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PSW: Unfinished Business

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PSW Championship Logan Wolfsbaine(c) v Sayeed Ali

Cowboy Buck Winchester v Ernest Youngman

PSW National Championship Austin Smooth(c) v Devil Dog

PSW Tag Team Championships Blood Soldiers v Latino Kings

Acid II v Xavi Ferrera

Rich & Famous v Samoan Destruction Inc

Rudy Velasquez v Wicked Lester

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Posted (edited)

Preshow below, still plenty of time to hop on predictions




The pre-show begins at the HQ of Pinn Enterprises. We can’t afford a restaurant setting so it’s just Dumphrey sat at a table with a takeaway, looking every bit a mafia don with a napkin tucked into his top bottom. The Hot Taggs flank the big man, enviably eying up the feast in front of them. Devil Dog, once Pinn’s most trusted lieutenant, stands sheepishly in front of him.


Pinn: ‘What the hell was that mate? You had the match won! Look Dog, you’ve done some solid service for me in the past, and that’s why I’m giving you another chance. That little s*** Smooth thinks he’s god’s gift to wrestling, I’m counting on you to smash his face in and bring back that belt to Pinn Industries. Lose this one, and I’m going to have to consider your position in the company, feast or famine. Unlike me, with this succulent Chinese meal. Now get going and prepare, you two, wait here.’

Devil Dog looks dejected at being asked to leave, while the Hot Taggs are told to stay.

Pinn: ‘Now look boys, if that loser hadn’t done his weird pausing thing, you two would have had the match won. So, you two take care of business tonight, then you can get a proper assignment. I’ve having trouble with a couple of couriers and you two could be the lads to get that sorted. Just take care of that singing idiot tonight, okay? Oh, and prawn cracker?’



KalderTagg.jpg.9b9d1eb01443ac7f828ef7cd31f51f8e.jpgWolfieTagg.jpg.13168b8a7ec9489fdb8238df45ef7fd3.jpg vs DustinDeuce_alt77.jpg.10a0e4d92ec9db3adb8076efd45061c7.jpgChipMartin.jpg.236cc25a85fb6f4bd663960bd504a9da.jpg

Pinn’s words have clearly lit a fire under Taggs, who pounce on their smaller competitors

Deuce plays the part of the babyface in peril, finding himself on the end of some bone crunching double team moves

But Dustin isn’t young wrestler of the reason for nothing, reversing a double powerbomb into a rana/sliced bread combo… then tagging in Chip

Chip’s a house on fire, dropkicks, springboard back elbow to Wolfie. Chip’s sizing up Kalder for the superkick and…… nails Dustin instead knocking him out.

Wolfie runs back into the ring and Mafia Kick to Chip! Montana Slammer! The Taggs take the win

Winners – The Hot Taggs – Grade 39




‘I said yo, let’s go!

‘Look who it is, your mom’s first crush,

‘Who's done f*** all since Adrenaline Rush,

‘Man’s just mid, average, plain.

‘Mouth’s full of more s*** than the River Seine’



Antix.jpg.2007befd3ae8b930e1234900feadbb6b.jpg vs image.jpeg.4a0393b642d1a9078a4245779fc017b9.jpg.6f1097a4c5b9c8dff5431accd99aee3c.jpg.5d2e3f1af1690d88d09cd9a33e7614e9.jpg

These two competitors have both seen better days, and even in those better days they weren’t much to write home about

Combine this and the pair of them phoning it in, this wasn’t a pretty sight

Despite the match quality or lack of, the crowd get behind Antix wearing out a trash can and its lid on Powell back

But just as Antix moves into ascendancy, a bottle flies from out of the crowd, smashing him on the back of the head

Motion Censor! Powell wins another via crowd assist

Winner – Teddy Powell – Grade 30



The sound of matches being lit is heard three times, illuminating the faces of the Legion of Blood.


Wicked Lester: ‘Flesh. On the Highway to Hell, the flames call for more, and tonight we have an abundance. People often fear the unknown, and what they cannot understand. Trust me when I say your flesh is killing your spirit, and can only be cleansed by the flames. My legion has such sights to show you, and it only grows stronger.’ The sound of a fourth match being lit is heard.



Edited by jcarmjn
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‘Hello and welcome everyone to a new year at the Home of Hardcore.’


'I'm Mitch Naess, alongside the 'Iceman' Alex Braun.

'And Mitch I'm.. *a large fart noise is heard*

'Really? A whoopie cushion? Maybe I should put my wrestling gear on again because apparently we're back in the 90s. Hang on, there's a note attached to it as well.'





Naess and Braun are given time to digest the note while Cowboy Buck Winchester stomps his way to the ring.


Winchester: 'Hangman, get your raw hide out here.'


The enormous cowboy, who we now know goes by the name of Hangman, has the mic to lips just about to speak when...


Naess: 'What the hell, what's Ernest Youngman doing here?'

Naess' question is soon answered when the Hangman hands Ernest an envelope full of cash, and he makes his way to the ring.

Braun: 'Looks like the assassin is taking on new contracts, and we have one hell of a match to open the show.'




CowboyBuckWinchester.jpg.4b556e9a1d24a749243af3cd6153c825.jpg.8d0b61d38e85b58034302632418d8965.jpg vs ErnestYoungman.jpg.61f79f769da661e91a873cfb0e762177.jpg

A complete clash of styles kicks off the main event, with the straight-up brawling of the Cowboy facing off the against the technical excellence of Youngman

It's clear from the start that Winchester won't win in a straight up wrestling match, with Ernest focussing on his right arm to take away the lariat

But Buck's brawling and size advantage keep him in the game, lifting Ernest up out of an armbar and into a buckle bomb

Buck has a decent number of power moves at his disposal too, coming close to a three-count after an Alabama Slam and a Spinebuster

Yet Ernest has clearly had this contract for some time, and knows exactly when to strike....

With Buck trying to use the outside of the ring to his advantage, Youngman gets launched into the ring post

Sensing an opportunity to end the match, Buck then looks for a home run with his lariat... Only for Youngman to duck at the last minute

A sickening thud echoes throughout the arena as Buck lariats the ring post, immediately howling in pain before Ernest wraps his arm around another time

Living up to his moniker, Ernest then zeroes in on Buck's arm, locking in a Fujiwara armbar, which he transitions into the Rings of Saturn, and that's transitioned into a double-wrist clutch octopus hold

Without any arms free, Buck verbally submits

Winner - Ernest Youngman - Grade 72 (Ernest you are a God)




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We go very far from Ernest's technical brilliance in the second outing of the show

Zombie Boy and Deathwise use their fists, feet, nails and teeth to do as much damage to their opponents

While Jesus and Hector use street brawling, which their opponents seem to enjoy

Weapons come into the fray quickly, with a bottle smashed over the head of Deathwish, causing him to bleed profusely

But the Bone Soldiers get their own back, vaulting Galindo into a table with nails loosely hammered into it

And with Jesus on his own, he's quickly dropped with a headbutt from Deathwish and the COFFIN DROP from Zombie Boy



NO - the big man's still in it for his team, as Galindo springs back into the ring with a double DDT

Now we're treated to the classic scene of all competitors rising at the same time... and throwing punches!

Jesus seems to have got the better of Deathwish, with Zombie besting Galindo

The big man seems to have his opponent then ready for a powerbomb but Zombie sinks his teeth into Jesus' skull... Code Red

Deathwish is in position for his swandive headbutt but Galindo hurls a chair at him, knocking him off the top rope and through the announcers table

Zombie Boy then turns around into the STREET CUTTER!

Braun: 'Jesus just pulled out Rudy's finisher!'

Galindo's back up on the top rope.... SHOOTING STAR PRESS!




Winners and new PSW Tag Team Champions - The Latino Kings - Grade 41



Big Jesus and Hector celebrate regaining their tag team championships with the PSW faithful.

Naess: 'Who'd have thought it Alex? Nearly 20 years since I called their debuts in DAVE, the Latino Kings, champions again.'

Braun: 'I doubt Rudy's going to let them celebrate Mitch. Our tag division is like a shark tank. As we'll see in our next match.



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Arguably two of PSW's best ever teams meet in the centre of the ring

Unlike the last match, this one shuns weapons, with the Samoans preferring the use of their fists and heads, while Rich & Famous are banned by their leader

The teams' knowledge of each other leads to some cracking counters, with Jordan avoiding a pop-up samoan drop by spiking Umaga into the match with a DDT

Only Jordan forgot one key rule.... UMAGA'S SAMOAN

Completely no selling the move, Umaga pops up and launches an enormous crossbody, covering both Jordan and Idol

Usually more focussed on his reflection, Idol seems to be more motivated for this match, showing off his bulging biceps with a bodyslam on the enormous Umaga

Yet he's forgotten about Samoan Machine who locks him in the UNBREAKABLE SLEEPER

Idol's fading.... fading..... fading...... and Samoan Machine has dropped onto his knees

Naess: 'Hang on a minute, did Idol just cheat?!?'

With a scream of again from Venus Angeletti, Idol shrugs and KICKS MACHINE BETWEEN THE LEGS.

Braun: 'Well he definitely meant that one.'

Umaga charges in for revenge and gets the same treatment, CASH IN from Jordan




Winners - Rich & Famous - Grade 53

Naess: 'What the hell was that? I thought the Steel Circle was all about real wrestling and was better than hardcore?'

Braun: 'Maybe they had a change of heart. You have to use every tool at your disposal to beat two angry Samoans.'



A very angry Cerberus is walking through the backstage area, with Carl Batch desperately trying to keep up.


Carl Batch: 'All I'm saying is, we ain't on the main show for a second month in a row. Now, the Batchman, he's a main event playa, and I been rolling for you for five years now, and I know you are too. So why we targetting these bums.'

Cerberus: *growl*

Batch: 'I know I know but we could be going after other guys, guys that gon be getting us that cheddar, know what I'm sayin'?'

Cerberus: *louder growl*

Batch: 'Okay dog, you do you.'

Cerberus exits the scene after leaving an origami butterfly on a sports bag, under the hook of 'Vendetta'.



