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The Outlaw Mudshow Or Peter Valentine's Redemption...

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Pick'em Card For Midsouth Mayhem Episode 7 below:


Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match

Deacon Darkhold W/The Dark Convenant VS Jerry Pepper W/Jay Silver

Comments: Looks like a tough night for Jerry Pepper


Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match

Wild Red Stallion VS Original Sinner W/The Dark Covenant

Comments: Big win for the big man of The Dark Covenant


Canadian Blondes VS Local Talent

Comments: Squish squash


Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier

Juggernaut W/Playboy Jake Sawyer VS Wolfie Tagg W/February Malaise

Comments: Another win for another big man


Hardcore Rules Match

Martyr VS Ben Williams

Comments: Ben Williams exists to stare up at the lights


Bob Casey VS "The Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield

Comments: Take what I said about Ben Williams, and replace his name with Bob Casey

GWC Junior Heavyweight Championship

Chess Maniac VS Dragon Americano

Comments: Backing the champ to retain

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Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match

Deacon Darkhold W/The Dark Convenant VS Jerry Pepper W/Jay Silver

Comments: Darkhold is gonna make Pepper, salty...


Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match

Wild Red Stallion VS Original Sinner W/The Dark Covenant

Comments: Wild Red will make Sinner repent.


Canadian Blondes VS Local Talent

Comments: I love me so local talent but I think "Local Talents" will have an off night an fall to the Blonde Canadians.


Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier

Juggernaut W/Playboy Jake Sawyer VS Wolfie Tagg W/February Malaise



Hardcore Rules Match

Martyr VS Ben Williams

Comments: RIP Ben Williams


Bob Casey VS "The Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield

Comments: Bob Casey is a favorite of mine. Unfortunately as a betting man the odds are against him here.

GWC Junior Heavyweight Championship

Chess Maniac VS Dragon Americano

Comments: USA USA USA

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Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match

Deacon Darkhold W/The Dark Convenant VS Jerry Pepper W/Jay Silver

Comments: If anyone from the Dark Covenant is going to qualify it is going to be Deacon Darkhold.

Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match

Wild Red Stallion VS Original Sinner W/The Dark Covenant

Comments: I can see Original Sinner winning as well, but I am going for the Wild choice for this match.

Canadian Blondes VS Local Talent

Comments: Hello jobbers, I mean local talent, either way the Canadian Blondes win.

Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier

Juggernaut W/Playboy Jake Sawyer VS Wolfie Tagg W/February Malaise

Comments: Big monster beats Tagg guy.

Hardcore Rules Match

Martyr VS Ben Williams

Comments: It was nice knowing you, Ben.

Bob Casey VS "The Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield

Comments: Another loss for Bob Casey.
GWC Junior Heavyweight Championship

Chess Maniac VS Dragon Americano

Comments: Chess Maniac gets another win over Dragon American.

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Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match

Deacon Darkhold W/The Dark Convenant VS Jerry Pepper W/Jay Silver

Comments: I expect a spicy loss for the young kid from New Mexico


Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match

Wild Red Stallion VS Original Sinner W/The Dark Covenant

Comments: Two young guns, I'm going with the Stallion maybe with a count-out or DQ win


Canadian Blondes VS Local Talent



Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier

Juggernaut W/Playboy Jake Sawyer VS Wolfie Tagg W/February Malaise

Comments: This Juggernaut-Sawyer duo is interesting to see and i hope the big man qualifies for the Stampede


Hardcore Rules Match

Martyr VS Ben Williams

Comments: Martyr will filet Ben's butt like that Catfish


Bob Casey VS "The Omega Man" Harvey Robbinfield

Comments: Robbinfield 🤩🤩🤩

GWC Junior Heavyweight Championship

Chess Maniac VS Dragon Americano


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a heads up everyone, I should be posting the show write up by early next week sometime. I will try to finish it up this weekend but with the Superbowl on Sunday I doubt I will. I didn't mean for this long of a break from posting but I got into a groove making belts and logos and lost track of time.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Mid South Mayhem

