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58 minutes ago, d12345 said:

In the C-Verse I'm making a Celebrity character for President Knope (from Alicia Strong's bio). Does it make sense for the President of the U.S. to be 99 pop?

I've always viewed it essentially as how well they could draw a wrestling audience. Stone Cold isn't as popular as Trump, but nobody is coming to a wrestling show to see Trump. Unless there's a chance he's shaved bald. But I don't think it's out of the question to have the prez be near max popularity.

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1 hour ago, d12345 said:

In the C-Verse I'm making a Celebrity character for President Knope (from Alicia Strong's bio). Does it make sense for the President of the U.S. to be 99 pop?

NO!  Politicians are polarising - no matter what a % of people are going to hate them.  Nobody is going to a wrestling show to see a politician and some are going to be turned off by seeing them.  Obviously it would be a big deal and they should have a high pop in game but you would need to reflect that for maybe 25% of the audience this is the worst person they could think of to see on a show.

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8 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

NO!  Politicians are polarising - no matter what a % of people are going to hate them.  Nobody is going to a wrestling show to see a politician and some are going to be turned off by seeing them.  Obviously it would be a big deal and they should have a high pop in game but you would need to reflect that for maybe 25% of the audience this is the worst person they could think of to see on a show.

To play devil's advocate, hatred is still an emotion that you're not upset seeing on a wrestling show. Boos are just as good as cheers.

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21 minutes ago, lr10540 said:

To play devil's advocate, hatred is still an emotion that you're not upset seeing on a wrestling show. Boos are just as good as cheers.

Yeah but X-Pac heat is different to Dom Mysterio heat ... there are Boos and then there are BBBBOOOOOOOOOSSSSSS!!!!  Dom gets BBBBOOOOOOSSSS in the same way Kurt Angle got "What" responses ... everyone is in on the joke and it's part of the experience.  X-pac got get the hell away Boos.  X-Pac heat is turn the channel heat.  

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2 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

Yeah but X-Pac heat is different to Dom Mysterio heat ... there are Boos and then there are BBBBOOOOOOOOOSSSSSS!!!!  Dom gets BBBBOOOOOOSSSS in the same way Kurt Angle got "What" responses ... everyone is in on the joke and it's part of the experience.  X-pac got get the hell away Boos.  X-Pac heat is turn the channel heat.  

President Knope is a not just a President, she's everyone's President. In conclusion.


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Booking Skill and associated stuff

How would a UC lose booking skill points?

How does one depush wrestlers or give them a super push? If you look at the handbook it mentions this is a buff for >75 and >85 skill but I have no idea where to find this or how I'd know to do it.

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3 hours ago, jcarmjn said:

In terms of stats progression, how quickly does it move in this version of the game? I'm two months in and not a single of my workers' numbers have moved up or down


According to the helper there are a lot of factors (like hidden age constraints), but for whatever's worth,  here's Parvin Kishan's progress in my game.

Please note he has been the focus of my booking (weekly TV and monthly event), and starts the game with Kashmir Singh as his mentor. I've also brought Duane Stone in to help my inexperienced roster as both Road Agent and Head Trainer. Still, I'm pretty happy with his progress (dude's 24, if he continues to improve at this rate until he's close to his 30's he will be insane!):








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7 hours ago, benjirino said:

I want to put a worker under a mask - if I select one from my free pictures, does that mean that picture is no longer available for a newgen? I don't want it to be duplicated is why I ask.

Good question.  You would hope so.

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I don't know if anyone else has this problem? I am losing money every month because of: Bonuses and Perks.  It's double, sometimes triple the amount of contracts. I can't figure it out, I look at the contracts signed with workers and nowhere does it appear. Is there away to turn it off/get rid of it? I've looked everywhere and its annoying me because it has actually bankrupted one of my companies I'm playing called CWW

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21 hours ago, lr10540 said:

I've always viewed it essentially as how well they could draw a wrestling audience. Stone Cold isn't as popular as Trump, but nobody is coming to a wrestling show to see Trump. Unless there's a chance he's shaved bald. But I don't think it's out of the question to have the prez be near max popularity.


