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SWF: Death of a Dynasty

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2 hours ago, Kieran_Lives said:

I have my guy proofreading my latest show. It'll be online tomorrow.

You have a guy ... the closest I get to staff is Magpies.

Oh if you look at my Scouting report on page 1 in the post for Martels FWP part 2 theres a scouting report for the guy I mentioned - I wont mention his name because if you do decide to use him it's a great potential surprise for people reading the diary.  You'll know who it is though as soon as you see him. 



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Date: August 11, 2022

Location: Laurent Ballroom, New England

Attendance: 5179


The show opens with SWF owners Jerry and Eric Eisen, accompanied by Eric's pregnant wife Emma Chase, standing in the ring. Jerry takes the microphone and begins addressing the audience.

Jerry: "Thank you all for being here. As many of you know, last week on Supreme TV, Remo attacked our own Enforcer Roberts in a blatant disregard for the rules and the safety of our staff. Such behavior is unacceptable under any circumstances, and there will be repercussions."

Eric Eisen nods in agreement as Jerry continues.

Jerry: "The disciplinary committee will be reviewing the situation and making a decision regarding Remo's future with SWF. We want to assure everyone that Enforcer is expected to make a full recovery, though he is quite banged up at the moment. We will be taking all necessary measures to ensure that this kind of attack does not happen again."

As the crowd absorbs the news, the atmosphere shifts as the SWF World Champion, Rocky Golden, storms down the ramp with a look of fury on his face. He slides into the ring and grabs a microphone from an attendant.


Rocky Golden: "Hold on a second! I get it, Remo's been suspended, and he deserves punishment. But let’s not forget why we’re here. Enforcer Roberts deserves justice, and I’ll make sure he gets his pound of flesh."

The crowd reacts with a mix of cheers and murmurs, clearly intrigued by Golden's passionate outburst.

Golden: "I know Remo's got a problem with me too, and the feeling is mutual. He fights without honor and lacks respect for this great company -- the company your late father built from nothing with guys like Enforcer by his side -- and I'm not prepared to let anyone besmirch our home."

Golden looks at Jerry and Eric with a determined expression. 

Golden: "So I’m asking, no -- pleading -- with management to lift the suspension. Let me handle Remo."

Jerry and Eric exchange glances, the weight of Rocky's plea hanging in the air. Eric Eisen takes a deep breath, his expression resolute. He steps forward, the microphone held firmly in his hand.

Eric: "Rocky, we understand your frustration, but our decision regarding Remo's suspension is final. The disciplinary committee has determined that Remo will remain suspended while they review the situation."

Emma Chase, standing beside Eric, offers a supportive nod. 

Chase: "We trust that the committee will make a fair and thorough decision, and we will ensure that all necessary steps are taken to maintain the safety and integrity of SWF."


Des Davids' music hits. The crowd erupts in a mixture of cheers and boos as the next challenger for the SWF World Championship makes his way down the ramp.

Davids steps into the ring, his eyes locked on Rocky Golden. He doesn’t waste any time stepping directly in front of the champion. Golden, still seething from the Eisens' decision, looks surprised but stands his ground, ready for whatever is coming.

Davids: “Give it up for Rocky Golden, everyone. The man who thinks he’s untouchable. SWF’s savior. The guy who’s more worried about Remo than the threat standing right in front of his face. That’s your problem, Rocky -- you’re so obsessed with who’s next that you’re blind to who’s now. But here’s what’s gonna happen, dog -- I’m leaving the 50th Anniversary Spectacular with the SWF Championship, and your ass is gonna regret not taking me seriously.”

Davids gets up in Golden’s face and stares him right in the eyes.

Davids: “Let’s get something straight, Rocky -- I didn’t get here by playing nice. I rolled through my tag partner, my best friend, because I knew there was only one way to the top, and that’s alone. I ended Joe Sexy’s career without blinking an eye because he stood between me and what I wanted. But here’s the difference -- none of those guys had what you got, dog. None of them held that SWF World Championship. So, Rocky, get your damn head out of your ass, because I need you to listen real close to what I’m about to say.”

Davids leans in even closer, his tone bold and assured.

Davids: “Normally, I’d be happy to capitalize on your dumbass distractions, take advantage of your ego, but this time? I don’t want there to be any excuses. I don’t want you crying to the world that you lost because you were thinking about Remo or any of these other fools in the back. When you’re lying on that mat, staring up at those lights, title gone, I want you to remember that Des Davids just beat your ass.”

The camera cuts to Golden with the SWF World Championship slung over his shoulder. The crowd is buzzing, chanting his name as he calmly stares at Davids with a slight smirk on his face.

Golden: “I get it. You’ve burned bridges, betrayed friends, and ended careers just to stand here today. But that doesn’t make you a champion, Des -- it makes you desperate.”

Golden’s smirk fades, replaced by a steely gaze as he adjusts the championship on his shoulder.

Golden: “You think I’m underestimating you, that I’m distracted, but let me tell you something -- I’m not looking past you. I’m looking right at you, Des. And what I see is someone who’s always taken the easy way out, always found shortcuts to get ahead. But this championship? This spot at the top -- built by Jack Bruce, Sam Strong, Christian Faith, Rip Chord, Sean McFly, and the other legends who came before me? It’s not something you can cheat your way into. It’s earned, day in and day out, by fighting the right way -- with integrity.”

Golden pauses, letting his words hang in the air, the crowd buzzing with anticipation.

Golden: “I didn’t betray my best friend to get here; I didn’t end someone’s career because they stood in my way. I faced my challenges head-on, with honor and respect for the legacy of this championship. And that’s something I’m not sure you understand, because while you’ve been busy cutting corners, I’ve been busy building my own legacy.”

He tilts his head slightly, his tone becoming almost condescending.

Golden: “You’ve done a lot to get here, I won’t deny that. But what happens when the shortcuts run out? What happens when you’re standing in that ring, face-to-face with a man who’s never backed down, never taken the easy road? Can you handle that pressure? Can you rise to that occasion? Or are you going to crumble under the weight of expectations, just like all the others who thought they were ready?”

The crowd is now fully invested, the tension between the two wrestlers palpable. Golden raises the championship, his eyes locked on the camera with a fierce intensity.

Golden: “At the 50th Anniversary Spectacular, you’ll get your chance to prove me wrong. But understand this, Des -- when that bell rings, you’re stepping into the ring with a man who’s going to push you to your absolute limit, just to show you what it really takes to be a champion.”

Golden lowers the title, his expression softening slightly as he delivers his final words.

Golden: “And when it’s over, when you’ve given it your all and still come up short, maybe then you’ll realize there are no shortcuts to being the best. You can climb the mountain, but staying at the top? That takes more than what you’ve shown so far. And until you understand that, this title stays with me.”

The crowd buzzes with excitement from the intense exchange between Rocky Golden and Des Davids -- until the arena’s energy shifts as Awesomeness Unleashed’s music hits the speakers. Randy Unleashed, Jefferson Stardust, and Huey Cannonball strut down the ramp, acting like they own the place.


Unleashed: "Whoa, whoa, whoa! I don’t know what’s more painful -- listening to you two argue or having to spend another minute in Poo England."

The crowd boos as Awesomeness Unleashed laughs at their leader’s joke. Jefferson Stardust chimes in, his tone dripping with mockery. 

Stardust: "Yeah, Rocky Boredom and Desperate Des. You two should really consider a career in snooze therapy. I’m surprised anyone's still awake after listening to you bicker like a pair of feisty soccer moms arguing over who gets to give Randy Unleashed a bed for the night!"

Huey Cannonball, grinning widely, can’t resist his getting some TV time either.

Cannonball: "You know something, Boredom? You probably got your revenge on Remo already. He probably died of boredom while listening to your speech about integrity and other concepts these Poo Englanders don’t understand. Well, let me tell you something, loser -- you’re going down if you come face-to-face with Randy Unleashed at Nothing to Lose."

The crowd reacts with a mix of groans and laughs, clearly not buying into the trio’s comedic antics. Golden and Davids both look unimpressed but remain silent, letting them have their moment.

Unleashed: "Look, you two can yap all you want about your big plans and grand speeches. But here’s the real deal, nerdoids -- whoever wins at the 50th Anniversary Spectacular is going to have a very short title reign. Because I’m winning the Richard Greaseball Memorial Battle Royal and coming for that championship."


Jerry Eisen raises his microphone, much to the delight of the fans in attendance.

Jerry: "Alright, that’s enough talking for one night. Tonight, in the main event, Awesomeness Unleashed will face Rocky Golden, Des Davids, and a partner of their choice."

The reaction from Awesomeness Unleashed is dramatic. Randy Unleashed’s face contorts with rage, his eyes widening in disbelief. 

Unleashed: "What?! Are you kidding me? You can’t just throw us into a match like that!"

Jerry: "Yes I can. I’m Jerry Eisen, the co-owner of SWF. Consider this your chance to prove that you’re more than just talk. Now get the hell out of our ring and get ready for your match."

As Awesomeness Unleashed grumbles and exits the ring, the focus shifts back to Golden and Davids. Both men are still clearly annoyed and focused on their personal conflict.

Rating: 91


Match: Kip Keenan defeats Forrest Ratzloff (7.27)

Keenan overcame the slight size and weight disadvantage thanks to his amateur wrestling ability and a devastating belly-to-belly suplex. This win gives him some momentum heading into the Richard Eisen Memorial Battle Royale. Angry Gilmore watched the match on a TV set in the locker room, clearly impressed by Keenan’s performance. 

After the match, Keenan pointed at the 50th Anniversary Spectacular sign above the ring, letting everyone know that he wants a World Title shot at Nothing to Lose. 

Rating: 65 


We cut to the SWF locker room, which is lively with stars set to compete in the Richard Eisen Memorial Battle Royal. Lenny Brown is pacing back and forth. Primus Allen stands with his arms crossed, silent and confident. Joey Morgan, James Prudence, John Greed, Jungle Lord, ZWB, Robbie Wright, and others watch on as Lenny and Primus take center stage.

