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Not a total newbie to TEW but it's a loooong time since I played one of the games so I may as well be.

What's a good starting company suggestion to get to grips with TEW IX without overwhelming myself, bearing in mind I know next to nothing about the CornellVerse, and any tips for getting started?

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Starting with a promotion you are familiar with is always best. That's the advice given to all of these sports sim type games like FM/F1 or TEW.

I would suggest play with Real World mods and your favourite promotion but I don't think there are any for IX yet. 

Check the archetypes/product of the promotions in  CV and go from there. Keep in mind, following aren't 1 to 1 copies but similar enough for you to hook your self into the promotion.

Attitude era WWE - SWF

OVW era of WWE developmental - RIPW

What if WCW survived and became a modern company with focus on workrate and storytelling both or your like AEW or peak era of TNA - TCW

New generations era WWF - USPW

PG era WWE with soap opera storylines like the current Judgement day/Dom/Liv storyline - RAW

Post inoki era NJPW with sprinkles NWO/Bullet club- BHOTWG

NOAH/AJPW with King's road style - PGHW.

Dragon Gate - WLW

Chikara - ZEN

What if one of the post ECW revival promotions actually succeeded - PSW.

What if AAA had someone like Rock and killed off CMLL - EILL

Lucha underground-esque wrestling - EMLL


And so on. 


Edited by SanX
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If you're looking at learning the mechanics (and mechanically the game has changed a lot in the past few versions) you might look at a smaller fed as they tend to be more forgiving. NYPW tends to be good for learning sports entertainment, CZCW for work rate and CILL for lucha.

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52 minutes ago, Doctor Crunch said:

If you're looking at learning the mechanics (and mechanically the game has changed a lot in the past few versions) you might look at a smaller fed as they tend to be more forgiving. NYPW tends to be good for learning sports entertainment, CZCW for work rate and CILL for lucha.

One of the reasons a few people have said RAW is that it's at that sweet spot design wise where lots of the newer mechanics kick in.  It's financially stable has an endless TV deal and can offer Written contracts and is dominant in it's region and it's roster is legit insane for SQ.  You wont be punished too much if you make mistakes learning the mechanics which can be disastrous for a small fed.  With small feds your margins are tight and you can spiral real quick because the talent isn't strong enough to cover for errors but with RAW you roll out Swoop for a promo and the world is a happy place. It's a really simple straightforward sort of company - everyone kind of knows PG era WWF - It's promo promo promo - angle angle angle with a few short matches thrown in between.  With Angles being the big change and RAW being the angle heavy company you get plenty of practice with the new way of doing things, throw in the more complex backstage roles this time out and it's a company that could almost have been designed to learn the new stuff on.  It's also possible to change it up if you want to either change the product a bit or try to expand out of Oceania if you intend to stick with a company for a longer haul.  

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DIW were my gateway to the CornellVerse. As the company with the smallest roster in the game's most isolated region (I guess DSPW have taken that crown now), I found it the least intimidating way to enter the unknown. I used to only load Oceania too for even less noise and to not feel overwhelmed as I eased my way in. If that's the kind of experience you're looking for, I think they remain a solid pick in TEW IX as it's only 26 wrestlers you need to familarise yourself with, a fairly straightforward product, a small starting size so as long as you book stars in your main events you should gain popularity and one show a month so you shouldn't burn out too quickly. One negative is they only start with $2,000, but they seem to be profitable just booking the starting roster.


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It depends on what is most interesting to you to learn and what goal you have for the game.

