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Mod Preview, Questions & Resources Thread

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16 hours ago, HurkaDurk69 said:

Since there has been so many amazing female wrestler mods made I am starting to run into a problem.

What is the best way to import them? Should I import every mod I wanna use into its very own database and import it to my main DB later or Should I import one-by-one?

Also, since the game was just released(crazy that it has been 1 month already), they are still making changes to the wrestlers, some minor some major, what should I do if they release an update?


I only got into TEW at the tail end of 2023 so most mods were "done" by that point.

If you wanted them all I would use the Boxofwhispers version of the Cverse with their stuff already imbedded.  Make a copy of that as the core database.  The easiest way to import the others is to make a separate database for each of the others and then import the data into the copied version of boxofwhispers.  It doesn't really matter which order you bring them in but you will find some data will clash here and there especially for legacy characters - you sometimes need to make minor tweaks.  Like with Womens Revolution & SHEROES there is a Nocturna in each - to get that worker across you change the name of one in the original slightly (Nocturnal is easy) and the data will head across fine - you need to tweak the picture too as it will default to Norcturna for the other character in the database you are importing into.  Historians has a pretty good order of what order to import each thing.  

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Would anyone be interested in sending me a copy of the TEW 2016 and 2020 CV databases please?


Extra points if these had already been converted into IX. I'm thinking about fixing and releasing them as mods.


I can give my email by DM.



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It All Begins... Again (April 2004)

I've been quietly working on converting my 2004 mod over to TEW IX, and figured I'd share some screenshots of the progress. 

Work completed so far:

- Real World Heights and Weights (with min and max weights) set
- Birthdays and debut dates (to the first day fo the month they debuted IRL) set
- Converted nearly 5,000 title lineage entries from TEW 2020 format (Wk, Month, Year) to real world calendar date format
- Changed Injury history dates to real world calendar date format
- Added historic World Heavyweight Wrestling (Original) championship to flesh out HOI entries like Gotch, Hackenschmidt and Thesz.
- Added immersive narratives to set the scene for the time period
- Various other edits and graphic additions











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Looking good, Idolized.

Looking for ideas, thoughts, suggestions, etc, for making a point in time as playable as possible but still relatively realistic. 

I’ve started to work on converting The Yes Mod over for TEWIX, which has got the mod-making juices flowing a bit more than expected. I have a January 1984 mod (Brave New World) that I had done some work on and am starting over, but that’s a from-scratch mod so its not going to see the light of day for a long time. That won’t be a huge mod in terms of worker numbers, but with a lot of territories still open (but dying), Work Histories are a wee bit cumbersome. One idea I’ve toyed around with for a long time is a mod in the Monday Night Wars era. Basically anything between 1995 and 2001. I love the 2001 transition point and the idea of WCW surviving, which I started to work on for TEW20 at one point, but I feel like Mr. Canada has that covered. As I work on the other mods, I find myself mulling how I would set up a Monday Night Wars era mod and thought intrigues me.

Of the 1995-2001 period, I’ve kinda zeroed in on the 1997 or 1998 period. It feels like a high points (not necessarily an absolute peak) where WCW, WWF, and ECW are all fairly strong. NJPW and AJPW are doing well (although the Japanese economy started to tank in mid 97), as is CMLL in Mexico, where AAA has just got rolling too. There isn’t a particularly strong indy scene, which is both a positive (it can make for a more streamlined mod) and an obvious drawback. The women’s scene as a whole is weak, but joshi has an amazing amount of talent. I’m leaning towards a January 1997 starting point.

