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Lost in Translation to Kayfabe-land: Can you explain the "self-explanatory"?

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First off, this isn't a "flame the game" thread. *I like the game*. I would probably LOVE the game if I understood more than a third of what was going on. The help files state "Most of the statistics... are self-explanatory" Well, maybe I'm an idiot but no, they really aren't to me. They're *pretty* self-explanatory *in TEW*, but over in the imaginary universe where wrestling is real, things get blurry. If energy is based on pop, what does toughness do? does Psychology do *anything*? Does Basics have its own effect, or just cap other skills, and so on. There just seems to be a lack of information on "what affects what" which is crucial in any strategy game. Is there a skill-by-skill rundown out there ( complete or not)? If not could someone more knowledgable try throwing one together, or just post a few observations you've made? (Hey Adam, kudos for being so active on the board. Howbout throwing together a page on skill interactions?) If you , In particular is there a skill that helps get better bookings? Sorry about the long general post but if I posted all my questions individually thered be 27 of them. And once again, this is not intended as a flame. And thanks in advance for any help. Peace Mick
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That doesn't really answer his question Jon. He wants to know what the stats do in [b]Wrestling Spirit 2[/b] not TEW2005. He already said he knows what they do in TEW. I too am curious about what purpose psychology and toughness and stuff like that do in WreSpi2. Only thing I can think of is that they might help get you signed someplace.
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I can't say for certain but my assumption on most of the seemingly useless skills was that they dictate who will and wont hire you to some degree (weather it is small degree or a large one). IE the sports entertainment feds looking for higher entertainment skills. *EDIT* Also I haven't really looked into moves and makin movesets but don't what moves ya can do have requirements? Maybe some figure into those?
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland]Post a list of what is confusing you and I'll give you a definition of each.[/QUOTE] This is what keeps me coming back to these games. (Besides the fact that they just rock) Seven replies in twelve hours including one from the guy who wrote the game. Awesome. So I got my 27 questions down to four basic ones: Do Psychology and Toughness have any in-ring effect? Do Basics and Athleticism do anything by themselves or just act as caps for other skills? Is there a skill or skills that help you get bigger matches once you're signed? And the big important one that caused the first post: What skills affect each standard counter? I keep getting "easily" countered on moves where it seems I should have the advantage. Big Thanks to everyone who helped out, especially Adam (I'm still waiting to hear back from Sid Meier on the Civ forums :D ) Peace Mick
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Ok.. Lets get into this, my two cents to help :) Starting with the Counters!! And quote, from the help-files (yeah, there is a help button on the main menu of the game) "Finally, play to your strengths. If you are a big powerhouse, it's silly to try and slip out of moves - that's something for the cruiserweights. You should be using the Break counter to simply power your way out of trouble." "Big powerful wrestlers can withstand some moves and simply go right on the attack. They do this by using the Brace attack. It is one of the big advantages that powerful wrestlers have over everyone else. There are ways to fight back though. They can only do it when their momentum is Normal (or above), and so if you can lower their momentum early on then they will not be able to use it against you. Also, they can only do it against certain moves like strikes. If you use holds like headlocks and arm bars, or takedowns and suplexes, then they won't have a chance to do it." "Try changing your defensive strategy if you are struggling - remember, certain counters work better for certain wrestlers. If you are a Technician, use plenty of Block counters, you should be good at it." So: Powerwrestlers: Brace & Break Technical wrestlers: Block High fliers/cruisers: Avoid & slip front & back Falling on top (IMO) is for big wrestlers, size normal and above. Altough, (IMO) every type of wrestler can use falling on top, but logically it should be for bigger wrestler comparing to the attacker. If you understood. Rolling trough is for small / speedy wrestlers. --- "Do Psychology and Toughness have any in-ring effect?" I really don't know about Psychology, but, IMO toughness could improve your "armor", as you became more tough, the other wrestlers moves become less effective. I guess :D "Do Basics and Athleticism do anything by themselves or just act as caps for other skills?" I really don't know if Basics has to do with the matches in itself, thus being the main skill. You have to know the basics before advancing in some other skill, right? Athletisicm gives you more moves in your moveset. And, MAYBE your wrestler is more athletic (lol) = speedy. Don't know. I could imagine it could help slipping out of moves. Once again, I don't know the defined answer. "Is there a skill or skills that help you get bigger matches once you're signed?" No. You'll get bigger and bigger matches as you came more and more popular (altough depending on the promotion, you might be an upper-midcarder in one, and opener in the other) EDIT: There, you're happy now? :)
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[QUOTE=FINisher]"Big powerful wrestlers can withstand some moves and simply go right on the attack. They do this by using the Brace attack. It is one of the big advantages that powerful wrestlers have over everyone else."[/QUOTE] Quote the whole thing, FINisher. The part about momentum? I don't care how big you are. If your momentum's in the toilet, brace isn't gonna do very much. In the case of even momentum or with the bigger wrestler with a momentum advantage, using brace gets you the message "You try to shrug off the blow but it was too powerful" or something to that effect. And you start getting the "easily" appended onto your counters when the requisite skill gets to C or C+, I believe.
