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A thread to discuss RAW (C-Verse). 

What are people's first impressions? 

The May Monday Massacre seems to have claimed quite a few victims that were favourites of mine. 

There's a couple of characters I was really excited to see, Swoop had to be gotten right and I think I like him. Will Beaumont I was interested to see, I would always turn him heel but he is an 'amazing babyface' so I definitely like the challenge pushing him as a top face despite his in ring stats being as they are. 

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RAW can offer exclusive written contracts and that actually means in sims their roster evolves really quickly.

Ran multiple sims

Every time Manhunter ends up back with RAW usually within a week of starting.  

Dazzler usually jumps ship from APW quickly as does SubUrban Legend.  

They tend to sign a few others too although the names vary

What I would say that because of the written contracts anyone playing the game can actually use RAW to shape the game pretty well.  You can get young talents to agree to add Oceania pretty easily and some more experienced hands too and alter the product to include Womens wrestling without much of a hit.

I would strongly recommend looking at RAW as your first Cverse game as it offers you a strong base of cash and local popularity with the potential to expand beyond Oceania thanks to it's Rosters Star Quality.  It's probably the fed that offers the most in terms of potential in the game and it's strong starting position means you can learn the new mechanics and make some mistakes without destroying your game.      


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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Ping von Erich said:

How do you handle the exclusive handshake contracts? Should I resign everyone to exclusive? Does it matter?

With Oceania it's unlikely any of your major guys will be poached by any other fed in the region.  It's really only if the person is available to go elsewhere that they can get poached.  If you plan to try to expand out from Oceania then you would consider more written deals but if not you are probably sweet as is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just stared a few days ago using the default DB and selected RAW and only into my 2nd week and about to run my 2nd TV. Am enjoying it and the characters as well. I am wanting to add an Oceania title and have it as the primary with a tournament to decide winner (Swoop potentially as double champ) to get the initial prestige up. Any ideas?

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2 hours ago, Parkera1703 said:

Just stared a few days ago using the default DB and selected RAW and only into my 2nd week and about to run my 2nd TV. Am enjoying it and the characters as well. I am wanting to add an Oceania title and have it as the primary with a tournament to decide winner (Swoop potentially as double champ) to get the initial prestige up. Any ideas?

Not really any ideas for the tourney but I do have a few general ideas 

If you want to strengthen your roster. Look at ZEN's Buckminster Snark, DIW's Shugo, APW's Leon Nemeth and SubUrban Legend and free agents Surfer Dude Lucas and Hack The Hunter.  Those 6 have a lot to offer and are worth considering bringing on board.   The War Dogs and Forever Evil tag teams in DIW are both really young and have a lot of upsides too.   

You also have the ability to offer written contracts which means you could get really good young talent from overseas if you wanted - if they are not available in Oceania you can talk to the worker and ask them to make themselves available for the region and if they agree then enter negotiations.  If you kept the avatars then someone like Jack Holder is a guy who might fit RAW's product.   You can search for things like high SQ, Acting, Microphone, Charisma or Menace to find guys who haven't been snatched up by big companies overseas that could become major players for RAW.  With any fed finding the next generation talents early and securing them or at least keeping tabs on them is always worth while. 

Will Beaumont is potentially the best wrestler in the game - remember that and treat him as such.  Do everything and I do mean everything you can to secure him and then in game use him in ways that help him develop into the Superstar his potential allows for.  It's possible he wont develop as much as hoped but even as is right now he's decent.  If you handle him right then by the time Swoop is in decline he will be ready made to replace him as your figurehead.  The last thing you want is him getting real good being on a handshake deal and then deciding he can work in the US and be snatched up by USPW so if he ever makes himself available to work elsewhere it's time to offer the longest written contract you can to him.  It might just be worth doing it straight away.  

Jesse Tasman is probably ready for a big push when the game starts.  You also live in a world where Surfer Dude Lucas exists - you have a ready made Tag Team right there unless they get bad chemistry and pairing them up and putting the Tag belts on them is what I would probably do.

Enhancement talents to consider - Edwin Vasquez, Gareth Case, Peril, Carey Fry, Davey Ice - they are all potentially solid midcarders and if you are looking for people to use to put people over those are names you could hire on one night deals to test out and put someone over. 

Edited by alpha2117
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Thanks for those thoughts much appreciated! I have a few you named on my shortlist and have an offer on the table to sign SubUrban Legend to a written exclusive deal. Thanks for the tip on Beaumont as well, will defo look to lock him up. 

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47 minutes ago, Parkera1703 said:

Thanks for those thoughts much appreciated! I have a few you named on my shortlist and have an offer on the table to sign SubUrban Legend to a written exclusive deal. Thanks for the tip on Beaumont as well, will defo look to lock him up. 

Beaumonts stats are insane when the game starts - 50 & 51 Aerial and Flash, 59 Psych, 91 Charisma, 71 & 73 Mic & Acting, 94 SQ, 90 Sex Appeal, 62 58 66 69 for Fundamentals 77 stamina 71 Athleticism and 95 Resiliance ... He's like a better young Sean Michaels except he's also a really nice guy to everyone (Seans nice now but when he was young not so much).  If I was you I would look for a High Sex Appeal girl with a good backstage attitude and pair them up and run romance angles and the like.   You actually already have Christmas Wilson on your Roster so you dont have to look far but if she's already beign used in another way it isn't hard to find English speaking girls with over 80 Sex Appeal who might consider moving to Australia for work - actually having a 2nd girl and running a love triangle angle with 2 girls isn't the worst idea.  RAW is after all a Soap Opera. 

Edited by alpha2117
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14 minutes ago, alpha2117 said:

Beaumonts stats are insane when the game starts - 50 & 51 Aerial and Flash, 59 Psych, 91 Charisma, 71 & 73 Mic & Acting, 94 SQ, 90 Sex Appeal, 62 58 66 69 for Fundamentals 77 stamina 71 Athleticism and 95 Resiliance ... He's like a better young Sean Michaels except he's also a really nice guy to everyone (Seans nice now but when he was young not so much).  If I was you I would look for a High Sex Appeal girl with a good backstage attitude and pair them up and run romance angles and the like.   You actually already have Christmas Wilson on your Roster so you dont have to look far but if she's already beign used in another way it isn't hard to find English speaking girls with over 80 Sex Appeal who might consider moving to Australia for work - actually having a 2nd girl and running a love triangle angle with 2 girls isn't the worst idea.  RAW is after all a Soap Opera. 

HA! Perfect, just double checked Christmas Wilsons bio and saw she is dating Beaumont so this defo works, thanks again!

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10 minutes ago, Parkera1703 said:

HA! Perfect, just double checked Christmas Wilsons bio and saw she is dating Beaumont so this defo works, thanks again!

A few names to consider for Soap Opera style issues for a Christmas/Will storyline Kian Wayne, Rose Wills, Brodie Lachlan, Brogan Burton, Damian Dastardly, Franklin Zane, Robbie Liberteen, Tye Liberteen, JT ACE, her current clients Horton Ravenwood and Heath Murdock  & ZEN's Buckminster Snark - any could be positioned as a love rival especially the Heels which leads to a ready made feud - for the faces who can play Heel it offers the opportunity to turn them Heel easily.  All of those people have over 70 Sex Appeal so in angles judged on that they would be believable and most have the acting chops to carry off those sort of angles.  JT Ace has 84 Menace too so the possibilities with him are obvious.  Snark could be brought in cheap and not disrupt any current plans and his skills and personality are perfect for RAW - he's also an evil New Zealander (boo)😉 

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