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The ZENith and the journey there (ZEN)

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Your Main Event
Karrg The Insidious, Pink Spider and Toady, representing Alien Armada

Conceptual Title
Deathwatch Beetle (C), representing Alien Armada

Harmony Titles
MAN O'WAR and Laguna The Loyal (C), representing Alien Armada 

A Quest For Revenge
Ferdy Lloyd

Skullduggery-Sparring Match
Dee Lucketti and Vortex

Tag Team Match
Celestina Cherish and "Alien-Squared" Hez Jendell

ZEN: Art Of Winning - Quarter Final
Kalliope Woodchuck

ZEN: Art Of Winning - Quarter Final
Trevor Feather

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Finally catching up to this- I'm very pro Art of Winning as a concept so far 


Your Main Event
Karrg The Insidious, Pink Spider and Toady, representing Alien Armada vs. Halloween Knight, Pumpkin Jack and Devilfish

Conceptual Title
Deathwatch Beetle (C), representing Alien Armada vs. HalloWarped, representing F.E.A.R

Harmony Titles
MAN O'WAR and Laguna The Loyal (C), representing Alien Armada vs. The Beat, of Crime Buster and Blue Chip

A Quest For Revenge
Cyanide, representing Skullduggery vs. Ferdy Lloyd

Skullduggery-Sparring Match
Casual Violence, of Lerone Slim and Rekha vs. Dee Lucketti and Vortex

Tag Team Match
The Ghost Hunters, of Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde vs. Celestina Cherish and "Alien-Squared" Hez Jendell

ZEN: Art Of Winning - Quarter Final
Kalliope Woodchuck vs. Killer B

ZEN: Art Of Winning - Quarter Final
Auckland Raider vs. Trevor Feather

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Now for your viewing pleasure on WrestleWorld Oceania (and previously for DVD purchase from ZEN, and on a few torrent sites).




---WAY OF THE---


DATE: Saturday 26th February, 2022

LOCATION: Christchurch, New Zealand


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1. The Ghost Hunters, of Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde d. Celestina Cherish and “Alien-Squared” Hez Jendell, in 7:50 {39 rating}

The night gets underway with the fan favourites of Hez Jendell and Celestina Cherish heading to the ring. The Ghost Hunters make their first appearance since early January and are eager to get back to winning ways. The match is pretty much nonstop action, looking to rally the crowd up. Cherish and Jendell make use of some new double team offence, such as a double heel sweep to Mister Hide outside the ring that has him land hard on the wooden floor, and a double back suplex to Bruce Strange which achieved a new fall. In the end it is the Ghost Hunters who pick up the win, their experience in ZEN coming to the forefront as they make the most of the lucha tag rules. With Jendell beaten down a hot tag is made to Cherish. After babyface fire, she takes Strange over with a headscissor takedown causing him to bail out from the ring. Cherish lines up a dive but is unexpectedly intercepted by a huge Mister Hyde lariat, now the legal man, Hyde picks up the easy 3!


Skullduggery.jpg.0e5f7236d78e97f8eee598f5c1947a9f.jpgCyanide.jpg.fd5fb7a3cf38abf5b3f132257e4c64e0.jpg draws with  FerdyLloyd.jpg.0fda29fe19676c415070cfcfc1cc07fe.jpg

