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Pro Wrestling NOAH is probably the reason I'm such a big fan of puroresu. I had been interested in NJPW in the past and I do like their stuff however the first match I saw that made me think "This is pro wrestling" was Mitsuharu Misawa vs Kenta Kobashi on March 1st 2003 in the Nippon Budokan. Kenta Kobashi would hit the Burning Hammer and win the GHC Heavyweight Championship and not drop it until just over 2 years later against Takeshi Rikio, NOAH has had it's fair share of talent come through but ever since the death of Misawa in 2009 it has never felt the same. It was never quite as good. The only reason they could even run the Tokyo Dome in February 2023 was due to the pure draw power of Keiji Muto's retirement and the help of NJPW. NOAH had run the dome twice before, in successive years however. July 2004. Headlined by Kenta Kobashi defending the GHC Heavyweight Championship against Jun Akiyama, and what many consider to be NOAH's best card of all time, 18.07.2005. Destiny. Headlined by the final match between Mitsuharu Misawa & Toshiaki Kawada, featuring arguably the greatest GHC Jr Heavyweight Championship match of all time, KENTA winning the belt for the first time against Jr Ace Yoshinobu Kanemaru, and the greatest chop fest ever seen. And the match that sparked a story that didnt end until Katsuhiko Nakajima left NOAH in autumn of 2023. Kenta Kobashi vs Kensuke Sasaki. the mentors of Go Shiozaki & Katsuhiko Nakajima who were tag partners, friends, rivals & enemies. I envision a NOAH able to reach that level again.


Main Unit (not quite sure how to put images on here yet so will have to do with just text for now)

Alpha Wolf - AMAKUSA - Daiki Inaba - Dragon Bane - Eita - El Hijo Del Dr. Wagner Jr. (GHC Heavyweight Champion) - Extreme Tiger - Great Sakuya - Hajime Ohara - HAYATA - Kai Fujimura - Kazushi Sakuraba - Kendo Kashin - Manabu Soya - Masa Kitamiya (Warning. I am a Kitamiya stan) - Masakatsu Funaki - Masato Tanaka - Naomichi Marufuji (Player Avater) - Ninja Mack - Ryohei Oiwa - Seiki Yoshioka - Shuji Ishikawa - Shuji Kondo - Takashi Sugiura - Ulka Sasaki - Yu Owada - Yuya Susumu

ALL REBELLION (Formed April 2024 so moving the formation forward by a couple weeks)

Alejandro - Junta Miyawaki (Makes more sense then Cristobal) - Kaito Kiyomiya (Ace) - Kenoh

GLG (Formed January 2023)

Anthony Greene (GHC Tag Team Champion) - Jack Morris (GHC National & Tag Team Champion) - Jake Lee (Sexy mofo) - LJ Cleary - Tadasuke (GHC Jr Tag Team Champion) - YO-HEY (GHC Jr Tag Team Champion)

REAL (Formed June 2023)

Hideki Suzuki - Kazuyuki Fujita - Saxon Huxley - Shuhei Taniguchi - Timothy Thatcher

STINGER (Formed December 2018)

Daga (GHC Jr Champion) - Yoshinari Ogawa

TEAM NOAH (Formed January 2024)

Akitoshi Saito - Atsushi Kotoge - Go Shiozaki - Hi69 - Mohammed Yone



Anyways I hope you enjoy sailing on the ark

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NOAH: Wrestle Magic 2024!
Pro Wrestling NOAH will return to Ryogoku for Wrestle Magic 2024 and the card that we have ready for it is immense. We will see every GHC title except for the National title on the line. 
GHC Heavyweight Championship Match: El Hijo Del Dr. Wagner Jr. V2

El Hijo Del Dr. Wagner Jr. (c) vs Kaito Kiyomiya

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Kaito Kiyomiya's road to challenging for the GHC Heavyweight Championship has been difficult, being forced to stave off the Good Looking Emperor; Jake Lee and faction mate Kenoh on his path to challenge.

First, after defeating Ulka Sasaki, Kenoh challenged Kaito Kiyomiya to a grudge match to put their differences aside, after all if they're going to be teammates going forward they need to know they can trust each other
The match would see them fight all over Shinjuku FACE, it even saw Kenoh take a page out of The Lariat, Stan Hansen's book, and throw a f***ing table at Kiyomiya's head, but after 22 minutes and 54 seconds, Kiyomiya would blast Kenoh in the face with a modified shining wizard to get the win, after the match Kenoh would get on the house mic

Kenoh: [The camera fades in to reveal Kenoh standing in the center of the ring, a mix of frustration and determination etched on his face. The crowd is buzzing after witnessing a hard-fought battle between Kenoh and Kaito Kiyomiya.]
Kenoh: "You know, in this ring, there are no illusions. There's no room for hiding behind facades or pretending to be something you're not. It's all about what you bring when that bell rings. And tonight, Kaito Kiyomiya, you brought it. You brought everything you had, and then some."
[Kenoh takes a moment to catch his breath, his eyes reflecting a mixture of respect and rivalry towards his opponent.]
Kenoh: "I may not like to admit it, but tonight, Kaito Kiyomiya proved why he's considered number one. He's a force to be reckoned with, a true warrior in every sense of the word. And as much as it pains me to say it, he was better than me tonight. He outsmarted me, outmaneuvered me, and he earned that victory."
[The crowd's reaction is mixed, some cheering for Kenoh's sportsmanship while others boo at the acknowledgement of his defeat.]
Kenoh: "But mark my words, Kiyomiya, this isn't over. This is just the beginning. You may be number one for now, but I'm coming for that spot. And when we meet again, there will be no doubt who the better man is."
[Kenoh stares intensely into the camera, his determination palpable as he sends a clear message to his rival.]
Kenoh: "So enjoy your victory while it lasts, Kiyomiya. Because next time, there will be no excuses. Next time, I will prove once and for all that I am the true number one."
[With that, Kenoh drops the microphone and exits the ring, leaving behind a trail of anticipation and determination as he sets his sights on his next showdown with Kaito Kiyomiya.]

(Yeah ibr, Kenoh is gonna be like Dragon Ball Super Vegeta to Kiyomiya's Goku)

The day after, Kaito Kiyomiya would issue his challenge to El Hijo Del Wagner after a tag match, tagging with GHC Jr Heavyweight Champion, Alejandro (we'll get to that), against Jake Lee & Jack Morris. 
[The arena is still buzzing with the aftermath of the previous night's events as Kaito Kiyomiya steps into the ring, holding a microphone with a determined look on his face. The crowd's attention immediately focuses on him, curious about what he has to say.]
Kaito Kiyomiya: "Last night was a hard-fought battle, and while I stand here as the victor, I know that my journey is far from over. I want to prove myself against the best, to push my limits and cement my legacy as the GHC Heavyweight Champion."
[The crowd erupts into cheers, showing their support for Kiyomiya's ambitions.]
Kaito Kiyomiya: "So tonight, I'm issuing a challenge. El Hijo Del Dr Wagner Jr, I respect you as a competitor, but I want to face you in this ring for the GHC Heavyweight Title. I want to prove that I am worthy of holding that championship."
[Before Kiyomiya can finish his challenge, the arena is filled with the sudden interruption of Jake Lee's entrance music. Lee storms down the ramp, a confident smirk on his face as he grabs a microphone and steps into the ring, facing off with Kiyomiya.]
Jake Lee: "Hold on just a minute there, Kiyomiya. You may have had a good match last night, but let's not forget who's standing in this ring right now. I'm Jake Lee, and I've been watching your rise closely."
[The crowd's reaction is mixed, unsure of what to make of Lee's interruption.]
Jake Lee: "If anyone deserves a shot at the GHC Heavyweight Championship, it's me. So instead of wasting your time challenging El Hijo Del Dr Wagner Jr, how about you face a real challenge? How about you face me?"
[Before Kiyomiya can respond, the arena is filled with the entrance music of El Hijo Del Dr Wagner Jr. Wagner strides down the ramp, a confident grin on his face as he joins Kiyomiya and Lee in the ring, microphone in hand.]
El Hijo Del Dr Wagner Jr: "Gentlemen, gentlemen, there's no need to argue over who deserves a shot at this championship. Because tonight, I'm declaring that I will face the winner of your match for the GHC Heavyweight Title."
[The crowd erupts into cheers at the prospect of such a high-stakes match.]
El Hijo Del Dr Wagner Jr: "So Kiyomiya, Lee, the challenge has been set. Show me what you're made of, because whoever wins tonight will have to face me next. And trust me, I'll be ready for whoever that may be."
[With that declaration, the tension in the arena reaches a fever pitch as Kiyomiya, Lee, and Wagner stare each other down, each man determined to prove himself as the rightful challenger for the GHC Heavyweight Championship.]
Just over 2 weeks later, Kaito Kiyomiya & Jake Lee would go head to head with Kiyomiya managing to get the win after 12 minutes and 21 seconds with another modified shining wizard
[The arena is electric with anticipation as Kaito Kiyomiya stands in the center of the ring, the crowd cheering in admiration after his hard-fought victory against Jake Lee. Kiyomiya holds a microphone, his gaze focused and determined as he addresses the audience.]
Kaito Kiyomiya: "Tonight proved once again that I am ready to take on any challenge, to face any opponent who dares to step into this ring with me. But there's one challenge that still lies ahead, one mountain left to climb."
[The crowd listens intently, knowing that Kiyomiya is referring to the GHC Heavyweight Championship.]
Kaito Kiyomiya: "For too long, I have watched from the sidelines as others have held that title, as others have claimed to be the best. But now, it's my time. It's my time to prove that I am worthy of holding the GHC Heavyweight Championship, to prove that I am the best wrestler in this company."
[Before Kiyomiya can continue, the arena is filled with the entrance music of El Hijo Del Dr Wagner Jr. Wagner steps onto the stage, his presence commanding attention as he stares down Kiyomiya in the ring.]
El Hijo Del Dr Wagner Jr: "You talk a big game, Kiyomiya, but talk is cheap. If you want to prove yourself, if you want to prove that you're worthy of holding that championship, then you'll have to go through me."
[The crowd erupts into cheers at the prospect of such a high-stakes match.]
El Hijo Del Dr Wagner Jr: "So how about it, Kiyomiya? You and me, one-on-one, for the GHC Heavyweight Championship. Let's settle this once and for all at Ryogoku."
[Kiyomiya's expression hardens with determination as he stares back at Wagner, accepting the challenge without hesitation.]
Kaito Kiyomiya: "You're on, Wagner. At Ryogoku, I will prove to the world that I am the rightful champion, that I am the best wrestler in this company. And when all is said and done, there will be no doubt who the true GHC Heavyweight Champion is."
[With the challenge accepted and the match officially set, the tension in the arena reaches a fever pitch as Kiyomiya and Wagner stand face-to-face, ready to write the next chapter in their epic rivalry at Ryogoku.]
GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship Match: Alejandro V1

