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5 hours ago, Idolized said:

You can set minimum and maximum ages to use them

Yeah, I thought about that, but then I would have to create a new Alter Ego for every new Attire. Hoped, that there's an easier solution to this. When I think of a character like Kane for example, I would have to create him around 10 times or so, to get all attire and gimmick changes in. Could be easier, I guess.


But thanks for the answer.

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would there be interest in a new "NWA domination" alt-history mod starting in 2015? it will take influence from iDOMINATION but will not attempt to share a lineage with that mod as I want to deviate from it in many ways. I find the original iDOM lore to be a bit too crystallized in the 2000s to be adapted to my own personal flair and want to be able to tackle a version of the past with the benefit of hindsight rather than working within the boundaries of stuff written 12+ years ago.

earlier in the year, someone made an attempt at rebooting iDOM starting in 2023 (actually my first exposure to the scenario) and I arguably had more fun throwing out suggestions for lore than I ever did playing a TEW save. the 2023 start date wasn't optimal for me as a contributor, as many key players are old by that point, and it was tedious to write so far into the present. I had the idea of spinning off my contributions into my own thing and 2015 stuck out as a potential start point as the mod would have ten years of future debuts to work with. I sorta put it all on the backburner but my interest renewed when TEW IX came out.

my goal for a project like this would be to create a collection of territories that players would actually want to book. rather than just taking whichever names were in WWE in that particular year and redistributing them across companies as balancing requires, I want to make a game world that feels as lived-in as I can make it. something that feels like the cornellverse designed for anyone to clearly pick up any single company and run with it, but using contemporary real world workers. not sure there's anything being made right now that fills that niche.

while I already have a wealth of personal notes to work with, this is a fairly massive undertaking (especially with little experience using modding tools) and I don't want to commit to it if there isn't any interest. and if anyone is at all interested in collaborating, I am more than open to DMs.

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