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11 minutes ago, TakumiIrohamarvelous said:

Started up a QAW save to see what it was like and before even running a show Farrah Hesketh, Commisioner Bomb, Coco Malloy, and Becca Barton all handed in their notices lmao


Going to assume this is REALLY bad luck on my end and isn't meant to happen?

That seems really odd. I've never seen that happen before.

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I just got done with the Queendom after my December PPV/PLE of 2022.

It's looking like I will cut a profit of 25-40k once December ends and 2022 is in the books.  For the economy i'm in that's not bad.

I've been building people up mostly slowly.  Danielle and Emma have one competitor in the main event, a created wrestler that will eventually be a midcarder.  Very good at wrestling, just not the best charisma, SP or mic skill.

Little Miss Perfect is stalling (on purpose) at star.  She's been an antagonist to Queen Amazon since QA lost to Danielle at Showdown.  They started pretty much interfering in each other's matches 100% of the time in April until Commissionaer Bomb laid down the law about constant interference in World Title matches.  Which was a switch as she actually gave LMP a title shot because she was going against R3's normal tactics.  FYI, LMP lost that match due to QA attacking Danielle in full view of the ref.  LMP then went to running out behind QA while she went to the ring for a promo to take out her leg, then making fun of the limp in promos.  Of course QA won that feud without taking a fall to LMP.  That is in 2023 or 24 when QA is more established and LMP has more cred.  QA is currently 4 months into a ban on title matches due to her run of attacks on World title matches.

Emma May got rid of the Furies after too many botched interferences and the general realization, which she talked about, that if she's going to have title matches she needs to not be on the Commissioner's bad side.  Essentially her gimmick is now "World Title, be better than Danielle Sweetheart".  QA and the other MS heel all reacted with "stay away from my belt and you're stupid."  LMP reacted by making fun of all of it.  Emma is slated to win over Danielle at Showdown.  That sets up Houston Handley and Pinky as well as a few heels for runs at her before Danielle is first in line again.

Ava and Lily have had the tag titles for months now and they actually dissolved Clenched Fist in a similar idea.  Only they are more focused.  Only one goal, be the best tag champs QAW has ever seen and hold the titles as much and as long as possible.  They won't stop attacking before/after matches or anything, but no gang attacks.

Pinky Perez and Mariana had a year where Mariana basically said she did not care about titles or wins.  All she cares about is makins sure Pinky Perez cannot hold on to any kind of success for long.  Short of getting fired, she will interfere in every title match Pinky has even if she never gets to wrestle for a title again.  Pinky is going to feud with QA (I have a suspicion LMP sticks her nose in there) and get the second roll-up win on her.

Milly the Minx and Little Miss Perfect just started a feud over the idea of who is better at messing with the heels who like to cheap shot babyfaces.  It started with Millie (a babyface who acts kind of like a heel) coming out to stop QA from attacking Pinky, chair in hand. I liked that one for two reasons.  First, is started as one feud, then morphed over to this completely ridiculous argument between Millie and LMP (a heel who is so overbearingly rule-abiding 99% of the time it makes her a heel) about who was better at stopping unfair attacks on babyfaces.  The following week they will resume the argument and agree to not cheat against one another (QA comes out and DQs Millie by destroying LMP in the first match at Stardom) and treat it more like an ongoing contest to see who can mess with the heels the best.  Best frenemies?  I love this feud for how the personalities interact.

The tag division has been developing well, with the SD Girls slotted to win the title from Anderson & Snyder at Stardom.  An intermediate feud until April happens, then Felicia Luck & Modesty Pador lose in the 3-way dance with A & S and the SD Girls while feuding with A & S, ostensibly over the next title shot.  A & S then lose the titles to Luck & Pador (Lucky Strike) at Showdown to not have the babyface/babyface match when the focus should be on Anderson & Snyder and their interactions with the titles.  I kinda want them involved with those titles as a matter of course.  Same with Emma and Danielle being the end-all-be-all for the World Title.

I did mess up and not choose a winner in one World Title match and had to run two TV matches to correct it.  Not proud of that one.  Interrupted a nice long Danielle Sweetheart reign.

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Ended 2022 without a huge amount of movement on the card but pop is up a lot across USA/Canada and I've gone up to Small in size, making a profit every month.  I almost kickstarted a huge shift as I was going to turn Sweetheart heel to join up with Emma May to take on Faith McGee who USPW let go, she's not amazing but her popularity would've got really strong ratings and I was going to use it to get Pinky Perez into the main event picture. USPW re-signed McGee after letting her go because AI go brrrrr so I'm without a world title idea at the moment but I might let that lax for a month or two and reassess while Higa and Dreamer main event in what I'm building as a "dream feud" between international stars

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