Alejandro (c) vs Daga

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The day after Lee's challenge to Kiyomiya, we saw a GHC Junior title defence as Daga wanted to make his 6th defence but failed to a "lucky rollup" according to Daga, 
[The camera focuses on Daga, standing in the center of the ring, frustration evident in his expression after losing the GHC Junior Title to Alejandro. He holds a microphone, his voice carrying a mix of disappointment and determination as he addresses the audience.]
Daga: "Last night was not how I envisioned things going down. Losing the GHC Junior Title to Alejandro due to a rollup—it stings. It stings deep. But let me make one thing clear: I am not backing down. I am not giving up."
[The crowd listens intently, sensing Daga's determination to reclaim his championship.]
Daga: "Alejandro, you may have gotten the better of me last night, but mark my words, this is far from over. I want my rematch, and I want it now. I want the chance to prove that last night was just a fluke, that I am the rightful holder of the GHC Junior Title."
[Before Daga can continue, Alejandro's music hits, and the new champion emerges, microphone in hand, a confident smirk on his face as he addresses Daga from the stage.]
Alejandro: "Daga, Daga, Daga. Always so quick to demand a rematch, but tell me, what have you done to deserve it? You lost fair and square last night, and now you come out here demanding another shot? You need to prove yourself if you want a title match."
[The crowd's murmurs fill the arena as they wait to see how Daga will respond to Alejandro's challenge.]
Daga: "Prove myself? You want me to prove myself? Fine. Challenge accepted, Alejandro. I'll prove myself by taking on anyone you put in front of me, by defeating any opponent who dares to step into this ring with me. And when I've proven myself, when I've shown the world that I am worthy of that championship, I'll be coming for you."
[With the challenge accepted, the tension in the arena mounts as Daga sets his sights on proving himself worthy of a rematch and reclaiming the GHC Junior Title from Alejandro.]

The week after, Daga would go to defeat Eita in order to prove himself worthy of a title match
Other important matches at Ryogoku

Anthony Greene & Jack Morris (c) vs TenKoji: GHC Tag Team Championship

Masa Kitamiya vs Takashi Sugiura

Kenoh vs ???

Tadasuke & YO-HEY (c) vs Los Golpeadores: GHC Jr Tag Team Championship
Edited by estefan
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NOAH Wrestle Magic 2024

The May Ryogoku show started with the GHC Jr Tag Title defence as GLG duo Tadasuke & YO-HEY would successfully defend the GHC Jr Tag Titles against Los Golpeadores in a match that went slightly better than I had expected, I was expecting a high 40s maybe a 50 but 61 was a pleasant surprise. The next match would see GLG pairing LJ Cleary & Jake Lee take on Team NOAH pairing Go Shiozaki & Atsushi Kotoge

Now, I did run a modern day NOAH save for myself a while ago and Jake Lee would always underperform for me. I know some people aren't a fan of him but for the life of me I have no idea why, so before this save while I was editing things I went and bumped Jake Lee up a little and this is much better, Usually I would struggle getting 40s out of him but a 64 is great. Not a fan of LJ Cleary anyways (and I dont remember the last time I saw him on a NOAH show) but I'm not sure who else would join them as a replacement to be honest. The next match is a good shot for MOTN I reckon as we see Masa Kitamiya take on Takashi Sugiura. The story to these two being that Takashi Sugiura feels Masa Kitamiya doesn't belong here any more, constantly failing at the biggest hurdles, Sugiura will take the trash out of NOAH


The match would see Sugiura pin Masa Kitamiya after 15 minutes 30 seconds as he proved that Kitamiya hasn't got a chance when the lights are brightest, This result shoots Sugiura up the singles rankings, maybe even high enough to be considered for a title match. However the next match would see Timothy Thatcher coming out for a singles match.... he would wait for his opponent for it to be revealed.....

Kazushi Sakuraba has returned to NOAH! The Gracie Hunter, back in a Pro Wrestling NOAH ring for the first time in just under 3 months when he went to a time limit draw with Daisuke Sekimoto in February 2024, and he would face arguably the most dangerous, most unhinged man in all of pro wrestling, Timothy Thatcher


Unfortunately, it would not be the return Sakuraba had hoped for, as Timothy Thatcher would get the win in 17:53 which boosts him up the singles rankings, hopefully serving as a platform for him to finally taste singles success in NOAH, I am a big Timothy Thatcher fan, I think he's style of wrestling is something I enjoy quite a lot and also I've always been a big Sakuraba fan, I still remember watching Sakuraba challenge for the IWGP IC belt against Shinsuke Nakamura at WK 8 (I think? Might be 7) as one of my favourite matches of all time. The next match would see the Astronauts tag team of Fuminori Abe & Takuya Nomura making their PPV debut against the tag team of Daiki Inaba & Naomichi Marufuji

So.... Astronauts are pretty good aren't they, I always get surprised at how good these 2 are in modern day mods.... I mean I'm a huge fan of both but I always figured they were fairly small names so mod makers might not know a lot about them. But hey... I have no issues with it. Daiki Inaba is someone that I'm unsure how to use however. He has the right look however he seems to struggle in ring and he also doesn't have much of a.... personality, now I don't speak japanese so I can't say much on promos, but you can normally get an air of the person even when you don't understand what he's saying, Hiroshi Tanahashi, for example, you could always tell just how good he is on the mic, you could always just see his personality, his IT factor, Daiki Inaba has nothing like this for me, Even the National title feels too far away for him. Anyways, the next match is the GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship match.
[The arena is charged with anticipation as Alejandro, the current GHC Junior Champion, and Daga, the challenger hungry for redemption, stand in the center of the ring, ready to battle it out for the prestigious title. The referee signals for the bell, and the match begins.]
[Both wrestlers circle each other cautiously, each looking for an opening. Alejandro strikes first, lunging forward with a quick series of strikes, but Daga counters with a well-timed dodge, followed by a swift kick to Alejandro's midsection.]
[The momentum shifts back and forth as both competitors showcase their athleticism and skill. Alejandro gains the upper hand with a barrage of high-flying moves, keeping Daga on the defensive. But Daga refuses to stay down, fighting back with a relentless series of strikes and submissions, wearing down Alejandro.]
[As the match reaches its climax, Alejandro attempts to go for his finishing move, but Daga counters at the last moment, surprising Alejandro with a roll-up pin. The referee slides into position, counting the pin.]
Referee: "One! Two!"
[But as the referee's hand comes down for the three-count, Daga discreetly places his feet on the ropes for added leverage, unbeknownst to the referee.]
Referee: "Three! We have a new champion!"
[The crowd erupts into cheers as Daga celebrates his victory, the GHC Junior Title now around his waist. Alejandro looks shocked and frustrated, realizing too late what had happened.]
[As Daga raises the title high above his head, a mix of triumph and satisfaction evident on his face, Alejandro seethes with anger outside the ring, knowing that he was outsmarted by his opponent.]
[The camera fades out as Daga basks in his hard-earned victory, his feet on the ropes serving as a controversial footnote in his journey to reclaim the GHC Junior Championship.]

