calls or texts. I’m not sure why honestly, I mean I have such a sterling reputation in the wrestling business. But either way I’ve got a bit of a situation on my hands. But never fear, I’m Peter motherf%&king Valentine! I’ve always got a plan.


Searching the web one night I happened to come across a wrestler who plays a Sam Strong parody character; Sam Bong. Fortunately for me he looks just like Sam, unfortunately for me he’s a dirty tree-hugging hippie white rasta guy. Ugh, I would have beat the sh$t out of a guy like him in the locker room back in the day, but I need him. So time to suck it up and try to be nice to this dude. 


(Cell Phone Rings)




Sam Bong: “Yo, yo, yo, praise Jah! Dis here yo’ boy Sam Bong - lordamercy!”


Peter: “Ugh, hello!?! This is Peter Valentine, owner of Outlaw Championship Wrestling in Texas. How are you doing Sam?”


Sam Bong: “Bloooooooooooodclot, I be irie off dis here ganja Peter! Got me feelin’ all types of chill mon!”


Peter: “Alrighty, whatever that means. Look Sam, let me cut to the chase. I’m interested in hiring you. Are you currently taking bookings?”


Sam Bong: “Yea mi definitely am! Mi cyaa believe sum'ady wa hire me! Praise Jah!”


Peter: “Okay then, come meet me in a couple days then. I’ll text you the address. I’m going to hang up now.”


Two days later…





Sam Bong pulls up to Peter’s hotel in a ridiculous looking van painted in rasta colors.






Sam Bong: “Hey Peter, it mi Sam Bong it nice ta meet yuh mon!”


Peter: “Yeah ugh, hello Sam.”


Sam: “Suh wah kinda contract yuh offering? Ow much does it pay mon?”


Peter: “Well I’m glad you asked. I want you to impersonate Sam Strong at the Wrestleworld Headquarters. I’ll pay your travel expenses and whatever your standard booking fee is, double it. How’s that sound?”


Sam: “Dat sounds gud mon, suh yuh wa mi tuh impersonate Sam Strong huh? Well you've get di right man fi di job mi wi fool dem deh suits at Wrestleworld yuh betta believe it!”


Peter: “Ummmmmmm, I’m not sure what you just said honestly. Just nod if you think you can pull it off.”


Sam Bong confidently nods. The two men shake hands and Sam jumps back in his van and drives off.



Three days later…


(Cell phone rings)




Peter: “Hello, this is Peter Valentine.”


Sam Bong: “Hey Peta dis a Sam dem deh fools at Wrestleworld fall fi it hook line an sinker mon!”


Peter: “So you’re saying they fell for it right?”


Sam Bong: “Aye mon.”


Peter: “Fantastic! Thanks a ton for your help Sam. I’ll be needing you again for other visits so save my number.”


Sam Bong: “Aye mon, I dun saved dim as contact. Call dem mon, when you be needin me. Take dem care now mon!”


Peter: “Ummmmm, ok, bye Sam. Thanks again.


Hahaha, those morons at Wrestleworld! I can’t believe I actually pulled that off. It’s a miracle they managed to get a streaming service up and running if they are that gullible. 


Well, chalk this up as another win for your boy, Peter motherf%&king Valentine!”





Edited by willr0ck
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Here are the Pick'em resutls through three weeks: (Congrats Azzak on going a perfect 7 for 7 this week!)


The Blonde Bomber
























Wrestling Machine









So whoever had the most correct picks after the week 4 show gets to pick the next narrative for Peter Valentine. You can do whatever you want to the guy. Send him to Antartica, send him to the hood and have him get beat up, send him out in the sticks somewhere and have him get tormented by a backwoods inbred cannibal family (It's October, I've been watching a lot of horror movies). Basically do whatever you want except kill him. I'm several months into the save so he can't die yet. 





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Week 4 Pick'em Sheet


World Tag Tournament Semi-final

The Wild Bunch VS The Hot Taggs W/February Malaise



Hardcore Rules

"Blue Collar Outlaw" Pepper Pelton VS Original Sinner W/Deacon Darkhold



Willams & Casey VS The Canadian Blondes W/Mya Catalan



Jerry Pepper VS "Evil Genius" Chess Maniac



Warren Technique VS A Local Competitor



World Tag Tournament Semi-final

The Wrecking Crew VS The War Chiefs



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Week 4 Pick'em Sheet


World Tag Tournament Semi-final

The Wild Bunch VS The Hot Taggs W/February Malaise

Comments: For some reason The Wild Bunch feels like the right choice.


Hardcore Rules

"Blue Collar Outlaw" Pepper Pelton VS Original Sinner W/Deacon Darkhold

Comments: I feel like Sinner needs the win more.


Willams & Casey VS The Canadian Blondes W/Mya Catalan

Comments: Williams & Casey = win for the other team.


Jerry Pepper VS "Evil Genius" Chess Maniac

Comments: I just like Chess Maniac more.


Warren Technique VS A Local Competitor

Comments: Local competitors always lose.


World Tag Tournament Semi-final

The Wrecking Crew VS The War Chiefs

Comments: The War Chiefs just seem like the right choice.

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3 hours ago, willr0ck said:

Here are the Pick'em resutls through three weeks: (Congrats Azzak on going a perfect 7 for 7 this week!)

Thank you, now please don't screw me with a Williams & Casey win... 

Week 4 Pick'em Sheet


World Tag Tournament Semi-final*

The Wild Bunch VS The Hot Taggs W/February Malaise


I like the Hot Taggs and I am sure you do too. They fit this style of promotion to a tee, and should be a major force in the tag team division in the future. However I am still going to side with The Wild Bunch this week as I think there's more to them right now, and they seem to be shaping up to be the company's premier tag team. Plus if there's a partnership that is more suited to OCW, it's The Wild Bunch. 

*side comment: Correct me if I'm wrong (and my apologies if that's the case), but shouldn't the semi-finals be The War Chiefs vs The Hot Taggs and The Wild Bunch vs The Night Terrors? Here's the brackets from the last show:


Hardcore Rules

"Blue Collar Outlaw" Pepper Pelton VS Original Sinner W/Deacon Darkhold


I struggled with this mainly because I think this is the first time we're seeing Pepper Pelton on the main show. (I'm speculating he has been pre-show material up until now). Both are young rookies, but by virtue of Original Sinner being involved in the company's main storyline, I've plumped for him. Plus it gives him a bit of menace/aura/credibility back after his previous defeat to Animal Harker.

Willams & Casey VS The Canadian Blondes W/Mya Catalan


I remain adamant that one day Williams and Casey get a win. Will it be a title victory? No. Will it be this week against The Canadian Blondes? Also no. As I've said before this minor story thread needs to be built up for much longer than this to have any meaningful pay off.

Jerry Pepper VS "Evil Genius" Chess Maniac


Two theories I have been pretty confident in spouting throughout my predictions: nicknames, and singles competitors in tag team mates/tag team competitors in singles matches. Jerry Pepper is listed as a tag team wrestler alongside Jay Silver as Lightning Express, but he's in a singles match. Meanwhile, Chess Maniac has a nickname. I'm sure I have previously mentioned that if you've got a nickname and your opponent doesn't, you're probably going over. I'll stick with those theories here.

Warren Technique VS A Local Competitor


To quote you: "lol, yes, local competitor definitely means someone's gonna get squashed."

World Tag Tournament Semi-final

The Wrecking Crew VS The War Chiefs


Now this one is a real potential banana peel slip up, the hardest one to predict in my eyes. There's a lot to like about The War Chiefs, another pair that really fit the vibe of the company (kudos on your tag team division, it's really shaping up well!) but I'm just giving the edge to The Wrecking Crew for two reasons; 1. Generation Next are a bit of a sleeper hit in the company so far - ironic since they're brash loudmouths but their rise has been steady if somewhat underappreciated by this viewer if no-one else. 2. The babyface tag team of The Wild Bunch need heel opponents in the finals.

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Week 4 Pick'em Sheet


World Tag Tournament Semi-final

The Wild Bunch VS The Hot Taggs W/February Malaise

Comments: I like the Wild Bunch, and the Hot Taggs got beat down after their surprise pin in the opening round so they're probably not 100%.


Hardcore Rules

"Blue Collar Outlaw" Pepper Pelton VS Original Sinner W/Deacon Darkhold

Comments: Sinner has backup.


