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I caved and started again, because I pretty much lost the plot of my previous attempt and was just spamming cheap shows with no sense of character or story. 


The new company is Dragon FLIGHT Wrestling, a Fast & Furious promotion, again in Wales, opened by Red Dragon. He has no booking/business skill, but he can wrestle, he can agent, and he isn't backstage poison, so already miles better than my previous boss.

I spent the first six month running one free show per month. The concept being holding "Free Wrestling Exhibitions" in parks and busy areas in small markets, to drum up interest. Haverfordwest, Carmarthen, Ammanford, Swansea, Barry & Newport. All towns I wrestled in during my own time in the ring. 

I kept the roster ludicrously small. Only four guys, taking it in turns to fill all of the odd jobs. Red Dragon covers most of the agenting, and the refereeing would be mostly handled by...


The Judgement Dragon.

My previous avatar, Black Sheep, has returned. Only this time I'm starting him with a different mask and gimmick, and tweaked his skills to make him a not-terrible (but kinda bad) referee. When he wrestles (and he always ends up doing so) one of the others pitches in to guest ref. Wales has a referee problem as default. The available options are a bit pricey ($50-60) and aren't super local. This solves the problem. 

Along with Rhys Vali (Green Dragon of the Valleys) and Neville Jones (Swansea's White Dragon) that was my entire starting roster. I brought in a few extra guys to sub in when I hit repeated match ups, but the free exhibitions stuck to four. 

Now in July, it's time to return to those six markets, with real shows and Very Cheap tickets. I'm going to loosely stick to a show every 2-3 weeks, depending on money. I'm only $3.3k in debt so far, so it's going pretty well despite the Welsh Economy again being dreadful. 

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Love the concept, good luck with the restart. I have Red Dragon and Rhys Vali in my save. I like them because they have good chem as a team but dislike them because Red Dragon is really broken down and Vali has a lot of negative relationships.

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RTG Year 2 Update

No in ring achievements this year so just the one roll. Grounded in Reality gives 'Tag Team Specialist' which is a very nice attribute to have.


Still making steady improvements. Since I minmaxed my character, experience is the key thing to improve anyway. I started running monthly shows with my cheapest talent to try and get out of debt quicker so that will give him more in ring time.


I still have a long way to go to get back in the black. I have stopped using a few of my international talents. I'm hoping that the monthly show helps me get my sponsorship up enough to be debt free by Jul/Aug 2024.




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Year 2 in the books. Big Big Year for the company grew to Tiny size and clearing out our debt is now very feasible, November and December gave us months where we made 1k +. But the economy is starting to drop, so that could cause massive issues with our ability to make money. The roll for year 2 is 44. "Living the Gimmick" Maybe with slow and steady I can finally get that 50-rated match. Side note anyone else think Power should actually have an effect on matches, my guy is constantly getting stronger and it gives no benefit.



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14 hours ago, Self said:

Now in July, it's time to return to those six markets, with real shows and Very Cheap tickets. I'm going to loosely stick to a show every 2-3 weeks, depending on money. I'm only $3.3k in debt so far, so it's going pretty well despite the Welsh Economy again being dreadful. 

Incredible budgeting to only be in -3.3k by half a year. What's your pop at this point?

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I have done two shows a month on very cheap and I am extremely happy with the position that has put the company in. Every worker I have is a "Major Star" due to their high pop and we're smashing every event out the park. I am just doing 4 month tournaments so it appears there's a reason for my booking of absolute bangers every show.

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Posted (edited)

I just made a copy of my save to test out a weekly show and I got 70% of my monthly fans in, which is not too bad. If I had a big enough pool of really cheap workers it might be worth doing.

This is with my cheapest of cheap workers:


Overall, not worth it yet

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2 hours ago, Goliathus said:

Incredible budgeting to only be in -3.3k by half a year. What's your pop at this point?

Made it to 4. 