Texarkana, TX

Episode 7

Monday, Week 3

February 2020

Live from The Hideout



The show opens cold where Deacon Darkhold and Original Sinner are backstage hyping up tonight’s main event…





Deacon Darkhold: "Tonight, my faithful disciples, we bear witness to a clash of good and evil, light and darkness, and tonight, Jerry Pepper, you will be just another notch on my belt. Another sacrifice to the altar of blood. For tonight, the brave and noble Jerry Pepper steps into the ring, seeking to vanquish pure evil!


But Jerry Pepper, oh how naive you are. You think yourself a hero, a beacon of hope in a world consumed by darkness. You seek to don the mantle of the knight in shining armor, to rescue the damsel in distress. But mark my words, tonight, there is no damsel to rescue, there is no beacon of light, for you there will just be pain and suffering. Oh so much beautiful suffering!


You see, Jerry Pepper, your desire to be the hero blinds you to the truth. In the end, you are nothing more than a pawn in my grand design, a mere plaything for the forces of darkness to manipulate at will."


Darkhold lets out a sinister laugh…


Deacon Darkhold: "So go ahead, Jerry Pepper, play your role. But know this, in the end, you will not be the hero you so desperately wish to be. No, you shall be nothing more than the court jester, dancing at the whims of the true masters of this world. Prepare yourself, Jerry Pepper, for tonight, the darkness shall consume you."


Darkhold smirks as he’s flanked by Original Sinner, as the camera cuts to Jerry Pepper, backstage ready to deliver his response…




Jerry Pepper: "Tonight, I stand before you all with a fire burning in my heart, ready to face evil head-on. Deacon Darkhold, you may see me as just another pawn in your twisted game, but tonight, I'm here to prove you wrong.


You see, I've fought tooth and nail to make a name for myself in this industry. I've faced adversity, I've endured setbacks, but tonight, I have the opportunity to step into the spotlight and shine brighter than ever before.


Tonight, I'm not just fighting for myself. I'm fighting for everyone who's ever believed in me, for everyone who's ever supported me. Tonight, I'm going to show the world that I am capable of defeating the darkness, that I am capable of achieving greatness. And mark my words, Deacon Darkhold, tonight will be the biggest win of my young career!"


Fade to black…






Opening Theme: Flirtin' with Disaster




Jim Lou Freebush & Peter Valentine welcome everyone to the broadcast…


Jim Lou Freebush: Welcome everyone watching at home to another action packed episode of Monday Mayhem! We’ve got a stacked show this evening and joining me as always, whether I like it or not, Mr. Peter Valentine!


Peter Valentine: You better watch yourself Jim! Next time you introduce me, put some respect on my name!


Jim Lou Freebush: Respect!?! Heck; I can't even say that with a straight face! Let’s go ahead and jump right into the action then, before our little diva up here in the booth gets upset!


Starting off tonight's show, we have the evil genius, Chess Maniac defending his GWC World Junior Heavyweight title against Dragon Americano. But first, joining us on commentary, a man that Chess Maniac has declared as his “next target”; the exciting luchador Extraordinario Jr!




Extraordinario Jr makes his way to the commentary booth…


Jim Lou Freebush: Well hello there EJ! Can we call you EJ for short? It’s got a nice ring to it.


EJ: Hola amigos, estoy feliz de estar aquí esta noche!


Peter Valentine: Ummmmmmmm, Jim, you don’t by chance speak spanish do you?


Jim Lou Freebush: Can’t say that I do Peter. 


Peter Valentine: I think this might pose a bit of a problem Jim.


Jim Lou Freebush: Hmmmmm, well I guess we really didn’t think this through now did we.


Peter Valentine: You can say that again.


EJ: Aprecio mucho la oportunidad de explorar a ese sinvergüenza Chess Maniac.


