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Relationships with training facilities

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Obviously, we already have some kind of relationships between training facilities and companies exist, since we have dojos and performance centers, but I'd find it interesting to be able to create some kind of relationships with Wrestling Schools as well.

In real life, we know that some companies will often offer a chance to workers from some training schools, even though they do not own it: the Nightmare Factory students will have a much better chance to be hired as jobbers in AEW, etc. Furthermore, sometimes, just having in their roster (either the current one or in the past) a worker who also has their own wrestling school is enough to have the students be more likely to go there, etc.

As such, I'd propose this:

- Bookers who have a good relationship with a School Owner would get messages when a promising student is graduating

- AI Bookers would be more likely to hire/use workers from the schools owned by someone they have a positive relationship with

- Relationships with wrestling schools would also be influenced by how often and how well you're using their graduates, as well as the possibility for companies that have workers under written contracts (so as to not abuse it) to send money towards those schools

- Whenever you have a good relationship with a school owner, or they actually work for you, going into the "Hiring Locals" would still give you free workers based in the region, but also graduates of those schools that are free for the night, simulating how school owners would be willing to "promote" their students, and offer them a chance to broaden their horizons. This could however be limited by either age, years of experience, and/or pop/reputation if we don't want players to abuse it by hiring popular workers on one-night-deal every show so they can sign better workers that would refuse an ongoing contract. Likewise, I'd probably limit it to workers available in your area, so you don't simply sign a worker who have a wrestling school in Japan or Mexico, and suddenly have people willing to travel to the other side of the Earth just because their mentor is working in the USA.

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