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(FULL RELEASE) C-Verse Women's Wrestling Unleashed - TEW IX Mod

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With the launch of TEW IX, I wanted to centralize all of my renders, which I intend to do here. I'd say I have about 90%+ of female wrestlers in the C-Verse rendered, plus literally hundreds of my own creations and free renders. 

And we all know that women's wrestling in the C-Verse could use a bit of a boost. As one of those players who may like mod-making more than actually playing the game, since the release of TEW 2020, I've been adding women's divisions to most canon C-Verse promotions. The ideas come from all over the place, including existing mods, the T-Verse, and a middle school obsession with e-feds. I'd always kind of assumed these creations would just be my own personal thing, but with the state of women's wrestling in the C-Verse quite dire and unrealistic, I think it's a perfect time to release these divisions into the wild. Barring permissions and approval from a few other mod makers (which I'm working on getting soon), I hope to drop them over the next few weeks. For anyone interested, I have detailed, fleshed out women's divisions with full title histories for:


I've also got, I'd say, 10-12 other promotions (all women's and mixed) which I'll think about uploading too.

Comments always appreciated. Thanks!



****NOTE: My renders and mods are 100% freeware--use them absolutely however you'd like, you don't have to ask me. It's always nice to be given credit, but TBH I don't care. I made them to enjoy.****

Edited by boxofwhispers
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Women's Wrestling Unleashed OFFICIAL RELEASE 1.0

Welcome to Women's Wrestling Unleashed—the immersive TEWIX mod where women's wrestling has already been making headlines in the C-Verse for years. Designed to be merged into the TEW IX default database, WWU offers a well-integrated timeline that traces the explosive growth of women's wrestling, beginning with SWF's Search for a Bombshell competition in 2017 and going to the 'present' (January 2022). Since then, women's wrestling has flourished worldwide. From TCW, which built a strong division by giving celebrated veterans and independent workers a chance to shine, to BHOTWG, the first men's company in Japan to feature a Joshi division, 12 women's divisions have been added to the default data, each with full title histories and a unique development that reflects the character of the company they're a part of.

What's included?

  • 80+ New Workers (with unique move sets, relationships, etc)
  • 10+ New Championship Titles & Accomplishments for women (with companies, title histories & graphics)
  • Revised history for some of the C-Verse's most under-celebrated female wrestlers
  • Both Hyper-Realistic Transparent GIF & DAZ-3D Renders
  • 1 New Training Facility + Added existing Graduates
  • Revised Power 500 100 for 2021 + 'On This Day' events for total immersion
  • Starting Storylines to get the action rolling
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to seamlessly merge WWU into your existing database (see below)...

!!!!!!!!!!!!!2 WAYS TO DOWNLOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WWU + Full Default Data - This is all of the WWU data merged into the default C-Verse. It's ready to play as soon as you put the database into your game.


or, if you prefer to merge this into your own database



!!!!!Merging this mod into your existing database is different than most!!!! - For a smooth merge, please follow the instructions closely, even if you've done this 100 times before!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In order to merge the data fully into a database, you'll need to do a few things to prepare your database for the new data, specifically as Job History and Contracts don't merge easily:

  1. Make a copy of the database file which you want to merge into. Put this file somewhere safe, just in case. Then open the editor for the target database.
  2. In the Editor: Workers -> delete the entire Job History for: Candy Floss, Christina Charlston, Christy Higgins, Coco Malloy, Fuyuko Higa, HEART Saitoh, Izzy Quick, Pamela Rojo, Steffi Chee, Steph Blake, Tracy Brendon, Unstoppable Tai. (Don't worry, we will add this back in later)
  3. In the Editor: Contracts -> delete the Contracts for: Coco Malloy, Fuyuko Higa, HEART Saitoh, Izzy Quick, Unstoppable Tai (spoiler, they got new ones!)
  4. In the Editor: Companies -> Product -> Gender Settings -> "Men With Tiny Women's Division" - Change this for companies APW, BHOTWG, EILL, IPW, PSW, VWA
  5. In the Editor: Companies -> Product -> Gender Settings -> "Men With Small Women's Division" - Change this for companies 21CW, MAW, NYCW, RAW, RIPW, SWF, TCW
  6. In the Editor: Training Facilities -> Graduates -> "Mostly Men" - Change this for the National School of Wrestling, Supreme Wrestling University, and TCW School of Pro Wrestling
  7. In the Editor: Workers -> Tracy Brendon -> Game Status: Active -> In Ring Status: Active Wrestler -> Role:  ✓ Wrestler

Now, we are ready to download. However, merging this data will take an extra file. In order to import contracts and accurate job histories, you must use an External Data Set (a new feature for TEW IX). If you haven't done this before--it's very, very easy--takes less than a minute. Follow these instructions.

  1. Download the External Data Set Here. The file is called WWUEXTDATA.mdb
  2. Open the database folder. The database folder can be found from the main TEW9 folder on your computer: TEW9 -> Databases -> NAME OF YOUR DATABASE
  3. Place the file WWUEXTDATA.mdb in this folder
  4. That's it. Now, open the game back up to import


-Women's Wrestling Unleashed: Database
-Women's Wrestling Unleashed: GIF Picture Pack
-Women's Wrestling Unleashed: DAZ3D Picture Pack

Import the data in the following order. Anything which is already in your database (Aaron Andrews, for example) will not be imported, so just ignore the comments in the import report.


