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TCW: Three Of A Perfect Pair

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TCW Presents: Total Wrestling Episode 5

Attendence: 8,223

Location: Los Angeles California 

TV Rating: 3.07 (2,306,718 Viewers)



We get a little recap of the PPV to start off the show. We see both the Main and Co Main event as well as several highlights of other matches. The crowd starts to cheer near the end, because we see Ricky Dale Johnson appear to end the show! We cut to the arena, where we see...














"Texan Justice" Ricky Dale Johnson is here again! 

The crowd is on it's feet, as RDJ starts his walk to the ring. He wears a slick blue vest over his formal wear, with sparkling cowboy boots on his feet. He waves to the crowd like a politician almost, and is clearly got some business to say. 

"Hello Los Angeles! I haven't been here in years now! Way before I retired, back in 2014, I wrestled my last match here. A great match against the current world champion actually...which is sadly why I'm here. After two and a half years away from TCW, things have become more and more...out of control. I used to be the man in the locker room punching whoever messes with the show out, in the defense of course of TCW. But, for now, I stand here not as a wrestler, but as a man sent out by the higher ups to deal with this mess. I am officially the General Manager for TCW, to hold the wrestlers accountable and not have this constant chaos continue. No Wolf Hawkins randomly attacking, no more stables all swarming wrestlers, none of it! And...if you're not down for it, then I might have to pull out my patent right hand! Tonight we have a 4v4 Tag Team Main event, where Aaron Andrews, Devine Fortune, and Human Arsenal go toe to toe with The Syndicate. And I will be watching, and preparing for consequences if things go awry. Do not mess, with RDJ...."

The crowd gives one last huge cheer as RDJ smiles again, and leaves the ring. These two groups want to kill each other, and Ricky will have his work cut out for him. 






Television Championship Match



Another TV title match for champion Greg Gauge, who is up against a tough opponent in Marc Speed. As we saw on the go home show of the PPV, Speed's help in the title match came at a cost, and that meant a future target in Gauge's title! The match starts with a series of quick grappling exchanges, showcasing how technical both wrestlers are. Marc Speed is trained in this submission based style , and it's keeping Greg Gauge off balance. He hits a flurry of arm drags and dropkicks to simply outwork Gauge. Gauge goes to his level technically speaking, reversing everything he possibly can. Speed  dominate the early minutes of this match with his speed (it's in his name.) He starts executing a variety of chokeholds which tired Gauge to the ground. Eventually he brings him back up though, bringing him to a corner, landing a series of sharp chops to his stomach. He then hits a snap suplex! Cover:
















KICKOUT!  Gauge is fired up now! Speed goes for another suplex but this time, Gauge reverses it, picks him up, and lands a powerbomb! Using his own technical knowledge from his father, Gauge transitions into a series of leglock type holds. Speed manages to reach the ropes to break a particularly painful single-leg Boston crab Both wrestlers, who are hurting, engage in a back-and-forth battle in the center of the ring with a series of forearms to the head. Speed attempts to quicken the pace again, nailing Gauge with a spinning heel kick followed by a quick succession of suplexes. Speed finally turns Greg into a pretzel, with an Octopus lock! Gauge riles around in the center of the ring, trying to throw speed off him, finally throwing himself into the corner.  Sensing the end is near, Gauge throws Speed to the top rope, and goes for a suplex, only for Speed to push him off! Speed rarely goes for anything on the top rope, but he goes for a missile dropkick! Gauge moves out, twists Speed around, and locks in the Proton Lock!!! Speed tries to twist and pull but no one in TCW has ever gotten out of the proton lock! He is forced to tap out!


Still champion, Gauge stands up victorious! The referee gives him the belt, and he raises it up! But then. 