Willams & Casey VS The Canadian Blondes W/Mya Catalan

Comments: Easy win for the Blondes.


Jerry Pepper VS "Evil Genius" Chess Maniac

Comments: Chess Maniac has been quietly racking up a good win record, so I expect he'll be more involved in a major feud sooner than later.


Warren Technique VS A Local Competitor

Comments: Squash


World Tag Tournament Semi-final

The Wrecking Crew VS The War Chiefs

Comments: Didn't the War Chiefs already beat the Wrecking Crew in the first round? I think the Night Terrors should be in their spot unless it's a storyline replacement thing.

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1 hour ago, willr0ck said:

So ummmm yeah, I totally looked at the wrong bracket when I made the pick'em sheet so let's stick with the Wrecking Crew since I already posted the card and I'll have some fun writing my way out of this one. My bad, but hey, who doesn't like surprises!

No harm, no foul as they say. It will be an intriguing plot for the next show! 

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Enjoy the poster you made for the show. Would love if they can be bigger in the future as someone who has glasses I needed to scoot up and squint to read it :p.


World Tag Tournament Semi-final

The Wild Bunch VS The Hot Taggs W/February Malaise



Hardcore Rules

"Blue Collar Outlaw" Pepper Pelton VS Original Sinner W/Deacon Darkhold



Willams & Casey VS The Canadian Blondes W/Mya Catalan



Jerry Pepper VS "Evil Genius" Chess Maniac



Warren Technique VS A Local Competitor

Comments: A wanted to pick the local competitor but I wanna win more :D


World Tag Tournament Semi-final

The Wrecking Crew VS The War Chiefs



Edited by The Blonde Bomber
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Mid South Mayhem

Texarkana, TX

Episode 4

Monday, Week 4

January 2020

Live from The Hideout



The show opens cold to the backstage area where The Wild Bunch, Buck Winchester and Wes Revell hype up tonight’s main event where the winner gets to challenge for the World Tag Team titles at Wild, Wild Winter!...






Buck Winchster: (spits chewing tobacco juice onto the floor and wipes his mouth) Well, howdy there, folks! We reckon y'all are in for a real treat tonight!


Wes Revell: That's right, Buck! You see, tonight ain't just any ol' night. It's a night that'll go down in the history books, partner.


Buck Winchster: That's right, Wes. Tonight, The Wild Bunch is fixin' to make history, and it starts with them Tagg boys, Wolfie and Kalder.


Wes Revell: You see, folks, The Hot Taggs think they're the hottest thing since jalapeños on a summer day, but let me tell you something, boys. (pauses for effect) Y'all ain't never met two cowboys as wild and untamed as The Wild Bunch.


Buck Winchster: That's right, partner! We've been ridin', ropin', and wranglin' our way through this here tournament, and tonight, we're gonna show the world what real tag team wrestlin' looks like, and tonight, in that squared circle, it's gonna be a showdown like the Wild West has never seen. The Hot Taggs might be smokin', but The Wild Bunch is here to douse that fire and cool those flames.


Wes Revell: So, get ready, Taggs, 'cause when the dust settles, and the smoke clears, The Wild Bunch will be the ones standin' tall. We're gonna ride off into the sunset as the victors, and there's nothin' you can do to stop us!


Buck Winchster: Y'all better hold on to your hats and holler, 'cause it's gonna be one heck of a ride! The Wild Bunch is takin' you for a tumbleweed twirl you won't soon forget!



The Camera cuts to another area backstage where The Hot Taggs, Wolfie and Kalder, accompanied by February Malaise, are ready to respond…







Wolfie Tagg: (flashing a charismatic smile to the camera) Well, howdy there, partner! (In a sarcastic tone) It looks like we've got ourselves a showdown tonight, don't we, Kalder?


Kalder Tagg: (nodding with a grin) That's right, Wolfie! The Wild Bunch, y'all sure know how to talk the talk, but tonight, it's all about walking the walk.


Wolfie Tagg: You see, folks, we've heard all the stories about how tough and gritty The Wild Bunch are. They've been through dust storms and stampedes, they say. But you know what? We've been through our own storms, and we've danced through our own stampedes, ain't that right, Kalder?


Kalder Tagg: You betcha, Wolfie! The Hot Taggs aren't just hot in name; we're hot in action. We're tough, flashy, and ferocious!


Wolfie Tagg: (leaning in, intense) And you know what, Wild Bunch? We've been watching you closely, and we're ready for whatever you throw our way. We thrive under pressure, and tonight, we're gonna turn up the heat in that ring like never before.


Kalder Tagg: (cracking his knuckles) Buck, Wes, y'all may think you're gonna cool our flames, but just remember, a red hot fire can't be tamed. We're gonna burn bright, and when the smoke clears, it'll be The Hot Taggs who stand victorious!


Wolfie Tagg: So, saddle up, cowboys, 'cause The Hot Taggs are here to show you what real tag team wrestling is all about. It's not just about grit; it's about skill, style, and teamwork!



Kalder Tagg: And when we're done with you, we're gonna ride off into the sunset as the ones who've earned their spot in the World Tag Team Championship finals. Y'all can talk the talk, but we're here to dance the dance!


Wolfie Tagg: Get ready, folks, 'cause tonight, The Hot Taggs are gonna set this place on fire, and there ain't nothin' you can do to stop it!









Opening Theme: Flirtin' with Disaster





Jim Lou Freebush and Peter Valentine welcome everyone to tonight’s show…



Freebush: “Welcome back to another episode of Mid South Mayhem! A big hello to everyone at home and everyone in the arena tonight! Thank you for riding with the outlaws!”


Peter: “Whatever Jim, does anyone really care what these bunch of marks actually think!”


Freebush: “Well actually Peter, the company would like to turn a profit so I would say yes, we certainly do care what they think.”


Peter: “Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz”


Freebush: “As always, thank you for your expert analysis Peter. Well folks, let’s kick things off in the ring with our first of two semi-final matches in the GWC World Tag Team Championship tournament. But first, we have some backstage footage to show you guys of events that transpired earlier today. Let’s take a look.”






The camera cuts to a video clip of events that transpired earlier today in the backstage area...





The scene begins in a dimly lit corridor where Moroi and Babau, The Night Terrors, emerge from their dressing room. Their sinister presence is felt by all as they walk down the hallway, draped in dark, tattered robes, and their menacing masks concealing their faces.




Just as The Night Terrors step down the corridor out of nowhere, Animal Harker and Pepper Pelton, armed with baseball bats, burst onto the scene and begin viciously assaulting The Night Terrors!


Haker: “You thought you could cost me a chance at the World Title huh, guess you thought wrong!”


Pelton: “That’s right! I’m tired of you freaks interfering in our matches!”


The Night Terrors writhe in pain as the blows land on their bodies and masks, the cracks of wood on flesh resonating through the hallway. Moroi and Babau stagger, but their resilience remains evident as they refuse to go down.


Moroi: (muffled by his mask) “We are... the darkness…”


Babau: (gritted teeth) “We will... end you all…”



The brawl intensifies as The Night Terrors try to defend themselves against the relentless assault by Animal and Pepper. The backstage area is in chaos as security personnel rush to the scene, attempting to separate the two teams.


Despite the intervention, Animal Harker and Pepper Pelton continue to exchange menacing glares with The Night Terrors as they admire their destruction.


Harker: “Moroi, Babau, payback’s a bitch! You two freaks versus me and Pepper in a tag team street fight at Wild, Wild Winter! Show up if you're man enough!"


The camera fades to black as Harker and Pelton walk away






Freebush: “So folks, we are very sorry to tell you that The Night Terrors are not cleared to compete tonight after that brutal attack by Harker and Pelton. But never fear, we have a replacement challenger on stand by. Tonight The War Chiefs will take on the Wrecking Crew for a chance to go to the tag team tournament finals at Wild, Wild Winter! Let’s head to the ring!”








GWC World Tag Team Tournament Semi-final #1

The War Chiefs VS The Wrecking Crew




Match Highlights


  • The match kicks off with Eagle Monteiro and Jason Patterson in the ring. Eagle showcases his technical prowess with a series of swift takedowns and arm drags, gaining an early advantage for The War Chiefs. Wild Red Stallion tags in, and together, they showcase their tag team chemistry with a perfectly executed double suplex

  • Eventually Jules Night and Jason Patterson begin to wear down Wild Red Stallion with a combination of hard-hitting strikes and ground-and-pound tactics. The Wrecking Crew isolates Stallion in their corner, effectively cutting off the ring and preventing him from making the tag.

