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Road to Glory is a TEW challenge where you begin as a custom made wrestler booking a 0/0/0/1000 backyard fed and aim to rise up the ranks. The challenge is completed when you headline a PPV of a Big, Huge or Titanic promotion with a 100 rated match. 


Step One - Starting Promotion:

You start with a 0/0/0/1000 Promotion. That means it has 0 Popularity, 0 Momentum, 0 Prestige and $1000 in the bank.

Edit the promotion into the database before you begin the game, it is recommended that you select an owner who will be cheap and put them on a PPA deal. Ideally they will have some booking skill too. 

Choose whatever product you want for your promotion. 


Step Two - Create Your Character:


Age: 18 (If playing the default Cornellverse your birthday should fall between January 2004 and December 2004)

Potential: Excellent in all categories or random if you wish.


You can allocate your skills one of two ways:

1. Allocate 750 skill points

Skills: Your character starts with Resilience 100, Reputation 50, Experience 0 and Respect 0.

You have 750 Points to spend on other skills. (No skill may exceed 75 to begin with)


2. Use the Quick Skill Creation tool

Use the following settings:

Top Row Left - Set to 'trainee'
Top Row Middle - Choose any setting
Top Row Right - Set to 'Whose skills are average'
Bottom Row Left - Set to 'of average athleticism'
Bottom Row Middle - Set to 'Somewhat entertaining'
Bottom Row Right - Set to 'Who looks like a star'

Then click 'create'. 

Then make the following changes:

- No skill should be higher than 75 (except resilience). If any stat is above 75 then change it to 75
- Set Resilience to 100
- Set Reputation to 50
- Set Respect to 0
- Experience should be 0
- Move points between Sex Appeal and Menace if you wish



Attributes will be added via mystery boxes as the game progresses.

You can add up to three gimmick performance attributes (e.g. plays dominant well) as long as they are balanced out by adding the same number of negative gimmick performance attributes (e.g. Can't play comedy)



Set to 0 everywhere, you are starting from the bottom here.


Booking Skills and Booking Reputation

You start with 0 for both of these stats

You gain one booking reputation point per five shows automatically and five points everytime your promotion goes up a size. You can add to this by choosing to take +5 booking skill and +5 booking reputation instead of a roll for completing booking achievements.


Step Three - User Preferences:

Everything that affects gameplay should be left as default, making the game that little bit harder.

You can change cosmetic preferences such as 'Enable coloured text' and 'Enable drag and drop booking' but not anything that affects gameplay such as 'Booking times', 'Momentum' and 'Repetitive booking penalty'.

If you wish you can activate the pre-booking requirements and bonuses.


Step Four - Changing Promotions:

When you are ready to move on from your starting company you can take a booking job in a promotion 1 level larger than your current employer (or your previous if you are currently unemployed). For the purposes of this challenge Big, Huge and Titanic count as the same level. If you drive your promotion bankrupt then you may only accept your next position with a company of the same size or lower than they were when they closed.


Step Five - Achievements:

Achievements in RTG - TEW IX Edition are split into two categories.

Booking Achievements (worth one mystery box roll or 5 booking skill and 5 booking reputation points each)

Getting Started - Produce an Event Card of 25
Fresh New Indie - Produce an Event Card of 50
A True Alternative - Produce an Event Card of 75
Hottest Thing In The Industry - Produce an Event Card of 90
Hello World - Work for a Tiny company
Not So Small After All - Work for a Small company
We Are The Moment - Work for a Medium company
The Road To Glory - Work for a Big company
Larger than life - Work for a Huge company
Unsinkable - Work for a Titanic company

In Ring Achievements (worth one mystery box roll each)

First Step - Earn a Match Grade of 50 or More With Your Wrestler
Taking the Next Step - Earn a Match Grade of 75 or More With Your Wrestler
Becoming Elite - Earn a Match Grade of 90 or More With Your Wrestler
Almost There - Earn a Match Grade of 99 or More With Your Wrestler
Into The Bubble - Debut in the Power 500
Going Places - Break into the Top 250
Turn of A Centenary - Break into the Top 100
A Select Few- Break into the Top 50
Best of the Best- Break into the Top 10
Legendary Angle - Be involved in a 100 Rated Angle
Legendary Show - Book a 100 rated show
Legendary Event - Win the main event of a legendary show
Legendary Year - Win wrester of the year in the annual awards

You also get one mystery box roll per year

Achievements and rolls can be tracked via the TEX IX - RTG Tracker sheet


Step Six - Mystery Box Rolls:

When you complete a year or first complete an achievement, roll randomly on this list as an added bonus. This is for the RTG Challenge, but would also work to spice up normal games.





If you are looking for an online way to roll a custom sided dice, Id suggest here http://www.brockjones.com/dieroller/dice.htm (Look under Full Roll).