Okay okay, don't hate me for this, but I felt having Alejandro fluke a title win and then having Daga be an absolute shit head to win it back was a good move (also I don't really know what to do with it but I don't like Daga so I'm not letting him have one of those year long reigns or whatever) anyways the next match sees Kenoh taking on a mystery opponent
Apologies for the oversight. Let's revise that match with the correct move:
[The atmosphere in the arena crackles with anticipation as Kenoh, representing Pro Wrestling NOAH, stands poised in the ring, awaiting his mystery opponent. Suddenly, the lights dim, and a hush falls over the crowd as the entrance ramp fills with smoke, heralding the arrival of YAMATO, the enigmatic star from Dragon Gate. The audience erupts into a symphony of cheers as YAMATO steps into the spotlight, ready to clash with Kenoh in a battle of titans.]
[With the referee's signal, the match commences, and the two competitors lock eyes, each exuding a potent blend of focus and determination. YAMATO wastes no time in launching a lightning-fast assault, employing a barrage of strikes and evasive maneuvers to keep Kenoh on the defensive. However, Kenoh, with his seasoned prowess, quickly adjusts his strategy, countering YAMATO's onslaught with a calculated blend of power and precision.]
[As the contest unfolds, the intensity mounts with each passing moment. YAMATO dazzles the audience with his aerial acrobatics and rapid-fire strikes, while Kenoh responds with bone-crushing slams and relentless submission holds. The ebb and flow of the battle captivates the crowd, who are on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the next move.]
[In a pivotal moment, YAMATO ascends the turnbuckle, aiming to execute a daring maneuver that could turn the tide of the match in his favor. However, before he can leap into action, Kenoh seizes the opportunity, unleashing his signature move, the Professional Foot Stomp (PFS), with pinpoint precision. The resounding impact reverberates throughout the arena as YAMATO crumples to the mat, stunned by the force of the blow.]
[With the crowd roaring in disbelief, Kenoh capitalizes on his advantage, swiftly covering YAMATO for the pin. The referee slides into position, administering the count as the audience holds its collective breath.]
Referee: "One! Two! Three!"
[The arena explodes with a deafening roar as Kenoh emerges victorious, his triumph echoing through the rafters. With a mixture of exhaustion and elation, Kenoh rises to his feet, his victory secured. YAMATO, though vanquished, extends a gesture of respect to his adversary, acknowledging the skill and determination displayed throughout the match.]
[As Kenoh basks in the adulation of the crowd, he exits the ring, leaving behind a legacy of resilience and tenacity that will be remembered for years to come.]
The arena falls into a hushed silence as YAMATO, still catching his breath after the intense match, lifts the microphone to his lips. The crowd's attention is undivided, hanging on his every word.
YAMATO: "Tonight, I stepped into this ring with one goal in mind: to test my limits, to push myself beyond what I thought possible. And I can say without a doubt, facing Kenoh here in Pro Wrestling NOAH has been an experience I won't soon forget."
[The audience responds with thunderous applause, showing their appreciation for the electrifying match they just witnessed.]
YAMATO: "But as I stand here, in the heart of NOAH, I can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia, a longing to return to these hallowed halls once again. Pro Wrestling NOAH holds a special place in my heart, and I would be honored to step foot in this ring again someday."
[The crowd's cheers grow louder, expressing their enthusiasm at the prospect of YAMATO's return to NOAH.]
YAMATO: "So to all the fans here tonight, and to everyone watching around the world, I make you this promise: I will come back to Pro Wrestling NOAH. I will return to this ring, ready to give it my all once again, and to create more unforgettable moments with the incredible talent that resides here."
[With those heartfelt words, YAMATO lowers the microphone, his message resonating throughout the arena. The crowd erupts into cheers and applause, already eagerly anticipating the day when YAMATO will make his triumphant return to Pro Wrestling NOAH.]

So, Kenoh is king, we move.

Nah but seriously, I didn't expect this to almost hit 70, but I'm very happy it did, YAMATO is someone I'm a big fan of having watched a lot of late 00s and early 10s Dragon Gate and then Kenoh has probably been my favourite NOAH wrestler since KONGOH and yeah this is as close to the real life Ryogoku show as I can make it while still booking how I want to book. And I liked Kenoh vs YAMATO even if tons of people didn't

Anyways next is Anthony Greene & Jack Morris defending the GHC Tag Team Titles against TenKoji


So, TenKoji is washed and old, Morris & Greene are not able to carry, we move.

Next is the main event, El Hijo Del Dr. Wagner Jr. takes on Kaito Kiyomiya in a GHC Heavyweight Championship match but first theres footage of the pair doing separate interviews

Interviewer: "Is El Hijo Del Dr. Wagner Jr. worthy of the GHC Heavyweight Champion"


El Hijo Del Dr. Wagner Jr: "Am I worthy of the GHC Heavyweight Championship? That's a question that has been on the minds of many, and rightfully so. The GHC Heavyweight Championship is one of the most prestigious titles in all of professional wrestling, and to hold such a title is to carry the weight of history and tradition on your shoulders."

El Hijo Del Dr. Wagner Jr: "But let me make one thing clear: I did not come here to simply compete. I came here to dominate. I came here to prove to the world that I am not just worthy of the GHC Heavyweight Championship—I am destined for it."


Kaito Kiyomiya: "In my opinion, Wagner has yet to prove himself truly worthy of the GHC Heavyweight Championship. Yes, he's a formidable competitor, and yes, he poses a significant challenge. But until he can demonstrate that he has what it takes to truly earn that championship, there will always be questions surrounding his worthiness."

Kaito Kiyomiya: "As for me, I'm focused on my own journey. I'm focused on proving that I am worthy of being the face of Pro Wrestling NOAH, of carrying the GHC Heavyweight Championship with honor and pride. And if Wagner wants to prove his worth, he'll have to go through me to do it."


Interviewer: "What do you believe is your biggest strength leading into this match?"


El Hijo Del Dr. Wagner Jr: "My biggest strengths going into this match? There are many, but if I were to pinpoint a few, I would say my experience, my versatility, and my unwavering determination. First and foremost, my experience in this industry spans decades. I have faced opponents of all shapes and sizes, in every type of match imaginable. This wealth of experience has sharpened my instincts and honed my skills to perfection. Secondly, my versatility sets me apart. Whether it's technical wrestling, high-flying maneuvers, or brawling in the trenches, I can adapt to any style and overcome any obstacle. This adaptability gives me an edge over my opponents and allows me to dictate the pace of the match. And finally, my determination is unmatched. When I step into that ring, I do so with one goal in mind: victory. I will stop at nothing to achieve that goal, to overcome any challenge that stands in my way. And make no mistake, Kaito Kiyomiya will be no exception."


Kaito Kiyomiya: "My biggest strengths going into this match? That's a question that requires careful consideration, as every match presents its own unique challenges. However, if I were to highlight a few key strengths, I would say my resilience, my technical acumen, and my unwavering determination. First and foremost, my resilience is one of my greatest assets. Throughout my career, I've faced adversity head-on, and each time, I've emerged stronger than before. No matter the odds, I refuse to stay down, and I will always fight until the very end. Secondly, my technical prowess sets me apart. I've spent countless hours honing my craft, mastering a wide array of holds, maneuvers, and counters. This allows me to dictate the pace of the match and control the flow of action in the ring. And finally, my unwavering determination is what drives me forward. When I step into that ring, I do so with a singular focus: to prove that I am worthy of being the face of Pro Wrestling NOAH, to prove that I am the rightful holder of the GHC Heavyweight Championship."


Interviewer: "What is your opponent's biggest strength?"


El Hijo Del Dr. Wagner Jr: "Kaito Kiyomiya's greatest strength? That's a question that warrants careful consideration, as Kiyomiya is a formidable opponent with many notable attributes. However, if I were to pinpoint his greatest strength, I would say it's his resilience. Throughout his career, Kiyomiya has demonstrated an incredible ability to weather adversity and persevere in the face of overwhelming odds. No matter how dire the situation may seem, he never backs down, never gives up. It's this unwavering determination that sets him apart and makes him a force to be reckoned with in the ring."


Kaito Kiyomiya: "El Hijo Del Dr. Wagner Jr's greatest strength? That's an interesting question. Wagner is undoubtedly a seasoned veteran with a wealth of experience and a diverse skill set. However, if I were to pinpoint his greatest strength, I would say it's his versatility. Wagner has proven time and time again that he can adapt to any situation in the ring. Whether it's technical wrestling, high-flying maneuvers, or brawling in the trenches, he's capable of excelling in any style of match. This versatility makes him a dangerous opponent, as he can keep you guessing and constantly changing his approach."


Interviewer: "One message for your opponent?"


El Hijo Del Dr. Wagner Jr: "Kaito Kiyomiya, I have a message for you. In just a matter of time, we will step into the ring together, and the world will be watching. I want you to understand something very clearly: I have the utmost respect for you as a competitor. You've proven yourself to be a worthy adversary, and I know that our match will be nothing short of epic. But make no mistake, Kiyomiya. When that bell rings, there will be no room for sentimentality or hesitation. I will bring everything I have to that ring, and I expect nothing less from you. This is not just another match—it's a battle for supremacy, a clash of titans. So prepare yourself, Kiyomiya. Train harder than you ever have before, because I will push you to your limits. And when all is said and done, there will be no doubt who the superior competitor is. See you in the ring."


Kaito Kiyomiya: "To El Hijo Del Dr. Wagner Jr, I have a message. Wagner, our paths are set to intersect in the ring, and I want you to know that I have the utmost respect for you as a competitor. Your legacy speaks for itself, and I understand the magnitude of the challenge that lies ahead."


