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Ok gonna give the challenge a shot, have 0 clue on how well I will do and might just go bankrupt early.

The Company Owner is gonna be Honest Frank and decided to use my favorite Japanese Company growing up Dragon Gate.


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1 hour ago, Krazy Killian said:

 So weirdly I actually made a similar company called "London Underground Wrestling" I made an AI logo so if you haven't got one yet - feel free to use it!


I'm using a logo from the AltConerllverse2022 mod from TEW 2020. Unfortunately I'm not sure who the original artist is, but I've always liked the logo.


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Dang am I supposed to lose 1000 dollars on my first show or do I have to many expensive guys.

It says Im paying $600 dollars in bonuses and perks. No clue where that is coming from.


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3 minutes ago, moststay said:

Dang am I supposed to lose 1000 dollars on my first show or do I have to many expensive guys.

It says I have $600 dollars in bonuses and perks. No clue where that is coming from.


I lost ~$600 on my first show, which was 3 matches using the cheapest guys I could find. I think you're guaranteed to lose money early on, but I think you have 3 years before your declared backrupt. So the hope is you can turn it around before then.

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3 minutes ago, Charasmatic Enigma said:

I lost ~$600 on my first show, which was 3 matches using the cheapest guys I could find. I think you're guaranteed to lose money early on, but I think you have 3 years before your declared backrupt. So the hope is you can turn it around before then.

Ok thats good I guess hope I can make it because losing close to 1000 a show is gonna put me probably close to 50k in debt by the time I'm bigger.

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40 minutes ago, moststay said:

Dang am I supposed to lose 1000 dollars on my first show or do I have to many expensive guys.

It says Im paying $600 dollars in bonuses and perks. No clue where that is coming from.


I think this is likely paying travel? Obviously, I don't know without seeing

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Decided to spice up the challenge by randomizing everything (name, company, location, weight, height, etc) and go with the Quick Skill Creation tool to amplify to said randomness. Getting the Great Lakes is pretty good, Stuart Ferdinand is my owner, as he usually can road agent for me as well if I nag him, plus he has a decent booking skill. The product is nice, but would've liked something better with sponsors, but that's kind of the point at the end of the day lol. Hopefully this will finally be the game I crack the challenge, either as this character or another.


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1 minute ago, MaiTyLer said:

Decided to spice up the challenge by randomizing everything (name, company, location, weight, height, etc) and go with the Quick Skill Creation tool to amplify to said randomness. Getting the Great Lakes is pretty good, Stuart Ferdinand is my owner, as he usually can road agent for me as well if I nag him, plus he has a decent booking skill. The product is nice, but would've liked something better with sponsors, but that's kind of the point at the end of the day lol. Hopefully this will finally be the game I crack the challenge, either as this character or another.


Then as I write my great lakes has like 3 active male wrestlers...

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2 hours ago, MaiTyLer said:

Then as I write my great lakes has like 3 active male wrestlers...

For the Great Lakes, you should also be able to hire workers from the Tri State and Mid Atlantic without paying travel costs. There's a good amount of workers available between the two regions.

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10 minutes ago, Charasmatic Enigma said:

For the Great Lakes, you should also be able to hire workers from the Tri State and Mid Atlantic without paying travel costs. There's a good amount of workers available between the two regions.

It's +$20 in travel costs for regions covered by spillover. +$50 for those not.

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20 minutes ago, Charasmatic Enigma said:

For the Great Lakes, you should also be able to hire workers from the Tri State and Mid Atlantic without paying travel costs. There's a good amount of workers available between the two regions.

Yeah, I was aware, just felt like yapping. I got a great core of veteran guys for not to expensive deals, plus some younger guys for cheap as well. I did hire Happy Elwood and his performance has kind of stunk, so he might get the jobber boot early on.

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For my first roll (first match rated over 50) I got 38 (Avatar 3:16) giving my character the attribute "a marketing dream" and increasing my star quality from 75 to 85, I feel like it's a really good roll !

I'm currently in September 2022 and my finances are -7000$. I'm booking 2 shows every month, I only put 2 singles matches and a promo angle to try to cut costs.

Edited by Fabibi
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I've hit October and I'm only $15k in debt. I decided to run shows every two weeks, very cheap tickets, each with four matches, including a tag. In the choice between keeping things cheap and keeping my sanity, I wanted a little more going on than is strictly necessary. I even have some managers. Ideal world I'll jump ship before I run this company into the ground. Although the owner is Welsh 'businessman' Ken Flanagan. If the rumours are true about his ties to the Cardiff Mafia, I may want to right this ship before too long. I will probably switch up the schedule every year, just to freshen things up. 

My avatar is still pretty bad. I shouldn't have set his stamina so low. He's still struggling when going over 8 minutes, and I haven't found any of the positive chemistry I've been looking for. He's strictly midcard thus far. 11 wins. 11 losses. My pop>perf promotion might pay off with sponsorship (eventually) but might have been easier hitting an achievement with a different product. 

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My initial observations are that making the "booking achievements" give booking skill rather than a roll is making things a lot harder, at least in early game where I can't afford to grind out a match and promo every week to maximize skill growth.

This might be super balanced though due to the enhanced capabilities given by the creative ideas function... remains to be seen!

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6 minutes ago, parkereddy said:

My initial observations are that making the "booking achievements" give booking skill rather than a roll is making things a lot harder, at least in early game where I can't afford to grind out a match and promo every week to maximize skill growth.

This might be super balanced though due to the enhanced capabilities given by the creative ideas function... remains to be seen!

Yes, this challenge always needs testing out in the first few months of a new game. My initial thoughts on the creative energy feature is that is seems to be massively OP but we will see.

I did make the rolls more favourable in the last version as well so hopefully that balances things as well.

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So a short time after, like only 10 minutes after I commented, I saw something interesting. Steve Flash stepped down as booker. And what size was NYCW (the company he booked)? TINY! So with them having no booker, I applied. And when you go into decisions, no matter whether it's awaiting response or action, if you view your application, they accept automatically. So I resigned from MLW, and Andrew Phoenix is your new booker for NYCW!

Since I work for a tiny company basically, it's time for a mystery roll.

I got 33, so I added modelling experience and +5 sex appeal and star quality




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Hey friends, long time lurker, first time poster. I've done the RTG challenge casually in saves, but think it'd be fun to do a journal for one. Before I get started, could somebody tell me how to assign an owner to your promotion?

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1 hour ago, Frank said:

Hey friends, long time lurker, first time poster. I've done the RTG challenge casually in saves, but think it'd be fun to do a journal for one. Before I get started, could somebody tell me how to assign an owner to your promotion?

Based on the rules we need to edit the starting fed into the database before starting the game. Here's how I did it based on my understanding of the rules:

1. Make the fed in the database
2. Assign a PPA contract to the owner you want.
3. Make the owner "owner" on the power structure tab.

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