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[Thunderverse] Back in the Game

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National Wrestling Federation

Based in T-Verse, 2021

Company Profile:

Established in 2021 by the duo of Bobby Valentine II and 'Cowboy' Magnum Kirchart, NWF looks set to deliver a more throwback style product, with a key focus on gimmicks, characters and storytelling over the more modern athletic style. While insane feats of athleticism are welcomed, they are designed to be part of a meaningful and overarching story, designed to elicit emotion and action reminiscent of that seen in WWW in the 80s and 90s. Differing from AWF in that NWF offers a more mature and edgier product, and a less sports-based presentation than PWI, NWF aims to fill a niche in the market that is currently untapped in the world of wrestling on a national scale in the US.

NWF are based in Chicago, IL. They have $1,000,000 in the bank, funded entirely by their founder and chairman, Bobby Valentine II, and currently have a popularity of 35 across all regions of America as a result of hype and expectation surrounding the company's launch.

They currently have a broadcasting deal with REALity TV, an online subscription service based in the USA. REALity are said to be a medium-sized broadcaster, with coverage on a national scale. NWF are scheduled to run one 90-minute weekly TV show, NWF Unplugged, as well as 6 premium events on an annual basis, culminating in Week 2 of December with NWF Clash of the Titans.

In demonstration of his commitment to grow the company and genuinely compete with PWI and AWF in the long-run, Bobby Valentine has decided to sign all contracted workers to exclusive written contracts, for a minimum term of 2 years. In the interest of maintaining long-held relationships and avoiding any tampering allegations, Valentine has also made the decision not to sign wrestlers currently contracted to any larger companies, instead focusing on free agents and wrestlers under handshake deals with smaller companies. The full list of companies not to be signed from are:


Any workers whose contract are up for renewal, are, however, fair game.



It's the summer of 2020 and Bobby Valentine, Jr is sat by his pool with a cocktail in hand, when he calls his longtime friend and ex-colleague, 'Cowboy' Magnum Kirchart:


Bobby: "Cowboy, hi, it's Bobby Valentine. Thanks for taking the call."

Magnum: "Junior? How are you, buddy? What can I do for you? Long time no speak, haven't heard from you in years - not since I left AWF back in 2018."

Bobby: "Yeah, I haven't heard from you either!" Bobby laughs. "Anyway, pal, the reason for the call... I've been thinking"

Magnum: "Oh boy, what are you getting yourself into now?"

Bobby: "I've been thinking of getting Back in the Game. I've been out a long time but, I look at today's market - and the way the business is headed - and I think there's a gap that I can fill."

Magnum: "Okay?"

Bobby: "Well, firstly, I wanted to bounce a few things off of you. Get your initial thoughts and put the feelers out to see if I can hook you in."

Magnum: "Bobby, with all due respect, you're a long time friend and I'm more than happy to help you out with anything you need, but - we're not getting any younger. I just had my 60th birthday, I left the business 3 years ago when my deal with AWF was up. I'm not sure if I've got another run left in me. And besides, do you really want to get back into the business at this stage? You've been out since the mid-2000s."

Bobby: "Let me run you through the concept before you say yes or no."

Magnum: "Tough sell, but go on - shoot."

Bobby: "I look across the landscape today.. PWI and AWF are great, but no one really gets it. The modern moves and flashiness and athleticism, it looks great. But it's not sustainable - and the fans have seen it all. PWI can do the sports-based product, but let's be real. The fans know the gig by now. AWF caters to the kiddies with it’s PG-rated squeaky clean ‘sports entertainment’ - fine. There's a huge market there and they do what they do well. You have your NCW's and PWSux for the hard-hitting, bloody warfare matches, if you can call PWSux wrestling..."

Magnum: "Yep, I see - but what's your concept?"

Bobby: "I think there could be a market for the WWW-model. A bit of gimmickry, a bit of hokiness, sure. But a modern twist - you can have the modern moves and the sports presentation. But what's really missing - and what really draws - the characters. The story. Bringing that into the modern era, a TV-focused concept that's easy to consume, but not overly sanitised for the kids. Let's have a bit of edge, but keep our sponsors happy. Essentially, it's your grandpa's wrestling for the modern consumer."

Magnum: "Bobby, I'm 60 - my grandpa was born in 1906. And you think this can work?"

Bobby: "Okay, maybe for us.. it's our dad's wrestling. The one we used to go to at the weekends that sold out 60,000 tickets. But you get the point. I've got the money. I've started to draw up a roster, put the feelers out to my partners at the networks... from what I've seen and heard so far, there's a real appetite for this."

Magnum: "Okay, and what's my part in all of this?"

Bobby: "You're my right-hand man. Lead producer, assistant head of creative and talent relations."

Magnum: "Talk me through your roster. Who have you got?"

Bobby: "So, top guys, we're looking at Bishop, Bryce Christensen, Angelo Justice - Drake Richards has crossed my mind."

Magnum: "Drake Richards?!" Laughing. "Bobby, he'll want moviestar money. I know you did well throughout your career but... come on."

Bobby: "I can dream! But, the other guys, definitely doable."

Magnum: "Have you thought about Shay Kinsella?"

Bobby: "He's 42 and hasn't drawn for a big company since 2005!"

Magnum: "He's the ultimate indy darling. He’s hot right now. He could get some eyes on the product."

Bobby: "So, sounds like you're in?"

Magnum: "Oh, Bobby. I’ll think on it. What's your distribution?"

Bobby: "We've got a few choices. Danger! Network, Real Life, I was thinking talks with USTV but the deal they have with NCW could be a stumbling block..."

Magnum: "You want modern? What about a streaming service? You can go to traditional TV, but it's a declining market these days. I've got a contact at REALity who we could try. On-demand streaming, easy to consume. And no head-to-head competition. Plus, they've got the subscribers. We'd get more eyes on the product..."

Bobby: "See, this is why I need you on board. Let's meet for lunch. We can talk about it."

Magnum: "Next Thursday?"

Bobby: "See you then. Chicago - I'll send you the details."

Magnum: Chicago? I'm in Florida."

Bobby: “See ya Thursday.” *Hangs up*


Snippet of a TEW Newsletter post outlining the plans for the new company:

Total Extreme Wrestling Newsletter, 22nd November 2020: New Valentine-led company looks set to move forwards, AWF World Title Change, and more

Written by Danny Melton & Billy Alvaro


The plans previously shared in the TEW Newsletter of a new company, headed by Bobby Valentine II, took another step forwards today, we have learned. TEW can exclusively report that Valentine has held meetings with a number of networks, as well as streaming services, to secure distribution for his new wrestling federation, at this stage referred to as Project Renaissance.

We have heard that workers such as Bishop, Justice Supreme and The Starr Brothers may have already signed exclusive, guaranteed-money deals conditionally, based on whether a distribution agreement can be struck with a major provider.


Valentine hopes to make a formal announcement by the end of the year, with shows starting towards the end of January.


Current plans seem to follow a traditional schedule, with 1 weekly show on a TV network and regular premium events broadcasted through a Pay-Per-View provider, though we understand discussions are also ongoing with REALity TV, the on-demand subscription service, to take full exclusivity of all company programming.


In other news this week:

- AWF’s Fall Brawl event this weekend saw CORE defeat Derrick Romeo for the AWF World title, ending Romeo’s year long reign with the belt. 

- See full Fall Brawl reactions, results and match ratings here.

- An update on PWI’s creative plans for top star and more 


Full news available to subscribers, just $9.99 a month  for full access to daily, weekly and monthly news @ TEWNEWSLETTER




NWF Announcement via press release, 1st January, 2021:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 1st January, 2021



CHICAGO, IL - January 1, 2021, REALity TV, a market-leading integrated media company that invests in, produces and distributes on-demand video entertainment content, has entered into an exclusive content licensing agreement with Robert "Bobby" Valentine II and Marcus "Magnum" Kirchart under National Wrestling Federation, Inc. (NWF).


