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The Price of Glory [RTG]

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I'm quite excited for the incoming shift, with Bo-Z and City Boys becoming a thing. As well with the Black Widows Web, I'm enjoying the idea of influx of new stables.

I quite enjoyed having people like Raynor and Sharp be at the top, but I feel their time has come to an end being one of the top guys, especially with people like Beast Bantom coming in. I hope we can find someone else to route for that isn't necessarily a destined 'top guy' if that makes sense. But, its all bout trying to get the best ratings possible so it makes sense for these big names to come in.

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2 hours ago, CobheadJake said:

I'm quite excited for the incoming shift, with Bo-Z and City Boys becoming a thing. As well with the Black Widows Web, I'm enjoying the idea of influx of new stables.

I quite enjoyed having people like Raynor and Sharp be at the top, but I feel their time has come to an end being one of the top guys, especially with people like Beast Bantom coming in. I hope we can find someone else to route for that isn't necessarily a destined 'top guy' if that makes sense. But, its all bout trying to get the best ratings possible so it makes sense for these big names to come in.

There is big change coming that is for sure and certain people just can't perform at the level we need. Some of the match grades in the KoJ 2026 season are all over the place.

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Gavin Owen defeated Pigeon Mask VI via submission with the Judo Armlock

Rating: 49



Matthew Macks and Thea Davis defeated Pigeon Mask III and Pigeon Mask VII when Macks pinned Pigeon Mask III with a Sunset Flip

Rating: 50



Duckworth and Holly open King of the Jungle and talk about the Bracket

Rating: 43


Lewis Duckworth and Holly Leves came to the ring to talk about this year's King of the Jungle. Lewis said that this year's competition will be the biggest yet with 16 wrestlers participating. He reminded us that the competition is single elimination, so one loss and you are out! Holly announced that the next match is a King of the Jungle qualification match, the winners will be in round one matches at Coming Home in two weeks.


The Bridges Of London (Grant Taypen and Leighton Buzzard) defeated Black Country Boys (Gazz Vedmore and Mickey Robson)

Rating: 48


There is no love lost between these teams and it was a bad tempered start with lots of pushing and shoving. The match was stiff and intense and the Bridges managed to wear Robson and Vedmore down with their submission wrestling. In the end however, it was Buzzard's Buzz Off cross body that proved to be the decisive blow. Buzzard and Taypen were through to the first round of the King of the Jungle.


Bo-Z reveal interrupted!

Rating: 39



Cassie O’Peter and Blair Kerrigan came to the ring for the Bo-Z reveal. They talked about being young, artistic and unconventional in the 21st Century. They said they are here to represent the Bohemian Gen Z (hence the name), they are here to represent those that are discriminated against and those that have not been given the same opportunities as others… 


At this point Blair and Cassie were interrupted by Aurelian Bradley who shouted them down and told them to vacate the ring as it was time for his match. “We don't have time for people like you” Bradley yelled. An ugly scene was unfolding and officials separated everyone so the next match could begin.


King of the Jungle - Round One

Aurelian Bradley defeated AJ Barry

Rating: 52


Bradley was bright red with rage as Barry made his entrance and took he his ire out on the young member of the Pride. Bradley landed stiff uppercuts and took control of the majority of the match. When Barry could make space he performed some incredible dives and aerial attacks but Bradley always got control back and eventually got the Figure Four Leglock on and AJ had to tap out. 


King of the Jungle - Round One

Jasper Squires defeated Travis Donovan

Rating: 56


This was not a match either of the WWF teammates were expecting to have before the King of the Jungle draw was made. Both men were reluctant to land heavy blows at first but as their competitive spirit build up inside them the match turned into an all out war. Neither man budged an inch and they went all out to win through to round 2. Travis had the size advantage but Squires was more wily and started to use Travis' size against him with well timed counters. After 14 minutes of intense action Squires countered a suplex attempt into a reverse headlock and from there hit the Price Drop and covered for the three count. Squires offered a hand shake after the match but Donovan, his pride wounded, slapped Jasper's hand away and walked off.


Zofia and Beast promo; they will end Stefan’s career tonight. 

Rating: 63


Zofia Jankovic and Beast Bantom are backstage. Zofia says that the pain that Stefan put her through was double; physical pain from her injuries and mental pain of not being able to perform. Zofia says she and Bantom will inflict triple pain on Raynor; physical - for sure, mental - of course and the third…they will take away his future!


