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AJPW 1992 - Destiny Unleashed

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AJPW Super Power Series Coming Up!

For this tour,as promised,Miracle Violence Connection will take on Stan Hansen/Dan Spivey


Let's take a look at the current roster so far,May 1992:


      Young Lions

  • CC Skip,the masked muscular small man,People Don't know who he is behind the mask
  • Jun Izumida Will debut in this tour,a big Heavyweight looking to achieve the heights of Tsurata/Giant Baba!
  • Richard Slinger,He started to pick some wins against some veterans,other wrestlers looking to team with him in tours
  • Satoru Asako-Currently Injured,He will come back in 7-8 months,hasn't proved anything yet

        Veterans with no future,just helping others

  • Abdullah The Butcher
  • Giant Baba
  • Haruka Eigen
  • Isamu Teranishi
  • Mighty Inoue
  • Momota
  • Motoshi Okuma
  • Rusher Kimura

      Midcard Single/Tag Teams  

  •  Billy Black/Joel Deaton 
  • The Fantastics
  • Mark/Chirs Youngblood
  • Fire Cat
  • Giant Kimala
  • Jackie Fulton
  • Masanobu Fuchi
  • Scott Armstrong
  • The Great Kabuki
  • Kikuchi
  • Ogawa

       Tag Teams-Upper Midcarders

  • Ace N Smith
  • Doug Furnas/Dan Kroffat
  • Stan Hansen/Dan Spivey
  • Miracle Violence Connection
  • Terry/Dory Funk
  • Dean/Joe Malenko

      Main Eventers/Current State

  • Akira Taue-Just Won The Champion Carnival,Everyone expected Kenta Kobashi Or Jumbo Tsuruta,he will face Misawa at the end of the tour
  • Jumbo Tsurata-He Still Remains The GOAT so far,he lost in the semis in the triple threat match but he is starting to decline,his main focus is to keep Tsuruta-Gun the best faction
  • Kenta Kobashi-One of the best in the current roster,he always misses that one last step to become something big,everyone trusts him to become great in the wrestling world though
  • Misawa-The Ace of AJPW,His reign is never ending at this point
  • Toshiaki Kawada- Always in Misawa/Kenta Kobashi/Akira Taue 's shadows,he needs to prove himself somehow


    New Arrivals/Releases

  • Rock'n'Roll Express will join AJPW this tour ,and if they are  impressed,they will join full time
  • The Patriot

Unfortunately,Norman Smiley Did Not Impress,he will leave AJPW. The Doors are not closed though!



Edited by mateitudu
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AJPW Super Power Series {15 Nights}


Night 1 

  • Rusher Kimura Def. Jun Izumida
  • The Great Kabuki Def Tommy Rogers
  • Rock N Roll Express Def Mark/Chris Youngblood
  • Stan Hansen/Ace N Smith Def Joel Deaton/Billy Black/Abdullah The Butcher
  • Akira Taue/Jumbo Tsuruta Def Okuma/Momota
  • The Funks went to a double count-out with Miracle Violence Connection 
  • Post Match,Hansen and dan spivey reminded the tag team champions that they will face for the 2nd time this year and they will make sure they will not forget their upcoming battle.


Night 2

  • Haruka Eigen Def Jun Izumida
  • Robert Gibson Def Isamu Teranishi
  • Joel Deaton/Billy Black Def CC Skip/Okuma
  • The Funks Def The Fantastics
  • The Great Kabuki/Johnny Ace Def Richard Slinger/Fire Cat
  • Misawa/Kenta Kobashi Def Abdullah The Butcher/Ricky Morton
  • Jumbo Tsuruta/Akira Taue Def Dean/Joe Malenko


Night 3

  • Isamu Teranishi Def Jun Izumida
  • Giant Baba/Abdullah The Butcher Def Rock N Roll Express
  • Okuma Def CC Skip
  • The Funks Def The Patriot/Jackie Fulton
  • Super Generation Army(Kenta Kobashi/Kawada/Kikuchi) Def Ace N Smith/Masanobu Fuchi


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AJPW Super Power Series {15 Nights}


Night 4

  • Haruka Eigen Def CC Skip
  • Jackie Fulton Def Jun Izumida
  • The Great Kabuki/Mighty Inoue Def Richard Slinger/Abdullah The Butcher
  • Momota/Okuma Def Rock N Roll Express
  • Kikuchi/Kawada Def Dean/Joe Malenko
  • Masanobu Fuchi/Akira Taue Def Misawa/Kenta Kobashi In 25;20
  •  Akira taue proved why he became the winner of the champion carnival,but the battle is not over 


Night 5

  • Rusher Kimura Def Fire Cat
  • The Great Kabuki Def The Patriot
  • Joel Deaton/Billy Black Def Haruka Eigen/Jun Izumida
  • The Funks Def Mark Youngblood/Jackie Fulton (Chirs youngblood is injured)
  • Doug Furnas/Dan Kroffat/CC Skip Def Okuma/Momota/Mighty Inoue
  • Kenta Kobashi/Toshiaki Kawada Def The Fantastics