The agreement grants REALity TV exclusive distribution rights across North America of all NWF programming, including a weekly 90-minute on-demand show, NWF Unplugged, as well as 6 annual premium events to be broadcasted live on REALity TV and captured for on-demand viewing, free to all REALity TV subscribers.


"We're extremely excited to be working with Bobby and Magnum", said Fred Wright, chief executive offer of REALity TV, inc. "We feel there is a huge opportunity within the world of professional wrestling and with Bobby and Magnum's over 80 years of combined experience in the wrestling business, we see this as a long-term partnership and an opportunity to grow both the business of professional wrestling, an industry I've long held great respect for, and to increase the audience of REALity TV and drive our subscriber count, generating incremental revenue of an expected $15 million per annum."


Bobby Valentine said of the agreement "I can't wait to get back into the business as chairman and head promoter of our newest venture, NWF. Aiming to deliver an exciting product suitable both for modern audiences and historical fans of pro wrestling, NWF will deliver story and character-driven wrestling for a new audience, showcasing compelling storylines as well as contemporary wrestling athleticism combined with cutting edge production."


As part of the deal, 2-year NWF talent contracts have also been offered to wrestling stars Albert Bishop, Gary "Justice Supreme" Nevis, and veteran tag team Billy and Brandon Starr. More details on creative plans and roster announcements will be published soon.




NWF Unplugged will debut on REALity TV in 3 weeks time, starting Wednesday, January Week 3, 2021.




Other Housekeeping:

1. This is my first time doing a diary in as much detail as this, so I'm definitely learning as I go! I've been a keen reader of other diaries over the years, albeit lurking rather than contributing, but I'm really looking forward to getting stuck in and developing my writing/booking skills, developing individual characters and telling some fun stories!

2. Each post of this diary will feature one show, either an episode of Unplugged or a Premium Event, as well as a section at the end that is written in non-kayfabe, from my own perspective about how I feel the save is going, what I'm enjoying/struggling with, any more gamey-style commentary, etc. in a section called 'Booker's Notes'.

3. Please feel free to participate in predictions, offer suggestions, commentary etc. on this diary - as per point 1, I'm very much new to this and still learning, so any feedback (positive and negative) is extremely helpful and appreciated!

4. IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: I'm conscious that the name of the company is identical to another diary already posted here, ran in the C-Verse - given that the other diary has been ongoing for a while and fairly well received here, and out of respect for the creator, I've opted not to include the company name in the title of this diary in order to not cause confusion amongst readers. I thought about changing the name of the company, but given I've already made a series of assets with the NWF branding, and the fact that this company name predates this diary (it's a name I'd previously used in a real world save I briefly posted on Reddit back in 2019), I figured that this was the fairest thing to do without 1. causing confusion amongst users and trying to piggyback off the traction of another diary, and 2. create myself a load of work in having to redesign assets and come up with another name that I'm happy with. Hopefully you understand and appreciate the compromise!



Edited by AidanLFC1
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Angelo Justice, Main Eventer (Babyface)


- The classic super-face, Angelo stands up for courage, determination and justice above all. Originally hailing from Australia, Angelo has submerged himself in American culture and now resides in Los Angeles. Previously worked as Justice Supreme.

Bailey Hall, Lower Card (Babyface)


- A young and energetic white meat babyface, Bailey, along with his partner, Chase Hampton, form the tag team The Real Deal.

Billy Starr, Main Eventer (Babyface)


- Paired with his brother Brandon, Billy makes up one half of the Starr Boys tag team. They are masters of tag team wrestling, blending technical skill with high-flying abilities. Led by James Heatley, a wrestling mastermind, The Starrs look set to dominate the NWF Tag ranks for years to come.

Bishop, Main Eventer (Heel)


- Towering behemoth, Bishop is a veteran of the ring. A former AWF World Champ and famous Gaijin in Japan, Bishop has been and done it all. He is now seeking one final run as a top star in a national company.

Billy Starr, Main Eventer (Babyface)


- Paired with his brother Billy, Brandon makes up one half of the Starr Boys tag team. They are masters of tag team wrestling, blending technical skill with high-flying abilities. Led by James Heatley, a wrestling mastermind, The Starrs look set to dominate the NWF Tag ranks for years to come.

Bryce Christensen, Main Eventer (Babyface)


- Bryce is stepping into the next phase of his career as a solo act, having previously been in successful tag teams with Chris Candell as the New California Blondes, and Jonah Huntley as The Christensens. Expectations on Bryce heading into his solo run are through the roof, he is seen a future star but already good enough to be a main eventer for NWF.

Chase Hampton, Lower Card (Babyface)


- A young and energetic white meat babyface, Chase, along with his partner, Bailey Hall, form the tag team The Real Deal.

Derek Grace, Midcard (Heel)


- Derek Grace is one of the most refined in-ring workers on the planet. But boy does he let you know it. Normally, a daredevil of Grace's calibre would be a much-loved babyface. But not in Grace's case - Grace is cocky, know-it-all, pompous, you name it. He personifies it.

Devon Kennedy, Midcard (Heel)


- An extremely clever, disciplined and powerful young wrestler, Kennedy has been called the 'Cerebral Assasin' due to how well he utilises his skillset, both physically and mentally, to break down his opponents.

Dustin Henry, Midcard (Heel)


- Young, talented and hungry, The Wolverines are here - and they're putting everyone on notice. Supremely talented in-ring technicians, The Wolverines are one of the most in-demand tag teams in wrestling. Fiercely loyal to one another, Dustin Henry and James Logan are childhood friends and share an almost unbreakable bond.

Eddy Orion, Midcard (Heel)


- A submission specialist, Eddy is known as the Exterminator for his ability to make anyone of any size tap out. With a deep toolkit of submission holds, Eddy's versatility in the ring makes him a force to be reckoned with. Exceptional on the microphone, Eddy can run rings around almost anyone on the mic and is phenomenal at getting into his opponent's head.

Elix Storm, Midcard (Heel)


- Having wrestled for a number of years in Canada without garnering much traction, and with career prospects seemingly low, Elix has aligned with bonafide star Keenan Nelson as part of his stable, The Pack.

Fergus Storm, Midcard (Babyface)


- Fergus is a next-level in-ring worker, lighting up the ring with exciting aerial moves. A no-nonsense kind of guy, Fergus never kicks up a fuss and just gets on with it, preferring to do his talking in the ring rather than on the mic.

Jai Smith, Midcard (Heel)


- Having previously run with Reggie Brown and Big ROC, Jai was abandoned by the pair in 2015 as he was the only one of the trio not to be signed to AWF.
- Floating around the indie scene alone for the past few years, Jai has found a new opportunity to join Keenan Nelson's Pack.

James Logan, Midcard (Heel)


- Young, talented and hungry, The Wolverines are here - and they're putting everyone on notice. Supremely talented in-ring technicians, The Wolverines are one of the most in-demand tag teams in wrestling. Fiercely loyal to one another, Dustin Henry and James Logan are childhood friends and share an almost unbreakable bond.

Josiah Barrett, Midcard(Heel)


- Massive heavyweight wrestler with a motormouth, continually provoking opponents and fans with his sharp and unapologetic attitude. Barrett genuinely believes he is the best thing going in wrestling today and will forcibly move aside anyone he sees as stopping him from getting to the top. Barrett is also proudly straight edge, which he views as a source of his strength and superiority over others. Previously worked under the name Joey Devastation.

Keenan Nelson, Main Eventer (Heel)


- Known as 'Heavy Weaponry', Keenan Nelson is a powerhouse with a killer look. Making it big over in Japan, Keenan now returns to the USA looking to make his mark. Leaving his family behind to go to Japan, Keenan has taken 2 young stars under his wing, seemingly creating a new 'wrestling family' to make up for the one he lost. Preaching family above all, Nelson has promised to take his 'family', Jai Smith and Elix Storm, to the top - as long as they promise to listen, serve and protect him.

