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Merge the Status and Skill sections together

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The implementation of IX's Status and Skill sections makes things very difficult when looking at anything to do with workers from potential hires, to information on their other contracts etc. Currently, when I'm looking to potentially hire new wrestlers, I need to

  1. Click Roster screen
  2. Click Skill screen and find potential person
  3. Click Status screen to Negotiate, See if they have other contracts, What their estimated cost would be, Available region etc.
  4. Click back to Skill screen and repeat

IXStatus.thumb.png.393b118331e85eab1376a053f4fa30e8.pngIX Skills.png

The way this worked in 2020 allowed for pretty much everything important to exist on one screen.


There is a lot of empty space used in IX, especially on the Status screen. Would it be possible at all to merge the two screens together somehow or duplicate buttons across both screens?

Edited by The Inquisition
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So to just come out and say it: The most important things to know when hiring a worker is

1. what is the worker good at

2. how well known is he?

3. what is their personality?


Currently i dont get any of that when opening or looking at a workers profile. now i can only see what they are, the fact that they do/dont work, are/arent unemployed and dont have titles or positions of power. Add to that the massive amount of buttons on the right and all you end up with on the first page is a huge amount of dead space (screenshot courtesy of ericmassac)


Its ridiculous that we need to do extra clicks to find the most important info about a worker. I can agree that popularity might need a seperate tab. But skills should really be front and center when checking a worker. This was fine in 2020. 

The countries where a worker is active should take up so much space, i feel like just having flags alone would be fine or if needed abbreviations. Their roles also just dont need such huge icons, the little text from tew was fine

In addition i feel that the big body model to signify wear and tear is completely unneeded and the numbers were/are the much better option

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Playing devil's advocate, I couldn't disagree more. Space allows each individual screen to breathe and opening things up with the tabs also allows all the information to be on one screen (no scrolling) - whilst also allowing Adam to give us more information, such as the return of the physical status image and the quick-look attribute images. It also feels a lot more modern and gives the skin maker opportunities to be more productive with their designs. Just because we're playing a text based simulator doesn't mean we should sacrifice design elements that improve the UI within the constraints of the programming. I'd sacrifice clicks for that any day, especially as it's a click that literally takes less than a second - it's not like it's a modern game which may or may not take a while to load because they're more advanced. 

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27 minutes ago, beatingstuff88 said:

So to just come out and say it: The most important things to know when hiring a worker is

1. what is the worker good at

2. how well known is he?

3. what is their personality?


Currently i dont get any of that when opening or looking at a workers profile. now i can only see what they are, the fact that they do/dont work, are/arent unemployed and dont have titles or positions of power. Add to that the massive amount of buttons on the right and all you end up with on the first page is a huge amount of dead space (screenshot courtesy of ericmassac)


Its ridiculous that we need to do extra clicks to find the most important info about a worker. I can agree that popularity might need a seperate tab. But skills should really be front and center when checking a worker. This was fine in 2020. 

The countries where a worker is active should take up so much space, i feel like just having flags alone would be fine or if needed abbreviations. Their roles also just dont need such huge icons, the little text from tew was fine

In addition i feel that the big body model to signify wear and tear is completely unneeded and the numbers were/are the much better option

To answer points 2 and 3 from the start of this post, that information is on the screen already. Personality is where it's been since 2020 to the right of the bio and quite literally the first line under the 8 icons tells you how well known a worker is.

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8 minutes ago, Mammoth said:

Playing devil's advocate, I couldn't disagree more. Space allows each individual screen to breathe and opening things up with the tabs also allows all the information to be on one screen (no scrolling) - whilst also allowing Adam to give us more information, such as the return of the physical status image and the quick-look attribute images. It also feels a lot more modern and gives the skin maker opportunities to be more productive with their designs. Just because we're playing a text based simulator doesn't mean we should sacrifice design elements that improve the UI within the constraints of the programming. I'd sacrifice clicks for that any day, especially as it's a click that literally takes less than a second - it's not like it's a modern game which may or may not take a while to load because they're more advanced. 