The atmosphere inside the arena is charged with electricity as El Hijo Del Dr. Wagner Jr and Kaito Kiyomiya stand face to face in the center of the ring, the anticipation reaching a fever pitch. The crowd roars in anticipation, fully aware that they are about to witness a clash of titans for the GHC Heavyweight Championship.
The referee signals for the bell, and the match is underway. Both competitors circle each other cautiously, their eyes locked in a fierce stare-down. The tension in the air is palpable as they size each other up, each waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
The first blow is struck by Wagner, who lunges forward with lightning-fast strikes, aiming to catch Kiyomiya off guard. But Kiyomiya, ever the tactician, expertly dodges each attack, countering with precision strikes of his own. The back-and-forth exchange ignites the crowd, who are on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the next move.
As the match progresses, both competitors pull out all the stops, unleashing a barrage of high-impact maneuvers and signature moves. Wagner showcases his incredible agility with a series of aerial assaults, while Kiyomiya relies on his technical prowess to wear down his opponent.
The momentum shifts back and forth, with neither competitor willing to give an inch. The near falls come fast and furious, each pin attempt met with a defiant kick out. The intensity of the match reaches a fever pitch as both Wagner and Kiyomiya refuse to back down, their determination driving them forward.
In a pivotal moment, Kiyomiya ascends the turnbuckle, his eyes locked on Wagner who lies prone on the mat below. With a roar from the crowd, Kiyomiya leaps into the air, executing a breathtaking Tiger Suplex off the top rope, sending Wagner crashing to the canvas below.
The arena erupts into cheers as Kiyomiya hooks Wagner's leg for the pin. The referee slides into position, administering the count as the crowd counts along eagerly.
Referee: "One! Two! Three!"
The bell rings, signaling Kiyomiya's victory and crowning him the new GHC Heavyweight Champion. The crowd explodes into a deafening roar as Kiyomiya rises to his feet, his emotions overflowing as he raises the championship high above his head.
In defeat, Wagner extends a hand to Kiyomiya, acknowledging his opponent's hard-fought victory. The two competitors share a moment of mutual respect in the center of the ring, the culmination of an epic battle that will be remembered for years to come.

As the arena buzzes with excitement, Keiji Mutoh steps away from commentary, drawing all eyes to him. Kaito Kiyomiya, the new GHC Heavyweight Champion, watches in awe as Mutoh approaches, a mix of surprise and reverence on his face.
With a respectful nod, Mutoh hands Kiyomiya the microphone. The young champion, composed but clearly moved, addresses the legend before him.
Kaito Kiyomiya: "Mr. Mutoh, it's an honor to have you here. Thank you for your kind words."
Mutoh nods in acknowledgement, then unfastens the title from Kiyomiya's waist. In a symbolic gesture, he drapes it over Kiyomiya's shoulder, signifying the passing of the torch.
Keiji Mutoh: "Kaito, you've earned this. Wear it with pride and continue to elevate Pro Wrestling NOAH."
With a handshake, Mutoh departs, leaving Kiyomiya standing tall, the cheers of the crowd echoing around him. With the title gleaming in the spotlight, Kiyomiya embraces his role as champion, ready to carry the legacy forward with honor and determination.



Yeah I'm not gonna hide it. This was the most one match show a show can be. The rest of the card was decent.... but come on... Kaito vs Wagner carried hard. Not entirely sure what next for him but I'll figure it out, and if anyone has any ideas for some junior division signings I'd really appreciate it, the junior division is just extremely weak

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Posted (edited)

Awesome to see this. NOAH is finally coming out of the rut they've been in post-Muto (and most of Muto tbh) and they actually feel hot right now. As long as you treat Kaito well (low bar, I know) and make him a proper champion and a proper ace, the rest will fall into place!

Junior division I agree is rough and it's not like there are many unaffiliated talent out there to grab. Naruki Doi is a favorite of mine and is technically freelance so there's one option. And you could always grab a couple Americans. NOAH always has a random grab bag of foreigners so virtually any indie talent are acceptable. Titus Alexander should already be on the roster and NOAH very clearly has plans for him as well.

Edited by Dalton
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NOAH: Star Navigation Night 4



British duo Ashton Smith & Michael Oku would make their debuts in the ark in an exhibition match against former GHC Jr Tag Champions, Los Golpeadores


Naruki Doi would also enter a Pro Wrestling NOAH ring for the first time since 2007, he would call out GHC Junior Champion Daga and challenge him to a match in Nagoya for mid June


Top Flight would debut in NOAH with a win over Seiki Yoshioka & Yuya Susumu


After a win over Manabu Soya, Masa Kitamiya called out Takashi Sugiura after losing to him in Ryogoku and challenges him to a rematch in Nagoya, Sugiura, reluctantly, agrees.


In the main event, Marufuji, Owada & AMAKUSA would defeat ALL REBELLION in a trios match, Naomichi Marufuji had some words for Kiyomiya after the bell however

Naomichi Marufuji: "Kaito-San, you are the future of Pro Wrestling NOAH, however when I see you, I worry for the company's future, You are no Kazuchika Okada, or Kenta Kobashi, or Mitsuharu Misawa, Kaito Kiyomiya you are not ace worthy. I have a friend who agrees with me, at first I was against doing anything however, my friend is deadset on challenging you for your GHC Heavyweight Championship, he would challenge you in person however he could not be here tonight as he's wrestling in America, so he asked me to pass on a message, My friend wishes to talk to you in Osaka next week, he will challenge you then. Will you be there, Kaito?"

So, who could the mystery challenger be, Do you know? He will TAKE OVER NOAH once again.

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NOAH: Build to Nagoya

Sunny Voyage Night 13


Kaito Kiyomiya comes out to start the show in a suit, he looks serious, ready to meet his challenger. 




The Champ is here *drum starts being beat*

KENTA & Naomichi Marufuji come out! KENTA is back in NOAH!!!

[The camera fades in to the center of the ring in a packed arena. The crowd is buzzing with anticipation as Marufuji stands in the center, holding a microphone. KENTA's music hits, and the crowd erupts as he makes his way to the ring with a determined look on his face.]


Marufuji: Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to welcome back a man who needs no introduction in the world of professional wrestling. He's a force to be reckoned with, a warrior who has traveled the globe, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. Please give a thunderous welcome to... KENTA!


[The crowd explodes with cheers as KENTA enters the ring, nodding to Marufuji before taking the microphone.]


KENTA: Thank you, Marufuji. It feels damn good to be back home in Pro Wrestling NOAH!


[The crowd roars in approval.]


KENTA: Now, I didn't come back just to soak up the nostalgia or take a stroll down memory lane. No, I came back with a purpose. I came back with one goal in mind: to reclaim what is rightfully mine – the GHC Heavyweight Championship!


[The crowd erupts with chants of "KENTA! KENTA! KENTA!"]


KENTA: Kaito Kiyomiya, you hold that title right now, and you've done a hell of a job representing this company. But let's not kid ourselves, Kaito. You know as well as I do that there's only one true king of NOAH, and that's me.


[The crowd's cheers intensify as KENTA's confidence radiates through the arena.]


KENTA: So here's what's going to happen, Kaito. I'm challenging you, right here, right now, to put that title on the line against me. Let's settle this in the ring like men, and may the best wrestler walk out with the gold around his waist.


[The crowd is on their feet, electrified by the challenge laid down by KENTA.]


Marufuji: Kaito Kiyomiya, the ball is in your court. Will you accept KENTA's challenge and defend your championship against one of the fiercest competitors to ever step foot in a NOAH ring?


[The arena falls silent as they await Kiyomiya's response, anticipation hanging thick in the air.]


On the same night, Kazuyuki Fujita would defeat Go Shiozaki to earn a GHC National Championship Title match at Nagoya against Jack Morris

Sunny Voyage Night 14


Kaito Kiyomiya & Kenoh came out to start the show, following the revelation that KENTA is back in NOAH, even if only on a freelance deal, they feel betrayed by the thought that Marufuji has no faith in the current stars of NOAH and that's why he's looking towards the past, they challenge Naomichi Marufuji & KENTA to a tag team dream match in the main event of the Nagoya show. MaruKEN comes out and accepts the challenge


In the main event in Shinjuku FACE that night, GLG would take on TEAM NOAH and the exchanges between Shiozaki & Lee are extremely intense, at one point both men's team mates had to pull them apart during the match. Post match, Go Shiozaki would get on the mic and challenge Jake Lee to an exhibition in Nagoya which Lee quickly accepts acknowledging the poor form Go Shiozaki is on and vowing to make it worse

NOAH Sunny Voyage Night 15


After defeating Atsushi Kotoge, Naruki Doi gets on the house mic, he calls out Daga again, irritated that he hasn't answered his challenge for a GHC Junior Title match, he says he's spoken with the NOAH shareholders and that there will be a match between himself and former GHC Junior Champion HAYATA and that the winner is guarenteed a title shot at Nagoya, and if Daga doesn't show up he has to forfeit the belt


Before I get into this.... lets just acknowledge that Kiyomiya managed to pull off a tiger suplex and bridge it with a torn f***ing bicep. anyways. After defeating Titus Alexander in a short match in the main event, Kiyomiya raises Alexander's hand in respect and tells the crowd to keep an eye on this guy, saying he'll do big things in NOAH

Anyways before the next show I'm gonna quickly check out the medical centre....


So Kiyomiya has to be carried in Nagoya, and his next title defence and if he holds onto it, likely the one after that as well..... So glad I decided to go for a KENTA program instead of something like a Thatcher program... anyways

NOAH Sunny Voyage Night 16


Tag match involving Kitamiya & Sugiura one week before their rematch in Nagoya, Kitamiya had managed to pin Sakuraba in the warm up but that means nothing on the big stage, he's failed once before, can he finally win on the big stage in Nagoya


Naruki Doi would earn himself a GHC Junior title shot by beating Junior Ace HAYATA, however no matter the winner, the fans either have to watch Daga cheat to win or watch an outsider come and win their junior title.