Benny And Flying Jimmy Foxx are here! They both come down giving their usaul high fives, before point down to Gauge, who scoffs at the pair. They still have their gripes with the champion, but before it could advance











Edd Stone is also Here! The professional party animal races past the pair and slides into the ring, and points at that belt Gauge has. It looks like a brawl might go down, before Benson and Floxx also enter the ring, arguing with both men. Even though Stone has the next shot, it seems Benny And The Foxx don't care! The aruging continues, but the crowd lets off a gasp, as far above the ring.




















Nick Booth is in the rafters! He stares down everyone in the ring, as the crowd and everyone in the ring murmers. Gauge takes the opprotunity to leave though, rolling out of the bottom rope and holding his championship belt in the air again! What is going to happen?!?!






We get another highlight package for Elliot Thomas with his skater vibes. Some more on Venice Beach which is near where TCW is holding tonight's show. It is revealed though he returns next week. 



We head backstage and we see two people arguing


"Freddy, I can't with you!"


"No no no no no! You wanna know what month it is Freddy! Feburary! You wanna know who you run and tell me who you're facing? The god damn doctor of love! He wins like 90% of his matches in February. This is stupid!"

"This is the perfect way to get my momentum back!"

"This is the perfect way for you to lose! I'm not going out there!"

"Laura please!"


"Excuse me...do y'all happen to know where Mr. Bright has been?"

Freddy was about to respond, before Laura interrupted. 

"Down the left, should be where he is working out."

"Thanks....love what you did with your hair."

Freddy looks ready to punch Roddy, but slides away pretty quickly, he follows Laura's directions and find Bright standing stretching out his knees


"T-Bone! What do the five fingers say to the face?"



Slipknot's Corey Taylor Slapped WWE's Baron Corbin At 2015 'Aftershock Festival' - Theprp.com

A stunned T-Bone Bright goes off balance as Roderick Remus punches him several times, before throwing him through some backstage equipment. Remus is still livid about that loss 2 weeks ago, and wants to make T-Bone pay!




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The match begins with Freddy Huggins aggressively attacking Danny Fonzarelli, several big forearms and leg kicks by the smaller competitor. The bigger Fonzarelli absorbs the punches, and deflects a dropkick attempt by Freddy! Fonzarelli starts to assert his dominance with some entertaining closed fists to Freddy's smug face. Freddy stops it though, and goes for a flying crossbudy but Danny slams him to the mat with a thunderous scoop slam. Fonzarelli follows up with a series of methodical stomps and powerful elbow drops, wearing Huggins down and slowing the pace to his liking. Huggins, despite being battereddoes a kick up and hits a big enziguri to Danny's head. He ducks under a big boot from Fonzarelli and counters with a missile dropkick, followed by a flurry of punches and a neckbreaker that forces a cheer out of the anti Huggins crowd. Danny's attempt to lift Fonzarelli for a suplex backfires, as Fonzarelli’s weight advantage allows him to block the move and retaliate with a crushing belly-to-belly suplex. With Huggins reeling, Fonzarelli starts entertaining the crowd with his next moves. He uses his strength to deliver a series of backbreakers and a devastating powerslam. Without his sister's support, Huggins appears visibly frustrated and desperate. He makes one last-ditch effort to turn the tide. He escapes a bearhug from Fonzarelli with a series of sharp elbows to the head, then hits the ropes and connects with a springboard clothesline that knocks Fonzarelli down. Sensing an opportunity, Huggins climbs to the top rope for a double foot stomp, but Fonzarelli catches him in mid-air with a spinebuster. With Huggins incapacitated, Fonzarelli hoists him up and delivers a massive powerbomb, for the three-count. Danny Fonzarelli stands tall as the victor, while Huggins lies defeated, adding another loss to this losing streak. 


Fonzarelli meanwhile stands tall in the ring, and motions for the microphone. 


"Dr. Love can still win some matches y'know...hehe. Now ladies, first off tonight, make sure you meet your boytoys and give them a very big kiss for me tonight. Especially Ms. Love at home...but let's talk in the ring for a second. February is the Month of Love, and I think there's one way to prove that....Aaron....come out here."