RudyVelasquez.jpg.ccfd671a287fa1872762163ccb0516c2.jpg vs WickedLester_alt.jpg.18ada32ac3031763a3697f3b34f866aa.jpg

The de facto leaders of the Legion of Blood and the Latino Kings meet in our next contest

Rudy Velasquez is arguably our most underrated wrestler, but at 37 time is running out for him

Whereas Lester occupies a push beyond his means in the ring, but at 23 has time on his side

Showing his wrestling superiority, Rudy takes Lester down then traps one of his arms, allowing him to unload with punches to Lester's head

But this only causes Lester to slither on to his front, then move onto his feet, laughing in Rudy's face

Lester continues to prove that he's impervious to pain, taking 12 unprotected chair shots to the head before falling down, and kicking out at one

Deciding he's had enough of the freak show, Rudy brings a table wrapped in barbed wire into the ring, eliciting cheers from the crowd

Powerbomb.... Lester's blocking it.. backdrop on to the table!!!!

Velasquez screams in pain while a wicked grin is seen moving across the face of Lester

Front face lock... DDT ONTO THE TABLE

Naess: 'Lester does as much damage to himself... This guy's sick!'

Still laughing, Lester manages to hang out an arm on Rudy 




Winner - Wicked Lester - Grade 50 (I underestimated you, Rudy)



Next we move backstage to see Ernest Youngman burst into the locker room of the Steel Circle, where Jake Idol is applying a facemask and Jackpot Jordan is watching horse racing.


Ernest Youngman: 'What do you guys think you're doing?!? We are the Steel Circle and we are better than everyone else in this company. We do not stoop to their level. Ever!

Idol and Jordan look at each other sheepishly while someone else moves in front of the camera.

'It's okay boys, I'll deal with this.'


Youngman: 'You? This was your idea.'

Venus Angeletti: 'Yeah hon. You'd know if you spoke to me in the last two months. It's like yoy just pretended I didn't exist. And when did you to decide to start taking contracts again.'

Youngman: 'I just couldn't refuse this one.'

Angeletti: 'No! Look if you're serious about beating Wolfsbaine and becoming champion again, then you have to focus on that, or he'll rip you apart again. You leave the rest of the Steel Circle to me. And while I'm around, the Steel Circle stands for winning matches and championships. Rich & Famous have a shot next month, let me know when you get yours.'

Naess: 'Trouble in paradise?'




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You can question his methods, but Pinn's talk with Devil Dog seems to have lit a fire under him here

Determined to better his boss, Dog throws everything at Smooth to try and put him away

Huge stalling vertical suplex! Military press slam! But Smooth keeps kicking out

Smooth's finger snap doesn't even have much of an effect, with Dog simply clicking it back into place and punching Austin in the face

With chair in hand, Dog looks like he's about to put Smooth away..... but then he drops it and sits on the mat

With Dog holding both sides of his head, Smooth quickly locks in a crucifix, pinning Dog's shoulders to the mat.




Winner and still PSW National Champion - Austin Smooth - Grade 58 (This boy's main-event ready)



With Austin celebrating in the ring and Dog having slowly walked to the back, the lights go out


Then the light of a single match illuminates the ring.



After Lester blows out the match, the lights come back on and he's nowhere to be seen.



AcidII_alt.jpg.9695b7d64703346bfb0ac8897ea0927c.jpg vs XaviFerrera.jpg.aa6a34576f1c4931367fb75cc2b65633.jpg

The booking committee wasn't 100% sure about whether to place this as the co-main event

But by the end of it, they were glad they did, as these two rising stars put on a real show

Technical wrestling, high-flying, brawling, hardcore, this show had it all

Splitting from Stuntman seems to have given Acid II a new lease on life, incorporating more of a Ninja style into his work

And Xavi Ferrera still seeks those thrills. He's the first to wow the crowd with a corkscrew plancha to Acid II on the outside of the ring

But Acid II is more than capable of keeping up, hitting a sling blade then a second rope 450!



Xavi won't be kept down that easily

With Acid on the top rope again, this time Xavi meets him, and hits a top-rope FERRERANA!



Acid with the late kick out

With the match moving to the closing stages, Acid's strikes are giving him the upperhand, and a spinning back kick floors Xavi

Acid's now armed with a kendo stick and moving in for the kill when....


Naess: 'It's Stuntman!'

Acid's former partner wrestles away the kendo stick, only to get MISTED in the face... POISON FERRERANA!

Acid took his eyes off his opponenent and paid for it... HIGH ANGLE FROG SPLASH 




Winner - Xavi Ferrera - Grade 59



Just moments before our main event, Haley Buck tries to catch up with the title challenger.


Buck: 'Sayeed! Do you think you can finally win the big one tonight and rid yourself of the big match choker tag?'

Ali: 'Big match choker? Shyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!'

Ali: 'You gotta be in a big match to choke in it. And how comes you call everyone else Mr?'

An awkward silence fills the interview, with Buck clearly intimidated by Ali.

Ali: 'When I win this match, y'all gon have to show me some respect. Either that, or I'll beat it in to you. Just like young Logan tonight. You coulda asked me anything about my career, my past, but you brought up a conspiracy theory because you don give a s*** about me. Me, grew up on the streets, fought my way out of the ghetto to survive, beat up everybody I ever faced in Canada, then finally got my move. The champion, collegiate wrestler, all-American, walked into college then got his first job here because his uncle pulled some strings. Attached himself to the top guy here then turned on him when it suited him best. And I'm the bad guy. We done here.'




LoganWolfsbaine.jpg.e5dcb856bf97c6be08a874aae9264f45.jpg  vs SayeedAli.jpg.2ed1fe73eb430fd19e755eaea639143d.jpg.57a28f672be2cfab012fa85cf03f7eeb.jpg

Unlike his last title defence, Logan doesn't have to go looking for Ali, who meets the champ head on

The first surprise comes from the champ when he tries to German Ali, who performs a textbook wrestling counter to drop Logan onto his face

Naess: 'Ali full of surprises, where did that come from?'

Half-way through the match, both competitors spot an unwanted guest making his way to ringside


The Assassin of the Square circle holds his arms up to pacify the competitors, while taking a seat at ringside next to the announcers' desk

And the distraction nearly costs Logan dear, with Ali slamming his boot into the back of Logan's head

Wolfsbaine may be young but his wrestling acumen is second to none, and he finally gets Ali where he wants him.... Exploder! German!

This is only going one waa... but Logan can't deliver another as his leg gives way under the weight of Ali - who boots him in the face for good measure

Now it's Ali who has the advantage... GBH DRIVER HITS





NO. Logan's still in it but only just, and could be on one leg

Ali knows he has this one won and goes to the ringside for the PSW Championship

But this draws the ire of Ernest, with both men seeming to engange in a tug of war over the belt

Seemingly fed up of the childish squabble, Ali, headbutts Youngman before returning to the ring with belt, then jawing with him some more

And all that jawing means Ali hasn't noticed Logan's up on one leg.... BELLY-TO-BELLY








Naess: 'Logan's escaped with the title and Ali looks furious. I wouldn't want to be him or Ernest Youngman after this.'

Winner and still PSW Champion - Logan Wolfsbaine - Grade 64



Show rating - 62



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8 hours ago, christmas_ape said:

Sayeed Ali continues to be one of the stars of the diary, I liked him showing his wrestling chops at the beginning. 

Lester coming for Austin is going to be fun assuming that's the plan. 

Thanks a lot mate, I love three-dimensional characters so hopefully I can get the other guys up to that level. This was my favourite show to write.


@christmas_ape 6/7

@AboardTheArk 6/7

@KyTeran 4/7

Joint prize goes to the winners, thanks so much for predicting.

Schedule will be the same as last time, a Johnny Martin post addressing the roster, Steel City Smash then the next show, Steel City Starfest

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Fun show with lots happening throughout. I enjoyed the Youngman double transition finish, while it's exciting to see an early title change with a nice callback to have Naess highlight it being almost 20 years since the Latino Kings' DAVE debuts.

I loved how the Rich & Famous finish played into the Venus Angeletti segment later in the night. Acid II and Sayeed Ali both came out of their losses unscathed and with clear direction, which is all you can ask for, and I agree with @christmas_ape that Ali has been a highlight so far.

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'Mitch late?'


Johnny Martin enters the booking meeting expecting to see the boss, only to be greeted by Alex Braun.


Alex Braun: 'Yeah, stuck in traffic. See 21CW have officially made it in the US?'

Martin: 'What do you mean?'

Braun: 'USPW have stolen their champion, that Wade Orson kid. Paid him a huge contract with the promise of pushing him to the moon. I question whether anyone in a goldfish bowl like that could make it in the US'

Martin: 'Speaking of USPW, looks like they're getting Sammy Bach as well. TCW don't think he can handle their workrate style anymore. Just out of interest, I asked him what he'd want to work for us and it would be more than our entire roster makes put together.'

Braun: 'Shame though, could have been fun for Homecoming.'


Naess: 'Gentleman, my apologies for the delay. Let's get straight down to business shall we? Firstly, I thought we were keeping the belts on the Blood Soldiers for another show?'

Martin: 'We were, but Umaga messed it up for them. He and Machine had a row before the show that was his fault, and now they won't speak to each other. We've made a big effort to renew their push and presentation, giving them the haka, and this feels like the last straw. Their bodies are breaking down, they tell us they want one more year of the best matches, then they both go off on Japan tours.'

Naess: 'Right...... Could have sworn I said the Blood Soldiers.'

Braun: 'They were meant to be the guys to take the belts off them after beating Rich & Famous. The Blood Soldiers suck so having them drop the titles early was no bad thing.'

Martin: 'Now hang on just a minute, they may be rough around the edges but...

Naess: 'Gentlemen, not today please. Another thing, Logan doesn't sell that well, he's injured isn't he?'

Braun: 'Sayeed dropped him awkwardly and he tweaked his calf. Fortunately it's not serious, but it should make us think about Ali's push.'

Martin: 'Come on Alex, mistakes happen in the ring all the time, and Sayeed's pretty cut up about it as it is.'

Naess: 'Fine, well considering he was injured, that was a damn fine main event.

'In other news, I took on board what you two said about future hirings. I'm giving one of them a shot, and well I was watching wrestling from Britain, 21CW a few weeks ago, and one of the guys impressed the hell out of me. He's just become available and we're going to give him a chance. It means we can finally get Batch away from Cerberus as well.

