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TEW IX Developer's Journal Discussion Thread

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Something about the worker goals I was just thinking of. Will it lead to companies being more open to relationships to help with these. For example Joshi Promotion A (they need a better name tbh) are more open to having an excursion based relationship with British Womens Wrestling Company in order to make it so they can keep Anglophiles happy by giving them that opportunity with a "trusted" company?

It's probably beyond the scope of it all but it was a thought that I'd just had.

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Homie replied to everyone but me :(

Great additions today I know the dojo thing was oft requested by those who play longer games. Do the styles impact size as well or are the seperate option or not an option at all. Can I make smaller sports entertainers and bigger luchadors if I want?

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Playing with the Default database sounds like it will be a really whole new experience with this.

The entire production team backstage, knowing what the moves are, precise height and weight, Real World Calendars, On This Day, Past awards per single companies and now, workers can have single goals which provides a much deeper look into who they are.

It sounds like there could be so much data being added to the Cornellverse beyond the usual what happened in 2 years. I'm really curious to see how this new feature could affect someone like Fuyuko Higa who could be much harder now to build 5SSW around this time.


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15 minutes ago, hollywoodshinebox said:

Any word on the pictures' new background? Would be great to know to do a ton of free pictures.

I'm not sure what you mean? They're transparent GIFs, so they don't have a background.

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9 minutes ago, Adam Ryland said:

I'm not sure what you mean? They're transparent GIFs, so they don't have a background.

I mean, it was announced the blue background from the default db's pictures was scrapped along with the "renders" now being AI made, I'm asking what will be the background for those pictures now.

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15 minutes ago, hollywoodshinebox said:

I mean, it was announced the blue background from the default db's pictures was scrapped along with the "renders" now being AI made, I'm asking what will be the background for those pictures now.

I’m pretty sure he means that the default cv now only uses transparent gifs so there is no background. I’m wondering if it’s possible to get jpg or png of the default cv images so we can put them on our own background without the loss of quality as I do believe he said earlier that the game will still accept jpg.

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On 7/16/2024 at 12:50 PM, Teldil said:

I can't actually believe that in 2024 the NEW game is going to be using the same, tiny, antiquated, tedious, ugly UI in low resolution that has been used for all the previous games. This is mind boggling stuff and will prevent me from buying the game.

No support for modern 1080p resolution AT THE LEAST is just sad and simply unacceptable for a game coming out in 2024. Sigh.

I saw how people have been reacting to this post and his subsequent responses and I wanted to add my two cents.

Yeah, coming into "the belly of the beast" and using the strong tone he used in the post and subsequent responses probably isn't the best way to go about this when you want change to happen, but let's be clear: Teldil is absolutely 100% correct about this feedback point.

As someone who bought every TEW in over a decade and who saw the game experience becoming worse and worse as my computers and monitors got better, it's flabbergasting to see so many people defending this. We can support Adam's work and be thankful for it without simply closing our eyes to things that are, indeed, unacceptable at this point.

And yes, I'm very aware of the Windows resolution scaling (which I use myself), but having to change Windows settings to play one specific game and then wanting to go back to your normal settings for anything else should be an eye opener for everyone, because no other software is that antiquated and needs that kind of specific configuration. This becomes even more of an issue because this isn't some 20 year old software that we're using in compatibility mode or on some virtual machine, a new release is happening now with the same problems!

This is also important due to recent mobile devices like the Steam Deck, which could be a fantastic medium to play TEW on, but where it is nearly unplayable due to these same resolution issues.

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58 minutes ago, hollywoodshinebox said:

I mean, it was announced the blue background from the default db's pictures was scrapped along with the "renders" now being AI made, I'm asking what will be the background for those pictures now.

The default pictures are transparent GIFs. By their nature, they don't have a background.

There is an alternate JPG set too. These have plain dark backgrounds.

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Finally, Training Facility Styles! I've been waiting for that one.

What's puzzling to me: Alliance Loans. I was hoping for more restrictions. It's very immersion-breaking if an alliance member loans a champion and has him job to someone with lower regional pop, 2 days before my biggest show, and maybe give him an injury by throwing him off a scaffold for good measure. No real life company would agree to that. I was hoping there'd be options to actually broker the deal and protect my workers/champions with clauses like 'Can't lose', 'Can't lose clean', 'no matches with risk level X or above'. Alliance champions, sure, that's not my decision. But am I, the owner, not the one who brokers the deal with the alliance and should have a say in how my top guys are used? A reverse version of 'Talk to Worker' where the alliance asks me 'How would you feel about having Your Worker lose to X on TV/an event?' and let me refuse or accept.

Edited by GrindhouseArts
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24 minutes ago, Adam Ryland said:

The default pictures are transparent GIFs. By their nature, they don't have a background.

There is an alternate JPG set too. These have plain dark backgrounds.

Oh ok, I never used GIFs, was asking about the JPG ones that used to come with the game. Thanks.

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On 7/16/2024 at 3:25 PM, Spriter337 said:

On the topic of the indian regions, I feel it could have been better off being merged into a general Asia region similar to how Europe is and to include other countries within the continent. Japanese promotions are starting to to put a lot of focus into targetting South East Asian countries, and WWE has also been a big part of the middle east in the past couple of years.

I think SEA is stuck in an early blooming phase for wrestling for years -- there are some wrestling events but it's very hard to grow a fed here. At least that's what I see as a Malaysian.

Would definitely like to see it blossom much better in a fantasy world.

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I'm not sure what the big hang-up is on resolution or why people are so passionate about it?

I've played this game back to the EWR series and the current version of TEW doesn't have any viewing issues. I assume the issue is when you're trying to take up the entire screen to essentially have it "full screen?" I don't know why it's that big of a deal to have to have it full screen but I guess everyone has their preferences.