The World Champion is here! 

The crowd cheer here the loudest they have all night. Andrews comes down with a nice grin and clearly enjoying the moment. He slides under the bottom rope as the fans continue their cheers! he stands in front of Dr. Love as he continues. 

"I have wrestled here for 16 years now. 16 years up and down America as Love's stalwart here in TCW. There has been one title, one honor that has eluded me all these years...the World Championship! Give me the honor, next week, just 5 days before Valentines Day, to do my darndest to become world champion....I beg of thee for just that honor."

Andrews thinks for a moment, scratching his chin. He looks towards the audience which cheers again.....and he shakes the hand of Dr. Love! A world title match, next week! 





We head backstage again, this time


Freddy has an ice pack, and Laura is digging into him.

"What would our family think Freddy! Your ma, your pa! Come the hell on Freddy, You're a failure."

"Maybe you should wrestle then Laura! This stuff is hard man, I have gone blow to blow with some of the best and I expect you to stand by me when I am losing!"

"I would if you weren't such a cocky little-"

Laura is interrupted though, as another wrestler steps into frame

















Troy Tornado!?!?! The crowd cheers the California legend

"Hey, sorry for interrupting, but clearly"

"Look Freddy, a bigger loser then you!"

"But more confident in myself compared to your depressed brother here. Listen. I have a cousin named Frank, he's a licensed and professional therapist. He works with dysfunctional families like you....give him a call, please."

He gives the brother and sister a card, and walks off. Laura and Freddie look confused to each other, as the segment ends.



We remain backstage after a short break, to see....


Submission King Marc Speed healing from his wounds. Greg Gauge went toe to toe with him technically there, and almost made a fool out of him by not being dominated on the ground. As he bandages up.




















This smug asshole approaches.

"Ah, Mark! Marky Marc? Got Marked huh? Well, my mark on YOU to be my partner remains in full speed. Hehehehe"

The crowd boos hard at the puns. 

"Listen, you and I would make the best team. I can show you, around the world on my Daddies expensive jet. All you'd need to do was help me become a champion here in TCW! What do you say?"

He extends his hand, Speed looks at it for a second, but scoffs and turns away to walk off. Courtney tries to grab him only to get slapped for his troubles. his match is right up next, and he's distracted.





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The match kicks off with Edd Stone hyping up the crowd, feeding off their energy as he circles Jeremie Courtney. Stone uses his agility to dodge Courtney’s initial slow, methodical strikes and grappling attempts. He counters with a series of playful yet effective moves, including a big kip-up and a flashy arm drag, which elicits loud cheers from the audience. Stone continues to entertain with his high-energy style, hitting Courtney with a standing dropkick followed by a running bulldog. Courtney, visibly frustrated, tries to slow the pace by grabbing Stone in a headlock, grinding him down to the mat. The crowd boos Courtney’s tactics, but he remains unfazed, determined to win even if the crowd is disappointed by his style. Courtney takes further control, landing heavy punches and stomps to keep Stone grounded. He whips Stone into the corner and follows up with a big boot then a series of body blows, drawing more boos from the crowd. Stone rallies back with a jawbreaker, breaking free from Courtney’s grasp and executing a spinning body kick that floors his opponent. The momentum is now fully shifted back to Stone as he gets the crowd hyped with a series of crowd-pleasing moves. He nails a springboard moonsault and then a tilt-a-whirl headscissors, each move receiving thunderous applause. Courtney, looking desperate, tries to cut Stone’s momentum by exposing the turnbuckle! He goes for the big hit with the turnbuckles but Stone ducks and hits a tornado DDT. Stone seizes the moment to finish the match. He whips Courtney into the ropes and catches him with a high-impact party popper (a modified facebuster). With the crowd chanting his name, Stone climbs to the top rope and leaps off, executing his signature move, the "Party Over" (a diving senton). He hooks the leg.



















