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6 hours ago, Grfcboy95 said:

Ooof nice, did you get him? Rich Money came up for me but he didn't even want to negotiate. I assume because he is the booker he just doesn't want to leave. How do you even book Champion and Golden in the same company?





I did, I got him with about 9 days before his contract ends but he can’t appear on screen so I’m using the tease angle with his video playing in my head he won’t be mentioned or confirmed fully visually and the voice over is distorted.

he will debut as a face at Nothing To Lose saving Golden from Scythe and Remo, he will tell Golden and the fans that he is head to be SWF Champion but will prove himself first.

Want to keep him away from Golden until Supreme Challenge, he can take on Remo, Rogue and Davids.

I think Golden will retain but he will turn to the dark side and build a stable to protect his prize. But will see how things go as this is just my first thought.

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Okay, I'm in February- just passed Nothing to Lose. Here's what I'm thinking:

-I had Rocky drop to Des at NtL. So far- still early- Des is killing it as champ. I'll see how he does for a bit before fully deciding on Supreme Challenge, but I've already started laying seeds for Rocky vs Spencer Spade.

-Matty Faith and Masked Patriot are tag champs. Eric Eisen now manages Bear, who turned on Atom- which is part of a face turn for Atom Smasher. I'm going to to give Bear a shot at the NA soon, which by that time I will have on Bret Starr.

-ZWB started an alliance with Marshal Dillon, Ranger, and Kip. They are feuding with Steven Parker's stable, but it's not getting the results I hoped for.

-I'm kind of stalling with Lau and Randy, cause I'm not quite sure what to do with either one next. Yet.

-I've signed Aldous Blackfire, and he and Hellion helped Scythe beat Valiant at NtL (After Skull DeBones helped Valiant win at the 50th). The heels will be forming a stable that I will use to build Aldous as a face- early returns are looking good. Though Scythe is winning the feud so far, Valiant is shooting back up in popularity.

-I've also signed Mighty Mo from TCW, he debuts soon. I've got big plans for him.

-Preparing to call up some RIPW talent soon.

-Started a women's wrestling developmental fed. Starting really small, hoping to add women's wrestling as part of my product soon.

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Just finished Supreme Challenge 42. It was, I think, the best event I have ever booked in TEW. Rated a 95.

Rocky winning the Heavyweight Belt back from Des who won it at the Anniversary was the main event and scored a 95. Hollywood Brett Star retaining the North American Title led the show and scored an 89. The third best match was Primus Allen going over Remo to finish a feud they'd been running for a few months. The RIPW Battle Royale for the Future of Wrestling scored a 51, but didn't kill the crowd and resulted in D-Pod and Whole Lotta Marvin coming up to the main roster. I had 5 angles in the 90s. The guest star was Arlon Guest and wasn't very good, but attendance was through the roof at 42,925 and a 4.9 PPV.

My 4 biggest faces are Rocky (90s), Primus Allen (85), Valiant(85), and Hollywood Brett Star (79).

My 4 biggest heels are Scythe (90s), Remo (86), Des Davids (84), Spencer Spade (77)

Rocky will feud with Scythe next. Scythe just finished a feud with Mikey Lau and is over 90 pop. They've both been having great matches and I have high hopes. This should be a long one with Rocky holding the belt for at least 8 months.

I'm going to have Hollywood drop the NA title and feud with Remo with the plan being he goes over. It is looking like he will be a big part of my face scene. I'm setting this up as Remo interfering with the match where Brett drops the NA title so that the NA title goes back down in the midcard where I want it.

Spencer needs to finish a feud with ZWB and will go up against Valiant. The Rat Pack is a big part of my show right now so this will probably be a lot of Valiant beating minions and losing to interference in the main event. The hope here is that Spencer can go over and get solidly in the main card.

Des is hard. I think he's popularity capped at 84, but he's a damn good hand in the main event. I suspect I'll find him a feud with a midcarder for some momentum in a couple of months, but I don't see him in the title scene again.

