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21CW - Smitten With Wrestling

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24 minutes ago, DasherTM said:

big 21CW mark, looking forward to this

Hopefully I do it justice.  I will be running it as a youtube diary as well.  I have the first month booked. So hoping it goes down well.

I have changed quite alot of it, so I hope its close enough to 21CW for you to enjoy it. 👍

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On 11/20/2023 at 4:12 AM, Dave Mac said:

Hopefully I do it justice.  I will be running it as a youtube diary as well.  I have the first month booked. So hoping it goes down well.

I have changed quite alot of it, so I hope its close enough to 21CW for you to enjoy it. 👍

Glad to see someone else doing 21CW.

A lot of posters shy away from doing 21CW or RAW because they believe you have to be British or Australian to do that justice.

Since most major C-Verse companies are based off real world American companies any wrestling fan can do a great job covering them.

(Japan, of course, is the exception).

Looking forward to your take on 21CW.

(Push Mark Adonis, he's money in the bank)

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2 hours ago, ColdBloodedSausageMaker said:

Glad to see someone else doing 21CW.

A lot of posters shy away from doing 21CW or RAW because they believe you have to be British or Australian to do that justice.

Since most major C-Verse companies are based off real world American companies any wrestling fan can do a great job covering them.

(Japan, of course, is the exception).

Looking forward to your take on 21CW.

(Push Mark Adonis, he's money in the bank)

Well I am British which is why I’ve always gravitated towards 21cw. I also think it’s a great place to start to get into the cverse. 

I love Adonis and have some big plans for him so you’ll see plenty of him. 

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Welcome to my first episode of booking 21CW on TEW 2020. This is an opener going through the background of the save and introducing a few bits before getting down to actually properly booking everything. The goal is tell some interesting stories along the way, and hopefully bring a TEW company to light that some ignore, which I personally love. If there is anything you love or hate, or just want to let me know please do leave a comment below!

Thanks for taking the time watch.

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Best of British Wrestling Jan WK1

Mark Misery w/ Vicki Company VS Adam Matravers w/ Phoebe Plumridge



Luke Cool VS Daniel Black Francis




Bedlam VS Cain Carlile

(HINT Cain is on a one night deal!)



Phil Harmonic VS Andrew Lee


The Red Devils VS Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu



Kelvin Badberry VS Welsh Dragon



Smiling John Smithie & The Demolishers VS The Martini Police



Three Man Army VS Edison Silva, Evan Alpass & Vinny Vigilante



*NOTE - Heels are highlighted in red and faces are blue

Edited by Dave Mac
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Best of British Wrestling Wk1 January 2020 Results



In our first show of Best of British Wrestling former Champion Adam Matravers comes out and issues a challenge. While Satanic stable Hellbound lay down a marker to the whole of 21CW!


*Written results to follow*

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Thursday Week 1 January 2020

Old Kent Road (Southern England)

Attendance – 11,877

TV Rating – 1.20


The show opens with the house of Business led by Edward Cornell in his trademark suit and World title around his waist. The crowd boo as he steps in in the ring with Viktor Beskov, Yuri Illiakov, Ruin, Mark Misery and Vicki Company.  Edward Cornell takes a microphone and the crowd grows more restless as he speaks.

“I stand in the middle of this ring a living legend.  They say you don’t know you’re living in a moment till it is a memory.  Well mark this date in your diary you worms because this is one of those moments.  The best of all time, stood in the ring of the best wrestling promotion on the planet, with the most prestigious title around my waist.  I’ve achieved more and earnt more money in my lifetime than all of your imbeciles combine and I’m not even 40! Yet for some reason all I ever hear about is Tommy Cornell!”

Which immediately has the crowd cheering to Edward’s disgust.

“This is a prime example of what I mean.  A man who you happily despised yet the second he turns his back on the House of Business and his own flesh and blood you people think he is a hero!  A man of the people, you think he’s one of you.  But I’ll tell you all the boys in the back know it isn’t true, and I sure as hell know that isn’t true.  Tommy Cornell is a man who’d trample his own Grandmothers grave just to get ahead in life.  Yet because he goes to the pub and signs a few autographs now you ignore the years he spent cheating his way to the top and like trained dogs applaud everything he does.  Well 21CW no more!  Give me this microphone each and every week and I’ll show all of you exactly what a pathetic excuse for a man he is.  I will rip apart everything you think you know about good ol’ Tommy and show you why the I am the ONLY Cornell you should worship!”



As Edward Cornell goes to leave the ring he is stopped in his tracks as the crowd erupt to the sound of former champion Adam Matravers music who comes out with a microphone in his hand and waits for the crowd to die down before speaking.