Lenny Brown: “You know, when I first walked into the SWF, everyone was talking about Lenny Brown being the next big thang. I won the North American Title, held it for 273 days. But you know what people keep saying? That I don’t have what it takes to be a main event star. That I’m all hype and no substance. To that I say, awww hell naw.”


Joey Morgan rolls his eyes, while John Greed smirks. James Prudence is glued to his phone. The rest of the locker room bickers, but they go silent when Allen steps up.

Allen: “Lenny, I respect the fire, but here’s the thing -- you ain’t the only one who’s been overlooked. See, I ain’t just the best pure athlete in this company; I’m the guy who’s been stacking wins like it’s a Sunday afternoon pickup game. I got love for ya, but don’t be surprised when you find yourself staring up at the lights, wondering how the hell you ended up in my way.”


The other wrestlers exchange looks, some sizing up Primus, others nodding in agreement. Robbie Wright cowers into the corner, the weasel that he is, while the veteran Jungle Lord stares intently, sizing up his opponents. ZWB leans back, chuckling to himself, clearly amused by the rising tension.

Before Lenny can respond, the locker room door bursts open. Former World Champion “Big Money” Brandon James strides in, his trademark arrogance on full display. His valet and not-so-secret girlfriend, Krissy Angelle, is by his side. Brandon takes a moment to eye both men, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.


James: “Look at this, Krissy -- two little dreamers talking about winning the big one. You guys are cute, really. But let’s get one thing straight: I’ve been the SWF World Champion. I’ve got the hot, young valet, the big fat contract, and all the perks that you wannabes could only dream of. Richard Eisen knew he had a ‘Big Money’ star when he hired me, and my bank account proves it.”

Brandon James struts across the locker room as the other wrestlers exchange knowing glances, some rolling their eyes at Brandon’s arrogance, while others, like John Greed and James Prudence, applaud him.

James: “You’re all just pretenders, and at the 50th Anniversary Spectacular, you’ll be exposed for the frauds you are.”

Allen steps forward and gets in the heel’s face. The other wrestlers watch closely as tensions rise between the pair.

Allen: “James! Please! You’re so far past your prime, you need a little blue pill just to keep up. How the hell do you expect to compete with a peak athlete like me? But if you want to prove that you’re still the king around here, why don’t you face me in that ring tonight, your High-Ass?"

Krissy is giggling at the “blue pill” comment, clearly finding it hilarious. Brandon’s face reddens with a mix of embarrassment and anger, but he tries to maintain his composure.

James: “Funny joke, Primus. But let me set the record straight. I’m all man, both in the ring and beyond. I’ve forgotten more about this business than punks like you will ever learn. You wanna find out what I’m made of, kid? I’ll personally see to it that my personal friends, the Eisens, book the match.”

Allen: “Your delusional ass is gonna find out what happens when the old guard meets the gold standard. Booya!”

Krissy’s eyes widen, clearly intrigued, but before she can say anything, Brandon pulls her close, his face reddening as he drags her away. As the door closes behind them, Primus turns to Lenny, his expression still filled with that confident swagger.

Allen: “Looks like I’ve got a warm-up match before the battle royal. But don’t worry, Lenny. I’ll still have enough left in the tank to toss your ass over the top rope too.”

Brown: “We’ll see about that, Primus. We’ll see.”

The locker room lights suddenly flicker and an electrifying energy fills the air. A thundering beat echoes through the halls. Soon, the chaos will be unleashed, as the world witnesses the return of a force thought dormant. 

Rating: 56


Match: Rogue beats Oliver Kobb (5.07)

As Kobb nears the ring, Rogue charges down the ramp and blindsides the baseball-loving babyface with a vicious clothesline to the back of the head. 

He grabs Kobb's discarded baseball glove from the ground and wraps it around his throat. The rising star struggles desperately as he tries to pull the heel’s hand away, but Rogue’s grip is ironclad.

The officials rush out from the back, trying to pry Rogue off, but the grizzled brute only releases his chokehold when Kobb's resistance fades to nothing.

Kobb collapses to the ground, gasping for breath, and Rogue tosses the glove onto his chest then heads into the ring, waiting to start their match.

The crowd’s boos echo throughout the arena as Rogue barks at the referee to start the match. Reluctantly, the referee signals for the bell after Kobb pleads with him to ring the bell.

Kobb, struggling to even stand, crawls towards the ring, using the apron to pull himself up. As he finally rolls into the ring, Rogue pounces, delivering a brutal kick to Kobb's ribs, sending him crashing to the mat.

The referee checks on Kobb, but before he can wave the match off, Rogue hauls the youngster to his feet. Without giving him a moment to recover, the veteran drives him into the corner with a series of stiff punches and kicks.

Rogue steps back, letting Kobb stagger out of the corner so he can finish him with his kneeling jawbreaker finisher, known as the Crashing On. Goodnight, Kobb. 

Rating: 66


Match: “Hollywood” Bret Starr beats Justin Sensitive (7.03)

Starr has never been the most gifted in-ring performer, but he knows how to work the crowd. He instantly whips Sensitive into the corner and hits him with 10 punches, encouraging the fans in the Laurent Ballroom to count in unison.

Just as it seems like Starr is closing in on victory, Monty Trescarde and Paul Huntingdon come charging down the ramp. 

Trescarde hops onto the apron, yelling at the referee and drawing his attention away from the action.

With the referee distracted, Huntingdon slides into the ring, blindsiding Starr with a cheap shot to the back of the head. Starr stumbles forward, giving Sensitive enough time to recover and join in with the beatdown.

Starr fights back with everything he has, managing to knock Huntingdon down with a stiff clothesline before catching Sensitive with a devastating DDT.  The babyface picks up Huntingdon and throws him into Trescarde, knocking his tag partner to the floor.

Sensitive tries to take advantage of the distraction when Starr’s back is turned, but “Hollywood” is one step ahead, countering a roll-up attempt into one of his own for the W. 

Rating: 59


We cut to the parking lot where Franklin Fumier is set to interview Dominic DeSousa and Mainstream Hernandez. The cocky influencers are oozing overconfidence, with DeSousa smirking as he adjusts his sunglasses to take a selfie.

Franklin Fumier: “Hey, Swagger Incorporated, Franklin Fumier here. Tonight, you’re set to face off against Marshall Dillon and Ranger, two hooterin’ and hollerin’ Texans with itchy trigger fingers. Are you feeling confident about your chances in the ring?”

DeSousa steps forward, his voice dripping with arrogance.

DeSousa: “Confident? Dillon and Ranger are just a couple of backwoods drunks who have no idea what they’re up against. We’re Swagger Incorporated -- the best tag team this company has ever seen. We represent the Supreme Dream Team -- the hottest stable in the world today. Those two hillbillies don’t stand a chance against us.”

Mainstream Hernandez: “They might talk tough, but they’re all bark and no bite. Tonight, we’re going to show them what it takes to be a viral superstar in 2022, when their humiliation trends all over the internet for the world to see.”

The interview is suddenly interrupted by the sound of a truck engine revving loudly. The camera whips around to show a battered pick-up truck speeding into the parking lot, outlaw country music blaring from the speakers. The truck comes to a screeching halt, and the doors fly open as Marshall Dillon and Ranger leap out. Both are grinning jovially, shotguns slung over their shoulders, and beers in hand.


Marshall Dillon: “Well, lookie here, Ranger! We got us a couple of dem Tickety Tokity boys thinkin’ they’re tough stuff!”

Ranger: “Tough? They don’t look so tough to me, paddna. They look more like target practice!”

With that, Dillon and Ranger suddenly take a step forward, their sudden movement causing DeSousa and Hernandez to sprint away across the parking lot. The camera follows them as they flee. The segment ends with Dillon and Ranger clinking their beer cans together as we cut to a commercial break.

Rating: 64


After the break, we see Eric Eisen on the phone trying to finalize the celebrity host for the 50th Anniversary Spectacular. Jerry, leaning back in his chair, taps his pen on the desk, a small smirk playing on his lips as he waits for his brother to finish.

Eric hangs up the phone, a satisfied look crossing his face. 

Eric: "It's done, Jerry," he says, his voice tinged with excitement. "We've locked down the biggest star in music and television to host the PPV. This is going to be huge. And he’s even gracing us with an appearance next week so we can cross the t’s and dot the i’s."


Before Jerry can respond, the office door swings open with a bang. Steven Parker saunters in, his signature swagger on full display. Kristen Pearce clings to his arm, her eyes wide with adoration for the Supreme Dream leader, while Justice Jolson, the hulking enforcer of the group, looms menacingly behind them.

Parker: "Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Tell me that you didn't just book some poser to take away airtime from Steven Parker. If you want entertainment, you want Steven Parker. I’m the man to host the 50th Anniversary Spectacular. Nobody in this company can work a crowd like I can. Isn't that right, Kristen?"

Kristen nods in agreement. Jerry and Eric exchange a glance, the smirk on Jerry’s face growing wider. 

Jerry: "Parker, as entertaining as you think you are, we've already made our decision. And it’s not you."

Parker’s expression falters for a split second before he recovers, his bravado returning in full force. 

Parker: "This company has been inherited by f-ing imbeciles. This isn't over..."

Before he can launch into a full protest, the door bursts open again. Dominic DeSousa and Mainstream Hernandez storm into the room, both looking disheveled and panicked. 

DeSousa: "You gotta call the cops! Those cajun nutjobs just chased us through the parking lot with guns, drinking BEER! You can't possible expect us to compete against those deranged gun nuts!"

Eric leans back in his chair, unperturbed. 

Eric: "You knew what you were getting into when you accepted Dillon and Ranger's open challenge. You wanted to be in the spotlight. Well, here’s your chance. You’re up next.”

Hernandez looks like he’s about to argue, but Parker steps forward, ignoring the concerns of his stablemates. 

Parker: "Steven Parker doesn’t share the spotlight with anyone, and I strongly advise that you reconsider my offer."

Parker turns on his heel and leads his team out of the office, leaving the Eisens to exchange knowing looks. Swagger Incorporated's complaints can be heard from the hallway as Eisen picks up the phone again to make more calls ahead of the biggest event in SWF history.