Braun: *Eye roll*.

Naess: 'Now, we've discussed main eventers, let's move on to the projects who are a little bit further down the road. I have to say, I have some concerns here. Our rivals seem to be loaded with future stars.'

Martin: 'Well my first hire, the Hangman, looks every bit the future star I predicted...'

Braun: 'Until he wrestles in anything other than a squash. I saw him training with Ernest before the show, that kid is raw.'

Martin: 'Then there's Chip...'

Braun: 'You know what I actually like your boy, but he's two years away at least from the main event.'

Martin: 'The Legion of Blood, Wicked Lester in particular.'

Braun: 'Hahahahaha, oh you're being serious?' What about our young wrestler of the year, Dustin Deuce?

Martin: 'I thought we weren't making jokes here?'

Naess: 'Okay enough. We have some young talent, I'd like more but these guys you've mentioned deserve a chance so let's make sure they feature heavily.

'Yet there's one thing we don't have. Every major company has one so if we're going to become one then we need one too.

'That babyface prospect. That moneymaker. The T-Shirt printer. The guy that becomes synonymous with the promotion.

'I'm not saying a 'shake hands and kiss babies' type of guy, they'd get booed out of the building, but someone who is just instantly likeable.'

Martin: 'Chip.'

Braun: 'He's your own son and even you don't like him. I assume you have some candidates for this Mitch?'

Naess: 'As a matter of fact Alex, I do. I was reading some online scout reports from this guy, @alpha2117 and I came up with this list.'

Martin: 'You realise we probably know these guys better than some guy on the internet.

Naess: 'First, Bret Kyle


Braun: 'The guy in Puerto Rico. He's got the look that's for sure. In-ring is okay, could be better.'

Martin: 'He's too good looking, no guy who watches hardcore wrestling can relate to someone who looks like him.'

Naess: 'Papa Swoll.'


Martin: 'He's worked hardcore, even if it is a bastardised version. Tremendous athlete and someone we could mold into a star.'

Braun: 'Sloppy in the ring, to the point of hurting himself.'

Naess: 'Charlie Corner.'


Martin: 'Charisma's off the charts. He's probably the best promo and worker out of the three. And he knows hardcore' 

Braun: 'We've got a relationship with IPW, do we want to take one of their guys and position him as our next big thing?'

Naess: 'Well, we've got a lot to think about gentlemen. BTW check out those clips I sent you of the guy who graduated WWA Canada, might be something there.'

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The show begins in a dark field, illuminated only by a bonfire in the middle of the room. Burning objects include Acid IIs’s former ring gear, and replicas of the PSW tag titles.


Wicked Lester: ‘The flames do not tolerate failure. So in order to cleanse ourselves, we must bathe in their heat, so that the failure within us dies.’

A new look Acid II briefly places his hand in the fire.


Lester: ‘Acid II was the last remnant of a failed man, and that man is no more. This warrior of the flame beside me shall now be known as Titus.’

Zomboy is next, unflinching and seemingly feeling nothing. He’s then followed by Deathwish, who launches himself into the fire, cackling while he rolls on the ground to extinguish himself.

The Blood Soldiers fell at the first hurdle. They are no more of this world. Step forward, Aibell. With the rechristening of Zomboy and Deathwish, the scene fades to end credits.



Egon Merowitz.jpg vs Magwitch_alt5.jpg.0b13e04a2618f51c2b936fbfad945431.jpg

The demented clown arrives at ringside with huge a comic knife, or is it a real knife? One can’t be sure.

His first motion is to search for Alex Braun, but with it being the preshow, the commentary desk is empty.

As Magwitch is distracted, his opponent Egon Merowitz blasts him in the back with a chair and drags him into the ring to start the match.

In dragging Magwitch to his feet, the ultra-serious Merowitz clearly underestimates Magwitch, and is squirted in the eye with water from a fake flower.

The clown then delves into his bag of tricks, finding a huge comb, which he drags across Merowitz face. Blood’s now pouring from the head of the youngster.

Magwitch mercifully ends this one early with a stump piledriver, leaving a note on Alex Braun’s commentary desk.

Winner - Magwitch: Grade 27



An exasperated Teddy Powell is sat at his laptop in the next scene (lol what a nerd).


@BarryStanton: 'So that's why I'm blocking you.'

@Adr3nal3nrussssssshhhhhh: 'What?!? Why 😭You've taught me so much about the world, opened my eyes.'

@BarryStanton: 'How can we spread that message Teddy, open the eyes of the world, if you're on the preshow and B-show? Pittsburgh Steel Wokies aren't going to give you opportunities because you're a good looking white man. YOU HAVE TO TAKE THEM.

@BarryStanton: 'I'm giving u 1 more chance to prove tht u understand me and r message, dnt lemme down

@BarryStanton has left.


The preshow B-show wouldn't be complete without a trip to Pinn Enterprises. A departure from recent scenes sees Pinn getting right up in the face of Devil Dog.


'What the hell is wrong with you c***? You had the little twerp beat then your head goes again. Maybe you need it slapped out of you.'

With this, Pinn begins slapping Devil Dog round the head. Usually so placid, the more times Pinn slaps Dog round the head, the angrier he gets, eventually dropping Pinn with a hard hook before being restrained by the Hot Taggs.


Pinn: 'Oh you are well and truly f***** now mate, get him out of here.'



Brimstone.jpg.ac9d4ec7ef9858bca6e9958a1348c272.jpg vs TexasHangman.jpg.1dcb9091f0f07dc0c58739f7de4a8675.jpg

The few members of the audience to recognise Brimstone from his largely unsuccessful previous run give him a small pop.

But the respectful cheers soon turn to 'ooooooohs' as Hangman nearly knocks his teeth out with a Big Boot.

He follows this up with a scruffy looking Chokeslam and this one's over already

Winner - Texas Hangman - Grade 30






Mitch Naess: 'Hello everyone and welcome to STEEL.CITY.SMASH.

Naess: 'I'm here alongside the 'Iceman' Alex Braun, and it looks like you've got more fanmail there friend.'

Braun: 'Cute, I'm not even going to read it this time. Magwitch, you freak, just know, I've got a little surprise waiting for you at Starfest.'

Naess: 'With that, let's move backstage to the Steel Circle's locker room.'




'What the f***!?'

Venus Angeletti walks in on Jake Idol blow-drying Ernest Youngman's hair, while Jackpot Jordan is talking him through percentages of success rate for attacking different body parts.'


Idol: 'Venus! It needs a zhuzh! Don't listen to her Ernest, anyone would die for your raven-locks.'

Angeletti: 'You've got 20 minutes until your match and you're blow-drying his f****** hair!'

'Get to warming up NOW.' Pointing at Jordan. 'You, go and help him.'

Now turning to Youngman: 'You're talented as hell Ernest but you've got the baddest guy on the roster and one of the fastest rising stars in the country in the main event.

'If you focus, you can handle these two. But the Steel Circle doesn't just exist to make you laugh, carry your bags and help you win matches anymore. You need to learn that.'

Youngman: 'Or else what?'

Angeletti: 'You don't want to find out.'

Naess: 'More trouble in paradise.'



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Cerb is shocked as Vendetta takes it to him in the early going

Delving into his limited bag of moves, 'Detta slams Cerberus onto the steps, leaving the big man reeling

After wearing out a wheel alloy on Cerb's midsection, 'Detta calls for it


Unfortunately for the Mad Max enthusiast, he charges straight into a chain wrapped fist

Cerb could have easily finished the match here, but a sick smile crosses the big man's face

Setting up table in the corner..... he JACKNIFES HIM THROUGH IT, Vendetta's folded up like a pretzel

Completely unnecessarily, Cerb wraps his chain around the throat of 'Detta and chokes him out

Winner - Cerberus - Grade 40



We're heading backstage for another preview of the main event. PSW's most unlikely homegrown hero receives the biggest pop of the night.


'It's time. I've gone from can't miss prospect, to local joke, to wimp, to National Champion, to can't miss prospect.

'Now it's time to go to the next step. From people's champion to PSW Champion.'



Ahead of his tag match with long-term rivals, Stuntman is shown before the curtain.


The camera then pans around, showing a slightly tattered suit and singed hat.


Naess: 'Jebediah's back!'




Deathwish_alt5.jpg.09edc26f5514b9aad281fc75374bfbdb.jpgZombieBoy.jpg.e5ea0588be97c00279f679785e0a2a5d.jpg vs JebediahMask.jpg.7406ed940f9635c2b2d2515eb7042673.jpgStuntman.jpg.99ca2f5f935be3c73234bd9f6c92d499.jpg

Mayhem! That's the only way (to get a decent match out of Deathwish) to describe this match

Despite teaming together for the first time, Jebs and Stuntman showed great chemistry as a big-man, little-man duo

But after a missed Sky Twister press, Aibell took over, with Deathwish tearing off the top of Stuntman's mask to bust him open

A particularly disturbing spot showed Deathwish place a trash can over Stuntman, while Zomboy teed off at him with a golf club

Looking for the finish, both of Aibell scale opposite corners... SWANDIVE HEADBUTT! DIVING FOOT STOMP

Unfortunately for the pair, Jebediah had entered the ring, catching one after the other... DOUBLE FALLAWAY SLAM

Stuntman takes down Zomboy on the outside with a springboard shooting star press while Jebediah scales the top rope


Winners - Jebediah & Stuntman - Grade 42



Still selling the effects of being stretched out by Ernest Youngman, Cowboy Buck Winchester staggers into shot to be interviewed by Haley Buck.


Buck: 'Mr Winchester, we've still had no word from the man you call the Hangman, are you moving on to other things?'

Buck: 'Darlin', next week I'll be out in that ring to call him out, and I'll do it every single week until he answers. You 'fraid of a fight, Hangman?'



In a different part of the arena, we've given Xavi Ferrera the mic by himself to address a few things.


'Last few weeks, I been all up in other people's business. I been hanging with my boys, sipping Coronas, and kicking some gothic ass.

''But now I feel it's time. Time for me to start making my own business. And my business gon' be the PSW title.'

Just as Xavi was speaking, a brick is hurled out of nowhere to smash into the back of his head, knocking him out.