Jim Lou Freebush: Ummmmmm, I got nothing.


Peter: Me neither!


EJ: Chess Maniac debería pensárselo dos veces antes de denunciarme! Lucharé contra él en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar! Será mejor que esté preparado para perder su título.


Jim Lou Freebush: Allrighty then, let’s just get to the match…



GWC World Junior Heavyweight Championship



Chess Maniac VS Dragon Americano


Match Highlights:


  • The match kicks off with both Chess Maniac and Dragon Americano showcasing their agility and grappling skills, engaging in a fast-paced exchange of holds and counters.


  • Despite Dragon Americano's fighting spirit and high-flying offense, Chess Maniac demonstrates his cunning and ruthless tactics, exploiting any opening he can find to gain the upper hand in the match.


  • Eventually Chess Maniac unleashes his devastating finisher, "Check Mate" (Canadian Destroyer), catching Dragon Americano off guard and driving him headfirst into the canvas for the three-count, securing a decisive victory.


Chess Maniac defeats Dragon Americano via pinfall




After the match Chess Maniac stares intently at Extraordinario Jr and gives him the throat slash symbol. Chess Maniac raises his hands in victory as he slides out of the ring and makes his way to the back…


Jim Lou Freebush: What an exciting way to kick off the show! EJ, looks like Chess Maniac has his sights firmly set on you. What do you have to say about that?


EJ: Ese bufón no sabe con quién se mete. Al final, cuando nos encontremos en el ring, lo humillaré y romperé su voluntad.


Peter Valentine: Huhhhhhhhh?


Jim Lou Freebush: Yeah, I have no idea. EJ, thanks for joining us on commentary. We can chalk this segment up as a big fat L.


Extraordinario Jr makes his way to the back…


Jim Lou Freebush: Now let’s head back to the ring for some more exciting action!





Bob Casey VS “The Omega Man” Harvey Robbinfield

Match Highlights:


  • In a virtual squash Robbinfield dominates the match from bell to bell

  • After beating down Casey for a few moments Robbinfield puts Casey down for good with an Omega Driver (Killswitch)


Harvey Robbinfield defects Bob Casey via pinfall




After the match Robbinfield grabs a microphone…


Harvey Robbinfield: "Zip Deverall, you've been running your mouth for what seems like eternity, talking all this trash about how you're the best, and how you kicked my ass at Wild Wild, Winter!. Well, enough is enough! Tonight, I'm calling your ass out! I want you in this ring, face to face, man to man!"


The crowd roars in approval, rallying behind Robbinfield issues his challenge.


A few moments later the music of Zip Deverall fills the arena. Zip’s manager, Mya Catalan, struts arrogantly to the ring, a smirk plastered across her face...



Avenged Sevenfold - Hail To The King [Official Music Video]



Mya Catalan: "Well, well, well, if it isn't Harvey Robbinfield, still chasing the spotlight like it's a liferaft on a sinking ship. You couldn’t handle a spotlight the size of Zip’s! You want to fight, huh? You think you can just challenge a star the caliber of Zip Deverall? Ha! You're nothing but a glorified jobber, Harvey!"


Robbinfield's jaw clenches in anger as Mya continues to taunt him…


Mya Catalan: "Oh, Harvey, you poor thing. Don't you know when to quit? Zip's got better things to do than waste his time with talentless losers like you."


As Robbinfield's attention is solely focused on Mya Catalan, Zip comes from out of the crowd, seizing the opportunity to sneak up behind Robbinfield, with a kendo stick in hand. With a vicious swing, Zip mercilessly cracks Robbinfield over the head, leaving him writhing in pain on the mat as the arena falls into stunned silence. Zip continues to pummel Robbinfield with shots from his kendo stick until he’s unconscious.


The crowd erupts into boos as Zip Deverall stands tall over his fallen opponent, relishing in the chaos he has caused. Mya Catalan looks on with a smug grin as they make their way to the back…




Jim Lou Freebush: What the hell is wrong with Zip Deverall! He’s practically committed attempted murder just now!


