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hollywoodshinebox last won the day on October 17 2023

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About hollywoodshinebox

  • Birthday 11/24/1997

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  1. And how/what order do you import workers to an existing save?
  2. Gino Montero - KC Glenn - Maribel Mercado - Patrick Santini - Pinky Perez
  3. Aaron Knight - Chris Flynn - Jaylon Martins - Katya Kornishkova - Kyle Rhodes Logan Wolfsbaine - Magnus Cage
  4. How can I turn a GIF mod into JPG? I already put every worker with jpg pics, but when inside a save it show no pictures on the news page.
  5. Oh, idk why I never realised that he was native American. Maybe he could be someone else with potential. Idk who
  6. Duke Freeman - Jay Chord - Wolf Hawkins I wanted something different with Hawkins. Not really canon, but...
  7. That spreadsheet seems pretty good, but i was asking more about booking wise. I did try a spreadsheet where i had did put my show cards with segments by week until the ppv and booked leading to the ppv card, but it got really hard to plan things and took so much time.
  8. Been out for some time from the tew and now I'm back I think I'm being accustomed to the photo realistic pics. I was having problems getting more real generations, but read on Reddit that removing any mention of photo realism gives the best results and things have been working bett
  9. Any tips on how to do a spreadsheet for booking that keeps everything easy? That's my main problem when playing these games. Things end up seeming too complex and difficult to plan.
  10. Kalliope Woodchuck - Wolf Hawkins - Marc Speed - Marvel Malloy - Storm Spillane
  11. If you calculate everything you see that what you should pay is something like 37€, because 34$ = 31€. They are adding VAT over 34€ that is different than 34$. This is some anti european consumer thing.
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