In the midicard, Gary the Entertainer and Forrest Ratliff have both rocketed up to the high 60s in pop and are churning out good work. My upper midcard is looking a little face heavy so Forrest probably gets the push first. Garry is in a feud with Unleashed Awesomeness which is going well for everyone but Randy.

CWA released Jack DeColt and I brought him in as a Road Agent, but he's pretty rapidly moved up to the midcard where he and Angry Gilmore play a gatekeeper "do things the right way" face role for my flashy midcard heels.

I had real problems with broadcast team chemistry early in the save, but EILL just let Eduardo Prieto go (I have the owner rule that I can't sign from Medium or above so he had to get all the way to free agency for me to get him) and I'm hopeful that a booth of Duane, Eduardo and either Grace Harper or Jasmine Saunders will stabilize my booth.

After a retirement, my referee team is Ric Young, Shane Stones and Yasuyuki Terkado. I brought in a couple of bilingual wrestlers from Exodus so he wouldn't feel language isolated.

We hit Huge status a month ago after changing to CBA as a broadcaster. The fee was fierce, but we made it back almost immediately.


Edited by Doctor Crunch
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3 hours ago, Doctor Crunch said:

Just finished Supreme Challenge 42. It was, I think, the best event I have ever booked in TEW. Rated a 95.

Rocky winning the Heavyweight Belt back from Des who won it at the Anniversary was the main event and scored a 95. Hollywood Brett Star retaining the North American Title led the show and scored an 89. The third best match was Primus Allen going over Remo to finish a feud they'd been running for a few months. The RIPW Battle Royale for the Future of Wrestling scored a 51, but didn't kill the crowd and resulted in D-Pod and Whole Lotta Marvin coming up to the main roster. I had 5 angles in the 90s. The guest star was Arlon Guest and wasn't very good, but attendance was through the roof at 42,925 and a 4.9 PPV.

My 4 biggest faces are Rocky (90s), Primus Allen (85), Valiant(85), and Hollywood Brett Star (79).

My 4 biggest heels are Scythe (90s), Remo (86), Des Davids (84), Spencer Spade (77)

Rocky will feud with Scythe next. Scythe just finished a feud with Mikey Lau and is over 90 pop. They've both been having great matches and I have high hopes. This should be a long one with Rocky holding the belt for at least 8 months.

I'm going to have Hollywood drop the NA title and feud with Remo with the plan being he goes over. It is looking like he will be a big part of my face scene. I'm setting this up as Remo interfering with the match where Brett drops the NA title so that the NA title goes back down in the midcard where I want it.

Spencer needs to finish a feud with ZWB and will go up against Valiant. The Rat Pack is a big part of my show right now so this will probably be a lot of Valiant beating minions and losing to interference in the main event. The hope here is that Spencer can go over and get solidly in the main card.

Des is hard. I think he's popularity capped at 84, but he's a damn good hand in the main event. I suspect I'll find him a feud with a midcarder for some momentum in a couple of months, but I don't see him in the title scene again.

In the midicard, Gary the Entertainer and Forrest Ratliff have both rocketed up to the high 60s in pop and are churning out good work. My upper midcard is looking a little face heavy so Forrest probably gets the push first. Garry is in a feud with Unleashed Awesomeness which is going well for everyone but Randy.

CWA released Jack DeColt and I brought him in as a Road Agent, but he's pretty rapidly moved up to the midcard where he and Angry Gilmore play a gatekeeper "do things the right way" face role for my flashy midcard heels.

I had real problems with broadcast team chemistry early in the save, but EILL just let Eduardo Prieto go (I have the owner rule that I can't sign from Medium or above so he had to get all the way to free agency for me to get him) and I'm hopeful that a booth of Duane, Eduardo and either Grace Harper or Jasmine Saunders will stabilize my booth.

After a retirement, my referee team is Ric Young, Shane Stones and Yasuyuki Terkado. I brought in a couple of bilingual wrestlers from Exodus so he wouldn't feel language isolated.