  • Wild Red Stallion manages to break free and make the hot tag to Eagle Monteiro, who explodes into the ring with a flurry of lightning-fast strikes and high-flying moves. The crowd erupts as Eagle takes down both members of The Wrecking Crew single-handedly. He stuns Jules Night with a jaw-dropping moonsault from the top rope and nearly secures the victory with a close near-fall.

  • As the match reaches its climax, all four competitors are in the ring, and chaos ensues. In the midst of the chaos, The War Chiefs regain control. Wild Red Stallion hoists up Jason Patterson, setting him up for their signature finisher, The Trail Of Tears (3D).


The War Chiefs defeat The Wrecking Crew via pinfall






Freebush: “And with that The War Chiefs punch their ticket to the finals of the tag tourney this weekend.”


Peter: “Are you thinking what I’m thinking Jim? If The Wild Bunch win then we have cowboys versus indians. How fast are we gonna get canceled for that one!”


Freebush: “Well it’s wrestling Peter, so anything can happen but it does seem kind of fitting for the finals to go down that way. Let’s just cross our fingers that we don’t offend anyone!


Now let’s head back to the ring. Warren Technique’s in action next.”







"The Machine" Warren Technique VS A Local Competitor




Match Highlights


  • In a virtual squash Warren Technique dominates the matchup from bell to bell. 

  • The local competitor quickly taps out to the STF


Warren Technique defeats a local competitor via submission








Freebush: “Warren Technique picks up the quick victory and is off to the pay window!”


Peter: “For a so-called ‘Machine’, he sure could face off against some stiffer competition Jim.”


Freebush: “I believe anyone deserves to have a warm up match every now and then Peter. Now let’s take a look at another highlight of our very own resident serial killer, Martyr…


Wait, hold on a second, I’m getting word from the back that that segment has been removed…”



Jim Freebush is interrupted suddenly by the sounds of Pink Floyd as the venue lights lower and the ring is illuminated by a single spotlight. The arena's giant screens flicker to life as a giant graphic that simply says The Network appears and Shane Sneer, dressed in an expensive suit makes his way to the ring.



Pink Floyd - Money (Official Music Video)




Shane Sneer walks up the ramp and steps into the ring, microphone in hand prepared to address the crowd…


Sneer: [Smirking] “Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention, please? It's time for a little reality check! You see, I'm Shane Sneer, and I'm here representing The Network. We're the ones who make sure your weekly dose of violence and chaos keeps happening. But, let me tell you, I've been keeping a close eye on Outlaw Championship Wrestling, and frankly, I'm appalled!”


(The audience boos loudly…)


Sneer: [Raising his hands] “Hold on, hold on! Don't shoot the messenger just yet. Let me break it down for you. We've got wrestlers here, like that so-called ‘Martyr,’ who thinks it's okay to attack two men backstage with a pizza cutter. A pizza cutter, of all things! It's reckless, it's dangerous, and it's not entertainment; it's downright disgusting!”


[The big screen shows images of the bloody aftermath of Martyr's pizza cutter attack, eliciting gasps from the crowd.]


Sneer: [Pointing at the screen] “And what about Deacon Darkhold, who kidnapped The Texas Hangman in the parking lot? That's not what wrestling is about! We don't condone this kind of madness!


But that's not all, is it? We have Animal Harker, who seems to bleed more in a single match than most people do in their entire lives. It's gruesome, it's unsettling, and it's an affront to common decency!



Look, we understand that Outlaw Championship is all about pushing the boundaries, but this has gone too far! The Network can't let this continue. If this reckless behavior doesn't stop, if the violence and chaos persist, we have no choice but to shut this show down for good!


So here's a message to every wrestler in the Outlaw Championship: clean up your act! We want action, we want excitement, but we won't tolerate this excessive violence and brutality any longer. The Network is watching, and we won't hesitate to pull the plug!”


[Shane Sneer's ominous warning hangs in the air as the camera zooms in on his stern expression as he exits the ring and leaves.]








Freebush: “What the hell just happened !?!”


Peter: “I’ll tell you what happened Jim, these animals in the back think they have free reign to do whatever they want, well looks like they’ve bounced too many checks with “The Network” and Wrestleworld is here to collect!”


Freebush: “Do your analogies ever make sense to anyone but yourself? This is preposterous! OCW is all about fighting and violence and wild brawls, this isn’t some sissy filled sports entertainment company from New England!”



Peter: “It’s definitely not Jim, if it was we wouldn’t be doing weekly shows in this sh%thole now would we?”


Jim: “I’d watch my language if I were you Peter, Shane Sneer might be listening and you might be out of a job! Now let’s head back to the ring for some more action. Hopefully we can get through this match without any more interruptions or you know, without getting canceled!”






Jerry Pepper VS “Evil Genius” Chess Maniac




Match Highlights 


  • The match begins with Jerry Pepper trying to keep the fight grounded, using his brute strength and technical skills to grapple Chess Maniac. He attempts to slow the pace of the match, locking Chess Maniac into submission holds, trying to wear him down.

  • As the match progresses, Chess Maniac becomes increasingly frustrated with Jerry Pepper's strategy. In a sudden burst of energy, Chess Maniac evades a punch, bounces off the ropes, and soars through the air with a springboard crossbody that takes Jerry Pepper by surprise. The crowd gasps as Chess Maniac starts to showcase his high-flying abilities.

  • Chess Maniac continues to quicken the pace, executing a series of dazzling aerial moves, including a moonsault and a top-rope hurricanrana.

  • Despite Chess Maniac's high-flying onslaught, Jerry Pepper remains resilient. He counters Chess Maniac's aerial assaults with powerful strikes and suplexes. Jerry Pepper attempts to ground Chess Maniac once more, locking in a sleeper hold.

  • Seizing an opportunity, Chess Maniac manages to reverse Jerry Pepper's move, setting him up for his finisher, the CheckMate (Canadian Destroyer) The crowd watches in awe as Chess Maniac flips Jerry Pepper upside down and drives him headfirst into the canvas.


Chess Maniac defeats Jerry Pepper via pinfall






Freebush: “Wow, what a great matchup! Contrasting styles always make for entertaining fights!”


Peter: “For once you actually said something intelligent Jim. I’m surprised, this is certainly a day I will never forget.”


Freebush: “Gee thanks Peter, I aim to please (sarcasm). Now let’s keep the action rolling and head back to the ring for some good old tag team wrestling!”







The Canadian Blondes W/Mya Catalan VS Bob Casey and Ben Williams





Match Highlights


  • In a dominant performance The Blondes dominate this match, using double team maneuvers and quick tags to keep their opponents at bay.

  • After beating down both men, The Blondes put Bob Casey away for good with their finisher Blond Ambition (Total Elimination)


The Canadian Blondes defeat Casey and Williams via pinfall







Freebush: “The Canadian Blondes take care of business against Williams and Casey tonight. They are going to look to ride this momentum into Wild, Wild Winter! Where both men have a chance at singles gold.”


Peter: “Whenever Williams and Casey are wrestling I’m utterly shocked at the result Jim. Utterly shocked! Anyway, Flash Savage of course will have a chance to be the first Television Champion while Ozzie Golden looks to be the first Hardcore Champion in the Dial Of Death Hardcore Battle Royal. Of course Martyr is in that match so I’m not liking his chances.”


Freebush: “Anyone has a shot on any given night Peter, you never know what can happen. On a more serious note, as you all witnessed last week, Deacon Darkhold viciously attacked Texas Hangman in the parking lot with the help of four masked men who abducted him in a van and fled the scene. Well it appears that Deacon Darkhold has sent us some video footage pertaining to that night. Like all of you at home, this is the first time we will have seen this footage so we don’t quite know what this is all about. Let’s find out now.”










The video footage takes us to a dimly lit, eerie morgue. Cold steel tables and rows of drawers with cadaver tags create a chilling atmosphere.





A single coffin sits ominously in the center of the room. Suddenly, the heavy creak of a door is heard, and Deacon Darkhold enters the morgue, a sinister grin on his face. He slowly approaches the coffin, which is sealed shut.