Teddy Powell: 'You really think you're better than I ever was?!?





8JRWs6O.jpg.f0b3d1683a78c42cc0a5c63a4855880e.jpg.ecd9e705cfdf0986b2ac4dc44e6928ce.jpg.1546aa09e1c5d53d540082707ff74ceb.jpg vs RudyVelasquez.jpg.ccfd671a287fa1872762163ccb0516c2.jpg

The de-facto leader of the Latino Kings and the fabulous half of Rich & Famous put on a decent contest here

The pair appear to be evenly matches, with Rudy's firebrand brawling meshing well with Idol's power moves

A delayed hanging vertical suplex, where Idol uses one hand to fix his hair, nets a close fall, before Rudy takes him out with a tope suicida

As the action spills to the outside, the pair's respective partners get involved

Idol takes the opportunity in the chaos to deliver a very snug kick in the balls to Jesus, while Jordan nails Rudy with the cash-in




NO, Rudy shows great resistance to kick out

NOW - Idol is ordered to pick up a steel chair by Venus, and hesistently obliges

However, Venus' plan backfires big time when Galindo missile dropkicks the chair back into Idol's face

With the pair both rising to their feet, Rudy takes advantage... STREET CUTTER




Winner - Rudy Velasquez - Grade 48



Moments before the main event, roving reporter Haley Buck attempts to get a few words from Sayeed Ali...



Buck runs for her life as Sayeed snatches the mic.

Ali: 'Where's Logan Wolfsbaine, where's the champ?'

'Shyiiiiiiiiiit he ran his ass off to Japan again?

'Champ, everyone knows you scared. We got killer clows, fire-loving psychopaths, giants, racists, and Sayeed Ali's still the scariest mother-f***** on the roster.

'Just one thing champ, make sure you're here next week. When I beat these two pretty boys, it's me and you at Starfest. Cage match.'



hZEDsQh.jpg.951628d92c464a017b8d3ecfaf73c7c5.jpg.84b1e007bf4d9a9d2d3246fcc68bc94c.jpg  vs ErnestYoungman.jpg.61f79f769da661e91a873cfb0e762177.jpg  vs SayeedAli.jpg.2ed1fe73eb430fd19e755eaea639143d.jpg.57a28f672be2cfab012fa85cf03f7eeb.jpg

With the three competitors circling each other, both Smooth and Ali swarm Youngman, throwing strikes until he stumbles out of the ring.

Showing his former naivety, Smooth goes to high-five Ali and is met with a headbutt to the nose.

Alliances are made and broken throughout the match, Youngman and Smooth looking particularly, erm, Smooth together

Towards the back end of the match, we see Ali hoist Smooth up for the GBH Driver, only for Ernest to German suplex him, sending both men flying

With Smooth out of the ring, Ernest locks in a Fujiwara armbar, transition to Rings of Saturn.... Youngman desperately tries another to his double wrist clutch octopus.... basement dropkick from Smooth

Smooth now moves onto the apron.... SLINGSHOT LUNGBLOWER TO ALI!



Kick out!

Smooth's feeling and bounces off the ropes... Only to be gut shotted by Ali with a nearby chair

GHETTO STOMP TO SMOOTH... THE HIT TO SAYEED.... sending him out of the ring

Youngman covers Smooth 





Very close 2!

Youngman moves into the corner and gives the gun salute, ready for The Hit on Austin... Smooth reverses into a roll-up






How close was that?!

Half-and-half into a backbreaker by Ernest

Now one more time, gun salute, The Hit WHACK

Youngman's taking out with a chair thrown by Sayeed Ali... GBH DRIVER to Smooth 






Winner - Sayeed Ali - Grade 64

Naess: 'It's a rematch for Starfest, Wolfsbaine v Ali in a cage for the PSW title, goodnight everybody



Show rating - 55

Edited by jcarmjn
Typo city
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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, christmas_ape said:

Interesting idea to change blood soldiers name, in general it already feels like you've really made PSW your own with some name and gimmick changes. 

Was surprised but happy to see Ali get the win. He deserves another shot.

Cheers mate, the Legion of Blood were a bit of an afterthought in my last diary so I wanted to give them some attention in this one. 

In the main event, Ernest has other things to deal with right now and I feel Austin needs a proper main event feud before he goes after the big belt. I hope I've established Ali as a main event player.


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Lots of story development on the pre-show. The Teddy Powell story is very contemporary and he feels like a good fit for the role. I'm intrigued to discover if Barry Stanton is just a plot device or becomes an in-ring presence*. Huge payoff to this tease on the main show too. I like the brick as his weapon of choice.

I wasn't expecting Aibell to lose so soon after the rebrand but popped for the mayhem line. The Steel Circle dissension has been well written as expected. Sayeed Ali continues to come across as a star in his promos and, as such, it felt like the right call for him to go over in the main event.

*Just Googled the name to see if there was a real-life story behind it and, ha, clever detail

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PSW Starfest XV

Cage match for PSW Title - Logan Wolfsbaine(c) v Sayeed Ali

National Title - Austin Smooth(c) v Wicked Lester

Tag Titles - Latino Kings(c) v Rich & Famous

Teddy Powell v Xavi Ferrera

Cowboy Buck Winchester v Cerberus

Acid II v Stuntman

Ernest Youngman v Rudy Velasquez


The Hot Taggs v Dumphrey's Dodgy Dealers

Magwitch v Alex Braun's surprise


All matches are hardcore unless stated otherwise

Most correct predictions wins a prize

Predictions, feedback, queries, chants and signs most welcome. Enjoy!


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Cage match for PSW Title - Logan Wolfsbaine(c) v Sayeed Ali

Perhaps Logan is still too high in overness to lose as I know Ernest and Logan start with a fair gap between them and the rest. But it would be fun to see an Ali run,

National Title - Austin Smooth(c) v Wicked Lester

Well you mentioned Austin being too good for this belt, and Lester has the new lease of life so perhaps it's his time.

Tag Titles - Latino Kings(c) v Rich & Famous

After just winning it I'd be surprised to see them lose it. This match should score highly

Teddy Powell v Xavi Ferrera

I think Teddy can take the loss better. From our point of view, personally he'll really hate it...

Cowboy Buck Winchester v Cerberus

Tough one, likely interference. 

Acid II v Stuntman

New mask = win

Ernest Youngman v Rudy Velasquez

I really rate Rudy, but still, it's Ernest.


The Hot Taggs v Dumphrey's Dodgy Dealers

It depends whether DDD are new signings, or people brought in to give Taggs a boost. 

Magwitch v Alex Braun's surprise

Similar as the above, I just think more likely to be a proper signing.

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Cage match for PSW Title - Logan Wolfsbaine(c) v Sayeed Ali

National Title - Austin Smooth(c) v Wicked Lester

Tag Titles - Latino Kings(c) v Rich & Famous

Teddy Powell v Xavi Ferrera

Cowboy Buck Winchester v Cerberus

Acid II v Stuntman

Ernest Youngman v Rudy Velasquez


The Hot Taggs v Dumphrey's Dodgy Dealers

Magwitch v Alex Braun's surprise

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Cage match for PSW Title - Logan Wolfsbaine(c) v Sayeed Ali

National Title - Austin Smooth(c) v Wicked Lester

Tag Titles - Latino Kings(c) v Rich & Famous

Teddy Powell v Xavi Ferrera

Cowboy Buck Winchester v Cerberus

Acid II v Stuntman

Ernest Youngman v Rudy Velasquez


The Hot Taggs v Dumphrey's Dodgy Dealers

Magwitch v Alex Braun's surprise

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Posted (edited)



We start with our usual sermon from everyone's favourite pyromaniac.


Wicked Lester: 'Tonight, we start the fire.

'Titus shall stomp out the very last embers of a tag team holding him down his entire career.

'And with National Title in my grasp, our fire will spread across the entire country.

'These gentlemen have reached the highest level of pleasure imaginable and now fear no pain, they long for it and to see the world burn.

'Burn it shall, starting with PSW.'



Even though it's not in his contract, Alex Braun shuffles out on the preshow


'Magwitch, you freak! Clearly the f*** off and don't come back I gave you wasn't aggressive enough.

'So maybe one of my trainees here can get it through your thick skull



Brimstone.jpg.ac9d4ec7ef9858bca6e9958a1348c272.jpg vs Magwitch2.jpg.602c22f51e248a6403cb3c8d55ed88ee.jpg (thanks @GreatreDRagon for this beautiful Magwitch)

So the guy I had planned for this bout didn't show up

Luckily, Brimstone was local and available so we managed to salvage a match

The worst match during my reign of PSW

I'm not sure if I can blame Brimstone for this though, as the second worst also involved Magwitch (thanks @christmas_ape)

I won't mention much about this, only another clown spot, where Magwitch broke an oversized lollipop over Brimstone's head, causing him to bleed

Thankfully this one ended soon after with a stump piledriver from the clown

Winner - Magwitch - Grade 26



From one clown to another, we cross to Dumphrey Pinn who's talking loudly on his mobile.

'Look mate, it's hard to get you guys over. I thought I had a deal for Big Mac then he gets denied a visa.

'I know mate, I know, but maybe we give the dog one more chance? Hang on one sec.'

Pinn turns his attention to two men approaching him in the corridor.

Pinn: 'Well look who it is...

'Oh, not short of words now are we, c****?

'Let me tell you one thing, nobody makes a c*** of Dumphrey Pinn. You don't my jobs properly, this is what happens.'

'Taggs, ring now, I've found those thieving c****.'

Ivan Ivanoff: 'V ponimayete?'

Igor Ivanoff: 'Net.'

Ivan: 'My ssorimsya?

Igor: 'Da.'

