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19 minutes ago, ZMAN said:

Star quality as 75 is pointless since you get the same boost regardless with 65 right?

Ideally you get 75 and then get boosts through rolls or through size/weight gain. I generally start with 75 and normal body. Increase size immediately to get toned. 2 years later increased for muscular and 2 years after that increase to ripped. Should get low to mid 80s and then you're close to being able to make yourself figurehead.

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52 minutes ago, michgcs said:

I appreciate the replies to my question, thank you again for all those who responded. Just breaks my heart a bit as I had Brodie pegged as a potential future main eventer :(

Sorry buddy, best not to get attached until at least mid-Small. If it's any consolilation I just signed Tommy Cornell Jr but he only stayed for six months. 

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Finally giving the RTG IX edition a go. Year 1 was certainly a trying year. Game world started with the economy in shambles and the wrestling industry soon joined it. Ran 13 events, got up to 9 popularity in the home region (North West) prior to my super lucky end of year roll. Got merchandise up to Level 5 running rapid upgrades every single day of the year except for a 2ish week period (forgot to set merch upgrades being completed emails to urgent) and all it cost me was roughly 35 grand of debt. Have 41.8k in debt currently, hopefully we can start to get that going in the other direction around the mid point of this 2nd year. As far as stats go, went with 75 in Brawling, Technical, Psychology, Charisma, Mic, Acting, Star Quality, Selling, Athleticism and then split my last 75 between Stamina (40) and Safety (35).

Ant-Man is our only representative in the Power 500, undoubtedly due to his work in ACPW. Cameron Vessey was part of the match of the year and on new years day 2023, he signed with USPW who reached Titanic late in 2022. Got the 25 rated show in January and the 50 rated show in September. Came close to hitting that elusive 50 rated match a few times, and finally got it on the last show of the year in a tag match featuring Youngman, The FKA Architect, Masked Grappler and myself. That got me roll 16, which I put 15 points in Athleticism and 5 points into Stamina. Then the end of the year roll was huge as I got roll 53. 7 regions with pop equates to 14 total points of pop. Should go a decent ways to help with merch sells. The other part of the roll went to Josh Jacobs, who I don't particularly have any long term hopes or desires for, but we'll enjoy his popularity boost while he's still here.

Should hit Tiny around the midway point this year. Thanks to the EoY roll, we're starting off 2023 at 11 pop in North West. I don't imagine I'll hit anymore in-ring achievement rolls this year, so it'll be all about growth!

Chris Carnage Year 1.png

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11 hours ago, Bad Collin said:

Sorry buddy, best not to get attached until at least mid-Small. If it's any consolilation I just signed Tommy Cornell Jr but he only stayed for six months. 

Your RTG game in the dynasty section is a great inspiration, I love how the graphics look and am in awe of how fast you're progressing! I'm on the conservative side and mostly stick to offering sub-50/show contracts lol

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21 minutes ago, Starchild said:

Really excited to do this for the first time, but extremely confused as to how to assign an owner to the company. I have been trying for hours and searched as much as I can but can't figure it out.

In the editor go into your Company select Contracts, forth down on the left. In the new window select add in the bottom left, select the worker you want and fill in any info.

With the contract saved, back in the company editor select Power Structure, in the top left. In the new window in the top left set that worker as owner.

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3 minutes ago, Sartagis said:

In the editor go into your Company select Contracts, forth down on the left. In the new window select add in the bottom left, select the worker you want and fill in any info.

With the contract saved, back in the company editor select Power Structure, in the top left. In the new window in the top left set that worker as owner.

I don't know how I missed Power Structure, thank you so much!

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So wound up restarting. Getting 60k in 15 months didn't seem feasible as I had just started getting out of the red monthly by a very small amount. Took the lessons I learned and restarted. Was making money after I think 9 months and was in the black by 18 months. Currently sitting on 60.8k, 3 years in. Biggest lessons were rapidly upgrading merch and worker costs. I had rapidly upgraded every level and got to Level 6 while still insignificant. Apparently while you're below Tiny, you can't sell worker specific merchandise. Not sure if that's intended or not, but I had upgraded to the point the merch was costing nearly 2k more than it was bringing in before the end of year 2. Took it much slower this time and at the start of year 4 I'm 14% from reaching level 6 in merch. As for workers, stuck to only workers in my region, which I switched to WPL, based in Mid South (changed all the stats accordingly to make it fit the challenge) because it was 100% important while North West was not. Also went with Classic Sports Entertainment so my estimated sponsorship is 8539 while at 32 Pop in Mid South. 