Darkhold: “[Chuckling] Well, well, Texas Hangman, I bet you didn't see this one coming. You thought you were invincible, didn't you? You thought you could stand up to Deacon Darkhold, the prince of darkness? But here you are, locked away in the most fitting place for a reaper of souls – a morgue!”


[Darkhold leans in close to the sealed coffin, his voice dripping with mockery.]



Darkhold: [Whispering] “Can you hear the whispers of the dearly departed, Hangman? They're welcoming you to your final resting place! But there's just one little problem. You see, we have a date, you and I. A date with destiny this weekend on Wild, Wild Winter!”


[Darkhold runs his fingernails along the coffin's lid, making an eerie, scraping sound.]


Darkhold: [Smirking] “I've issued you a challenge, Hangman, and it's quite simple. If you're as invincible as you claim to be, if you want to prove you're more than just a fugazi in a menacing outfit, then you'll find a way to break free from this coffin and make it to our showdown in this very morgue! Can you do that, Hangman? Can you fight your way out of your own personal tomb and come face to face with the devil himself?”


[Darkhold's laughter fills the morgue as he steps away from the coffin.]


Darkhold: [Mockingly] “You have until Wild, Wild Winter to figure it out, Hangman. Tick-tock! Will you emerge from your coffin and accept my challenge, or will you remain sealed away, forgotten and defeated? The choice is yours.”


As Deacon Darkhold exits the morgue, the camera lingers on the sealed coffin, leaving the fans in attendance with a sense of dread and anticipation for the impending clash between Texas Hangman and the sinister Deacon Darkhold at Wild, Wild Winter.






Freebush: “Oh my, things are certainly starting to heat up between Deacon Darkhold and The Hangman!”


Peter: “I would say we’ve moved past the heating up phase into a straight up nuclear meltdown! Maybe someone should mention to Darkhold that kidnapping and murder are both serious felonies. I’m not sure how this guy avoids jail time honestly.”


Freebush: “Perhaps The Hangman has backup..


In the form of the police. 


Probably not, I mean what the hell, it’s pro wrestling people. We’ve been blatantly disregarding the laws for years. Now that we’ve heard from The Deacon, let’s head to the ring where his muscle, Original Sinner is set to take on Pepper Pelton. Pelton, like Harker and Hangman, has had run-ins with The Dark Covenant the past few weeks so I can bet he’s ready to get his hands on Sinner.”







Creedence Clearwater Revival: Fortunate Son




“The Blue Collar Outlaw” Pepper Pelton makes his way to the ring, high fiving fans on his way down the aisle…




Mushroomhead - "Qwerty" [Music Video]




Decked out in demonic battle armor, Original Sinner slowly makes his way to the ring accompanied by Deacon Darkhold…




Hardcore Rules Match


“The Blue Collar Outlaw” Pepper Pelton VS Original Sinner W/ Deacon Darkhold




Match Highlights


  • Pepper Pelton, known for his rugged, no-nonsense brawling style, wastes no time. He charges straight at Original Sinner, who's been a thorn in his side for weeks. The two wrestlers exchange stiff punches and chops, with Pelton gaining the upper hand with his sheer aggression.

  • Sinner manages to gain control, beating Pelton with chairs, kendo sticks and various other forms of plunder. He sets up a table in the corner and tosses Pelton into it, breaking the table into pieces. 

  • As the intensity of the match continues to escalate, Animal Harker storms into the ring. Harker, also no stranger to the hardcore scene, is clearly out to support his friend, Pepper Pelton. Harker swings a steel chair wildly, leveling Original Sinner and busting him wide open.

  • Just as it seems Pelton and Harker might have the upper hand, the arena plunges into darkness, and two mysterious figures dressed in all black appear. They ambush Animal Harker, effectively keeping him at bay while Original Sinner seizes the opportunity to regain control of the match. Original Sinner takes advantage of the chaos and delivers a devastating DDT to Pepper Pelton onto a pile of chairs, leaving him writhing in pain on the canvas.

  • Sinner hoists Pepper Pelton into the air and delivers his vicious finisher, the "Original Sin" chokeslam. The arena shakes with the impact, and Pelton crumples to the mat


Original Sinner defeats Pepper Pelton via pinfall







After the match Pelton and Harker lie battered in the ring, with the two menacing figures dressed in black with the help of Sinner, continuing their assault on the defenseless duo. The crowd watches in horror as the violence escalates.


The two men, now both a bloody mess, try to muster the strength to get up but simply cannot move. Sinner delivers a brutal chokeslam to both men, finishing them off for good in the middle of the ring. 




The two men tie up Pelton’s arms in between the ropes while Darkhold looks on with delight. He slowly makes his way into the ring. Darkhold leans in, close to Pelton and whispers in his ear…


Darkhold: “Embrace the abyss, Pelton, for it is your fate.”


Pepper Pelton's eyes widen with fear as Darkhold slowly retrieves a metal spike from his coat. The crowd's gasps grow louder as they realize the horrifying intent. In a chilling and merciless act, Deacon Darkhold drives the metal spike into Pelton's forehead, causing a sickening thud as blood runs down his bruised and battered face…


Suddenly the lights go out and a lone spotlight appears on the stage…





Shane Sneer comes out to the stage area microphone in hand…



Sneer: “That’s it! I’ve seen enough of this crap. Keep the lights off, you hear me in the back! Don’t you dare turn those lights on! I tried to warn you idiots but I guess you’ll just have to learn the hard way. I’m cleaning up this mess you call OCW if it’s the last thing I do! You are not gonna have this kind of violence front and center on our network! Cut the feed! I said cut the damn feed!”







A few minutes later the show comes back on air and we are joined by Jim Lou Freebush and Peter Valentine…



Freebush: “Well folks, it looks like The Network is not going to allow us to show you what just transpired. I guess we will head to our main event of the evening.”







Jon Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory (Official Music Video)




The Wild Bunch make their way to the ring. Buck Winchester swings a bull rope around like a mad man while Wes Revell carries a branding iron…




Soundgarden - Rusty Cage [HD]




Accompanied by their valet, February Malaise, Wolfie and Kalder Tagg make their way to the ring, celebrating with their fans along the way…





GWC World Tag Team Championship Semi-Final #2


The Wild Bunch VS The Hot Taggs W/February Malaise





Match Highlights


  • The match kicks off with a high-energy exchange as Wolfie and Wes Revell face off in the center of the ring. Both competitors demonstrate their agility, trading arm drags, hip tosses, and quick pinfall attempts. The crowd roars with appreciation as they witness the fast-paced action and the mutual respect between the two teams.

  • As the match progresses, it becomes evident that both teams have exceptional chemistry, showcasing their tag team prowess with flawless double-team moves, such as stereo suplexes and tandem dropkicks. The fans can't help but cheer for the impressive displays of teamwork and athleticism from both sides.

  • The Hot Taggs and The Wild Bunch trade hard-hitting blows, incorporating their rugged and rough styles. Buck Winchester and Kalder Tagg engage in a forearm exchange. Wolfie and Wes Revell take turns demonstrating their striking abilities, with powerful clotheslines and power slams.

  • As the match reaches its climax, both teams fight tooth and nail for the victory. The crowd is on their feet, fully invested in the back-and-forth contest when The Wild Bunch manages to gain the upper hand.

  • Wes Revell hoists Kalder Tagg onto his shoulders, while Buck Winchester perches on the top turnbuckle. With the crowd in a frenzy, The Wild Bunch execute their devastating finisher, "The Last Stand" (Doomsday Device). Kalder Tagg is sent crashing down onto the canvas with an incredible impact.


The Wild Bunch defeat The Hot Taggs via pinfall






After the match both teams shake hands as a show of respect for the hard fought match-up.






Freebush: “Alright folks, there you have it, it’s The Wild Bunch verses The War Chiefs at Wild, Wild Winter! For the gold. Now before we get to the big show on Saturday it's time for the two men who face each other in the finals of the World Heavyweight Championship Tournament to face off in the ring. Let’s hear from Conner Threepwood and Phillippe LaGrenier.”