I imagine I was hitting the cap on pop increases most months, although a few shows were a bit underwhelming because I put broken-down Red Dragon in the main events. An issue with having a roster of 4 is repetitive booking penalties. I should have instead had a roster of 6, and rotated which 2 to leave home each time. Keep Red Dragon (best road agent) and Judgement Dragon (non-guest ref), and sub out Rhys Vali or Neville Jones to keep it fresh on top. 

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Finished the first year and rolled 38. for +10 star quality and the 'A Marketing Dream' attribute. That'll be useful later on.


I probably shouldn't be surprised that the biggest increase was in Refereeing skills, which went from 43 to 50. Only wrestled 16 matches, but officiated a lot more. At this point I like the Judgement Dragon gimmick, so I'm not racing out to pay $60 per show for a full-time referee. Next year I plan to have my guy wrestle more, and use Red Dragon more often as a 'special' 'guest' referee when Judgement seeks Dragon Glory. Eventually I'll hand the mask to a full-time referee. 


Touring the towns in the back half of the year got a little pricey, but I kept the roster tight. In December I did another 4-man "Free Wrestling Exhibition" to finish out the year, and only lost $260. Going to ponder the next step. My previous attempt, I expanded into 'full' shows too early, and had to scale back later which felt bad. 


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I hit 2023. Fuyuko Higa was female independent wrestler of the year and a part of my fed, but funnily the fed's female wrestler of the year goes to Nami Genda. I am not sure how my avatar Saki Akai is the female young wrestler of the year with horrible basics and there are many other 24- wrestlers in the fed. Maybe she manipulated the journalists to give it to herself, what an egomaniac! (Or the game actually favors psychology a lot for this award)


I rolled a 41 on my yearly roll so my avatar went from hot-looking underdog (my personal WWE comparison would be Stacy Kibler) to dominator. Sounds like I went inverse Dom and went from Liv Morgan to Rhea Ripley. I will take it though. That's a 2 tier upgrades for me because I have "Can't play dominant" and now I can play it well. Not sure I will have an use for squash master but we will see in the far future.



I think free ticket is super OP (yet necessary) for this challenge. The pop gain bonus is so ridiculously different from normal priced ticket that I am shocked. I am going from 1 pop gain per 5-6 shows to like 1 pop per 1 show. The sponsor money reflected so. I think the hardcore mode for this challenge would be very cheap ticket. I don't see anything above very cheap working for this challenge most of the time. Funnily, only 18 more fans with free ticket (which make the pop gain difference look ridiculous if we are trying to put some logic into it) so I am making my 43 regular fans very happy here.

I will fight till the end of 2024 to see if I can survive the bad start. Japan's economy had stopped falling by "Weak" and is now rising. This really helps my chance. Japan's wrestling industry continues to fall at "very weak" and that's the biggest problem for me so far.


In terms of roleplay, I am tempted to fire Higa soon. She has been butting head with my avatar all the time and (to no one's surprise,) had several negative incidents in the past year.

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I hadn't posted anything about my character here before, but I wanted to try this out this year and go all the way. Just wanted to share in case it could help someone.

Here's how I did it for the first year: I organized three shows per month, each in a different region. I hired local workers to avoid paying travel costs, or I employed people who already lived in my target area, so I didn’t have to cover their accommodation once they were there. For the first six months, tickets were free; then I switched to very cheap pricing, and I think I'll keep it that way for a long time.

The merchandise side of things reached Growing Business (Level 4), but I'll let it grow slowly on a conservative setting for the next year.

I could have turned a profit in December, but I wanted to try producing a free show in Las Vegas to see if I could gain some popularity there, but it didn’t work. I think I'll stick to three shows per month for the rest of the year.

first year.png

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After a restart due  to injury, I've started a Lucha company - attractive to sponsors, 1 very cheap show a month, and turned a profit by August. I beelined to Level 3 Merch, which helped too. This is also with running bare minimum shows with 6 wrestlers, one being the owner working free. image_2024-08-10_110855449.thumb.png.1cd36101f045d15ac444c04112141431.png

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22 minutes ago, RobinS said:

I hadn't posted anything about my character here before, but I wanted to try this out this year and go all the way. Just wanted to share in case it could help someone.