1. Moves
2. Move Sets
3. Workers
4. Worker Relationship
5. Chemistry
6. Tag Teams
7. Stables
8. Training Facilities
9. Graduates
10. Titles
11. Title Lineages *note* - these should import with titles. No need to import them twice if they do*
12. Company Relationships
13. Injury Histories
14. Starting Injuries
15. On This Day
16. Starting Storylines

Now that you've imported, it's time to use the External Data Set. It's so easy, I promise.

  1. Open the editor for your database. Select Contracts
  2. On the left side of the screen, push the External Editing button
  3. On the next screen, there are three text boxes. The headline of the middle box is Import Contracts From Data Set
  4. Find the drop down selection box under the middle text box. Select WWUEXTDATA.mdb from the list
  5. Push the Import button -- The contracts are in!!!

Now, we have to do the same thing for the worker's job histories.

  1. Open the editor. Select Workers
  2. On the left side of the  screen, push the External Editing button
  3. On the next screen, there are three text boxes. The headline of the middle box is Import Workers & Employment Histories From Data Set
  4. Find the drop down selection box under the middle text box. Select WWUDATA.mdb from the list
  5. Push the Import button -- The job histories are in!!!


The Women's Wrestling Unleashed data has an updated POWER 500 to reflect the game's new women's divisions. This step is not required, it is optional and only serves to add to the full, immersive experience this mod intends to provide (which is why it's the last step). To import the Power 500:
1. Open the editor for your database
2. Select Power 500
3. Delete all entries for the 2021 Power 500
4. Import all Power 500 files from the WWU database
The order of the Power 500 was not changed. The only changes made were adding workers from the mod, effectively pushing out the bottom 5 or 6 workers from the default Power 500

One final step for the total experience:
-Adjust the popularity for a few workers. Information via PDF can be found here.


The database merged entirely into the C-Verse TEW IX default data will be immediately playable, and I'll post the link soon. I'm tired.


Okay, now really, that's it! I hope it wasn't too much. I've gone through and tested everything a hundred times, but I'm sure there are still some little mistakes. I installed everything into a testing database via the instructions and all together it took me about 15-20 minutes. But I think the experience is worth it. As long as !the company/worker names in your database haven't drastically changed from the default, then everything should go fine. I love hearing any comments, what you love, what you hate, and I'll do my best to answer any questions ASAP. Have fun!



Edited by boxofwhispers
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Posted (edited)

C-Verse renders /// January 2021 - 31 July 2024

Air Attack Siren / Aki Kamio / Alpha Female / Alicia Strong / Amber Allen / Amelia Fairchild

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Amy St. James / Angel Takudome / Antonia Andres / Ariel Breaks / Asami Okubo / Ashley Grover

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Ava Anderson / Becca Barton / Black Diamond / Blair Kerrigan / Brooke Tyler / Candy Floss

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Carol Singer / Cassie O'Peter / Catalina Vazquez / Catherine Quine / Celeste Moon / Charity Sweet

image.jpeg.8a266f0b256adfc069ab05b7bfb7cfee.jpeg image.jpeg.121d6b0f82d269bd0c6e5f99b38174cd.jpeg image.jpeg.0abe66810a56b09a12c30b7de7b630fa.jpeg image.jpeg.50bad3ae1fc2a23da9898fd4f0e008e5.jpeg image.jpeg.c0861e06f409f51f5436cd5931aecb44.jpeg image.jpeg.d41612663b11177e52a22952825eb999.jpeg 

Cherry Bomb / Chitose Ariwara / Chiyeko Kita / Christina Charlston / Christy Higgins / Claire Winters

image.jpeg.edf997afbac44cdea22063f52d50ec66.jpeg image.jpeg.0a3bec621cc54257a82b07f80e2cc7b3.jpeg image.jpeg.5576b3cd75ab3e0aad8864e87e30bf9d.jpeg image.jpeg.ea77b3f8838eaf945825274386d53775.jpeg image.jpeg.599f53d2fc19c5d9a36d7ba4a41d51f6.jpeg image.jpeg.f52e1f7ca230f6ca05fffdf89ee31e39.jpeg 

Coco Malloy / Concepción Gomez / Connie Morris / Danielle Sweetheart / Darkness Cat / Debbie Rose

image.jpeg.c985c3300cac92b35d90080991d049d5.jpeg image.jpeg.a0dc38c16b171ea9dd730a70b463602b.jpeg image.jpeg.a7528879490d98ff67c9b073daef30c9.jpeg image.jpeg.853ad4f94c14116a3c0e9298de9ca2f1.jpeg image.jpeg.ec0ea0e7bd8f95f1074d40861d6be8d4.jpeg image.jpeg.346059044140f5232421b6a67a9895b6.jpeg 

Deborah Young / Demelza Wade / Devil's Daughter / DupliKate / Electric Dreamer / Ellie de Grazia

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Ellie May Walton / Elsa Calvo / Emiko Miyoshi / Emma May / Eri Sato / Erin Grey 

image.jpeg.92d1602489f2b30088a3701b171e5b10.jpeg image.jpeg.8b5c5d61d69496e360541e8a2b71fdfb.jpeg image.jpeg.c437bfa0c7bb48f5fb6eb57c3bca28e9.jpeg image.jpeg.30cad5abee4ac781562961f5e784c26b.jpeg image.jpeg.f987397ecef97043cf52b24d3beaad8c.jpeg image.jpeg.5ce010e2309b27439ef1f0bbb11426d1.jpeg 