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[QUOTE]Do Psychology and Toughness have any in-ring effect?[/QUOTE] Toughness has a minor effect on some of the counters. [QUOTE]Do Basics and Athleticism do anything by themselves or just act as caps for other skills?[/QUOTE] See the fourth question. [QUOTE]Is there a skill or skills that help you get bigger matches once you're signed?[/QUOTE] No, booking is mostly by card position ("push") alone. [QUOTE]And the big important one that caused the first post: What skills affect each standard counter? I keep getting "easily" countered on moves where it seems I should have the advantage.[/QUOTE] I can't give a definitive list, but the rough outline to the major ones are: Break is to do with the size and strength of the workers. Block is to do with their technique, their power, their size and experience. Slipping Out is to do with their technique, athleticism and basics. Rushing \ Avoiding \ Moving is to do with their speed and size.
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[QUOTE=Bad Luck Brett]Personally, I'd like to know what "experience" represents in creating a worker, is it years in the business or years spent training? And also, what is the definition of an "underground" promotion?[/QUOTE] It's their experience as an active competitor. An underground promotion is an "outlaw" fed, one that promotes small fast-paced extreme shows.
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Thanks a lot for the help guys, its really helped the direction of my character (looks like I wasted a lot of money on Toughness:rolleyes: ). And props again in general to Adam for being so darn accessible. Time to take the inside scoop and use it to bash some skulls! Peace (?) Mick
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Since there's this topic already open, I'll ask my one question here: What does consistency do? Does it work with frequency to decide how often you hit moves, or how well you can string them together, or is it one of those "Bookers/owners want it so you need it to get jobs but it doesn't help much in the ring" statistics?
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[QUOTE=oldskool]Since there's this topic already open, I'll ask my one question here: What does consistency do? Does it work with frequency to decide how often you hit moves, or how well you can string them together, or is it one of those "Bookers/owners want it so you need it to get jobs but it doesn't help much in the ring" statistics?[/QUOTE] Consistency just makes you a more attractive prospect to potential employers.
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And on said topic, do the caps change over time? I mean...right now my Mat Wrestling and Chain Wrestling are capped at their start values of 55%, but I'm only 16 in the game world; will that percentage go up as I get older, or am I just stuck with that value because I'm a heavyweight?
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[QUOTE=The Franchise]I haven't really gotten a chance to see which stats affect others, so I was wondering, which stats work as "caps" for other stats. Like I know Basics is a cap for Psychology, so I'm wondering which other stats are like this.[/QUOTE] Basics is also a cap for Brawling. Athleticism is a cap for Aerial. Those are the only two I've found so far. I wonder if Athleticism is a cap for Flashiness too, but it'll be a while before I can test it out.
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I agree. This game has been great. I am one of the top posters on the IGN Wrestling forums and I have been plugging the game heavily resulting in quite a few people trying to buy it. I am also sending a letter along with a few other top posters to IGN's Wrestling game editor Jeremy Dunham. I think this game needs exposure. HOWEVER, The skills are in definite need of explanation. All of them should be broken down in an easy to understand way. That way when I invest in a skill I know what I am getting. Everyone is speculating on what does something so far. I have even heard that slip outs have to do with aerial skill only to find out after investing in it that it is not true.
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Some new ones I found: Flashiness AND Psychology are caps for Selling (can't raise Selling above either, whichever is lower will be the hard cap). Basics is a cap for Safety (can't raise Safety above it). Charisma is a cap for Star Quality (can't raise Star Quality above it). Basics AND Stamina are caps for Consistency (can't raise Consistency above either of them, whichever is lower is the hard cap) Aerial is a cap for Flashiness (can't raise Flashiness above it). Toughness is a cap for MMA Skills (can't raise MMA above it). Basics & Psychology are caps for Strong Style (can't raise Strong Style above the lowest of either of them).
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