2. Cyanide, representing Skullduggery goes to a 15-minute time-limit draw with Ferdy Lloyd {52 rating}

Ferdy Lloyd is fired up but early on it seems as though Cyanide isn't taking him seriously, there is stalling and toying with his opponent early on. Cyanide is very much the favourite and does dominate large portions of the contest but Ferdy Lloyd gets to show off a lot of his offence as the match progresses. Lloyd secures a near fall from a missile dropkick, rolling thunder, lionsault combo, which seems to be the wake-up call for Cyanide to go into overdrive. Boy does he! What follows is not pretty, and is the best part of 8 minutes of sheer violence. Tossing Ferdy Lloyd around the ring, across the rindside area, dropping him on the wooden floor, the side of the ring, tossing him headfirst into the ring posts. Cyanide cannot manage to connect with his Skull Splitter Brainbuster, Lloyd always able to counter or block the attack, eventually he opts for a submission instead, contorting Ferdy Lloyd into a cloverleaf variant. Lloyd against keeps fighting free, but is so battered and worn down he can hardly launch an attacks of himself. Cyanide goes for the cloverleaf again, and the bell rings?!?! It is announced that the match has went to a 15-minute time limit draw. Some of the crowd took this as a positive to Lloyd and mocked Cyanide, others were a bit confused as the time limit wasn't a much publicised aspect of the match, and maybe felt a bit of convenience. But hey, it's the story! Cyanide was not happy but looked at the exhausted Lloyd, merely saying “I still see one loser” before dropping outside of the ring, before Ferdy Lloyd is helped to the back by the referee and road agent New Zealand Pit Bull.


LeroneSlim.jpg.aa70367b8ffba9d8a157536d58ba07e2.jpgRekha.jpg.100f4d39d2bcc2e581d50817fa8c0f5e.jpg d. DeeLucketti.jpg.db5d2be65ff48483cb81f8d7be959bd6.jpgVortex.jpg.bd31d8786456457a5fb78fd9ac1c5181.jpg

3. Casual Violence, of Lerone Slim and Rekha d. Dee Lucketti and Vortex, in 10:16 {44 rating}

All four competitors make their way out together. A flustered Cyanide who had been skulking around ringside takes a seat near the action, Guru Vishnu pulls up a seat next to him, handing the Skullduggery leader a towel and a bottle of water to freshen himself up. Cyanide watches on as his underlings take to battle. Casual Violence live up to their name and instantly set about roughing up the rookie Dee Lecketti. Lecketti’s chest is turned red raw throughout the match with chops, slaps, rakes and kicks. Whilst it's an all rudo affair, Lucketti and Vortex are positioned in the babyface roles. Vortex gets some stiff strikes in of his own, and hits Lerone Slim with an impressive springboard spinning wheel kick which gets the crowd on their feet. Lucketti and Vortex hit a pair of stereo topé dives, which has approval from the crowd and Cyanide. They almost get the victory when Lucketti reverses a Rekha Sitout Powerbomb into an X-Factor, which is followed by a flying double footed stomp from Vertex, but Rekha kicks out at 2. The finish sees Vortex wiped out by a pop-up/flapjack forearm smash from Slim, Rekha then connects with a Sitout Powerbomb on Lucketti, securing the 3-count. Cyanide and Guru Vishni look delighted, Cyanide congratulates all four competitors, who he instructs to shake hands and hug. They then all bow to each other as warrior equals, before bowing to Cyanide.


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In-Ring Segment: The Beat-down {34 rating}

The Harmony champions make their way to the ring, striding slowly, soaking up the distaste from the crowd. They set up in the ring as **SIRENS BLARE** and The Beat make their way out through the curtain. After some hyping up from the crowd they look ready to head to the ring when suddenly Crime Buster and Blue Chip are jumped from behind. It’s The Ghost Hunters! Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde unleash a monstrous beating on the tecnico team, as MAN O’WAR and Laguna The Loyal look on, thanking their lucky stars. Mister Hyde hoists Blue Chip up into a press slam, throwing him into the breeze block wall of the venue, and then the rookie drops to the ground with a thud! Crime Buster has it even worse, rammed headfirst into the wall by Bruce Strange, and then suffers a Double Chokeslam through the merchandise table, from The Ghost Hunters! What state will Crime Buster and Blue Chip be in for this match? Will they even be able to challenge for the titles?