As a warmup for the big main event next week (and to assess the damage on Kiyomiya in the ring, knocked about 10 points off what he normally would get in this match) ALL REBELLION would defeat El Hijo Del Dr. Wagner Jr. , Los Golpeadores & AMAKUSA. after the match Kiyomiya would get on the house mic to address the bandages on his right arm

Kiyomiya: Last week against Titus Alexander I suffered a torn bicep, This is just proof of how difficult it was to win against him as he pulled everything out to put me down but I got back up. KENTA, Marufuji, I know your hoping I'll forfeit this title to injury. But I can still fight, so if you want to take this title from me, you have to rip it out the clutches of my cold, dead, body

And with that the next show will be the Great Journey to Nagoya 2024. The card (subject to change) looks like this

Kaito Kiyomiya & Kenoh vs MaruKEN (Marufuji & KENTA)

Jack Morris (c) vs Kazuyuki Fujita: GHC National Championship

Daga (c) vs Naruki Doi: GHC Junior Championship

Go Shiozaki vs Jake Lee

Masa Kitamiya vs Takashi Sugiura

Astronauts (Fuminori Abe & Takuya Nomura) vs Yoshinari Ogawa (NOAH) & Zack Sabre Jr. (NJPW)

El Hijo Del Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Luis Mante (Dragon Gate)

Tadasuke & YO-HEY (c) vs Alejandro & Miyawaki vs Yoshioka & Susumu vs Top Flight: GHC Junior Tag Team Championship Elimination Match

Predictions out of 8 being accepted

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NOAH: Great Journey to Nagoya 2024

Welcome to the Nagoya Civic General Gymnasium formally known as Nagoya Rainbow Hall, tonight is one hell of a show, we have a 4 way tag match for GHC gold, the rematch between Masa Kitamiya & Takashi Sugiura, and in the main event.... KENTA returns to NOAH action for the first time in 18 months

Pre Show:




Main Card:

Opening the show sees the 4 way tag match for the GHC Junior Tag Titles, as champions Tadasuke & YO-HEY defend against ALL REBELLION pairing Alejandro & Miyawaki, Seiki Yoshioka & Yuya Susumu, and representing AEW, Top Flight. 


So I chose to pull a title change, and gave the belts to Alejandro & Junta Miyawaki, I'm not entirely sure where I see Miyawaki's ceiling in the junior divsion but I do want to work towards making Alejandro one of the top stars of the division and well it also allows for a few fresh matchups as GLG had the tag titles for a while (I believe 6 defences but will double check) Although.... seeing how Top Flight performed I do question if it'd be a better decision to give them the titles.... Oh well.

Next is an exhibition match between former GHC Heavyweight Champion, El Hijo Del Dr. Wagner Jr. and the Open the Dream Gate Champion, Luis Mante


Simple decision here... One works for me the other doesn't. My headcannon is I'm gonna give Wagner a couple months off NOAH until the N1 and imagine he's working a feud with Mante for the Open the Dream Gate championship. Main reason for this is there's not really anyone available for him to work until the N1, 

 Next is the tag match between Astronauts and Ogawa/ZSJ


Astronauts are great, what's new, I'd be lying if I said Astronauts won't have the tag titles within a year. Zack is cool as well but it feels cheap bringing him in full time while he's working NJPW still. But would defo consider it if he leaves New Japan. 

Anyways, next is Kitamiya/Sugiura 2.


Okay I- I hear you. Just stop shou- SHUT THE F*** UP. I am not burying Masa Kitamiya. This is going to get him over as hell, I'm taking slight inspiration from Kenta Kobashi's rookie years and his losing streak except I'm really only having it on the big stage where Kitamiya can't quite get it done

Next is the match between Go Shiozaki & Jake Lee

[The arena is buzzing with excitement as the crowd eagerly awaits the showdown between two titans of Pro Wrestling NOAH. The referee signals for the bell, and the match begins.]

Commentator 1: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a clash of powerhouses here tonight as Go Shiozaki takes on Jake Lee! This is going to be an absolute barnburner!

Commentator 2: Absolutely, both men known for their incredible strength and technical prowess. It's anyone's game tonight!

[Shiozaki and Lee circle each other in the ring, eyes locked in a fierce stare-down. They lock up in the center, each trying to assert their dominance. After a brief struggle, Shiozaki manages to gain the upper hand with a powerful shove, sending Lee stumbling back into the ropes.]

Commentator 1: Shiozaki showing off that incredible strength early on, but Jake Lee won't stay down for long!

[Lee rebounds off the ropes and charges at Shiozaki, but Shiozaki counters with a thunderous clothesline that nearly takes Lee's head off. The crowd roars in approval as Shiozaki goes for the cover.]

Commentator 2: What a devastating clothesline by Shiozaki! This could be it!

[But to everyone's surprise, Lee kicks out at the last possible moment, showing his resilience and determination. Shiozaki looks slightly surprised but quickly gets back to his feet, pulling Lee up with him. The two engage in a brutal exchange of strikes, each landing heavy blows on the other.]

Commentator 1: These two are absolutely laying into each other! Neither man willing to back down an inch!

[After several minutes of back-and-forth action, Lee manages to gain the upper hand with a well-timed knee strike to Shiozaki's midsection, doubling him over in pain. Lee then hoists Shiozaki up onto his shoulders, the crowd on their feet in anticipation.]

Commentator 2: Is Lee going for it? Could he be looking to end this match right here?

[With a display of immense strength, Lee executes a perfect backdrop suplex, driving Shiozaki hard into the mat. The impact reverberates throughout the arena as the crowd erupts into cheers.]

Commentator 1: What a backdrop suplex by Jake Lee! That's got to be it!

[Lee hooks the leg for the pinfall as the referee slides into position, counting the 1...2...3! The bell rings, signaling the end of the match as Lee's hand is raised in victory.]

Commentator 2: Jake Lee with an impressive victory over the former GHC Heavyweight Champion! This is certainly a statement win for Lee here tonight!


Go Shiozaki's form falls even further as Jake Lee picks up a win over Shiozaki which gives Lee huge momentum going into NOAH Destination 2024. However Shiozaki's form is becoming a major problem for Team NOAH...

GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship match was next as Daga, finally appears, to take on Naruki Doi


Let me be honest. Daga is getting released. Never been a fan and now I've got the gold on someone capable I'm happy to ditch him

Anyways next is the man beast, Kazuyuki Fujita, taking on National champion, Jack Morris


I like Fujita, And his style suits the National Championship, really it's my answer to the NEVER Openweight championship so Fujita is defo someone worthy of it. 

Next is the main event. Kaito Kiyomiya & Kenoh take on MaruKEN, where, if MaruKEN wins, KENTA challenges for the GHC Heavyweight Championship at Destination

[The tension in the arena is palpable as the tag team match between Kaito Kiyomiya & Kenoh against Naomichi Marufuji & KENTA reaches its climax. Kiyomiya and KENTA, the legal men, are locked in a fierce exchange of strikes, each determined to secure victory for their team.]

Commentator 1: This match has been an absolute war from the get-go, and now it's come down to Kiyomiya and KENTA, the leaders of their respective teams, battling it out in the center of the ring!

[Kiyomiya and KENTA trade stiff forearm shots, the sound echoing throughout the arena with each impact. Kiyomiya gains the upper hand momentarily, staggering KENTA with a thunderous elbow strike. He whips KENTA into the ropes, but KENTA counters with lightning speed, catching Kiyomiya with a sudden knee strike to the jaw.]

Commentator 2: KENTA with a lightning-fast counter there! He's got Kiyomiya reeling!

[KENTA seizes the opportunity, hoisting Kiyomiya onto his shoulders in position for his devastating finishing move, the Go To Sleep (GTS). The crowd erupts as KENTA drives Kiyomiya's face into his knee with bone-jarring force.]

Commentator 1: GTS! KENTA nails the Go To Sleep! This could be it!

[KENTA quickly goes for the cover, hooking Kiyomiya's leg as the referee slides into position to make the count.]

Referee: One! Two!

[Before the referee's hand can come down for the third count, Kenoh dives into the ring to break up the pinfall attempt, saving his partner from defeat.]

Commentator 2: Kenoh with the save! He's not going to let Kiyomiya go down like that!

[Marufuji sees Kenoh's interference and charges into the ring to even the odds. Chaos ensues as all four competitors are now brawling inside the ring, trading blows back and forth.]

Commentator 1: It's breaking down here, folks! These four competitors will stop at nothing to secure victory for their team!

[Amidst the chaos, KENTA and Kiyomiya find themselves back on their feet, trading strikes once again. KENTA manages to gain the upper hand once more, stunning Kiyomiya with a series of well-placed kicks.]

Commentator 2: KENTA is relentless! He's got Kiyomiya on the ropes!

[With Kiyomiya dazed and staggered, KENTA seizes the moment, hoisting him up once again for another Go To Sleep. This time, there's no interference as KENTA drives Kiyomiya's face into his knee with brutal precision.]

Commentator 1: Another GTS! KENTA connects again! It's over!

[KENTA covers Kiyomiya, hooking the leg as the referee counts the pinfall.]

Referee: One! Two! Three!

[The bell rings, signaling the end of the match as KENTA's hand is raised in victory. The crowd erupts into a mix of cheers and boos, acknowledging the hard-fought battle between these four incredible athletes.]