(For any Russian speakers, I apologise, other than 'da' that was using Google Translate)


KalderTagg.jpg.9b9d1eb01443ac7f828ef7cd31f51f8e.jpgWolfieTagg.jpg.13168b8a7ec9489fdb8238df45ef7fd3.jpg  vs IvanIvanoff_altai1.jpg.fef10a31606cb40347d22e21d92feebb.jpgIgorIvanoff_altai1.jpg.06fd7e40764ee22fbd5bc7f1afe55dcd.jpg

So again I messed up

This role was initially meant for the Dirty White Boys, however, a week before the event I found USPW had hired one of them, just one

Left with a scramble, I went for the Ivanoffs, and man did they deliver

These two went out there with the instructions to batter each other, and they did just that

The Ivanoffs worked basic offence but with timing you only get by spending more than a decade teaming together

And the Hot Taggs are turning into a good little team themselves, they went over here with a Montana Slammer to Igor

After delivering a performance worth of our best teams, The Ivanoffs may have just got themselves a permanent gig in the tag ranks, with a spot conveniently just opening up

Winners - The Hot Taggs - Grade 48 (I've got to get these guys on the main shows)


Edited by jcarmjn
Swearing, woopsie woo
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‘Hello and welcome everyone to the Home of Hardcore.’


'I'm Mitch Naess, alongside the 'Iceman' Alex Braun, who spent the preshow clowning around.'

Braun: 'Just don't Mitch, okay?'

Naess: 'Sure, buddy. Now we begin the show with a video ahead of tonight's main event.'


The video zooms into the middle of the ring, showing numerous competitors enter, only to be hit with a variety of suplexes.

After unleashing a particularly nasty ground-and-pound, the shaven headed competitor looks straight into the camera, revealing it to be the PSW Champion, Logan Wolfsbaine.


'Is this what you wanted Sayeed?'

The unfortunate man who ended up sparring with Logan is seen in the background coughing up blood.

'I'm a busy man these days, cementing mine and my family's legacy, but you've now got my attention.

'Last time I'll admit, I underestimated you, and I very nearly paid the price.

'But that isn't going to happen this time. You've got 100% of 6ft5, 268lb killer, in a cage with nowhere to run

'Lock a predator like me in a cage, and it's fight to the death.

 'In the name of Glory and for the name of Diaz, see you in the main event.'

(My write-up here is subpar but in-game, this promo rocked)


ErnestYoungman.jpg.61f79f769da661e91a873cfb0e762177.jpg  vs RudyVelasquez.jpg.ccfd671a287fa1872762163ccb0516c2.jpg

Ernest stops to the ring with a reluctant Venus Angeletti in tow to meet the de-facto leader of the Latino Kings

The pair begin the match with a lock-up, as Ernest looks to show off his technical skills

And Rudy's no slouch either, and while he can't match Ernest, he can more than hold his own

With Ernest's code, Rudy also has opportunities to go to places he can't go

One spot sees him whip Youngman into the turnbuckle, then fling a conveniently placed pile of chairs at him, one after the other

But Ernie has a bee in his bonnet, and every move he pulls off has an extra 'oooooh' about it

A snap suplex on the apron, which if you didn't know is the hardest part of the ring, leaves fans wincing, with a snap dragon then dropping Rudy on his head

Ernest's in the groove now and lazor focussed, just as Venus Angeletti slides him a chair

Youngman briefly looks at it.... before throwing it out of the other side of the ring...... STREET CUTTER FROM RUDY 





No way surely not



Youngman just kicks out

Rudy knows how important this match is for his career, placing the aforementioned chairs in the middle of the ring and putting them in a seating position

He then hoists Youngman up to the top rope....

Naess: 'My God, he's going Street Cutter him onto the chairs!'

Unfortunately for Rudy, Ernest has a count for everything, locking in a Dragon Sleeper on the top rope

As Rudy fades, Ernest hoists him up and slams him down the chairs, Rudy's writhing in agony

He's put up one hell of a fight but as Velasquez climbs to his feet, he's met with The Hit!




Winner - Ernest Youngman - Grade 62



Following the three, Ernest stares out Venus Angeletti, before moving back to his defeated opponent.... ARMBREAKER!



With Venus looking taken aback by what she's seeing, Ernest moves over to the side, and ANOTHER ARMBREAKER!

Rudy howls in pain as referees and jobbers who we didn't give the night off manage to get Ernest to the back as Latino Kings try and attack him, which then brings out Rich & Famous.

With all parties at ringside, officials decide to begin the tag match NOW




JesusChavez.jpg.761e886c0af7f3a3108292eef143cb59.jpgHectorGalindo.jpg.9036804293200ea5dfc436a34f7b55e1.jpg  vs TAQAL3X.jpg.c7c4eaf0f843e506829ed50dca60b8ad.jpg.c22fcef77897318d98d0a1537b17466a.jpg.7c1e2186bd479d9af0c176c0c0c7d233.jpg8JRWs6O.jpg.f0b3d1683a78c42cc0a5c63a4855880e.jpg.ecd9e705cfdf0986b2ac4dc44e6928ce.jpg.1546aa09e1c5d53d540082707ff74ceb.jpg

It's clear from the start that the Kings are holding Rich & Famous responsible for the actions of their leader

They follow Jordan and Idol all over the ring and after Angeletti gives Gallindo her shoe following the threat of violence, he uses it to bust Idol open

Naess: 'I don't think I've ever seen Idol look so upset.'

Big Jesus also does a number on Jackpot Jordan, nailing him with a big boot that sends him over the apron

Idol's now a sitting duck... 187 NECKBREAKER FROM JESUS 





Venus places his foot on the rope!

With this, Gallindo charges out of the ring in a rage chasing Venus, as Jesus sets up a table on the outside 

Naess: 'He's looking to Border Toss Idol through the table!'

But Idol kicks and screams his way out of the big man's reach, as Jordan leg trips Gallindo on the outside, dropping him on his head

In the ring, Rich & Famous pepper Chavez with forearms, before hitting him with the ONE REP MAX!





It's big Jesus' turn to kick out, and with a burst of energy he takes out Rich & Famous on his own... BIG DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE

This time it's Jordan who's wavering... 187 NECKBREAKER 

And Gallindo's scaled the top turnbuckle on the other side...



KICK TO THE BALLS. A recovered Idol takes him out midair, leaving him doubled over in pain


The match has completely swung back in Jordan and Idol's favour, as Venus looks to make another intervention. by sliding in two chairs...



Both looking uneasy while holding the chairs Rich & Famous decide to..... CONCHAIRTO JESUS to the ribs

The big man's down leaving Gallindo all alone... CONCHAIRTO TO THE SKULL

Jordan places Gallindo on his shoulders while his partner climbs the ropes because THE HOUSE ALWAYS WINS








Braun: 'So much for the Steel Circle way.'

Winners and NEW tag team champions: Rich and Famous - Grade 54

Naess: 'If Ernest Youngman was angry before, I doubt this will improve his mood 



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It becomes clear Powell's outgunned very early on in this match

The only way the wiley veteran can keep pace is by pulling out all of his tricks

Eye pokes, back scratches, hair pulls, you name it, Powell does it

But Xavi's just too fast for him, in one spot vaulting the turnbuckle completely to land a plancha on Powell on the outside.

Xavi then rolls him in and lands a beautiful springboard forearm, looks like this one's going to be over soon

Powell crawls towards one of the turnbuckles and as Xavi follows him in... POWDER IN THE EYES

Xavi's flailing away in the ring, his eyes blinded by the power leaving him unable to see a masked assailant enter the ring...

BRICK SHOT... Only the masked assailant's missed and hit Teddy instead on the back of the head

With both men now staggering the masked man takes aim again and.... BRICK TO THE BALLS

Much to Teddy Powell's disbelief, Xavi managed to grab him and use him as a human shield, making him the victim of two brick shots

PELE KICK to the masked man from Xavi floors him, and with Powell not rising to his feet anytime soon Xavi's on the top rope.





Winner - Xavi Ferrera - Grade 53



The match may be over but Xavi's got a big grin on his face.... POISON FERRERANA TO THE MASKED MAN knocks him out.

Xavi then kneels down and yanks off the mask of the brick-wielding thug revealing...








EgonMerowitz.jpg.b292be893741fe33be74b1bb3031ba1e.jpg (thanks again @GreatreDRagon

Alex Braun: 'Egon Merowicz?!?!'

Mitch Naess: 'Is that the guy from the Steel City Smash preshow? You're the preshow expert.'

Alex Braun: 'Ladies and gentlemen, I can only apologise for this extremely underwhelming surprise.



*Intermission, I have the rest of this written but I really need to sleep, will probably finish in the morning*


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(Part 2)

'Dog, come out to the ring, let's get this sorted mate.'


The husky frame of Dumphrey Pinn is seen in the ring, flanked by a Hot Tagg on either side.


After being berated by his master, Devil Dog previously struck out at Pinn.

Pinn: 'Look mate, things got a bit out of hand before, but we've all had time to calm down now.

'I get it, you're under a lot of pressure, we all are, so let's try and put this behind us, okay?

'The thing is though, Dog, you undermined authority in front of the troops, and I just can't let that slide.

'What I'm going to need from you, mate, is to just give my ring a quick kiss.'

Devil Dog and both Hot Taggs look confused, as Dumphrey Pinn isn't wearing any jewellery.

Pinn: 'Come on, don't be shy, just give me one second to drop my daks, you give it a quick kiss, then we're all square, all good.'

Dog looks to be considering Dumphrey's generous offer... before socking him with a right hand! 

This leads to the Hot Taggs getting involved, beating Devil Dog down by using the numbers game, which is 3-1 until a few moments later...


Mitch Naess: 'Another one! Who the hell is this guy?'

The diminutive newcomer breaks up Pinn Enterprises with a springboard body press.

Alex Braun: 'He's walking the ropes!'

The masked man uses the ropes to launch himself into the air, taking out the Taggs with a double missile dropkick.

Amid the whirlwind, Dumphrey chooses to withdraw his troops from the ring, pointing straight at the new man.

With Dog getting up from the canvas, the new man extends his hand to help him, which Dog slaps away before leaving the ring.



Stuntman.jpg.99ca2f5f935be3c73234bd9f6c92d499.jpg vs Acid.jpg.c1a71fa6220e7bda987379c012d991b6.jpg

Stuntman doesn't wait for his former partner to enter the ring. wiping him out with a spaceman plancha

Amid all the bad blood of this match, these two mesh well together, in a match we'll undoubtedly be seeing again

The first few minutes sees Stuntman fly around the ring to keep Titus on the backfoot and off his game

To counteract this, Titus deploys the ninjitsu taught to him by his mentor... BLADE OF HAND...KIKAKU HEADBUTT

With the history between the two, it was inevitable that the first weapon we'd see would be a ladder

Stuntman sandwiches it underneath the bottom rope, with the other side propped up by the guardrail

The pair then jockey for position on the apron.. FUDO KEN... Stuntman's wobbling... BLACK ICE DRIVER ON TITUS THROUGH THE LADDER

Titus seems to be down in the wreckage of the ladder... LIONSAULT USING THE APRON! Stuntman leaps onto Titus into the wreckage

Stuntman just about manages to roll Titus into the ring 






NO! somehow Titus is still alive!