AlienArmada.jpg.0903061975fc552a3e3d95a86abf7d9c.jpgManOWar.jpg.4b94e2eac4696e657fc5115524323a2e.jpgLagunaTheLoyal.jpg.d6373b52caee86d2c475855cac774ea5.jpg d. CrimeBuster.jpg.95f6dfef8e4eb0376ad15c83f9890beb.jpgElAvatar.jpg.900159b7ff84c8c1034b370224a48362.jpg

4. MAN O’WAR and Laguna The Loyal (C), representing Alien Armada d. The Beat, of Crime Buster and Blue Chip, in 6:46, to make the 4th defence of the Harmony Titles {43 rating}

 MAN O’WAR rolls Blue Chip into the ring and tells the referee to call for the bell. At first then ref refuses as Blue Chip on the ground and Crime Buster has still not made it to the ring. MAN O’WAR and Laguna being to threaten the ref, until he calls for the bell. The rookie is tossed around and battered by the Harmony champions. Crime Buster begins to slowly crawl towards the ring, he looks seriously hurt from the Ghost Hunters attack, he eventually makes it onto the apron and leads the crowd in rallying for Blue Chip. Eventually after chaining some reversals and quick offence, Blue Chip dives across the ring and makes the tag to Crime Buster. Buster is fired up by the crowd reaction and starts to clean house of both Laguna and MAN O’WAR. This is short lived as the Harmony champs are fresh, and have the numbers advantage. It's not long ago all until Buster is spiked with the Anchor Drop (Spike Tombstone). Blue Chip is unable to break the count and the Alien Fleet make the 4th defence of the Harmony titles.


BruceStrange.jpg.d8eefcf28c86341313cc368fd56d2433.jpgMisterHyde.jpg.1e35b3e1eb07b39141f79a3fb8746b0f.jpg -> TanikoJo.jpg.37dfd14b2bf2a7519fa20b49a5fe5a97.jpg

Backstage segment - Acquaintances or ghosts of the past? {32 rating}

The Ghost Hunters wander backstage and in their ownmuted way celebrate the attack on The Beat and their subsequent decimation in their Harmony titles match. “What was that?!” a voice bellows. The camera pans, it's Halloween Knight’s fortune teller?! “Revenge” replies Bruce Strange. The fortune teller unloads about it's not in their interest for the do-gooders to be sniffing around. “You lost a match, but won tonight, move on, some things are more important”. Now The Beat will be sniffing around them! Bruce Strange says they can handle Crime Buster and Blue Chip. The fortune teller stares daggers into The Ghost Hunters, “You better make sure you do, for your sake”.


ZEN: Art Of Winning - Quarter Finals

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5. Trevor Feather, representing Skullduggery d. Auckland Raider, in 9:03

Trevor Feather welcomes the crowd back from intermission with a quick promo calling Auckland Raider dumb, standard, short hype affair, with Raider’s music hitting to a nice pop as he charges to the ring causing Feather to scarper in fear {41 rating}. After telling the ref to calm Raider, Feather eventually returns to the ring, allowing the bell to ring and the first quarter final encounter of the ZEN: Art Of Winning tournament gets underway. Feather gets some quick heat by proposing a lock-up, but strutting off when Raider goes to reciprocate. Eventually Auckland Raider has had enough and launches into clubbering blows on the Skullduggery member. The match is somewhat played for laughs, with spots based around Raider’s intelligence (or lack of - what concussions will do to you), such a Feather tapping him on the shoulder to confuse him, or simply shouting “duck” causing him to duck down, allowing Feather to drop Raider with a DDT. On the flipside, there are also laughs at the expense of Trevor as well, such as his squeals when he is tossed across the ring, or when he tries to punch Raider’s helmet. As far as action goes it's back and forth, and fairly even. Eventually, it looks as though Auckland Raider might have it sealed up, the crowd chant along with his “HUT! HUT! HUT!” taunt, he charges at Feather but the Skullduggery member dodges the Football Tackle. Raider crashes into the turnbuckle, giving Feather the opening for a roll-up. Feather grabs the ropes for leverage, and it’s a 3! Trevor Feather is into the semi-finals of ZEN: Art Of Winning.