Rating: 55


Match: The Dallas Cowboys defeat Supreme Dream Team (5:14)

The arena erupts in a mix of cheers and gasps as Ranger and Marshall Dillon make their entrance in true outlaw style, rumbling down the aisle in their truck. The truck screeches to a halt at ringside, and before the dust even settles, Ranger and Dillon leap out and start throwing fists flying with unrestrained fury. 

Mainstream Hernandez barely has time to react before Ranger levels him with a devastating big boot, sending him crashing to the mat. Dominic DeSousa tries to put up a fight but is quickly overpowered by Dillon, who slams him into the turnbuckle with bone-jarring force. 

The match is a squash in every sense, with Ranger and Dillon tearing through their opponents like wild animals, delivering punishing blows and devastating slams. The final moments see Dillon slam Hernandez onto the mat with a Crackdown, while Ranger drops DeSousa with the Global Meltdown. The Cowboys pin their opponents at the same time for the 1,2,3. 

Rating: 63


After the match, the number one contenders to the SWF Tag Team Titles, The Masked Patriot and Matty Faith, aka Faith and Old Glory, enter the ring to drink beers and celebrate being American with their bros. However, the festivities are short-lived as Atom Smasher and Bear Bekowski storm down the ramp, each gripping a microphone in one hand and a steel pipe in the other. Their eyes blaze with wild fury, but they keep their distance, wary that they’re outnumbered.


Smasher: "Matty Faith... Masked Patriot... you two shining beacons of American delusion. You stand there, draped in your stars and stripes, preaching your hollow ideals, but you are nothing more than pawns -- pathetic symbols of a decaying empire."

Bear Bekowski, veins bulging from his bald head, smashes the pipe off his own head until he bleeds, but he doesn't show any visible signs of pain. Atom doesn't even register his partner's antics as he continues focusing on the number one contenders.

Smasher: You think you’re heroes, champions of the people. But let me enlighten you... Heroes don’t exist. They’re fairy tales, stories told to children to keep them compliant. In the real world, power belongs to those strong enough to seize it, to crush anyone who stands in their way. To the annihilators, to the tyrants, to... DomiNation.

Atom Smasher suddenly extends his arms wide, as if embracing an invisible audience. His head tilts back, and he gazes upwards with a crazed, maniacal grin plastered across his face. An unfazed Matty Faith takes a sip of his beer and grabs a mic.

Faith: “You think we’re gonna back down because you swing around some rusty old pipes and talk a good game? Bring your worst, because when that bell rings, expect a good, old-fashioned American-made ass-kickin’.”

The Masked Patriot steps forward, his red, white, and blue mask gleaming under the lights, his voice ringing with unshakable conviction. 

Patriot: "You might think you're unstoppable, but let me tell you something about true American spirit. We don't break, we don't bend, and we sure as hell don't run from tyrants! You can bring your pipes, your threats, and all the fury you can muster, but it won’t be enough! We'll show you what it means to be the champions these freedom lovin' fans deserve."

Ranger and Marshall Dillon interrupt the threatening exchange and side with their fellow patriots.

Dillon: "Matty, Patriot, if it’s okay with y’all, we’d like to give these boys a little tune-up match before y’all take their tag titles at the PPV.”

Atom Smasher and Bear exchange a feral grin before Atom steps forward, eyes locked on Ranger and Dillon. 

Bekowski: "It’ll be your funeral. Next week, we’re gonna bury you just like we’ll bury Faith and Patriot at the PPV! ARGH!!!"

Bekowski smashes himself on the head again as the tension crackles like electricity as the promise of violence hangs heavy in the air.

Rating: 63


Brandon James defeats Primus Allen (13.48)

Allen wastes no time, charging at James with the speed of a linebacker and delivering a shoulder tackle that sends the veteran sprawling to the mat. James rolls out of the ring, but Allen isn’t about to let him catch his breath. He follows James outside, grabbing him by the neck and tossing him back into the ring with ease.

Back inside, Allen keeps up the pressure. He whips James into the corner and follows up with a running clothesline that shakes the ring. James crumples to the mat, and Allen goes for an early pin.

1! 2!

James kicks out just in time, his veteran instincts saving him.

James quickly rolls to his feet and decides it’s time to slow the pace. He feigns a lockup, but instead, rakes Allen's eyes with a sly thumb, out of the referee’s line of sight. The crowd boos, but James doesn’t care. He capitalizes on the moment, kicking Allen's knee out from under him. Allen drops to one knee, and James follows up with a DDT, spiking Allen’s head into the mat.

Now it’s James’s turn to cover.

1! 2!

Allen powers out, throwing James off him with raw strength. He shakes off the effects of the DDT and catches James with a belly-to-belly suplex that sends the veteran crashing hard to the mat.

As Allen moves in to press his advantage, James grabs his tights and pulls him face-first into the turnbuckle. Allen staggers back, dazed, and James, seeing his opening, unleashes a series of calculated strikes -- punches, elbows, and a sharp knee to the gut -- that keep the powerhouse off balance.

James then goes for a snap suplex, but Allen blocks it and lifts James high into the air with a delayed vertical suplex.

The fans are on their feet as Allen signals for his finisher, the Gridiron Slam, a powerful running powerslam that has put many opponents away. He hoists James onto his shoulder and takes off, but James desperately wriggles free and lands behind Allen.

James quickly tries to lock in a sleeper hold, attempting to sap the strength out of Allen, but Allen fights out of it, backing James into the corner hard. As the referee checks on James, Krissy Angelle climbs onto the ring apron, distracting Allen. Allen turns toward her, shouting for her to get down, and as he does, James, the crafty veteran, seizes the opportunity.

In a flash, James pokes Allen in the eye with a sharp jab, blinding him. Allen stumbles back, clutching his face. The referee misses the infraction, focused on getting Krissy off the apron.

With Allen disoriented, James quickly grabs him and delivers his Brandon Bomb Drop finisher.

James rolls Allen over and hooks the leg.

1! 2! 3!

James rolls out of the ring as Krissy Angelle joins him, both smirking as they back up the ramp. Allen, still on the mat, shakes his head, frustrated at getting caught out by a distraction.

Rating: 61


We cut to Rocky Golden sitting on a bench, taping his wrists with a calm but focused demeanor. The door swings open with a forceful bang, and Des Davids storms in. 

Davids: “Golden! Don't think for a second that I’m here because I want to be. You better not screw this up, dog.”

Rocky looks up slowly, a smirk playing on his lips as he finishes taping his wrists.

Rocky Golden: “Relax, Des. I’m not thrilled about this either, but let’s put our differences aside for one night and handle business.”

Des’s eyes narrow, his tone becoming colder, almost venomous.

Davids: "Just follow my lead and we’ll dust these fools. Now, who the hell are we teamin' with? What other fool do I have to babysit tonight?

Rocky’s smirk widens, but before he can respond, there’s a knock on the door. Without waiting for an invitation, Mikey Lau steps in, his energy and enthusiasm in stark contrast to the tension in the room. He clasps his hands and gives a polite bow to the rivals.


Mikey Lau: "Tonight is a night of honor. To Rocky Golden and Des Davids, I thank you for letting me be your partner. In the dojo, we learn that the strongest warrior does not fight alone, but as part of a greater whole. You have given me the opportunity to be part of something greater."

Des turns to Lau, his eyes cold as ice, clearly unimpressed by the newcomer’s eagerness.

Lau: "In karate, we say, 'The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory nor defeat, but in the perfection of character.' Together, we will strive for victory, but more than that, we will show the world the power of unity and respect. Let's make tonight one to remember."

With another bow, Lau steps back, ready for battle.

Davids: “Quit talking that Mr. Miyagi [beep], Bruce Lee, and get your damn head in the game. We might be teaming up, but we ain’t friends, dog. If either of you cost me this match tonight, you'll be eatin' your fortune cookies through a straw."

Mikey’s grin fades slightly, realizing the gravity of the situation, but he nods firmly. Rocky, still unfazed, finally stands up, squaring up with Des for a moment.

Golden: “We’re here to win, Davids. Now calm that hot temper of yours and follow my lead. Maybe you’ll learn something about being a champion.

Des glares at Rocky for a moment longer before turning and storming out of the locker room. The camera lingers on Rocky and Mikey as they prepare for the upcoming battle.

Rating: 72


The dim light of a single, flickering candle casts eerie shadows across the ancient stone chamber. The walls, lined with shelves of forbidden tomes and arcane symbols, whisper secrets long forgotten by the world above. At the center of the room, seated at an obsidian altar, is Scythe -- his dark presence commanding the space with an otherworldly aura.

Draped in a robe of deepest black, Scythe’s face is obscured by a hood, his eyes glinting like cold, distant stars from within the shadow. In his gloved hand, he holds a deck of tarot cards, their edges worn and stained with the essence of countless rituals. With deliberate slowness, he draws a card, his movements precise, as if guided by an unseen force.

He lays the card down on the altar: The Star. A faint, twisted smile creeps across his lips as he stares at the image, its once-bright symbolism now tarnished in his mind. 

Scythe: "Valiant," he murmurs, his voice a low rasp that reverberates in the chamber. "The light you bore is snuffed out. Your hope... extinguished. The Star has fallen, and with it, your guiding brilliance fades into nothingness."

Scythe’s hand moves again, shuffling the deck with a methodical grace, before drawing another card. He places it beside the fallen Star: The Fool. This card usually gleams with the promise of new beginnings, of boundless optimism and a journey yet to unfold. But in Scythe’s lair, it withers and fades.

Scythe: “The Fool,” he intones, his voice dripping a tone that's both calm and full of disdain. "You, who dance upon the edge of the unknown, with eyes wide shut and heart full of folly. You believe the future is yours to shape, that your path is untouchable. But the future is a fragile thing, a mere illusion in the hands of those who dare to wield it.”

He leans closer to the card, as if speaking directly to the spirit it represents. 

Scythe: “I have shattered the Star, the beacon that once led you all through the darkness. Now, I turn my gaze upon you, Fool. For without hope, what is your journey but a descent into the abyss? Your optimism, your faith in the unseen -- they are the very chains that will drag you down.”

Scythe pauses, his fingers tracing the outline of the Fool card.