Kanye West - Amazing




“The Phenom” Phillippe LaGrenier makes his way to the ring accompanied by Clare South…




Metallica: The Memory Remains (Official Music Video)




The crowd erupts as “The Ironman” Conner Threepwood makes his way to the ring with his valet, Sweet Tabitha by his side…





Phillippe Lagrenier and Conner Threepwood stand face to face in the ring, the brand new World Heavyweight Championship belt displayed on a stand to their side. Both men stare intently at each other, sizing each other up as the fans look on eager with anticipation for their upcoming championship match…



LaGrenier: [Sarcastically] “Ah, Conner Threepwood, how quaint. The heroic underdog, isn't it? You really think you stand a chance against a master of the craft like me?”


Threepwood: [Confidently] “Philippe, it's not about arrogance or grandstanding. It's about fighting for the fans, for this championship, and for the legacy of this sport. You may think I’m an  underdog, but I've got heart and determination that no amount of arrogance can match.”


LaGrenier: [Mocking] “Oh, ‘heart’ and ‘determination.’ How cliché. You see, Conner, I've defeated the best the world has to offer. I've taken on champions from every corner of the globe and crushed them underfoot. You? You're just another bump on my path to glory.”


Threepwood: “Philippe, that arrogance is going to be your downfall. You underestimate the power of the people, the energy in this arena, and the spirit that carries me. You might have the experience, but you don't have the connection with the fans that I do.”


LaGrenier: [Smirking] “Ah, the fans, they'll love you, won't they, Threepwood? But when it comes down to it, it's just you and me, mano-a-mano, in that ring at Wild, Wild Winter! The fans won't be able to save you when I'm standing tall with the World Heavyweight Championship in my hands.”


Threepwood: “Philippe, at Wild, Wild Winter!, you're going to see that it's not about being a hero or a villain; it's about who wants it more, who's willing to put it all on the line for that championship. When the dust settles, I'll be the one holding that title high, and your arrogance will be your downfall.”


LaGrenier pulls back his arm like he’s going to take a swing at Conner, as if he’s trying to make Conner flinch but Conner just stands there, resilient…


LaGrenier: “Hahahaha, relax Conner, I’m not going to fight you mon ami. I want you at 100% on Saturday so that when I embarrass you, when I beat you like a dog, you’ll have no excuses. Because you’ll always be that plucky little underdog the fans love but me; I’ll always be “The Phenom”. I’ll see you on Saturday little man!”


Both men get so close to each other they nearly butt heads as they continue to stare each other down as the show comes to a close…



Edited by willr0ck
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You're really good at writing both comedy like the exchanges between the commentators and dark, horror-esque stuff like the Texas Hangman morgue scene, and those skills combine really powerfully in amplifying the scarier segments through contrast. I'm intrigued by the addition of The Network to the shows too.

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On 11/2/2023 at 2:00 PM, 619 said:

You're really good at writing both comedy like the exchanges between the commentators and dark, horror-esque stuff like the Texas Hangman morgue scene, and those skills combine really powerfully in amplifying the scarier segments through contrast. I'm intrigued by the addition of The Network to the shows too.

Thank you, I must have missed this comment earlier. I am a huge fan of Horror in general so I must have consumed so much of it that it's rubbing off on me  a bit. As far as The Network, oh just you wait! They are going to be a big part of OCW for awhile.



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Here are the pick'em results through the first month:








The Blonde Bomber-12




Wrestling Machine-6




As you can see Kyteran barely edges out Azzak by one pick. So @KyTeran congrats! And since you got the most picks please feel free to pick anything at all you would like to see Peter Valentine get into. It can be a narrative, we can send him to a foereign country, whatever you think will be entertaining. (Just don't kill him - yet, don't kill him yet. Maybe later.) 


DM me any ideas - And of course if you don't want to do that, or just can't think of anything then just let me know as well.


Thanks to everyone else for making predictions! I am very grateful for you all for reading this diary.


Actually, since it was down to one pick, I'll let @azzak pick a narrative as well! (If you want to that is.)



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23 minutes ago, azzak said:

Congratulations on beating me to top spot @KyTeran! But yes @willr0ckof course I want to pick one too! 

Awesome, just DM me whenever you have time on what you are thinking. Take your time, no rush. I still have to write up the ppv and let's be honest, with considering the length of the TV shows the ppv will take me awhile.

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OCW Presents: Wild, Wild, Winter!

January, Week 4

West Texas Coliseum

El Paso, Texas

Attendance: 2,000 Sold Out!






Live On



From The West Texas Coliseum






The camera fades in to reveal fans filing into the West Texas Coliseum in El Paso. The crowd is eagerly anticipating the action about to unfold at OCW Wild, Wild, Winter!. The camera then cuts to a round table situated near the entrance ramp, where our trio of hosts, Jim Lou Freebush, Peter Valentine and Mya Cataln await…




Freebush: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the OCW Wild, Wild, Winter! Kick Off Show! We're here live at the West Texas Coliseum, and boy, oh boy, do we have an electrifying night ahead. As always I’m joined by Peter Valentine and today we have a very special guest; the lovely Miss Mya Catalan.


Peter: That's right, Jim! As always you're joined by God’s gift to wrestling, and let me tell you, tonight is going to be wilder than the West itself! Get ready for some jaw-dropping moments and intense showdowns.


Mya: First of all thank you guys for having me. Tonight, we've got matches that will shake the very foundation of OCW. I can't wait to break down the strategies, the surprises, and everything in between including watching Catalan Enterprise come away with some gold tonight!


(Mya Catalan sits elegantly at the round table and smiles.)


Peter: So, folks, buckle up for an unforgettable night of action, drama, and maybe a few surprises. OCW Wild, Wild, Winter! is about to kick off in grand style!


Freebush: Woah, hold on a second Peter. Transitioning to the next segment is my job. So if you don’t mind; let’s take a look at our first match on the main card - The GWC Junior Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match…






(The camera pans over the deserted backstage area of the Wild, Wild, Winter! event, where the shadows cast by the towering ladders create an ominous atmosphere. A solitary spotlight illuminates the four men, each standing by a ladder, eyes locked on the prize hanging high above.)




Narrator: In the heart of the West Texas Coliseum, where the air is thick with anticipation, a symphony of chaos is about to be conducted. Four warriors stand ready to put their bodies on the line, ready to endure injury, pain and suffering, ready to etch their names in history as the very first GWC World Junior Heavyweight Champion!


(The spotlight shifts to “Evil Genius” Chess Maniac, his masked face conveying an air of calculated malevolence.)




Narrator: Chess Maniac, the Evil Genius, master tactician with a mind as sharp as the blades of the chessboard. Tonight, the pieces are not mere wood and ivory; they are steel and ambition, and it’s with his “Checkmate” that he seeks the GWC Junior Heavyweight Championship.


(The camera transitions to Dragon Americano, the embodiment of patriotic fervor, the red, white, and blue contrasting against the dark backdrop.)




Narrator: Dragon Americano, the high-flying patriot, ready to soar to new heights. His aerial maneuvers are not just acrobatics; they are a display of American pride. Tonight, the ladders become his launching pads, and the championship, his emblem of freedom.


(Astro steps forward, bathed in the glow of neon lights, exuding an otherworldly presence.)




Narrator: Astro, the cosmic enigma, defying gravity and convention. His every move is a dance with the stars, and tonight, the ladders are the steps to a championship constellation, a testament to his athletic prowess.


(The spotlight now focuses on Christopher Ball, a stoic figure amidst the chaos.)




Narrator: The Bone Collector, Christopher Ball, a submission specialist, seeks to weave a tapestry of pain. The ladders, not just obstacles, but instruments in his symphony of bone-breaking maneuvers, each step a note towards the crescendo of victory.


(The camera pans and captures the intensity in the eyes of each competitor as the narrator's voice builds.)


Narrator: In this ladder match, the laws of physics will be rewritten, the boundaries of pain and endurance pushed to the brink. The GWC Junior Heavyweight Championship hangs tantalizingly above the squared circle, a coveted prize that will only be claimed by the one who conquers not only the physical trials but the mental and emotional trials of this wild, wild contest.

(Fade to black...)






Freebush: Well if that doesn’t get you excited about the ladder match then folks, you must not have a pulse.


Peter: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, oh my bad Jim. I must have dozed off. All this talk of vanilla midgets doing flippy sh%t makes me drowsy.


Freebush: You’re just jealous because in your day you couldn’t do an arm drag without injuring someone, much less any kind of aerial maneuver. So Maya, who are you picking tonight?