20 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

NO!  Politicians are polarising - no matter what a % of people are going to hate them.  Nobody is going to a wrestling show to see a politician and some are going to be turned off by seeing them.  Obviously it would be a big deal and they should have a high pop in game but you would need to reflect that for maybe 25% of the audience this is the worst person they could think of to see on a show.


12 hours ago, lr10540 said:

To play devil's advocate, hatred is still an emotion that you're not upset seeing on a wrestling show. Boos are just as good as cheers.

These are all interesting takes. I haven't ever been able to decipher if popularity is to represent how many 'fans' a person has or how well-known they are in game.

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13 minutes ago, d12345 said:



These are all interesting takes. I haven't ever been able to decipher if popularity is to represent how many 'fans' a person has or how well-known they are in game.

With pop if you think of how it works in game it's built to reflect how much they charge and how their presence on a show effects things like views and attendances.  In a wrestling game my take is that a Politician is inherently a turn off to some people and having one featured will turn some people off.  So the President would have maybe a 75 Pop - in reality 100% of people know them but only 75% of people will tolerate that person on their TV or in person.  Trump is a perfect example - 25% or people will be excited to see him, 50% either will watch because they are curious or wonder if it will be an entertaining car crash and 25% will actively go "No Thank You" and actively avoid watching him.  I think it's much the same with any Politician he's just one of the most clearly polarising.      

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4 hours ago, quenada said:

I don't know if anyone else has this problem? I am losing money every month because of: Bonuses and Perks.  It's double, sometimes triple the amount of contracts. I can't figure it out, I look at the contracts signed with workers and nowhere does it appear. Is there away to turn it off/get rid of it? I've looked everywhere and its annoying me because it has actually bankrupted one of my companies I'm playing called CWW

I think it's the travelling costs and the inncer cicle bonuses.

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6 hours ago, d12345 said:



These are all interesting takes. I haven't ever been able to decipher if popularity is to represent how many 'fans' a person has or how well-known they are in game.

Pop is how much of a "draw" they are. It's not popularity in that they are liked, it's how much they're likely to get fans through the door. If the President of the United States was announced for a wrestling show, you bet your ass people would attend.

Personal politics and feelings aside - if Ronald Reagan turned up in the WWF as an on screen personality in the 80s, people would tune the hell in.

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9 hours ago, RobinS said:

I think it's the travelling costs and the inncer cicle bonuses.

I tried an experiment where I didn't have any inner circle at all. I still lost $4,400 on bonuses.  The basic pay was $1, 400. Maybe travel like you said not sure. But I don't know how to counter it and make money.

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13 minutes ago, Captain Kayfabe said:

Is monitoring skill progression gone? In TEW 2020 you could click on a skill (i.e. Basics) and see the progression or decline over the past 12 months. 

It’s a separate button (“Track Progress”) on the worker profile screen. I believe it’s on the skills tab at the bottom of the window. I’m at work so can’t get you a screenshot of exactly where it is.

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31 minutes ago, quenada said:

I tried an experiment where I didn't have any inner circle at all. I still lost $4,400 on bonuses.  The basic pay was $1, 400. Maybe travel like you said not sure. But I don't know how to counter it and make money.

You’ll notice when you offer handshake deals that be default the dropdown for travel clause is set to covered. So any contracts you have offered during the save likely have travel costs covered and I believe a lot of the existing contracts are set that way as well. There is a section in the handbook that outlines what those costs will be.

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20 minutes ago, kaefro said:

has anyone else the problem that no matter which ticket prices i choose - at event day it says "normal" even though i have "very cheap" on. 

You should look if each event ticket price aren't set to Normal instead of Default in the event screen. 

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