Peter Valentine: I like this kid Jim, he does whatever he needs to do to get the upper hand! This is pro wrestling Jim! If someone wants to call you out you send them a message, and the message Zip sent tonight was received loud and clear, you better believe that.


Jim Lou Freebush: Well, as always we disagree on Zip’s message. But what else is new. Now let’s head back to the ring for a hardcore rules match featuring everyone's favorite serial killer, Martyr…




Harcore Rules Match



Martyr VS Ben Williams


Match Highlights:


  • Martyr takes control of the match early, as Ben Williams seems too terrified to even attempt any offense. Martyr quickly tosses Williams to the outside and proceeds to pummel him with every weapon he can get his hands on.

  • Martyr rolls Williams back inside and proceeds to bludgeon his forehead with his trusted fork until Williams is busted wide open.

  • Martyr picks up Williams and slams him to the mat with a vicious Vengeance Driver (DVD)


Martyr defeats Williams via pinfall




After the match Martyr is standing tall in the ring when a mysterious video appears on the jumbotron…





The video shows the inside a dimly lit training dojo in Japan, where "The Coming Storm" Yasuhide Tayama is seen wreaking havoc on several opponents. With menacing brutality, Tayama unleashes a barrage of brutal attacks, wielding chairs, light tubes, and a barbed wire baseball bat.


The camera captures Tayama's relentless assault as he decimates his opponents one by one, leaving them sprawled out on the dojo floor in agony. Blood drips from their wounds as Tayama stands tall, a formidable force to be reckoned with.


Just as the chaos reaches its peak, the screen flickers, and the figure of Eisaku Kunomasu emerges, his presence commanding attention. Dressed in a suit, Kunomasu exudes an air of authority as he addresses the camera with conviction…


Eisaku Kunomasu: "Martyr! You think you're the epitome of hardcore? You haven't faced true fury until you've crossed paths with 'The Coming Storm,' Yasuhide Tayama!"


The camera pans to Tayama, who stands behind Kunomasu, his eyes burning with intensity as he cracks his knuckles in anticipation…


Eisaku Kunomasu: "At The Bunkhouse Stampede, we challenge you to a match for your GWC Unsanctioned Hardcore Championship. Prepare yourself, Martyr, for a storm is coming, and it's about to unleash hell upon you!"


Flashing a menacing grin, Kunomasu's gaze pierces through the screen as the screen fades to black.



Martyr stands in silence for a moment, then nods and makes his way to the back…




Jim Lou Freebush: Well Peter, looks like Martyr has a new challenger for his Hardcore title.


Peter Valentine: I’ve shared a locker room with some guys that have been in the ring with Tayama and he’s no joke. Martyr better be prepared for the violence that this wild man can bring!


He’s in the back right? I mean he can’t hear us can he?


Jim Lou Freebush: He’s right behind you Peter!


Peter Valentine: Hahaha Jim, very funny. Maybe I’ll go tell Martyr that you’ve been running your mouth about him.


Jim Lou Freebush: Yeah, that would be very, very baaaa - 


Oh come on, not this moron again…


Shane Sneer’s music plays as he makes his way to the commentary desk…


Pink Floyd - Money (Official Music Video)



Shane Sneer: Gentlemen, how are we doing this evening?


Jim Lou Freebush: We we’re great up until just a few seconds ago.


Peter Valentine: Speak for yourself Jim, Shane it’s always a pleasure having you join us. 


Jim Lou Freebush: Kiss ass!


Anyway, Shane, what brings you here tonight? Don’t you have an HOA meeting to go to, or maybe some minorities in your neighborhood you’d like to oppress?


Shane Sneer: Very funny Jim, keep it up and you’ll be getting a nice hefty fine!


Come to think of it, you just used profanity on the air. That’s a thousand dollar fine!


