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  1. What is the difference between a touring company and a "normal" company? Is there an benefit to one or the other? I have a few shows set as touring for what I want to be a "normal company" because I didn't wanna make them Lesser Event since in my mind most of the shows are not important enough for that besides a select few.
  2. I think this should just be what every single company does if it happens to them, not an attribute. But since it isn't I will let you off the hook I think this should replace the "in-ring skill/popularity"(that all products are rated on) with "sex appeal/popularity" for products where it makes sense. Good suggestion
  3. Question: Does a worker learn faster if the diffrence between the two skills is bigger? Would a 25 psychology worker learn faster against a 100 psychology worker compared to a 75 psychology worker against a 100 psychology worker? (If they were as similar as possible besdies the psychology skill)
  4. I have a question about the other title functions What determines if a wrestler is eligiable for a 'Pure Wrestling', 'High Flying', and 'Hardcore'? Skills(if so, what is the minimum) or Wrestling Style(Brawler, Luchador, Hardcore etc)? After testing I realize that it is only for AI, but still would be cool to know
  5. When you mean in-ring style, do you mean 'Brawler', 'Technician', 'Technician flyer' etc? If so they might be a bit too good, since there are so many different styles that could apply to. If there were 'Groups'(like all the different technician styles) I could see it.
  6. I am really bad at remembering what people are, so I just end up going through the list 2-3 more times, just to forget again. I would like an option so the name of the wrestlers get a different colour based on if they are unimportant, recognizble, etc. Could make it for only the company you are booking for this happens
  7. I have a question about setting up Japanese touring schedules, I guess how you set up custom ones in your game and how they work IRL. WALL OF MESSY TEXT BELOW I created my own schedule for SAISHO in ALTcornell2022 and since there is a touring schedule and touring is "a japanese thing" I put every show besides actual events(12) as Touring, all 100 of them. Then I played a bit of RWC and there in AJPW there is a mix of lesser, tour and normal, and not in a "order that make sense(from my POV)". For example, AJPW has 'New Year Giant Series' for 5 nights and the order of importance goes Lesser, Normal, Tour, Tour, Lesser. So I finally get to the question, how do I set up my touring schedule in a "realistic" manner. The order that makes sense in my head is that it goes tour for the first few shows before moving to lesser and finally to normal event. I have 8 dates/per month for 8 months of the year and 12d/pm for 4 months of the year. For the 8d/pm, is 1,2,3,4(tour)5,6,7(lesser),8(normal) good? and for 12d/pm 1,2,3,4,5,6,7(tour)8,9,10,11(lesser)12(normal), is that good?
  8. What if after a while, let us say after X months, if workers haven't faced off against each other the agent/game "forgets" the chemistry. So if you are a company that has different brands where you may move workers around(like WWE) they could lose it more frequently Or, if two workers haven't faced off in X amount of match oppertunities where they have both been available the agent/game "forgets" the chemistry. And you could use injuries as well, if they have a minor injury( <1 month or less) they don't count for this or the other ideas. But if they get injured for X amount of months the agent/game "forgets" the chemistry. But yeah, understand what you mean.
  9. I haven't played the base game but in AltCor2022 the pics are atlesat divided between "asian, white, black" etc. It was just this picture pack for RWC(sabrina/sabrin I think it is called) that just had it divded between male and female Can you take a screenshot of the screen when Irfanview has been used? In AltCor2022 I just used the picture popup when you choose a pic for you wrestler and just used the arrow keys. If Irfan is better than that I might just download it
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