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TEW IX Public Beta Release Reaction Thread

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I'm not seeing how to make a title match when booking matches. Someone else had posted there was a staff or title button, but I don't see that anywhere. Is this a glitch some are having?

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4 minutes ago, TJ94 said:

I'm not seeing how to make a title match when booking matches. Someone else had posted there was a staff or title button, but I don't see that anywhere. Is this a glitch some are having?


This is the pre-booking screen, but it's more or less the booking screen minus the "Staff" option...


1st picture is the screen where you'll see BOOKING DETAILS, suggest name/suggest length... and then next to it is TITLES, with the drop down menus.  On booking screen it might be after Staff..1.thumb.png.3622f54e9c33a5f0d3bf9c282fb5ba16.png


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On 7/31/2024 at 1:27 AM, Matt_Black said:

I will say, the C-Verse database this year feels like it's specifically set up to punish people who like to play women's feds. The number of female workers under the age of 34 with Star Quality higher than 80? Twelve. Click that over to male workers and there it's a significantly higher number.

First thing I did on opening the new game was create a quick save to test out the new features and the like. After booking a month, the second thing I did was start looking at the women's prospects. I always enjoyed the challenge of booking joshi in 2020 and it was at times a bit of a wasteland. What I would say is there are a few gems waiting to debut that could develop into really good prospects, but yeah, compared to the men's it is rather disappointing.

In a way it replicates a lot of the way women's wrestlers are still treated by a lot in the wider wrestling landscape. It's disappointing but that's what it is a lot of the time. The whole diva era in WWE, basically all of WCW, a lot of NWA history - women's wrestlers have been overlooked in favour of another generic guy.

I've adjusted a few of the wrestlers in the default database to make it a little more to my liking. That's one of the best things about the TEW games - if you wanted something changing in the database the tools are right there. Nothing egregious, just adjusted some of the potential, changed from random, and added a little star quality here or there. 

Enjoying IX so far, we'll see how my Joshi promotion fares this edition!

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On 7/31/2024 at 1:27 AM, Matt_Black said:

I will say, the C-Verse database this year feels like it's specifically set up to punish people who like to play women's feds. The number of female workers under the age of 34 with Star Quality higher than 80? Twelve. Click that over to male workers and there it's a significantly higher number.

Yep, Women's wrestling in the cverse continues to feel like an afterthought. Very disappointing and further alienates me as someone who has tried several times to get into it. 

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5 minutes ago, Blessed said:

Yep, Women's wrestling in the cverse continues to feel like an afterthought. Very disappointing and further alienates me as someone who has tried several times to get into it. 

I was looking through the pictures, and there's ONE female worker with an alt pic. They don't even have JMB's "Hell Cat" persona anymore!

I got into TEW with 2016, and it was a lot of fun setting up Zoe Ammis in her Agent 69 gimmick, or using the goth pics for Lilly & Rose, or the masked alt pic for Alicia Strong.

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11 minutes ago, Blessed said:

Yep, Women's wrestling in the cverse continues to feel like an afterthought. Very disappointing and further alienates me as someone who has tried several times to get into it. 

Honestly Willr0ck's women's revolution mod or the alternative Cverse mod might be up your alley. I used to be almost a real world only player but then my Cverse enjoyment vastly increased after getting those mods

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Yes and no to the women's thing.  Listening to a podcast recently apparently AEW has 155 women's wrestlers signed (unless that was 55, even that is a lot).  It's just always undersold despite the men's style going more towards what the women do anyway.  I mean, go back and watch 2002/2003 WWE stuff.  Trish/Jazz/Molly/Jacqueline/Gail are as snug and polished as any of the guys.  They get 3 minute matches.  You show me any male on the roster who has an arm drag that compares to Jacqueline's BTW...then or now.

My plan is to get to Medium on my QAW playthrough and then re-evaluate what talent I have left is really going to push to the top of the card.  If people who I really liked ended up disappearing and there are not similar replacements I will probably go into the editor and sign some people to build up.  Or if a lot of the key players/interesting characters stuck around I'll likely try to figure out what kind of workers/characters would work well with them and create a few of those to fill out the roster.  I'm finding that the variety of characters and wrestling styles in the stock QAW is a really nice melting pot with something for everyone.

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2 hours ago, beatingstuff88 said:

Honestly Willr0ck's women's revolution mod or the alternative Cverse mod might be up your alley. I used to be almost a real world only player but then my Cverse enjoyment vastly increased after getting those mods

Oh, yeah, Willrock's is great. If and when he comes out with a version for IX, definitely grabbing that.

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49 minutes ago, Matt_Black said:

Oh, yeah, Willrock's is great. If and when he comes out with a version for IX, definitely grabbing that.