Jim Lou Freebush: Yeah, okay, the checks in the mail.


Shane: Watch it Jim! I’ve got people monitoring your behavior. 


Now let’s get down to business. This Bunkhouse Stampede event you guys came up with, a battle royal with street fight rules??? Are you insane! Do you know how bad this kind of content will look to the Network! I’m here to keep a close eye on these qualifier matches and I’ll be overseeing the big event as well, just to ensure that there are no over the top, violent shenanigans. 


Jim Lou Freebush: Sounds thrilling, boy are we glad you're here. Now let’s get back to the action in the ring!




Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifying Match



Juggernaut W/Playboy Jake Sawyer VS Wolfie Tagg W/February Malaise


Match Highlights:


  • The match begins with Wolfie Tagg showcasing using his speed to his advantage, darting around the ring and evading Juggernaut's attacks.


  • Despite Wolfie's well executed plan, Juggernaut's sheer strength and size gradually begin to take their toll, as he starts to assert dominance with bone-crushing suplexes and slams.


  • Wolfie refuses to back down, mounting a spirited comeback with a flurry of strikes and a flying forearm that momentarily stuns Juggernaut.


  • However, Juggernaut manages to stop the assault with a big powerbomb, flattening Wolfie on the mat. As Wolfie slowly gets back up Juggernaut unleashes his devastating finisher, "The Pounce," catching Wolfie off guard and flooring him for the three-count.


Juggernaut defeats Wolfie Tagg via pinfall




Jim Lou Freebush: Impressive win for Juggernaut, now let’s head to the back and here from The Wild Bunch and their challengers at The Bunkhouse Stampede, The Wrecking Crew…




The camera takes us to the backstage area where The Wild Bunch have just arrived at the arena. They start making their way into the venue when suddenly…



The Texas Outlaws along with Herb Stately blindside Revell and Winchester. They suplex both men onto the concrete floor and proceed to pummel them with strikes and kicks until both men are incapacitated.


Stately walks over close to the camera and says “Now that’s how you make a statement!”.


The three men take a second to revel in their destruction and then walk away leaving Revell and Winchester laying…




The camera then takes us to the backstage interview area where The Wrecking Crew are joined by Chip Martin…





Chip Martin: "Ladies and gentlemen, feast your eyes on the best Goddamn technical wrestling tag team in the world today, The Wrecking Crew!


And in two short weeks, The Wrecking Crew is poised to open up a big can of whoop ass on The Wild Bunch. Wes Revell, Buck Winchester, you may be the current World Tag Team Champions, but your reign is about to be short and not so sweet!”


Chip gestures to his stablemates, with a sinister grin spreading across his face.


Chip Martin: "Because The Wrecking Crew don’t just win matches, they dominate them! With their brutal technical offense, these two will tear you apart limb by limb until there's nothing left but wreckage in the ring.


And as for me, well, let's just say that I've got bigger fish to fry. That's right, folks, mark your calendars because at the Bunkhouse Stampede, Chip Martin will be in that match. You can bet on that. Sorry Warren, but next week you’ll finally find out why they call me a generational talent.”


Chip's confidence radiates through his words as he raises his fist triumphantly.


Chip Martin: "So, Wild Bunch, prepare yourselves for a world of pain, because The Wrecking Crew is coming for you. And as for the Bunkhouse Stampede? Well, let's just say you're all looking at the winner of the whole damn thing!"


With a cocky smirk, Chip exits with The Wrecking Crew in tow…




Jim Lou Freebush: Confident words from Chip Martin and his cohorts. I’m sure once they find out about that vicious beatdown the Wild Bunch just suffered from the Texas Outlaws they will be thrilled. 


Peter Valentine: That’s how you take care of business Jim! The Texas Outlaws obviously want a piece of the Wild Bunch and they aren’t standing in line waiting for their chance. I don’t even think they care about the belts, they just seem to enjoy hurting Revell and Wincherster. 