King of the Jungle - Round One

Beast Bantom defeated Padraig O'Hearne

Rating: 58


This was, unsurprisingly, the second meaty man brawl of the show. This was the reverse of the Squires/Donovan bout in that they started fast and the action slowed as the match wore on. Bantom looked to have a slight advantage in power but O'Hearne got stronger as the ten minute mark approached. O'Hearne had Bantom up for his Inverted Crucifix Powerbomb but Beast slipped free as he was going down and landed on his back. O'Hearne stumbled, Beast was up first and found the strength to hit the Savage Pounce! He covered and got the three count but it seemed like a pyrrhic victory as his back was clearly hurting him. 


King of the Jungle - Round One - No DQ

Stefan Raynor defeated Zofia Jankovic

Rating: 64


Zofia and Stefan made their entrances through a chaotic scene as O'Hearne and Bantom brawled at ringside following their match. O'Hearne whipped Bantom, bad back first, into the ring post before they were both led away from rindside. Back in the ring, a sick smile spread across Stefan Raynor’s face; he was going one on one with Zofia and there would be no rules!


Zofia fought like crazy, she was nearly 100lbs down on Raynor but she used the weapons around ringside to her advantage. Chair shots, whips into ladders and even a moonsault through Raynor on a table got close two counts and the crowd were on their feet as Jankovic closed in on a huge victory. But, Raynor still had the size advantage and a vicious streak a mile wide. When Zofia missed with a huge chair shot Raynor countered with a kick to the stomach and a Single Arm DDT onto the chair! Zofia was out cold and Raynor covered her for the win and a place in the KoJ Quarter Finals.

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Jasper Squires and Padraig O'Hearne defeated Pigeon Mask III and Pigeon Mask V when O'Hearne pinned Pigeon Mask V following a Crowning Glory (Inverted Crucifix Powerbomb)

Rating: 60



WWF promo; no hard feelings and a new signing

Rating: 48


Travis Donovan and Thea Davis came out to the ring and it was clear that Squires and Donovan had patched things up after the tension following their King of the Jungle match. Squires announced WWF's latest talent acquisition, ‘The Mane Man’, King Lion!


Most people did not know who this was but his mask was spectacular and that got a reaction at least. 


Cannonball Logan and Matthew Macks defeated Pigeon Mask X and Pigeon Mask XI when Logan pinned Pigeon Mask XI following a Logan’s Run

Rating: 43



Bo-Z vignette - A Grand Slam winner returns!

Rating: 22


Next we saw 3LW's first ever vignette! The vignette opened with Leo Price walking into a pub in East London, the kind of place that looks rough but is actually full of hipsters and charges £20 for a burger. Leo told the barman that he was here to meet some people, they call themselves Bo-Z. The barman directed him to a table in the corner, Cassie O’Peter and Blair Kerrigan were there, looking fabulous and drinking champagne spritzers. Leo spoke, he was clearly irritated; “Alright, you invited me here to meet your representative for King of the Jungle, so….” Into the shot walked…


Bret Heartbreak! 


“I have unfinished business with you guys” Brett said “let's talk.” Leo ordered a pint of bitter, the barman had no idea what he was talking about. 


King of the Jungle - Round One

Bret Heartbreak defeated Gavin Owen

Rating: 54


As the vignette faded to black, Bret Heartbreak made his grandiose re-debut entrance flanked by Cassie and Blair. The match was very good, Bret is a world class brawler and he managed to overpower Owen's judo based offence enabling him to win via pinfall following the Heart Attack (top rope clothesline).


King of the Jungle - Round One

Jermaine Granger defeated Leighton Buzzard

Rating: 49


Granger is a charismatic wrestler who can fly and grapple. He moved into Round 2 after landing his impressive Frog Splash on Buzzard.


Nate Manchester debuts! He asks Price where his LW champ is

Rating: 52


Up next was the third debut of the night! Nate Manchester came to the ring to a great ovation. Nate got on the mic and called out his friend Leo Price. Nate recalled the original three Lions meeting; it was going to be Price, Nate and Squires as the Three Lions against the world! Nate asked what happened, Leo replied that he couldn’t afford to hire Nate until now (the crowd laughed but this was a shoot). Nate finished by asking where Leo's Lightweight Champion is, he has not defended the belt since February! Nate said he wants to test him! Leo announced that Welsh Dragon is scheduled to be here in two weeks at Mane Event 32. Nate smiled and said he would be here too!