HalloWarped.jpg.0fbf80d65d917785383efbd2f139d8f6.jpgHalloweenKnight.jpg.4429b5c8596d6f978bbf90f015ecc309.jpgPumpkinJack.jpg.153a531dc4d9ce78a5d843789d10a805.jpgTanikoJo.jpg.37dfd14b2bf2a7519fa20b49a5fe5a97.jpg -> Devilfish.jpg.1ae479e98caa5beef6475491fe1e1cc9.jpg -> CelestinaCherish.jpg.ca7a827fb00d9127e883b67cd6894923.jpgHezJendell.jpg.ba0700e22df4ef9b146c0efdd174a599.jpg

Backstage segment - 3.E.A.R and friends {44 rating}

HalloWarped is finishing his warm-up and taping his fists for his match against Deathwatch Beetle. Halloween Knight and Pumpkin Jack are sitting at opposite sides of the F.E.A.R locker room, tension clearly still there between the two. Knight is flanked by his fortune teller, and the three are discussing strategy with HalloWarped, warning him to not get into a striking game with Beetle. The conversation turns towards overall strategy against the Armada, when there's a knock on the door and after confirmation of identity, Devilfish is allowed to enter. Both Knight and Jack speak highly of Devilfish and thank him for stepping up to the Armada, Devilfish says ZEN is his home, he will always fight to defend it. Knight and Jack are pleased to hear that, and say that is likely why the Lords of the ZEN Temple requested him specifically to step into the team tonight. HalloWarped makes an offhand comment about how he's now the only guy in F.E.A.R who is not allowed to take direct council with the Lords of the ZEN Temple. Knight goes to chide HalloWarped but Devilfish wraps his arm around him, and comforts HalloWarped, saying that he's a 3-time Master Champ and has never been afforded personal council with the lords, and not to worry.

This temporarily diffuses things, with Knight saying they need more like Devilfish to step up, and suggests his plan tot put out a rallying cry for all of the ex-ZEN personnel to join the war. The room is not a fan od this. Knight is backed by his fortune teller, but a less enthused Devilfish bluntly states, “A lot of those guys aren’t here because they were unhinged!”, with Jack extending “A lot of those guys are unhinged because they were here!”. HalloWarped suggests why not asking Cyanide and Skullduggery? They've been hugely dominant recently! This does not go down well either, everyone talking over each other. Devilfish let's the room know “If they're involved I'm out” and then after a bit more bickering, exasperatedly screaming, “HE’S TRIED TO HAVE ME KILLED!”. Halloween Knight quiets the room, he tells HalloWarped that is not an option and that he needs to leave for his match. 

After Warped leaves, Knight shows his diplomacy, apologising to Devilfish for HalloWarped’s suggestion. However, be adds that he's teamed with Cyanide in the past, he is a strong warrior, and he develops strong warriors, and could be an asset, but he is unpredictable and self-serving, not what they need.  At this point the locker room door bursts open, the occupants of the room jump up ready for fight but are instead met with Celestina Cherish and Hez Jendell. “Oh it's just the two girls”, which is instantly echoed back by Jendell “I am not a girl!”. Despite the talk in the room of wanting willing warriors for ZEN, everyone seems to do their best to ignore the pair of Cherish and Jendell, batting away their comments. Jendell desperately tries to get get the room's attention, trying to make them listen about “fire talking” and how there must be a “master of the black mist” in ZEN, who might be a key to slaying The Malothian (cue a “Slay Girl!” from Cherish, which is met with budding catchphrase of “I’ve told you, I am not a girl!”). Pumpkin Jack finally acknowledges Jendell and says wrestlers all over the Earth can conjure mist and flames - they are parlour tricks and short term distractions, they will not slay an alien monster like The Malothian (cue a sad “Slay girl” from Cherish). Jendell and Cherish are then ushered from the room, the camera leaving with them and the door closes behind them.