Stuntman now scales the top rope because that's what he does 720 SPLASH!!!! ONLY TITUS GOT HIS FEET UP

With Stuntman clutching his back, Titus is now in control, kneeling powerbomb drops Stuntman

Now it's Titus' turn to impress, leaping to the top rope in one fluid move... ACID RAIN BOMB

While this was the finisher of the man known as Acid II, the man now known as Titus wants to inflict more pain

Placing Stuntman's head into a fold-down chair, he steps through one leg and torques it back, locking in one of the sickest STF's you'll ever see

Naess: 'Good GOD I want to be sick.'

Stuntman tries to fight it for a few seconds before tapping out

Winner: Titus - Grade 53




Everyone's favourite Cowboy shuffles to the ring, clearly wincing with every step after a particularly hard set of matches.

Cowboy Buck Winchester: 'Hangman, how long do we have to do this?'

'How long before you stop being a little b****.'

An ooooooooooh is heard from the crowd, before a theme blares out into the arena, and it's not the theme of the Hangman.


Carl Batch: 'The pride of Pigsville, Mr Hick.

'Now, I ain't got much to say to ya playa, I just wanted to give you this.'




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Fists, the occasional kick. The match description could end there as this one was pretty much just a fight

Cerberus is a tough opponent for anyone, never mind someone running around 25%

And it looked like this one was over early after Cerb spiked Buck on his head with a DDT, only for Buck to just stay in it

With not many moves to choose from in his repertoire, Cerb then results to biting the head of Buck, leaving his face a crimson mask

Wrapping the chain round his fist, Cerb charges at Buck, who lands a desperation spinebuster

Both men are now back to their feet and exchanging fists, CHAINED FIST FROM CERBERUS.... Buck falls into the ropes and LARIAT!

With both men rising, they arm themselves with weapons, Cerb  unfolding a chair in the middle of the ring, while Buck takes a beer bottle

Kick to the midsection, Cerb has Buck up for the GATES OF HELL.... SMASH







Winner: Cowboy Buck Winchester - Grade 47

Mitch Naess: 'Buck did it!'

Braun: 'Wether by hook or crook, smashing that beer bottle over Cerb's head while he was in a powerbomb position allowed him to drop down into the pin.




'Now as I was saying, Hangman, you still gon' be a b****?'

Buck, who's collapsed onto his knees with a crimson mask of blood, still wants the Hangman's attention.

Naess: 'Buck, stop it! This man needs a hospital not a fight.'

Braun: 'At his state there's no way you could... oh hang on a minute.'


The Colossal Cowboy now decides it's time to make his way to the ring, taking one step over the ropes.

But Hangman doesn't have long to settle, as Buck launches himself at him throwing lefts and right!

Bouncing off the ropes...... Buck eats a big boot which instantly drops him to the canvas.

Mitch Naess: 'Come on, that'll do. You've made your point.

Braun: 'Something makes me thing that he hasn't yet Mitch.'

Grabbing Buck by the throat with one hand, Hangman lifts Buck up for the chokeslam... And drops him back-first on the top of the chair.

Referees enter the ring to help Buck, who's writhing on the mat in agony, while Hangman leaves the ring the same way he left it.




hZEDsQh.jpg.951628d92c464a017b8d3ecfaf73c7c5.jpg.84b1e007bf4d9a9d2d3246fcc68bc94c.jpg vs WickedLester_alt.jpg.18ada32ac3031763a3697f3b34f866aa.jpg

At the start of this one, it's clear that Lester doesn't fancy a one-on-one contest


The trio surround then charge at him, leaving Austin struggling to just stay in the match

With Zomboy and Deathwish each grabbing an arm, the pair stretch Smooth as far as they can, with Lester bouncing off the ropes to nail him with a big boot

On the orders of his leader, Zomboy goes to ringside and retrieves a table wrapped in barbed wire

The undead boy and Deathwish then look to position the champ on their shoulders but Austin's fighting!

Another Big Boot from Lester is ducked.....BACK DROP!!! Deathwish goes back first into the barbed wire, half-laughing, half-screaming

The crowd noise rises as they realise it's now down to two for Austin, who uses all his technical wizardry to frustrate the Legion

After grappling with Zomboy he works a bit of finger manipulation and SNAP! Two of Zomboy's fingers are mangled

However, not a single expression crosses his face, and he continues to throw punches at Austin using his mangled hand

The crowd: 'You sick f***.'

The two remaining legion members then move in for the kill, with Lester unbagging the tacks

DDT ON THE TACKS - Zomboy's on the top rope - COFFIN DROP ON THE TACKS!

And this one's done.



Oh come on! Smooth kicks out!

A sheer rage crosses the face of Lester as he stands prone to unleash THE FIREBALL

Luckily Austin's ducked again sending it into the sky, before dropping Lester with an STO

Austin and Zomboy are brawling on the outside with Austin drop-toeholding Zomboy into the steps

The walking corpse is impervious to pain, but it takes him a few seconds to clear his head, and in that time Austin has untied one of the ring ropes

Locking in what seems to be an innocuous wrist lock, it soon becomes clear what Austin's doing.... As Zomboy is left tied to the turnbuckle

Just one left now for Austin, only he's forgot about Deathwish, who charges the ring with a broken piece of barbed wire table

Deathwish charges and... MISSES! He ends up hitting Lester, leaving the piece STICKING IN HIS HEAD

Deathwish turns around and scooped onto Austin's shoulders... FIREMAN'S CARRY CUTTER!

Lester's left bleeding like a stuck pig, as Austin locks in the SMOOTH HOLD!

With all the blood loss, it's not long until he passes out.


Winner - And STILL PSW National Champion: Austin Smooth - Grade 52

Mitch Naess: 'Has anyone got a mop and bucket is the ring meant to be red?'



As the cage descends, and attendants desperately try and disinfect the ring, Haley Buck manages to catch up with the challenger for the PSW Title.


Haley Buck: 'Sayeed, Sayeed, any thoughts before the rematch?'

Sayeed Ali chuckles.

Ali: 'You know, you got guts.

'A hell of a lot more guts than our PSW Champion.

'I saw his little vignette and know what I saw when I looked into the man's eyes? Shyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

'Even through all the edits, all the touching up of his bald head, I looked into his eyes and I saw fear.

'Know what I got for my sixth birthday?

'I got a rusty old bike from my Uncle Charles, and know what he said to me?'

Buck: 'Happy Birthday?'

Ali chuckles.

He said: 'Boy, when you see that police car comin', you move yo little legs and ride as fast as you can, or they shoot you if you look at 'em wrong, just like they did yo' daddy.

'That's fear, not some overgrown college boy. Now that's all you gettin'.'




LoganWolfsbaine.jpg.e5dcb856bf97c6be08a874aae9264f45.jpg vs SayeedAli.jpg.2ed1fe73eb430fd19e755eaea639143d.jpg.57a28f672be2cfab012fa85cf03f7eeb.jpg

The pair circle each other to begin, and... RELEASE GERMAN, the champ roars

Braun: 'Logan's starting this one hot.'

Only Wolfsbaine didn't turn around... Ali's no sold it! HEADBUTT

The match continues for the first few minutes in this vein, Logan hitting his power-moves, Sayeed no selling them and hitting straight up G s***

After a well-timed poke in the eye, Sayeed takes control and grinds the champ's head across the cage

Sayeed then charges in and.. overhead belly-to-belly into the cage!

Ali can't shrug that one off, and it looks like all of the suplexes are beginning to take their toll

Logan lifts him up into a back suplex position, before flinging him face first into the cage

Sayeed's struggling to life himself now... BELLY-TO-BELLY!


SAYEED KICKS OUT AT 1 and beckons Logan in for a fight

The crowd roars as fists fly and what's that, Ali's grabbed something from inside his shoe, it's a pool ball in a sock!

Sayeed smashes it into the ribs of Wolfsbaine, then repeatedly over his back until the champ stops moving

Sayeed then hooks his arms and... GHETTO STOMP



LOGAN POWERS OUT! Looks like this one's going down the stretch

Sayeed moves to focus on Logan's ribs, with the champ coughing up blood from the sock shots

Then with champ prone, he picks him up onto his shoulders.... GBH DRIVER!!




Logan reverses into an arm drag followed by an exploder!

Head-and-arm suplex! The same release German that Ali no-sold at the start of the match floors him


Ali's eyes look glazed over as Logan puts him in the BOSTON CRAB! 

Sayeed desperately grabs the ropes but that won't help him here

He then uses all his strength to push himself up the cage! Up one rung, two, three... UNTIL LOGAN SITS DOWN ON THE SUBMISSION

With nowhere to go, SAYEED TAPS!


Winner and STILL PSW CHAMPION: Logan Wolfsbaine - Grade 74 (WE'RE BACK)

Naess: 'Logan Wolfsbaine proves he's the real deal

Braun: 'Sayeed fought one hell of a fight but Logan was just too strong, and too good tonight.'

With another roar from the champion, we go through to end credits


Show rating - 66






Hang on, sorry there was one more segment I forgot... WHACK!


Doug Peak slams a chair into the back of an exhausted Logan Wolfsbaine.

Alex Braun: 'The hardcore original, Doug Peak!

Naess: 'Hang on, don't do this Doug, no!'

Naess is reacting to Peak having Wolfsbaine raised high above his head, and hurling him of the stage with a Peak of Perfection, into tables and equipment.

The champ is left lying unconscious beneath Peak as the show definitely ends.



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Really fun show. Stars at the start and the finish and everything flowed really well in between, like the jump between the two Steel Circle/Latino Kings matches to show the contrast in how the Circle approached each, everything going wrong for Teddy Powell and Austin Smooth overcoming the odds. You'd built Sayeed Ali so well that I found myself rooting for him to go over but, while that wasn't meant to be, it's great that you have the next title story ready to go.