Jim Lou Freebush: Well if they want those belts they will have to get in line. The Wrecking Crew gets the first crack at the Wild Bunch.


Shane Sneer: The Wild Bunch clearly had that coming, I don’t like the way those two carry themselves.


Jim Lou Freebush: You sound a little biased there Shane. I mean you give me a fine and you let that slide.


Shane Sneer: The Texas Outlaws have character Jim, something you know nothing about. Besides, it’s pro wrestling, fights happen from time to time.


Jim Lou Freebush: Sigh, I’m surrounded by imbeciles. Let’s just get back to the action. The Canadian Blondes are up next…






The Canadian Blondes W/Maya Catalan VS Local Talent


Match Highlights:


  • In a short one sided squash the Canadian Blondes dominate the two local competitors

  • After a quick beatdown The Canadian Blondes take out one of the local competitors with “Blonde Ambition” (Total Elimination)


The Canadian Blondes defeat Local Talent via pinfall




Jim Lou Freebush: The Canadian Blondes make short work of two local competitors just as we all thought they would. Now let’s hear from our world champion…



Metallica: The Memory Remains (Official Music Video)



Connor Threepwood makes his way to the ring accompanied by Sweet Tabitha as the fans cheer wildly.


Connor slides in the ring and grabs a microphone as he prepares to address the crowd…


Connor Threepwood: "Ladies and gentlemen, in two weeks time we stand on the brink of an epic showdown as I defend this World championship against a man who's no stranger to adversity, a man who's earned every ounce of respect he's been given. Harlem Haynes, you and I go back a bit, don't we?"


We've shared locker rooms in dingy gymnasiums and dirty bingo halls, we’ve beat each other from pillar to post on more than one occasion. And in two weeks, at The Bunkhouse Stampede, that history comes full circle as we step into this ring as adversaries once more time.


Haynes, I know what you're capable of. I've felt the impact of your punches, the intensity of your attacks. But at The Bunkhouse Stampede, I want you to know that I'm not backing down. I'm not giving an inch. Because this championship means everything to me, and I'll be damned if I let you take it away."


The crowd roars in support of Connor, as he paces confidently back and forth in the ring.

Connor Threepwood: "So, Haynes, bring everything you've got. Bring your grit, your toughness, your determination. Because in two weeks, you’re in for the fight of your life, and when the dust settles, I'll still be standing tall, with this championship held high above my head!"


The crowd cheers vehemently as Connor makes his way to the back with Sweet Tabitha in tow…




Jim Lou Freebush: Confident words from our champ!


Peter Valentine: He’s gonna need more than words at The Bunkhouse Stampede Jim. Harlem Haynes is double tough and one of the meanset, most vicious dudes on the planet. 


Jim Lou Freebush: Well Threepwood is no pushover Peter. 


Peter Valentine: No but he’s also not willing to go to the extremes Harlem Haynes is to get the W. He's too concerned with doing right by the fans. Ugh, I think I’m gonna puke. 


Jim Lou Freebush: Once again, as usual we will agree to disagree Peter. Now let’s get to our next match. Another Bunkhouse Stampede qualifier…




Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifying Match



Wild Red Stallion VS Original Sinner


Match Highlights:


  • The match begins with Wild Red Stallion showcasing his impressive strength, overwhelming Original Sinner with a flurry of powerful strikes and high-impact slams and suplexes.


  • Original Sinner, however, proves to be an immovable force, absorbing Stallion's offense and retaliating with devastating power moves of his own.


  • Wild Red Stallion attempts to rally back with a thunderous powerslam, but Original Sinner counters with a sudden reversal, stunning Stallion with a huge sidewalk slam.


  • With Stallion vulnerable, Original Sinner seizes the opportunity to deliver his signature finisher, "Original Sin" (Chokeslam), driving Stallion into the canvas with bone-crushing force.