Kenny Rich, Lower Card (Babyface)


- A young up and comer, Kenny Rich is bursting full of country charm. With rugged good looks, Kenny looks to have almost all of the tools needed to make it as a star - but his inexperience means that he may have to be patient and work hard to perfect his craft before he starts rising up the card.

Kevin Moore, Lower Card (Babyface)


- Moore has infectious energy and charm but his willingness to challenge others to fights and taunt them to the point of snapping means that he's often on the receiving end of severe punishment. The fans have taken a liking to Moore however and try to will him on to win one of his challenges - his fans now calling himself "Moore-Ons". Kevin has adopted this and now calls himself "The Ultimate Moore-On".

Lenny Rhodes, Midcard (Babyface)


- Lenny Rhodes is a good ole southern boy, packed full of charisma and charm. A mischievous troublemaker, Lenny often agitates his fellow wrestlers providing the trouble looks fun - much to the delight of the fans.

Mark Gunn, Lower Card (Heel)


- Mark is a genuine actor hailing from Hollywood, California. With annoyingly good looks and charisma, Mark is a natural at generating heat from the crowds, who naturally dislike him before he's even said a word. Still developing his in-ring skills, Mark is more used to looking up at the lights than having his hand raised once it's all said and done - but he has the tools needed to develop.

Matt Chase, Midcard (Babyface)


- Returning from a near-career-ending neck injury, Matt Chase has returned with a groundswell of support amongst fans who are ready to see him come back better than ever. Previously a cocky, arrogant heel, Chase has toned it down a bit but still has a clear sense of self-assuredness. Chase has set himself the goal of winning a World Title before the end of 2021.

Matty Callihan, Lower Card (Heel)


- Matty is an almost comically over the top egotistical heel, with a natural ability to handle a crowd and make them hate his guts. Despite being in his rookie year, Matty has taken to wrestling like a fish in water and has already developed into a competent technical wrestler.

Michael Washington, Midcard (Heel)


- The son of a Wall Street banker, Washington was born with the silver spoon in his mouth. Brought up on the finer things in life, the best food, the best clothes, the flashiest cars and free rein to do whatever he pleased, Michael has turned into exactly the kind of person you'd expect. The personification of a One Percenter, Michael is an entitled, arrogant brat and tries to leverage his wealth and influence to bend situations to his advantage.

Mike Anicetti, Midcard (Heel)


- Mike Anicetti is an extremely confident, extremely cocky a-hole. With no regard for anyone but himself, Anicetti is conceited, egotistical and superficial. The problem, though - he's also extremely talented. Good-looking, muscular, and dominant in the ring, Mike is highly successful at everything he does. Mike is a womanizer and often seen trying to pick up girls and hanging around with the few friends that he has.

Montana Henry, Lower Card (Babyface)


- Montana Henry is a wrestling archaeologist on a quest for championship gold and wrestling relics. Entering the ring with his trademark whip and hat, Montana is an adventurous, hard-working young wrestler but the gimmicky nature of his character may hold him back from achieving his dreams of winning championship gold.

Nate Noland, Midcard (Babyface)


Rick E Waters, Midcard (Heel)


- Rick E relishes his Bad Ass reputation. Calling himself the Outlaw, Rick is a maverick who aims to use his independence, fearlessness and aggression to bring about change in wrestling - notably, putting himself on top.

Robbie Morelli, Midcard (Heel)


- An ex pro football player drawn to wrestling by close friend Mike Anicetti, Morelli has a reputation of being a Jersey Shore party boy largely reliant on his bad boy reputation and name value. Still green in the ring, Morelli has joined NWF along with Anicetti to develop his skills and maintain relevancy - and pick up some chicks while he's at it. Cocky and conceited just like Anicetti, Morelli is a heel through and through and naturally unlikeable - but his size and power means that few are willing to call him out on it.

Shannon Sorensen, Midcard (Babyface)


- Shannon is a champion of self-expression and individuality, encouraging others to be themselves and celebrate their differences. When people confront him, he often has a DILLIGAF attitude, showing an aloofness driven by his self-confidence. But Shannon refuses to back down from any fight. Beyond the ring, Shannon is a renowned tattoo artist and uses wrestling as a form of self-expression and to challenge Punk stereotypes.

Shay Kinsella, Main Eventer (Babyface)


- The perfect 'Indy Darling', wrestling fans have gone so far as to dub Shay as the 'King of Wrestling'. Shay has adopted this moniker and uses it in a semi-ironic way, leaning into the typical wrestling royalty tropes. Now in the backend of his career, Shay steps back into a national company for the first time in years and wants to give it one more go to make it big

Torrian Day, Lower Card (Babyface)


- Full of energy and one of the most naturally gifted athletes to step into a wrestling ring in recent years, Torrian Day is surrounded by hype and expectation, with many calling him one of the best high-fliers in the game. More focused on cool moves than working a wrestling match, Torrian has some work to do on his psychology and understanding of the business. Now paired with fellow youngster Yusef Miller, the two have called themselves "Unlimited Energy" - a name befitting of Torrian's personality.

Yusef Miller, Lower Card (Babyface)


- Yusef Miller is a talented high-flier with a bright smile, oodles of natural charisma and a flashy in-ring style, tools which pretty much guaranteed Yusef some attention when he debuted at the young age of 21. Effortlessly likeable and naturally endearing, Yusef is an energetic babyface with an athletic flair. Now paired with fellow youngster Torrian Day, the pair need to develop an understanding and gain experience in the business in order to fully reach their potential.



Hank Hernandez, Jr., Colour Commentator (Babyface)

Hank Hernandez Jr.jpg

- An ex wrestler and son of Hank Hernandez Sr., after being forcibly retired Hank turned his eye to wrestling journalism, finding success amongst modern fans with his Rise & Fall series which investigates the seedier history of the wrestling business. Now also an experienced colour commentator, Hank has forged a decent career and prides himself on his journalistic integrity.

James Heatley, Manager (Babyface)

James Heatley.jpg

- Heatley is the manager of The Starr Boys. An avid wrestling historian, Heatley has a neat bag of tricks he uses to aid the Starr Boys strategically in the ring and employs his keen intellect and deep knowledge to aid them to victory. With an encyclopedic knowledge of history, tactics and techniques, Heatley is a fantastic resource for the Starr Brothers and also acts as a heater and promoter for the team with his skill on the mic, something the Starr Boys lack.

'Cowboy' Magnum Kirchart, Producer/Road Agent (Babyface)

Magnum Kirchart.jpg

- Rarely seen on TV but is the primary road agent and producer for NWF. Magnum is a legendary figure in wrestling having held multiple world titles. He is now retired in-ring but acts as a mentor for younger talent behind the scenes.

Mr. Valentine, Authority Figure/Road Agent (Heel)

Bobby Valentine II.jpg

- On-screen authority figure and genuine owner of the company. Tries to remain impartial in personal matters but always puts his business first. Old-school promoter not immune to using dirty tricks if he has to or thinks it will benefit business

Seth Koch, Play-by-Play Announcer (Babyface)

Seth Koch.jpg

- Excitable commentator, makes a point of calling as many moves as possible, no matter how obscure or how well it contributes to the story. A true play-by-play commentator, Koch calls it as he sees it, meaning he often relies on his colour commentator to develop the narrative. A genuinely good broadcaster and seemingly the first of a new breed of wrestling commentator, Koch is incredibly insightful and his knowledge and passion for wrestling comes across in his calls.

Referee Aaron Gumble

Referee Aaron Gumble.jpg

Referee Beau Beckett

Referee Beau Beckett.jpg

Referee Jack Dupree

Referee Jack Dupree.jpg



NWF Championship:


Jan 2021 - Vacant

NWF Tag Team Championship:


Jan 2021 - Vacant

NWF All-American Championship:


Jan 2021 - Vacant





Edited by AidanLFC1
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NWF Unplugged #1



Weds, Week 3 January 2021 - Broadcast on-demand on REALity TV - 349k Viewers!