People get so caught up on what's visually flashy and stimulating and what has the best graphics. This is a text-based simulator, it isn't some flashy 3D game that uses the Unity Engine (if that's still a thing). The only problem I had with TEW 2020 was the first version giving me (and many others) terrible migraine headaches for some weird reason. That was fixed. If you don't want to play the game because it doesn't have some 3D quality buttons and flashing sh** everywhere while having nothing to do with the gameplay, that's your choice. I'd rather have immense, in depth playability and options rather than some great looking UI that doesn't impact one ounce of how the game is played. Just stop beating a dead horse and coming on here to complain about it when you know it isn't changing for this version and there isn't anything you can do about it. That, or stop using a 60 inch TV screen for your computer monitor.

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For some people it will be a deciding factor as to whether to buy or not. It won't for most people, and you're right that this is not what the game is about, but I don't think that can be dismissed as wrong. It can just be dismissed as something that isn't changing, and no game has ever pleased everyone.

Edited by eayragt
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Just to reiterate Adam's earlier request. let's please leave the UI debate. If it's something that'll stop you buying the game then that's your prerogative and your complaints have been noted. If, however, it's not a big deal for you then your opinion has also been noted, but you no longer need to clarify this, nor should you feel like you have to defend your opinion. Posts on this matter from this point on may be hidden or deleted as we'd much rather see this topic remain on the topic of the new announcements and features. Thank you.

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6 hours ago, chm39 said:

Is there an Option to make every worker's Goals random at the beginning of every game?

I was just coming here to say this! Maybe there will at least be a "code" to have this happen as that would be really cool.

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1 hour ago, Henderson said:

I'm not sure what the big hang-up is on resolution or why people are so passionate about it?

I've played this game back to the EWR series and the current version of TEW doesn't have any viewing issues. I assume the issue is when you're trying to take up the entire screen to essentially have it "full screen?" I don't know why it's that big of a deal to have to have it full screen but I guess everyone has their preferences.

People get so caught up on what's visually flashy and stimulating and what has the best graphics. This is a text-based simulator, it isn't some flashy 3D game that uses the Unity Engine (if that's still a thing). The only problem I had with TEW 2020 was the first version giving me (and many others) terrible migraine headaches for some weird reason. That was fixed. If you don't want to play the game because it doesn't have some 3D quality buttons and flashing sh** everywhere while having nothing to do with the gameplay, that's your choice. I'd rather have immense, in depth playability and options rather than some great looking UI that doesn't impact one ounce of how the game is played. Just stop beating a dead horse and coming on here to complain about it when you know it isn't changing for this version and there isn't anything you can do about it. That, or stop using a 60 inch TV screen for your computer monitor.

If you don't understand what the question is, then maybe don't follow up with a full paragraph of assumptions, misinformation and vaguely insulting remarks to other fellow users who are also passionate about the game, we can try to understand what the point actually is.

Since the game has an absolute set resolution, it will give you big usability problems both if you try to play it on lower resolution screens (like a Steam Deck, for example) or on higher resolution screens (aka most modern screen that cost any more than $150 these days). It has nothing to do with "using a 60 inch TV screen for your computer monitor"... that, ironically, would probably help with the visibility problem.

I have an ultrawide (21:9 ratio) 1440p monitor and TEW is absolutely miniscule on it. It's crazy that having a better monitor makes your experience far worse on the game. At the same time, I have a steam deck and the only reason why I can't use it to happily play wherever I want is because the resolution is a few pixels bigger than the Deck screen.

1 hour ago, Mammoth said:

Just to reiterate Adam's earlier request. let's please leave the UI debate. If it's something that'll stop you buying the game then that's your prerogative and your complaints have been noted. If, however, it's not a big deal for you then your opinion has also been noted, but you no longer need to clarify this, nor should you feel like you have to defend your opinion. Posts on this matter from this point on may be hidden or deleted as we'd much rather see this topic remain on the topic of the new announcements and features. Thank you.

I raised a second layer of the onion, specifically about the Steam Deck, that I believe to be very important, although I accept it to be niche.

It's your prerogative to delete/hide/ignore these posts, and that's all good, but I'll be clear about my stance before that. I was 100% going to buy the new TEW, as I've done for all these years, but the whole atittude being given about this subject, particularly to a paying user giving his first feedback in the entire topic, really makes me think twice about it.

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8 hours ago, GreatreDRagon said:

You can already do this can't you? Both in the main editor and during a save.

You can, I've done a few saves and seen few mentor/protege relationships pop, so in my latest save, usually when I get emails from one of my workers who tells me to push another, I assign them the relationship in the in-game editor. I figure, if they're recommending them to me, than they should become their mentor, rather than wait for the ai to hit the right random number create the relationship.

Edited by YBDynamo
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4 minutes ago, Cor99 said:

Bring back Shake It Up

I really liked Shake It Up for what it accomplished though I can acknowledge that it may not have been in the best taste given real-life events.

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1 minute ago, Astil said:

Id love shake it up but taking that amount of workers and starting a NOAH-esque company.

I also loved tew 2020s easter egg though. Really shocking.

Wait, 2020 had an easter egg? lol

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I never saw the particular issue with shake it up, but I am kinda desensitized to stuff like that sometimes.  It was pretty fun mechanically at the very least!

I also had no idea there was something in 2020?

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7 minutes ago, Yuzu Adagio said:

I never saw the particular issue with shake it up, but I am kinda desensitized to stuff like that sometimes.  It was pretty fun mechanically at the very least!

I also had no idea there was something in 2020?

Love cheat codes (and simulations like this).  If anything, include it and just have a button that says "rewind and erase" and that event doesn't happen.

As someone who plays super long saves, I like it to get super weird 

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