I get your reasoning, but let me explain how i see it:  irl i work with a medical program, the most important thing and our design philosophy is that the most important info should be available on the main screen. Extra clicks happen if you want more information or specifics.


The most important things for a wrestler to be considered as hireable are the 3 things i've outlined in my previous post (skills, pop, attributes). In every management game that i play, the skills of the player/worker is the first thing you see when you open up a profile because thats the most important part. Popularity and attributes i can understand having to do extra clicks. But skills not being front and center is a very wrong move in my opinion. Skills were always front and center in every TEW game, i don't get why this had to be changed

If need be put the "currently available to work, i only work for x, does not hold any titles" under the the left part of the status page (where is considered unimportant, has neutral momentum) and replace the middle part with skills


The quick look attribute images are also not explained what they are. I've looked in the user guide and searched on multiple terms but i dont find an explanation on what triggers which attribute icon

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5 minutes ago, Big Roguey said:

To answer points 2 and 3 from the start of this post, that information is on the screen already. Personality is where it's been since 2020 to the right of the bio and quite literally the first line under the 8 icons tells you how well known a worker is.

Well with the personality thing i tried to imply the attributes, but i probably didnt make that clear enough with my wording 😕

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I honestly don't understand how anyone can look at those worker screens and think the new one is better. Taking away crucial information and leaving giant spaces of nothingness blows my mind. I get if maybe he wanted to clean it up a bit, make it less cluttered or something, but put something in those spots. Maybe their top 5 skills, the area they're most popular in, something. I'd say it'd still be a big negative taking away huge chunks of important information from a convenient place, but it'd at least be somewhat useful. But to just leave all that space completely empty just doesn't make sense to me.

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I mentioned it in the reaction thread, but I think a good happy medium would be the ability to re-organize the tabs. For me, I use the skills tab the most, so I think that would be best for me. I wouldn't mind merging the skills with the status tab, either - I think that makes sense - but maybe having that be an option could work? I don't know, but I'm all for optional functionality so that everyone can play the game their way - that said, there also are technical limitations we need to keep in mind.

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The complaint when 2020 dropped was that the screen was far too crowded and ugly. Now it is better organized and has space to breathe. The stats are laid out on their own page just a click away instead of having to click a scroll bar a bunch of times or scroll a mouse wheel up and down. Is the one click that drastic of a change? It surely doesn’t take any more time when all of the stats weren’t visible from 2020’s main screen and you had to click/scroll?

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16 minutes ago, Idolized said:

The complaint when 2020 dropped was that the screen was far too crowded and ugly. Now it is better organized and has space to breathe. The stats are laid out on their own page just a click away instead of having to click a scroll bar a bunch of times or scroll a mouse wheel up and down. Is the one click that drastic of a change? It surely doesn’t take any more time when all of the stats weren’t visible from 2020’s main screen and you had to click/scroll?

Unfortunately it’s not one click when you’re looking through and comparing hundreds of workers to potentially sign. The most important information has to be on screen/tab one. I'd argue popularity and skills are the most important things to know, this is what workers are rated on for the most part. And neither are visible without changing tab.

Whilst you had to scroll on 2020, the popularity for your home country was at the top and the majority of the skills were visible.

Edited by jaymeetee
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21 minutes ago, jaymeetee said:

Unfortunately it’s not one click when you’re looking through and comparing hundreds of workers to potentially sign. The most important information has to be on screen/tab one. I'd argue popularity and skills are the most important things to know, this is what workers are rated on for the most part. And neither are visible without changing tab.

Whilst you had to scroll on 2020, the popularity for your home country was at the top and the majority of the skills were visible.

Are you not using search parameters to narrow your fields down?