Scythe: “I am the end you do not foresee, the shadow at the heart of your light. When I am done, there will be no future, no new beginnings -- only the eternal night."

The candle flickers once more, as if recoiling from the darkness that emanates from him. Then, with a sharp motion, Scythe flips the Fool card face down on the altar, sealing its fate.

Rating: 70


Awesomeness Unleashed (Randy Unleashed, Huey Cannonball, and Jefferson Stardust) defeat Mikey Lau, Rocky Golden, and Des Davids (14.51)

Mikey Lau starts off against Jefferson Stardust, with the former’s karate-inspired offense giving him the early advantage. Stardust eventually counters with a springboard arm drag, shifting momentum. Stardust tags in Huey Cannonball, who goes for a quick pin attempt after a spinning heel kick, but Lau kicks out at two.

Lau fights back with a flurry of martial arts strikes, then tags in Des Davids. Davids charges in with a massive shoulder block that sends Cannonball crashing to the mat. He follows up with a series of power moves until Randy Unleashed distracts the referee, allowing Cannonball to rake Davids’ eyes and escape.

Cannonball tags in Unleashed, who methodically picks apart Davids with a mix of technical holds and underhanded tactics. Des manages to break free and delivers a clothesline, creating enough space to tag in Rocky Golden.

Golden enters the match like a house on fire, laying out Unleashed with a big boot and a leg drop. The crowd is fully behind Golden as he goes for a pin, but Huey Cannonball breaks it up. 

This leads to a massive brawl in the ring, with all six men involved. Lau and Jefferson Stardust trade high-flying moves, while Golden and Randy exchange powerful strikes.

After the ref restores order, Golden prepares to catch Unleashed in The Rack, but Davids tags himself in, wanting the glory for himself. Golden isn’t happy about this, and the two begin arguing in the corner. This gives Randy Unleashed a chance to recover and tag in Jefferson Stardust, who blindsides Davids with a dropkick.

Lau makes the tag but Stardust and Cannonball double-team him. Unleashed pulls Davids off the apron, slamming him into the barricade.

Golden approaches the barricade to check on Davids, only to be shoved away.

Left to his own devices, Lau tries to fight back, but the numbers game is too much. Stardust delivers a devastating superkick, followed by Cannonball's diving senton. Unleashed waits for the dazed opponent to stand then hits his finisher -- a running enzuigiri -- for the 1-2-3.

Rating: 79

As Awesomeness Unleashed backs up the ramp celebrating their victory, Lau slowly rises to his feet, visibly frustrated and disheartened. Golden makes his way back into the ring to check on his friend. 

Davids storms back into the ring, his anger palpable. He shoves past the referees who attempt to hold him back, his eyes locked on Golden.

Davids lunges at Golden, but the referees quickly intervene, trying to restrain him. 


Davids shoves the referees aside and continues to advance. At that moment, Ekuma, High Flyin' Hawaiian, and other wrestlers and road agents rush down the ramp. Ekuma’s imposing presence forces Davids into the corner, while High Flyin' Hawaiian helps Golden stay composed.

The ring becomes a chaotic scene of officials and wrestlers trying to restore order. It takes various grown men to get Davids out of the ring, but he eventually backs off.

The show is set to go off the air, but the action suddenly transitions to the parking lot, where two masked men lay into Jerry and Eric Eisen with baseball bats.


Emma Chase, visibly pregnant and frantic, pleads with the attackers to stop assaulting her helpless husband and brother-in-law. Eric, with blood spilling from his mouth, pleads with her to run and begs the assailants not to hurt his wife.

The camera zooms in as one of the masked men finally pulls off his mask, revealing the face of Remo, who’s grinning from ear to ear. 


Remo: “Don't worry, Emma. We leavin'. Tell your family that we'll be seein' them again real soon.” 

The show ends with a shot of the bloodied and broken Eisens lying helplessly on the ground as Remo grins, happy with his handiwork. Remo and the mystery man throw down their bats and walk away.

Rating: 70


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36 minutes ago, Kieran_Lives said:


Date: August 11, 2022

Location: Laurent Ballroom, New England

Attendance: 5179


The show opens with SWF owners Jerry and Eric Eisen, accompanied by Eric's pregnant wife Emma Chase, standing in the ring. Jerry takes the microphone and begins addressing the audience.

Jerry: "Thank you all for being here. As many of you know, last week on Supreme TV, Remo attacked our own Enforcer Roberts in a blatant disregard for the rules and the safety of our staff. Such behavior is unacceptable under any circumstances, and there will be repercussions."

Eric Eisen nods in agreement as Jerry continues.

Jerry: "The disciplinary committee will be reviewing the situation and making a decision regarding Remo's future with SWF. We want to assure everyone that Enforcer is expected to make a full recovery, though he is quite banged up at the moment. We will be taking all necessary measures to ensure that this kind of attack does not happen again."

As the crowd absorbs the news, the atmosphere shifts as the SWF World Champion, Rocky Golden, storms down the ramp with a look of fury on his face. He slides into the ring and grabs a microphone from an attendant.


Rocky Golden: "Hold on a second! I get it, Remo's been suspended, and he deserves punishment. But let’s not forget why we’re here. Enforcer Roberts deserves justice, and I’ll make sure he gets his pound of flesh."

The crowd reacts with a mix of cheers and murmurs, clearly intrigued by Golden's passionate outburst.

Golden: "I know Remo's got a problem with me too, and the feeling is mutual. He fights without honor and lacks respect for this great company -- the company your late father built from nothing with guys like Enforcer by his side -- and I'm not prepared to let anyone besmirch our home."

Golden looks at Jerry and Eric with a determined expression. 

Golden: "So I’m asking, no -- pleading -- with management to lift the suspension. Let me handle Remo."

Jerry and Eric exchange glances, the weight of Rocky's plea hanging in the air. Eric Eisen takes a deep breath, his expression resolute. He steps forward, the microphone held firmly in his hand.

Eric: "Rocky, we understand your frustration, but our decision regarding Remo's suspension is final. The disciplinary committee has determined that Remo will remain suspended while they review the situation."

Emma Chase, standing beside Eric, offers a supportive nod. 

Chase: "We trust that the committee will make a fair and thorough decision, and we will ensure that all necessary steps are taken to maintain the safety and integrity of SWF."


Des Davids' music hits. The crowd erupts in a mixture of cheers and boos as the next challenger for the SWF World Championship makes his way down the ramp.

Davids steps into the ring, his eyes locked on Rocky Golden. He doesn’t waste any time stepping directly in front of the champion. Golden, still seething from the Eisens' decision, looks surprised but stands his ground, ready for whatever is coming.

Davids: “Give it up for Rocky Golden, everyone. The man who thinks he’s untouchable. SWF’s savior. The guy who’s more worried about Remo than the threat standing right in front of his face. That’s your problem, Rocky -- you’re so obsessed with who’s next that you’re blind to who’s now. But here’s what’s gonna happen, dog -- I’m leaving the 50th Anniversary Spectacular with the SWF Championship, and your ass is gonna regret not taking me seriously.”

Davids gets up in Golden’s face and stares him right in the eyes.

Davids: “Let’s get something straight, Rocky -- I didn’t get here by playing nice. I rolled through my tag partner, my best friend, because I knew there was only one way to the top, and that’s alone. I ended Joe Sexy’s career without blinking an eye because he stood between me and what I wanted. But here’s the difference -- none of those guys had what you got, dog. None of them held that SWF World Championship. So, Rocky, get your damn head out of your ass, because I need you to listen real close to what I’m about to say.”

Davids leans in even closer, his tone bold and assured.

Davids: “Normally, I’d be happy to capitalize on your dumbass distractions, take advantage of your ego, but this time? I don’t want there to be any excuses. I don’t want you crying to the world that you lost because you were thinking about Remo or any of these other fools in the back. When you’re lying on that mat, staring up at those lights, title gone, I want you to remember that Des Davids just beat your ass.”

The camera cuts to Golden with the SWF World Championship slung over his shoulder. The crowd is buzzing, chanting his name as he calmly stares at Davids with a slight smirk on his face.

Golden: “I get it. You’ve burned bridges, betrayed friends, and ended careers just to stand here today. But that doesn’t make you a champion, Des -- it makes you desperate.”

Golden’s smirk fades, replaced by a steely gaze as he adjusts the championship on his shoulder.

Golden: “You think I’m underestimating you, that I’m distracted, but let me tell you something -- I’m not looking past you. I’m looking right at you, Des. And what I see is someone who’s always taken the easy way out, always found shortcuts to get ahead. But this championship? This spot at the top -- built by Jack Bruce, Sam Strong, Christian Faith, Rip Chord, Sean McFly, and the other legends who came before me? It’s not something you can cheat your way into. It’s earned, day in and day out, by fighting the right way -- with integrity.”

Golden pauses, letting his words hang in the air, the crowd buzzing with anticipation.

Golden: “I didn’t betray my best friend to get here; I didn’t end someone’s career because they stood in my way. I faced my challenges head-on, with honor and respect for the legacy of this championship. And that’s something I’m not sure you understand, because while you’ve been busy cutting corners, I’ve been busy building my own legacy.”

He tilts his head slightly, his tone becoming almost condescending.

Golden: “You’ve done a lot to get here, I won’t deny that. But what happens when the shortcuts run out? What happens when you’re standing in that ring, face-to-face with a man who’s never backed down, never taken the easy road? Can you handle that pressure? Can you rise to that occasion? Or are you going to crumble under the weight of expectations, just like all the others who thought they were ready?”

The crowd is now fully invested, the tension between the two wrestlers palpable. Golden raises the championship, his eyes locked on the camera with a fierce intensity.

Golden: “At the 50th Anniversary Spectacular, you’ll get your chance to prove me wrong. But understand this, Des -- when that bell rings, you’re stepping into the ring with a man who’s going to push you to your absolute limit, just to show you what it really takes to be a champion.”

Golden lowers the title, his expression softening slightly as he delivers his final words.

Golden: “And when it’s over, when you’ve given it your all and still come up short, maybe then you’ll realize there are no shortcuts to being the best. You can climb the mountain, but staying at the top? That takes more than what you’ve shown so far. And until you understand that, this title stays with me.”