Do you like to write up a lot of angles and storylines? USPW, RAW, NYCW

Do you like storylines but want the flexibility and the option to pretty much have almost the entire card be matches? TCW, APW

Do you just want to book your roster in matches and see who is the best? CZCW, ACPW, QAW, WLW

Do you want to book Japanese style product that allows for some angles? BHOTWG

Japanese product that needs no angles? PGHW, BCG

Want to be able to do all the match types in game? PSW

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MAW is kind of an old school independent promotion with some fun events that you can get your toes wet with. They are very tight with money off the bat but a few months in TCW sends you some fresh blood. And this is small sample size, but atleast in my game TCW hasn't recalled anyone nearly a year in yet while SWF pillaged RIPW three months in and took nearly all their talent to the main roster. MAW runs mostly matches but angles aren't any problem and your show ratings actually get a boost if you have a diverse selection of angles on your shows.

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This thread has been helpful to me too as someone who doesn't traditionally play the CVerse. So thank you for the responses. 

Is there a good company that's mostly match focused with storylines/angles here and there that isn't a massive company? I was intrigued by a company like BCG but I don't really want to book daily touring shows. More ideally a company like PWG in real life that has events with some storylines/angles here and there but is mostly focused on the wrestling and runs weekly or monthly shows. 

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2 hours ago, Jeremy Weimer said:

This thread has been helpful to me too as someone who doesn't traditionally play the CVerse. So thank you for the responses. 

Is there a good company that's mostly match focused with storylines/angles here and there that isn't a massive company? I was intrigued by a company like BCG but I don't really want to book daily touring shows. More ideally a company like PWG in real life that has events with some storylines/angles here and there but is mostly focused on the wrestling and runs weekly or monthly shows. 

This is MAW. It was my entry point in TEW16 to the CVerse and while RAW is something every week, this is far more controllable on your terms for how often you want to book. 

You WILL lose workers as time goes by but by then you’ll know what you’re doing. 

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17 minutes ago, Bailey1985 said:

This is MAW. It was my entry point in TEW16 to the CVerse and while RAW is something every week, this is far more controllable on your terms for how often you want to book. 

You WILL lose workers as time goes by but by then you’ll know what you’re doing. 

Thank you. I think I played MAW a bit in TEW20 when I tried to get in to the CVerse originally. I'll check them out again. So far I've just been doing a game where I'm unemployed and watching the universe unfold. Trying to gain some exposure that way and learn too. If/when I take over a company, I'm not sure if I want to start a new game or just pick up where my watcher game is currently at. 

Is there any companies besides MAW that would fit my criteria or close to it? Just in case I don't really like them. 

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On 8/7/2024 at 5:53 PM, Jeremy Weimer said:

This thread has been helpful to me too as someone who doesn't traditionally play the CVerse. So thank you for the responses. 

Is there a good company that's mostly match focused with storylines/angles here and there that isn't a massive company? I was intrigued by a company like BCG but I don't really want to book daily touring shows. More ideally a company like PWG in real life that has events with some storylines/angles here and there but is mostly focused on the wrestling and runs weekly or monthly shows. 

I haven't used them much so open to correction but I think any of the European companies should be a reasonable fit for you.

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On 8/7/2024 at 11:53 AM, Jeremy Weimer said:

This thread has been helpful to me too as someone who doesn't traditionally play the CVerse. So thank you for the responses. 

Is there a good company that's mostly match focused with storylines/angles here and there that isn't a massive company? I was intrigued by a company like BCG but I don't really want to book daily touring shows. More ideally a company like PWG in real life that has events with some storylines/angles here and there but is mostly focused on the wrestling and runs weekly or monthly shows. 

NYCW is this. MAW is too, but with the added roster management from the developmental deal with TCW.

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I fell in love with the CVerse playing as MAW in I think TEW 2010?  Not sure, that one is on my old computer.  But whatever version it was, they had Jay Chord, Bret Starr, Casey Valentine, and Cam Vessey.  I always try to bring those guys into TCW in my new saves and start up a stable.  I think they might have also had KC Glenn on that roster, and maybe even Matthew Keith.  It was absolutely stacked.  Of course, you couldn't possibly grow fast enough to avoid losing all those guys within a year, but it really got me into the lore.  

Just start with something small enough that you can learn about and become invested in your roster, and the rest will come naturally.

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