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The Ollie/Cverse Situation

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3 hours ago, Stennick said:

 I also like how we get "retconned" workers. Guys that have been around since the early 00's but we just learn of them in say 2016 it makes it fun.

Keyword- "GUYS". I haven't noticed too many female workers getting that treatment, aside from Tiffany Jade no longer being able to speak Japanese.

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1 hour ago, Matt_Black said:

Keyword- "GUYS". I haven't noticed too many female workers getting that treatment, aside from Tiffany Jade no longer being able to speak Japanese.

I haven't really thought about it. I still remember the big influx of women from 2010 or 13. I haven't paid much attention I thought Jade, I thought Luchadora Original. I really love where the women's scene has gone from say 2008 to now. 

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100% i agree with this. I generally want the gameworld to stay consistent, at least with the main historical organizations. I absolutely hatted it when 2 Canadian orgs merged / died and we lost GCG. I am fine with lesser orgs come and go and some of the orgs go up or down, but losing key orgs, kills the vibe surrounding the C-Verse. If lets say we remove all the top orgs, this will simply be another random universe, but because some of us (who have been playing for years, in my case since the first version of TEW and even back to the EWR era), losing an org like OLLIE basically makes the whole Mexican scene just another random generated area. The reason i love the C-Verse is that i am invested into the characters and companies, belts, heritages etc. Losing OLLIE has the same feeling like losing a main actor in a film.

If you think about it, in the last versions of the game, we have (for some unusual reason), been on a mission to kill every single area in the game. Mexico was an interesting scene with good balance, you had an upstart (SOTBPW), the Historical and key rival orgs. We killed the historical orgs and rebranded the upstart. Then Japan we had Inspire as the antagonist, Pride / BHOTWG / GCG as the big gods and a good indy scene. We killed 2 of the big orgs and decimated the other 2 orgs to the extent that they are reboots (not to mention we destroyed the awesome 5SSW and AAA!). Canada is basically a one org area now, basically it is dead. Nothing happened with Europe or India. I guess the only area in the game that has developed well is Australia and the USA is still awesome. 

One of the reasons i love the Alternate 2022 universe in 2020 is because it fleshed out the universe the way it should have, it kept the main players and took them into a new direction. The only downside of this, is the fact that the TEW universe really struggles with very big universes. But i do not see an issue with this, simply limit the new orgs or get rid of less important content. 

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In fact, for this new game, i have basically deleted all the other game worlds other than the USA, simply to improve load times, the various zones are so irrelevant, that i do not see the point in them. I guess i could keep Japan, but at this point i decided to go all in with a big change.

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I'm aware this is an apparently unpopular opinion and I feel for anyone who enjoyed booking OLLIE, but personally, I much prefer the Mexican CVerse scene as it is now without several companies that were were clearly named by an English speaker shattering any attempt of immersion into this part of the game world. SOTBPW was by far the worst offender, but MPWF and OLLIE were also company names that I have a hard time making sense of in a Spanish speaking country that has no apparent tradition of naming it's wrestling companies in English (like Europe and Japan, where most wrestling companies have always been named in English).

It's clearly impossible to make everyone happy with the changes (or lack thereof) to the Cverse, but with the armada of Cverse mods either already out in early versions or on the way, I'm sure there's gonna be a flavour to suit almost any taste.

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8 hours ago, Nachtfalter said:

I'm aware this is an apparently unpopular opinion and I feel for anyone who enjoyed booking OLLIE, but personally, I much prefer the Mexican CVerse scene as it is now without several companies that were were clearly named by an English speaker shattering any attempt of immersion into this part of the game world. SOTBPW was by far the worst offender, but MPWF and OLLIE were also company names that I have a hard time making sense of in a Spanish speaking country that has no apparent tradition of naming it's wrestling companies in English (like Europe and Japan, where most wrestling companies have always been named in English).

It's clearly impossible to make everyone happy with the changes (or lack thereof) to the Cverse, but with the armada of Cverse mods either already out in early versions or on the way, I'm sure there's gonna be a flavour to suit almost any taste.

If we are talking about tradition though where are the Exoticos, where are the Minis (yeah I know the mechanics are there but not the mass of alternates of big stars like the real world), where is the true uniqueness of the Mexican Lucha scene.   Honestly Cverse should have had a new fed that specialised in that edgier stuff and was maybe more like Lucha Underground in it's presentation.  Instead we have a contraction of that scene which will simply mean the best talent ends up in one place and the rest sort of just sits there stagnant.  At least with OLLIE there were two pathways for talent which meant that you couldn't be sure where good new talent ends up.

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