Erin Lawrence / Estrella Blanca / Etsuko Arihyoshi / Eva Berlin / Faith McGee / Farrah Hesketh

image.jpeg.fcc99491bdb26bc1b3da63d405349527.jpeg image.jpeg.26241939b3234b0cc736c6eb003856bf.jpeg image.jpeg.adb70958eba5b143ea40c4600fdc8688.jpeg image.jpeg.24fbcabc9cd55f526203ba8b9d6924b9.jpeg image.jpeg.2e63aef74fdd6e68672cef0eec18b290.jpeg image.jpeg.f8cc9a86b5b6fe2046f564df584fd82c.jpeg 

Foxxy LaRue / Fuyuko Higa / Gemmei Oonishi / Glorious Gloria / Golden Delicious / Gorgon

image.jpeg.ae599a4e3c4e735ccfe6c12d05ac9521.jpeg image.jpeg.6475456b94383ab262b9fb3c343a50bd.jpeg image.jpeg.6bcf1253572bdf2f091753fc66750422.jpeg image.jpeg.63876c3ec33fcb443ce194da832ca8f0.jpeg image.jpeg.73f4c1e3f9ffbf6acc42272cf1742629.jpeg image.jpeg.bbb7e6bbe64b208e41a8d3e9a5df419e.jpeg 

Hana Ajibana / HEART Saitoh / Hellcat Hernandez / Holly Leves / Honey Badger / Hoshiko Tagawa

image.jpeg.1ed9aaab751670e2654234a0567b38e1.jpeg image.jpeg.3b703f991f14a7df6db2db46fbeaf5ba.jpeg image.jpeg.d2ce500aab5d85b2cb7ed82510c64bfc.jpeg image.jpeg.e4fae0428bce0fa1da9eefb6f4ed8a38.jpeg image.jpeg.297b751037e74f28151160b3b4826e16.jpeg image.jpeg.727ab865363a88e7a33d2d317b47183e.jpeg 

Houston Handley / Izzy Quick / Jaguar Queen / Jaime Quine / Jana Marie Bowen / Jana Marie Bowen (Hellcat alt)

image.jpeg.f673a9ddcf670471cd7d8ba366b54787.jpeg image.jpeg.ba28ef3e07e4758ef4ef01aaba54d0d5.jpeg image.jpeg.477812f89a632102607be8794d9886a0.jpeg image.jpeg.cc4421f97db3147bbfdf76047d43e8de.jpeg image.jpeg.0be8a69211c7e92bef5ea4dfa08ec0e3.jpeg image.jpeg.6a086a439e32f9eee0fa68b35cb5d89d.jpeg 

Jeri Behr / Jessica Conroy / Jillian Jarvis / Joanna Silver / Joanne Rodriguez / Joy Ryder

image.jpeg.ea57b7aa9481f0b688474039fc5d7038.jpeg image.jpeg.fd5867ec98b570d9003dea1f63928f96.jpeg image.jpeg.00293b75bb86a3958d4f41950de2553b.jpeg image.jpeg.ae3da11a9d732acda7d4f9f3efa17e3f.jpeg image.jpeg.49c7a84cf24068791ed757d9fe2dded7.jpeg image.jpeg.f16cb6e5a94357e85465dd84f7156a0b.jpeg 

Juana Hurricane / Juliet Balconi / Juliette King / Kaede Sugiyama / Kalliope Woodchuck / Kaori Mochizuki

image.jpeg.ec65c954c42a9e2b541795bbb1fc43b9.jpeg image.jpeg.10348acbbdcb9063cbe3b5affecd2c9c.jpeg image.jpeg.05f82170b55af18ce8de4c77d8dae6d7.jpeg image.jpeg.26b924a692a2743eebe07dfb582be457.jpeg image.jpeg.d35fb8be429745b39c07380800e10d77.jpeg image.jpeg.547c71c460a66de5c2d3d19fa34eb09d.jpeg 

Kaori Takenouchi / Karen Bilous / Kate Mishler/Avatar / Kate Lilly / Katherine Goodlooks / Katya Kornishkova

image.jpeg.6234247db8a0c05005d2ddcb18e21686.jpeg image.jpeg.3e3284030103b3026cd80f9ed0929c12.jpeg image.jpeg.a19da6228a206ccf9366a3818f0d2ba5.jpeg image.jpeg.6e387a33c20ba44f0d565e65c4f562cc.jpeg image.jpeg.6dc93f534cf44672711e1b6c6aca9196.jpeg image.jpeg.7bee4e022cc75dcfe5064beeb15e5cb4.jpeg 

Kichi Mochizuki / Killer Kass / Kaede Sugiyama / Kira Lee / Kitty Katz / Kristabel Plum

image.jpeg.48a6361d6f8df558dd12c7a4729679cf.jpeg image.jpeg.c9810a485057223dde3843fe591f4e17.jpeg image.jpeg.b0a2a58bd7d7447c6228048524e5cdb4.jpeg image.jpeg.2bc1967e73fc78fedae1e33ff81e9ad9.jpeg image.jpeg.32b605d655ec5d46f60035311319340d.jpeg image.jpeg.26b4e0aee56419e7ff87d809029e50c8.jpeg 

Kuniko Matsura / La Hija Del Diablo / Lady Liberty / Lady Lotus / Laura Flame / Laurel Wreath

image.jpeg.70564950c2b160118468479d8c18b6c2.jpeg image.jpeg.6fc5bcc02959cc4112df14cea316f632.jpeg image.jpeg.1d54a1e46eeea80b678ad46dc0a28b1e.jpeg image.jpeg.c99226937292ded8eb83fd5974f41edc.jpeg image.jpeg.1fd0e39fbff9176147c0fa1a6fb1185a.jpeg image.jpeg.10d086999d89a046d725b1341b17c545.jpeg 