Show Rating (51)

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Segment 1: Mr. Valentine introduces the NWF (48)


Announcers Seth Koch and Hank Hernandez Jr. welcome the viewers to the first ever episode of NWF Unplugged! The camera cuts to Mr. Valentine, the owner of NWF, who is standing in the ring with a mic in hand.


"Welcome everyone, to the National Wrestling Federation. I am here to introduce you to the next era of professional wrestling. We are here to showcase the best wrestlers in the world today. We are here to tell the compelling stories that this industry has sorely missed. We are here to make history!
I have a very special announcement to make tonight. As you know, this is NWF's first show, and as such we don't have any championships yet. But that is about to change very soon… because tonight, right here on NWF Unplugged, we will begin the process of crowning our first ever NWF Champion!
Tonight, in our main event, we will have an over-the-top-rope battle royal where some of our finest wrestlers will compete for a chance to become one of the two finalists for the NWF Title. Next week, I will announce the path to the title for our other championship contender. In 5 weeks time, at our first ever premium event, NWF Zero Hour, those two finalists will go one-on-one and one man will walk out as the first ever NWF Champion.
Enjoy the show, and welcome to NWF. Welcome to the new home of professional wrestling."

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Segment 2: The Starrs vs. Mark Gunn & Matthew Callihan (40)

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In a short, mat-based match designed to introduce the Starr Brothers, Brandon Starr beats Mark Gunn via pinfall after a Five Starr Slam/Splash Combo (Suplex Slam into Top Rope Diving Splash) in 7:34.

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Segment 3: James Heatley cuts a promo with The Starr Brothers (50)


“Good evening ladies and gentlemen, my name is James Heatley and I am the manager for Billy and Brandon Starr. I firstly wanted to congratulate, and thank, Bobby Valentine for bringing us all here together tonight. Now, my clients and my friends, The Starrs, have made the commitment to join NWF due to the focus that we’ve been promised on the tag division. Billy and Brandon are the premiere tag team on the market today and with nearly 20 years of tag team experience, they are the most well-oiled machine in the business. On behalf of both of them, we are extremely excited to be here and just know that the 3 of us will work tirelessly to bring Tag Team wrestling to the fore here in NWF - we will keep The Starrs shining!”

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Segment 4: Matt Chase promo (52)


“My name.. is Matt Chase. I’ve been out of this game for a while. You see, all the way back in 2018, I broke my neck in a match in Orlando. That injury cost me years of my career, and left me with a lot of time to self-reflect and really think about who I am and what I want. And I realised during that time off, I was really a jerk back then. I stand before you here today, a new man, and a new man with a big dream - to win a world championship this year. I want to thank all of you fans here in NWF and around the world for wishing me well during the recovery period, just know that I am here to repay your faith. I am here to Chase the gold. Tonight, in the Battle Royal, I have a chance to take the first step in achieving my dreams - I hope you’ll be there with me to drive me on.”

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Segment 5: Angelo Justice vignette (56)


We cut to a bustling Los Angeles street, with Angelo Justice standing in the midst of it all.
“G'day, mates! For those of you who don't know me yet, the name's Angelo Justice. Some call me Supreme. But let me tell ya, justice isn't just my name—it's my way of life!
*gesturing to young fans* These little champions right here, they're the reason I step into that ring every night. They remind me that no matter how tough things get, there's always someone looking up to you, counting on you to be their hero. And let me tell ya, folks, I don't take that responsibility lightly.
You see, growing up in the land down under, I learned the importance of courage, determination, and standing up for what's right. And now, as I've made my home here in the City of Angels, I've dedicated myself to embodying those values every single day.
But you know what? It's not enough for me to just talk the talk. I'm here to walk the walk, to prove to each and every one of you that justice will always prevail! And that's why, right here, right now, I'm officially throwing my hat into the ring as a contender tonight in the NWF Championship Battle Royal!
So watch out, NWF! Angelo Justice is coming for that title, and I won't rest until justice is served!”

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Segment 6: Mike Anicetti w/ Robbie Morelli vs. Kevin Moore (18)

MichaelAnicetti.jpg.58c50000767df03d1d5524e2f4eeef88.jpgw/ RobbieMorelli.jpg.318c15f6629dd89e1555c04f398de47b.jpg  vs. KevinMoore.jpg.a7fae2007ce94ac0f460549bf7f639ad.jpg

Seth Koch introduces Kevin Moore, the camera cuts to the crowd holding up a sign that reads “I’m a Moore-On”. Koch explains that Kevin calls himself the “Ultimate Moore-On”, the leader of these fans, who have rallied around Kevin due to his regular challenges to other wrestlers, often taunting them to the point of snapping and dishing out severe punishment on young Kevin. The fans, or “Moore-Ons”, try to will Kevin on to win one of these challenges.
Out comes Mike Anicetti, the 300lbs+ powerhouse, with best friend Robbie Morelli at his side. Before the match starts, Anicetti grabs a mic:
“Who in the hell are you? What sewer did you climb out of to be here tonight? Are you okay in the head? Do you know who I am? I am Mike Anicetti, the hottest thing going today - Hey, Robbie, let’s get this over and done with so we can get out and hit the strip.” Mike throws the mic down as the bell rings

In an extremely one-sided match, Anicetti pins Moore with a Macho Bomb (Double Underhook Facebuster) in under 5 minutes.

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Segment 7: Bryce Christensen introduction promo (55)


Seth Koch: “we will now cut backstage to see Bryce Christensen, one of the hottest young free agents on the market - he has signed an exclusive deal with NWF and having separated from former tag team partner, Chris Candell, with whom he formed the New California Blondes, Bryce joins NWF with a new look, a new outlook and some rather lofty pressure on the young man. Expectations for Bryce are sky high, let’s talk to the man himself to get his view on where he sits within the landscape of NWF.”
*Camera cuts backstage to Bryce*
Bryce: “Well, well, well... Look who's flying solo now. And look, no more blonde!
For years, I've been half of one of the most dominant tag teams in this business. Together, we tore through the competition, leaving a trail of broken bodies in our wake. But now... now it's time for me to step out of the shadows and into the spotlight.
They say the expectations on me are through the roof, that I'm destined for greatness. And you know what? I think that they’re damn right. But greatness doesn't come easy. It's a constant battle, a never-ending struggle to prove yourself time and time again. And I think I’m up for the challenge - tonight, I will prove myself to all of you, and prove to myself that I’ve made the right bet in coming here alone. I will make you proud by becoming the first NWF Champion.”


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Segment 8: Michael Washington interrupts Mr. Valentine (45)


Michael Washington is seen barging into Mr. Valentine’s office
Washington: “Let's cut to the chase, shall we, sir? You see, I've been thinking... Why should I have to waste my time in some meaningless battle royal, fighting against a bunch of nobodies, when I could just buy my way into the championship match?”
Valentine: “You know as well as I do, Washington, that's not how things work around here. Everyone has to earn their spot in the championship match, regardless of their wealth or status.”
Washington: “Please, spare me the lecture, Mr. Valentine. We both know that money talks, and mine speaks louder than anyone else's. So how about you do yourself a favor and cut through all this red tape? Just hand me that championship match on a silver platter, and we can all get on with our lives.”
Valentine: ”You want to talk about entitlement, Washington? Well, let me tell you something. No amount of money or influence is going to change the fact that around here, respect is earned, not bought. So if you want a shot at that championship, you're going to have to prove yourself just like everyone else.”
Washington storms out, Valentine shouts him to close the door on the way out.

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Segment 9: The Wolverines vs. Unlimited Energy (37)

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The Wolverines (James Logan and Dustin Henry) face off against Unlimited Energy (Torrian Day and Yusef Miller): NEXT on Unplugged!