The crowd buzzes with excitement from the intense exchange between Rocky Golden and Des Davids -- until the arena’s energy shifts as Awesomeness Unleashed’s music hits the speakers. Randy Unleashed, Jefferson Stardust, and Huey Cannonball strut down the ramp, acting like they own the place.


Unleashed: "Whoa, whoa, whoa! I don’t know what’s more painful -- listening to you two argue or having to spend another minute in Poo England."

The crowd boos as Awesomeness Unleashed laughs at their leader’s joke. Jefferson Stardust chimes in, his tone dripping with mockery. 

Stardust: "Yeah, Rocky Boredom and Desperate Des. You two should really consider a career in snooze therapy. I’m surprised anyone's still awake after listening to you bicker like a pair of feisty soccer moms arguing over who gets to give Randy Unleashed a bed for the night!"

Huey Cannonball, grinning widely, can’t resist his getting some TV time either.

Cannonball: "You know something, Boredom? You probably got your revenge on Remo already. He probably died of boredom while listening to your speech about integrity and other concepts these Poo Englanders don’t understand. Well, let me tell you something, loser -- you’re going down if you come face-to-face with Randy Unleashed at Nothing to Lose."

The crowd reacts with a mix of groans and laughs, clearly not buying into the trio’s comedic antics. Golden and Davids both look unimpressed but remain silent, letting them have their moment.

Unleashed: "Look, you two can yap all you want about your big plans and grand speeches. But here’s the real deal, nerdoids -- whoever wins at the 50th Anniversary Spectacular is going to have a very short title reign. Because I’m winning the Richard Greaseball Memorial Battle Royal and coming for that championship."


Jerry Eisen raises his microphone, much to the delight of the fans in attendance.

Jerry: "Alright, that’s enough talking for one night. Tonight, in the main event, Awesomeness Unleashed will face Rocky Golden, Des Davids, and a partner of their choice."

The reaction from Awesomeness Unleashed is dramatic. Randy Unleashed’s face contorts with rage, his eyes widening in disbelief. 

Unleashed: "What?! Are you kidding me? You can’t just throw us into a match like that!"

Jerry: "Yes I can. I’m Jerry Eisen, the co-owner of SWF. Consider this your chance to prove that you’re more than just talk. Now get the hell out of our ring and get ready for your match."

As Awesomeness Unleashed grumbles and exits the ring, the focus shifts back to Golden and Davids. Both men are still clearly annoyed and focused on their personal conflict.

Rating: 91


Match: Kip Keenan defeats Forrest Ratzloff (7.27)

Keenan overcame the slight size and weight disadvantage thanks to his amateur wrestling ability and a devastating belly-to-belly suplex. This win gives him some momentum heading into the Richard Eisen Memorial Battle Royale. Angry Gilmore watched the match on a TV set in the locker room, clearly impressed by Keenan’s performance. 

After the match, Keenan pointed at the 50th Anniversary Spectacular sign above the ring, letting everyone know that he wants a World Title shot at Nothing to Lose. 

Rating: 65 


We cut to the SWF locker room, which is lively with stars set to compete in the Richard Eisen Memorial Battle Royal. Lenny Brown is pacing back and forth. Primus Allen stands with his arms crossed, silent and confident. Joey Morgan, James Prudence, John Greed, Jungle Lord, ZWB, Robbie Wright, and others watch on as Lenny and Primus take center stage.

Lenny Brown: “You know, when I first walked into the SWF, everyone was talking about Lenny Brown being the next big thang. I won the North American Title, held it for 273 days. But you know what people keep saying? That I don’t have what it takes to be a main event star. That I’m all hype and no substance. To that I say, awww hell naw.”


Joey Morgan rolls his eyes, while John Greed smirks. James Prudence is glued to his phone. The rest of the locker room bickers, but they go silent when Allen steps up.

Allen: “Lenny, I respect the fire, but here’s the thing -- you ain’t the only one who’s been overlooked. See, I ain’t just the best pure athlete in this company; I’m the guy who’s been stacking wins like it’s a Sunday afternoon pickup game. I got love for ya, but don’t be surprised when you find yourself staring up at the lights, wondering how the hell you ended up in my way.”


The other wrestlers exchange looks, some sizing up Primus, others nodding in agreement. Robbie Wright cowers into the corner, the weasel that he is, while the veteran Jungle Lord stares intently, sizing up his opponents. ZWB leans back, chuckling to himself, clearly amused by the rising tension.

Before Lenny can respond, the locker room door bursts open. Former World Champion “Big Money” Brandon James strides in, his trademark arrogance on full display. His valet and not-so-secret girlfriend, Krissy Angelle, is by his side. Brandon takes a moment to eye both men, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.


James: “Look at this, Krissy -- two little dreamers talking about winning the big one. You guys are cute, really. But let’s get one thing straight: I’ve been the SWF World Champion. I’ve got the hot, young valet, the big fat contract, and all the perks that you wannabes could only dream of. Richard Eisen knew he had a ‘Big Money’ star when he hired me, and my bank account proves it.”

Brandon James struts across the locker room as the other wrestlers exchange knowing glances, some rolling their eyes at Brandon’s arrogance, while others, like John Greed and James Prudence, applaud him.

James: “You’re all just pretenders, and at the 50th Anniversary Spectacular, you’ll be exposed for the frauds you are.”

Allen steps forward and gets in the heel’s face. The other wrestlers watch closely as tensions rise between the pair.

Allen: “James! Please! You’re so far past your prime, you need a little blue pill just to keep up. How the hell do you expect to compete with a peak athlete like me? But if you want to prove that you’re still the king around here, why don’t you face me in that ring tonight, your High-Ass?"

Krissy is giggling at the “blue pill” comment, clearly finding it hilarious. Brandon’s face reddens with a mix of embarrassment and anger, but he tries to maintain his composure.

James: “Funny joke, Primus. But let me set the record straight. I’m all man, both in the ring and beyond. I’ve forgotten more about this business than punks like you will ever learn. You wanna find out what I’m made of, kid? I’ll personally see to it that my personal friends, the Eisens, book the match.”

Allen: “Your delusional ass is gonna find out what happens when the old guard meets the gold standard. Booya!”

Krissy’s eyes widen, clearly intrigued, but before she can say anything, Brandon pulls her close, his face reddening as he drags her away. As the door closes behind them, Primus turns to Lenny, his expression still filled with that confident swagger.

Allen: “Looks like I’ve got a warm-up match before the battle royal. But don’t worry, Lenny. I’ll still have enough left in the tank to toss your ass over the top rope too.”

Brown: “We’ll see about that, Primus. We’ll see.”

The locker room lights suddenly flicker and an electrifying energy fills the air. A thundering beat echoes through the halls. Soon, the chaos will be unleashed, as the world witnesses the return of a force thought dormant. 

Rating: 56


Match: Rogue beats Oliver Kobb (5.07)

As Kobb nears the ring, Rogue charges down the ramp and blindsides the baseball-loving babyface with a vicious clothesline to the back of the head. 

He grabs Kobb's discarded baseball glove from the ground and wraps it around his throat. The rising star struggles desperately as he tries to pull the heel’s hand away, but Rogue’s grip is ironclad.

The officials rush out from the back, trying to pry Rogue off, but the grizzled brute only releases his chokehold when Kobb's resistance fades to nothing.

Kobb collapses to the ground, gasping for breath, and Rogue tosses the glove onto his chest then heads into the ring, waiting to start their match.

The crowd’s boos echo throughout the arena as Rogue barks at the referee to start the match. Reluctantly, the referee signals for the bell after Kobb pleads with him to ring the bell.

Kobb, struggling to even stand, crawls towards the ring, using the apron to pull himself up. As he finally rolls into the ring, Rogue pounces, delivering a brutal kick to Kobb's ribs, sending him crashing to the mat.

The referee checks on Kobb, but before he can wave the match off, Rogue hauls the youngster to his feet. Without giving him a moment to recover, the veteran drives him into the corner with a series of stiff punches and kicks.

Rogue steps back, letting Kobb stagger out of the corner so he can finish him with his kneeling jawbreaker finisher, known as the Crashing On. Goodnight, Kobb. 

Rating: 66


Match: “Hollywood” Bret Starr beats Justin Sensitive (7.03)

Starr has never been the most gifted in-ring performer, but he knows how to work the crowd. He instantly whips Sensitive into the corner and hits him with 10 punches, encouraging the fans in the Laurent Ballroom to count in unison.

Just as it seems like Starr is closing in on victory, Monty Trescarde and Paul Huntingdon come charging down the ramp. 

Trescarde hops onto the apron, yelling at the referee and drawing his attention away from the action.

With the referee distracted, Huntingdon slides into the ring, blindsiding Starr with a cheap shot to the back of the head. Starr stumbles forward, giving Sensitive enough time to recover and join in with the beatdown.

Starr fights back with everything he has, managing to knock Huntingdon down with a stiff clothesline before catching Sensitive with a devastating DDT.  The babyface picks up Huntingdon and throws him into Trescarde, knocking his tag partner to the floor.

Sensitive tries to take advantage of the distraction when Starr’s back is turned, but “Hollywood” is one step ahead, countering a roll-up attempt into one of his own for the W. 

Rating: 59


We cut to the parking lot where Franklin Fumier is set to interview Dominic DeSousa and Mainstream Hernandez. The cocky influencers are oozing overconfidence, with DeSousa smirking as he adjusts his sunglasses to take a selfie.

Franklin Fumier: “Hey, Swagger Incorporated, Franklin Fumier here. Tonight, you’re set to face off against Marshall Dillon and Ranger, two hooterin’ and hollerin’ Texans with itchy trigger fingers. Are you feeling confident about your chances in the ring?”

DeSousa steps forward, his voice dripping with arrogance.

DeSousa: “Confident? Dillon and Ranger are just a couple of backwoods drunks who have no idea what they’re up against. We’re Swagger Incorporated -- the best tag team this company has ever seen. We represent the Supreme Dream Team -- the hottest stable in the world today. Those two hillbillies don’t stand a chance against us.”