Lauren Easter / Lily Snyder / Luchadora Original / Lucinda Lush / Lucy Stone-McFly / Machiko Matsuda

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Maisie Laurels / Maki Yoshifuma / Maria Guest / Maribel Mercado / Marie Punnen / Mary Beth Chase

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MAYA / Megumi Nakajima / Mellow Flashhart / Melody / Millie The Minx / Mio Takasu

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Miss American Pie / Miss Mexico / Missy Masterson / Miwako Katsukawa / Monster Ishimura / Mystery Pink

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Nadia Snow / Natalie DiMarco / Nikki Power / Nina Cacace / Ochiyo Iijima / Olivia Diamond

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Otsune Tsumura / Paige Croft / Pamela Rojo / Pariah / Pinky Perez / Poison Ivy

image.jpeg.0b37d99e4e110a7c86cb377fb69cc61c.jpeg image.jpeg.7faebff8c93f9ac482e1fbd7562e53ec.jpeg image.jpeg.e31db3112f591530e392ea1cf5bf7d97.jpeg image.jpeg.f3da0af21db063d2d261b14600818ea1.jpeg image.jpeg.8353ece85b930dfcee22ab0fa05ec4cc.jpeg image.jpeg.c3be8f82edec89339db618e6d3e6760d.jpeg 

Purple Viper / Queen Amazon / Raquel Alvarado / Raven Robinson / Rei Chikanatsu / Rekha

image.jpeg.713d90dcb6a993a783c8f2430b7654c5.jpeg image.jpeg.21ab74f7d8343f8cbdb61e2492e4c20d.jpeg image.jpeg.895efbc338d7a1df40c0a8626515fd2f.jpeg image.jpeg.359a121df81ee15d9ba55a1cf6e83cf2.jpeg image.jpeg.095e90a10968d6c013b2cd5465e522ed.jpeg image.jpeg.797c843052efdd14abbdd167dccef264.jpeg 

Rika Tsujimura / Rina Kasahara / Romi Yamato / Ruby Reece / Sabrina Wells / Sae Akutagawa

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Sally Anne Christianson / Sandra Shine / Sara Marie / Sarah Taylor / Selina Svelte / Serena Star

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Serena Ventura / Shiori Jippensha / Simony Sentinel / Skye Hermosa / Sonnaz Shah / Speedy Marie

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Spider Isako / Steffi Chee / Steph Blake / Suzanne Brazzle / Sweet Dani Adams / Talia Quintal

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Tamara McFly / Teresa Perez / Thea Davis / Tiffany Jade / Toku Kijmuta / Tomoko Nagatsuka

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Toni Parissi / Tracy Brendon / Tsuki Kawamata / Unstoppable Tai / Ursula Saez / Velvet Suarez

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Victoria Stone-McFly / Viper McKenna / Vita / Wendy Anderson / Yayoi Kurmochi / Yoko Ikina

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Yu Hashimoto / Yukiko Matsumara / Yuma Maruya / Zoe Ammis / Zofia Jankovic

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2 hours ago, Markw said:

Yours are always some of my favourite renders so this should be great, don't play the Cornellverse too much these days for a myriad of reasons but will definitely check this out.

Thanks! I'm still deciding how I'll go about it / what I'll release, but I want to do it soon!

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13 hours ago, boxofwhispers said:

Thanks! I'm still deciding how I'll go about it / what I'll release, but I want to do it soon!

If you're adding promotions/workers into promotions it might be worth waiting for a few post-release patches to do tests. Things like finances might get reworked as they sometimes do, so you might test your promotions, see they work, release, then things change. 

If you're adding women's division to promotions one piece of advice from working on my mod is to do test runs and see just how many shows people are working. It can be very hard to find the right balance - I have found that even promotions with "small" rosters working the default show lengths for smaller companies often have workers who just never appear on shows. If you are adding a women's division to a default company there is a chance you will find some workers end up never working for that company

Maybe you'd already thought of that, but it has been one of the bigger challenges when making the alt mod. Although, that said, that was on TEW20 where sometimes these guys would not work for name promotions and there was a lack of indy shows, it's not as big of a deal if independent shows have been increased

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All right. I've been going back and forth since release day if I'd actually do this. Likely against my better judgment, I've decided to do it. This is just a preview, there isn't anything to download yet, but I've got a lot of time in the next few weeks, and I hope to finish it even sooner.

First, time to pay some credit to willr0ck and lavelleuk. I've used a couple of the characters from their mods, as they were so good they've been detrimental to my personal database, where these mods are derived from.

And thank you to the Thunderverse for inspiration, specifically for the SWF Search for a Bombshell competition. In my database, I've incorporated some of the fantastic workers from this database and they've as well become integral to my personal C-Verse experience. However in this mod, I've changed names and many elements of their characters, but I'm paying tribute to their likeness, and want to thank the whole T-Verse team for the inspiration.

With that said, I present Chapters 1, 2, and 3 of Boxofwhispers's Women's Wrestling Unleashed Mods.


BOW's Women's Wrestling Unleashed Mods - Chapter 1




Launched in March 2017, the SWF Search for a Bombshell set the groundwork for the company's women's division. The reality-style show featured eight dynamic competitors from diverse backgrounds, including models, actresses, and dancers. Despite their limited wrestling experience, these women brought the drama to twelve 60-minute episodes which aired weekly before Supreme TV.

Critics from traditional wrestling circles may have been skeptical, and even critical, but SFAB is generally hailed as a success overall. The series delivered comedy, dramatic moments,, heartfelt moments, and even some wrestling which captivated SWF audiences. In a grand finale, all eight competitors secured SWF contracts, with the winner taking home the grand prize of $100,000 and becoming the inaugural SWF Bombshell Championship.

