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1 minute ago, kg04 said:

Okay, thank you. I had Spencer Spade embroiled in a Sex Scandal but he didn't get the "toxic" attribute. Is that supposed to be?

Attributes and scandals are unrelated. If a scandal is affecting someone they automatically get penalties.

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Always wondered, will there ever be a way to implement the idea of seeing what match types the COM controlled promotion booked for their shows? As in the match type (as in the name of the match as written in the editor) appear next to the result of said match in the results menu?

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I am sorry if this sounds stupid but have 2 questions:

1) Is it possible to disable the fog of war and see wrestlers actual attributes?

2) Is it possible to filter wages when searching for wrestlers? Trying to start a promotion from scratch so trying to filter out those who aren't in my price range from the off.

Edited by rubbafish
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On 8/30/2024 at 10:59 AM, Seanaxel01 said:

Are we able to import workers mid save from another database? What's the order to load the items? Ie Workers, Contracts, Moveset etc.

You can import workers mid-save from another database. However, their contracts and relationships don't get transferred over, so you would have to edit that back in.

Here is how to do it:

  1. Click on the gear icon on the left side of the screen when you have loaded a save.
  2. Click on "Import Data."
  3. Select the relevant database from the "Import From the Database" section.
  4. Select the worker(s) you want to import.
  5. Click on "Import Highlighted Items" to finish.
Edited by TheDeep5ix
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On 8/26/2024 at 5:30 PM, kaefro said:

Hi Adam, would it be possible to get a "Exclude Already Booked" button in the pre-booking section? Would help enormously with the speed of booking tours in Japan.

Thanks for the new IX, it's awesome. 🍻

Thanks for making it possible, @Adam Ryland. Just tried it out for one tour and it's awesome how much faster i can book them. 👏🏽

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You will have to choose one. Adam addressed this earlier in the thread, it's on page 12 for me.


On 8/12/2024 at 12:33 PM, Adam Ryland said:

You will see very few pre-show incidents with large companies because, by their nature, they're more professional so it's far less likely that equipment will go to the wrong venue, etc.

Only one event can be season finale, so you'd need to choose.


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On 8/25/2024 at 4:45 PM, Veenetor said:

I've been trying to figure out when/how to better use the Inspirational Speech.  Is it cumulative with the "works extra hard" for a season finale, ie, is it a *must* to ensure we get the best season finale possible, or is it better used to boost "other" events throughout the year because everyone is already giving all their got at the season final? 


What's been folks experience/approach with this? 

For anyone who might be interested, I just ran another season finale and used the Inspiring Speech option. I can confirm they do show up on dirt sheets as two seperate bonus! Thus, I am assuming they are cumulative.

I had a few rematches from the previous live event, so here are the samples:  

Match sample 1    65 < 60      *one of the participants had a bad night
Match sample 2    35 > 40
Match sample 3    62 > 71
Match sample 4    36 > 41
Match sample 5    49 > 55

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Hey, sorry if this has been asked but I couldnt find anything after searching for a while. I started playing with BHOTWG and I have a contract with a TV Network for tour highlights. I never seem to get any feedback from that. Like, no ratings or anything. I know they are working because I do get broadcaster revenue, but do I need to set like a new TV Show for tour highlights? I am confused. 

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4 hours ago, EWRFan said:

Hey, sorry if this has been asked but I couldnt find anything after searching for a while. I started playing with BHOTWG and I have a contract with a TV Network for tour highlights. I never seem to get any feedback from that. Like, no ratings or anything. I know they are working because I do get broadcaster revenue, but do I need to set like a new TV Show for tour highlights? I am confused. 


They should already work, I can notice it sometimes due pop gain after tour events.

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I like to simulate the puro tradition of having my main eventers cut a promo (work the crowd) after the match.

As I didn't do them in the actual Post-Show I wonder now if I "wasted" my main event spots that way due the company's "main focus", or does the game understand the last match of my card as the actual main event?

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On 8/25/2024 at 6:08 PM, BigDPW said:

Quick Pop Gain Question - 

If you are a company that runs only live events (no TV or PPV) and you book someone in a preshow match will they still gain the same pop as they would in a regular card match?

I am running a MAW save and wondering if I there is any benefit to putting some little pop workers on the card vs just having them do preshow matches.

I would love some insight into this question. I have searched the help menu with no luck.

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1 hour ago, Adam Ryland said:

Pre-show segments naturally aren't as important as main show ones and so don't allow the same level of popularity change.

Thanks Adam! I thought I remembered that from somewhere along my TEW journey but could not find any reference to it in the Help menu or on the forums.

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Very curious if there is a way for the crowd to not care if I have unimportant workers going at it? Like if my B-Show was set to All Throwaway Shows, something like that.

If you care for explanation, I keep hiring unknowns in my Cverse game and want them, and want them to work, but feel like I'm doing them an injustice when they face each other and get 30-40s. [Sometimes 20s]

I understand the function and all that, I just really am the rare kind of fan who would watch main event when it first premiered, WWECW on SyFy during new superstar initiative, early NXT, reality show and onward, but skipped Raw and Smackdown most weeks. Basically, I care more about what people consider "pointless jobber matches" 😛 AEW Dark, current ROH on HonorClub.

Edited by Kijar
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So I purchased the NWA,  just for their titles.   How would I move those belts to become alliance titles? I want the legacy of the NWA to continue.. but without them being a active championship for just my company.  I want to return it to being like a territory/alliance championship. 

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On 8/29/2024 at 1:56 PM, dstephe4 said:

I want to create a mask that gets passed around from one wrestler to the next regularly, and whoever wears it gets the popularity of the mask.

This would be a similar thing to Suicide in TNA.

Can this be done in IX? If so, please can someone tell me how?

Could I even have a tag team doing this?

Does anyone know the answer to this, or is it not yet possible?


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11 hours ago, JMPunk said:

So I purchased the NWA,  just for their titles.   How would I move those belts to become alliance titles? I want the legacy of the NWA to continue.. but without them being a active championship for just my company.  I want to return it to being like a territory/alliance championship. 

You can't move titles to an alliance from a company.

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