Night 6

  • CC Skip/Momota Def Mark Youngblood/Jun Izumida
  • The Patriot/Mighty Inoue Def The Fantastics
  • The Great Kabuki Def Haruka Eigen
  • Miracle Violence Connection Def Masanobu Fuchi/Jackie Fulton
  • Akira Taue/Jumbo Tsuruta Def Kawada/Kikuchi



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AJPW Super Power Series {15 Nights}


Night 7

  • Momota Def The Patriot
  • CC Skip/Abdullah The Butcher Def Joel Deaton/Billy Black
  • Rusher Kimura/Okuma Def Rock N Roll Express
  • The Funks Def Jun Izumida/Bobby Fulton
  • Miracle Violence Connection/Mark Youngblood Def Stan Hansen/Dan Spivey and The Great Kabuki
  • POST-MATCH - Hansen,very angry that he lost,gets the AJPW World Tag Team Titles.He puts them in the middle of the ring and tells Miracle Violence Connection to stop ducking them because the rematch was guaranteed 2 months ago,he especially tells Terry Gordy to be a man and face him ,He and Doctor Steve Williams accept the challenge and the rematch is on for Night 8!
  • Misawa/Kenta Kobashi Def Jumbo Tsuruta/Msanobu Fuchi in 21;46


Night 8

  • The Fantastics Def Mighy Inoue/Jun Izumida
  • Okuma Def Robert Gibson
  • The Great Kabuki/CC Skip Def Haruka Eigen/The Patriot
  • Akira Taue/Masanobu Fuchi Def Fire Cat/Ricky Morton
  • Dean/Joe Malenko Def Rusher Kimura/Mark Youngblood
  • The 27-minute brawl between Stan Hansen/Dan Spivey and Miracle Violence Connection was a wild, brutal showdown that earned a 4.5-star rating from Dave Meltzer. In a match marked by sheer physicality and relentless aggression, these four men unleashed a spectacle of destruction that left the audience in awe. Every minute was packed with hard-hitting action, from devastating lariats to high-impact power moves, keeping fans on the edge of their seats until the very end. It wasn't just a match; it was an unforgettable display of toughness and resilience, cementing its place in wrestling history. Terry Gordy looked very dissapoinetd.
  • WINNER- Stan Hansen/Dan Spivey


Night  9

  • Abdullah The Butcher Def Jun Izumida
  • Might Inoue/Teranishi Def Momota/Okuma
  • The Rock N Roll Express Def The Patriot/The Great Kabuki
  • Joel Deaton/Billy Black Def The Fantastics
  • Joe/Dean Malenko Def Rusher Kimura/Masanobu Fuchi
  • Super Generation Army ( Kawada/Misawa/Kikuchi) Def CC Skip/Jackie Fulton/Mark Youngblood


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AJPW Super Power Series {15 Nights}


Night 10

  • Mighty Inoue Def Jun Izumida
  • The Fantastics Def Haruka Eigen/Momota
  • Terry Funk Def Okuma
  • Rusher Kimura/CC Skip Def Abdullah The Butcher/Jackie Fulton
  • Doug Furnas/Dan Kroffat Def The Great Kabuki/Mark Youngblood
  • Akira Taue/Jumbo Tsuruta Def Kawada/Kikuchi in 21:10
  • Misawa announces that he is facing Akira Taue at Night 15 !


Night 11

  • Okuma/Momota Def The Patriot/The Great Kabuki
  • Bobby Fulton Def CC Skip
  • Haruka Eigen/Abdullah The Butcher Def The Rock N Roll Express
  • Dean/Joe Malenko Def Mighty Inoue/Rusher Kimura
  • Dory Funk/Terry Funk Def Jackie Fulton/Mark Youngblood
  • Misawa/Kawada Def Joel Deaton/Billy Black


Night  12

  • The Great Kabuki Def The Patriot
  • Rusher Kimura/Haruka Eigen Def Jun Izumida/CC Skip
  • The Rock N Roll Express Def Mighy Inoue/Mark Youngblood
  • Joel Deaton/Billy Black  Def Momota/Jackie Fulton
  • Doug Furnas/Dan Kroffat Def Abdullah The Butcher/Bobby Fulton
  • Kenta Kobashi/Kikuchi Def Jumbo Tsuruta/Masanobu Fuchi


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AJPW Super Power Series {15 Nights}


Night 13

  • Rusher Kimura/The Great Kabuki Def The Patriot/Haruka Eigen
  • Billy Black Def Jun Izumida
  • Momota/CC Skip Def The Rock N Roll Express
  • Dean/Joe Malenko Def Mighty Inoue/Mark Youngblood
  • Tsuyoshi Kikuchi Def Fire Cat to retain the AJPW Jr.World Heavyweight Title
  • Misawa/Kawada Def Bobby/Jackie Fulton


Night 14

  • Rusher Kimura Def Jun Izumida
  • Momota/The Patriot Def Joel Deaton/Billy Black
  • Mark/Chris Youngblood Def The Great Kabuki/Fire Cat
  • The Fantastics Defeated Jackie Fulton/CC Skip
  • Jumbo Tsuruta/Masanobu Fuchi Def The Funks
  • Abdullah The Butcher and Ace N Smith Def Dean/Joe Malenko and Robert Gibson




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