We hit Huge status a month ago after changing to CBA as a broadcaster. The fee was fierce, but we made it back almost immediately.


Sounds like a great show pop a screenshot in buddy will help people out with structuring there PPVs

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11 hours ago, Woodsmeister said:

Sounds like a great show pop a screenshot in buddy will help people out with structuring there PPVs


Caveats: I always edit SWF's current product to Ruthless Aggression to put some distance between them and USPW's family friendly shows. Ruthless Agression shifts the match/angle balance a bit towards angles, takes away the sex appeal penalties for angles and requires a Wild Brawl, Car Crash or Mayhem  match and a Steal the Show or High Spots match every episode in addition to a Storytelling match. I tend to book that as the shows being a little more risque and a lot more frenetic than generic sports entertainment. I also make heavy use of Creative Finishes, Creative Angles and Character Ideas and generate just over 200 CE a show with my current booking booking circle of Pablo Rodriguez (Avatar), Angry Gilmore, Phil Vibert and Honest Frank.

I leave SWF's default focuses so I need to have at least three good matches for Three Ring Circus, but the main event doesn't matter as much. Angle focus is regular.

Notes on this show - Excuse the mini-diary.

Jack Bruce always opens the show and routinely delivers 80s or 90s on working the crowd angles, This gives me a hot start to the show and gets the crowd hot from the beginning. Sometimes he'll work a storyline into these spots. Here he's just hyping the North American and World Heavyweight Matches with Rocky, Des, Brett and Steven in the angle as Off Screen as he gets the crowd worked up.

My first match is almost always Steal the Show or High Spots. On TV that will be some of the lower card fighting over the Shooting Star or CBA Championships (the CBA is our new TV title that started with our new broadcasting deal. In Mexico it is comically dubbed as the TVMex title which our Mexican fans hate). Here we have Brett Star and Spencer Spade in a match for the North American Title. Spencer has been feuding with ZWB and ZWB is at the ringside distracting him to tie into that storyline.

We have a small cutaway to the office staff working on the show. Here that's Jerry, Eric and Phil Vibert charting ratings. Sometimes I will work a storyline beat into office stuff, but they are common interstitials early in the show. I like them because they bring the crowd down a little which can help with burnout. After the first match the crowd was white hot and buzzing and I don't need them there for what comes next.

Unusually, I then have Jack back out. Tonight he's MCing the Battle Royale for the Future of Wrestling. this is a 10 man battle royale with all talent borrowed from RIPW with the winner and runner-up getting roster invites. I was worried this would lose the crowd but Jack gets them worked up and the match isn't special but it is fine. Then Jack comes out, announces the winner and gets the crowd worked up again.

We then have a backstage angle where Valiant (who lost to Des in a title shot a couple of months ago) sits backstage with Rocky as Rocky prepares for his match. Both guys are rated Character Development and it kills.

We have an interview where J.Ro (who is my main interviewer) interviews our special guest star Arlon Guest. It's fine.

Then the DISCO boys (Kaii Hanari and Kohei Shoda late of Exodus, I brought them in because I wanted some bilingual Japanese/English speakers after I brought in Yasuyuki Terkado to replace a retiring ref) defend their tag title against Charger Siaki and James Prudence. This is intentionally a nothing of a match. The DISCO Boys are unimportant and both james and Charger are getting released after the show.

Then we have a 4 on 4 between the Supreme Dream Team and an assortment of faces. Then we have Arlon Guest conduct an interview that kind of sucks with Forrest Ratloff.

The Lenny Brown vs Brandon James match has me worried. This is a storyline closing match and I was hoping for 70s. The creative finish misfired, the crowd wasn't as hot as I hoped because the Guest Star was a bit disappointing and basically this match is extremely forgettable.

Then we have Remo and Primus. They've been feuding for a couple of months and Primus is now thoroughly in the upper card, so this is a big match. The pre-match stare down pops and the match is fire. I breath a sigh of relief.