Between the 1997 and 1998 start date options, I feel like WCW is in a really strong position at both points, whereas the WWF goes from really building momentum at the start of 1997 to hitting a stride by the start of 1998. ECW is past its peak in some ways but still hasn’t really hit the point of being in trouble. I would ideally want to create a mod that offers balanced gameplay – not overly easy, not impossibly challenging, and where the big companies are all bookable. Which brings me to my main point of hesitation. When I think back on the myriad of mods we’ve had for this period going back through the last 3 or 4 versions of TEW, my perception is that a lot of them had dynamics at one extreme or the other. One or both of WCW and WWF would be set up to be unassailably strong and beyond the point of failure (particularly when run by the AI), or set up to be impossibly challenging to run (particularly when run by the user). Sometimes both at the same time lol. Again, my remembrance isn’t necessarily accurate, but I feel like WCW in the 1995-1999 period would be like USPW in the last two Cverses, whereas the WWF in the 1995-1996 period and WCW in the later 1999 and on beyond would be a mess. The combination of negative personalities, negative relationships, bad habits, bad decisions, and huge rosters without enough top level talent can be overwhelming. Its not unrealistic and especially on the older TEWs, I feel like it was somewhat how the game applied those challenges rather than issues with the mods.

So that ends up being a massive hesitation on any such project for me. No one wants to dump hundreds of hours of modding into a project, then get to the point where they can test and determine that one of the main companies is utterly non-functional for a human booker. For both companies, but especially for WCW, some high level negative personalities with some negative relationships is probably going to go a long way. I am hopeful that putting some of those negative personalities into positions of authority in the Inner Circle will have a big impact as well. Using Attributes that will have an impact. Negative habits as well. BUT... not going to extremes with any of those, even if its in the pursuit of absolutely accuracy because I don't want to tip the balance from challenging to impossible. And using some contract values to make money not quite as easy to make. 

That said, I’m still looking for any ideas / suggestions on options to set up WCW and the WWF and even ECW in ways that will keep the companies challenging but not overly impossible to run, either for a human or AI booker.

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40 minutes ago, Bigpapa42 said:

Looking good, Idolized.

Looking for ideas, thoughts, suggestions, etc, for making a point in time as playable as possible but still relatively realistic. 

I’ve started to work on converting The Yes Mod over for TEWIX, which has got the mod-making juices flowing a bit more than expected. I have a January 1984 mod (Brave New World) that I had done some work on and am starting over, but that’s a from-scratch mod so its not going to see the light of day for a long time. That won’t be a huge mod in terms of worker numbers, but with a lot of territories still open (but dying), Work Histories are a wee bit cumbersome. One idea I’ve toyed around with for a long time is a mod in the Monday Night Wars era. Basically anything between 1995 and 2001. I love the 2001 transition point and the idea of WCW surviving, which I started to work on for TEW20 at one point, but I feel like Mr. Canada has that covered. As I work on the other mods, I find myself mulling how I would set up a Monday Night Wars era mod and thought intrigues me.

Of the 1995-2001 period, I’ve kinda zeroed in on the 1997 or 1998 period. It feels like a high points (not necessarily an absolute peak) where WCW, WWF, and ECW are all fairly strong. NJPW and AJPW are doing well (although the Japanese economy started to tank in mid 97), as is CMLL in Mexico, where AAA has just got rolling too. There isn’t a particularly strong indy scene, which is both a positive (it can make for a more streamlined mod) and an obvious drawback. The women’s scene as a whole is weak, but joshi has an amazing amount of talent. I’m leaning towards a January 1997 starting point.

Between the 1997 and 1998 start date options, I feel like WCW is in a really strong position at both points, whereas the WWF goes from really building momentum at the start of 1997 to hitting a stride by the start of 1998. ECW is past its peak in some ways but still hasn’t really hit the point of being in trouble. I would ideally want to create a mod that offers balanced gameplay – not overly easy, not impossibly challenging, and where the big companies are all bookable. Which brings me to my main point of hesitation. When I think back on the myriad of mods we’ve had for this period going back through the last 3 or 4 versions of TEW, my perception is that a lot of them had dynamics at one extreme or the other. One or both of WCW and WWF would be set up to be unassailably strong and beyond the point of failure (particularly when run by the AI), or set up to be impossibly challenging to run (particularly when run by the user). Sometimes both at the same time lol. Again, my remembrance isn’t necessarily accurate, but I feel like WCW in the 1995-1999 period would be like USPW in the last two Cverses, whereas the WWF in the 1995-1996 period and WCW in the later 1999 and on beyond would be a mess. The combination of negative personalities, negative relationships, bad habits, bad decisions, and huge rosters without enough top level talent can be overwhelming. Its not unrealistic and especially on the older TEWs, I feel like it was somewhat how the game applied those challenges rather than issues with the mods.