“Quite honestly Edward I think I speak for everyone when I say we do not care about your little family feud! Whether Tommy loves you, or hates you, or sends you a birthday card or doesn’t, whether he kisses you good night or not doesn’t have any effect on my life one bit.  And I could almost ignore it.  But we’ve got a problem.  A big, gold, shiny problem which is in your possession.  The 21st Century Wrestling World title.  Sorry mate, but that belt belongs to me.” 

The crowd cheers as Matravers points to the ring.

“You may have beaten me for that title, but I think it’s time you put your money where your mouth is mate.  If you’re a living legend and we should worship you.  Well you talk the talk but do you walk the walk?  Show the world you’re a fighting champion and put that belt on the line one on one against me!!” 

As Matravers walks to the back Jeff Nova reveals our main event for the evening in his gravelly Scottish accent.

“Aye seems as though the Cornell family is having a wee bit o’ bother.  But I cannae see Edward duckin’ Matravers challenge for too long so I need to do something about it. So tonights main event will be Adam Matravers takin’ on House of Business Mark Misery. LETS GET IT ON!”



Three Man Army (Mark Adonis, War Machine & Mass Hulk) VS Vinny Vigilante, Edison Silva & Evan Alpass

In a fairly quick 9:28 tag team champions The Men of Steel and War Machine were victors when Mark Adonis pinned Vinny Vigilante with the Adonis Elbow.



Following the match Three Man Army had to be physically pulled away by officials as they continued to deliver a beatdown to their 3 opponents to a chorus of boos from the crowd.




Next we have a report from Dan Rowley in the 21CW SocialZone where he shows us a recent post from Tommy Cornell.

“Welcome to the Zocial Cone, I mean Social Zone and Instagram has been blowing up! Man of the people Tommy Cornell seems pretty unfazed by the House of Business as you can see he’s posted a picture of a round of drinks from his hometown with the caption “Sorry guys was getting my round in and didn’t’ catch the start of #21CW did I miss anything interesting?” With a winking emoji!  I get the feeling the fousins ceud I mean cousins feud won't end any time soon!”



Backstage we see a young staff member with a clip board and headset knock on a door which has The Martini Police written on it.

“Hey guys its time for your match.” She weakily mutters as the door swings open.  The room is filled with smoke and ladies sitting around Sebastian Koller, Bret Heartbreak and Byrom all dressed in their wrestling rock gear.  Koller gets to his feet, smooths his hair and points to the corner.

“Hit our music!” The camera pans across and a young lady starts playing the opening to Ace of Spades by Motorhead and the 3 stars walk out for their match with the camera following them.



Smiling John Smithie, Compton Valence, Langton Herring VS The Martini Police (Sebastian Koller, Bret Hearbreak & Byron)

The match lasted 10:12 and came to an end when Bret Heartbreak pinned Compton Valence with the Heart Attack (any ideas what that move is are welcome).



As soon as the match had finished from out of nowhere appears Jonathan Faust, Blackheart and Grave Digger better known as Hellbound who immediately attack the victorious faces.  After a beat down Jonathan Faust takes the microphone to deliver a promo in his unique, slow, methodical style.

“Hellbound has arrived.  We are the sinners of the wrestling world.  We are the men that just want to stand around and watch the world burn.  Those of you seeking hope and salvation, we are the darkness holding you down and squeezing the life from your soul.  Because only once you have stared the Devil in the eye can you truly appreciate life.  They often say fear will break a man, but if you allow it fear can make you a man.”

The Martini Police are left down on the ring as Faust and his men leave.



Kelvin Badberry VS Welsh Dragon

In a quick match resident 21CW bully Kelvin Badberry beat Welsh Dragon in 5:04 with the Berry Crush (stupid name!)



Backstage away from the announce desk DJ Reason is speaking to popular rapper Dangermouth.  But their conversation is interrupted by Kelvin Badberry celebrating his victory in a rather obnoxious manner, pushing past both men, staring at them and calling them “chumps” before walking off still celebrating.



The Red Devils VS Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu

In a decent match between two great teams in 21CW ending when Ricky Storm pinned Yuri Illiakov in 9:52 with a Double Back Fist.



Jeff Nova is backstage with a wide grin and greeting reality TV stars Marie and Mark the Smitten twins.

“Aw welcome laddie and this fine lil’ lassie to 21st Century Wrestling.”

Mark shakes Nova’s hand excitedly and Marie hugs the giant Scotsman.

“Oh my days Jeff babes you have no idea how excited me and my bruv are to be here. We absolutely looooove you guys and I cannot wait to meet everyone! Is that lovely Tommy C here tonight…..”



Phil Harmonic VS Andrew Lee

It a very short squash match fan favourite Andrew Lee beat Phil Harmonic in 4:05 with the Stone Age Kick.