Random.org is also very useful for random numbers: https://www.random.org/

Alternatively, you can use a deck of cards to roll for you as the numbers have been deliberately limited so that you can use a standard deck plus jokers to do the roll for you.

Edited by Bad Collin
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Posted (edited)

Hints, Tips and FAQs


What is the best way to start?

The best start still seems to be to hold free shows for the first 9-12 months with the cheapest workers available. After this you should have grown enough to be able to make a profit by setting your ticket prices to very cheap.


Booking Skill/Booking Reputation

Booking Skill has no effect other than to give you Creative Energy. Booking Reputation is how AI companies decide who gets offered Head Booker jobs when they come up.

Edited by Bad Collin
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These stats of the user character will probably have to be suggested:

- Business Reputation

- Booking Reputation

- Booking Skill


The last one determines your "Creative Energy". It makes it really different if you use 0, 50 or 100.

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So we have two options with the points.

1. Allow 50 more point since we need booking skill to basically book shows

2. Use the 750 point allocation for skills, and use a number randomizer between 50 and 75 for booking skill.

Imo, I feel 2 is more ethical as skills can literally be brought to bad levels with 1, and we need that for the road to glory to even be beaten. Also, the randomizer can be a test of luck within the players.

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I think with booking skill it will depend how quickly it grows. If we can get over 50 within 200 or so shows then I would favour starting at 0 and relying on the owner and other people in the booking committee to provide the creative energy at first.

I'll test some things this week.

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Rules are now updated!

I have added in some new attributes to the mystery rolls and have tried to make everything as clear as possible.

I have also set up a tracker sheet so people can track their achievements and rolls: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WHY-U-xzWWEQxt1h_ZNjHvYV0eFCV4HmGpNezvcs_2E/edit?usp=sharing. Feel free to copy the template and add a tab for your character.

With booking skill I think we should start with 0, I have changed the reward for the booking achievements to 10 booking skill points. This means we start out as rookie bookers but can end up with 100 booking skill.

As always we can look at the rules as we test things out.

Good luck everyone! I will be starting my first character, Jasper Squires, with a created UK promotion when the full game releases on Saturday. 

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16 minutes ago, Bad Collin said:

Rules are now updated!

Hell yeah! Really looking forward to starting this once the game releases.

And great job on the tracker sheet! Really saves me the time of doing one myself :D

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This challenge seems really fun and maybe I will try it (if I learn how to make an avatar for myself with a personalized picture), but I have a question about the attributes. If I roll a 41 for exemple, and I get the bonus for "dominant" and all that, but at the same time, I have the negative attribute "can't play dominant", what should I do ?
I must erase the negative attribute and gain the good attribute, or I must keep the bad attribute and use my roll on something else ?

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BTW, can't remember if I've asked this before - thoughts on whether it's okay to use variance in a database? I generally have Medium variance on in most games to make them more unique, but obviously that could mean you end up with a significant advantage if you're REALLY lucky.

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15 hours ago, Altgov said:

This challenge seems really fun and maybe I will try it (if I learn how to make an avatar for myself with a personalized picture), but I have a question about the attributes. If I roll a 41 for exemple, and I get the bonus for "dominant" and all that, but at the same time, I have the negative attribute "can't play dominant", what should I do ?
I must erase the negative attribute and gain the good attribute, or I must keep the bad attribute and use my roll on something else ?

Try using an AI to do it. I think some of those tools allow you to upload your own picture then stylize it into different art styles.

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15 hours ago, Altgov said:

This challenge seems really fun and maybe I will try it (if I learn how to make an avatar for myself with a personalized picture), but I have a question about the attributes. If I roll a 41 for exemple, and I get the bonus for "dominant" and all that, but at the same time, I have the negative attribute "can't play dominant", what should I do ?
I must erase the negative attribute and gain the good attribute, or I must keep the bad attribute and use my roll on something else ?

This would be quite a rare event but I would say that you would add the 'plays dominant well' attribute and overwrite 'can't play dominant'.

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11 hours ago, Jaded said:

BTW, can't remember if I've asked this before - thoughts on whether it's okay to use variance in a database? I generally have Medium variance on in most games to make them more unique, but obviously that could mean you end up with a significant advantage if you're REALLY lucky.


13 minutes ago, moststay said:

You said preferences should be default, does that also include game settings like natural growth limits.


First thing to say is that nobody is going to police your game, if a game setting stops you having fun then it's up to you what to do. For example, I can't play with the scouting system on because it takes far too long for the full stats to be revealed. I don't think that lessens the challenge because the obfuscated stats would give a good idea of how book people anyway. Anything that makes the game too easy I personally would avoid.

On these examples my advice is:

Variance is ok because but you should probably edit your character back to the original stats if you get too big a boost (maybe sticking to the maximum of 75 for any one stat)

Natural Growth Limits seems to me like something that could be kept to full as it could make the Medium to Big grind easier but then the smart move is to abuse the broadcaster system for this anyway.


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