Mainstream Hernandez: “They might talk tough, but they’re all bark and no bite. Tonight, we’re going to show them what it takes to be a viral superstar in 2022, when their humiliation trends all over the internet for the world to see.”

The interview is suddenly interrupted by the sound of a truck engine revving loudly. The camera whips around to show a battered pick-up truck speeding into the parking lot, outlaw country music blaring from the speakers. The truck comes to a screeching halt, and the doors fly open as Marshall Dillon and Ranger leap out. Both are grinning jovially, shotguns slung over their shoulders, and beers in hand.


Marshall Dillon: “Well, lookie here, Ranger! We got us a couple of dem Tickety Tokity boys thinkin’ they’re tough stuff!”

Ranger: “Tough? They don’t look so tough to me, paddna. They look more like target practice!”

With that, Dillon and Ranger suddenly take a step forward, their sudden movement causing DeSousa and Hernandez to sprint away across the parking lot. The camera follows them as they flee. The segment ends with Dillon and Ranger clinking their beer cans together as we cut to a commercial break.

Rating: 64


After the break, we see Eric Eisen on the phone trying to finalize the celebrity host for the 50th Anniversary Spectacular. Jerry, leaning back in his chair, taps his pen on the desk, a small smirk playing on his lips as he waits for his brother to finish.

Eric hangs up the phone, a satisfied look crossing his face. 

Eric: "It's done, Jerry," he says, his voice tinged with excitement. "We've locked down the biggest star in music and television to host the PPV. This is going to be huge. And he’s even gracing us with an appearance next week so we can cross the t’s and dot the i’s."


Before Jerry can respond, the office door swings open with a bang. Steven Parker saunters in, his signature swagger on full display. Kristen Pearce clings to his arm, her eyes wide with adoration for the Supreme Dream leader, while Justice Jolson, the hulking enforcer of the group, looms menacingly behind them.

Parker: "Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Tell me that you didn't just book some poser to take away airtime from Steven Parker. If you want entertainment, you want Steven Parker. I’m the man to host the 50th Anniversary Spectacular. Nobody in this company can work a crowd like I can. Isn't that right, Kristen?"

Kristen nods in agreement. Jerry and Eric exchange a glance, the smirk on Jerry’s face growing wider. 

Jerry: "Parker, as entertaining as you think you are, we've already made our decision. And it’s not you."

Parker’s expression falters for a split second before he recovers, his bravado returning in full force. 

Parker: "This company has been inherited by f-ing imbeciles. This isn't over..."

Before he can launch into a full protest, the door bursts open again. Dominic DeSousa and Mainstream Hernandez storm into the room, both looking disheveled and panicked. 

DeSousa: "You gotta call the cops! Those cajun nutjobs just chased us through the parking lot with guns, drinking BEER! You can't possible expect us to compete against those deranged gun nuts!"

Eric leans back in his chair, unperturbed. 

Eric: "You knew what you were getting into when you accepted Dillon and Ranger's open challenge. You wanted to be in the spotlight. Well, here’s your chance. You’re up next.”

Hernandez looks like he’s about to argue, but Parker steps forward, ignoring the concerns of his stablemates. 

Parker: "Steven Parker doesn’t share the spotlight with anyone, and I strongly advise that you reconsider my offer."

Parker turns on his heel and leads his team out of the office, leaving the Eisens to exchange knowing looks. Swagger Incorporated's complaints can be heard from the hallway as Eisen picks up the phone again to make more calls ahead of the biggest event in SWF history.

Rating: 55


Match: The Dallas Cowboys defeat Supreme Dream Team (5:14)

The arena erupts in a mix of cheers and gasps as Ranger and Marshall Dillon make their entrance in true outlaw style, rumbling down the aisle in their truck. The truck screeches to a halt at ringside, and before the dust even settles, Ranger and Dillon leap out and start throwing fists flying with unrestrained fury. 

Mainstream Hernandez barely has time to react before Ranger levels him with a devastating big boot, sending him crashing to the mat. Dominic DeSousa tries to put up a fight but is quickly overpowered by Dillon, who slams him into the turnbuckle with bone-jarring force. 

The match is a squash in every sense, with Ranger and Dillon tearing through their opponents like wild animals, delivering punishing blows and devastating slams. The final moments see Dillon slam Hernandez onto the mat with a Crackdown, while Ranger drops DeSousa with the Global Meltdown. The Cowboys pin their opponents at the same time for the 1,2,3. 

Rating: 63


After the match, the number one contenders to the SWF Tag Team Titles, The Masked Patriot and Matty Faith, aka Faith and Old Glory, enter the ring to drink beers and celebrate being American with their bros. However, the festivities are short-lived as Atom Smasher and Bear Bekowski storm down the ramp, each gripping a microphone in one hand and a steel pipe in the other. Their eyes blaze with wild fury, but they keep their distance, wary that they’re outnumbered.


Smasher: "Matty Faith... Masked Patriot... you two shining beacons of American delusion. You stand there, draped in your stars and stripes, preaching your hollow ideals, but you are nothing more than pawns -- pathetic symbols of a decaying empire."

Bear Bekowski, veins bulging from his bald head, smashes the pipe off his own head until he bleeds, but he doesn't show any visible signs of pain. Atom doesn't even register his partner's antics as he continues focusing on the number one contenders.

Smasher: You think you’re heroes, champions of the people. But let me enlighten you... Heroes don’t exist. They’re fairy tales, stories told to children to keep them compliant. In the real world, power belongs to those strong enough to seize it, to crush anyone who stands in their way. To the annihilators, to the tyrants, to... DomiNation.

Atom Smasher suddenly extends his arms wide, as if embracing an invisible audience. His head tilts back, and he gazes upwards with a crazed, maniacal grin plastered across his face. An unfazed Matty Faith takes a sip of his beer and grabs a mic.

Faith: “You think we’re gonna back down because you swing around some rusty old pipes and talk a good game? Bring your worst, because when that bell rings, expect a good, old-fashioned American-made ass-kickin’.”

The Masked Patriot steps forward, his red, white, and blue mask gleaming under the lights, his voice ringing with unshakable conviction. 

Patriot: "You might think you're unstoppable, but let me tell you something about true American spirit. We don't break, we don't bend, and we sure as hell don't run from tyrants! You can bring your pipes, your threats, and all the fury you can muster, but it won’t be enough! We'll show you what it means to be the champions these freedom lovin' fans deserve."

Ranger and Marshall Dillon interrupt the threatening exchange and side with their fellow patriots.

Dillon: "Matty, Patriot, if it’s okay with y’all, we’d like to give these boys a little tune-up match before y’all take their tag titles at the PPV.”

Atom Smasher and Bear exchange a feral grin before Atom steps forward, eyes locked on Ranger and Dillon. 

Bekowski: "It’ll be your funeral. Next week, we’re gonna bury you just like we’ll bury Faith and Patriot at the PPV! ARGH!!!"

Bekowski smashes himself on the head again as the tension crackles like electricity as the promise of violence hangs heavy in the air.

Rating: 63


Brandon James defeats Primus Allen (13.48)

Allen wastes no time, charging at James with the speed of a linebacker and delivering a shoulder tackle that sends the veteran sprawling to the mat. James rolls out of the ring, but Allen isn’t about to let him catch his breath. He follows James outside, grabbing him by the neck and tossing him back into the ring with ease.

Back inside, Allen keeps up the pressure. He whips James into the corner and follows up with a running clothesline that shakes the ring. James crumples to the mat, and Allen goes for an early pin.

1! 2!

James kicks out just in time, his veteran instincts saving him.

James quickly rolls to his feet and decides it’s time to slow the pace. He feigns a lockup, but instead, rakes Allen's eyes with a sly thumb, out of the referee’s line of sight. The crowd boos, but James doesn’t care. He capitalizes on the moment, kicking Allen's knee out from under him. Allen drops to one knee, and James follows up with a DDT, spiking Allen’s head into the mat.

Now it’s James’s turn to cover.

1! 2!

Allen powers out, throwing James off him with raw strength. He shakes off the effects of the DDT and catches James with a belly-to-belly suplex that sends the veteran crashing hard to the mat.

As Allen moves in to press his advantage, James grabs his tights and pulls him face-first into the turnbuckle. Allen staggers back, dazed, and James, seeing his opening, unleashes a series of calculated strikes -- punches, elbows, and a sharp knee to the gut -- that keep the powerhouse off balance.

James then goes for a snap suplex, but Allen blocks it and lifts James high into the air with a delayed vertical suplex.

The fans are on their feet as Allen signals for his finisher, the Gridiron Slam, a powerful running powerslam that has put many opponents away. He hoists James onto his shoulder and takes off, but James desperately wriggles free and lands behind Allen.

James quickly tries to lock in a sleeper hold, attempting to sap the strength out of Allen, but Allen fights out of it, backing James into the corner hard. As the referee checks on James, Krissy Angelle climbs onto the ring apron, distracting Allen. Allen turns toward her, shouting for her to get down, and as he does, James, the crafty veteran, seizes the opportunity.

In a flash, James pokes Allen in the eye with a sharp jab, blinding him. Allen stumbles back, clutching his face. The referee misses the infraction, focused on getting Krissy off the apron.

With Allen disoriented, James quickly grabs him and delivers his Brandon Bomb Drop finisher.

James rolls Allen over and hooks the leg.

1! 2! 3!

James rolls out of the ring as Krissy Angelle joins him, both smirking as they back up the ramp. Allen, still on the mat, shakes his head, frustrated at getting caught out by a distraction.

Rating: 61


We cut to Rocky Golden sitting on a bench, taping his wrists with a calm but focused demeanor. The door swings open with a forceful bang, and Des Davids storms in. 

Davids: “Golden! Don't think for a second that I’m here because I want to be. You better not screw this up, dog.”

Rocky looks up slowly, a smirk playing on his lips as he finishes taping his wrists.

Rocky Golden: “Relax, Des. I’m not thrilled about this either, but let’s put our differences aside for one night and handle business.”

Des’s eyes narrow, his tone becoming colder, almost venomous.

Davids: "Just follow my lead and we’ll dust these fools. Now, who the hell are we teamin' with? What other fool do I have to babysit tonight?