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6 minutes ago, Idolized said:

Are you not using search parameters to narrow your fields down?

i mean if you're an indie company and you're looking for unemployed workers i don't look for specific people unless its for example a brawling or storyline heavy product, i just go through the list and sign who looks good


Also i really dont remember complaints about the 20 UI being too crowded, but then again i might just not have been on the right forum sections back then

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3 hours ago, miamarsden said:

I mentioned it in the reaction thread, but I think a good happy medium would be the ability to re-organize the tabs. For me, I use the skills tab the most, so I think that would be best for me. I wouldn't mind merging the skills with the status tab, either - I think that makes sense - but maybe having that be an option could work? I don't know, but I'm all for optional functionality so that everyone can play the game their way - that said, there also are technical limitations we need to keep in mind.

Id say the reorganizing would only work if you could for example sign or talk to workers from every tab, cause otherwise you'll still be doing the extra clicks

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1 hour ago, Idolized said:

Are you not using search parameters to narrow your fields down?

Yes of course. When I say hundreds I mean across the course of multple searches. If I want a luchador, a technical guy, a referee, a good promo guy, etc, this wouldn't happen in one search.

I have come up with a concept of a new tab called "overview", which provides users with everything that is important in one glance. Essentially it's the TEW 2020 screen without the recent news which I don't think would be needed with the new tab system, freeing up more space for popularity. On overview, we see everything we need to know at a glance. Where can they work? Where do they work? What roles do they have? Are they injured? Are they a champion? What are their skills? Where are they popular? It also re-adds key buttons you need.

If this was added as a new tab, alongside the game remembering the last tab that was open, I think it would solve the problem this thread raises. This would be the best of both worlds. If you think the overview tab is too much, you can just use the others and you will be shown the last one you had open. If you like to see the overview, the game will remember to show you that going forward.


Sorry I've edited this post a few times with some tweaks to the idea.

Edited by jaymeetee
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I like the idea for an overview screen to give quick contextual info, but I also feel like going back to the 2020 screen to be a step in the wrong direction, because that screen was way too crowded.


Tried to make a quick mock-up on paint:


The idea would be to get the most important info you get from the status screen, moving the "current employment" info from the middle column to the left, use the middle column to provide info on the top skills and pop areas (so in this case it would sort by skill/pop and show like the top 10 for each, rather than a fixed set of skills and areas like in the past), and keep the main buttons to interact with the worker).


This way, you have a less crowded screen, you don't need to recreate a new tab entirely as most of it is copy/pasted from the status tab, and get a lot of context right away. If you then want more info, you have the specific tabs to look at.

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15 minutes ago, what7 said:

I like the idea for an overview screen to give quick contextual info, but I also feel like going back to the 2020 screen to be a step in the wrong direction, because that screen was way too crowded.


Tried to make a quick mock-up on paint:


The idea would be to get the most important info you get from the status screen, moving the "current employment" info from the middle column to the left, use the middle column to provide info on the top skills and pop areas (so in this case it would sort by skill/pop and show like the top 10 for each, rather than a fixed set of skills and areas like in the past), and keep the main buttons to interact with the worker).


This way, you have a less crowded screen, you don't need to recreate a new tab entirely as most of it is copy/pasted from the status tab, and get a lot of context right away. If you then want more info, you have the specific tabs to look at.

I feel that pop and skills need the full length of the screen. I honestly think the 2020 screen was perfect and there was no need for a change, so I personally don't see it as a step back. Maybe there is a middle ground somewhere though. Maybe the answer is to merge some of the tabs, whilst adding an option in the preferences to restore the 2020 screen?

On the current status screen the regions and roles just seem overly big just to fill space. And the space on the side of the buttons is unnecessary too.

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I think the current way of displaying stats is fine, it just needs to be on the first page. We can keep the unique feel of TEW 9 by just playing some Tetris with the elements. Personally I'd split it into 3 sections, useful text, stats and buttons. 