The guest star bantering with Garry the Entertainer is disappointing, but then Scythe enters and the crowd is there again. Scythe vs Lau is good but not great, but the post match business that ends their rivalry is great.

Then the main event. Rocky as the challenger enters first, then Des enters with the belt. The crowd is White Hot, the storyline is White Hot, the Creative Finish goes off successfully and the match is amazing. This is a wild brawl.

Then Bruce comes out at the end for the celebration as Rocky loses it over regaining his title,



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I'm still mulling ideas. 

Eric Eisen leading a stable seems to be a common but effective idea. Maybe have Gilmore and if Morrisette will come out of retirement team up as BAV (Bitter Ass Veterans). See if Skull Debones will come back as the enforcer (as Sean Martyn) and Spencer Spade as the lead bad guy (it would kill the Rat Pack but hey, Spade can't be trusted). Bring back the glory of Supreme! 

Maybe Atom Smasher can take the Rat Pack as "Adam Smash" - arrogant action star! Sammy Smoke might work in there as well. 

I want to do a more extensive evolution of the 2022 C-verse (I get why Adam kept it is,ilar but still) but for now I think I'll try it kinda straight up. 

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14 hours ago, ExRufas2000 said:

I'm still mulling ideas. 

Eric Eisen leading a stable seems to be a common but effective idea. Maybe have Gilmore and if Morrisette will come out of retirement team up as BAV (Bitter Ass Veterans). See if Skull Debones will come back as the enforcer (as Sean Martyn) and Spencer Spade as the lead bad guy (it would kill the Rat Pack but hey, Spade can't be trusted). Bring back the glory of Supreme! 

Maybe Atom Smasher can take the Rat Pack as "Adam Smash" - arrogant action star! Sammy Smoke might work in there as well. 

I want to do a more extensive evolution of the 2022 C-verse (I get why Adam kept it is,ilar but still) but for now I think I'll try it kinda straight up. 

Sammy Smoke would be fine as a Rat Packer. How about a Lenny Brown heel turn? He'd be great as a slick heel with a stable and he's pretty buried on the card.

I'm also a sucker for Jake Idol and Jackpot Jordan getting signed and added to the rat pack.

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Who would be some good people to hire to RIPW and the main roster that would fit the vibe of SWF, wanna try and build up the next generation of stars but with so many good people to choose from, its hard to decide, also who would make for a good inner circle.

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8 hours ago, Liquid_Swords said:

Realistically, would Eric Eisen dislike a user character and possibly start a family feud with Jerry Eisen if he is replaced as the head booker of SWF?

Yes. Anyone would and Eric more than most due to his egotism. 

He;'d dislike Jerry more. He also might try to turn the new head booker against Jerry  if he could find a reason to think they could usurp Jerry. 

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Has anyone got a random pet character in SWF that they love to push or do something with? Mine this save has been Chill. Paired him up with Eric Eisen and later Hellion, and they are just destroying the midcard atm. I don't know why Chill appealed to me this save. I think in 2020 i released him! It was something in his bio about him being better suited to TCW because he's a bit bland that made me go 'well damnit i'm going to make it work!' So i did! He's gone up in pop pretty fast doing Eric's bidding. Interestingly something else happened with Chill that I've never had happen before. He wasn't on my NBT list when i started the save, but recently he is! Has anyone noticed something like that happen before?

Chill pop.jpg

NBT list.jpg

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Bruce can still go! And sorry to TCW fans but you can't book Jay Chord in only 1 match in 3 months, lowball his contract offer, and not expect me to swoop in and turn him into one of the biggest stars. They didn't even have him drop their title on the way out. Bruce and Chord are the two most popular workers in my save both with an average of 88 above Champion's 86 (Rocky Golden is at 85).

Bruce v Chord.JPG

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6 hours ago, Jaysounder said:

Bruce can still go! And sorry to TCW fans but you can't book Jay Chord in only 1 match in 3 months, lowball his contract offer, and not expect me to swoop in and turn him into one of the biggest stars. They didn't even have him drop their title on the way out. Bruce and Chord are the two most popular workers in my save both with an average of 88 above Champion's 86 (Rocky Golden is at 85).