King of the Jungle - Round One

Jon Michael Sharp defeated Grant Taypen

Rating: 44


Sharp’s struggles seem to encapsulate the decline of The Pride. If Sharp could win the King of the Jungle then he would complete the Grand Slam but no one believed that this could happen. Sharp had been surpassed and so had The Pride. This match was pretty basic with Taypen and Sharp wrestling a decent mat based match before Sharp burst into life after 13 minutes and hit his Flying Cross Body for the win. Sharp had won this time but his performance did still seem lacking compared to the likes of Squires and Daljit


King of the Jungle - Round One

Bali Daljit defeated Martin Heath

Rating: 52


The main event made the decline of the Pride stand out in even sharper relief. In terms of talent and charisma Daljit and Heath were eerily similar, the difference was in belief. Daljit came to the ring full of swagger, shouting about destiny. Heath cut a more subdued figure, focused but nervous. The match featured brawling, grappling and high flying as both men looked to find their opponent’s weak spot. Heath rushed a Flying Fist Drop and Daljit moved at the last second to make Heath punch canvas instead. Daljit worked on Heath’s now injured hand and wrist with some nice wrist locks and used that to transition into a tornado DDT and then his Shooting Star Press. Daljit covered and got the three count; he was through to the Quarter Finals.



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3 minutes ago, alpha2117 said:

The fact that the pigeons are getting some of the best match scores is hilarious.  Now there are Hens too.  Is it wrong to want an all pigeon show?

I think Squires and O'Hearne would take credit for that 60!

Pigeons do rule though.

I think the problem with an all Pigeon show would be that they are all at unimportant push. 

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Martin Heath defeated Pigeon Mask IV by pinfall after a Flying Fist Drop

Rating: 45



Zofia Jankovic Promo; she is disappointed about losing to Stefan but the fire of vengeance still burns inside her

Rating: 49



World Wrestling Forum (King Lion & Travis Donovan) defeated Pigeon Mask VI and Pigeon Mask VIII when King Lion pinned Pigeon Mask VIII following the Lion’s Breath (Sit Out Powerbomb)

Rating: 41



Bret Heartbreak defeated Grant Taypen

Rating: 53


Heartbreak warmed up for his Quarter Final encounter with Aurelian Bradley by defeating his associate Grant Taypen. Heartbreak had the crowd on his side against the surly Taypen and he sealed victory with the spectacular top rope clothesline he calls the Heart Attack.


Bradley confronts Taypen, Patterson debuts!

Rating: 53


Bradley was furious with Taypen after this loss and he ran out to the ring to confront him. Stern words were spoken before Bradley attacked Taypen and they brawled. The brawl was broken up by the debuting Danny Patterson! The Tower of London seemed to be brokering peace between Taypen and Bradley but then headbutted Taypen and helped Bradley beat him up.


3LW Lightweight Title

Welsh Dragon defeated Cain Carlile

Rating: 54


Captain Crash had fought for the lightweight title a number of times and fallen short and he did so again against the vicious and clinical champion. Dragon used his vast array of kicks to counter Carlile’s crazy dives and finished him off with the Dragon Kick.


Too many contenders; Dragon, Manchester, Jones, Davis - Price makes a round robin

Rating: 51


Dragon was celebrating his successful title defence when he was interrupted by Nate Manchester. Nate berated Dragon for rarely defending the title. Nate challenged Dragon and said that he would be a real champion. Out came Neville Jones who said he was unbeaten so he should be getting the shot. Thea Davis was next out, she made the claim that no one has as much international experience as her and so she should get the title shot. All four argued in the ring until Leo Price came out. Price said that the Lightweight division needs more competition and, over the next six shows, we will have a four way round robin and the winner would be the Lightweight Champion.


King of the Jungle - Quarter Final 

Jermaine Granger defeated Jon Michael Sharp

Rating: 45


Many people have speculated that before long Jermaine Granger would fulfil his potential and go far in a Grand Slam. Jon Michael Sharp had never failed to reach the Semi Finals of a Grand Slam. In this match something had to give, in the end it was Sharp’s back. Granger had targeted his opponent's back with the aim of slowing him down, this worked brilliantly and it also stopped him putting on The Sharpshooter. Granger dropped Sharp with a face plant suplex and then landed his Frog Splash to Sharp’s injured back! Granger covered and got the three, what a performance!