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Loved how you revealed Peak, the GDS version of stuff happening after the WWE logo thingy comes up at the end of a show.

Dumfrey was great again, and I love a bunch of the spots, like Zomboy continuing to use his hand, awesome matches. I too was hoping for Ali to win it, but him getting the extended feud for the title has done him good, and Logan obviously comes out looking a star. 

Edited by christmas_ape
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14 hours ago, 619 said:

Really fun show. Stars at the start and the finish and everything flowed really well in between, like the jump between the two Steel Circle/Latino Kings matches to show the contrast in how the Circle approached each, everything going wrong for Teddy Powell and Austin Smooth overcoming the odds. You'd built Sayeed Ali so well that I found myself rooting for him to go over but, while that wasn't meant to be, it's great that you have the next title story ready to go.


13 hours ago, christmas_ape said:

Loved how you revealed Peak, the GDS version of stuff happening after the WWE logo thingy comes up at the end of a show.

Dumfrey was great again, and I love a bunch of the spots, like Zomboy continuing to use his hand, awesome matches. I too was hoping for Ali to win it, but him getting the extended feud for the title has done him good, and Logan obviously comes out looking a star. 

Thanks guys, with the reaction to Sayeed I was extremely to pull the trigger, Unfortunately, being so close to Homecoming it would have meant throwing my short-medium booking plans in the bin and starting again, something I've already had to do with a different belt which is detailed below. If it's any consolation, the feud with Logan has pushed Sayeed up from recognisable to well known, and seen his popularity grow by three points.

Thanks to all who predicted, @KyTeran and @GreatreDRagon are joint winners and will receive a prize.


'Are you two taking the f****** p***?'


'Morning Johnny.'


Martin: 'This was your idea wasn't it, Braun? Now you can bring in all the technical marks' wet dreams you can find.'

'Actually Johnny, it was mine.'


Martin: 'Mitch, why? The only guys with direct links to DAVE, one of our best in the ring and the guys who were meant to hold the belts at Homecoming.

'Why the hell would you fire the Latino Kings?'

Naess: 'Because we're trying not to be the little leagues anymore Johnny. We can't let things slide, and we have to set an example to the rest of the locker room.'

Martin: 'Fights happen, this is wrestling, wanna know how many times I got into a fight?'

Naess: 'This time it's different For all three members to be involved in fights with different people, it's too much.'

'First, Gallindo with the fan. Then Jesus with Jordan.'

Martin: 'But we straightened that out, they're friends again and Jesus took his fine like a man.'

Naess: 'And had that been the end of it, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

'Rudy starting a fight with a referee, then losing his s*** when we fined him. He only accepted that Ernest segment because he threatened to break his arms for real if we didn't.'

Martin: 'This is hardcore wrestling, these things happen, it shows how legit those three are,'

Braun: 'It shows the state our backstage is in. We let this slide, the guys would think they can do anything and get away with it.'

Martin: 'Oh you're loving this, aren't you? Wanna see another fight happen?'

Braun: 'What the hell are you gonna do about it Martin? Sell for me?'

Naess: 'ENOUGH!'



Naess: 'You've made your point Johnny and we listened, but it isn't going change anything.

'Why I actually brought you two here was to decide another tag team we're going to push in their absence.'

Martin: 'Send someone from the extended family in revenge. They don't even have to be family, we can just book it as so.'

Naess: 'Not bad, not bad at all. Personally I was thinking Reckless Antix. You've got the whole story of them going for the record number of reigns. They're fresh off a face turn as well.'

Braun: 'This could have been good had we had more notice. But they've been a glorified comedy act for most of the year. It's a lot to now say they're one of our top two teams.

'I'm thinking bigger. This is Homecoming. What about having Jordan and Idol exclaiming to everyone that they're the best in the world.'

Naess: 'I'm listening.'

Braun: 'Only, there's another team up the road who are claiming the exact same thing. Simple wrestling, let them fight.'

Martin: 'Great, another one of your dream match w***fests.

'I think I could get the Kings back if I spoke to them. Have them as a surprise opponent.'

Naess: 'No, my decision is final on that one. They're not coming back until they apologise or something major happens.

'Gentlemen, we have food for thought, let's finalise our decision in the next few days.' Naess leaves the room and heads out of the building.

 Braun: 'BTW Johnny, you ever call me out like that again, I'll put you flat on your ass.'




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@Adr3nal3nrussssssshhhhhh: 'I really don't get it.'


@BarryStanton: 'Dnt get wot?'

@Adr3nal3nrussssssshhhhhh: 'I'm looking at you right now, and you're not typing.'


Egon Merowicz stares blankly back at Powell.

@BarryStanton: 'Wht hv I tld u bout beleivin the fake news MSM?'

@Adr3nal3nrussssssshhhhhh: 'Woah, so you can control this chat with your mind?'

@BarryStanton: 'I AM NOT EGON F****** MEROWICZ TEDDY!!!!!!!!!!'

@BarryStanton: 'Sryy, i shudnt v spoken 2u lyk tht, its just the constant fake news gts me hot.'

@BarryStanton:: 'Egon is a sldier ov r cause, jst 1 of many.'

@BarryStanton: 'Lyk I tld u, we r the silent majority, jst u, me nd Egon v the balls 2 say it.'

@Adr3nal3nrussssssshhhhhh: 'Am I still in charge here?'

@BarryStanton: 'Ov course. Egon knws his job.'

@BarryStanton: 'Hv him get u coffee, do ur laundry, run-ins, f*** him if u rlly want 2.'

@BarryStanton: 'Actually dnt do tht, ive got bth of u an opportunity on the main card, spk soon.'

@BarryStanton has left.



Magwitch2.jpg.602c22f51e248a6403cb3c8d55ed88ee.jpg  vs MercyMichaels.jpg.f7811de0ac55d94453937c95ee6df7c7.jpg vs Vendetta.jpg.a66089ec5b1151b56694feb8dd4185ca.jpg

Right, positives; this was Magwitch's best match and broke the streak of him having the worst matches in the company

His popularity climbed as well so there's that

Negatives; the best performer on the night, Mercy Michaels, is on a one-shot deal, the other two I have to put up with regularly

I thought we'd turned a corner with Vendetta, so much so I've penned in a decent programme for him to start post-Homecoming

But another performance like this and I'll give to someone else

I'd happily can Magwitch and give his preshow push to someone else, but a certain other PSW diary writer chose him as part of a prediction prize

Venders did his usually Chrome spray shtick, only to miss Mercy Michaels and knock himself out on the turnbuckle

Mercy then turned round into an oversized boot, then the stump piledriver to give stumpy the win

Winner - Magwitch - Grade 34



We move on from that thrilling preshow opener to Lester's field


Deathwish and Zomboy are inches away from a roaring fire, with Wicked Lester pacing up-and-down behind them.

Lester: 'You disappoint me, too often.

'How do we fan the flames without conduction? Without championships we have no means of spreading our message and the fire.... burns out

'Maybe the fire needs a sacrifice...'

Lester looks as if he's about to push one of the team into the fire before rethinking his options.

'Let me down again, and burning will be legendary even in Hell.'



From one psychopath to another, it's off to office of Pinn Enterprises.


Dumphrey Pinn: 'So someone finally screwed the pooch. And Dog's chosen to fight the hand that fed him.

'You were nothing before I got here. I gave you relevancy, a purpose, a goal.

'Mate, you were always were a little mutt, and now, the pride of Pinn Enterprises, the Hot Taggs are going to help put you and your little friend down.

'Then masked boy, I'm going to take care of you personally.'



KalderTagg.jpg.9b9d1eb01443ac7f828ef7cd31f51f8e.jpgWolfieTagg.jpg.13168b8a7ec9489fdb8238df45ef7fd3.jpg vs WarPiece_alt.jpg.ec8b973f2e6640fafa2ce6f6a797d78f.jpgimage.jpeg.853664f676974837348e9344e8674488.jpeg

The Hot Taggs really do deserve a spot on the main show, but for now they get these two

War Piece starts off the martch Kalder, and the youngster gets some good shots in before the much larger Devil Dog tags himself in

The former Pinn Enterprises fixer uses basic power offence to keep both Taggs down, and looks like he's about to pick up the win for his team

Unfortunately, after bodyslamming Kalder and taking the back, he sits up and once again, pauses and gazes into space

War Piece manages to tag himself in and uses kicks to keep the Taggs off-guard

But he goes to the well to often, with Wolfie catching his leg and slamming him to the mat with a one-armed spinebuster

The brothers then double basement dropkick Devil Dog, sending him out of the ring

All alone, War Piece is easy prey for the Montana Slammer, flipping him through the air

It's another win for the ever-impressive Taggs

Winners; The Hot Taggs - Grade 42






Mitch Naess: 'Wwwwwwwwwwwelcome everybody to STEEL-CITY-SMASH! The hottest hour in all of professional wrestling

Alex Braun: 'Who's fed you nuts Mitch?'

Naess: 'I'm excited special friend, as we're expecting an exclusive announcement from the board.'

The entrance music of the Steel Circle then plays, but everyone in the area is shocked by which member is on their way to the ring.


Venus Angeletti: 'As the smartest, most savvy person on the roster, the Wrestleworld directors have chosen your's truly to deliver the following announcements.'

*A look of shock crosses the face of Venus as she begins her first announcement

Angeletti: 'Beginning from the end of the last show, Ernest Youngman is suspended from PSW for one month following his cowardly post-match attack.'

Braun: 'Woooaaaaahhh.'

Naess: 'Hate to say it, but, trouble in paradise?'

Angeletti: 'Next the channel's executives expect unpredictability in their programming, yet, both singles champions are exactly the same as the beginning of the year.

'So Wrestleworld is determined to find the best challenger for the PSW title for Homecoming, a man worthy of challenging Logan Wolfsbaine.

'Starting tonight, qualifiers will be held for four spots in the main event at Lockdown, a new type of match that the board has christened 'Hell With the Lid On'.

'Only applications from those deemed worthy have been accepted.

'Logan Wolfsbaine's request to defend his title at Hardcore Revolution against Doug Peak has been accepted, and that match will be Last Man Standing. The loser of that match will also enter Hell With The Lid On.