Mya: Well Jim, I have to say that I love when we get matchups full of contrasting styles. The three luchadors are going to take to the air and try to pull off some dazzling and dangerous maneuvers. That’s why I'm going with Christopher Ball to win this thing. The other guys will try to pull off something crazy and Ball will be there to pick up the pieces when they initially fail.”


Freebush: Interesting analysis Mya. Let’s take a look at the second match of the night, a three way dance for the GWC World Television Championship…






[The screen fades in, the anticipation of the three way dance for the World Television Championship palpable in the air. The backstage corridors, dimly lit, set the stage for the impending clash. A haunting melody accompanies the hushed narrative as the camera pans over the silent battleground of discarded, broken televisions.]




Narrator (whispered): In the quiet aftermath of preparation, where the echoes of past battles linger, a story begins to take shape. Tonight the GWC World Television Championship will be contested in a Three-Way Dance, a collision of both heroism and arrogance.


(The video cuts to Harvey Robbinfield, standing amidst the broken televisions, his silhouette a beacon of hope against the shadows.)




Narrator (in a soft voice): Harvey Robbinfield, "The Omega Man," a symbol of virtue in the hearts of the fans. Witnesses to his hard fought journey, stand as his allies. For him, the climb is not just towards gold but an ascent towards justice.


(The scene transitions to Zip "The Lip" Deverall, emerging from the darkness with a malevolent grin, eyeing the broken televisions with arrogance.)




Narrator: Zip "The Lip" Deverall, master manipulator. To him, his words are his instruments of cunning along with his fists. The World Television Championship, a means to extend the reach of Catalan Enterprises, a trophy awaiting its rightful owner.


(Flash Savage steps into the frame, his presence casting an ominous shadow against the backdrop of the broken televisions.)




Narrator: Flash Savage, the cocky veteran within Catalan Enterprises, as a stablemate of Deverall, the prospect of a two-on-one scenario looms like a storm cloud over the impending clash.


(The video intensifies, the haunting melody reaching a crescendo as the camera captures the tension in the air.)


Narrator: The Three-Way Dance emerges as a narrative of conflicting ideologies and potential alliances. As the Omega Man faces the arrogant duo of Catalan Enterprises, the squared circle becomes both the battleground and the catalyst for an epic clash. A clash for the right for one of these men to call themselves the King Of Television!


(Fade to black…)






Freebush: “What an exciting match that will be. Things always get a little wild when there are three men involved. Just to remind all of you watching that this match isn’t contested with triple threat rules, this is a three way dance so to win the match two of the three competitors involved has to be pinned.


Peter: Yeah, that means the match will be even longer. So more time for Harvey Robbinfield, man that gets me excited. (Sarcasm)


Freebush: Whenever you talk I immediately tune out, I mean immediately. Now let’s head to the ring for some action. Warren Technique is up next!






image.jpeg.da7aea97927537a44fa5df285c5c10bb.jpeg image.jpeg.779628f328d81779a8c427fdb6416a32.jpeg

"The Machine" Warren Technique VS Bob Casey


Match Highlights


  • In a dominant fashion Warren Technique makes short work of Bob Casey. Dominating him the entire match

  • Technique makes Casey submit to the STF


Warren Technique defeats Bob Casey via submission






Jim: Well that certainly went the way I thought it would. Next let’s talk about the Disk Of Death Hardcore Battle Royal, in which of course the winner becomes the first GWC Unsanctioned Hardcore Champion. Right now we have seven competitors announced for the match so that means three mystery guests are going to be entering the battle royal as well. As we know before each competitor makes their entrance they must spin the Disk Of Death to see what weapon or random useless object, depending on their luck they get to bring into the match. Before we get Peter and Mya’s picks let's look at a rundown of the wrestlers we know are in the match:


Martyr, Bullseye, Waylon Walls, Charlie Corner, Jack Pryde, Original Sinner and Ozzie Golden


Now to me two names jump out as the clear favorites, Original Sinner and Martyr. Peter, who are you picking?


Peter: Well Jim, just like you I’m liking the odds of both Martyr and Original Sinner but being a big guy myself, I’m going with size here and picking Original Sinner. Martyr may be certifiably insane but Sinner’s got the strength and size advantage so he can absorb that damage occurred over the course of the match better than anyone else.


Jim: Interesting Peter, and now let’s hear from our lovely guest, Mya Catalan. Mya, who are you picking?


Mya: Sure Jim, I mean Peter makes a good point about Original Sinner but my money has to be on Martyr. He’s clearly the most suited wrestler on this roster for this type of match, I mean the guy has almost bludgeoned to death at least four wrestlers and a couple of camera men to boot. I’m almost sure that he’s murdered people before but I’m not going to confront him about it. Yeesh, that guy gives me the creeps Jim.


Jim: Next up we have a match just recently booked by our new “advisor” and I use that term very loosely, Shane Sneer from The Network, a number one contender tag team triple threat match between The Hot Taggs, The Wrecking Crew and Lightning Express. 


Peter: Why on earth did Shane Sneer book a number one contenders match when we don’t even know who the champs are yet. 


Jim: Well Peter, a champion defends their title so after tonight the new champs, as you so kindly put it, will need teams to defend their titles against. I know defending titles is a foreign concept to you since you only won one in your entire career and that was because you were Sam Strong’s errand boy.


Peter: Watch your mouth Jim before I feed you a five knuckle sandwich.


May: Guys, let’s focus now. Everyone take a deep breath. Now are we done with the d$ck measuring contest here? Okay, great. The Hot Taggs are a sound unit that works seamlessly together and the Lightning Express are tough as nails, showing a ton of heart every time they are in the ring but I have to go with The Wrecking Crew here. They are cold, calculating and down right nasty together. The way they isolate a body part and virtually take one of their opponents out of the match, making it a defacto handicap match is a site to behold if you love pure wrestling. Plus they have back up in Chip Martin and Jack Pryde. Always bet on strength in numbers gentlemen.


Peter: I’m gonna have to agree with Mya here Jim.


Jim: Okay folks, there you have it. The Wrecking Crew is the consensus pick here.


Now as we all know wrestling is always better when things get a little heated. When things become a little personal. Well Generation Next has made Cip Conduit’s life a living hell recently and now, Conduit finally gets a chance to get his hands on Chip Martin. This one’s personal guys and it has definite potential to get ugly.


Mya: I agree, there is a definite chance that this match ends with someone or both guys bloody and battered. I’m going with Chip Martin in this one, he’s young and hungry and way too talented to lose to a guy like Conduit.


Peter: I agree with Mya, Martin takes the W here. Something you’ve never experienced in your life Jim. Because you're an unathletic, scrawny couch potato. 


Jim: You're always so kind Peter So, so kind.


Next up we have a match that came together on this week's Mid South Mayhem when Animal Harker and Pepper Pelton got some payback on The Dark Covenant in the form of bashing The Night Terrors senseless with baseball bats and costing them a spot in the World Tag Team Championship Tournament. As Harker vehemently put it, “Payback’s a bitch!”. Of course in the midst of their assault they challenged Moroi and Babau to a tornado tag team street fight. This one could get really interesting. 


Peter: Yeah, I have no idea who to pick for this match Jim sooooooo…


My pick is that Animal Harker will bleed, alot. 


Mya: I agree with Peter, Harker’s gonna be a bloody mess. Other than  that, let’s just sit back and enjoy the carnage.


Jim: Next we have a very interesting match up. Mayhem At The Morgue! Deacon Darkhold versus Texas Hangman. Now this match is a first for all of us as this is purely Deacon Darkhold’s sadistic design. We now have the rules for this contest. In order to win, Texas Hangman must escape from his coffin and fight his way out of the morgue. Interesting concept, let’s learn more…








(The black screen flickers to life, revealing a desolate morgue bathed in a dim, eerie light. The hushed tones of Travis Century, a preacher with a voice that resonates with an otherworldly authority, begin to weave a tale of impending darkness and the struggle for redemption.)




Travis Century (voice echoing): Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round as I recount a tale of salvation and damnation, a narrative woven in the shadows where good and evil collide. In the impending clash between The Texas Hangman and the malevolent Deacon Darkhold, Mayhem At The Morgue promises a reckoning of biblical proportions.


(The camera flashes to The Texas Hangman, bound and trapped inside a sinister coffin, a symbol of imprisonment in the realm of shadows.)