Responding to a large amount of negative fan feedback, SWF rebranded the Bombshell Championship to the Women's Championship in 2019, shifting the focus from drama and gimmick matches to a more typical SWF entertainment + wrestling approach. As of 2022, most of the original Bombshells are surprisingly still with the company, and have even evolved into formidable wrestlers. They've been joined in the women's division by beloved veterans, graduates from SWF University, and some of the top women from the US independent wrestling circuit.

Experience the evolution of women's wrestling in SWF – where talent, drama, and athleticism have converged to begin a budding legacy. 


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BOW's Women's Wrestling Unleashed Mods - Chapter 2



While SWF launched their women's division with a reality TV twist, TCW took a more traditional and competitive route. Leading up to 2018’s Summer Showdown, TCW announced an eight-woman tournament to crown the company's first Women’s Champion. Featuring seasoned competitors from the independent circuit, the tournament was celebrated for finally recognizing the talents of veteran female wrestlers who had long been overlooked on the national stage.

Nearly four years later, TCW’s women’s division has become a fan favorite and a cornerstone of TCW programming. Building on the legacy of its veteran founders, the division now boasts a dynamic roster of veterans, the best talent from the independent circuit, and graduates from the TCW School of Pro Wrestling. Women’s wrestling is thriving in TCW, showcasing the strength and excitement of this growing division.


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BOW's Women's Wrestling Unleashed Mods - Chapter 3



With women’s wrestling thriving globally and within their parent promotions, both RIPW and MAW launched their own exciting women's divisions in 2019. These rosters feature the brightest young talents from the independent scene and promising trainees from SWF University and the TCW School of Pro Wrestling. These rising stars are poised to shape the future of women's wrestling in the USA.


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In a nutshell....

-Over 30 new female wrestlers

-Updated biographies and 'alternate histories' for multiple existing workers who've joined these companies

-Multiple new relationships to really make this mod a part of the C-Verse

-Female graduates from SWF University and the TCW School of Pro Wrestling dating back to 2019

-4+ women's championships/accomplishments + title histories

-1 all-female wrestling school


Any comments feedback about the mod are always appreciated. Looking forward to it!



On 8/1/2024 at 3:00 AM, lavelleuk said:

If you're adding promotions/workers into promotions it might be worth waiting for a few post-release patches to do tests. Things like finances might get reworked as they sometimes do, so you might test your promotions, see they work, release, then things change.......

It's been testing OK thus far, but thank you for the heads up. I'd become really good at modding 2020, but I hadn't given a ton of consideration that this one could be way different. I'm sure I'll run into some issues as things go. I know you're an expert in this area, so I might hit you up. 

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  • boxofwhispers changed the title to Boxofwhispers's Women's Wrestling Unleashed - Mods and Renders TEWIX

Really likes the origins you gave SWF and TCW getting their women's division, feels very much in line with how their ran. 

Excited for this, good luck Box!

All of these upcoming mods are really going to help the default data become super fleshed out, it's exciting.

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Posted (edited)

Hi everyone. Thanks for all of the feedback and kind thoughts. I'm incredibly excited to be working on this mod.

With that, I was just wondering if anyone who's interested in playing could give me a little feedback on their thoughts and expectations:

-Thoughts on editing the C-Verse default data?  First, it is happening, but I've kept it at a pretty small amount. I've taken a couple of people who weren't doing much in 5SSW and QAW and moved them around, but just a few instances. Also bringing a person or two out of retirement, but I'm building most of the rosters from new / unemployed existing workers. But I do have some other ideas if the fandom wouldn't hate it...(specifically a Big women's company in the US--here though, I'd like to poach some workers from QAW/CWA/ maybe even USPW for that.)

-Alternate histories? I've considered going back and adding an SWF Women's Championship, for example, that ran through the 90s and then was retired years ago, just to give women's wrestling more history and depth in the C-Verse. This would add a few more (likely retired) workers too. 

-Any companies which you think definitely should / should not have a women's division (worldwide)

-last thing--How would you be incorporating the data into your game? I'm planning to release a version of the default data that only has the changes for this mod, which would be playable right from the start--however, I know some people (at least myself) would rather move the new data into your existing database. With this kind of editing though, it'd take some specific work that's more than just merging the databases, such as individually adding work history, changing some small details in companies, adding/deleting contracts, and copying in some new bios. I've been making notes of the changes, so maybe I could make instructions to do this?

-AI Renders? I like my Daz Studio renders and I have no plans to make any AI renders myself. However, if anybody wants to do this, it would be fantastic, and I'd be happy to send you pictures in advance so that you can start.

Thanks for reading. I would really appreciate anyone's feedback who may have thoughts about this. No hate, please.

And with that said...


WOMEN'S WRESTLING UNLEASHED 1.00 MOD RELEASE DATE: on or before Tuesday, 20 August Thursday 22 August (CET)

Edited by boxofwhispers
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  • boxofwhispers changed the title to (HYPE) Boxofwhispers's Women's Wrestling Unleashed - Mods and Renders TEWIX

I can't speak for everyone obviously but I likely would just prefer having a database with all your changes as just a separate database in general. 

I also see know issues making changes in CVerse history. Many have taken liberties with the past Canon to have their own vision so I say knock yourself out and make any you feel will enhance your mod!

As for promotions that won't have it, I guess the only ones I don't really see ever doing it are Burning Hammer and PGHW. I think they're the type of promotions really kind of set in their ways somewhat. Plus I don't know how much it'd hurt the Joshi scene if you had two bigger promotions being able to steal talent there in game. 