Here's how I did it for the first year: I organized three shows per month, each in a different region. I hired local workers to avoid paying travel costs, or I employed people who already lived in my target area, so I didn’t have to cover their accommodation once they were there. For the first six months, tickets were free; then I switched to very cheap pricing, and I think I'll keep it that way for a long time.


I really like your approach of "hey we want to run a wrestling show tonight, you up?" Very fun idea and realistic, even has some randomness every time which I would like as a roguelike fan.

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2023 is done and dusted and my owner is not a happy Dragon. He wanted me out of debt within two years and...


So close. Another two weeks of sponsorship cash and I would have had it. I thought about running one last Premium ticket show before the end, but the deadline was a week earlier than expected and I accidentally advanced past it. It likely wouldn't have helped enough anyway.

With that pesky goal out of the way I can stop being frugal and use this income to run the promotion I wanted to run in the first place. Mostly. See, Red Dragon also decided he didn't like our product and changed it to Respectful Wrestling, and most of my dragon-themed nonsense seems... Disrespectful. So I'll adapt a bit and try to enjoy the novelty. Matches need to be longer now, and I've never booked Technical Masterclass before. I'll keep some of the dragons (Bat Cooper as Nightmare Dragon has been a fun heel to book) but otherwise I'll give 'ol Red the handshakes and gentle applause he so desperately craves. 

2024 will be fun. I've got 7 towns to run, and a few more I'd like to add. I'm going to have lavish 5-match cards. I might even have a tag match. Red Dragon will mostly move to Road Agenting full time, and my user character will be dropping the Judgement Dragon mask. After two years, it's time to hire a full time referee and just wrestle.  He's coming real close to getting that fabled 50-rated match (three different 49's) and I just rolled him a Hot New Move that should get him over the edge. He had 16 matches in 2022. 18 in 2023. I want to hit 30 in 2024. Maybe more if I start including Battle Royals. Kids love Battle Royals. 


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Just finished the first year with the man, and I rolled a 15 on the dice. The “Innovator of Violence” You’ve invented a new move and it’s the talk of the industry; add “Hot New Move” to your attributes


That's lovely lol, I was hoping for some skill to go up, but I like the idea of him working on some new things after seeing the year end awards, and feeling a bit inspired to create something entirely new. Hopefully it doesn't become a transitional move that people no sell lol. Now I gotta write like 5 months of diary stuff. 

I think a neat thing that could be useful for others trying this is making your guy just toned or average at first. I started him as toned and had him bulk during the summer months and by September he was muscular and his Star Quality went up because of it. It's kind of a free boost.(his power didn't go up which I thought was weird) I didn't know this was a thing that could happen, so that was cool as hell to see.

I ran two shows a month in the same place, starting in October and it raised the company's pop up a lot. Unfortunately, I'm over $10,000 in debt so...year 2 is definitely the year where we start charging people, or PWR is over with lol. I think doing one free show and then one paid show is a good strategy to go with, if you want to maximize training your guy/gal/pal, and limiting the losses from doing free shows.




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New version of TEW means we're attempting a new RTG.





First time trying out in the UK scene, hopefully we'll be able to pinch a few decent flyers that come from the 21CW's schools. Left the owner vacant and got picked up by UK Dragon, who'll naturally become a heel authority/road agent with his pop and English affinity.


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First year is in the books for Northwest Championship Wrestling, and I would call it fairly successful. Running 1x free event a month with a bare bones roster of 6 wrestlers (including my user character) and a referee owner (working for free all year),  we managed to end the year at 9 pop and only -$2,721 in debt.


I could have turned a profit in November, but began to upgrade my merchandise to level 2 as soon as we broke even in October. My plan for year 2 is to run 2x Very Cheap shows a month and see how that goes. I need to hit Tiny by year end due to an owner goal, and hopefully will be profitable by the end of the year.