With that, KENTA will challenge Kaito Kiyomiya at the main event of NOAH Destination which will see NOAH return to the Yokohama Arena. It is a shame that Kiyomiya's injury is likely to hold the match back but I can accept it


In my opinion, this show was far better balanced out then the Ryogoku show was, and I'm quite happy with it, Especially as there's only 3 shows until Destination which begins the N1 season, The winner of the N1 will challenge either KENTA or Kaito Kiyomiya in the Saitama Super Arena at NOAH One Night Dream 2024 in what is likely to be the biggest show of the year for NOAH, as two non NOAH competitors declare for the N1....



Freelancer Minoru Suzuki & BJW wrestler Daisuke Sekimoto both declared their intention to compete in the N1 during recent AJPW & BJW shows being the first to enter the 16 man field. As we gear up for Destination and the N1 Victory, will we see any other surprises for the N1 field?

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NOAH: Sunny Voyage Night 17 Highlights


Masa Kitamiya comes down to the ring for his match, but he looks sadder than normal, calmer than normal...

Kitamiya: Takashi Sugiura, twice I've faced you to prove I can beat you on the big stage, twice I've failed.... Give me one more chance

Sugiura comes out to the ring, looking ticked off that Kitamiya won't leave him alone

Sugiura: No. There's nothing to gain out of beating you a third time, accept defeat with grace, I've beat you twice, you can't do it, just accept it, accepting a rematch is foolish on my end because I earn nothing out of it.

Kitamiya: So you want stakes? that's what your saying correct

Sugiura: If you had anything to offer me then yes but you don't.

Kitamiya: How about my career.

*commentary and the crowd go silent in shock*

Kitamiya: Takashi Sugiura, face me one more time, at Yokohama Arena. If you win, I retire. If I win, you lose your right to enter the N1. Yes or No?

Sugiura: Are you crazy? You bet your career on impossible odds. You know what fine. I'll face you in Yokohama, and end your career.


Kaito Kiyomiya & Kenoh come out after Masa Kitamiya defeated Daiki Inaba and they both have the same message. But first Kenoh challenges Naomichi Marufuji to a singles match at Yokohama. and then. ALL REBELLION declares for the N1 regardless of the result at Yokohama when Kaito Kiyomiya defends against KENTA




After defeating Daga, HAYATA would declare his intention to both join the heavyweight division and enter the N1 Victory



Jake Lee comes out next and he announces that GLG has signed a deal to ally themselves with GOLD CLASS of Dragon Gate, announcing that Ben-K & Kota Minoura will team up with himself, Greene & Morris against Team NOAH


The result of said match however saw Saito pin Anthony Greene earning himself and any member of Team NOAH a shot at the GHC Tag Team titles

NOAH: Star Navigation Night 5


Manabu Soya would defeat Ryohei Oiwa and then declare for the N1


Go Shiozaki's losing streak would continue as he loses to Ben-K


KENTA & Marufuji would team up again to take on Ulka Sasaki & Takashi Sugiura with MaruKEN getting the win and then, Marufuji would accept Kenoh's challenge for Yokohama and also declare himself for the N1



NOAH Destination: Yokohama Arena 2024

Kaito Kiyomiya (c) vs KENTA: GHC Heavyweight Championship

Masa Kitamiya vs Takashi Sugiura: Career vs N1

GLG (c) vs Saito & Yone: GHC Tag Team Championship

GLG vs Team NOAH (Jake Lee, Ben-K, Kota Minoura vs Go Shiozaki, Atsushi Kotoge & Hi69)

Kenoh vs Naomichi Marufuji

Astronauts vs Los Golpeadores: No.1 contenders match

Alejandro vs YO-HEY: No.1 contenders match

Minoru Suzuki vs Timothy Thatcher

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Mid-Yearly Awards

Wrestler of the year so far:


Company of the year so far:


Team of the year so far: Finn Balor & Damien Priest

Match of the year so far: Rhea Ripley (winner) vs Becky Lynch: Week 1 June, RAW

Show of the year so far: Wrestlemania 40 Night 2

Young Wrestler of the year so far: Momo Watanabe

Veteran Wrestler of the year so far: Randy Orton

Female Wrestler of the year so far: Rhea Ripley

Independent Wrestler of the year so far: El Texano Jr.



NOAH: Destination: Yokohama Arena 2024:

Pre Show:



Main Show:

The opener saw what would probably be the most vicious match in the history of pro wrestling as Minoru Suzuki made his return to NOAH to take on Timothy Thatcher, eventually winning by Gotch-Style piledriver, also considering he's in his mid 50s... Yeah the guy can still go.


Next up is the number one contender match between Alejandro & YO-HEY


I can see why some people might feel Alejandro challenging again so soon is a weird call but the two top aces of the junior division in HAYATA & Eita are both going to be occupied in the lead up to the next big shows so I felt I have to give Naruki Doi a junior with some star power for him to beat and Alejandro is one of my favourites plus the constant exposure when with Kenoh & Kiyomiya is surely getting him over

Next is Astronauts vs Los Golpeadores


Correct me if I'm wrong... But this is the first match to get over a 70 that isn't a main event I believe. No surprises tbh, Abe & Nomura are both amazing which is why not only are they getting a title shot but.... Ah just keep reading

Next up, The genius of the ark, Naomichi Marufuji, takes on Kenoh.

**[Pro Wrestling NOAH Event: Destination]**
**Match: Kenoh vs. Naomichi Marufuji**
**Venue:** Yokohama Arena, Yokohama, Japan  
**Date:** May 16, 2024  
**Stipulation:** Singles Match
**Commentator 1:** "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Pro Wrestling NOAH's 'Destination'! Tonight, we have a monumental clash as Kenoh takes on the legendary Naomichi Marufuji! This is going to be a war!"
**Commentator 2:** "Absolutely, Kenoh's aggression against Marufuji's experience and technical prowess. This is a match for the ages!"
**(The bell rings, and the match is underway. Kenoh and Marufuji circle each other, sizing each other up.)**
**Commentator 1:** "Here we go, the anticipation is palpable!"
**(Kenoh lunges forward with a kick, but Marufuji sidesteps and counters with a quick leg sweep. Kenoh hits the mat but rolls back to his feet immediately.)**
**Commentator 2:** "Fast start from both men! Neither is giving an inch."
**(They lock up in the center of the ring. Kenoh uses his strength to push Marufuji into the corner. The referee calls for a clean break, and Kenoh surprisingly obliges but delivers a stinging slap to Marufuji’s chest on the break.)**
**Commentator 1:** "Kenoh showing that disrespect he's known for."
**(Marufuji glares at Kenoh and responds with a flurry of chops, backing Kenoh up. He whips Kenoh into the ropes and catches him with a high knee to the face on the rebound.)**
**Commentator 2:** "Beautiful knee strike from Marufuji!"
**(Kenoh staggers but quickly retaliates with a spinning back kick to Marufuji’s midsection, followed by a snap DDT. He goes for the first cover of the match.)**
**Referee:** "1… 2…"
**(Marufuji kicks out, and Kenoh immediately transitions into a rear chin lock, applying pressure.)**
**Commentator 1:** "Kenoh trying to wear Marufuji down here, smart strategy."
**(Marufuji fights to his feet and breaks the hold with a series of elbow strikes to Kenoh’s midsection. He runs to the ropes, but Kenoh catches him with a brutal roundhouse kick on the return. Marufuji collapses to the mat.)**
**Commentator 2:** "What a kick! Kenoh might have knocked Marufuji out cold!"
**(Kenoh drags Marufuji to his feet and attempts a Dragon suplex, but Marufuji flips out of it and lands on his feet. He quickly hits Kenoh with a thrust kick to the jaw, followed by a rapid series of palm strikes.)**
**Commentator 1:** "Marufuji’s striking game is unmatched! Look at those palm strikes!"
**(Marufuji whips Kenoh into the corner and follows up with a running dropkick. Kenoh slumps in the corner as Marufuji pulls him out and sets him up for the Shiranui. Kenoh blocks the attempt and counters with a brutal forearm smash, followed by a double foot stomp from the top rope. He goes for another cover.)**
**Referee:** "1… 2…"
**(Marufuji kicks out again, and Kenoh looks frustrated. He lifts Marufuji and goes for the PFS (Professional Foot Stomp), but Marufuji rolls out of the way at the last second. Kenoh crashes to the mat.)**
**Commentator 2:** "Marufuji had that scouted perfectly!"
**(Marufuji capitalizes by hitting a snap German suplex, then a devastating knee strike to Kenoh’s face as he sits up. He signals to the crowd, who roar in anticipation.)**
**Commentator 1:** "Marufuji is looking to end this!"
**(Marufuji lifts Kenoh, positioning him for the Emerald Flowsion. Kenoh struggles and elbows Marufuji’s head, breaking free. He swings a wild punch, but Marufuji ducks under and catches him with a swift kick to the gut.)**
**Commentator 2:** "Marufuji’s not done yet!"
**(Marufuji repositions Kenoh, this time lifting him up and driving him down with the Pole Shift Emerald Flowsion, executing it to perfection. The crowd erupts as Marufuji goes for the cover.)**
**Referee:** "1… 2… 3!"
**(The bell rings, and Marufuji’s music hits as he gets his hand raised in victory.)**
**Announcer:** "Here is your winner, Naomichi Marufuji!"
**Commentator 1:** "What an incredible match! Marufuji proving why he is one of the greatest of all time!"
**Commentator 2:** "Kenoh gave it everything he had, but tonight, Marufuji was just that much better."
**(Marufuji stands tall in the ring, celebrating with the crowd as Kenoh rolls out, looking dejected but receiving applause for his valiant effort.)**
**Commentator 1:** "A fantastic match to cap off an amazing night of action. Until next time, thank you for joining us!"
**(The camera fades out as Marufuji continues to celebrate in the ring.)**


Yeahhhh..... maybe shouldn't have thrown a mid 40s Marufuji into a 34 minute epic..... oh well lesson learned. Hopefully the storyline hasn't lost too much heat and the main event is fine.... it's bad enough having 1 43 year old and 1 man with 1 arm in there. God who's worse me or NOSAWA?