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On editing the default Cverse world I would say that's something I don't mind, but then I have played the cverse alt mods and those are heavily edited lol. Ultimately I would say do what you think will be fun for you to come back to yourself. I have a default mod state that I have imported Historian's mods into and would any new one here to as well as the Sheroes additions but I am also not adverse to more cverse companies having a division or a women's company having made it to big.

As far as I can tell the Japanese companies tend to not mix their genders within the companies, that isn't to say it wouldn't be fun to make one that is following the rest of the world, or having a sub company. NJPW Strong, for example, has a mixed fed in their US division because they realise that is what audiences in the US want to see.

On renders, I very much respect what people do with daz, personally I know that I don't have anywhere near the time sink available to get into it lol. On a personal level I am planning on doing ai images for my own personal saves, I like what I have been able to get through Bing Copilot with both realistic and manga styles (as much as the latter threatens to get me into trouble with bing because apparently people who draw manga are thirsty and the ai puts together images it then blocks from me). I had put down a thread to share them but while I did not feed the images into the ai to work from I felt that given I had described them based on the work people had put in it was a little sketchy ethically given I had no permissions.

Edited by Teasenitryn
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I think there is a compromise there to be had if it isn't too much work for boxofwhispers. If the one thing that they on the fence on is this big fed then it might be worth putting out two data sets.

One set would have the fed being in there with everything boxofwhispers would want it to be in terms of staff and its position in the US, big, medium, whichever works. If people load that in then they also always have the option to disable the fed at the start of the game.

One has the fed as not yet having opened in the database for anyone interested to run from day one, but maybe with a good chunk of reputation and money, think AEW here, where they will have to make up their opening roster with whoever is available (and between this and other mods there will be people available) while having to watch out for who they can poach off of other feds.

I do get the argument about there being a few big feds in North America already and the verse being top heavy and that is why I would recommend two data sets rather than just one with the fed and people can choose to take it out, but I think you also need to take into account why a lot of the earliest mods for this game are women's expansion orientated. As much as Adam deserves a lot of credit for carrying on with this franchise and for ever improving the game, and TEW9 is a huge improvement on 2020, a good chunk of people feel like the data as it starts leaves them without a lot of options. AAA closed in the 2020 iteration leaving only QAW and 5SSW (ok also look at CWA and USPW but that's still lacking a sizeable fed for people who don't want to book a male division), there aren't enough female wrestlers to phoenix AAA or do something like Blessed's dynasty where they are running a spiritual successor and it gets worse when you look at, even with AI images, the vast disparity between male free pictures and female free pictures, especially when it comes to masks.

Edited by Teasenitryn
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Really valid points from everyone, thank you.

Work is moving right along, but I've redefined the vision of this mod a bit. There are so many other great mods coming out constantly which add free workers and promotions to the database, and really that was never my intention. Therefore, I'm not going to add any new promotions for the initial release, nor an abundance of free workers. I'll just be adding women's divisions to existing companies. I think my final list is:

SWF, TCW, 21CW, RIPW, MAW, PSW, NYCW, IPW, VWA, RAW, APW, DSPW. I think that's it--but I am still on the fence about what to do in Mexico...

Each of these companies will have at least one championship for women. The new workers are intricately integrated into the database, maybe even a bit more so than the existing C-Verse workers (to make up for lost time 😉). So new relationships, tag teams, company histories, title histories, and so on. Most of the rosters are filled to requirement, but some have spots left open to create some organic hirings at the beginning of a new game.

From the default data, some workers have come out of retirement, changed companies, and had drastic popularity shifts. I have chosen not to edit any existing title histories, and I have only made really minuscule attribute changes to existing workers. (Spoiler, Suzanne Brazzle will likely become a road agent.) The divisions however, are at least 70% comprised of new workers, as there just aren't enough existing female workers without decimating QAW and 5SSW. 

My vision is that this mod will seamlessly merge with the default database in terms of building a thriving women's wrestling scene that has would have existed in the C-Verse for several years now. I'm going to post two versions--one merged into the default database which is immediately playable, and an import database, complete with instructions on how to merge the new data with yours (you'll have to change some bios, popularity, work history, make Suzanne Brazzle a future road agent, etc). This step might be a little unusual with mods, but I've been working it out and it shouldn't take more than 20 minutes. It's a big part of making this mod seamless. 

My biggest concern now is images. I will always be impartial to Daz renders, and will probably not personally make the switch to AI images. However, I'm seeing that so many people are. I started playing with MidJourney, but I'm not getting what I want yet. Making this mod as seamless as possible, I feel like I'm going to need some of these hyper-realistic AI renders which fit in with the default pack. So, anybody reading--can you give me any tips on prompts for MidJourney or free pictures? If anybody reading is an AI Render Master, and has the wild notion to make some images for the mod, I am more than happy to talk. 

I've finished SWF and TCW. These have taken by far the most time, many of the others will come along much faster. Looking forward to release next week!


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10 hours ago, boxofwhispers said:

My biggest concern now is images. I will always be impartial to Daz renders, and will probably not personally make the switch to AI images. However, I'm seeing that so many people are. I started playing with MidJourney, but I'm not getting what I want yet. Making this mod as seamless as possible, I feel like I'm going to need some of these hyper-realistic AI renders which fit in with the default pack. So, anybody reading--can you give me any tips on prompts for MidJourney or free pictures? If anybody reading is an AI Render Master, and has the wild notion to make some images for the mod, I am more than happy to talk. 

