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I bet this was asked a lot..... TEW 2024? or 25?

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20th anniversary of the original (non-GDS) TEW is right around the corner... 🧐

On 8/28/2023 at 3:03 PM, Adam Ryland said:

If there is ever a new game in any of my series, there will be official announcements on the GDS website, forums and social media sites.

And we will all be foaming at the mouth when that happens. 😂

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We all know this is the game the world needs... 


Looking at previous release schedules we are certainly due a new one but normally if there was going to be a 2024 release I believe announcements would already have been made...

I just hope the wait is because of some big changes and major differences to make TEW even better than the near perfect game it already is.


I honestly dont think there is a gaming series I have been a part of or followed more closely than EWR/TEW. Been playing since EWR days and never looked back.

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