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Company Attributes

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Something I'd like to see in the next iteration of TEW, personally, is companies having attributes like workers do. Not like the ones in the products, I mean like individual ones, again like workers have. 

Some examples I thought of: 

A Hint of Comedy - This company can have 1 or 2 stars or major stars with comedy gimmicks. More than that and they all get a penalty.

Superhero Booking - While AI controlled, this company will always have a figurehead, provided they have at least 1 wrestler.

Guaranteed Spot - This company can start hiring people before it's opened. Their contracts will start once the company opens.

Nostalgia Booking - Any wrestler 45 or older working for this company gets a boost to their popularity gain. However, anyone 25 or under will get a penalty.

Announcer Participation - Any non-wrestler working for this company can still participate in matches. The AI will book them as occasional wrestlers.

Staying Power - This company's been around for long enough that it's almost impossible for it to close. The company is less affected by things like scandals and industry crashes, and is more attractive to sponsors. [This attribute is automatically permanent and is assigned to a company after 20 years.]

Overcrowded - This company is used to having many more workers on the roster than it knows what to do with. If the roster is at least 20 more than it needs, all workers are treated as if they have the "undemanding" attribute. If run by an AI, the company will always try to hire more workers than it needs.

Monday Night Wars - This company's viewership is affected more strongly by competing with other shows. 

Board of Directors - This company has a board of directors. The company's more favourable to sponsors, but its maximum risk rating is lowered. The "No Spinal Impact Moves" trait is added, if the company didn't have it already. The (non-player) owner of the company can get removed if their publicity is bad enough.

IDK, maybe some of these could just be traits of the company owners, but some I think could work. :)

Edited by Spoons
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Posted (edited)
On 4/5/2024 at 6:17 PM, HurkaDurk69 said:

Really like this as a concept

Thank you. :)

I've thought of a few more, actually.

Territory Wrestling - This company is from the "territory days" and so will never have shows anywhere but its own region. (This attribute isn't seen much after the 1970's, and so will start naturally disappearing after that.)

"Licensed" - This company uses licensed music but doesn't pay for it. If they have at least 1 broadcasting deal, then there's a chance they'll be caught and have to pay for it. If not, though, then there's no risk. 

The Ring Is Different!  - This company has a non-square ring. Its ratings are slightly affected, having a chance to be either slightly dampened or slightly enhanced by the crowd reaction to the differently-shaped ring each show. [This attribute is automatically temporary and lasts between 6 months and 1 year.]

Erotic Wrestling - This company is meant to make its viewers horny. Its matches are rated on sex appeal in place of popularity. The rest of the product rules still apply as normal.

Tribute Shows - This company will always have a tribute show if a wrestler who's actively working for them dies. It will be scheduled for the following show, or the first day possible of the following week, whichever comes first.

Experimental - This company is a little avant garde. It will attract a lot more fans in its infancy, but once the novelty has worn off, it will attract fewer than normal. (This takes a random time between 6 months and 5 years.)

Brand Supremacy - This company treats its separate brands as... well, just that. Separate. It will get different turnouts for differently-branded shows, wrestlers are ONLY allowed on one show or the other, no free agents are allowed, and every year they will have a mandatory "draft" show, where a bunch of their workers will swap brands, to provide some variety. 

Edited by Spoons
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2 hours ago, Spoons said:

Tribute Shows - This company will always have a tribute show if a wrestler who's actively working for them dies. It will be scheduled for the following show, or the first day possible of the following week, whichever comes first.

I think this should just be what every single company does if it happens to them, not an attribute. But since it isn't I will let you off the hook ;) 



Erotic Wrestling - This company is meant to make its viewers horny. Its matches are rated on sex appeal in place of popularity. The rest of the product rules still apply as normal.

I think this should replace the "in-ring skill/popularity"(that all products are rated on) with "sex appeal/popularity" for products where it makes sense. Good suggestion

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, HurkaDurk69 said:

I think this should replace the "in-ring skill/popularity"(that all products are rated on) with "sex appeal/popularity" for products where it makes sense. Good suggestion

Thanks! Yeah, that's what I was going for. That or "in-ring skill/sex appeal". But your works well too.

2 hours ago, HurkaDurk69 said:

I think this should just be what every single company does if it happens to them, not an attribute. But since it isn't I will let you off the hook ;) 

Heheh, yeah, that SHOULD be how it works, but unfortunately, not quite.

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