King of the Jungle - Quarter Final

Beast Bantom defeated Stefan Raynor

Rating: 54


As much as Bantom tried to put a brave face on it, it was clear from the outset that his back was really hurting him. The ever ruthless Raynor spotted this immediately and set about exploiting the injury; targeting all of his offence at the big man's huge back. Bantom looked to be in trouble but he dug deep and found the resolve to come out swinging. Now Raynor was in trouble as Bantom landed a flurry of strikes and slams. Bantom pressed the advantage and sent his opponent sprawling to the canvas with the Savage Pounce! Beast covered with difficulty but it was enough to get the three count, Bantom was through to the Semi Final but what shape would he be in for that match?

Edited by Bad Collin
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Jermaine Granger and The Pride (AJ Barry & Cannonball Logan) defeated Pigeon Mask I, Pigeon Mask II and Pigeon Mask III when Granger pinned Pigeon Mask II after a Frog Splash

Rating: 49





Pigeon Mask X defeated Grant Taypen

Rating: 48


The match started like any other Pigeon Mask match with the unmasked worker dominating. In this case Taypen was wrestling a very nice mat game and trying to perfect a nasty looking hammerlock. Pigeon Mask X was not going to give up easily though and she started to work her way out of Taypen's holds and perform some incredible high flying manoeuvres! Taypen was stunned and when Mask X hit a Lung Blower from nowhere and covered he couldn't kick out! Pigeon Mask X had won!


Consequences for Taypen! 

Rating: 43


Pigeon Mask X was brushed aside as a debuting Crusher Ball, Aurelian Bradley and Danny Patterson rushed the ring and started beating Taypen. Grant was powerless to fight back and barely struggled as the three assailants powerbombed him through the announce desk!


Travis Donovan defeated Padraig O'Hearne

Rating: 53


This was a fierce battle between two talented wrestlers on the up. O'Hearne had the better of most of the match but Donovan used his sheer power to lift O'Hearn up for the Donobomb and that was enough to get the win after 12 minutes.


Nate Manchester defeated Thea Davis

Rating: 57


This was the first match of the Lightweight Title round robin and it started with an absolute banger. Both athletes are excellent all round performers and this match had a wide variety of strikes, holds and dives on display. It was Nate who came away with the win, hitting the Manc-Sault after countering Thea’s Flying Elbow Drop with a super kick. 


Squires Promo; He needs to find a way to win the big matches, tonight’s match against Daljit is a test

Rating: 66



King of the Jungle - Quarter Final

Aurelian Bradley defeated Bret Heartbreak

Rating: 54


Another chapter was written in this short but bitter rivalry as Bradley and Heartbreak fought a bad tempered Quarter Final match. Heartbreak took the advantage in the early going so Bradley kept resorting to pulling Heartbreak's luscious hair and raking his eyes. These tactics worked and Heartbreak lost his cool allowing Bradley to methodically pick him apart. Bradley set up the Figure Four with kicks to the legs and Dragon Screws and when ‘The Master of the Old School’ locked on the dreaded Figure Four Leglock Heartbreak had to tap out.


King of the Jungle - Quarter Final

Bali Daljit defeated Jasper Squires

Rating: 69


This was a clash of styles which turned into an excellent main event. Squires is a pure toe-to-toe brawler and Daljit likes to wrestle a bit before transitioning to an aerial attack late on. Squires pushed the pace and looked to finish the bout early on but Daljit countered at times and was resilient at others and you could feel the balance of the match shift as they passed the 15 minute mark. The point of no return for Squires came when he tried to take the fight outside of the ring. Daljit took control with a shotgun dropkick into the ringsteps and as Squires stumbled back into the ring Daljit clambered up to the top turnbuckle and hit a huge dropkick to Squire’s back. Squires collapsed to the canvas and Daljit performed his peerless Shooting Star Press, Squires could not kick out and Daljit was through to the Semi Finals. Squire’s hunt for his fourth Grand Slam goes on.

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Beast Bantom Hype Video

Rating: 56



World Wrestling Forum (Jasper Squires & King Lion) defeated Pigeon Mask II and Pigeon Mask VI when King Lion pinned Pigeon Mask VI following a Lion’s Breath Powerbomb.

Rating: 55



Florence Interview - Pigeon Mask X removes her mask!

Rating: 38


Melanie Florence came to the ring to conduct an interview with the first Pigeon Mask to ever win a match and get to unmask. Florence and Mask X built up the tension until the mask was removed to reveal..


Ariel Breaks!