'And due to what the directors deem to be a lack of challengers, a wrestler from outside the company will gain entry to the match, one who is truly worthy.

'An announcement on the future of the National championship, held by Austin Smooth, will be made in due course.

'Speaking of Smooth, his applications for a qualifying match was accepted, with the condition that he puts his belt on the line.

'The application by the manager of his opponent was also accepted, and that match is now.'

Naess: 'Big changes are afoot in PSW/'

Braun: 'I wonder who's had the balls to apply for that match, we don't even know what type of match it is.'




hZEDsQh.jpg.951628d92c464a017b8d3ecfaf73c7c5.jpg.84b1e007bf4d9a9d2d3246fcc68bc94c.jpg vs image.jpeg.5f7a97ebeef4df856539f7159d3508b2.jpg.cc26da1f3a9a6fd0f5648aa2a7b3a964.jpg 

Cerberus licks his lips at the sight of an opponent much smaller in stature than him

And Big Red dominates the early stages of the match, throwing Smooth around the ring

He even goes for the hardware early, whipping Smooth across his back, leaving huge whelt marks

But Cerb's knees have seen plenty of damage over the years, and expertly timed dropkick leaves him staggering

Austin then paces a chair around Cerberus' head and bulldogs him, slamming his throat into the chair

For any other man this would have been it, but not Cerb

Smooth had attempted a particularly nasty Dragon Sleeper, with the champ sat on the apron while Cerberus was standing outside the ring

But the challenger powered up and out of it, sending Austin crashing into the steps with a staggering powerslam

The pair are now back in the ring and.... LOADED CHAIN PUNCH

With Austin seeing stars, the hound of hell looks to really finish him off with a grounded punch... AUSTIN MOVES

With the chain off his fist, Austin now has it and wraps it round Cerberus' legs






Cerb can't kick his legs!


Winner: Austin Smooth - Grade 46 (oh dear, oh dear)

Mitch Naess: 'PSW's own does it again, and punches his ticket to Hell With The Lid On.'

Alex Braun: 'What can we say? We taught that boy well.'



a wrestling ring in an arena, arena is dark apart from one spotlight, shining on the word MAX written in gold



We follow the defeated Cerberus and Carl Batch through the curtain.


Carl Batch: 'Look, you wanted opportunities, I got you opportunities.

'I got you a beaten down Cowboy, he was our ticket to the main event.

'Then the little fool, that was the National Title back wid' us.

'Look I can't win the matches for ya playa.'

Cerberus' looks as if his eyes are going to pop out of his head... Until we saw the most disturbing smile in the world.

Make these Cute Origami Animals- Easy to Fold | Craft Guild

Batch: 'Aw look at that. A fox! Who's this for playa? Who gonna get got next?'

A look of terror crosses Batch's face upon realising who the origami is for.

Naess: 'I don't think I've ever seen Batch look that scared before.'

Braun: 'Hmmm, I remember someone telling him that fedoras were going out of fashion.'

Naess: Comedian, anyway, next it's our tag team gauntlet.'



The sweet sounds of Laurence Fox playing the guitar herald the arrival of our first team.


Powell and Merowicz do their best to look intimidating, as we await the arrival of the next team

‘Sauni e tau le taua!       

‘Tau e matua tau!            

‘Fai ia mafai!

‘Le Manu

‘Sau Ia.’


Braun: 'Think Umaga and Machine might have something to say about Powell's views?'

Unfortunately for Teddy, the Samoans tend to do their talking in the ring.. HEADBUTTS ALL ROUND

Powell tries to go back to his high-flying days with a cross body on both Samoans, but is easily caught, ISLAND DRIVER to Powell

Merowicz then gets in the face of both Samoans, spitting in the face of Machine... DOUBLE HEADBUTT

Samoan Machine holds Merowicz in place with the Unbreakable Sleeper and... RHINO CHARGE

Eliminated: Powell & Merowicz

Egon and Teddy head back up the ramp, shouting insults (probably racist) at the big Samoans, before the arena goes black


Unlike the previous team, Aibell know better than to meet the Samoans head-on

Scratching, knawing, biting, the two cult members use every advantage they can over their opponents

But it doesn't seem like enough, with Umaga proving just to big to be kept down

RHINO CHARGE! Unfortunately Umaga didn't see was in the opposite corner and is met with a FIREBALL 


With Samoan Machine checking on his partner, Aibell arm themselves with kendo sticks and pepper Machine

A stick-assisted backstabber from Zomboy takes him to the mat while Deathwish climbs the turnbuckle, SWANDIVE HEADBUTT TO THE CHEST

DOUBLE FOOT STOMP from Zomboy and Machine's down for the count

Naess: 'Aibell have eliminated The Samoans! What an upset!'

Just one team left now as the three men who look like they need a wash await their opponents



Antix: 'Now let's go.

'Who the hell are these freaks? That's all anybody asks is

'We'll kick you out of Pittsburgh like Rudy Velasquez.'

Crowd: 'oooooooooooooooo.'

'And Deathwish, I think you got rickets

'It's harder to find your teeth than buy Oasis tickets.'

Reckless: 'Let's get RECKLESS.'

Braun: 'Thanks boys, I was wondering where our next lawsuit was coming from.'

Reckless Antix enter the ring with a renewed sense of, ahem *fire not seen in many years

Antix may be more rapper than wrestler these days but Reckless is putting in performances worthy of a much higher push

And the wily old duo more than hold their own, until Lester interjects himself in the match

The leader of the Legion takes a swing at Antix on the ropes with a barbed wire-wrapped bat and misses! With Reckless then taking him out with a plancha from the apron

Antix grabs a ladder from under the ring and the pair quickly hold it up to swat Zomboy out of the air 

While Reckless takes on Deathwish, Antix position the ladder in the corner... RECKLESS BOMB into the ladder folds up Deathwish



Antix is strong enough to hold Zomboy in place

Wicked Lester's still down!

Winners: Reckless Antix - Grade 42

Naess: 'Another one of our own does it.'

Braun: 'If I know Reckless and Antix, they'll be hunting down that record number of reins, held by Dead Rage.'



Haley Buck's risking her life for journalism again, this time trying to get a word with the Hangman.


Buck: 'Mr Hangman, sir.'

The Hangman stops and looks like he might actually engage with the interviewer this time.

Buck: 'Your issues with...'

Hangman: 'Stop. Don't even say his name...'



Hangman's fallen for the oldest trick in the book, bringing in Chip Martin.

Unfortunately, this was followed by a long, awkward silence.

Chip: 'Holy s***, this guy's huge!' The cocky youngster is then floored by a giant slap.

Hangman: 'BOY, you don't ever interrupt me. Ring. Now.'

Hangman storms off leaving Chip looking at Hayley, who's still pissed at him for messing up her exclusive, then regretfully down at the floor.



ChipMartin.jpg.236cc25a85fb6f4bd663960bd504a9da.jpg vs TexasHangman.jpg.1dcb9091f0f07dc0c58739f7de4a8675.jpg

Given the popularity and experience of the wrestlers involved, and that it was Hangman's first match that wasn't a squash, I was pretty pleased with this

The match started off as every Hangman match does... with the BIG BOOT

But the big chokeslam is reversed by Chip into a DDT

A top rope elbow drop then earns Chip a two-count before the Hangman throws him off

 Chip tries to play to his advantages, using his quickness to attack the Hangman from different angles

And a superkick to the knees of the Hangman drops him down onto them, leaving him prone for Chip's finisher

Unfortunately for Chip, The Hangman is so big and strong that he caught Chip's leg while kneeling, then hitting a chest slap that echoed around the arena

Hangman's up now and it's not long before the CHOKESLAM. A valiant effort, but you're not kicking out here Chip

Winner: Hangman - Grade 42

Mitch Naess: 'Man, this guy is impressive.'

Alex Braun: 'I hope he's got enough left in the tank for another fight.'



Just after his arm is raised, Cowboy Buck Winchester hits the ring, armed with a bull rope.

Mitch Naess: 'Buck's coming to get his revenge.'

The Hangman tries to fight him off but gets several whips to the back before he decides to leave the ring.

 Buck beckons him back into fight, with The Hangman looking like he's considering it, until the opening chords of Jaws hit to signal the arrival of Buck's opponent.



CowboyBuckWinchester.jpg.4b556e9a1d24a749243af3cd6153c825.jpg.8d0b61d38e85b58034302632418d8965.jpg vs DougPeak.jpg.bd4adde511f18648d0d7c4877f5a80d9.jpg

Buck may be involved in a life-or-death feud, but he's still the sheriff of PSW

And in his role, he likes to meet all new signings in the ring

But the pair didn't bother with introductions, preferring to throw fists instead

Doug Peak may be old now but he still packs one hell of a punch

Added to that, he's pure evil, trying to tear out Buck's eyes and yank his jaw out of place 

With the hardware inevitably involved, Peak looks to grind Buck's head on the turnbuckle, until his bell is rung with a cowbell

Buoyed by actually hurting the monster, Winchester grabs his head and hits his neckbreaker 



Come on Buck, you can't win a main event like that

Going back to the box of tricks, CBW lays out the thumbtacks on the canvas and grabs a chair

Oh Buck, you waited too long, Peak punches the chair back in CBW's face

The impact seems to have knocked Buck out, with Peak finding it easy to place him into a tree of woe position

To add injury to insult, Peak then stuffs Buck's mouth full of tacks... CHAIR ASSISTED HOUSE OF HORRORS

CBW flops to the mat and this one is over

Winner: Doug Peak - Grade 54

Mitch Naess: 'Have we found the opponent for Logan Wolfsbaine? Doug Peak may be the most brutal man he's ever faced.

Braun: 'The champ's going to have to come up with some kind of plan to keep this psychopath down for ten seconds.'

Naess: 'Goodnight everybody, try not to have nightmares.'


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I love the shock factor of The Latino Kings suddenly being gone and the backstage write-up explaining it. And then more shocks with the announcement-heavy open to Steel City Smash, setting up lots to look forward to over the weeks ahead. The tag gauntlet was the perfect way to re-establish Reckless Antix, I liked the theme of several homegrown stars having a big night, and the main event did a lot to build up Doug Peak.

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