So that ends up being a massive hesitation on any such project for me. No one wants to dump hundreds of hours of modding into a project, then get to the point where they can test and determine that one of the main companies is utterly non-functional for a human booker. For both companies, but especially for WCW, some high level negative personalities with some negative relationships is probably going to go a long way. I am hopeful that putting some of those negative personalities into positions of authority in the Inner Circle will have a big impact as well. Using Attributes that will have an impact. Negative habits as well. BUT... not going to extremes with any of those, even if its in the pursuit of absolutely accuracy because I don't want to tip the balance from challenging to impossible. And using some contract values to make money not quite as easy to make. 

That said, I’m still looking for any ideas / suggestions on options to set up WCW and the WWF and even ECW in ways that will keep the companies challenging but not overly impossible to run, either for a human or AI booker.

I have always wanted to book WCW 2000 at the start of the Russo/Bischoff New Blood angle

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On 8/15/2024 at 11:27 AM, RealHeelBCFlynn said:

I’m working on/updating a 98 real world mod. I’ve been investing time in the narratives as of late, trying to make the game world feel more alive. 

ive added such events like Promo Azteca money issues after wcw locked down the luchadore talent they were using, The ROH/Rob F scandal, the economic crash of 2008, etc. things that shaped the wrestling world and the world in general of the late 90s/early 2000s. 

Here’s where I get alittle iffy. I’ve removed/decided not to add the events that affect particular wrestlers and/or any you have to manually manipulate through the in game editor. For example Shawn Michaels injury at rumble 98/his retirement after WM, His getting clean and return, Owen harts death, Brock Lesnar leaving the WWE, Matt Capatoli (spelling) Brain tumor, etc. I believe this doesn’t shape the game world but limits me (you) as you know not to invest any time in these guys as they have a shelf life.

we all know how things worked out when these situations happened. So now we (I) have the chance to play that era and beyond by letting things play out how they will, according to the game. Thoughts? Opinions?

This is very much a tough one. Sometimes I play and I think I want real world events to happen, other times i think they wouldnt always happen (eg Shawnn Michaels injury, Owen Hart's death) if they were not in that particular match or company. 


I think the best way to replicate it, is to give certain conditions (that the user of the MOD wouldn't know) for these things to happen.  

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3 hours ago, Eugucgi said:

May I ask what external editors are recommended to work with?I 

The exported database is designed to work with Access (and by extension, Excel). Other software is possible but you'll find using anything else you'll run into some quirks of the software that might make things more complicated.

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On 9/7/2024 at 1:21 PM, Idolized said:

I have always wanted to book WCW 2000 at the start of the Russo/Bischoff New Blood angle


And this is fundamentally the problem when I look at the whole of the Monday Night Wars era... almost any point has some interesting things going on that would be fun and interesting to rebook. Whether its because it was fumbled badly or just to try do things a bit differently. It makes it hard to narrow things down. Ideally, creating base mod that has the balance I like and then having a version or two at other starting points would be amazing... but overly ambitious

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13 minutes ago, Bigpapa42 said:


And this is fundamentally the problem when I look at the whole of the Monday Night Wars era... almost any point has some interesting things going on that would be fun and interesting to rebook. Whether its because it was fumbled badly or just to try do things a bit differently. It makes it hard to narrow things down. Ideally, creating base mod that has the balance I like and then having a version or two at other starting points would be amazing... but overly ambitious

I’ve thought about it with my 2004 mod as well. Get April out and then fast forward it to Survivor Series time, then even further and release one in January of 2005. I’m hoping that releasing the data as freeware, and the external editing would get people on board with starting mods for different time periods with it.

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2 minutes ago, RealHeelBCFlynn said:

In laws…what do you guys do with in laws? I’m currently working on relationships and I’ve come to the windham/rotunda family.

I suppose they could just be classed as “siblings” or maybe better as“distant relatives” 

just kinda curious how the community handles this.

In my mod, i putted Bret Hart and The British Bulldog in Like Family relationship, but i think others may think otherwise.