We then see Marie Smitten walking around the changing room and all four members of Absolutely Fabulous and Hot Stuff sitting around talking amongst their own teams.

“Oh. My. Days. You guys are the absolute fav tag team of all times babe. I mean the rest are good, but you guys are on another level I….. oh wait a sec.”

Marie quickly walked away answering her phone.  Without looking up all four men said “thanks” at the same time.  Then they slowly look up and look each other in the eye and again in unison say “you know she was talking about us don’t you?”. And an awkward staredown follows.



Bedlam VS Cain Carlile

United Kingdom Champion and member of Hellbound Bedlam made short work of local talent Cain Carlile beating him via submission in 2:49 with the Mind Strangler.



Luke Cool VS Daniel Black Francis

Happy go lucky DBF defeated Luke Cool in 9:58 by submission with the Rasta Lock.  During the match flamboyant Apollo Prince was ringside and continuously making comments to the camera about what an amazing specimen of man Francis is.



In Rowley’s RoundUp Dan Rowley looks back at the impressive victories tonight of both wild man Andrew Lee and Bedlam and wonders just who is the most dominating in 21CW currently.



Mark Misery w/Vicki Company VS Adam Matravers w/Phoebe Plumridge

The Best of British Wrestling main event saw Adam Matravers with Phoebe Plumridge defeat Mark Misery of the House of Business accompanied by Vicki Company in 9:47 with the Mile High Moonsault.



The show ended with Edward Cornell at the top of the ramp looking on as from the ring Adam Matravers was yelling that the title belt would be back around his waist soon.




Edited by Dave Mac
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On 11/30/2023 at 6:35 AM, Dave Mac said:

The match lasted 10:12 and came to an end when Bret Heartbreak pinned Compton Valence with the Heart Attack (any ideas what that move is are welcome).

Good start so far, big fan of the updated worker renders you put together.

According to Wrestling Spirit 3, the canon move Heart Attack is "The trademark finisher of Bret Heartbreak, it is a Top Rope Flying Clothesline."

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10 hours ago, John Lions said:

Good start so far, big fan of the updated worker renders you put together.

According to Wrestling Spirit 3, the canon move Heart Attack is "The trademark finisher of Bret Heartbreak, it is a Top Rope Flying Clothesline."

A top rope flying clothesline is way more bad ass than I was expecting so thanks for me letting me know. Think he’ll be giving his old man Byron a Heart Attack out of 21CW after such a terrible performance 🤣

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10 hours ago, John Lions said:

Good start so far, big fan of the updated worker renders you put together.

According to Wrestling Spirit 3, the canon move Heart Attack is "The trademark finisher of Bret Heartbreak, it is a Top Rope Flying Clothesline."

With regards to the renders I’ve done all of 21CW. As I hire new people im updating then and adding a few people to the biggest companies each day as well. If I go down the rabbit hole of doing loads I’ll want to do EVERYONE and that’ll take me bloody ages! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Best of British Wrestling Jan WK2

Kevin Jones VS Adam Matravers

(Tommy Cornell Open Invitation Challenge)

??? VS Tommy Cornell

Phillip Cooper & Rolling Johnny VS Absolutely Flawless

Bedlam VS Evan Alpass

Freedom Force VS Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu

Apollo Prince VS Joe Simpson

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The second episode and "Rough Justice" Tommy Cornell tries to convince everyone he is a changed man and issues an open challenge to make them famous. Adam Matravers is still targeting the House and Business, while the Martini Police don't seem too happy with HellBound!

*Written results to follow*

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  • 2 weeks later...


Thursday Week 2 January 2020

Old Kent Road

Attendance - 13,110

TV Rating - 1.34


To kick things off we have Tommy Cornell come to the ring to a huge reaction from the fans as he poses at each turn buckle.  He grabs a microphone from a staff member and turns towards the crowd as they chant Tommy, Tommy, Tommy over and over again.

“You know what man it pains me to stand in this ring and admit my little cousin Eddie Cornell was right last week.” And the crowd boo at the mention of the 21CW champions name.

“Nah man hear me out.  Now normally I’d agree with  yous lot because quite frankly I’ve listened to that whiney little brat for decades and the idea he’s going to get a microphone and do it every single week till I put a stop to it drives me as mad as you.  But he said I’d trample my own Grandmothers grave to get ahead, and I’m not proud to admit he was right.  For years I spent worrying about what was best for me.  What could I do to make sure I was number one.  And you know what I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the ride.  But if Edward thinks he’s gunna come out here and pull skeletons out my closet and shame me then that couldn’t be further from the truth.  I’m living proof a leopard can change his spots.”  The crowd continue to cheer for Tommy.