After a good back and forth match, The Wolverines make Yusef Miller tap out as Dustin Henry applies the Quickhatch (Guillotine Choke). The match lasted 8:34.

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Segment 10: Bishop Vignette (47)


We transition to a vignette.

The scene is a candle-lit area in a mountain hut. The camera slowly pans across various items of wrestling memorabilia, all of Bishop, from the start of his career, through his Japanese expedition where he rebranded himself and became an unstoppable monster, through to today.

Narrator: "The path to greatness is often paved with blood, sweat, and sacrifice. In the world of professional wrestling, few embody this journey more than Bishop, a force of nature, a man who sacrificed everything he knew, redefining every fibre of his being, and became a champion."

The camera shifts to a close-up of Bishop's imposing figure. He stands tall with his head covered by a dark cloak.

Narrator: "Bishop, the mountain man turned monster, has left a trail of broken bodies and shattered dreams in his wake. From the depths of the wilderness to the heart of the Land of the Rising Sun, he forged his legacy, becoming a legend in the squared circle."


Cut to footage of Bishop decimating opponents in Japan.

Narrator: "With each victory, Bishop grew hungrier, his gaze locked firmly on one prize—the world championship. It was a goal that consumed him, that drove him to push himself beyond the limits of human endurance. Bishop achieved his goals, winning titles in Japan and the United States. And now, his time comes once more. Bishop's relentless journey brings him face to face with his destiny—the NWF Championship."

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Segment 11: Main Event - 15-Man Battle Royal (50)

Hank Hernandez: “Welcome everyone to our main event of the evening. Next, 15 men will take part in a battle royal to determine the first competitor in the inaugural NWF Championship match at Zero Hour. Competing tonight, we have wrestlers that you’ve seen throughout the night, Bishop, Bryce Christensen, Angelo Justice, Matt Chase and more - all vying for their spot in history as the first ever NWF Champion.”

The visual of all of the competitors is shown on screen, Hank talks the audience through the competitors:


“From left to right, top-to bottom, we have: Angelo Justice, Bishop, Bryce Christensen, Matt Chase, Keenan Nelson, Eddy Orion, Josiah Barrett, Lenny Rhodes, Michael Washington, Nate Noland, Rick E Waters, Shannon Sorensen, Shay Kinsella, Derek Grace, and Devon Kennedy.”

The match gets underway with all men scrambling amongst each other for control. Josiah Barrett gets things underway by eliminating Shannon Sorensen, quickly followed by Lenny Rhodes and Nate Noland.

Barrett and Orion gang up on Matt Chase, who struggles to fight back. Angelo Justice comes from behind to try and take out Barrett, but Barrett manages to fend him off.

Michael Washington tries to buy a win in the match, offering everyone $10,000 each to jump over the top rope now. No one takes him up on the offer and everyone beats him down simultaneously. Angelo Justice picks him up and throws him over the top.

Derek Grace takes to the top rope, but is knocked out by Bryce Christensen before he can jump. Bishop tries to pounce on the opportunity but Bryce manages to hold on to the ropes, skinning the cat to get back in the ring.

Barrett and Kinsella begin to brawl, with Kinsella initially getting the upper hand. Kinsella clocks Barrett with an Enziguiri in the corner, Barrett falls to the floor. Kinsella tries to lift the behemoth up but can’t get him back to his feet to throw him over the ropes. Bishop runs at Kinsella, throwing him over the top rope with a vicious lariat.

Devon Kennedy hits Matt Chase with a massive Spinebuster, followed up by an Orion’s Belt (Underhook DDT) by Eddy Orion. The two men lift him over the top rope, but Chase counters into a hurricanrana, taking out Kennedy!

Angelo Justice swiftly follows up with an elimination, throwing Rick E Waters over the top! Bishop and Barrett sense an opportunity to eliminate Justice, but he manages to avoid elimination.

Orion again sets his sights on Chase, but this time, Chase comes out on top and manages to eliminate Eddy Orion!! - we are now down to our final 6.

Josiah Barrett follows up and takes Matt Chase out of the match, with a bit of illegal help from Eddy Orion who distracted Chase from the apron. Orion is furious at Chase and shouts at him, right in his face, as he lies helpless on the arena floor.

Bryce manages to get Barrett out of the ring, Bishop follows up by eliminating Bryce Christensen!! We’re now down to our final 3, Keenan Nelson, Bishop, and Angelo Justice.


2 men suddenly emerge from the crowd, seemingly under the control of Nelson. Nelson signals the two men to beat down Angelo Justice. Nelson turns around, taunting the audience, Bishop spots an opportunity and throws Nelson over the top rope! Justice slowly rises to his feet but is clearly hurt from the assault. After a short back and forth, Bishop throws Angelo over the top rope to win the match!

Seth Koch: “Oh my god, Justice was robbed! Justice was robbed! This is anything but Just - Nelson and his goons may have just cost Angelo Justice the NWF Championship! Bishop wins!”

Bishop wins the Battle Royal in 21:54.

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Segment 12: Bishop Post-Match Celebration: (54)

Bishop celebrates to close the show as Hernandez signs us off


“Thanks folks for tuning into the first episode of NWF Unplugged, tune in next week to see the fallout from this momentous battle royal, who are the men that attacked Angelo Justice? And who will go on to face Bishop in a few weeks time to determine the first NWF Champion? Join us next week, right here, on REALity TV!”


Booker’s Notes:
Overall, not a terrible start. There were definitely a few things that could have been improved upon (notably, obviously, the Anicetti/Moore match - which drew a shocking rating. Looks like this was due to both worker’s low psychology stats meaning the match was a mess - unfortunate because this was supposed to make Anicetti look great, instead he actually lost pop from this segment. Because I’m playing with fog of war and pro mode, the stats on most workers at the minute are almost completely unknown - so it will take some time to learn the roster and how to use everyone.
Another big issue I’m going to have to face into, Angelo Justice’s gimmick got an Awful rating. Not great for your top babyface and someone I was hoping to mold the company around for the first few months!
I was impressed with Matt Chase’s promo rating given his pop is (on avg) probably around 35 in America - his stats don’t look fantastic, potentially not main eventer level at this point, but if he can keep popping ratings that match Justice, Bishop and Christensen then my view on that might change. I also love the story of him coming back from injury after years and setting his sights on a world title, in the default T-Verse it’s actually the equivalent of the NWA title that he’s shooting for, but given that he’s signed an exclusive deal with me, the NWF title will have to do for the purpose of the story!
Booking the first show of a new company is always difficult because (as in this episode), you spend more time trying to introduce workers to the audience and flushing out their characters. Especially when using a fictional mod such as T-Verse, it’s really open-ended as to what you can book and the game gives you relatively little info to base your booking on - an interesting difference from real world mods where you know who you are booking. I’m hoping over the next few weeks, as the characters and storylines begin to develop, we can take a more narrative-focused approach and really start to bring to life some of the wrestlers, developing consistent personality traits and behaviours that fit their characters.


Edited by AidanLFC1
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42 minutes ago, Wrestling Machine said:

Old school 80s vibe, a Thunderverse to discover, I'll follow this ;) 

Thanks brother, first episode just posted now!

To anyone who wants to follow along, predictions for next week's Unplugged:


Josiah Barrett vs. Kenny Rich

The Wolverines vs. The Real Deal

Devon Kennedy vs. Matt Chase

Bryce Christensen vs. Michael Washington

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Posted (edited)

NWF Unplugged #2



Weds, Week 4 January 2021 - Broadcast on-demand on REALity TV - 372k Viewers!

Show Rating (51)


Segment 1: The Pack promo (43)



The show opens to Keenan Nelson standing in the ring, mic in his hand, with his two lackeys standing behind him.

“Now I think we have something to talk about… Don’t we? Last week on Unplugged, both myself and these two men standing behind me made  an immediate impact here in NWF.