Travis Century (voice): In the weeks leading to this unholy encounter, Deacon Darkhold, the embodiment of malevolence, has ensnared The Texas Hangman in the clutches of darkness. A coffin, a vessel of despair, now houses the soul of the Hangman, who must escape the confines of death to face the demonic Deacon and bring light to the impending darkness.


(Images flash on the screen, capturing the unsettling atmosphere of the morgue, where shadows seem to dance with an unnatural life of their own.)


Travis Century (voice): As the Good Book declares, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world." The morgue, a battleground of the spiritual, becomes the canvas where the struggle between light and darkness unfolds.


(The camera focuses on the twisted figure of Deacon Darkhold, a malevolent force preparing for the impending clash.)




Travis Century (voice): Deacon Darkhold, the self-proclaimed messiah of darkness, revels in the shadows, preaching a gospel of malevolence. But let us not forget, as the scriptures proclaim, "The light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not." The Texas Hangman, a beacon of light in the abyss, must escape the coffin of despair to vanquish the demonic forces that seek to consume him.


Hangman, the Reaper of Souls turned unlikely savior, finds himself entangled in a battle for his very essence. As the psalm declares, "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil." For within the heart of darkness, a flicker of light remains.


(Images of the morgue once again flash across the screen)


Travis Century (voice):The Morgue, a place of death and decay, becomes the arena for this dance between salvation and damnation. As the Hangman battles his way through the shadows, the scripture echoes, "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?" Mayhem At The Morgue, a testament to the resilience of the righteous against the forces that seek to imprison their soul.


(The screen fades to black, leaving the audience to contemplate the impending clash between The Texas Hangman and Deacon Darkhold in this unholy battleground, where redemption and damnation intertwine in a tale as old as time.)






Freebush: Okay, well that certainly looked pleasant. I’m not sure we have too much to add there, let’s head to the ring for some more action...







The Harbingers Of Doom VS Four Local Competitors


Match Highlights



  • HOD takes control of this one right from the jump, tossing all four men around like ragdolls.

  • Juggernaut powerbombs one of the local guys onto the apron, putting him down for good. Meanwhile Dreadnaught picks up two of the men at the same time and nearly breaks them in half, planting them on the exposed concrete ringside with a double running powerslam.

  • Both men grab the last local guy and hoist him up for Receive Death (Double Chokeslam) and slam him on the mat with a ferocious thud. The referee declares all four men unable to continue the bout


HOD defeat Four Local Competitors via referee stoppage (TKO)






Freebush: Quite a dominant performance from HOD tonight. I’m sure we will be seeing them on the main show soon enough. Now let’s hear from both teams in the GWC World Tag Team Tournament finals, The War Chiefs and The Wild Bunch…






(The camera cuts to the backstage area where The Wild Bunch are standing by…)


Wes Revell: Howdy, folks! Wes Revell here, alongside my partner, Buck Winchester. Now, we've been busy ridin' the trails, tanglin' with the roughest hombres this side of the Mississippi, but there's one showdown we're fixin' to have that's gonna echo through the canyons of time.


Buck Winchester (spinning a lasso with a steely grin): That's right, Wes. The World Tag Team Championship Tournament Finals are upon us, and we're about to face off against The War Chiefs. Now, them Chiefs are no strangers to the wild, just like us. They're warriors, and we respect that. But respect ain't gonna stop us from rustlin' up those titles and ridin' off into the sunset as the champs!


Wes Revell (nodding): You see, we ain't just cut from the same cloth; we're made of grit, tenacity, and a hunger for glory that can only be satisfied by those World Tag Team Championships. War Chiefs, you're standin' in the way of our destiny, but make no mistake – this ain't personal. It's just business on the frontier, and we aim to come out on top.


Buck Winchester (cracking his knuckles): The Wild West ain't for the faint of heart, and neither is this business. When the dust settles in that squared circle, only one team's gonna ride off into the sunset with those championships, and you're lookin' at 'em right now – The Wild Bunch.


Wes Revell (raising a finger to emphasize): So, War Chiefs, prepare yourselves for a stampede like you've never seen before. We're bringin' the thunder, the lightning, and the relentless spirit of the Wild West right into that ring. Y'all better saddle up tight because The Wild Bunch is comin' for those titles, and we ain't leavin' without 'em.


Buck Winchester (pointing towards the camera): War Chiefs, you better say your prayers to the spirits or whatever you believe in, 'cause when the dust settles, the only thing left standin' tall in old El Paso will be The Wild Bunch. Get ready for a showdown that'll be talked about 'round these parts for generations.


(The camera fades as The Wild Bunch tips their hats and walks off, the camera then cuts to the locker room area where The War Chiefs are standing by…)






Wild Red Stallion (stoically gazing at the camera): Hau, greetings kinfolk. Wild Red Stallion speaking, and by the spirits that guide us, we stand here as The War Chiefs, guardians of our legacy and warriors of the squared circle. The Wild Bunch, you've rambled your way into our territory, and now you're fixin' to face the storm.


Eagle Monteiro (his piercing eyes narrowing): The World Tag Team Championship Tournament Finals draw near, and in the heart of this battleground, The War Chiefs will rise. Wild Bunch, you bring the thunder of the Wild West, but we carry the whispers of the wind, the echoes of our ancestors, and the power of the great spirits.


Wild Red Stallion: We respect the grit you bring, but respect won't save you when the spirits guide our every move. The championships you seek, they ain't just belts; they're a reflection of the warriors we are, the legacy we uphold.


Eagle Monteiro: The Wild West meets the untamed spirits of the land. Buck Winchester, Wes Revell, you call yourselves The Wild Bunch, but you're steppin' into the sacred circle with The War Chiefs. The spirits have spoken, and the drumbeat of destiny echoes louder than ever.


(The camera captures the intensity in their eyes as they speak directly to The Wild Bunch.)


Wild Red Stallion (his voice echoing with authority): When the dust settles, know this – the spirits will decide who stands tall as the champions. The War Chiefs, we're the guardians of this sacred ground, and we'll defend it with the fire that burns within.


Eagle Monteiro (with a nod of assurance): Wild Bunch, prepare yourselves for a clash that'll resonate through the ages. The spirits will guide our every move, and when the sun sets on that ring, The War Chiefs will be the ones left standing – the true champions of the untamed frontier.


(The camera fades as The War Chiefs share a solemn glance, ready to face The Wild Bunch in battle...)






Freebush: Mya, Peter and myself have talked at length about how great of a match this is going to be. This could quite possibly be the one I’m most excited for tonight. What are your thoughts on this one?


Mya: Hmmmm, well honestly it should have been The Hollywood Blondes in this spot but Ozzie missed a week with a minor injury so the tournament started without us. So since no one from Catalan Enterprises is in this one I hope both teams knock themselves out. Maybe a simultaneous double countout or something. Yeah, that works for me!


Freebush: Alrighty then, well folks, it’s almost time for Wild, Wild, Winter to start! But first let’s look at the main event of the evening, The GWC World Heavyweight Championship Tournament finals…






(The screen fades in, and the dimly lit arena sets the stage for the monumental clash that awaits – the finals of the GWC World Heavyweight Championship tournament at Wild, Wild Winter! The camera captures the intensity in the air as the anticipation builds.)



Narrator (deep, resonant): In the heart of the Wild, Wild Winter!, where the cold winds of destiny howl through the arena, two titans are set to collide. The GWC World Heavyweight Championship hangs in the balance, an emblem of glory that will crown its first-ever bearer.


(The video shifts to Conner Threepwood, "The Ironman," seen training in a gritty, dimly lit gym, sweat glistening on his determined face.)




Narrator (voiceover): Conner Threepwood, a fan favorite, a technician in the squared circle, forged from the fires of grit and determination. The Ironman, they call him, and for a reason – an indomitable spirit, a force to be reckoned with. In the ring, he weaves a tapestry of technical prowess, a maestro orchestrating a symphony of holds and counters.


(The scene transitions to Phillippe LaGrenier, "The Phenom," arrogantly strutting into the arena, exuding an air of confidence that borders on conceit.)




Narrator (voiceover): Phillippe LaGrenier, The Phenom, a connoisseur of the art of wrestling. A French Canadian maestro with an attitude as sharp as his in-ring skills. Cocky, condescending – his arrogance is his armor, and his wrestling prowess, the weapon he wields with precision.