Next is the 6 man tag between GLG & Team NOAH


Huh.... may have forgotten to mention its No DQ..... Yeah I might be worse than NOSAWA 🤣 Oh well, Clearly Go Shiozaki had enough as after beating the back of Minoura with a kendo stick till it was red he used the kendo stick to apply a crossface (Ala Daniel Bryan on Orton that one time, or Edge on Orton with the piece of the chair) Although considering both Shiozaki & Lee are likely to enter the N1 there's a chance they meet there. 

Next is the tag title match (which bombed but in fairness.... Old man Saito & Old man Yone)


Come on.... Did anyone think Saito & Yone would actually win the titles? Sure I like Yone but not enough to push him when he's pushing 50

Next. Career vs right to compete in the N1 as Masa Kitamiya takes on Takashi Sugiura

**[Pro Wrestling NOAH Event: Destination]**
**Match: Masa Kitamiya vs. Takashi Sugiura (Career on the Line)**
**Venue:** Yokohama Arena, Yokohama, Japan  
**Date:** May 16, 2024  
**Stipulation:** Singles Match - If Masa Kitamiya loses, his career is over.
**Commentator 1:** "Ladies and gentlemen, the stakes couldn't be higher tonight. Masa Kitamiya's career is on the line as he faces the formidable Takashi Sugiura!"
**Commentator 2:** "That's right. Kitamiya is fighting not just for victory, but for his entire career. Sugiura will show no mercy; this is going to be a battle."
**(The bell rings, and the tension in the arena is palpable. Kitamiya and Sugiura step forward, locking eyes. The crowd is buzzing with anticipation.)**
**Commentator 1:** "Here we go, Kitamiya's career hangs in the balance!"
**(They lock up in the center of the ring. Sugiura quickly overpowers Kitamiya, forcing him into the corner. The referee calls for a clean break, and Sugiura complies, but delivers a hard slap to Kitamiya’s chest on the break.)**
**Commentator 2:** "Sugiura setting the tone early, showing his dominance."
**(Kitamiya rubs his chest, glaring at Sugiura. He responds with a powerful forearm strike. The two exchange stiff blows, with neither backing down. The crowd roars with every hit.)**
**Commentator 1:** "Kitamiya is showing he won't be intimidated!"
**(Sugiura gains the upper hand, delivering a series of brutal knee strikes to Kitamiya’s midsection. He follows up with a belly-to-belly suplex, sending Kitamiya crashing to the mat. Sugiura goes for an early cover.)**
**Referee:** "1… 2…"
**(Kitamiya kicks out, but Sugiura wastes no time, pulling him up and applying a rear naked choke.)**
**Commentator 2:** "Sugiura looking to wear Kitamiya down early."
**(The crowd chants for Kitamiya, willing him to fight out of the hold. Kitamiya struggles, then manages to reach the ropes, forcing a break. Sugiura releases the hold but immediately follows up with a series of clubbing blows to Kitamiya’s back.)**
**Commentator 1:** "Kitamiya is in trouble here. He needs to mount some offense."
**(Sugiura pulls Kitamiya to his feet and attempts a German suplex, but Kitamiya blocks it and counters with a powerful elbow to Sugiura’s head. He follows up with a snap suplex, finally gaining some momentum. The crowd rallies behind him.)**
**Commentator 2:** "Kitamiya showing signs of life! He needs to capitalize now."
**(Kitamiya lifts Sugiura and delivers a running powerslam, then quickly transitions into a leg lock, trying to keep the pressure on. Sugiura grimaces but refuses to tap, eventually reaching the ropes to break the hold.)**
**Commentator 1:** "Smart strategy by Kitamiya, but Sugiura is too tough to give up that easily."
**(Both men get to their feet, and Sugiura charges at Kitamiya, but Kitamiya sidesteps and sends Sugiura shoulder-first into the turnbuckle. He follows up with a running splash in the corner, then a powerful spinebuster. Kitamiya covers.)**
**Referee:** "1… 2…"
**(Sugiura kicks out, and Kitamiya looks determined. He pulls Sugiura up and sets him up for the Saito suplex, but Sugiura fights out with a series of back elbows. He hits Kitamiya with a devastating lariat, knocking him down.)**
**Commentator 2:** "What a lariat from Sugiura! That could be it!"
**(Sugiura lifts Kitamiya and goes for the Olympic Slam, but Kitamiya counters, landing behind Sugiura and shoving him into the ropes. On the rebound, Kitamiya hits Sugiura with a massive spear, catching him off guard.)**
**Commentator 1:** "Spear! Spear from Kitamiya!"
**(The crowd erupts as Kitamiya covers Sugiura, hooking the leg tightly.)**
**Referee:** "1… 2… 3!"
**(The bell rings, and the arena explodes with cheers as Kitamiya’s music hits. He gets to his knees, overwhelmed with emotion.)**
**Announcer:** "Here is your winner, Masa Kitamiya!"
**Commentator 1:** "He did it! Masa Kitamiya's career is safe! What a hard-fought victory!"
**Commentator 2:** "An incredible performance from Kitamiya. He dug deep and found a way to win when it mattered most."
**(Kitamiya stands tall in the ring, tears in his eyes as the crowd chants his name. Sugiura, regaining his composure, approaches Kitamiya and offers a respectful nod before exiting the ring.)**
**Commentator 1:** "A fantastic display of respect from Sugiura. Tonight, Kitamiya proved that he has the heart of a champion."
**(Kitamiya celebrates with the fans, soaking in the moment, as the camera fades out.)**
**Commentator 1:** "A career-defining moment for Masa Kitamiya and a thrilling conclusion to an amazing night of action. Thank you for joining us at 'Destination'!"
**(The camera fades to black as Kitamiya continues to celebrate in the ring, surrounded by his supporters.)**


Post match, Sugiura pushes the ref away... and then goes to shake Kitamiya's hand in respect, Kitamiya accepts it but then.... the piano starts playing



Yikes.... This main event bombed hard. 
**[Pro Wrestling NOAH Event: Destination]**
**Match: GHC Heavyweight Championship – Kaito Kiyomiya (Champion) vs. KENTA (Challenger)**
**Venue:** Yokohama Arena, Yokohama, Japan  
**Date:** May 16, 2024  
**Stipulation:** Singles Match for the GHC Heavyweight Championship
**Commentator 1:** "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to 'Destination'! The main event is upon us: Kaito Kiyomiya defends his GHC Heavyweight Championship against the ever-dangerous KENTA!"
**Commentator 2:** "Kiyomiya is coming into this match with one arm heavily taped up. You have to wonder how that will affect his performance against a seasoned veteran like KENTA."
**(The bell rings, and the crowd is electric. Kiyomiya, with his right arm heavily taped, stands determinedly as KENTA smirks, sensing an opportunity.)**
**Commentator 1:** "Here we go! The GHC Heavyweight Championship is on the line!"
**(They circle each other, and KENTA immediately targets Kiyomiya’s taped arm with a kick. Kiyomiya winces but quickly responds with a dropkick, sending KENTA to the mat.)**
**Commentator 2:** "Kiyomiya showing he won’t back down, injury or not."
**(KENTA gets up, more cautious now. They lock up, and KENTA quickly transitions to a wrist lock, wrenching Kiyomiya’s injured arm. Kiyomiya grimaces but rolls through and counters with a drop toe hold, transitioning into a headlock.)**
**Commentator 1:** "Great counter by Kiyomiya! He's not letting that arm hinder him."
**(KENTA fights out of the headlock and shoves Kiyomiya into the ropes, catching him with a knee to the midsection on the rebound. KENTA follows up with a series of kicks to Kiyomiya’s injured arm, methodically wearing him down.)**
**Commentator 2:** "KENTA is a master strategist. He knows exactly where to target."
**(KENTA drags Kiyomiya to the corner and slams his injured arm against the turnbuckle. He climbs the ropes and delivers a diving double foot stomp to Kiyomiya’s arm. KENTA covers.)**
**Referee:** "1… 2…"
**(Kiyomiya kicks out, but he’s clearly in pain. KENTA continues the assault, applying an armbar. The crowd rallies behind Kiyomiya, willing him to escape.)**
**Commentator 1:** "Kiyomiya is in a bad spot here. That arm is taking a lot of punishment."
**(Kiyomiya struggles, then manages to roll through, pinning KENTA’s shoulders to the mat to force a break. They both get to their feet, and Kiyomiya, with a burst of adrenaline, hits KENTA with a series of forearm strikes using his good arm.)**
**Commentator 2:** "Kiyomiya fighting back with everything he has!"
**(KENTA cuts him off with a knee to the gut and sets up for the Go 2 Sleep, but Kiyomiya wiggles free, landing behind KENTA and hitting a German suplex. He holds on and attempts another, but his arm gives out.)**
**Commentator 1:** "Kiyomiya’s arm just couldn’t hold up there."
**(KENTA quickly capitalizes with a brutal kick to Kiyomiya’s head, then lifts him again for the Go 2 Sleep. Kiyomiya, out of desperation, elbows KENTA’s head with his good arm, escaping the hold. He stumbles back, then charges forward with a lariat using his uninjured arm, taking KENTA down.)**
**Commentator 2:** "What resilience from Kiyomiya! He’s not done yet!"
**(Kiyomiya, feeding off the crowd’s energy, signals for the end. He lifts KENTA, struggling with his injured arm, and manages to position him for the Tiger Suplex. The crowd is on their feet as Kiyomiya fights through the pain.)**
**Commentator 1:** "Can Kiyomiya do it with one arm?"
**(With a mighty effort, Kiyomiya executes the Tiger Suplex, bridging perfectly for the pin. The referee counts.)**
**Referee:** "1… 2… 3!"
**(The bell rings, and the arena erupts as Kiyomiya’s music hits. He collapses to his knees, clutching his injured arm, but with a look of sheer triumph on his face.)**
**Announcer:** "Here is your winner, and still GHC Heavyweight Champion, Kaito Kiyomiya!"
**Commentator 1:** "What a victory for Kaito Kiyomiya! Against all odds, he retains his title!"
**Commentator 2:** "An incredible performance by Kiyomiya, showing the heart and determination of a true champion."
**(Kiyomiya stands tall, the GHC Heavyweight Championship held high in his good hand, as the crowd chants his name. KENTA, recovering in the corner, looks on with a mix of frustration and respect.)**
**Commentator 1:** "Kiyomiya’s career-defining moment, proving that nothing can stop him when the title is on the line."
**(The camera captures Kiyomiya celebrating with the fans, his resilience and determination shining through as the broadcast fades out.)**
**Commentator 1:** "A thrilling conclusion to an amazing night here at 'Destination'. Thank you for joining us!"
**(The camera fades to black as Kiyomiya continues to celebrate in the ring, surrounded by his supporters.)**