I started playing with Bing's image creator (copilot as I originally put down is an allpurpose AI, if you go with bing.com/images/create you don't have to ask specifically for an image), the way I started was by describing renders and finding out what worked for me. For example one of your SWF Bombshells

Female causcasion wrestler with dusky skin.  Shoulder length black hair with a fringe. Black eyeshadow and black lipstick. Black halter top. Dark background

My prompt for that was Female caucasian wrestler with dusky skin. Black shoulder length hair with a fringe. Black eyeshadow and lipstick. Black halter top. Dark background.

Female causcasion wrestler with dusky skin. Mid twenties.  Shoulder length black hair with a fringe. Black eyeshadow and black lipstick. Black ring gear. Dark background

This one I added mid twenties and I changed halter top to ring gear.

Female causcasion wrestler with dusky skin. Mid twenties.  Shoulder length black hair with a fringe. Black eyeshadow and black lipstick. Black ring gear. Dark background. Manga style. Image 2 of 2

Just for the luls and because I like the style, for this one I put manga style at the end of the second prompt.

Once you have described a few images using a visual prompt to guide you it becomes easier to make your own because you have been adding to your toolbox so to speak and I do have some I am pretty proud of just for having added my own take on it. (Left to right, Bizarro, Silent Mime, Angel of Death, Madison Murk, Mystic Mae, and Wendy Anderson, I had chatgpt give me a promo for Wendy and it described her in a leather jacket just once and now I can't see her without one lol). As you can see from Madison and Mae, you can also add accessories and expressions (Madison's was prompted as melancholy) and hair styles (again Madison, I added medium length straight purple hair with a fringe as a descriptor).


Generally you need to let the AI have a few goes to get something, whether with the same prompt or making slight alterations. The only real problem for me, at least with Bing (don't know if Midjourney has this issue) is that trying to get females in wrestling gear often causes the AI to put together an image that it will then block me from citing unsafe content, those last two images that I did based on one of your renders both took me two or three tries to get an image at all (I seriously hope if someone gets a report my account is flagged for a lot of unsafe outcomes they at least read that I am not using prompts with unsafe words). I would be tempted to give Midjourney a look to see if I got better results if I were doing AI en masse, I only do AI for my rosters in my own games though so I can't justify it.

Edited by Teasenitryn
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Posted (edited)

In anticipation of release, here's a full preview for the rest of Women's Wrestling Unleashed


BOW's Women's Wrestling Unleashed Mods - Chapter 4




In 2019, 21CW made history by introducing women's wrestling to its lineup, culminating in the launch of the first-ever women's division in the British Isles. Breaking new ground in a region with a challenging past for women's wrestling, 21CW scoured Europe and the British Isles to discover and sign the brightest, untapped talent and paving the way for the next generation of female wrestling stars.

With a roster brimming with fresh, dynamic talent—many of whom are under seven years into their careers—21CW has ignited a revolution. The action is fast-paced, flashy, and raw, which is captivating audiences as rivalries heat up and new stars emerge. Just two years in, 21CW has revitalized women's wrestling in the British Isles, proving that the future of the sport is here, and it’s brighter than ever.


BOW's Women's Wrestling Unleashed Mods - Chapter 5



It all started with CZCW, followed by MAW, NYCW, and finally, in 2021, IPW completed the circle, making women’s wrestling a cornerstone of every COTT company. Thanks to the vision of Sam Keith, the idea for the COTT Women’s Championship was born, kicking off with an electrifying 16-woman tournament. The competition reached its climax at CZCW’s 2022 Battle on the Beach, where the first-ever COTT Women’s Champion was crowned.


BOW's Women's Wrestling Unleashed Mods - Chapter 6



Women’s wrestling in Oceania has long been under the radar, but with the global surge in women’s wrestling, a vibrant and distinctive scene is now emerging. In 2018, APW took the first step by introducing a small but dynamic women’s division, featuring seasoned veterans from the independent circuit alongside a few promising newcomers. Not to be outdone, RAW entered the scene in 2020, launching their own women’s division in true RAW style. They made bold moves, heavily recruiting top talent from APW’s roster, and blending real wrestlers with minor celebrities and athletes to create Oceania’s first nationally syndicated women’s division.

Despite the competition, APW remains focused on nurturing the next generation of stars, fully aware that RAW may continue to scout their talent. But this rivalry has only fueled the growth of women’s wrestling in Oceania, as both companies contribute to a flourishing and uniquely Oceania-driven wrestling scene.


BOW's Women's Wrestling Unleashed Mods - Chapter 7



The closure of OLLIE sent shockwaves through Mexico’s luchadora wrestling scene, reshaping the landscape overnight. CILL quickly capitalized, adding multiple stars from OLLIE’s roster to their ranks. At the 2021 Día Nacional de Lucha, Jorge Ibanez Jr. dropped a bombshell—EILL is launching its own luchadora division, marking a major leap in exposure for women’s wrestling in Mexico. Recruitment will begin in January 2022.

This bold move is set to shake up the industry once again, with several top luchadoras from CILL expected to jump ship. While this will undoubtedly spark intense drama between the companies, it also opens the door for emerging and unsigned luchadoras to make their mark. The stage is set for a new era in Mexican luchadora wrestling.


BOW's Women's Wrestling Unleashed Mods - Chapter 8



EWA has long been the unrivaled stronghold for women’s wrestling in Europe, but the landscape is rapidly evolving. While Europe has yet to host a major wrestling powerhouse, the popularity of women’s wrestling is surging across the continent. In 2021, VWA made their move by launching a small women’s division, focusing on talent not yet signed by 21CW or EWA. As Europe continues to cultivate its legacy, it’s clear that the continent is continuing its legacy in producing top-tier female wrestling talent.


