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TEW IX Public Beta Release Reaction Thread

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I know in the grand scheme of things it's an incredible minor QOL update - but having the text in the Mail Viewer actually tell you if a rival bid is being considered rather than having to go in and check on every single one is absolutely chef's kiss.

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17 minutes ago, EdJames said:

* transparent background

Once I can get home, we can chop these however the community best wants to see them. 

Currently the day 1 update renders dont work with either database? The gifs dont fit the gif database as thry dont have a border and they dont fit alt database as they are gifs and that database uses jpgs, correct?

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1 minute ago, Callum07 said:

Currently the day 1 update renders dont work with either database? The gifs dont fit the gif database as thry dont have a border and they dont fit alt database as they are gifs and that database uses jpgs, correct?

Have you read the thread?

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Just now, D.W. said:

With the death date setting - if I set someone to die in 2099, that will make them immune from dying from random deaths that would normally happen, right? So we can essentially make workers immortal if we wanted?

I think it only applies to those already dead, setting a future date for an alive worker does nothing?

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10 minutes ago, EdJames said:

Have you read the thread?

I have but it just needs deleting for now until you can fix them, lots of them have missing parts too, like ears half cut off etc.

Edited by Callum07
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Have booked one show so far. 


Really like the emails telling us if we've been outbid.


I like the angles revamp. think it'd be better if we could split up the different parts of an angle and insert them throughout the show. Maybe you can and I just didn't see it. It will take some getting used to though. 


Really not liking how many extra clicks it takes to get things done though. I shouldn't have to make an extra click to see the skills of a worker. And it took me a bit to realize that the sections for "Skills" and "Attributes" were clickable tabs. If we're going to HAVE to click to see them (even though they're vital to deciding who one wants to sign and probably the most important aspect of viewing a worker) it'd be nice to make it obvious that those are clickable segments.


The AI art is meh, but feel obligated to use them since the 3D renders (which I was also not a huge fan of but at least had a certain character to them) aren't updated. 

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So far looks pretty good to me. Booking an angle seems a little complicated for now but I think once I get used to it it'll have more options. 

The C-Verse hasn't seen any major changes (at least in the American companies I'm familiar with). I get it as there is a need to keep the game world balanced and all. 

Edited by ExRufas2000
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Just reading through each company at this point:

I'm glad 21CW finally picked up Landon Mallory

Austin Smooth in BCG was unexpected, Logan Wolfsbaine in BCG wasn't unexpected but it still really cool. Naozane Goto having stamina above 20 is probably the coolest of the 3 though.

Byron finally retired 


Warlord Hate & Fear are really cool additions I didn't expect.

Crockett Tubbs does not have a picture


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Hi, newer user here. Pre-booking in the game is completely broken. When I pre-booked T-Bone vs Chord at Total Mayhem, it doesn't give me the option to make it a World Title match. It also says that pre-booking doesn't count because there isn't enough time before the show takes place even though the show is taking place in May. Also, when I tried to move up to TCW Total Wrestling it completely crashed the game.

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5 minutes ago, jam979797 said:

getting a crash when i try to fire anyone



All errors should be posted in the Technical Support forum here, however there has already been two cases of "Error Number: 6" posted so your problem will most likely already be looked at when Adam has the chance to do so. If you see that Adam has solved the problem but yours persists after the next patch, then you should certainly post a new topic in there. 

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13 minutes ago, AMaina123 said:

Hi, newer user here. Pre-booking in the game is completely broken. When I pre-booked T-Bone vs Chord at Total Mayhem, it doesn't give me the option to make it a World Title match. It also says that pre-booking doesn't count because there isn't enough time before the show takes place even though the show is taking place in May. Also, when I tried to move up to TCW Total Wrestling it completely crashed the game.

I'd post this in the tech support area and if you can recreate it to capture any error codes that come up, post those too as it'll help Adam dial into where the issue is.

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Haven't really been able to test much gameplay yet. But thanks to the Devs for their hard work, know today must be stressful.

Early Thoughts:

Definitely think the Alt Pictures should be the Default Pictures come release. If you ask me it looks much better without the borders.
(Thanks to all the folks who posted advice on how to change the database btw)

While I generally prefer a 3D style to realistic renders for custom characters, the new renders are an improvement on the default database of 2020.

And I know he's left the business for a bit but Peter Michaels having 0 Booking Reputation and 0 Booking Skill seems to be a bit of an oversight, or is it just consequences of trying to make Everest a thing on National Television in 2010?  Edit: Have now posted this in the correct forum, thanks Mammoth.

Edited by ButterSavage
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3 minutes ago, ButterSavage said:

And I know he's left the business for a bit but Peter Michaels having 0 Booking Reputation and 0 Booking Skill seems to be a bit of an oversight, or is it just consequences of trying to make Everest a thing on National Television in 2010? 

Me and Roguey are gonna start to sound like broken records, but this sort of thing would be best placed in the Typos and Other Minor Errors thread. Honest, we're not being mean or anything it's just that Adam will only peruse this thread - if you actually see an error or something that may want to be changed, it needs to be in a place that he'll pay extra attention to. 👍

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