Bruce v Chord.JPG

Might want to stick this oddity in the tech support forum. I think Adam would want his AI companies to not botch a star and title to this level. Even if he can't do anything because he doesn't have all the details it still might be useful info on how the AI is working. 

Edited by ExRufas2000
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Hi. Happy to see a new TEW is out. How is everybody booking the first PPV? I know it says that superstars from the past could make an appearance. So how does that work. Am I signing these guys to written contracts or handshake deals? Obviously I want Jack Bruce on the show but can’t think of who else to involve. Also I’m assuming I should call up some guys from RIPW. It’s a fun start but kinda of confusing at the same time.

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On 8/8/2024 at 4:08 AM, ExRufas2000 said:

Might want to stick this oddity in the tech support forum. I think Adam would want his AI companies to not botch a star and title to this level. Even if he can't do anything because he doesn't have all the details it still might be useful info on how the AI is working. 

I think I can chalk it up to demo wonkiness. I did a watcher save for a full year and this time TCW booked Chord like a true champion, 427 day reign with 10 defenses and two 99 rated matches. In my save they put the vacant title on Aaron Andrews and he is a contender for wrestler of the year, with an average match rating of 87. He's made 7 defenses all rated 90+.


Has anyone tried to build a 'super' stable with Atom Smasher and Bear? Maybe I shouldn't have binged all 4 seasons of The Boys, but I can't escape the idea that there is something there. Forrest is a clear up-in-coming Homelander, but I still need another 3 4 to round out The Seven.

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58 minutes ago, Jaysounder said:

I think I can chalk it up to demo wonkiness. I did a watcher save for a full year and this time TCW booked Chord like a true champion, 427 day reign with 10 defenses and two 99 rated matches. In my save they put the vacant title on Aaron Andrews and he is a contender for wrestler of the year, with an average match rating of 87. He's made 7 defenses all rated 90+.


Has anyone tried to build a 'super' stable with Atom Smasher and Bear? Maybe I shouldn't have binged all 4 seasons of The Boys, but I can't escape the idea that there is something there. Forrest is a clear up-in-coming Homelander, but I still need another 3 to round out The Seven.

In my save, Smasher and Bear just had a falling out that is meant to lead to a little solo push for Bear.

Jay Chord is on hiatus in my game and his contract expired while he was on hiatus and he wasn't resigned. The same thing happened to Alicia Strong.

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10 hours ago, Jaysounder said:

I think I can chalk it up to demo wonkiness. I did a watcher save for a full year and this time TCW booked Chord like a true champion, 427 day reign with 10 defenses and two 99 rated matches. In my save they put the vacant title on Aaron Andrews and he is a contender for wrestler of the year, with an average match rating of 87. He's made 7 defenses all rated 90+.


Has anyone tried to build a 'super' stable with Atom Smasher and Bear? Maybe I shouldn't have binged all 4 seasons of The Boys, but I can't escape the idea that there is something there. Forrest is a clear up-in-coming Homelander, but I still need another 3 4 to round out The Seven.

Yeah that tag team did not last in my save. They lost the titles at the anniversary PPV, Bear blames it Smasher and they've both kinda gone their separate ways. Quite literally too, because Smasher is in decline and putting people over and Bear is facing Rocky Golden for the world title at the PPV before Supreme Challenge! I haven't seen The Boys but from what i know of it that seems like a solid enough idea. Can't help you with the casting of it unfortunately.

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Only did a month so far, trying to build things up but... all my matches are bad with only two matchs at the 50th birthday show doing an 80

- Rocky & Primus vs Remo & Rogue

- Unleashed Awesomeness vs ZWB, Mikey & HFH

Does anyone has trouble with their matches ? How are you guys booking the matches in terms of lenght (I have my main events at 15-20 min), road agent notes, creative finishes and so on ?