Yeah..... KENTA bombed extremely hard. Doubt he'll be coming back for a main event run, It's a shame because his prime was wasted in the fed and then even now NJPW underutilises him. Also I did have Kiyomiya scheduled for the N1 but I'm gonna pull him out, will either bring someone in from another company or just have one block only be 7 men. Speaking of the N1


The offical poster for N1 Victory 2024

Block A:

Daisuke Sekimoto
El Hijo Del Dr. Wagner Jr.
Fuminori Abe
Manabu Soya
Masa Kitamiya
Naomichi Marufuji

Block B:

Go Shiozaki
Jake Lee
Kaito Kiyomiya (subject to change or removal)
Kazuyuki Fujita
Minoru Suzuki
Mohammed Yone
Timothy Thatcher

Yeah. Fuminori Abe absolutely deserves to be in this as does Takuya Nomura but I was struggling to fit him in so I went for Abe as he consistently beats Nomura in ratings. I don't wanna call Nomura the Jannetty of the team because he is great... But Abe is a different level

So with that. I will see you for the N1
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NOAH N1 Victory 2024 Night 1

B Block Match: Kazuyuki Fujita vs Mohammed Yone


Kazuyuki Fujita [2] defeats Mohammed Yone [0] by submission

A Block Match: Fuminori Abe vs Manabu Soya


Fuminori Abe [2] defeats Manabu Soya [0]

B Block Match: HAYATA vs Mustafa Ali (Kaito Kiyomiya replacement)


Mustafa Ali [2] defeats HAYATA [0]

A Block Match: Naomichi Marufuji vs El Hijo Del Dr. Wagner Jr.


Naomichi Marufuji [2] defeats El Hijo Del Dr. Wagner Jr. [0]

B Block Match: Jake Lee vs Minoru Suzuki


Minoru Suzuki [2] defeats Jake Lee [0]

A Block Match: Eita vs Kenoh


Kenoh [2] defeats Eita [0]

B Block Match: Go Shiozaki vs Timothy Thatcher


Timothy Thatcher [2] defeats Go Shiozaki [0]

A Block Match. Main Event: Daisuke Sekimoto vs Masa Kitamiya



A Block:
Fuminori Abe: 2 points
Kenoh: 2 points
Masa Kitamiya: 2 points
Naomichi Marufuji: 2 points
Daisuke Sekimoto: 0 points
Eita: 0 points
El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr.:0 points
Manabu Soya: 0 points

B Block:
Kazuyuki Fujita: 2 points
Minoru Suzuki: 2 points
Mustafa Ali: 2 points
Timothy Thatcher: 2 points
Go Shiozaki: 0 points
HAYATA: 0 points
Jake Lee: 0 points
Mohammed Yone: 0 points


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NOAH: N1 Victory Night 2

Match 1: A Block

El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Fuminori Abe


El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. [2 points] defeats Fuminori Abe [2 points]

Match 2: B Block

Jake Lee vs Mustafa Ali


Jake Lee [2 points] vs Mustafa Ali [2 points]

Match 3: A Block

Masa Kitamiya vs Manabu Soya


Masa Kitamiya [4 points] defeated Manabu Soya [0 points]

Match 4: B Block

HAYATA vs Kazuyuki Fujita


Kazuyuki Fujita [4 points] defeated HAYATA [0 points]

Match 5: A Block

Eita vs Naomichi Marufuji


Naomichi Marufuji [4 points] defeated Eita [0 points]

Match 6: B Block

Mohammed Yone vs Timothy Thatcher


Timothy Thatcher [4 points] defeated Mohammed Yone [0 points]

Match 7: A Block

Daisuke Sekimoto vs Kenoh


Daisuke Sekimoto [1 point] drew with Kenoh [3 points] after 30 minutes passed

Main Event: B Block

Go Shiozaki vs Minoru Suzuki


Minoru Suzuki [4 points] defeated Go Shiozaki [0 points]


A Block:
Masa Kitamiya [4 points]
Naomichi Marufuji [4 points]
Kenoh [3 points]
El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. [2 points]
Fuminori Abe [2 points]
Daisuke Sekimoto [1 point]
Eita [0 points]
Manabu Soya [0 points]

B Block:
Kazuyuki Fujita [4 points]
Minoru Suzuki [4 points]
Timothy Thatcher [4 points]
Jake Lee [2 points]
Mustafa Ali [2 points]
Go Shiozaki [0 points]
HAYATA [0 points]

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NOAH: N1 Victory Night 3

Match 1: B Block

Kazuyuki Fujita vs Minoru Suzuki


Minoru Suzuki [6 points] defeats Kazuyuki Fujita [4 points]

Match 2: A Block

Eita vs Manabu Soya


Eita [2 points] defeats Manabu Soya [0 points]

Match 3: B Block

Mustafa Ali vs Mohammed Yone


Mustafa Ali [4 points] defeats Mohammed Yone [0 points]

Match 4: A Block

El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. vs Masa Kitamiya


El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. [4 points] defeats Masa Kitamiya [4 points]

Match 5: B Block

HAYATA vs Timothy Thatcher


Timothy Thatcher [6 points] defeated HAYATA

Match 6: A Block

Daisuke Sekimoto vs Fuminori Abe


Daisuke Sekimoto [3 points] defeats Fuminori Abe [2 points]

Match 7: B Block

Go Shiozaki vs Jake Lee


Jake Lee [4 points] defeats Go Shiozaki [0 points] after interference from Jack Morris

Main Event: A Block

Kenoh vs Naomichi Marufuji


Kenoh [5 points] defeats Naomichi Marufuji [4 points]

NOAH N1 Victory Night 4

Match 1: A Block

Eita vs El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr.


El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. [4 points] defeats Eita [0 points]

Match 2: B Block

Jake Lee vs Mohammed Yone


Jake Lee [6 points] defeats Mohammed Yone [0 points]

Match 3: A Block

Masa Kitamiya vs Naomichi Marufuji


Masa Kitamiya [6 points] defeats Naomichi Marufuji [4 points]

Match 4: B Block

Go Shiozaki vs Mustafa Ali


Mustafa Ali [6 points] defeats Go Shiozaki [0 points]

Match 5: A Block

Daisuke Sekimoto vs Manabu Soya


Daisuke Sekimoto [5 points] defeats Manabu Soya [0 points]

Match 6: B Block

HAYATA vs Minoru Suzuki


Minoru Suzuki [8 points] defeats HAYATA [0 points]

Match 7: A Block

Kenoh vs Fuminori Abe


Fuminori Abe [4 points] defeats Kenoh [5 points]

Main Event: B Block

Kazuyuki Fujita vs Timothy Thatcher



A Block:

El Hijo del Dr. Wagner Jr. [6 points]
Masa Kitamiya [6 points]
Daisuke Sekimoto [5 points]
Kenoh [5 points]
Fuminori Abe [4 points]
Naomichi Marufuji [4 points]
Eita [2 points]
Manabu Soya [0 points]

B Block:

Minoru Suzuki [8 points]
Timothy Thatcher [8 points]
Jake Lee [6 points]
Mustafa Ali [6 points]
Kazuyuki Fujita [4 points]
Go Shiozaki [0 points]
HAYATA [0 points]
Mohammed Yone [0 points]

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I just wanted to clear up, some people may have realised that I post this save both here and on bethebooker however I plan on only posting here in the future as it's much easier to post with the images system (also bethebooker is somewhat... dead) I'm planning to finish the N1 Victory privately and simply post the story points, and tables before the final show, thanks for your patience as I know my schedule for posting has been.... irregular at best

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