The segment ends with a frustrated Jendell being comforted by Celestina Cherish, “Girl, I know you say you ain't, but those there men did not take a single word you said seriously. Seems like you're a girl to me!”. Jendell promises to show them all, and will track down the “fire talker”, Celestina promises to help every step of the way.


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6. Deathwatch Beetle (C), representing Alien Armada d. HalloWarped, representing F.E.A.R, in 12:20, to make the 2nd defence of the Conceptual Title {46 rating}

For the first encounter of F.E.A.R and Alien Armada since the brainwashing of Pink Spider, it isn't as high emotion as you'd probably expect, which held quality back a bit. HalloWarped focuses on more traditional lucha offence, whereas Deathwatch Beetle unloads with blows and strikes. HalloWarped is focussed and is clearly in the zone, he is desperate to prove himself as a singles competitor, and the Conceptual Title has been held by a number of the top stars of ZEN over the years, this would be a perfect statement of intent to dethrone Deathwatch Beetle. The pair exchange nearfalls throughout, HalloWarped rallying up 2 counts after a lungblower, swinging fisherman's suplex, top rope rana and a nifty la magistral pinning combo, as Beetle attempted to escape a submission. Beetle scores some close falls of his own with a piledriver, a lawndart into the bottom buckle and tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Beetle unloads with one of his signature punch combos, HalloWarped dodges the final Discus Punch and rolls up the champ, 1, 2, just out before 3! After some jostling HalloWarped gets Deathwatch Beetle up for a rolling fireman's carry, 1, 2, crucifix bridge! 1, 2, 3! Beetle just squeeks it! This is the 2nd successful defence of the Conceptual Title. HalloWarped is absolutely devastated in the ring, and is clearly frustrated with himself for losing, especially the way that it happened.



Backstage segment - Focus Killer {28 rating}

Prior to his ZEN: Art Of Winning tournament match up Killer B cuts a relatively sloppy promo backstage. It has absolutely nothing to do with his upcoming match, instead he goes off on a tirade at ZERO, warning him that once his banishment is lifted, he will be waiting for him, and he will be the one getting stretchered out! Is Killer B in the right frame of mind for this match?


Backstage segment - How many wins can a Woodchuck win? {49 rating}

We cut to a different backstage area and this time for an infinitely better promo from an equally fired up, but more natural and bouncy Kalliope Woodchuck. She talks about how 2021 seemed as though it was going to be the best year of her career and life, and then in one moment Karrg and The Malothian took that from her, and took her Bucky, and her spirit. She admits being distraught, and lost, and heartbroken, and felt like she had lost her purpose. Until now! The Art Of Winning tournament is giving her purpose. She’s a winner, and she had forgotten that. It doesn't matter if it's bad guys, or good guys, she wants them to throw everything they have at her, as she's stepping up and taking them down, as she's going to go all the way and win this thing! Trevor Feather can do whatever he wants, she literally doesn't care, it doesn't even register with her. She’s going to win, prove to herself she's still a winner, and then she's coming for Karrg, for The Malothian, and she's bringing “my Bucky home”. Woodchuck finishes by apologising to Killer B, he's one of the good guys, but “The best way to get over a broken heart is to get on top of someone else, for a 1, 2, 3! And you're next! Woodchuck, out!”. She gives a peace sign to the camera with a cheeky head tilt, before kicking her heels and heading off for the match.