I play as SWF + RIPW and so far my RIPW have been doing fairly well, but SWF has been disappointment after disappointment for the first few weeks

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Just know the first month or so is always difficult to get 82+ TV shows without overly using your top stars.

I tend to do show stealing 15 minute matches for my main matches or slow build regular matches of 20 minutes+. For my first match, middle of the card match and main event match. The other matches are 10 or 12 minutes usually storyline based.

I try and take the crowd from Very Hot down to simmering then back up to White Hot for the main event. Not sure if this is the best way but by Mar/April I can get 90+ tv shows and 95+ rated PPVs.





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I always change my Match and Angle focus at the start of a new save, Three Ring Circus is too brutal when your roster is not built up. I'm using Regular focus now, not sure if I had it set as that or Main Event for the 50th Anniversary PPV, but my best match was Golden v Davids with an 88 rating. Second best was Spade v Morgan with an 80. Third was DomiNation v Faith & Old Glory with a 74. Show got an 86 rating overall. SWF have a great roster of young guys who just need the time to be built up. Early on you'll want to keep Golden over as his pop really gives a boost to match ratings. I usually alternate the main event of TV as 2v2 (or 3v3) and 1v1 with Golden teaming with my next best babyface.


Just finished my first year yesterday, my SWF awards were:

Wrestler of the Year: Jay Chord

Tag Team of the Year: Jack Bruce and Hollywood Bret Starr

Veteran: Jack Bruce

Match of the Year: Jay Chord def Jack Bruce at SWF Under Control - 99 rating

Card: The Supreme Challenge 42 - 95 rating (main event was Chord winning the WC from Golden - 91 rating)

Male Manager: Skull DeBones

Female Manager: Krissy Angelle


Sadly Scythe betrayed us and joined USPW in Jan 2023, so I called up SoVen and had Scythe put him over twice (Scythe was not happy). What really surprised me was Golden staying despite USPW offering him 500k per month compared to my 370k offer. I suppose the merch money he would have lost as no longer being figurehead made up the difference. He is pulling in over $4M per month split 50/50. My WC scene is looking to be Golden -> Chord -> HBS -> Spade (Supreme Challenge 43). I'll have to wait and see how the next 7-8 months play out, but Chord may get a second run taking the belt off Spade. I just can't get any success with Davids, at best he will pull out an 80 match rating, not nearly good enough to be champ.

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1 hour ago, Jaysounder said:

I always change my Match and Angle focus at the start of a new save, Three Ring Circus is too brutal when your roster is not built up. I'm using Regular focus now, not sure if I had it set as that or Main Event for the 50th Anniversary PPV, but my best match was Golden v Davids with an 88 rating. Second best was Spade v Morgan with an 80. Third was DomiNation v Faith & Old Glory with a 74. Show got an 86 rating overall. SWF have a great roster of young guys who just need the time to be built up. Early on you'll want to keep Golden over as his pop really gives a boost to match ratings. I usually alternate the main event of TV as 2v2 (or 3v3) and 1v1 with Golden teaming with my next best babyface.


Just finished my first year yesterday, my SWF awards were:

Wrestler of the Year: Jay Chord

Tag Team of the Year: Jack Bruce and Hollywood Bret Starr

Veteran: Jack Bruce

Match of the Year: Jay Chord def Jack Bruce at SWF Under Control - 99 rating

Card: The Supreme Challenge 42 - 95 rating (main event was Chord winning the WC from Golden - 91 rating)

Male Manager: Skull DeBones

Female Manager: Krissy Angelle


Sadly Scythe betrayed us and joined USPW in Jan 2023, so I called up SoVen and had Scythe put him over twice (Scythe was not happy). What really surprised me was Golden staying despite USPW offering him 500k per month compared to my 370k offer. I suppose the merch money he would have lost as no longer being figurehead made up the difference. He is pulling in over $4M per month split 50/50. My WC scene is looking to be Golden -> Chord -> HBS -> Spade (Supreme Challenge 43). I'll have to wait and see how the next 7-8 months play out, but Chord may get a second run taking the belt off Spade. I just can't get any success with Davids, at best he will pull out an 80 match rating, not nearly good enough to be champ.