I know he's working on Rockverse first so that should be out first - thats not a problem if you want extra women because you have a ton of really fun girls like Abominatrix, Annabelle the Cannibal, 4 of the 7 Sins & The Devils Playthings in the free agent pool alone let alone the more established women employed in that Mod - so plenty of options in regards to characters that can be ported across.

Right now a Beta of the Alternate Cverse is available for TEW IX and that has quite a few of the girls from Womens Revolution.  I only just opened it and am taking a look now and I think it has around 600 female wrestlers so if you didn't want to play the whole mod you could create a copy of the default DB and then import any or all of the women who aren't in the default and perhaps some of the womens companies. 


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49 minutes ago, Matt_Black said:

I tried the 2020 version of the alt C-Verse and wasn't feeling it. The owner of a Tiny company should not be throwing out a half dozen or more Owner Goals at the start of a game.

Fair enough - Maybe just import workers from the newest version in the Mods into a copy of the Default Cverse database then.  Thats my current plan.


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56 minutes ago, Matt_Black said:

I tried the 2020 version of the alt C-Verse and wasn't feeling it. The owner of a Tiny company should not be throwing out a half dozen or more Owner Goals at the start of a game.

that's a game engine thing more than a mod-specific thing, isn't it?

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Played SWF in the CVerse for three months. Overall, I really enjoyed the game. The balance seems good, the new features are pretty well-incorporated. If anything, TEW IX is a bit more challenging than TEW 2020, with less obvious exploits. 

I like the new angle system -- I think it adds more nuance and gameplay depth compared to the freestyle angle system. I used the freestyle system pretty much every angle in TEW 2020 but think TEW IX adds more depth with the new system.

TEW IX delivered on everything I expected and the beta product is way more polished than last year. 

The booking team meeting feature is excellent and adds strategy to booking big shows. 

I love the real-world Calendar feature. It's a small touch but makes TEW feel a lot more real. 

The real-world calendar and booking team help the CVerse a lot but will add a lot more to Real World gameplay. I think the later releases for RW 1980s mods in particular will have way more replayability -- there are ton of interviews discussing the 80s booking meetings from Cornette among others.

I do miss the TEW2016 product systems and hope they come back in a future edition. The new product additions do help make up for losing full player control over my product,

I think the game engine would benefit from adding longer-term contracts for celebrities and more options when negotiating with them. I think this reflects real-life better when celebrities like Mr. T and Logan Paul crossed over into wrestling with companies for extended periods. 

(I think I handled the AI Discussion well but can remove if necessary).

I do think given the limitations of AI the CVerse pictures look good. There are some I really like, and some pictures which do hurt my immersion. While I'll probably use the old picture pack for the CVerse, the AI stuff doesn't take me out of the game.

I do think the AI Event logos, like the PGHW Pride Tour, could be improved on quite a bit. The spacing seems to be off and the concept could be workshopped too. 


Looking forward to more TEW over the next few months -- really want to play 86 NWA at some point with Magnum, Flair and Dusty.

Edited by ColdBloodedSausageMaker
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6 hours ago, MikeSc said:

Yes and no to the women's thing.  Listening to a podcast recently apparently AEW has 155 women's wrestlers signed (unless that was 55, even that is a lot).  It's just always undersold despite the men's style going more towards what the women do anyway.  I mean, go back and watch 2002/2003 WWE stuff.  Trish/Jazz/Molly/Jacqueline/Gail are as snug and polished as any of the guys.  They get 3 minute matches.  You show me any male on the roster who has an arm drag that compares to Jacqueline's BTW...then or now.

Obviously in general the west has been lagging behind with very few exceptions when it comes to womens wrestling, that for the most part those names are barely considered all that, with the exception of Trish almost entirely because she was an awful model who put in a lot of work to make a point and became solid and reliable. EVE in London are about the only thing that comes close even now to what Japan is doing (and I do think the joshi influence in both WWE and AEW is what's finally getting the standard up there in recent years.) but I can remember a conversation when I used to be automatically considering the token womens match on a card as pee break time where someone I was talking to basically paraphrased South Park with "your favourite wrestling thing? Joshi did it first". It's a shame how stagnant and backwards womens wrestling is in the CVerse but others will obviously pick up the slack.

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On 7/30/2024 at 5:27 PM, Matt_Black said:

I will say, the C-Verse database this year feels like it's specifically set up to punish people who like to play women's feds. The number of female workers under the age of 34 with Star Quality higher than 80? Twelve. Click that over to male workers and there it's a significantly higher number.

Most players seem to want the C-Verse to remain relatively the same throughout the release editions. As a result, there's not really demand for the CVerse to grow enough to seriously expand Women's wrestling. For example, for USPW or CWA to double their women's division and add a women's TV show.

Even relatively minor changes, like OLLIE being closed down, get a lot of pushback from the community. Something more major could upset a lot of the fanbase. That being said, I do think some choices with regards to Women's wrestling in the CVerse in TEW IX could've been better handled -- I don't think having Alicia Strong leave for politics was the right decision given the limitations in the in game-world.