Original Sinner defeats Wild Red Stallion via pinfall




Jim Lou Freebush: What a slobberknocker of a match that was. Original Sinner punches his ticket to th-


Shane Sneer: Sorry to cut you off Jim but I'm going to have to take over the broadcast for a few minutes here. I’ve got a bone to pick with that piece of trash Animal Harker. He thinks he can take a swing at me and get away with it. He’s got another thing coming. Harker, I know you can hear me in the back. Get out here and meet me in the ring right now!



Shane Sneer leaves the commentary booth and steps into the ring with a mic in hand.



Disturbed - Down With The Sickness (Explicit) [Official Music Video]


Animal Harker’s music echoes across the arena as he makes his way to the ring…

Harker grabs a mic and faces off with Sneer, staring intently as he inches closer and closer.




Shane Sneer: "Now hold on just a minute, Harker! You think you can come out here and disrespect me week after week without facing any consequences? Well, I'm here to set the record straight.


I've had it up to here with your antics, Harker. You assaulted me last week, and that kind of behavior will not be tolerated in my company. As of right now, I'm fining you and suspending you indefinitely!"


The crowd erupts into boos as Harker’s confident stare turns to rage, his fists clenched in anger.


Animal Harker: "You've got some nerve, Sneer! You think you can just waltz in here and throw your weight around, huh? Well, let me remind you of something you son of a bitch!"


Harker reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small device, pressing a button as a video begins to play on the tron. The footage shows Sneer aggressively grabbing Harker before Harker retaliates with a punch to Sneer's face.


Animal Harker: "You see that, Sneer? You were the one who put your hands on me first. You assaulted me, plain and simple. And if you want to talk about consequences, how about I press charges for battery unless you drop the fine and suspension right now?"


Shane Sneer's face contorted with anger as he realizes he's been caught in his own trap. He clenches his fists in frustration, but ultimately, he knows he's backed into a corner.


Shane Sneer: "Fine! You win this round, Harker. Consider the fine and suspension revoked. But mark my words, this isn't over between us. I'll find a way to make your life a living hell, just you wait and see!"


With a smirk of satisfaction, Harker nods, knowing he's come out on top in this exchange. 


Animal Harker: “See you big dummy! Old Animal Harker ain’t quite as dumb as you thought he was. You thought you were gonna out hustle a hustler. Well you thought wrong! If that’s all I think I’ll go now. I’ll be seeing you real soon though!”


The crowd cheers as Harker exits the ring, leaving Sneer seething with rage in his wake.



Jim Lou Freebush: Looks like Harker outsmarted our genius Network Exec in this exchange. Now let’s get to the main event…





Marilyn Manson - Man That You Fear - Antichrist Superstar (16/16) [HQ]




Deacon Darkhold slowly makes his way to the ring surrounded by red smoke and eerie lights as he’s accompanied by his minion, Original Sinner…



The Crystal Method - Trip Like I Do (Original)




Jerry Pepper runs down to the ring, high fiving fans on his way…


Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifying Match



Deacon Darkhold W/Original Sinner VS Jerry Pepper


Match Highlights:


  • The match kicks off with Jerry Pepper and Darkhold exchanging holds, as Pepper showcasing his superior grappling skills


  • Deacon Darkhold, however utilizes his sinister tactics and manipulative mind games to gain the upper hand in the match, taking Pepper to the outside after raking his eyes.


  • As the bout intensifies, Jerry Pepper mounts a comeback, with a flurry of powerful strikes that rock Deacon Darkhold.


  • However, Deacon Darkhold resorts to underhanded tactics again, reaching into his pocket to retrieve a handful of black dust, which he throws into Pepper's eyes, temporarily blinding him.


  • With Pepper incapacitated, Deacon Darkhold capitalizes on the opportunity, delivering his finisher, "Call of Cthulhu" (Reverse DDT), planting Pepper into the canvas for the three-count.