Bishop got lucky in throwing me out, he caught me off guard, and I have to take the blame for that. But we will not go quietly. I, Keenan Nelson, and these two men standing behind me, will not give up. You see, I call these two men behind me “The Pack”. I am the Leader of that Pack. I have spent much of the last 20 years of my career, and my life, over in Japan. And while I had some great success professionally, personally, that choice cost me everything. I missed the birth of my children. I missed funerals, weddings, graduations, everything. Well, I’ve learned my lesson. My family left me as a result of my choice to go over to Japan, they are gone, but I have adopted a new family. I have found a new Pack. Elix Storm and Jai Smith are my family now. They have joined me with a goal in mind - to make it to the top of this business here, in America. As long as they vow to listen to me, to serve me, and to protect me, I will ensure that they rise to the top. But to you two, those in attendance and to those of you watching around the world - always remember - family comes first.

To Angelo Justice, I say, it’s nothing personal. We’re here to successfully undertake our crusade to the top of the business. You just happened to be the best target available. Wrong place, wrong time, so don’t take it to heart - you are just a useful pawn in our game.”


Segment 2: Angelo Justice confronts The Pack (50)

Angelo Justice storms down the ramp, also with a mic in hand.

“Alright mate, enough of this rubbish. You cost me my chance at a World title last week, and that means one thing and one thing only - Justice needs to be served on you and your little cronies. I don’t give a rat’s ass who you are or who they are, I will gladly take you all on 3-v-1. I am here to keep the streets clean in NWF, no matter who you are, I will not stand for injustice like you served me last week.”

Nelson and Justice come face to face, staring each other down. Nelson pauses and then tells Smith and Storm to exit the ring, Nelson follows them and the 3 men walk back down the ramp.


Segment 3: Josiah Barrett vs. Kenny Rich (31)

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In a quick squash match, Josiah Barrett defeats Kenny Rich with a Larynx Destroyer (Chokeslam). The match lasted 5:21.


Segment 4: Josiah Barrett post-match beat down (37)

After the match, Barrett continued to destroy Rich, viciously assaulting him with clubbing blows before picking up the near-unconscious rookie, hoisting him up for a Powerbomb and throwing him down with thunderous power.


Segment 5: Kevin Moore challenges Anicetti and Morelli to a rematch (35)


Mike Anicetti and Robbie Morelli are seen backstage, Kevin Moore walks into shot and challenges either of them to a match tonight on Unplugged. The two men laugh at Moore. Morelli responds: “Are you out of your mind? Did you not realise what Mike did to you last week? It was the most one-sided match in history, you barely left a mark on him. Get out of here, kid. We’ve got better things to be doing than wasting time talking to a moron like you.”

Morelli and Anicetti walk off and enter into a blacked out sports car, seemingly leaving the arena.


Segment 6: The Wolverines introduce themselves to The Starrs (40)


Dustin: Oh wow, would you look at that? It's the legendary Starr brothers!
James: “Man, I can't believe we're actually standing here face-to-face with two icons of tag team wrestling.”
The Starr brothers exchange bemused glances, clearly sceptical of the Wolverines' sudden admiration.
Billy Starr: Well, it's always nice to meet fans, but—good showing last week in your match, by the way.
Dustin: Fans? Oh, no, no, no. We're not just fans. We're The Wolverines, the future of this business.
James: And speaking of the future, it's about time you two washed-up old vets stepped aside and made way for the next generation.
Brandon Starr: Now, hold on just a minute. We may be veterans, but we’re still fit enough to beat you two.

James: It's time for you two relics to face reality. The Wolverines are here to take over, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Brandon Starr: You two may talk a big game, but let me tell you something—
Dustin: Save it, old-timers. We’re on our way out to the ring - I suggest you watch our match, you'll finally see what real tag team wrestling looks like, and maybe you’ll learn a thing or two.


Segment 7: The Real Deal vs. The Wolverines (35)

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In 8:58, James Logan pins the young Chase Hampton after a Package German Suplex. The team of Hampton and Hall put up a good fight, but The Wolverines overpowered them with a series of double team manoeuvres and successfully isolated Hampton, preventing any hot tag from occurring.


Segment 8: Mr. Valentine’s announcement (48)


Mr. Valentine is sat at his desk as the camera zooms in on him.

Valentine: “Good evening folks, I come to you tonight from my office, with a major announcement. Last week, We determined the first competitor for the NWF Championship as Bishop won the battle royal in the main event of the first episode of Unplugged. Now, we must decide upon his opponent. To do this, over the coming weeks, we will have an 8-Man tournament. The winner of this tournament will go on to face Bishop at Zero Hour, with the NWF Title on the line. Good luck to all 8 men who have been selected. The first match in the tournament will be Matt Chase vs. Devon Kennedy, and that match happens right now!”

The full tournament bracket is then shown on-screen:



Segment 9: Matt Chase vs. Devon Kennedy (38)

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In 10:02, Devon Kennedy defeated Matt Chase by pinfall with a rollup. Matt Chase was distracted by an interfering Eddy Orion, with Kennedy jumping on the opportunity for the win. Kennedy progresses in the NWF Championship tournament.


Segment 10: Angelo Justice and Bishop come face to face backstage (54)


Angelo Justice and Bishop inadvertently meet backstage. Angelo congratulates Bishop on the win last week, for which Bishop thanks him. Angelo continues, “but I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks time at Zero Hour, where Angelo Justice will become the first ever NWF Champ!”. Bishop smirks and says, “Bold of you to assume that not only will you win this tournament, but beat me. It’s laughable to think that you could beat me. Not if I have anything to do with it. I will be a champion once more in my storied career, and nothing can get in my way.”


Segment 11: Josiah Barrett demands answers from Mr. Valentine (46)


Josiah Barrett storms into Valentine’s office, demanding answers as to why he’s not in the tournament.

Josiah: "Valentine, I demand answers! Why the hell am I not in the tournament?"
Mr. Valentine: "Josiah, calm down. Let’s discuss this like adults."
Josiah: "Don't give me that crap! I've earned my spot. I eliminated half the damn field in that battle royal last week, and tonight, I destroyed Kenny Rich in that ring! And I get passed over for who?!"
Mr. Valentine: Josiah, it's not just about wins and losses. It's about attitude, demeanour. And quite frankly, you don't carry yourself like much of a champion. Josiah, listen to me. If you want to make something of yourself here in NWF, you need to get that chip off your shoulder. You need to show respect, humility—
Josiah: Respect? Humility? Are you kidding me? I've more than proven myself here, and this is what I get in return? You want me to kiss your ass? Well, no thanks, Valentine. I'll make my own damn way in this business. Whether you’re the boss or not.

Barrett storms back out of the office


Segment 12: Michael Washington cuts a promo on Bryce Christensen ahead of their match (48)


Bryce Christensen makes his entrance. Michael Washington follows shortly after with a mic in hand.

Michael: “Well, well, well... if it isn't Bryce Christensen, this week’s wrestling ‘golden boy’. Let's not beat around the bush here, Bryce. You and I, we're cut from different cloth. While you were out there hustling and trying to prove you were ‘Awesome’, I was living the life of your dreams. I've got the money, the power, and the influence to bend this entire industry to my will. And you're just another loser in my way. You see, Bryce, you may have some considerable talent, but talent can only get you so far in this business. It's the ones with all of the money, the power, and the influence who truly run the world, and I’m going to prove it to you here tonight.“


Segment 13: Bryce Christensen vs. Michael Washington (55)

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Seth Koch: “And here we go, folks! Bryce Christensen versus Michael Washington, a clash of styles and egos if there ever was one!”
Hank Hernandez: “That's right, Bryce may have the support of the fans behind him, but Michael Washington is not one to be underestimated. He's got that dangerous combination of skill and arrogance.”
In a great back and forth match, Bryce Christensen defeats Michael Washington with a Next Chapter (Fireman Carry Flapjack). The match lasted 15:22.