Rocky’s smirk widens, but before he can respond, there’s a knock on the door. Without waiting for an invitation, Mikey Lau steps in, his energy and enthusiasm in stark contrast to the tension in the room. He clasps his hands and gives a polite bow to the rivals.


Mikey Lau: "Tonight is a night of honor. To Rocky Golden and Des Davids, I thank you for letting me be your partner. In the dojo, we learn that the strongest warrior does not fight alone, but as part of a greater whole. You have given me the opportunity to be part of something greater."

Des turns to Lau, his eyes cold as ice, clearly unimpressed by the newcomer’s eagerness.

Lau: "In karate, we say, 'The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory nor defeat, but in the perfection of character.' Together, we will strive for victory, but more than that, we will show the world the power of unity and respect. Let's make tonight one to remember."

With another bow, Lau steps back, ready for battle.

Davids: “Quit talking that Mr. Miyagi [beep], Bruce Lee, and get your damn head in the game. We might be teaming up, but we ain’t friends, dog. If either of you cost me this match tonight, you'll be eatin' your fortune cookies through a straw."

Mikey’s grin fades slightly, realizing the gravity of the situation, but he nods firmly. Rocky, still unfazed, finally stands up, squaring up with Des for a moment.

Golden: “We’re here to win, Davids. Now calm that hot temper of yours and follow my lead. Maybe you’ll learn something about being a champion.

Des glares at Rocky for a moment longer before turning and storming out of the locker room. The camera lingers on Rocky and Mikey as they prepare for the upcoming battle.

Rating: 72


The dim light of a single, flickering candle casts eerie shadows across the ancient stone chamber. The walls, lined with shelves of forbidden tomes and arcane symbols, whisper secrets long forgotten by the world above. At the center of the room, seated at an obsidian altar, is Scythe -- his dark presence commanding the space with an otherworldly aura.

Draped in a robe of deepest black, Scythe’s face is obscured by a hood, his eyes glinting like cold, distant stars from within the shadow. In his gloved hand, he holds a deck of tarot cards, their edges worn and stained with the essence of countless rituals. With deliberate slowness, he draws a card, his movements precise, as if guided by an unseen force.

He lays the card down on the altar: The Star. A faint, twisted smile creeps across his lips as he stares at the image, its once-bright symbolism now tarnished in his mind. 

Scythe: "Valiant," he murmurs, his voice a low rasp that reverberates in the chamber. "The light you bore is snuffed out. Your hope... extinguished. The Star has fallen, and with it, your guiding brilliance fades into nothingness."

Scythe’s hand moves again, shuffling the deck with a methodical grace, before drawing another card. He places it beside the fallen Star: The Fool. This card usually gleams with the promise of new beginnings, of boundless optimism and a journey yet to unfold. But in Scythe’s lair, it withers and fades.

Scythe: “The Fool,” he intones, his voice dripping a tone that's both calm and full of disdain. "You, who dance upon the edge of the unknown, with eyes wide shut and heart full of folly. You believe the future is yours to shape, that your path is untouchable. But the future is a fragile thing, a mere illusion in the hands of those who dare to wield it.”

He leans closer to the card, as if speaking directly to the spirit it represents. 

Scythe: “I have shattered the Star, the beacon that once led you all through the darkness. Now, I turn my gaze upon you, Fool. For without hope, what is your journey but a descent into the abyss? Your optimism, your faith in the unseen -- they are the very chains that will drag you down.”

Scythe pauses, his fingers tracing the outline of the Fool card.

Scythe: “I am the end you do not foresee, the shadow at the heart of your light. When I am done, there will be no future, no new beginnings -- only the eternal night."

The candle flickers once more, as if recoiling from the darkness that emanates from him. Then, with a sharp motion, Scythe flips the Fool card face down on the altar, sealing its fate.

Rating: 70


Awesomeness Unleashed (Randy Unleashed, Huey Cannonball, and Jefferson Stardust) defeat Mikey Lau, Rocky Golden, and Des Davids (14.51)

Mikey Lau starts off against Jefferson Stardust, with the former’s karate-inspired offense giving him the early advantage. Stardust eventually counters with a springboard arm drag, shifting momentum. Stardust tags in Huey Cannonball, who goes for a quick pin attempt after a spinning heel kick, but Lau kicks out at two.

Lau fights back with a flurry of martial arts strikes, then tags in Des Davids. Davids charges in with a massive shoulder block that sends Cannonball crashing to the mat. He follows up with a series of power moves until Randy Unleashed distracts the referee, allowing Cannonball to rake Davids’ eyes and escape.

Cannonball tags in Unleashed, who methodically picks apart Davids with a mix of technical holds and underhanded tactics. Des manages to break free and delivers a clothesline, creating enough space to tag in Rocky Golden.

Golden enters the match like a house on fire, laying out Unleashed with a big boot and a leg drop. The crowd is fully behind Golden as he goes for a pin, but Huey Cannonball breaks it up. 

This leads to a massive brawl in the ring, with all six men involved. Lau and Jefferson Stardust trade high-flying moves, while Golden and Randy exchange powerful strikes.

After the ref restores order, Golden prepares to catch Unleashed in The Rack, but Davids tags himself in, wanting the glory for himself. Golden isn’t happy about this, and the two begin arguing in the corner. This gives Randy Unleashed a chance to recover and tag in Jefferson Stardust, who blindsides Davids with a dropkick.

Lau makes the tag but Stardust and Cannonball double-team him. Unleashed pulls Davids off the apron, slamming him into the barricade.

Golden approaches the barricade to check on Davids, only to be shoved away.

Left to his own devices, Lau tries to fight back, but the numbers game is too much. Stardust delivers a devastating superkick, followed by Cannonball's diving senton. Unleashed waits for the dazed opponent to stand then hits his finisher -- a running enzuigiri -- for the 1-2-3.

Rating: 79

As Awesomeness Unleashed backs up the ramp celebrating their victory, Lau slowly rises to his feet, visibly frustrated and disheartened. Golden makes his way back into the ring to check on his friend. 

Davids storms back into the ring, his anger palpable. He shoves past the referees who attempt to hold him back, his eyes locked on Golden.

Davids lunges at Golden, but the referees quickly intervene, trying to restrain him. 


Davids shoves the referees aside and continues to advance. At that moment, Ekuma, High Flyin' Hawaiian, and other wrestlers and road agents rush down the ramp. Ekuma’s imposing presence forces Davids into the corner, while High Flyin' Hawaiian helps Golden stay composed.

The ring becomes a chaotic scene of officials and wrestlers trying to restore order. It takes various grown men to get Davids out of the ring, but he eventually backs off.

The show is set to go off the air, but the action suddenly transitions to the parking lot, where two masked men lay into Jerry and Eric Eisen with baseball bats.


Emma Chase, visibly pregnant and frantic, pleads with the attackers to stop assaulting her helpless husband and brother-in-law. Eric, with blood spilling from his mouth, pleads with her to run and begs the assailants not to hurt his wife.

The camera zooms in as one of the masked men finally pulls off his mask, revealing the face of Remo, who’s grinning from ear to ear. 


Remo: “Don't worry, Emma. We leavin'. Tell your family that we'll be seein' them again real soon.” 

The show ends with a shot of the bloodied and broken Eisens lying helplessly on the ground as Remo grins, happy with his handiwork. Remo and the mystery man throw down their bats and walk away.

Rating: 70


Love it.

One thing I've found is with the new pics in TEWIX I find it easier to connect to these characters because it feels like they could be people.  As much as I liked the old style it's of it's time and I'm glad we have this style now.  Also glad that the game is easy to change pic packs for which means people who dont like AI can switch back to the old style with ease.


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5 minutes ago, alpha2117 said:

Love it.

One thing I've found is with the new pics in TEWIX I find it easier to connect to these characters because it feels like they could be people.  As much as I liked the old style it's of it's time and I'm glad we have this style now.  Also glad that the game is easy to change pic packs for which means people who dont like AI can switch back to the old style with ease.


I completely agree. The pics have inspired me to come up with personalities for people just based on their looks haha. It makes the in-game universe feel more lively too. I also love reading the bios.

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1 hour ago, ItsJustJustin said:

Another great show. You’re setting yourself a high bar to follow! 

The Remo stuff was great and glad you gave UA a huge win rather than the obvious. 

Thanks, mate. I absolutely love UA and really want to elevate them, so giving them the win here was a no-brainer. Thanks for he kind words about Remo, too. If he keeps his job after this week, I suspect he'll only get worse haha.

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Tuesday Night Ratings War: TCW Tops SWF for Second Week in a Row

The Tuesday night wrestling war continues to heat up as Total Championship Wrestling's (TCW) flagship show, “Total Wrestling,” once again emerged victorious over the Supreme Wrestling Federation's (SWF) “Supreme TV.” For the second consecutive week, TCW took the lead with 2,657,392 viewers, marking a slight increase from last week's 2,549,767. Meanwhile, “Supreme TV” saw a dip in its audience, drawing 2,396,357 viewers compared to last week's 2,401,847.

This result has surprised many within the wrestling community, as SWF's current programming is centered around significant events, including the upcoming 50th Anniversary Spectacular and the recent passing of legendary founder Richard Eisen. Despite the emotional weight of these storylines, the company is in a period of transition, gradually shifting away from its long-established, family-friendly sports entertainment style towards a more mature and adult-oriented product.

In contrast, TCW's success has been attributed to its emphasis on delivering a high-quality in-ring product, something that has resonated well with fans seeking pure wrestling action. Interestingly, despite the decline in viewership, this week's episode of “Supreme TV” was well-received, earning an 81 score -- a rating matched by “Total Wrestling.” Both shows received better reviews than United States Pro Wrestling's (USPW) weekly program, which scored a 79, though USPW's show managed to draw more viewers than either TCW or SWF, once again eclipsing the 10 million mark.

As SWF's viewership dwindles, rumors are swirling that the company plans to bring in several wrestling legends to bolster its 50th Anniversary Spectacular, a move that has reportedly been in the works for some time, rather than a reaction to the recent ratings struggle. Additionally, next week's “Supreme TV” is expected to feature the reveal of a celebrity host for the anniversary event, a development that could potentially reignite fan interest.