“To all the boys in the back I did screw over this is day one of me making amends and Adam Matravers that starts with you.  We’ve had years of history and I’ve always fought my hardest to try and keep the spotlight on me.  But last week I can see how much getting a shot at my cousin means to you.  So make a note of this man, but anything I can do to help you make that dream come true I’m here for it.  The offer is there and let me know what you need and I’ll be there for you.  Edward I love you man, but like everyone here I’d like to see that grin knocked off your face by Mile high Adam Matravers!” The crowd carried on with more chanting for their hero.

“Oh and step one of me giving something back is tonight is the first night of the Tommy Cornell Open Invitational.  All the boys in the back if you got the bottle for it step in the ring with me, and I’ll make you famous!”  

Rough Justice Tommy Cornell throws his mic to the floor and his theme music, Rock and Roll Star by Oasis, begins to play as he exits the ring.

“Well well well seems like Tommy laddie has a wee bit o’ pep in his step tonight.  I have nae idea who’ll accept his challenge, but I do know we have Adam Matravers taking on Kevin Jones in our main event tonight, LETS GET IT ON!"



Apollo Prince VS Joe Simpson

In a decent match up Apollo Prince defeated Joe Simpson in 9:54 with an Apollogy.



Following the match Apollo Prince grabs a mic,

“Daniel Black Francis I sure hope you was watching in the back sugar and enjoyed the show.  Maybe one time you’d like to have a little one on one session with the Prince.”

And Apollo sauntered to the back to boos from the crowd.



In the back we see Sifu and Ricky Storm preparing for their match when 3 Man Army walk in and they immediately square up to each other.  But Mark Adonis just laughs in their face,

“This gold around our waist means we do what we want, when we want.  And that beating we gave out last week is nothing.  You boys better watch your backs or you might be next!”

Ignoring the threat Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu walk away without saying anything.



Freedom Force VS Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu

In what was a poor match Crouching Storm, Hidden Sifu won in 9:14 when Ricky Storm hit a Double Back Fist on Gorilla Lee for the win.



Backstage we see Jeff nova again with Marie Smitten,

“Sooo lovely to have you with us lassie.  But you know since last week the wee talk of the town has been who is your favourite tag team Absolutely Fabulous or Hot Stuff?”

“Ooh babes you know I’ve been watching 21 Cee Dub for years so both of them are shmazing.  But I think its pretty obvious which ones get my pulse racing and that’s……..DROP ME OUT.  You have to be kidding.  Two secs Jeff babes I’ll be back. WADE!”

And before Nova can get another word in Smitten is running off as she has spotted Wade Orson in the corridor.



Bedlam VS Evan Alpass

Up next we have a match which had terrible wrestling with Beldlam picking up the win with the Bedlam Bomb in 7:33.



Dan Rowley’s SocialZone he has Kelvin Badberry who says,

“I’m fed up hearing about how DJ Reason and Dangermouth are dropping the biggest track of the year together, its pathetic.  He gets paid to run his mouth and I get paid to punch geeks like them in the face for a living.” 


Then we see a post from BadBerry’s Instagram where he had photoshopped Dangermouth and DJ reasons heads on Dangermouse and Penfold’s body with the caption “NERDS!”



Des Greeves is backstage with Tommy Cornell and tells him Beau Boulder has accepted his open challenge this week.  Tommy just strokes his chin and says, “Bring it on Beau I’ll make you famous!”



Beau Boulder VS Tommy Cornell

In a decent match “Rough Justice” Tommy Cornell won in 8:25 with the Rough Ride.



We go backstage we see Sebastain Koller and the Martini Police confront Hellbound who attacked them last week.  Koller tells Faust,

“Yo man what you did last week was not cool.  But we’re always willing to forgive, but we never forget.  So how about you 3 step in the ring with us at Steel Cage Challenge and we see how you like that.”  

Faust just smiles and walks away without saying anything!



Kevin Jones VS Adam Matravers w/Phoebe Plumridge

In the main event of the evening Adam Matravers beat Kevin Jones in 12:01 with his Mile High Moonsault in what was a good match.



Following the Matravers win House of Business come out and surround the ring to attack.  But just as they are about to Tommy Cornell’s music plays and he comes out with a baseball bat and before he can reach the ring the House of Business leave through the crowd leaving Jeff Nova to wonder

“Aye Tommy said he’s changed his ways and willing to help Adam out however he can, could Matravers be starting to trust him a wee bit more?”


Overall - 76

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  • 3 months later...

Looking to resurrect this series.  Live streaming my booking and will still be doing proper videos for the actual shows.  If anyone hops on YouTube a subscribe is greatly welcomed! 

I'm a complete newbie to live streaming, so hopefully going to only get better with time and be slightly interesting to some! 


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