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Just finished Year 2 and I started turning a profit by August of year 2.  I ran mostly normal ticket prices for the first year before checking in this thread and saw people talking about free shows so I switched to that.  I am -$10500 right now but am turning a small profit with free tickets (a few hundred a month).  I am sitting at 13 Pop right now and once I hit Tiny I plan to switch back to Normal ticket prices. 

Rolled a 32 which is the second roll that helped raise my toughness and I am now a MMA Fighter so we will see how that plays out. 

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Woah! A stroke of luck when MHW opens! I get to move up a size, skipping the insignificant grind... but a hardcore style could be potentially dangerous to my poor UC. Went from 5 pop in my home region to MHW 18 pop! Now I grind to Wrestleworld.....


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I usually play as the owner not the booker so have encountered a simple problem. My goal is to not be in debt by the end of year two however it increasingly looks like I will be. It is a critical goal, will I be sacked when I fail it?

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On 8/7/2024 at 2:01 AM, hassan2 said:

Has there been any guides posted on this, I had looked to start it last night but genuinely had no idea how to start after signing guys up, how do you go about making matches and storylines for people you know nothing about and they have no history with each other lol. Well out my comfort zone 

I play most games starting my own feds. What works for me is that the story just kinda pop up when I assign gimmicks to everyone.

"Oh I want a occult faction that wants to put control curse on people, this guy looks like a good first target."
"I want the main title scene to revolve around these workers...and then this dude gotta challenge later."
"I have a musician gimmick on both face and heel let's make this work."
"Monster heel vs bad ass face too easy with these two just by their profile picture".

And etc.

But for this RTG challenge and in terms of starting a backyard fed, I think people are just there to see good matches more than anything so just do random matches to start. No need to overthink.

I would only worry about storyline if you are running an entertainment-based fed that needs a lot of storyline. Usually having several generic title storyline can cover your starting years.

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Just now, kinqconnor said:

I usually play as the owner not the booker so have encountered a simple problem. My goal is to not be in debt by the end of year two however it increasingly looks like I will be. It is a critical goal, will I be sacked when I fail it?

You potentially might be won't say it's 100% certain, but there is a chance. Might just wanna use this year to improve your character as much as possible and then just wait for another company to open and apply there.

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If it's the same as the last game then failing a critical goal will not get you fired but will take your owner happiness down to the lowest level.

I'm 55 days away from failing a critical goal myself because I'm supposed to not drop below #36 and a much bigger company opened dropping me to #37.

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Having taken a few lessons from my initial UK run, I've restarted in the US with Northwest Championship Wrestling. I'm using the Stunt Show product based in the North West. I used Dale Kenney as my owner, who is doubling as my referee + 6 wrestlers. With this set up I'm only losing $600-700 a month running 1x Free 1 Hour Show a month. I think this is the most 'optimum' set up I have found so far.

At the end of March, I've managed to gain +20 Booking Skill by running a 25 and 50 rated show, and then I got my first skill roll I rolled a 39 - "Run Forest, Run", which I used to add +10 to my characters Stamina.


Starting stats:




50 Show:


User 50 match:


Stats after roll:


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If I was to start again (and I might, give it a couple of days for this current game to crumble) I would probably do similar. Free tickets. Niche work rate promotion. Start with one show per month. Be really disciplined when it comes to the roster. I had too much fun early, jumping to 4 matches and spending money on what isn't important (the undercard) instead of what makes a real difference (the main event). Choosing a popularity over performance product sounded good in terms of potential sponsorship money, but it made getting quality, needle-moving talent more expensive. I can still only dream of a 50 rated match two years in. 

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20 minutes ago, Self said:

If I was to start again (and I might, give it a couple of days for this current game to crumble) I would probably do similar. Free tickets. Niche work rate promotion. Start with one show per month. Be really disciplined when it comes to the roster. I had too much fun early, jumping to 4 matches and spending money on what isn't important (the undercard) instead of what makes a real difference (the main event). Choosing a popularity over performance product sounded good in terms of potential sponsorship money, but it made getting quality, needle-moving talent more expensive. I can still only dream of a 50 rated match two years in. 

I think that's probably the best way to approach the early game. You could argue that potentially there's a ceiling for the niche work rate promotions, and you may get stuck later on. I'll worry about that when/if I get there though.

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I'm ready to go now. My owner is Harry Chadwick and the Forever Wrestling Association is in the South east in the US.

I use the basic C-Verse but with Martel wrestlers mod and the pictures mod for future company from Kyteran.


