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Starting the challenge with some image help from other mods. There are two cheap unemployed retired joshi so I just randomly select one as owner (Huntress Makiko). San Ring Circus product. I want more entertainment than a typical, serious Japanese fed. More new gen in philosophy, not restricting the in-ring product as too serious. Or more Western-esque, I guess. Japanese tends to have a completely separate type of motto. Plenty of joshi do gravure work on the side, but cannot embrace their sexiness in the ring? Get that shit outta here with this rebellious fed! Starting in Chugoku and on the soutern side of Japan cuz most of the CVerse feds have their HQ on the northern part of Japan.




Giving the recently retired Saki Akai a rebirth into the CVerse, let's see if I can give her a better career in a different world.

I am also imposing a lot of personal house rules so this could be a failure of a game. Either way, I am expecting a 10+ years game to hit the top.

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Does anyone know what the limit to popularity gain is? I am assuming it is one point of progression per month? So does that mean once I have my point of growth in my home region it is no longer worth booking another show until the next month?

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Anyone figure out how to get Entertainment skills to progress its been 6 months and my charisma, mic skills and acting are still the same. I've been using character development and working the crowd mostly.

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16 minutes ago, moststay said:

Anyone figure out how to get Entertainment skills to progress its been 6 months and my charisma, mic skills and acting are still the same. I've been using character development and working the crowd mostly.

Are you appearing in angles with people who are significantly better than you?

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2 hours ago, Jaded said:

Are you appearing in angles with people who are significantly better than you?

Yes Im in angles constantly with Jack Pryde all his entertainment skills are at least 10+ over mine

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59 minutes ago, moststay said:

Yes Im in angles constantly with Jack Pryde all his entertainment skills are at least 10+ over mine

How many shows a month are you doing? I'm seeing progress but it's slow - have gone up 10 points or so in most entertainment skills over the course of 40 shows, doing angles in perhaps between half and three quarters of them with people better than me.

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18 minutes ago, Jaded said:

How many shows a month are you doing? I'm seeing progress but it's slow - have gone up 10 points or so in most entertainment skills over the course of 40 shows, doing angles in perhaps between half and three quarters of them with people better than me.

Just 1 show a month was gonna keep it that way until I become tiny size or move to a company that's tiny sized.

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I think it depends how much you want to put your company into debt, and maybe what your product is.

I'm running a show every two weeks. My product (Family Friendly Pro Wrestling) doesn't create too much wear & tear, so everyone can wrestle more often without hurting themselves, and I'm prepared to bankrupt this company if I need to. However, I'm sometimes getting the "You didn't gain any popularity" notes on my 2nd/3rd shows in a month. Particularly if my first show is really good. From a company perspective, one awesome show might be better than two mediocre shows. From a worker perspective... I'm guessing more shows mean more improvements. 

I've gone up a couple of points in all entertainment skills over the first 10 months, although I don't have my guy talk on every show. When I do I'm "Cutting A Promo". I started with low microphone/acting skills though, so it's easy to find talent with 30+ points better skills to help out.

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5 minutes ago, Self said:

I think it depends how much you want to put your company into debt, and maybe what your product is.

I'm running a show every two weeks. My product (Family Friendly Pro Wrestling) doesn't create too much wear & tear, so everyone can wrestle more often without hurting themselves, and I'm prepared to bankrupt this company if I need to. However, I'm sometimes getting the "You didn't gain any popularity" notes on my 2nd/3rd shows in a month. Particularly if my first show is really good. From a company perspective, one awesome show might be better than two mediocre shows. From a worker perspective... I'm guessing more shows mean more improvements. 

I've gone up a couple of points in all entertainment skills over the first 10 months, although I don't have my guy talk on every show. When I do I'm "Cutting A Promo". I started with low microphone/acting skills though, so it's easy to find talent with 30+ points better skills to help out.

Do I need to do a cutting a promo then to improve my ratings then, because I've been doing character development or working the crowd because that rates charisma and mic skills

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33 minutes ago, moststay said:

Do I need to do a cutting a promo then to improve my ratings then, because I've been doing character development or working the crowd because that rates charisma and mic skills

I won't say 'need' because the game is new and I don't know everything about how the new angle system works, but 'Cutting a Promo' seems to be working for me so far.



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Starting things off in the Mid South with Natural State Pro Wrestling. A stroke of luck saw Ajax Anderson win the lottery and as a lifelong mark of the greats like Velocidad, Remmy Skye and Tommy Cornell, he put all of his money into opening an indie fed. He called up U of A to deny his football scholarship and the rookie got to work. He reached out to Honest Frank for tips on running a business and the two are ready to break ground on Natural State Wrestling


EDIT: Realized Little Rock is in the South East in game and restarted to reflect changes, will have first show after work.

Edited by Frank
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Officially got started. Bought the game, and I have the time. Might do one of those diaries while I'm at it. I'm pretty sure I want to try and stay with the company as long as I can. If i can somehow get to the Big level for this company it would be amazing lol.  Thanks for the challenge @Bad Collin!

Introducing Pro Wrestling Renaissance (PWR)



With the South and the East coast having most of the shine when it comes to the big wrestling companies, I've decided to give the land of Hollywood a future diamond mine of entertainment(hopefully). Going to try and build a monster that can compete with USPW, SWF and TCW. We have a very balanced and classic product that focuses on entertaining the crowd for now, while we figure out what our true identity will be once the other members of the initial roster come in.