It was a successful year for my User Character with a record of 11 wins and 1 loss in 12 matches, with an average rating of 43. The 'Stunt Show' product has definitely helped with the match ratings, with my character getting 2x 53 rated matches - one against Remmy Skye and one against Babau. For next year I plan to continue to book my character strong, and being the one to unseat Remmy Skye as NCW US Champion in the middle of the year.



No major changes to stats, which is part of the reason I'm planning to move to 2x shows a month in 2023. For my end of year roll, I got a 38 - "Avatar 3:16", which added +10 to Star Quality and added the 'A Marketing Dream' attribute. While this won't give me a big match rating increase now, I'm hoping it will be useful down the line!

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Hello everyone, 

I have loved seeing this challenge and am about to get the game as soon as I get paid. This will be barely my 2nd TEW game after TEW 2020 and am new-ish to the forum. 

I have a question for the group: what do we think about lightly modifying the C-verse before starting the challenge? I was thinking of adding 7 other companies, each in the other game areas, kinda like build-in rivals to my company (that I will be starting in Mexico). With that, I'm adding some workers, about 3 in each non-Mexico area to help start off those companies with some cheap local talents. 

What does everyone think about that? Also, with the random power-ups at the end of each year, has anybody ever made random world events that can be rolled that affects the game world? 

Thank you for your time!

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21 minutes ago, fourbrothers366 said:

Hello everyone, 

I have loved seeing this challenge and am about to get the game as soon as I get paid. This will be barely my 2nd TEW game after TEW 2020 and am new-ish to the forum. 

I have a question for the group: what do we think about lightly modifying the C-verse before starting the challenge? I was thinking of adding 7 other companies, each in the other game areas, kinda like build-in rivals to my company (that I will be starting in Mexico). With that, I'm adding some workers, about 3 in each non-Mexico area to help start off those companies with some cheap local talents. 

What does everyone think about that? Also, with the random power-ups at the end of each year, has anybody ever made random world events that can be rolled that affects the game world? 

Thank you for your time!

Hi, welcome to RTG and the forum!

I don't see an issue with lightly modding the C-Verse. It's up to you how you take the challenge, I don't like to make any changes that make things easier but I don't think what you are suggesting would do that.

I have been thinking about using the new eras system to add an optional 'chaos mode' but we are all still testing out the base challenge in the new game at the moment.  

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Posted (edited)

August 2024 was a big month for Three Lions Wrestling. After our monthly show on the 11th we hit Tiny! Two and a half years seems like a long time to get there but progress is being made. Also, as of the end of the month, we have $187 in the bank account. The debt is finally cleared and we can start to build for the future.

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Well. On May 11th 2024, Fox Mask stepped down as CZCW booker, that being a medium sized company. And guess who was the booker of a small company in need of new heights. ANDREW PHOENIX! I resigned from NYCW, viewed my decisions, CZCW accepted, and now I'm working for a medium sized company!


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Here is the summary of the second season.

Popularity is consistently increasing. I switch some ticket prices here and there to make sure I get to Tiny. 
On the financial side, we've cleared the debt, and things seem pretty healthy. I'm torn between ramping up merchandise more quickly or improving production to avoid penalties from NYCW.

I'm quite pleased with how my skills have evolved over the past two years. I'm even considering increasing to 4 shows per month to gain even more experience. As for popularity, I'm okay with it being around 33 in the Tri-State area, but less outside where I allow it to drop more regularly. Booking skill is at 37 now. image_2024-08-12_073422837.png.d37eb1373040954541bffbc143886045.png

For the attributes, I got a 7 in my first match at 50 with my character, so I decided to start dating. The girl (Chelsea Rechsteiner, created by the game) got pregnant a week later, even though I was planning to make her the top star of the division... That'll have to wait.

I also got a 9 for this new year, which made me realize that 'strong friendship' no longer exists, so I switched to 'Deep Friendship' with Texas Hangman. If I need to lower it a notch, let me know. Anyway, I just hope he doesn't end up pregnant in a week too...

i enjoy reading your stuff. Keep it going. :D

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