The recent changes in SWF's creative direction have sparked mixed reactions among the fanbase. Social media @ItsJustJustin praised the company's decision to elevate the group Awesomeness Unleashed and the character development of fan-favorite Remo, whose new presentation has been widely acclaimed. Similarly, @neslo024 commended the writing team for implementing some character makeovers that buck SWF traditions. However, it remains to be seen if these shifts will be enough to reverse SWF's current slide in the ratings.

As both promotions continue to vie to gain ground on USPW, the wrestling world eagerly awaits the next chapter in this evolving rivalry. Will SWF's return to its roots? Will the inclusion of legendary figures and a high-profile celebrity be enough to reclaim the top spot? Or will TCW's dedication to in-ring excellence keep it on the path to victory? Fans will have to tune in next Tuesday to find out.

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Love stuff like the ratings update

Of course I wouldn't stress the ratings battle with TCW too much if I was you - it's honestly so close right now you just need to stick to your plan and let their aging roster do some of the work for you and your superior cash do the rest. Seriously when Gauge, Hawkins, Andrews or Chord's contracts are coming up you just know that either yourself or SWF are going to have the financial clout to make them either overpay or lose those guys.  I think what ... 14 of their guys are over 40 and 6 more over 36.  You've got more stars and while you have a lot of aging guys too - you know that and can prepare to phase new talent in far better than they can and your young under 30 talent is flat out better than theirs.  Ratings today are going to mean little in a year or so's time when they are in rebuild mode and you aren't.

USPW is always the issue - they are APEX predators in every way.  They know they are down on stars and you need to make sure they don't steal the guys you have in their prime.  If they take your older guys though that's almost a plus. Heck them giving any of those guys a retirement fund late is great for you. "Oh no USPW please don't sign Brandon James ... Please!" Would be akin to Br'er Rabbit begging not to be thrown into the Briar Patch. 

Edited by alpha2117
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6 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

Love stuff like the ratings update

Of course I wouldn't stress the ratings battle with TCW too much if I was you - it's honestly so close right now you just need to stick to your plan and let their aging roster do some of the work for you and your superior cash do the rest. Seriously when Gauge, Hawkins, Andrews or Chord's contracts are coming up you just know that either yourself or SWF are going to have the financial clout to make them either overpay or lose those guys.  I think what ... 14 of their guys are over 40 and 6 more over 36.  You've got more stars and while you have a lot of aging guys too - you know that and can prepare to phase new talent in far better than they can and your young under 30 talent is flat out better than theirs.  Ratings today are going to mean little in a year or so's time when they are in rebuild mode and you aren't.

USPW is always the issue - they are APEX predators in every way.  They know they are down on stars and you need to make sure they don't steal the guys you have in their prime.  If they take your older guys though that's almost a plus. Heck them giving any of those guys a retirement fund late is great for you. "Oh no USPW please don't sign Brandon James ... Please!" Would be akin to Br'er Rabbit begging not to be thrown into the Briar Patch. 

I'm quite enjoying the ratings struggle from a storyline point of view, as this is the first time in history that SWF being overtaken by SWF. It's a nice challenge to overcome. Right now, I'm more focused on establishing characters and storylines for diary purposes, and it has led to some ratings dips (my third show tanked, but it was the most fun to write haha). I'll be bidding for a couple of TCW's stars when they become available, but my main goal is to start elevating my younger stars and building some stars from the ground up. USPW is signing every free agent with over 40 pop at the moment, the majority of whom are over 40. They have some decent younger stars, but their focus seems to be on aging stars. 

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7 hours ago, Kieran_Lives said:

I'm quite enjoying the ratings struggle from a storyline point of view, as this is the first time in history that SWF being overtaken by SWF. It's a nice challenge to overcome. Right now, I'm more focused on establishing characters and storylines for diary purposes, and it has led to some ratings dips (my third show tanked, but it was the most fun to write haha). I'll be bidding for a couple of TCW's stars when they become available, but my main goal is to start elevating my younger stars and building some stars from the ground up. USPW is signing every free agent with over 40 pop at the moment, the majority of whom are over 40. They have some decent younger stars, but their focus seems to be on aging stars. 

Yeah that sounds like USPW - they honestly have no plan - they just sign people with pop and hope for the best.  Thats what I meant when I said either you or them can force TCW to overpay or lose their top 4.  You actually dont have to go after any of them for that to happen because almost certainly USPW will.  Obviously all 4 of the big 4 are class and worth making a bid for but if you dont really want them you know USPW will almost certainly go after them.  The only question you would have is do you want to stop them jumping to USPW?  Like I've said TCW is a wounded animal and you really just have to let nature takes it's course to re-establish your spot as the undoubted number 2.  Looking forward to seeing how it all plays out because no two games are ever really the same and your vision for TCW looks great so far.  

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Posted (edited)


Supreme TV: August 19, 2022 Preview & Predictions

The Dallas Cowboys vs. DomiNation

Kip Keenan vs. Robbie Wright

“Hollywood” Brett Star vs. Monty Trescarde

Rogue vs. Deever Arnold

The Awesomeness vs. Hawaiian Crush

Des Davids vs. Lenny Brown

Bonus: Who is the celebrity who’ll be confirmed for the PPV?

Bonus: Who is the “The Fool” referred to in Scythe’s cryptic promos?

Bonus: Will there be an appearance from a retired SWF legend? If so, which one?

Bonus: What Will Remo's punishment be?

Edited by Kieran_Lives
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Great show again. Loving everything involving Remo and Scythe so far. 

Supreme TV: August 19, 2022 Preview & Predictions

The Dallas Cowboys vs. DomiNation
Keep the champs strong heading into the PPV

Kip Keenan vs. Robbie Wright
- The Angry Gilmore angle last week suggests you have a plan for Keenan

“Hollywood” Brett Star vs. Monty Trescarde
- He will keep winning to earn the title match

Rogue vs. Deever Arnold
- Too big a name to take a loss here

The Awesomeness vs. Hawaiian Crush
- Tough one to call but I think The Awesomeness will edge it

Des Davids vs. Lenny Brown
- Des is preparing for a match with Rocky Golden. Lenny Brown is not. 

Bonus: Who is the celebrity who’ll be confirmed for the PPV?
- Darius Singer

Bonus: Who is the “The Fool” referred to in Scythe’s cryptic promos?
- Garry The Entertainer

Bonus: Will there be an appearance from a retired SWF legend? If so, which one?
- The ghost of Richard Eisen

Bonus: What Will Remo's punishment be?
- Going one one-on-one with The Undertaker

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The Dallas Cowboys vs. DomiNation

Dallas Keenan vs. Robbie Wright

“Hollywood” Brett Star vs. Monty Trescarde

Rogue vs. Deever Arnold

The Awesomeness vs. Hawaiian Crush

Des Davids vs. Lenny Brown

Bonus: Who is the celebrity who’ll be confirmed for the PPV? Ami Russell is the one who could move the needle

Bonus: Who is the “The Fool” referred to in Scythe’s cryptic promos? Feels like Garry who you haven't used much

Bonus: Will there be an appearance from a retired SWF legend? If so, which one? Yes - Sean McFly

Bonus: What Will Remo's punishment be? Compete in a 3 on 1 Handicap match setting up potential debuts of back-up for him

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On 8/24/2024 at 12:43 PM, Kieran_Lives said:


Supreme TV: August 19, 2022 Preview & Predictions

The Dallas Cowboys vs. DomiNation

Kip Keenan vs. Robbie Wright

“Hollywood” Brett Star vs. Monty Trescarde

Rogue vs. Deever Arnold

The Awesomeness vs. Hawaiian Crush

Des Davids vs. Lenny Brown

Bonus: Who is the celebrity who’ll be confirmed for the PPV?

Bonus: Who is the “The Fool” referred to in Scythe’s cryptic promos?

Bonus: Will there be an appearance from a retired SWF legend? If so, which one?

Bonus: What Will Remo's punishment be?

If non title - Dallas Cowboys




Awesomeness via shenanigans 

Des Davids


Celeb - One of those new young females? Evelyn something? 

Fool - Poor Gary


Legend - Sean McFly - 25 years since he won the title isn’t it? 

Punishment - A spanking? 

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Supreme TV: August 19, 2022 Preview & Predictions

The Dallas Cowboys vs. DomiNation

Kip Keenan vs. Robbie Wright

“Hollywood” Brett Star vs. Monty Trescarde

Rogue vs. Deever Arnold

The Awesomeness vs. Hawaiian Crush

Des Davids vs. Lenny Brown

Bonus: Who is the “The Fool” referred to in Scythe’s cryptic promos? Gary

Bonus: What Will Remo's punishment be? suspension or maybe even being "fired" if his contract came up

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The Dallas Cowboys vs. DomiNation

Kip Keenan vs. Robbie Wright

“Hollywood” Brett Star vs. Monty Trescarde

Rogue vs. Deever Arnold

The Awesomeness vs. Hawaiian Crush

Des Davids vs. Lenny Brown

Bonus: Who is the celebrity who’ll be confirmed for the PPV? Ami Russell

Bonus: Who is the “The Fool” referred to in Scythe’s cryptic promos? Garry The Entertainer

Bonus: Will there be an appearance from a retired SWF legend? If so, which one? Yes, Jack Bruce

Bonus: What Will Remo's punishment be? Unable to challenge for any titles for a year.

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3 minutes ago, Kieran_Lives said:

These ideas are better than the one I have in mind haha.

I think it usually feels that way whenever you write a diary - someone will say something and you'll go "Why didn't I think of that?"  You cant worry about that just file those ideas away for future use because this is wrestling and lets face it you'll always end up coming back to the same sort of stories over and over.  What you are doing is you and so far it's been really good - you're having fun and we are having fun reading it.

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Thanks for the posts, peeps.

I'll catch up with responses tomorrow. I got caught up this past week with work, but I will most definitely have my next novel (aka show) posted in the next day or two.

I appreciate everyone's participation, and I can't wait to unleash more of Remo's dastardly deeds on everyone.

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