(The video intensifies, showing glimpses of their respective journeys in the tournament.)


Narrator (voiceover): Two paths diverging in the wintry night, each step echoing with the weight of destiny. Threepwood, the embodiment of resilience, marching with the unwavering resolve of a champion. LaGrenier, the self-proclaimed Phenom, striding with the arrogance of a man destined for greatness.


(The camera captures the moments of confrontation between the two, each stare-down and exchange of words building the tension.)


Narrator (voiceover): The ring, a canvas where dreams clash and destinies unfold. The GWC World Heavyweight Championship Finals – a battle that transcends the physical, a war of wills that will etch a name into the annals of OCW history.


(The video crescendos as the footage intensifies – Threepwood executing flawless technical maneuvers, LaGrenier with his emphatic showmanship, and the crowd roaring in the background.)


Narrator (voiceover): The Wild, Wild Winter! storm is upon us, and within its heart, a tempest of wrestling greatness is set to explode. Threepwood, LaGrenier – the stakes have never been higher, the glory never more elusive.


(The screen fades to black, leaving the audience to contemplate the impending spectacle as the Wild, Wild Winter! awaits the crowning of its first-ever GWC World Heavyweight Champion...)






Freebush: And that’s it for us folks. I would like to thank Peter Valentine and Mya Catalan for joining us this evening. We sure hope you're excited for OCW’s first ever pay per view event, Wild, Wild, Winter! Stay glued to your screen because Wild, Wild, Winter! starts right now…


(Fade To Black...)


Edited by willr0ck
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Pick'em Sheet For Wild, Wild, Winter!


GWC World Junior Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match

"Evil Genius" Chess Maniac VS Dragon Americano VS "The Bone Collector" Christopher Ball VS Astro



GWC World Television Championship 3 Way Dance

Harvey Robbinfield VS Zip "The Lip" Deverall VS Flash Savage W/Mya Catalan



GWC Unsanctioned Hardcore Championship

Disk Of Death Hardcore Battle Royal

Bullseye, Wayon Walls, Charlie Corner, Martyr, Jack Pryde, Original Sinner, Ozzie Golden plus 3 Mystery Guests



GWC World Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Triple Threat Match

The Hot Taggs W/February Malaise VS The Wrecking Crew VS Lightning Express



Singles Match

Chip Martin VS "Wildfire" Cip Conduit



Tag Team Tornado Streetfight
"Southern Psychopath" Animal Harker & "Blue Collar Outlaw" Pepper Pelton VS The Night Terrors



Mayhem At The Morgue (Cinematic Match)

Deacon Darkhold & ??? VS Texas Hangman



GWC World Tag Team Championship Tournament Finals

The Wild Bunch VS The War Cheifs



GWC World Heavyweight Championship

"The Ironman" Conner Threepwood W/Sweet Tabitha VS "The Phenom" Phillippe LaGrenier W/Clare South



Bonus Questions:

1. True/False - One of the mystery guests in the battle royal will be Jack Bruce

2. True/False - One of the mystery guests in the battle royal will be Sam Bong


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GWC World Junior Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match

"Evil Genius" Chess Maniac VS Dragon Americano VS "The Bone Collector" Christopher Ball VS Astro

Comments: Feel like an Evil Genius can find a scheme to leave with the title.


GWC World Television Championship 3 Way Dance

Harvey Robbinfield VS Zip "The Lip" Deverall VS Flash Savage W/Mya Catalan

Comments:  I feel like the heels are going to cost each other the title.


GWC Unsanctioned Hardcore Championship

Disk Of Death Hardcore Battle Royal

Bullseye, Wayon Walls, Charlie Corner, Martyr, Jack Pryde, Original Sinner, Ozzie Golden plus 3 Mystery Guests

Comments:  Picking Martyr because I like Martyr.


GWC World Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Triple Threat Match

The Hot Taggs W/February Malaise VS The Wrecking Crew VS Lightning Express

Comments:  Going with the team with the manager because I think it gives The Hot Taggs a leg up.


Singles Match

Chip Martin VS "Wildfire" Cip Conduit

Comments: The Wildfire is going wild.


Tag Team Tornado Streetfight
"Southern Psychopath" Animal Harker & "Blue Collar Outlaw" Pepper Pelton VS The Night Terrors

Comments: While normally I would go with the established team I think that the street fight setting may benefit Harker and Pelton more.


Mayhem At The Morgue (Cinematic Match)

Deacon Darkhold & ??? VS Texas Hangman

Comments: I could be wrong but the Cinematic style could help Hangman win here.


GWC World Tag Team Championship Tournament Finals

The Wild Bunch VS The War Chiefs

Comments: I feel like either option can work, but I think the Chiefs may have this.


GWC World Heavyweight Championship

"The Ironman" Conner Threepwood W/Sweet Tabitha VS "The Phenom" Phillippe LaGrenier W/Clare South

Comments: The Ironman shall endure.


Bonus Questions:

1. True/False - One of the mystery guests in the battle royal will be Jack Bruce

2. True/False - One of the mystery guests in the battle royal will be Sam Bong

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GWC World Junior Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match

"Evil Genius" Chess Maniac VS Dragon Americano VS "The Bone Collector" Christopher Ball VS Astro



GWC World Television Championship 3 Way Dance

Harvey Robbinfield VS Zip "The Lip" Deverall VS Flash Savage W/Mya Catalan



GWC Unsanctioned Hardcore Championship

Disk Of Death Hardcore Battle Royal

Bullseye, Wayon Walls, Charlie Corner, Martyr, Jack Pryde, Original Sinner, Ozzie Golden plus 3 Mystery Guests



GWC World Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Triple Threat Match

The Hot Taggs W/February Malaise VS The Wrecking Crew VS Lightning Express



Singles Match

Chip Martin VS "Wildfire" Cip Conduit



Tag Team Tornado Streetfight
"Southern Psychopath" Animal Harker & "Blue Collar Outlaw" Pepper Pelton VS The Night Terrors



Mayhem At The Morgue (Cinematic Match)

Deacon Darkhold & ??? VS Texas Hangman



GWC World Tag Team Championship Tournament Finals

The Wild Bunch VS The War Cheifs



GWC World Heavyweight Championship

"The Ironman" Conner Threepwood W/Sweet Tabitha VS "The Phenom" Phillippe LaGrenier W/Clare South



Bonus Questions:

1. True/False - One of the mystery guests in the battle royal will be Jack Bruce

2. True/False - One of the mystery guests in the battle royal will be Sam Bong

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Chess Maniac

Never saw Christopher Ball as a Light Heavyweight but Maniac should win anyway

Flash Savage

I like Zip but give me the vet


Seems to make ths most sense to me

The Wrecking Crew

Personal preference

Deacon & ???

Toss Up

The War Chiefs

Toss up part 2

Phillipe LaGrenier

Dude is a stud


False for Bruce

True for Bong.

Edited by DAVEFAN95
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GWC World Junior Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match

"Evil Genius" Chess Maniac VS Dragon Americano VS "The Bone Collector" Christopher Ball VS Astro



GWC World Television Championship 3 Way Dance

Harvey Robbinfield VS Zip "The Lip" Deverall VS Flash Savage W/Mya Catalan



GWC Unsanctioned Hardcore Championship

Disk Of Death Hardcore Battle Royal

Bullseye, Wayon Walls, Charlie Corner, Martyr, Jack Pryde, Original Sinner, Ozzie Golden plus 3 Mystery Guests



GWC World Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Triple Threat Match

The Hot Taggs W/February Malaise VS The Wrecking Crew VS Lightning Express



Singles Match

Chip Martin VS "Wildfire" Cip Conduit



Tag Team Tornado Streetfight
"Southern Psychopath" Animal Harker & "Blue Collar Outlaw" Pepper Pelton VS The Night Terrors



Mayhem At The Morgue (Cinematic Match)

Deacon Darkhold & ??? VS Texas Hangman



GWC World Tag Team Championship Tournament Finals

The Wild Bunch VS The War Chiefs



GWC World Heavyweight Championship

"The Ironman" Conner Threepwood W/Sweet Tabitha VS "The Phenom" Phillippe LaGrenier W/Clare South



Bonus Questions:

1. True/False - One of the mystery guests in the battle royal will be Jack Bruce

2. True/False - One of the mystery guests in the battle royal will be Sam Bong

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