Guess we'll talk about my UC. Momentum stays Ice Cold despite not losing a match since February and using creative ideas to get the momentum up to Chilly. Not quite sure why that is, but I have a gimmick change prepared and we're gonna strap a rocket to him. The coolest bit of news was he has great chemistry teaming with KC Glenn, so I have one of the best workers in the world as my tag partner, to hopefully rub off some on me. Changed the starting rolls a bit. Went with 75 in Technical, Psychology, Charisma, Microphone, SQ, Selling,  Stamina, Athleticism, followed by 50s in Brawling, Consistency and Safety. 

Rolls wise, I got 28 (Flavour of the Month) for my first 50 match, which took 29 months from the start of the save. EoY rolls from 22-24 was 51 (Took Big Match Specialist), 24 and 22. Company wise, we're going to start off 2025 with a bang. We will debut on WrestleWorld Tuesday, January 7th. With that debut will come our first ever championship which will take place in our first ever gimmick match, a 6-man ladder match. Depending how that goes, we will likely add a 2nd and possible a 3rd and 4th show. I expect our growth to be tremendous at this point. Even with the increase in production costs, we're profiting every show. Papa Swoll is leaving us for TCW, which is gonna hurt since he was nearly a quarter of our merch sales, but not quite as much as Wolf Hawkins leaving TCW for USPW.

Game world is interesting. USPW has basically turned into the wrestling equivalent of a super team and the rest of the world is essentially it's minor leagues. Aaron Andrews, Aaron Knight, Cameron Vessey, Captain Atomic, David Stone, Des Davids, El Leon, Greg Gauge (USPW Champ), Hollywood Bret Starr, Jay Chord, Joey Morgan, Mighty Mo, Mr Lucha III, Primus Allen, Randy Bumfhole, Remo, Rock God Alvarez, Valiant and the aforementioned Wolf Hawkins. Basically a player character at this point. So who's left in TCW and SWF, you ask? Have they fallen to medium sized companies permanently under the crushing financial might of USPW?

Well no, they've built up their own replacement stars of familiar names. SWF is led by Scythe, and High Flyin Hawaiian as the 2 biggest stars in the company. High Flyin's teammates, Ekuma is their World Champ. Mikey Lau, Ranger, Steven Parker and Matty Faith round out their major stars. 

TCW is being led by their figurehead, TCW World champ Spencer Spade, Chris Flynn, Nick Booth, Roderick Remus and 2 (former/current) tag teams in The New Wave and The Behemoths. They're a fair bit less popular than SWF's top stars, but they're still doing well for themselves in building the next generation of USPW stars.

Some other popular names I didn't mention... Rocky Golden was in USPW but they declined to renew his deal at the end of 2024. It looks like he spent 2024 in decline. Steve Frehley was actually poached back by SWF, but sustained a broken neck against Forest Ratzloff in July and will be out for the next 8 months. Unfortunately for Steve, his career is pretty much done as he was declining long before the broken neck. He'll be blown up just walking down the ramp by the time he returns. Gilmore and Rogue both left and had runs in Japan during their twilight years. Brandon James did the same and retired in June of 2023.

Really enjoying this game. It is making me want to play an SWF game though and get some revenge on USPW!


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Ok not quite done with year 4 only a little halfway in, but it has been a massive year. First I moved on from ELPF to another tiny company that was closer to reaching small level at 33 pop DIW. And after a few months reached small and signed a broadcasting deal with Wrestleworld Australia. But then Kyle Rhodes was fired as CEO of TEW and since they are only medium sized I became their headbooker and now I am the booking the third biggest company in the world.