Booker’s Notes:
- Reasonably happy with this one, no absolute shockers like the Anicetti match last week, all fairly consistent but some ratings a bit lower than I would’ve liked. The opening promo by Keenan Nelson I think could have been slightly better, as well as the Angelo Justice follow-up angle, but I get that I’m now fighting uphill with Justice due to his terrible gimmick… it may mean I have to pivot slightly in my plans, but I’ll stick it out for now and hope he can improve on it over time to minimise the penalties. On the other hand, it was good to see the Bishop/Justice segment get a stronger rating but, again, think this could have been a bit higher.
- The big plus from this show for me was the main event - Washington is a young rookie and has very low pop in the game, so squeezing a 48 promo and 55 match out of him exceeded my expectations. His entertainment stats are good, but given I’m running a pop-heavy product, this was really strong.
- Unfortunately the loss to Kennedy has taken Matt Chase into the negatives in terms of momentum, I was hoping he could maintain it given the tainted loss. He’ll need to get some victories in order to build it back up ready for Zero Hour, as I want him in a fairly prominent spot on the card. Getting Chase over to the point he can reasonably win the world title is going to be one of the major challenges in this save, he has some decent stats and a great gimmick score which helps, but his pop is lagging behind others such as Justice, Bishop and Bryce so building him up credibly will be interesting.
- Looking ahead to next week, the next two tournament matches are definitely stronger than this week’s, so hoping that’s reflected in the ratings. Nelson/Justice especially should be good and Kinsella/Grace are two of the best in-ring workers I’ve got, so hopefully, they shouldn’t be too far behind.

Edited by AidanLFC1
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12 hours ago, Wrestling Machine said:

Josiah Barrett vs. Kenny Rich

The Wolverines vs. The Real Deal already mi fav tag in NWF

Devon Kennedy vs. Matt Chase

Bryce Christensen vs. Michael Washington

3/4! Kennedy went over Chase on this occasion but good start!

Next week's predictions:

Michael Washington vs. Shannon Sorensen

American Machismo vs. Unlimited Energy

Shay Kinsella vs. Derek Grace

Keenan Nelson vs. Angelo Justice

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NWF Unplugged #3




Weds, Week 1 February 2021 (51) - Broadcast live on REALity TV to 372k viewers!



Seth Koch: “Good evening everybody and welcome to NWF Unplugged - tonight we have some killer in-ring action for you in the NWF Championship tournament, rounding out the first stage of matches as we decide who will feature in next week’s semi-final - will it be The ‘King of Wrestling’ Shay Kinsella, or the ‘Daredevil’ Derek Grace? And we will also determine who will go on to face the winner of that match in tonight’s blockbuster main event, where tensions are high, and the stakes are even higher, as Keenan Nelson will go 1-on-1 with Angelo Justice.”

Hank Hernandez: “That’s right, Seth - Keenan Nelson and his Pack have been thorns in the side of Angelo Justice over the past 2 weeks, will they get involved again as the two men go 1-on-1? Stay tuned, tonight on Unplugged, to find out! We will also hear from the man who will main event NWF Zero Hour tonight, as Bishop addresses the contenders of the NWF Championship tournament. But first, kicking off the action tonight, it will be Michael Washington vs. Shannon Sorensen… oh, and here comes Washington now.”


Segment 1: Michael Washington promo (50)

Washington makes his entrance, as usual with a microphone in hand. In the other hand, he holds an open notebook.

“Listen up, Chicago, your saviour is here. It’s me, Michael Washington, back again in this dump of a city, here to put on a spectacular showing for all you once again. After I stole the show last week against Bryce Christensen, they’ve now got me out here wrestling against… *checks notebook*... Shannon… Sorensen… whoever that dweeb is. Anyway, it doesn’t matter who they put me up against here, because you already know that I am better than all of you… I am the One Percenter.”


Segment 2: Michael Washington vs. Shannon Sorensen (38)

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In a bout that lasted 7:37, Michael Washington picked up the win with a One Percenter (Pedigree). Washington decisively put away Sorensen here in a match that showed him off well. Sorensen and Washington seemed to have some chemistry issues but still managed to put together a decent match here.


Segment 3: American Machismo Promo (38)

Mike Anicetti and Robbie Morelli are backstage as the camera approaches, they take the opportunity to say a few words:
Morelli: “Oh hey there, cameraman. Can’t you see we’re having a private conversation here? Never mind, listen. I am Robbie Morelli and this is my pal, Mike Anicetti. You’ve seen us over the last couple of weeks acting like we’re a couple of big shots around here, and that’s because we are! You see, we’re a couple of New Yorkers, Italian-American boys. We ooze Machismo. And that means we get what we want, when we want it. We’ve got  a match tonight, but as soon as we’re done here, we’re going out and partying like we’re on the Jersey Shore.”


Segment 4: Kevin Moore interrupts Machismo promo (35)


Just as Morelli is finishing up, Kevin Moore slides into shot:

Moore: “I don’t know about Machismo, but just like all of my fans out in that crowd, I know what you two really are, deep down, is a pair of Moore-On’s! - I am here again tonight to challenge either of you two to a match!”

Morelli and Anicetti again shrug him off and walk away, laughing to themselves


Segment 5: Matt Chase/Eddy Orion segment (44)

Matt Chase makes his way down to the ring, grabbing a mic on the way in.

Matt: “While I’ve been away for the last few years, recovering from an almost career-ending neck injury, I had a lot of time to reflect upon myself and think about who I want to be, what I want to achieve and the example that I want to set to wrestling fans all across the country. I’m going to share something with you now. When I signed to the NWF, and my dream of returning to wrestling full-time became a reality, I set myself a goal. That goal was to win a world championship before this year is out. In 2021, I thought, Matt Chase WILL be a world champ. I’ve had 2 chances over the last 2 weeks to get a good way towards fulfilling that dream, and for 2 weeks in a row, I’ve failed. Or rather, I’ve had my dream taken from me. Eddy Orion, all I want to know is, why? You attacked me last week, you got me eliminated from the battle royal 2 weeks ago, what is your problem? I am asking you right now, to come down that ramp, get into this ring, and explain yourself.”

Matt pauses, as Eddy Orion’s music hits

Eddy walks into the ring

Eddy: “I don’t need to explain myself to you, but since I’m out here, I might as well tell you how it is. You know, in this business, respect is earned. And you can’t just waltz back in here after nearly 3 years on the shelf with a new happy-go-lucky attitude and a dream and expect the world to bend to your every whim. That’s not how it works. And, besides, I’ve seen you wrestle all of those years ago, I know who the true Matt Chase is. And this supposed ‘new attitude’, I see right through it. I can see right through you, Matt. I know you’re a phony - and I’ll be damned if some phony wannabe with a nice, feel-good story is going to come in here and steal my spotlight. We’ve all got dreams, man. And you best remember that you eliminated me from that Battle Royal too. I wasn’t lucky enough to be selected for this tournament, but I should be. I am the Exterminator, one of the most lethal submission wrestlers in the game today. And while I’m here, Matt Chase will NEVER be able to rest easy at night. Make no mistake,  I can, and I will, twist you like a pretzel and put you back on the shelf for another 3 years!”

Matt steps up to Eddy, seemingly looking for a fight, before the two are interrupted by the sound of American Machismo’s music.

Anicetti and Morelli walk down to the ring, cockily shooing Chase and Orion out of the ring.


Segment 6: American Machismo vs. Unlimited Energy (34)

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In a short match lasting 7:20, Mike Anicetti pinned Yusef Miller with a Macho Bomb (Lifting Double Underhook Facebuster). Anicetti and Torrian Day were the two standouts in this match, with Anicetti dominating his opponents.