Edd Stone celebrates with the fans, dancing and clapping to his theme as the crowd roars in approval! A big win before his title match next week against Greg Gauge.





We head to a video package, this time with 








One Man Army and Triple D! They both sit at a local bar, filled with a younger population of party drinkers.

"Unlike these kids, partying ain't our game." scoffs OMA, almost under his breath. "Our game is simple though. We fight. Bare knuckle, hell raising, box as many guys out. But, as you saw last week, I need to heal after one of these fights simply didn't go our way...."

"We will be back quickly though. Some alcohol always heals wounds. But when we come back those tag team titles are all but ours......" Triple D says as the segment finishes off. 






The match starts with Mighty Mo and Maverick circling each other, the crowd firmly behind Mo with loud cheers. Mo uses his explosive energy to take the early advantage, delivering powerful shoulder blocks and a series of rapid-fire punches that send Maverick reeling. Maverick, trying to slow the pace, retreats to the ropes, drawing boos from the audience. He regains composure and starts to grapple with Mo stopping any more punches. He targets Mo's legs with some oblique like kicks and a well-executed dragon screw leg whip, trying to cut down his mobility. Maverick then transitions to a ground game, applying a single-leg Boston crab, and while Mo struggles, he eventually powers out with his strength, pushing Maverick off with his free leg. Maverick attempts to maintain control with a mix of technical holds and big powerslams, showing the impressive strength he has. He delivers a suplex followed by a spine-rattling backbreaker. The crowd boos as Maverick taunts them, but Mighty Mo feeds off the negative energy, rallying with a series of clotheslines and a huge overhead belly-to-belly suplex that sends Maverick across the ring. Mighty Mo's athletic stamina shines as he maintains a relentless pace, hitting Maverick with a powerful running powerslam. Maverick, showing resilience, counters an attempted suplex into a swinging neckbreaker, nearly getting a three-count. Frustrated, Maverick argues with the referee, giving Mo a couple seconds to recover. Maverick stops the arguing and attempts to set up for his finisher, Mo counters with a backdrop, gaining momentum. He fires up the crowd with a series of high-impact moves, including a running shoulder tackle and a massive spinebuster that shakes the ring. The audience is on their feet, cheering wildly for Mo. Mo signals for his finisher, the plunging spinebuster. Maverick, desperate, tries to mount a last-ditch effort with some slaps to Mo, but Mo is at a hyped high. Maverick goes for a running forearm but Mo catches him With the crowd roaring, Mo lifts Maverick high and drives him into the mat with the plunging spinebuster. The impact is decisive, and Mo covers Maverick for the three-count.



"Eddie Peak! I know you didn't come tonight, you're an old man who knows you can't beat me! So when you see me fight your goons, you instead cheat just to keep your supposed monster champions alive. I was right there....RIGHT THERE! And yet, Eddie, you took it away from me and made an enemy out of me FOR LIFE! I will go to the ends of the earth to get revenge, even if it means finding you in whatever monster caves you have set up! I will do all that just for revenge! I am Mighty.....Mighty.....MMMMMMMighty Mo, and I will take you down Eddie Peak. 

The crowd cheer as a determined Mo leaves the ring. The next match is next up, with each Syndicate member staring down Mo as he heads up the ramp.