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3 hours ago, Self said:

If I was to start again (and I might, give it a couple of days for this current game to crumble) I would probably do similar. Free tickets. Niche work rate promotion. Start with one show per month. Be really disciplined when it comes to the roster. I had too much fun early, jumping to 4 matches and spending money on what isn't important (the undercard) instead of what makes a real difference (the main event). Choosing a popularity over performance product sounded good in terms of potential sponsorship money, but it made getting quality, needle-moving talent more expensive. I can still only dream of a 50 rated match two years in. 

I have done a few starts and I really feel like 2 shows a month on very cheap is much more beneficial than 1 on free. As with 1 you almost progress too quickly and end up in a scenario where your avatar has no progressed enough in ring.


My favourite product so far has been British Sportsmanship. Basing yourself in the midlands allows you to steal the CWW wrestlers for cheap while getting good sponsorship money not worrying about angle and a 70:30 split on in-ring. You can't use the hardcore skill and only basic match set ups but the simplicity allows you to smash the first few years. You can switch to classic balance or no style-style in 90 days as well if you need to change

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5 hours ago, Bad Collin said:

If it's the same as the last game then failing a critical goal will not get you fired but will take your owner happiness down to the lowest level.

I'm 55 days away from failing a critical goal myself because I'm supposed to not drop below #36 and a much bigger company opened dropping me to #37.

Let me know how it goes! Is there any way of increasing your owners happiness? Completing goals?

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57 minutes ago, kinqconnor said:

Let me know how it goes! Is there any way of increasing your owners happiness? Completing goals?

Yes, I assume that it is the same as in 2020 where only completing goals affects their happiness

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9 hours ago, kinqconnor said:

I usually play as the owner not the booker so have encountered a simple problem. My goal is to not be in debt by the end of year two however it increasingly looks like I will be. It is a critical goal, will I be sacked when I fail it?

I also got this goal, but I think I'm going to make it into the black before the time is up. Please report back if you get sacked!

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1 year down in my Women under 30 challenge, default C-verse, based in Japan.

Sticking with my company until the end, no idea how to beat this challenge but having fun!

Critical goal of Tiny by the end of year 2, close, but think we'll just get there!

+10 boost to safety, a safe way to start!








I'm offended at how accurate this is lol

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3 hours ago, Altgov said:

I'm ready to go now. My owner is Harry Chadwick and the Forever Wrestling Association is in the South east in the US.

I use the basic C-Verse but with Martel wrestlers mod and the pictures mod for future company from Kyteran.


My first try will end quickly with a mistake because my 2 referees are not here for my first show and I don't have a local referee...
I feel dumb, really dumb.

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46 minutes ago, Altgov said:

My first try will end quickly with a mistake because my 2 referees are not here for my first show and I don't have a local referee...
I feel dumb, really dumb.

Happens all the time to me! Now I try and make sure a ref is my first employee.

I've started gaming my save now to try and get rid of this debt. I just ran a monthly show. 100 people turned up to watch my four cheapest wrestlers wrestle twice each in a 55 minute show. $309 profit and hopefully a decent bump to pop at the end of the month. 

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After a restart, my first show with a referee:




And now, I have 1.258 dollars in debt, and a second show with a incident with "massive downpours", I don't have my champion and I will have less fans in attendance.


I think I will restart because my wrestler juste got a concussion...

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1 hour ago, Altgov said:

After a restart, my first show with a referee:




And now, I have 1.258 dollars in debt, and a second show with a incident with "massive downpours", I don't have my champion and I will have less fans in attendance.


I think I will restart because my wrestler juste got a concussion...

This save is cursed!

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Has anyone had luck changing jobs?

I had another Insignificant company open. Not a job I'm interested in but I took the opportunity to make a copy of my game and run some tests. Tried applying as my guy is now with 8/24 rep/skill, then a few points under the dude who kept getting the job, then a point over him in rep/skill, and finally at 100/100. Only got the job at 100/100. 

I'm curious what other factors influence hiring.

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Gamed my way to a 50+ rated match. I hit a sure-fire hit creative finish so I set this match right up.
I rolled a 3 and then an 8 so 8th person on my roster...the referee (Such a bad roll on both). I assume I have to set him to be loyal to my federation.


I have done 9 shows and I am sitting at 1 popularity (probably close to 2) so I think I will forgo my houserules of "normal ticket price only". Initially I wanted to try if "1 show per month with normal ticket price" is doable in this challenge. I don't see it working unless it's done on a product that don't rely on the wrestling industry state OR perhaps on a very strong / very strong landscape. My product ties in with the wrestling industry and Japan is falling since the start of game. Currently it's weak / very weak and still falling. I think it's understandable for the company to change to free ticket even factoring in realism (which I try to do). So I will start with free ticket from October 2022 and see if my company can survive the initial three years. Still 1 show per month for now.

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