BOW's Women's Wrestling Unleashed Mods - Chapter 9



In a groundbreaking move that defies Japanese wrestling traditions, 5SSW owner Sensational Ogiwara announced in May 2021 a surprising partnership with BHOTWG to bring Joshi wrestling to the company. Unfortunately, the deal fell through at the last minute, leaving a bad taste in the mouth of both companies and dampening their relationship. To make it worse, multiple big names from the 5SSW roster jumped ship to BHOTWG, leaving 5SSW in a bit of a predicament, forcing them to rely on bringing in foreign talent to fill the holes. On the other hand, the BHOTWG women's division is off to a bang, and though still small, for the first time, Joshi wrestling is receiving national exposure in Japan.


BOW's Women's Wrestling Unleashed Mods - Chapter 10



PSW, not usually known for following trends, did so by launching a women’s division in 2020, at the behest of Tara Rizzo—the self-proclaimed “Crazy Godmother" of hardcore wrestling. The division features a unique, tough, hardcore lineup of wrestlers, most of whom are Rizzo’s opponents and allies from her 15-year journey across North America, where she carved a weapon-filled path in the wrestling world.

With PSW’s rising momentum and a talk of TV show in the near future, many of these women have now relocated to Pittsburgh. However, close quarters have sparked personal and professional tensions, adding even more intensity to the mix. Despite the drama, this marks the thrilling launch of the country’s first-ever women’s hardcore division—a memorable time in wrestling history.


Edited by boxofwhispers
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So, I'm on the downhill, but I unfortunately need another day or two to finish everything and do some checking. Really want this to be released in a completely finished state. 

With so many people dying in anticipation (ha..ha), here are a couple of teasers....


Chloe Fox


Chloe Fox was a university-level soccer player when she was selected for SWF’s "Search for a Bombshell." As the best athlete in the cast, she was controversially eliminated third after breaking Suzanne Brazzle’s nose during striking drills. However, instead of letting this setback deter her, she used it as motivation. She has worked tirelessly since joining the main roster, steadily improving and becoming a consistent presence despite occasionally being overlooked.
In 2020, Chloe was joined by her twin sister Bella on the roster. Through continued hard work and growing reliability, she eventually rose to the top of the women’s division, achieving a major upset by defeating Layla Jinx for the title in 2021, cementing her as only the second wrestler from "Search for a Bombshell" to win the revamped SWF Women’s Championship.

Paloma Banderas


Paloma "La Mesa" Banderas is a veteran Puerto Rican wrestler known for her solid brawling skills and a hardcore edge, making her a standout in the TCW women's division. Debuting in 2008, she gained a reputation as one of the few women in the U.S. to consistently work hardcore matches, though she had to travel all over North America to do so. Her affinity for tables, often finishing opponents with a vicious powerbomb through one (or two), earned her the nickname "La Mesa."
Banderas is respected backstage for her professionalism and easygoing nature. A former TCW Women’s Champion, her reign was marked by frequent defenses to help establish younger talent. However, she has been outspoken about her disdain for backstage politics, which has put her at odds with several colleagues, most notably the current TCW Women’s Champion, Devon Dvorak.

Nikol Markova


Nikol Markova is a Moldovan wrestler known for her intense in-ring presence and psychological tactics, which she skillfully uses against her opponents. She began her career in 2014, working across Europe before signing with 21CW in 2019. Renowned for her grit and intensity, her style is defined by high-impact power moves, strikes, and submissions, allowing her to transition seamlessly between different wrestling techniques.
Character-wise, Nikol is a master of mine games, adding an element of unpredictability to her matches that makes her an intimidating heel. Backstage, her drive and ambition have led to conflicts, most notably with Inga Eriksson, with whom she shares a longstanding personal rivalry. Despite the tension, her talent and determination have propelled her to the top of the division, culminating in her winning the championship in December 2021.

Sienna Viper


Sienna Viper is an Australian wrestler known for her charisma, physicality and commanding presence, both in and out of the ring. With a muscular physique and a swaggering confidence, she is often portrayed—and truly is—an unstoppable force. Appropriately dubbed "The Super Force," she backs up her strong appearance with a powerful arsenal of moves, effortlessly lifting and throwing opponents with remarkable ease.
Sienna spent many years working on the independent scene under her real name (Cindy Jones) before a complete character overhaul in APW led to big success and RAW quickly signing her. Since joining RAW, Sienna has continued her meteoric rise and has become the most popular woman on the roster by far. She's held the RAW Women's Championship for most of its existance, with few challengers able to pose a serious threat to unthroning her.


Give me a day or two. Also, I haven't kept up. What's the preferred picture format for most people? Transparent Gif? 

Check back Thursday!

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Are you intending to release purely with an AI pack now or with DAZ renders as well? Your renders have always been amazing, and I suspect there's plenty of people who'd be queueing up to provide AI content for any new mod, would hate to lose you to the dark side 😅

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5 minutes ago, Markw said:

Are you intending to release purely with an AI pack now or with a DAZ renders as well? You renders have always been amazing, and I suspect there's plenty of people who'd be queueing up to provide AI content for any new mod, would hate to lose you to the dark side 😅

Thank you! I'll be releasing most of the DAZ renders too, I think I have (or almost have) one for every new character, but I also have an AI image for all of them too. As a render-er, I dipped my toes into the waters of making MidJourney renders and fell in head first, then ended up making an AI render for all of the new characters. TBH, I thought it was really fun, it's like easy rendering. The characters though, will match up better with the AI renders than the DAZ ones.


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