Here is the one that will start it all, Angelo Prince! No real skills as of yet as he can basically only jump off of stuff and punch a bit, but with time, he will hopefully get better. He has the Star Quality, he has the athleticism, now all he needs is the ring skills to make it. With Honest Frank as the owner(looked to be a decent Road Agent and commentator) I hope we don't go into bankruptcy based on what I've read so far lol.





This should be a ton of fun. I see a lot of Real World diaries and games, so I really want to try and do something different with the Cornellverse. 

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Had a full day of play yesterday and got my company to small and on a deal with Wrestleworld. Only to download the latest patch this morning and it delete my save game. I don't think I have the motivation to restart again...

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2 minutes ago, kinqconnor said:

Had a full day of play yesterday and got my company to small and on a deal with Wrestleworld. Only to download the latest patch this morning and it delete my save game. I don't think I have the motivation to restart again...

Are you sure it deleted the save game? Could it have just switched databases you were using? (If you weren’t using the default one)

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Just now, Jaded said:

Are you sure it deleted the save game? Could it have just switched databases you were using? (If you weren’t using the default one)

I have looked everywhere. I think when it has downloaded it has rewritten the files in my folder

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11 minutes ago, kinqconnor said:

I have looked everywhere. I think when it has downloaded it has rewritten the files in my folder

If you haven't already then i'd definitely recommend raising the issue in tech forum. I've never heard of this happening before and it's a bit scary if the game can delete saves!

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Just now, Bad Collin said:

If you haven't already then i'd definitely recommend raising the issue in tech forum. I've never heard of this happening before and it's a bit scary if the game can delete saves!

I can't download the patch due to my antivirus but it clearly says in the forum to download the installer and let it refresh your game. I did that and it wiped my save games folder. I have raised it but I doubt there's any kind of fix

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image.png.685b73b0008a5b8a1127cc9e40f2dd8a.pngFirst show's done and I get a roll. And yes, that 3 rating promo is ugly LOL. The crowd gotta listen to a lot of horrible promo as I work on my entertainment skill.


Edit: Realized it's 10 booking and not a roll lol.

Edited by Goliathus
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I picked my company owner poorly. From a narrative perspective, I liked the idea of Ken Flanagan; "legitimate" "businessman", lending some kid a grand to start a business. It's a fun ticking clock, even if getting stabbed by the Tafia isn't part of the game. 

In game, what a terrible pick. He can't do anything on the shows, so his offer to 'work for free' while we're in debt means nothing. And he's an extremely negative backstage presence. By November, my backstage was so toxic it was destroying the morale of even my most pleasant wrestlers, turning them into negative presences too. In December, I released 2/3 of my roster (including my top heel) and replaced then with only the happiest workers I could find. I've just about managed to get my backstage on the border of Poor & Average, and it's cost me. Literally. I had to throw a payoff at my champion just to cheer him up.

My advice would be to choose a useful owner (price doesn't matter much as they'll work for free) who isn't an absolute terror backstage. Sounds obvious, but I sure didn't do that.

Finished my first year (+10 experience... Black Sheep has learned much from this debacle) and I'm reworking the schedule for 2023. Instead of a show every two weeks, it'll be one 'main' show a month, and a few half term tours to spice things up. Sponsorship money is almost looking good, so hopefully the chilled out schedule will start turning the money woes around. Debt is also penalising my backstage as the wrestlers are very aware that the company can't be doing well. Probably because Ken is yelling it at them. 

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15 minutes ago, Self said:

I picked my company owner poorly. From a narrative perspective, I liked the idea of Ken Flanagan; "legitimate" "businessman", lending some kid a grand to start a business. It's a fun ticking clock, even if getting stabbed by the Tafia isn't part of the game. 

In game, what a terrible pick. He can't do anything on the shows, so his offer to 'work for free' while we're in debt means nothing. And he's an extremely negative backstage presence. By November, my backstage was so toxic it was destroying the morale of even my most pleasant wrestlers, turning them into negative presences too. In December, I released 2/3 of my roster (including my top heel) and replaced then with only the happiest workers I could find. I've just about managed to get my backstage on the border of Poor & Average, and it's cost me. Literally. I had to throw a payoff at my champion just to cheer him up.

My advice would be to choose a useful owner (price doesn't matter much as they'll work for free) who isn't an absolute terror backstage. Sounds obvious, but I sure didn't do that.

Finished my first year (+10 experience... Black Sheep has learned much from this debacle) and I'm reworking the schedule for 2023. Instead of a show every two weeks, it'll be one 'main' show a month, and a few half term tours to spice things up. Sponsorship money is almost looking good, so hopefully the chilled out schedule will start turning the money woes around. Debt is also penalising my backstage as the wrestlers are very aware that the company can't be doing well. Probably because Ken is yelling it at them. 

I was struggling with backstage until I brought in Geordie Morris. An average road agent but he became my locker room leader as well as joining the booking team. I basically have 250 creative energy every show now and he deals with all the backstage stuff for me for the low low price of $20 a show

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Cross posting the year one update from my dynasty: 


Achievements so far. Remember you can use the shared sheet if you like: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WHY-U-xzWWEQxt1h_ZNjHvYV0eFCV4HmGpNezvcs_2E/edit?gid=93233334#gid=93233334


I rolled 'I am Iron Man' to end the year which gives me the Iron Man attribute plus +10 toughness and a strong friendship with the toughest person on the roster (Zofia Jankovic - 77)


Jasper is slowly getting better. Hopefully by the end of 2023 I will be able to run more than one show a month. His pop is at 12 because I haven't really been pushing him.


Finances are rotten but i'm hopeful of turning a monthly profit by the second half of the year.

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