Screenshot (347).png

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2 hours ago, Bad Collin said:

Wow, huge move @moststay! What booking reputation did you have when you got the TCW gig?

Only 11. Which makes me think there is a bug because my reputation feels way to low for a company like TCW to hire me even if there struggling a bit.

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Posted (edited)
23 minutes ago, moststay said:

Only 11. Which makes me think there is a bug because my reputation feels way to low for a company like TCW to hire me even if there struggling a bit.

I'd rather that than the old games where you could never get hired.

What stars are still there?

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I made 5 copies of my game when the SAISHO booking job became available, just to test out what kind of randomness was in there. At 16-or-so reputation, I got turned down every time in favour of someone with 60+ reputation. Same bloke every time, so that felt like an unwinnable job.  

Mostly through year 5, and getting bored of Wales. We're advancing well, but it's the same guys working the same main events in rotation, stuck in our little corner as the rest of the world advances around us. No one poaches my guys. Outside talent in my price range is significantly worse than my current roster. My shows are actually worse than the last few years (morale has a hand in that) and my avatar has outgrown all of the veterans. When Gunpowder Graeme George tore his rotator cuff, I was actually glad to have some excitement. Forced me to move some things around. 

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6 hours ago, Bad Collin said:

I'd rather that than the old games where you could never get hired.

What stars are still there?

We got Chris Flynn, Mighty Mo, Quentin Queen, Matt Hocking, and Bradley Blaze, Jaylon Martins and Flint Slater (New Characters that debuted right before Game start both graduated from TCW school).

All the original top stars are gone Wolf Hawkins, Aaron Andrews, Freddy Huggins, Jay Chord to USPW, Greg Gauge to SWF.

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1 hour ago, moststay said:

Right now Im at 77 across America so I need that minimum everytime, gonna be rough.

With the roster you have left, it certainly seems that way. Looks like you're in for a monumental rebuild. Looks like all the upper card mainstays are completely gone from the company. I'm guessing the older stars that are there at the start are all ravaged by time decline now to be of any use. The Bachs, the New Waves and their ilk.

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14 minutes ago, Callum07 said:

Anybody ever tried or completed this with a female wrestler?

Yes, in 2020 I completed the challenge in the UK with a female wrestler in an all female promotion. It was a lot of fun but it took ten years in game:


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22 minutes ago, Callum07 said:

Anybody ever tried or completed this with a female wrestler?

It would be doable as is but I think what you might really need to do is use the Expansion packs for Womens Wrestling in the Mods to give enough workers to make the world take to Womens wrestling - SHEREOS, Historians Womens, willr0ck's Womens revolution, Grindhousearts Womens & Central Asia and Martels FWP all add a lot of potential Female Workers and in Grindhouse and Willr0ck's cases companies that can be added.  So does ALTCVerse but that has so many extra workers and companies it's almost too crowded - some stuff from it could be imported without using all of it but it is very much still in the beta of the conversion from TEW 2020.   Brining in more Women would make things harder from a competition for spots point of view but increases the options for potential opponents on the way to the final goal.

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7 hours ago, Bad Collin said:

Yes, in 2020 I completed the challenge in the UK with a female wrestler in an all female promotion. It was a lot of fun but it took ten years in game:


Nice work, Im feeling inspired

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In my current game (late 2026) women's wrestling pretty much doesn't exist in UK/Europe. I've started bringing in Blair Kerrigan and a rotating opponent, but the travel costs make it the most expensive part of my show and all of the women are rusty. So pick your area wisely. UK wouldn't be my first choice for a women's RTG in the default data. I imagine Japan or North America would be totally fine. 

I might do a non-RTG game at some point where I start a UK women's school and try to single-handedly flood the market. Or Australia. I'd probably do that off the back of an actually profitable company though. 

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The key in 2020 was to get through the early years using Blair, Thea, Cassie, Maisie Laurels and Zofia Jankovic then bring in some girls from 5SSW. Eventually USPW and CWA start letting people go and I picked up Sara Marie York and Lucy Stone McFly who were great for me. 

Man, if I ever get a spare month or two I would like to rewrite that save as a dynasty.

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