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Other TV Shows and Locations/Venues with tags Released! C-Verse Mods

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I have completed porting over my two C-Verse mods that I made for 2020. Feel free to use either of these mods in other mods.

More Venues:

I have completed the conversion! I have included a dozen of canon C-Verse locations that are necessary (The PSW Arena, ZEN, The Warehouse, etc). The file includes other data, but that's just so connections aren't lost in who owns what venue.

Installation Instructions:

  • It's best to delete your Other TV Shows and Venues and Locations data before importing from these.
  • After you delete and import don't forget to reconnect ownership of The ZEN Temple to ZEN, The PSW Arena to PSW, The CWW Arena to CWW, and The Warehouse to GSW.
  • In TV Shows fix:
    • PSW Steel City Smash to The PSW Arena
    • ZEN Inferno to The ZEN Temple
    • GSW Wrestling From The Warehouse to The Warehouse
    • CWW Real Man's Wrestling to The CWW Arena
  • Please let me know if you have any issues!

There are now 854 Venues (non-real to match the C-verse vibe, but their capacity is based on real venues)

There are now 873 locations.

Tagging details for nerds are below by region (Many entries have multiple tags if they fit in multiple categories. For example Chicago is midwest and Great Lakes, Oakland is NorCal and Bay Area, San Diego is Southern Border Region and SoCal, etc):

North America Tags:

  • The PNW
  • Mountain West
  • The Arctic (Alaska, Yukon)
  • The Prairies
  • The Rockies
  • NorCal
  • Bay Area
  • Central Valley (Cali)
  • SoCal
  • Orange County
  • The Valley and San Fernando Valley
  • Inland Empire
  • Sonoran Desert (Palm Springs to Phoenix and parts of northern Mexico
  • Southern Border Region (California Baja, California and Arizona border places i.e. MexiCali, Tijuana, San Diego, Tucson etc)
  • Grand Canyon (Arizona, Vegas, etc)
  • Sierra Nevada
  • Great Plains (Nebraska, Dakotas etc)
  • Midwest (allows for indy promotions from places like Illinois to also run shows in St. Louis despite being in different regions)
  • Great Lakes (everything from Minnesota in the Midwest to Buffalo in tri-state and Toronto in Ontario)
  • Rio Grande (southern border of Texas)
  • West Texas, Central Texas, Texas Panhandle, South Texas
  • Gulf Coast (Houston to Tampa)
  • Ark-La-Tex
  • Mid South
  • Deep South
  • Appalachian (from Georgia to Pennsylvania)
  • Florida panhandle, North Florida, Central Florida, South Florida
  • Smoky Mountains
  • Atlantic Coast (this is for South Carolina up to Virginia)
  • DelMarVa
  • Rust Belt (PA, Ohio, Indiana, eastern Kentucky)
  • South Jersey (Trenton/Atlantic City), North Jersey (Newark/Jersey City)
  • Hudson Valley (Albany)
  • Upstate (Syracuse)
  • The Caribbean, Greater Antilles
  • Central America, Mexican Gulf Coast
  • Baja California Sur (Cabo, La Paz)
  • Gulf of California
  • Mexican Pacific Coast

Europe and India Tags

  • European Union (Includes Republic of Ireland locations)
  • Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland (so you can stop your Irish indy promotions from running Belfast)
  • Mediterranean

Oceania Tags

  • France DOM-TOM
  • British Overseas Territory
  • US Overseas Territory
  • South Pacific
  • Pacific Islands (Tag includes Hawai'i)
  • Western Pacific

Cultural Tags

  • Baltic, Balkan, Scandinavian, Slavic, Turkish, Nordic, South Caucasus
  • Language specific tabs for Spanish, French and German so you can have a promotion only run in German speaking or French speaking locations
  • Islam, Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist, Catholic (really just for Vatican City)
    • This allows a promotion in India to stick to either Islamic locations or Hindu locations as I've included a fair bit of Central Asian locales in Northern and Western India
    • These tags are only present where religion and that stuff is relevant for where a promotion may run
  • South Asia, Central Asia, Middle East (allowed me to include Saudi into Western India region with the ability to prevent Indian promotions from running shows there)

Notable Inclusions that don't have their own game area:

  • Western India
    • Contains Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Qatar, Afghanistan, Dubai, and Abu Dhabi
  • New Zealand
    • Contains Pacific Islands and Papa New Guinea
  • Australia
    • WA and SA contains a couple of NT locations
  • Kyushu
    • Contains Okinawa
  • Southern Mediterranean
    • Contains Libya, Lebanon, Jordan, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Israel, Turkey (as well as Italy, Greece, Malta, and Corsica)
  • Southern India
    • Contains Sri Lanka and The Maldives
  • Puerto Rico
    • Contains The Bahamas, Dominican Rep, Haiti, and Jamaica
  • Northwest US
    • Contains Alaska
  • Sureste
    • Contains Central American countries and Cuba (and Yucatan)


Other TV Shows:

Includes a bunch of fake TV shows that are inspired by C-Verse happenings.

Some examples of fake Other TV shows in the mod: 



Edited by d12345
File Ready
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  • d12345 changed the title to Other TV Shows and Locations/Venues with tags Released! C-Verse Mods

V1.1 -

After reading through the new celebrity bios I added some canon Other TV Shows to the list. Some of these are film replays that air on TV like how TNT does IRL (Stray Dogs)

Australia Tonight!
Japanese Kung Fu: Sai Ayabito
Aichi Docs: The Sound of Nari
Canada On-Air with Jocelyn Bow
Talk Sport with Jayson Gayle
America Now! with Greg Hawker
Stray Dogs 1 (2 and 3)
Rock, Roll and The Neds
Risk & Reward (American game show)
Films of India: Advaith Behera
The AJ Chamberlain Show (UK)


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Just saw that 'The Stans' are now included in canon Eastern Europe. I will add them in the next update (and move Afghan here). Pakistan I'll leave within the India game area as I think it makes more sense for an Indian promotion to run Pakistan than a European one.

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Eastern Europe Locations updates (Now includes Central Asia (The Stans, Iran and northwest China))

Updated The Republic of Georgia location to be named Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia

Moved Kabul, Afghanistan from Western India to Eastern Europe

Added capital city locations for Turkmenistan, Krygyzstan, Tajikstan, Uzbekistan

Changed Azerbaijan to Baku, Azerbaijan

Split Armenia into its two largest cities as separate locations: Gyumri and Yerevan

Added Iran cities of Tehran and Mashhad

Added 7 locations to Kazakhstan: Aktau, Aktobe, Almaty, Astana, Atyrau, Karaganda, Shymkent

Added Ürümqi, Xinjiang in northwest China (home of the Uhygur people) to finish out the Central Asian locations

Western India updates
Added more middle eastern cities here to finish out the Persian Gulf region
Muscat, Oman
Sana'a, Yemen
Kuwait City

Southern Mediterranean updates
Updated Tunisia to be Tunis, Tunisia
Added Algiers, Algeria
Added Alexandria, Egypt


All with relevant tags. Hopefully this makes it fun to set up a promotion that only runs shows in only specific cultural markets. File attached.


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Played and found some new errors and came to some new realizations.


  • I realized that with the new tags there's no reason to not stick to the games locales generally speaking. With that said
    • I've moved Colorado, New Mexico, and Oklahoma back into their canon region mid south.
    • Memphis, northern Louisiana, and Arkansas will remain in the mid-south.
    • The rest of Tennessee will stay southeast and the gulf coast region of Louisiana will stay South East
    • Grand Junction, Colorado on the Utah border will stay in South West
    • Gave Oklahoma venues and locations the Mid West tag
    • Stamford, CT will go to New England (had it in Tri-State since it's in the NYC metro area). I've now created a tag labeled 'Tri-State' (which differs from the more broad tri-state game region).
      • So when you select that tag for a promotion it will keep their shows between North Jersey, NYC, and lower CT
  • Added 'Delaware Valley' tag for Philly, Delaware, South Jersey area
    • Delaware locations now have both 'Delaware Valley' and 'DelMarVa' tags
  • Kentucky - Made it primarily mid atlantic. (Paducah remains Mid South) Given the way spillover is working in the new game it makes the most sense.
    • If a promotion gets to 45 in Mid-Atlantic, they are spilling over maximum into Southeast, tri-state, and great lakes, which would make sense for a Kentucky based promotion more than the alternative.
    • Paducah will stay mid south.
  • Fixed a bunch of tags that were missing or in the wrong place.


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