I had shaved down the buttons and made them simpler to reclaim some space to fit the stats but you could probably reclaim a bit of space from the left column instead.

The existing Skills tab could be repurposed as a Health tab with injury information next to the body health chart. Popularity definitely needs it's own tab though, fan perception is enough for an overview.


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19 hours ago, Idolized said:

The complaint when 2020 dropped was that the screen was far too crowded and ugly. Now it is better organized and has space to breathe. The stats are laid out on their own page just a click away instead of having to click a scroll bar a bunch of times or scroll a mouse wheel up and down. Is the one click that drastic of a change? It surely doesn’t take any more time when all of the stats weren’t visible from 2020’s main screen and you had to click/scroll?

But surely having 23/31 skills in easy reach is better than having 0/31 skills, right? Especially when those 8 skills that were "hidden" by the scroll were the least important skills in 99% of cases.

I just don't get the thought that the 2020 screen was too busy. There are huge amounts of dead space on that screen already. The skills and pop sections are over 50% dead space. I'm not advocating for filling some of that up, although for a text sim I'd say that more useful information within easier reach is obviously better, I just don't get how anyone could look at that screen and think that it was so overwhelming that it required moving some of the most important information in the game to sub-menus.

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Im personally of the option that we bring back letter grades for all summary screens, and leave the small numbers to the full detail views

Nothing pops off the screen anymore,  more and easier to identify info should be readily available without needing to click.

Edited by Teh_Showtime
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20 hours ago, what7 said:

I like the idea for an overview screen to give quick contextual info, but I also feel like going back to the 2020 screen to be a step in the wrong direction, because that screen was way too crowded.


Tried to make a quick mock-up on paint:


The idea would be to get the most important info you get from the status screen, moving the "current employment" info from the middle column to the left, use the middle column to provide info on the top skills and pop areas (so in this case it would sort by skill/pop and show like the top 10 for each, rather than a fixed set of skills and areas like in the past), and keep the main buttons to interact with the worker).


This way, you have a less crowded screen, you don't need to recreate a new tab entirely as most of it is copy/pasted from the status tab, and get a lot of context right away. If you then want more info, you have the specific tabs to look at.

imo top skills would be a mistake, because most of all workers will have very good rep, resilience, selling, basics, experience, stamina etcetera, those are handy sure, but when products are involved seeing the top level skills at one glance. I feel the buttons on the right take up too much space, maybe get rid of some of that to put in more skills? just thinking out loud

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6 hours ago, HHUK said:

I think the current way of displaying stats is fine, it just needs to be on the first page. We can keep the unique feel of TEW 9 by just playing some Tetris with the elements. Personally I'd split it into 3 sections, useful text, stats and buttons. 

I had shaved down the buttons and made them simpler to reclaim some space to fit the stats but you could probably reclaim a bit of space from the left column instead.

The existing Skills tab could be repurposed as a Health tab with injury information next to the body health chart. Popularity definitely needs it's own tab though, fan perception is enough for an overview.


This is exactly what I had envisioned in my head.

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8 hours ago, HHUK said:

I think the current way of displaying stats is fine, it just needs to be on the first page. We can keep the unique feel of TEW 9 by just playing some Tetris with the elements. Personally I'd split it into 3 sections, useful text, stats and buttons. 

I had shaved down the buttons and made them simpler to reclaim some space to fit the stats but you could probably reclaim a bit of space from the left column instead.

The existing Skills tab could be repurposed as a Health tab with injury information next to the body health chart. Popularity definitely needs it's own tab though, fan perception is enough for an overview.


This is clean and definately an improvement, but I still think popularity is a must. This is a solid middle ground between everything and nothing though.

Maybe reduce the size of roles and fit in popularity underneath skills? Perhaps only show an average number for each game area instead of every region, alongside pop for your home region and the workers highest pop for a single region?

Average pop for each game area is already coded into the game as it is used on the most popular screen.


Edited by jaymeetee
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