Segment 7: Derek Grace vignette (48)

The video opens with dramatic music as clips of a silhouette in action are shown, executing breathtaking high-flying moves and intricate technical wrestling manoeuvres. Cut to a shot of the silhouette standing tall in the ring, as he looks out at the audience. The video ends with the silhouette being revealed, with the camera zooming in on his face, showing a shot of a smirking Derek Grace standing tall in the ring, arms raised in triumph. The words ‘Daredevil’ then appear across the screen as it fades to black.


Segment 8: Angelo Justice promo on The Pack (58)

Angelo: “Tonight, I go one on one with Keenan Nelson. The man that, along with his two little sidekicks, have been repeatedly sticking their noses where they don't belong.

But you know what? I'm not one to back down from a fight. Tonight, I'll have the leader of The Pack, Keenan Nelson, staring across from me in this very ring. And I intend to make the most of my opportunity, righting the wrongs of that battle royal, and going on to face Bishop at Zero Hour. Angelo Justice will be your first NWF Champion.

Keenan, you may think you're tough, but let me tell you something. You've never faced anyone like me before. I've got the heart, the will, and the determination that you simply can’t match. After your actions over the past 2 weeks, I won't stop until I've taken down every last member of The Pack!

So tonight, Keenan, you better bring everything you've got. Because I'm coming for you, and I won't relent until I've reclaimed what you have taken from me - a shot at the NWF Title.”


Segment 9: The Starrs make a request of Mr. Valentine (47)

James Heatley is shown politely knocking on the door of Mr. Valentine’s office. Valentine comes to the door, graciously shaking the hands of the two Starr Brothers.

Billy begins: “Mr. Valentine, how do you do? My brother and I came here tonight to make a request of you. Last week, those two young upstarts, The Wolverines, disrespected us. And that’s something that we will not accept. We operate on honour and respect, in and out of the ring. So, we come to you asking for a match with The Wolverines as soon as possible.”

Valentine: “Billy, Brandon, thanks for stopping by. I completely appreciate your concerns, but, with all due respect, I make the matches around here and I won’t be influenced by any of my wrestlers. I heard what The Wolverines said to you last week, and I understand where you’re coming from. I urge you to be patient, keep a steady head. These two boys are young and hungry, they’re just trying to make a name for themselves. Don’t rise to it, when the moment comes, you four will be able to fight it out like men in the ring.”

Billy and Brandon walk off disenchanted.

Heatley, to the Starrs: “Boys, trust the process. Valentine is a smart man. He knows what he’s doing. Listen to his advice, keep a level head, don’t let The Wolverines play mind games with you. When the moment comes, we need to be at our best - physically and mentally.”


Segment 10: Derek Grace vs. Shay Kinsella

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In a match scheduled as part of the NWF Title Tournament, Shay Kinsella defeated Derek Grace in 13:13 via pinfall with an Urbana Native (Pumphandle Slam). This was a fantastic match between two in-ring technicians, full of sound technical and aerial moves. The two workers really looked to go all-out in this match.


Segment 11: Bishop Promo (58)


We cut to a dimly lit room, seemingly located in a wooden hut in the mountains. Bishop is seen sitting in a wooden rocking chair. He begins to speak:

Bishop: “Zero Hour approaches, and the very landscape of the NWF trembles beneath my feet. For I, Bishop, have already secured my place in the annals of history as the rightful contender for the inaugural NWF Championship.

But let us not forget the warriors who still vie for the chance to stand across the ring from me on that fateful night. Angelo Justice, Keenan Nelson, Bryce Christensen, Shay Kinsella, and Devon Kennedy. Each one a formidable competitor in their own right.

Angelo, with your heart of a lion, you may think you stand a chance. But in the ring with me, your courage will be your downfall.

Keenan, you lead your pack with ferocity. But when you get in the ring with me, and feel my true power,, your pack will scatter like sheep before the slaughter.

Bryce, Shay, Devon... You each possess commendable skills between those ropes that have brought you to this moment. But know this: when you step into the ring with me, you step into the domain of the Unstoppable.

At Zero Hour, the world will witness the coronation of a true champion. And whichever of these 5 men that dares to step into the ring and challenge me, they should know, their fate is already sealed. For in the end, there can be only one king of the mountain. And that king... is Bishop.”


Main Event: Keenan Nelson vs. Angelo Justice (45)

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In our main event match, Keenan Nelson sneaks a victory over Angelo Justice after a distraction from Elix Storm followed up by interference from Jai Smith, who hit Justice with a steel pipe behind the referee’s back, allowing Nelson to hit Justice with a Last Stand (Full Nelson Bomb) for the victory in 15:05.


Nelson seemed to be tiring towards the end of the match, while Justice faced a vocal reaction from certain segments of the crowd following his less than convincing first impression 2 weeks ago on the first edition of Unplugged.

Keenan Nelson advances to the semi-final of the NWF Title Tournament, where he will face Shay Kinsella next week on Unplugged. The other semi-final (Bryce Christensen vs. Devon Kennedy) will also feature on next week’s show.


Final Segment: The Pack close the show on top (53)

As the bell rings confirming Nelson’s victory, Storm and Smith jump the ring, celebrating with Nelson. Nelson remains emotionless and unexpressive. He tells them to stop and calm down, because the “job is not done.”

He sends them both to the second ropes on either side of him, they both step up and the three stand tall to close the show.


Booker’s Notes:
- Another 51 rated show. That’s 3 in a row now! I just can’t seem to break through that barrier. Obviously not at all helped by the 45 main event, not entirely unexpected given the booking decision made regarding the finish, which definitely did not go down well with Justice. I just felt here that there’s more story to tell with Justice, and moving forwards with Bishop vs. Justice in the first Premium Event would be blowing my (arguably) biggest match too early, especially given the 1-2 week build I’ve left myself to get to Zero Hour post-tournament. There’s more story to tell before we get there, and I think the direction I’ve decided to go in delivers much more potential regarding possible storylines afterwards.
- I was impressed with Kinsella/Grace though, I figured given they’ve got some of the best stats of any in-ring talent on the roster that this would do well. They’d both be bona fide stars for me were it not for their relative inability to carry a program on the mic. Grace may have time to develop given he’s only 30, unfortunately for Kinsella time is not on his side as he turns 44 in a month’s time! Nevertheless, though, he’s a massive asset to the roster and I will be looking to get deeper into his character as we move forwards over the next few weeks.
- The next couple of weeks will be pivotal in flushing out the card for Zero Hour - of course the main event will be the title match, but beyond the Chase/Orion story, from the first 3 episodes nothing else is yet set in stone (on-screen, of course everything my side is 99% known at this point!) - so looking forward to the journey on getting there. I’m really enjoying this save so far and writing everything up in detail is forcing me to be a lot more deliberate and thoughtful in my booking, which has been challenging but really rewarding. While there’s already been a couple of curveballs thrown at me by the game (most notably, Angelo Justice’s terrible gimmick rating which is not at all helping my ratings nor my creative plans), I’m starting to get a bit more of a feel for the roster now and how to use certain people. I think given a few more shows, everything will start to become a bit tighter and hopefully, we start to see those ratings improve beyond 51!
- Finally, not that it's a big deal to anyone in the grand scheme of things but, apologies for the gap between posts - I've been sick the last few days and haven't wanted to even think about looking at a computer screen, so while this show has been booked and written up for over a week now, I've not been able to actually get on and pull everything together, I also wanted to book the next show in advance so that I'm at least one week ahead of the diary. I'm back on my feet now though and feeling better (mostly) - so should be a couple more episodes to come over the next week or so as we head into Zero Hour!


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This episode:

KyTeran: 2/4 - correct on Washington and American Machismo!

Wrestling Machine: 3/4 - all right but the main event where Nelson went over Justice!


KyTeran: 2/4

Wrestling Machine: 6/8


Next week's predictions:

Bryce Christensen vs. Devon Kennedy

Josiah Barrett vs. Montana Henry

Eddy Orion vs. Shannon Sorensen

Keenan Nelson vs. Shay Kinsella

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