I do think the last two CVerse editions overall added more opportunities for Women's wrestlers with CZCW and ZEN integrating and USPW putting more emphasis on their women's division. 

The CVerse runs sort of "comic book logic" -- time passes but the database maintains a lot of the same workers and narratives from edition to edition. While I don't personally like it, most other players do. 

There are a couple mods coming out to address this.

Marmo is planning to release a mod with "Women's Revolution" like additions in the next few weeks that looks really good. 

I'm planning to convert my alternate CVerse mod to TEW IX. I plan to include a USPW Women's TV Show and Events alongside a CWA Women's TV Show and Events in the mod and also bring back female-only OLLIE with a broadcast deal in the new edition.

I'm sure a few others will be announced in the future. 

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1 hour ago, GoldenBrady said:

So, who else blew through their 3 months in a few days and has been waiting impatiently for tomorrow ever since? Adam, Arlie, if you fancy dropping the purchase link a day early, no complaints from me :D

Would be very nice to be able to pre purchase, then ready to download and go at launch.

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2 hours ago, ColdBloodedSausageMaker said:

Played SWF in the CVerse for three months. Overall, I really enjoyed the game. The balance seems good, the new features are pretty well-incorporated. If anything, TEW IX is a bit more challenging than TEW 2020, with less obvious exploits. 

I like the new angle system -- I think it adds more nuance and gameplay depth compared to the freestyle angle system. I used the freestyle system pretty much every angle in TEW 2020 but think TEW IX adds more depth with the new system.

TEW IX delivered on everything I expected and the beta product is way more polished than last year. 

The booking team meeting feature is excellent and adds strategy to booking big shows. 

I love the real-world Calendar feature. It's a small touch but makes TEW feel a lot more real. 

The real-world calendar and booking team help the CVerse a lot but will add a lot more to Real World gameplay. I think the later releases for RW 1980s mods in particular will have way more replayability -- there are ton of interviews discussing the 80s booking meetings from Cornette among others.

I do miss the TEW2016 product systems and hope they come back in a future edition. The new product additions do help make up for losing full player control over my product,

I think the game engine would benefit from adding longer-term contracts for celebrities and more options when negotiating with them. I think this reflects real-life better when celebrities like Mr. T and Logan Paul crossed over into wrestling with companies for extended periods. 

(I think I handled the AI Discussion well but can remove if necessary).

I do think given the limitations of AI the CVerse pictures look good. There are some I really like, and some pictures which do hurt my immersion. While I'll probably use the old picture pack for the CVerse, the AI stuff doesn't take me out of the game.

I do think the AI Event logos, like the PGHW Pride Tour, could be improved on quite a bit. The spacing seems to be off and the concept could be workshopped too. 


Looking forward to more TEW over the next few months -- really want to play 86 NWA at some point with Magnum, Flair and Dusty.

Check out the Day One Update I've done, which should address your concerns on most of the pictures and will be an ongoing project based on people's feedback.

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5 hours ago, Yuzu Adagio said:

that's a game engine thing more than a mod-specific thing, isn't it?

That's never happened in any other 2020 game I've ever played, mod or no mod.

3 hours ago, ColdBloodedSausageMaker said:

Most players seem to want the C-Verse to remain relatively the same throughout the release editions. As a result, there's not really demand for the CVerse to grow enough to seriously expand Women's wrestling. For example, for USPW or CWA to double their women's division and add a women's TV show.


First, both USPW and CWA seriously expanded their divisions in the leap from 2016 to 2020. Second, I don't think "more quality female workers" is going to get QUITE the level of pushback that some other changes would.

Lastly, for those who say, "Oh, but in the REAL world", the C-Verse is explicitly NOT the real world. The real world does not have the amount of companies that the C-Verse has had at any point in history. There is no "National Lucha Day" (I know, I checked, I became disheartened), etc.

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2 minutes ago, Matt_Black said:

The real world does not have the amount of companies that the C-Verse has had at any point in history. 

No the C-Verse definitely has less. I would say at some point early before all the various territories got up there might have been less than the C-Verse has.  

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7 minutes ago, alpha2117 said:

No the C-Verse definitely has less. I would say at some point early before all the various territories got up there might have been less than the C-Verse has.  

Really. I missed the part where the Canada and the U.K. have wrestling companies big enough to be on national television, to say nothing of the fact that the C-Verse U.S. has THREE. Even at wrestling's most popular, the real world could barely support two at that level.

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12 hours ago, beatingstuff88 said:

Honestly Willr0ck's women's revolution mod or the alternative Cverse mod might be up your alley. I used to be almost a real world only player but then my Cverse enjoyment vastly increased after getting those mods

I played it on TEW 2020 and very much enjoyed, eagerly await a 9 release!

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