Breaks was mostly unknown in the UK but there was a pop from the small number of 3LW fans who watched CWA as Breaks was CWA women’s champion from June 2025 to March 2026. Breaks took the mic and referred to this epic reign saying that she took on the best of the best in Canada and came out on top. She smiled and said she is so excited to be competing in the 3LW lightweight division, she added that we have seen a bit of what she can do but she is about to take lightweight wrestling to a whole new level. 


The Pride (Cannonball Logan & AJ Barry) defeated Pigeon Mask VII and Pigeon Mask IV

Rating: 41 via pinfall when Barry pinned Pigeon Mask IV after an AJ Arrow (Top Rope Spear)



Logan urges Price to bring Granger into the Pride!

Rating: 48


AJ Barry went to the back celebrating the victory but Cannonball Logan stayed in the ring. He called Leo Price in and then called out Jermaine Granger. Logan said that he has known Granger since ‘Black Thunder’ started training in the ROF dojo. Logan continued to say that Granger lives up to that nickname, he is a force of nature! Logan concluded by saying that he thinks Granger is the future of 3LW and he urged Leo Price to offer him a place in the Pride! Granger smiled, clearly flattered by Logan’s words. Granger thanked Logan and said he would like to talk to Price about The Pride but he is fully focussed on facing Beast Bantom tonight. Granger finished by saying that he knows he is facing an uphill task against the unbeaten monster but Black Thunder always strikes more than twice. 


Welsh Dragon defeated Neville Jones

Rating: 64


The second match of the Lightweight Title Round Robin was even better than the Davis/Manchester banger to open. Jones is tall and slim making his head a difficult target for Dragon’s kicks but Dragon simply kicked away at his opponent’s legs and body instead. After about 10 minutes Jones was starting to struggle to climb the turnbuckle due to the punishment he had taken. With Jones’s Swansea Swanton seemingly taken out of commission Jones started to try and slug it out with Dragon on the inside but he just left himself in striking distance of more of Welsh Dragon’s incredibly accurate kicks. The finish was spectacular; Dragon unleashing a jumping version of the Reverse Crescent Kick he calls the Dragon Kick to leave Jones flat out on the canvas. The three count was a formality and Welsh Dragon had his first win in the round robin.  


Black Widow’s Web Promo; 

Rating: 56


Zofia Jankovic, Beast Bantom and Bali Daljit came to the ring for a promo ahead of the King of the Jungle Semi Finals. Zofia said that Bantom is fine, but she didn’t sound convincing. Bali Daljit took the mic and insulted Aurilian Bradley saying that Bradley is a putrid mound of hatred and arrogance and he can’t wait to dump him out of the King of the Jungle tonight. 


King of the Jungle - Semi Final

Beast Bantom defeated Jermaine Granger

Rating: 52


Bantom started quickly and tried to put Granger away within the first five minutes of the match. ‘Black Thunder’ endured an onslaught of big right hands and slams but his resilience was clearly diminished by the ordeal. Granger turned the tide of the match by slipping behind Bantom and landing a shotgun drop kick right in the middle of the Beast’s back. Bantom roared in pain and Granger took control but only briefly. In a fight between a 216lbs man and a 321lbs man, the 321lbs man just needs one big shot and Bantom got it when he caught Granger flush with a lariat. Bantom shifted into position as Granger stumbled around and then hit him head on with the Savage Pounce! Bantom laboured to make the cover and the referee counted to three. Bantom was through to the final but he seemed to be in worse shape than ever.  


King of the Jungle - Semi Final

Bali Daljit defeated Aurelian Bradley

Rating: 57


Bradley usually tried to wind up his opponents but tonight he was all business. A place in the final was at stake and the ever confident ‘Master of the Old School’ almost seemed nervous. This match went 18 minutes and after a steady start where they went hold for hold, Daljit started upping the pace and pulling off some stunning dives. Bradley reverted to his usual tactic of attacking his opponents knees to set up the Figure Four but Daljit was too quick and too skilled a wrestler to allow Bradley to control the match like this. The finish happened very quickly; Bradley moved in to grapple Daljit but was hit by a lightning fast spinning elbow. Daljit followed up with a DDT and went up top and hit the Shooting Star Press and - just like that - it was over, Bradley could not kick out and Black Widow’s Web teammates Daljit and Bantom would meet in the King of the Jungle final. 

Edited by Bad Collin
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The show started with some hip hop music. Most of the crowd were into it, some were dancing, it was good vibes to start the show. Coming to the ring to make his 3LW debut…



Fro Sure!


