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Unfortunately no.

I don't get it. I don't think there has ever been a working 2000 mod in any TEW game, and it is critically the best WWF year. So many interesting scenarios, too. Just speaking for the WWF, they started off with a pretty thin main event scene and make it work wonderfully without some top stars.

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I did start trying to make a year 2000 mod earlier this year. My idea was to have it be as detailed as possible for all the major promotions and using narratives to make it as realistic as possible but it's so much work and my knowledge of stuff outside of WWE/F is pretty limited so I kind of gave up.. it's still something I'd like to somehow finish though one day

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On 10/15/2023 at 4:56 PM, James The Animator said:

The last one I remember was from TEW 2013 - that's right, a whole decade ago. That wasn't even a full mod either; only North American companies and wrestlers who have worked in the Americas were featured. Many moons ago, I had an idea in my head for an alternate history mod starting in the year 2000 based on the old "Mod Squad" scenarios. The premise would have been that the Curtain Call right before Nash & Hall left for WCW never happened, and this caused all sorts of wide-ranging changes in the wrestling world. People jumping from certain companies when they didn't in real life, different people in charge, the whole deal. Modding is really intensive though, and it's an unbearable slog for one person to do on their own.

The big problem, from what I’ve heard is that no one has been able to, or outright hasn’t asked to get permission to use any of the old mod squad mods as a base. The one that was floating around the forums apparently used them without permission which is why it isn’t allowed to be linked. So creating a 2000 mod would need to be done from scratch essentially, which is a really intensive process

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Correct. As per current board rules, anything that uses another mod's data has to have permission either by way of the mod creator making the work free to use and stating as such or having permission granted. Whilst I understand and appreciate the issues if mod makers have since went to other boards and seemingly no longer post on GDS meaning it's nigh on impossible to get in touch with them, we've all still got to abide by the rules (lest the mod team then end up with PMs on here or on Discord or wherever about this).

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