Deacon Darkhold defeats Jerry Pepper via pinfall





After the match Darkhold and Sinner assault a prone Pepper, beating him mercilessly. Sinner picks Pepper up and tosses him into the turnbuckle. He pulls out some handcuffs and binds his hands around the turnbuckle post.


Darkhold, with a vile look on his face pulls a ornate looking knife. He flashes an evil smile as he walks toward Pepper. Darkhold grabs a mic as he hovers over Pepper in the corner.


“It’s time for another sacrifice! My faithful followers, witness the power of darkness. The blood God is thirsty and we shall quench his thirst!”


As he is just about to stab Pepper with the knife suddenly…






Texas Hangman, Animal Harker, and Pepper’s partner, Jay Silver run out to the ring. They make a beeline to the ring, chasing off Darkhold and Sinner before any damage can be done.


Darkhold flashes an evil stare as he looks on at the four men in the ring as the show comes to a close…


Edited by willr0ck
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Midsouth Mayhem, February Week 4 - Prediction Sheet


Extraordinario Jr VS Jay Silver



GWC World Television Title Match

Zip "The Lip" Deverall W/Mya Catalan VS Wolfie Tagg W/February Malaise



Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match

Waylon Walls VS Texas Hangman



Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match

"Rock God" Charlie Corner VS Prime Time Jack Pryde



Williams & Casey VS The Wrecking Crew



Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match

"The Machine" Warren Technique VS Chip Martin



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Extraordinario Jr VS Jay Silver

Comments: Extraordinario Jr has the hype now he needs to continue the wins.

GWC World Television Title Match

Zip "The Lip" Deverall W/Mya Catalan VS Wolfie Tagg W/February Malaise

Comments: The Television champion is not dropping the title to a tag guy.

Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match

Waylon Walls VS Texas Hangman

Comments: Waylon won't be able to hang with Texas Hangman.

Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match

"Rock God" Charlie Corner VS Prime Time Jack Pryde

Comments: The Rock God is already Prime Time.

Williams & Casey VS The Wrecking Crew

Comments: One team is going to get wrecked, and it is not the Crew.

Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match

"The Machine" Warren Technique VS Chip Martin

Comments: I am predicting Warren because he's not a man he's a machine.

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Extraordinario Jr VS Jay Silver

Comments: Extraordinary things are on the horizon for the GWC World Junior Heavyweight Championship with the impending showdown between Chess Maniac and Extraordinario Jr. Meanwhile Jay picks up the silver medal here because he's second best by a long shot.


GWC World Television Title Match

Zip "The Lip" Deverall W/Mya Catalan VS Wolfie Tagg W/February Malaise

Comments: Zip has the win all locked up when he makes a pup out of Wolfie.


Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match

Waylon Walls VS Texas Hangman

Comments: Waylon will be climbing the walls trying to escape the wrath of the tough Texan, he knows he can't hang with this badass.


Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match

"Rock God" Charlie Corner VS Prime Time Jack Pryde

Comments: I bet Jack has no issue compromising his pride as he cuts corners to victory here tonight.


Williams & Casey VS The Wrecking Crew

Comments: A loss to the Get Squashed Squad would wreck any credibility for the crew moving forward.


Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match

"The Machine" Warren Technique VS Chip Martin

Comments: Chip Martin is a fine prospect, but that doesn't Warren-t a victory here tonight. 

Edited by azzak
damn autocorrect ruined the pun on the Zip vs Wolfie comment and I just couldn't let it slide.
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Midsouth Mayhem

Extraordinario Jr VS Jay Silver:

GWC World Television Title Match: Zip "The Lip" Deverall W/Mya Catalan VS Wolfie Tagg W/February Malaise

Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match: Waylon Walls VS Texas Hangman

Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match; "Rock God" Charlie Corner VS Prime Time Jack Pryde

Williams & Casey VS The Wrecking Crew

Bunkhouse Stampede Qualifier Match: "The Machine" Warren Technique VS Chip Martin

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