Fro Sure defeated Pigeon Mask I

Rating: 49


Most people didn’t know who Fro Sure is but they soon did. Sure put up a brilliant debut performance and won with his Sure Thing, a disgusting looking inverted piledriver. 


Zofia Jankovic was interviewed by Melanie Florence; Zofia said that she will enjoy her team's dominance tonight and take care of Stefan Raynor later

Rating: 51



World Wrestling Forum (Jasper Squires, King Lion and Travis Donovan) defeated Pigeon Mask IV, Pigeon Mask V and Pigeon Mask VI when Travis Donovan pinned Pigeon Mask VI after the Donobomb

Rating: 50





Bantom v Daljit hype video

Rating: 52



Jon Michael Sharp and Martin Heath defeated Gavin Owen and Matthew Macks via pinfall when Heath pinned Macks after the Disarmer

Rating: 47



JK Lee and Padraig O'Hearne defeated AJ Barry and Cannonball Logan

Rating: 59


Lee and O’Hearne had been a team for eight years and they were absolutely fantastic here. Their experience proved to be decisive as they dominated the match and won when JK Lee made Cannonball Logan tap out to a Crossface.


Pride promo. All members of the Pride gathered in the ring to endorse Jermaine Granger. Granger said he was honoured and would work his hardest to bring glory to The Pride!

Rating: 46




Bret Heartbreak defeated Leighton Buzzard

Rating: 64


The loss to Aurelian Bradley would have stung but all things considered Heartbreak had been very successful against Bradley's associates. Bret wrestled another excellent match here, picking up the victory after 13 minutes with the Heart Attack.


Bradley, Ball and Patterson assault Heartbreak!

Rating: 50



Heartbreak’s joy was short-lived as he was jumped by Aurelian Bradley, Crusher Ball and Danny Patterson! They beat him up for a few minutes leaving him bloodied in the middle of the ring.


Welsh Dragon defeated Thea Davis

Rating: 73


The third match of the Lightweight Title Round Robin produced the best match in 3LW history so far. Thea and Dragon went out to steal the show and in 13 minutes of joyous, breathless wrestling they did. Every strike combination was precise, every kick looked deadly and they both pulled off some audacious dives. The finish was breathtaking; Davis thought she had Dragon beaten and she went up to the top turnbuckle to finish him with her famous Flying Elbow Drop. Dragon was ready for this however and kipped up, avoiding the elbow drop! As Davis got up she was hit by the Dragon Kick and that was enough for the three count. Davis was now out of the round robin and would only have pride to fight for in her final match against Neville Jones.


King of the Jungle Final

Bali Daljit defeated Beast Bantom

Rating: 52


As Grand Slam main events go, this was an anti-climax. It was unclear to the viewers how much the Beast’s bad back was storyline and how much was real as he struggled through this match. Daljit fought energetically, avoiding Bantom’s big moves including one excellently timed dodge of the Savage Pounce. After missing Daljit, Bantom went crashing into the turnbuckle and from there Daljit dominated with kicks to the back and one incredibly painful looking lung blower. As the ten minute mark approached Daljit showed great strength by slamming The Beast! Daljit then went up to the top turnbuckle and delivered a beautiful Shooting Star Press. The fans waited for the kick out but it didn’t come! Daljit had beaten Beast Bantom in just under ten minutes and was the King of the Jungle!

Edited by Bad Collin
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3LW Update

Starting in September 2026, Mane Event will become a weekly show. Even more excitingly, Mane Event will no longer be held in London. The show will tour around the UK and you can still see it live on WrestleWorld!

With the growth of 3LW we have have eight trios who have entered this year's Three Lions Tournament. Some of these teams are so new that they haven't even been named yet! The eight teams will compete in two groups of four with the winners of the groups meeting to see who will be tournament winners at the Three Lion's Tournament event in November.

Group A:

Black Widow's Web (Bantom, Daljit, Jankovic)

New Assassins (Raynor, O'Hearne, Lee)

TBC (Carlile, Breaks, Macks)

TBC (Vedmore, Robson, Duckworth)

Group B:

The Pride (Granger, Sharp, Heath)

World Wrestling Forum (Squires, Donovan, ???)

TBC (Bradley, Buzzard, Ball)

Bo-Z (Heartbreak, O'Peters, Kerrigan)

The third member of the WWF team has been registered and the name of the competitor will be revealed at Mane Event 35 in two weeks time.


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