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(REQUESTS CLOSED - 6/13) psx's GFX Gallery - IX Super Turbo Edition

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all non-exclusive logos are free to be used for a mod (all exclusive logos will be marked as such). if a majority of the base logos in a mod is by me, i would like credit as one of the mod creators. thx.

this is just a temp rn, i'll make migrate more to this thread in the upcoming week, as well work on gif versions.
Edited by psx
i hope this works this time
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Perhaps the best GFX maker for providing a CVerse facelift whilst still maintaining the original distinct feel of the logos. Would love to see you take a swing at some more custom companies some time. Keep up the great work.

Edited by Rainmaker
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just to let people know becuse ive gotten dms about it, right now I'm purely taking suggestions on what C-Verse base game companies to give a new logo. as it stands, custom company logos takes a lot of effort from me due to both coming up with ideas and figuring out how it would work contextually and what techiques to use. i know i am making things harder for me, but as it stands one of the reasons i do these is my obsession with design history and minutia. thank you.

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using HGC as a base, here's my take for the backdrop.
realizing this version of the game, backdrops are purely background, i thought it would work better to not have the logo behind the wrestler.

thoughts are appreciated.

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due to my distain of what the promotion was inspired by and whole punk rock wrestling thing, i decided to do a prank version and make something that probably would make any snp diehard vomit, so here's nu-metal snp.

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ported over most of my custom promotions logos, if one of them is missing it is either due to i didn't like it (very unlikely), i don't have the production files (very likely), or i forgot (99% the reason.)

that being said, i am gonna tenatively start taking requests. i will make no promises or illusions i will do them, as my previous thread might show i am very spotty at that. however, i do think i have a good batting average. that being said, i'm gonna try to forfill no matter what, even forgoing my own reservations if needed.

same rules as always; you get what you get, minor tweaks are fine but major changes are a bit iffy, i am as much happy to accommodate to exacting specifications. all logos will be on c-verse unless new backgrounds are specifically provided, some of the names for these are vague as heck so please just show me what you want it on.

i would as much note i would prefer c-verse as of right now, i know i can't make sure that every logo will be intended for c-verse play but it is an explanation on what my mind will be while working on them.


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I'm not sure how doable this is but I'd like to request a ZEN logo that's been...for lack of a better term 'Alienified'? Karrg and co. are basically running the place rn and I think it'd be fun to have that reflected in the company logo.

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Also jumping in for a request if you'd be willing. Your Japanese C-Verse company logos are incredible (the 70s BHOTWG may actually be my favourite custom logo I've seen on here), and I was wondering if you'd be able to create a PGHW logo & banner. I'd be using it for the PGHW dynasty I'm currently writing if that's okay.

I don't really have any specific wants for the logo other than the fact I'd really love it to be purple. I just think a lot of the C-Verse is very........blue and a purple logo would just look cool (main reason your Wrestling Emotion logo jumped out at me when I dm'd you a week ago). Thank you!

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Posted (edited)




not super happy with this but i might as well post it either way.

there's a mountain there, you have to take my word on it.

Edited by psx
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1 minute ago, ianianianian said:

will you ever make .GIF versions of these or would they just strictly be JPGs for now?

right now i'm both working on the requests in jpg form, and making gif versions of every logo i got in my thread. as you can imagine, making the gifs is taking a bit of a time.

if anyone wants a specific logo in gif form, i can take requests for those as well.

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just to note, due to miscommunication with my former workplace, i'm currently locked out of my graphic design programs and can't work on any graphic stuff. until that's sorted out, i won't be able to work on requests.


that being said, i'm still doing and taking requests -- as said, i'm only limiting it to cornellverse in-game promotions, i might consider custom promotions at a later point.

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Posted (edited)



here's the logo just for comparsion



on a further general question even with how logos on backdrops isnt neccesarily needed due to backdrops being it's own thing now, would you guys like a version with a logo in the backdrop?
(i dont ever play with backdrops so i got no clue what people actually would like from these)

Edited by psx
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Posted (edited)


bhotwgbackdrop.jpg bhotwgbackdrop2.jpg bhotwgbackdrop3.jpg https://i.postimg.cc/02F3gYFc/bhotwgbackdrop4.jpg

here's the logo just for comparsion



dont worry im not gonna post every one by one, i just am doing the ones that have been specifically requested.


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What do you think about designing a logo based on product types? If so, I have a request/suggestion if you're interested. 

Not sure about the name since I'm using a lame generic one in the game I'm running. 

The product is "Morality Wrestling" - The product uses wrestling as a medium for spreading a moral message, whether religious or educational. Very family friendly and basic. 

I'm thinking a religious cross with the American flag draped around it? Or Jesus with some big ass biceps? 

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36 minutes ago, ZMAN said:

What do you think about designing a logo based on product types?

maybe for the next round of requests, but as of right now i'm sticking to the base in-game promotions.

i'm still getting back into the groove of research, designing and other things, and research for a base game compared to a custom logo can be a time sink. my apologizes if this isn't the answer you were hoping for.

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Posted (edited)





for somedude03, who specifically requested a purple background, inspired by indy sleaze japan and specifically big mouth loud.


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Posted (edited)




i got a suprising amount of requests for this over the years, i still got no clue why seeing as the kam logo is probably perfect, but two cakes i guess.

that being said, i am proud and tried to make something best as i could. thanks to the people who left suggestions on design, and guided me to a better logo.


Edited by psx
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  • psx changed the title to (REQUESTS CLOSED - 5/13) psx's GFX Gallery - IX Super Turbo Edition
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  • psx changed the title to (REQUESTS CLOSED - 6/13) psx's GFX Gallery - IX Super Turbo Edition

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