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16 hours ago, RealHeelBCFlynn said:

In laws…what do you guys do with in laws? I’m currently working on relationships and I’ve come to the windham/rotunda family.

I suppose they could just be classed as “siblings” or maybe better as“distant relatives” 

just kinda curious how the community handles this.

Yeah I've been using Like Family in most cases too.

But it is worth noting that Like Family is the strongest positive personal relationship; when you convert Best Friends relationships from 2020, they become Like Family in IX. So it works when you have in-laws who are close like that (e.g. Bret and Bulldog), but it's not a great option if they don't have a good relationship (e.g. Chavo and Vickie Guerrero). I haven't yet figured out how to accurately represent in-laws with negative relationships.

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26 minutes ago, Almaida said:

Yeah I've been using Like Family in most cases too.

But it is worth noting that Like Family is the strongest positive personal relationship; when you convert Best Friends relationships from 2020, they become Like Family in IX. So it works when you have in-laws who are close like that (e.g. Bret and Bulldog), but it's not a great option if they don't have a good relationship (e.g. Chavo and Vickie Guerrero). I haven't yet figured out how to accurately represent in-laws with negative relationships.

Interesting. I’ll definitely rattle that around my dome while I play around. Does seem to be a decent option. 

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I want to add wrestlers from the real world using their stats, popularity, and ages from 1992 (Using Fleisch 1992 Chronicles) and implant it into the CVerse 2022 default data as if they were coexisting with the original CVerse promotions.  Can be used as an expansion pack to add onto your games. Then maybe an option for  a scenario mod where TCW is observed into World Class Wrestling. 

Adding wrestlers mainly from the top two US companies (WWE and WCW) from the past, present, several foreign stars, and adding the more notable future workers. Obviously there will be changes in their employment history, title lineages, trajectories these wrestlers take. Future workers will debut much sooner than their real life counterparts.

So in this alternative CVerse universe, the WWE company will launch a streaming network before Reverie which will allow it to grow into a top 3 promotion. 

I was toying with the idea to change maybe attributes of some of the wrestlers to be vastly different than what they were in real life. Should I keep the attributes the same as is?


I plan to add Antonio Inoki and Giant Baba to be apart of the first promotion (IWA) which will start out like the NWA/AWA. They are exclusive to IWA but serve as a main attraction during Japanese tours / shows. They will win major IWA titles or G1 type tournaments. Before wrestling, in this timeline, they were pro baseball and basketball players respectively before turning into wrestling. What kind of popularity would they have in Japan? And when WCW being started from the 15-year IWA history, what kind of popularity this promotion has, with these two guys. I imagine their US popularity will be at Ric Flair level or slightly lower. I was thinking in 1992 they will be slightly older than Flair. WCW will be going into a change in product which will push these men away. They maybe starting out with a Japanese company. Which one should they be added to??




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Wasn't sure where else to post this, but is there a guideline or something for how many major stars, stars, etc are needed for each promotion size? I know the owner roster size preference is a modifier, but I'm creating an original universe from scratch and want to start planning on roster placements and popularity.

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13 hours ago, Jaysin said:

Wasn't sure where else to post this, but is there a guideline or something for how many major stars, stars, etc are needed for each promotion size? I know the owner roster size preference is a modifier, but I'm creating an original universe from scratch and want to start planning on roster placements and popularity.

As perception is based on the worker's popularity compared to the promotions popularity there is no requirement as such. You could have a promotion entirely with major stars and another with nothing but unimportant. As an original universe, it's really up to you and the story you want to tell for each promotion. The main things to keep in mind are that too many unimportant workers as a proportion of the roster will restrict the AI booking (because it will try and avoid booking them against each other outside of pre shows) and when building your rosters the AI will consider face/heel splits across neighbouring perception levels rather than the roster as a whole when choosing turns to balance at the start of the game. In other words even if you have equal numbers of faces and heels in your company, if all your faces are stars and all your heels are recognisable, the AI will start turning people to make them more even. That can impact things like stables and teams if a member is being turned. It's not disastrous but just something to be aware of given you are presumably setting your original rosters in a deliberate way.

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