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The match begins with Aaron Andrews and Wolf Hawkins squaring off, the crowd buzzing with excitement. Wolf looked displeased at the cheers, and was getting ready to tag in one of his Syndicate buddies, before changing mind and brawling with AA! The TCW World Champion slows the brawling with some quick twists and turns taking Hawkins down into a neck hold. While the world champion might hate Hawkins, he is also a step ahead on all fronts wrestling wise, and will not be pulled into the temper or The Alpha. Hawkins, determined to prove he is still on AA's level, matches Andrews grappling with his own. They exchange holds and counters before separating, proving to be technically matched. The crowd cheers as both men slowly go to their corners tagging in their partners. Chance Fortune and Eddie Chandler enter next, with Fortune using his low-impact style to outmaneuver Chandler, who responds with his own technical moves. The crowd is firmly behind Andrews’ team, cheering every move, as the match continues to be a slow technical affair. A key exchange was Chandler going for a big forearm only for Chance to do the splits to avoid it, following it with a hurricarana that hypes the crowd up. Darryl Devine and Nate Johnson are tagged in, with Devine leveraging his experience in the ring to control the pace. Johnson, despite his technical ability, struggles against Devine’s cunning maneuvers, with Devine ducking and weaving while giving nice leg kicks in the process. The action remains back-and-forth, with both teams frequently tagging in and out. Both Arsenal and Hammond go face to face, but they are evenly technical, with Arsenal only getting the advantage due to key blunders by The Mercenary. Hammond, still reeling from his recent world title match loss to Andrews, manages to give a sneaky eyerake to Arsenal, and tags in Hawkins. The Alpha quickly gives a big boot to Arsenal, jeering the near nuclear audience in the process. The match intensifies as all eight competitors have had their time in the ring. The Syndicate uses quick tags and double-team maneuvers to isolate whicher teammate of Andrews was in the ring. They espically focused on Devine Fortunes past injuries. Fortune, in the ring at the time, started showing incredible resilience. He manages to create separation and tags in Aaron Andrews, who clears the ring of tagged in Nate Johnson.  The crowd erupts as Andrews hits a superkick on Chandler on the apron, followed by and a tornado DDT on Hammond who tried to enter the ring. Wolf Hawkins, not to be outdone, blindsides Andrews and the brawl spills outside the ring. Pure chaos erupts at this point, as Team Andrews take everyone but Johnson out of the ring to brawl. All eight men are fighting in and out of the ring, with the referee struggling to maintain control. Human Arsenal twists Hammond up and around and slams him on the floor, then applying a devastating crossface, only for Chandler to break it up. Devine Fortune double-team Johnson in the ring now, while Andrews and Hawkins continue their personal war. The action becomes uncontrollable, with bodies flying over the top rope and crashing into the barricades. Johnson and Andrews, the legal men, are out of the ring, and the referee, overwhelmed by the mayhem, starts the count as none of the wrestlers show signs of returning to the ring.









More brawling, no one seems to care or notice!




















A double count out! The crowd boos but the bell ringing gives an excuse for The Syndicate to pull out weapons. They try to hammer chair on Team Andrews, only for them to be reversed! This sends The Synidcate up the ramp and Andrews with the weapons in the ring. 





Champion and challenger stare down as both teams knaw are yell at each other. As this is happening....

























"GENTLEMEN! I was brought here to solve this conflict that has overtaken the company. And...I might have just the idea."

"At War to Settle The Score...there won't be just 1 ring. There will be two! As you 8, Chris Flynn, and another partner of Aaron Andrews will fight in:











Cage Wars!!!!!

The crowd erupts as both teams look on in shock. What will this mean for TCW? What will Wolf Hawkins do now that his world championship shot seems to be delayed? Who will be the fifth man? We run out of time before we can answer any of those questions! 


Show Rating: 77

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Shifty425 3/5

Newbiezness 2/5




@Shifty425 26/33

@newbiezness 23/33

KyTeren 20/28

Knkmaster 10/13

Wrestling Master 7/10

JayNO 3/5

Charismatic Enigma 3/5



TCW: Three Of A Perfect Pair has returned. Thanks for the predictions 2 months ago, hopefully I don't go on that long of a break ever again. 

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TCW: Live In Tulsa! 




World Heavyweight Championship: 

(c) Aaron Andrews vs Danny Fonzarelli 




Chance Fortune vs Chris Flynn



Freddy Huggins vs Mighty Mo



Alan Parent vs Elliot Thomas 



TCW Television Championship

 (c) Greg Gauge vs Edd Stone


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