ZEN: Art Of Winning - Quarter Finals

KalliopeWoodchuck.jpg.5edbe5840a33a2841e0c0c837357e829.jpg d. KillerB.jpg.7f47d44370f0b82d79e09beb4c636ed5.jpg

7. Kalliope Woodchuck d. Killer B, in 15:33 {45 rating}

The battle of two tecnicos on the absolute cusp of the upper echelons of ZEN is our semi-main event. The crowd, particularly the children are on the side of Kalliope Woodchuck, as she greets just about every young fan on the way to the ring. Killer B gets a nice selection of applause as well, as he heads to the ring alone, Molly Cuddle still selling her injures from the attack by ZERO as Way Of The Toad. This seems to be weighing in the mind of Killer B, standing across the ring from one of ZEN’s premier female competitors, and he seems quite hesitant to put the boots in, so to speak. However, that isn't going to cut it with a competitor of the quality of, and with the ethics of Woodchuck. She tells Killer B she wants the best version of himself, he owes it to himself, the fans and and to her! This inspires him on and he actually lands a few high impact moves such as a beautiful bridging German suplex, and subsequently scores a breathtakingly close nearfall with a back suplex lift into a backbreaker. Whilst he is able to turn it up a notch, he seems to be missing something without Molly Cuddle by his side, a strategy, a bite! Killer B eventually succumbs to Woodchuck, diving from the middle rope she grabs Killer B’s neck in midair and drops him with the Woodchuck Cutter. This seals the the 3-count and Kalliope Woodchuck into the semi-finals of the ZEN: Art of Winning tournament. The two competitors show respect by shaking hands, before heading to the back.



AlienArmada.jpg.0903061975fc552a3e3d95a86abf7d9c.jpgKarrg.jpg.5097ae0407bb65ee6e0872efd75b50f1.jpgPinkSpider.jpg.b1beaa70447275328427a738d50cfcb1.jpgToady.jpg.2f0d10a42c384a9feb10fb4c45aae7aa.jpg w/ WhiteHood.jpg.b4305b4dc8230be8203029157d42db80.jpg

d. HalloweenKnight.jpg.4429b5c8596d6f978bbf90f015ecc309.jpgPumpkinJack.jpg.153a531dc4d9ce78a5d843789d10a805.jpgDevilfish.jpg.1ae479e98caa5beef6475491fe1e1cc9.jpg

8. Karrg The Insidious, Pink Spider and Toady (w/The Malothian), representing Alien Armada d. Halloween Knight, Pumpkin Jack and Devilfish, in 13:51 {55 rating}

Karrg comes to the ring accompanied by Toady and The Malothian. He takes the house mic and after a short rundown of the weakling earthlings in the audience he introduces the newest member of the Alien Armada, Pink Spider. The Malothian gestures to the back and Spider comes stumbling out. He is still wearing his partially torn mask, with three of the spider legs pulled off. Pumpkin Jack, Halloween Knight and Devilfish come charging to the ring and the match is straight underway, it's absolute carnage, limbs are everywhere. The tecnicos try their best to get any recognition out of Pink Spider but nothing seems to register with him. All competitors add to the wild feel of the match, going all out, even Devilfish is emotionally invested, which given his priorities lie elsewhere shows just goes to show how intense the match is (maybe it's what being 0-2 in 2022 does to you). Nearfalls are exchanged, and it looks like the tecnicos have it won as Pumpkin Jack shows off the level of his strength, spiking Karrg with the Pumpkinhandle Suplex. Karrg is almost handed his first defeat since returning to ZEN last year, but Today breaks the pin right at last minute. Knight charges in to take out Toady, he dodges and Halloween Knight accidentally wipes out Pumpkin Jack with a thrust kick. No time to dwell, Knight and Pink Spider are now at it, Knight sets up Spider for a Piledriver, but The Malothian steps onto the apron, this provides a distraction to both Knight and the referee, Pink Spider connects with a big low blow to Halloween Knight, then the Spider Smash (Styles Clash), and the rudos seal the victory. 