The best match of my 50th Anniversary Special was also Davids over Rocky with an 89,  I got an 82 out of Spade over Brett in the NA Title Match, and 80 on both DomiNation over Faith & Old Glory for the Tag Belt and Mikey Lau over Randy Unleashed. All the involved storylines were extremely hot or better and I had a couple of Creative Finishes hit.

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I'm thinking of starting an SWF save, but it feels so intimidating to book a 50 years anniversary special just two weeks in, especially for someone who isn't as used to the company itself. I keep thinking that there's some free agent that I forgot to sign for a special appearance or something. And then there's the fact that I can't stand Rocky Golden's kayfabe character. Regardless, I'm kind of excited about this. It seems like the SWF is more of a challenge than TCW on TEW IX. 

Some overall plans:

- Strap a rocket to Mikey Lau and Steven Parker

- Turn Unleashed Awesomeness babyface. Get the Amazing Bumfholes to reunite before Zimmy does a shocking heel turn and attacks Randy, thus reigniting their feud with them on opposite sides of the heel / face divide. 

- Make Hollywood Bret Starr heel again, rejoining forces with Spencer Spade and making The Rat Pack a domineering heel faction.

I never really quite know what to do with Scythe. With how mediocre he is on the mic, I'm always tempted to pair him with another heel who's a good talker, but it never quite makes sense. 

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19 minutes ago, cesspool said:

I'm thinking of starting an SWF save, but it feels so intimidating to book a 50 years anniversary special just two weeks in, especially for someone who isn't as used to the company itself. I keep thinking that there's some free agent that I forgot to sign for a special appearance or something. And then there's the fact that I can't stand Rocky Golden's kayfabe character. Regardless, I'm kind of excited about this. It seems like the SWF is more of a challenge than TCW on TEW IX. 

Some overall plans:

- Strap a rocket to Mikey Lau and Steven Parker

- Turn Unleashed Awesomeness babyface. Get the Amazing Bumfholes to reunite before Zimmy does a shocking heel turn and attacks Randy, thus reigniting their feud with them on opposite sides of the heel / face divide. 

- Make Hollywood Bret Starr heel again, rejoining forces with Spencer Spade and making The Rat Pack a domineering heel faction.

I never really quite know what to do with Scythe. With how mediocre he is on the mic, I'm always tempted to pair him with another heel who's a good talker, but it never quite makes sense. 

Scythe will consistently rock 80s or 90s on Intimidation rated segments. He's fantastic with the unnerf to menace.

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9 minutes ago, TheWorldIsOurs13 said:

Even using character development he’s giving me high 70s and 80s. 

Yeah, he's my second most over wrestler at this point behind only Rocky. A real cornerstone player. Right now he and Rocky are in a title feud where Scythe keeps interfering with title matches with other challengers. Eventually he will get his title shot at When Hell Freezes Over and reign until Supreme Challenge 2023 where he will drop, probably to Primus who is rocking out right now or to Hollywood Brett in a heel turn storyline where he cheats to win.

We're at Break Like the Wind 2022 and his last 5 matches are an 85 over Ranger on TV, a 91 in a DQ loss to Rocky at Let the Games Begin after he blew up the contender challenge and demanded an immediate title shot, and then an 80, an 80 and an 81 on TV against Mikey Lau, Garry the Entertainer and Jack DeColt. His angles are almost all in the 80s and 90s with Intimidation, Fighting and Attacker as his most common roles.  Kid is money.

Mikey Lau is harder for me. He's a really good wrestler, but not great at any sort of angle thing. I tend to try to book him against guys who can talk. Right now he's in a feud for my World Cruiserweight Belt against the Awesomeness. Mostly he fights a lot and then Huey, Jefferson and Randy show up and talk about it?

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