HalloweenKnight.jpg.4429b5c8596d6f978bbf90f015ecc309.jpgPumpkinJack.jpg.153a531dc4d9ce78a5d843789d10a805.jpg -> HalloWarped.jpg.0fbf80d65d917785383efbd2f139d8f6.jpgDevilfish.jpg.1ae479e98caa5beef6475491fe1e1cc9.jpg

Karrg hastily retreats his forces to the back, Halloween Knight recovers in the ring but is shoved by Pumpkin Jack! THEY COME TO BLOWS! Devilfish tries to intervene and is shoved away, HalloWarped charges out, Warped grabs Halloween Knight and Devilfish grabs Jack. The two lead tecnicos of ZEN are separated and taken to the back. Is there any coming back from this?!? {46 rating}




Edited by Eugh
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What was happening February 2022.



1. The blocks for the 25th Elite Series have been announced in PGHW. This year the tournament will feature 2 blocks of 8 wrestlers, with no semi-finals, and the winners of each block facing off at Night of PRIDE. Any ties for block victory will be settled in undercard matches at Night of PRIDE, which emphasises the importance of a strong victory in your block, to put you in the best position for the trophy match.

Block A: Bussho Makiguchi, Kozue Kawashima, Seiji Jimbo, Chojiro Kitoaji, Magnum Kobe, Omezo Shikitei, Aleksander Knyazev and Dean Waldorf.
Block B: Masaru Ugaki, Avalanche Takano, BISON Yano, Noriyori Sanda, SATO, Reaver, Marv Statler and Mamoru Nagahama.

There is some disappointment at the lack of outside talent, but PGHW seem to be tightening the purse strings recently. However there is also a huge buzz around the A-Block group of death, which features four former Elite Series victors. B-Block also seems set up to continue the rise of Avalanche Takano and BISON Yano.


2. In North America the biggest buzz in 2022 has actually been with CWA, and this is even rubbing two months with their champion Edd Stone on the shelf with an ankle injury. This meant some plans were tweaked and old rivalries were reheated up and Clash Classic 2022 was headlined by an outstanding encounter between Christian Price and Jack DeColt, with DeColt putting his career on the line! The dastardly Price gained the victory, forcing one of the biggest stars in Canadian wrestling history into retirement! As well as this, number one contender, Cameron Vessey has petitioned that Edd Stone must return and defend his title at WrestleFestival 5 or he will be stripped of it, but due to a victory over Vessey, Aaron Knight has been added to the match as well. Stone returned on the last TV event of the month, and storyline is playing around Vessey aiming to re-injure the champ and Knight acting as a protector to the weakened Stone.

3. TCW have also been knocking it out of the park recently, particularly the top of the card. At The War To Settle The Score, Aaron Andrews earned his title match with Jay Chord, after beating a specifically chosen opponent, in a specifically chosen match. Chord stacked the odds against Andrews, forcing him to face ex-MMA fighter Flint Slater in a Submission Match. Elsewhere, Wolf Hawkins and T-Bone Bright had a match of the year candidate, with Hawkins securing the win, and Chord retained his belt against Sammy Bach. Andrews/Chord is the plan moving forward, and it's definitely as hot as it ever has been as a battle.

4. USPW’s swelling of goodwill from last month died off with an incredibly lacklustre Red, White and Blue! both from booking standpoint, and from the quality of wrestling, even the exceptional women’s division failing to shine. All champions retained, Bad Intentions retained against American Gold, Alina America bested Pariah, Rick Law overcame the momentum of Casey Valentine, and Nicky Champion steamrolled through Eddie Howard in the main event.


5. Thankfully for USPW, SWF were hardly in a position to capitalise, also bereft of direction. Despite the unsatisfying finish at the 50th Anniversary show, they shelved Des Davids vs Remo entirely, Remo moving onto Rocky Golden, which also makes Davids look weak, as Golden is now essentially fighting his battle. Randy Unleashed also fell down the card, but had match of the night with Mikey Lau at Nothing To Lose, and things are beginning to look up as he finished the month viciously targeting Valiant, blaming him for his failure to capture the World Heavyweight Title last month. 


6. South of the Border, EILL finished Guerra de Titans 2022 with an insane 3-way and angle, Angel of Mercy retaining the Campeonato del Mundo against El Leon and Rock God Alvarez, in an all tecnico affair. Following the match El Heroe Mexicano returned to the arena, having been taken away by medical personnel due to an attack by South American Thunder earlier in the evening. Heroe led the crowd in Angel of Mercy’s celebration before viciously attacking the champ! Was this a turn to the rudo side by the beloved star of a nation? The crowd are shocked, and distraught, but things become even clearer as El Heroe Mexicano tears off his mask, to reveal himself as Gino Montero! Montero says he called for the attack on El Heroe Mexicano, he's the “Baddest Man in Mexico”, and he's going to take Mercy’s title as well.



1. RAW made some motions drafting in some new and old faces. SubUrban Legend and Dazzler, who had most recently been seen working APW, have brought in to bolster the lower midcard. Dazzler in particular has already made some good showings on Attitude! An old face was also snapped up, as the month began with the reunion of The RAW Giants. Manhunter being brought back into the fold, aligning once again with Skyscraper. As well as the obvious big men schtick, they've adopted a humourless/exasperated persona, entering an immediate feud with the 3AM Boys.

2. Swoop McCarthy picked up a bit of a knock, but is working through it. To counteract this, RAW have paired him up with other major babyface, Loxley Robbins to help fight his foes. It looks like a story might be brewing with Robbins seemingly coveting the RAW Television Title. Let's see how this plays out.


3. APW are existing. Fun for the family. Literally nothing of interest to report.


4. Arguably DIW are producing better shows than APW. Shogo is doing an exceptional job as champ. A massive number 1 contenders ladder match is announced for next month between Mace Mueller and Blitz Simpson, which has local fans and message boards buzzing.


5. ZEN are also existing, and are making money, which given the state of the economy and wrestling business in the region is a minor miracle. This is showing the decision of moving to two shows a month is paying off, at least for now.

Edited by Eugh
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6 hours ago, Eugh said:



What was happening February 2022.



1. The blocks for the 25th Elite Series have been announced in PGHW. This year the tournament will feature 2 blocks of 8 wrestlers, with no semi-finals, and the winners of each block facing off at Night of PRIDE. Any ties for block victory will be settled in undercard matches at Night of PRIDE, which emphasises the importance of a strong victory in your block, to put you in the best position for the trophy match.

Block A: Bussho Makiguchi, Kozue Kawashima, Seiji Jimbo, Chojiro Kitoaji, Magnum Kobe, Omezo Shikitei, Aleksander Knyazev and Dean Waldorf.
Block B: Masaru Ugaki, Avalanche Takano, BISON Yano, Noriyori Sanda, SATO, Reaver, Marv Statler and Mamoru Nagahama.

There is some disappointment at the lack of outside talent, but PGHW seem to be tightening the purse strings recently. However there is also a huge buzz around the A-Block group of death, which features four former Elite Series victors. B-Block also seems set up to continue the rise of Avalanche Takano and BISON Yano.


2. In North America the biggest buzz in 2022 has actually been with CWA, and this is even rubbing two months with their champion Edd Stone on the shelf with an ankle injury. This meant some plans were tweaked and old rivalries were reheated up and Clash Classic 2022 was headlined by an outstanding encounter between Christian Price and Jack DeColt, with DeColt putting his career on the line! The dastardly Price gained the victory, forcing one of the biggest stars in Canadian wrestling history into retirement! As well as this, number one contender, Cameron Vessey has petitioned that Edd Stone must return and defend his title at WrestleFestival 5 or he will be stripped of it, but due to a victory over Vessey, Aaron Knight has been added to the match as well. Stone returned on the last TV event of the month, and storyline is playing around Vessey aiming to re-injure the champ and Knight acting as a protector to the weakened Stone.

3. TCW have also been knocking it out of the park recently, particularly the top of the card. At The War To Settle The Score, Aaron Andrews earned his title match with Jay Chord, after beating a specifically chosen opponent, in a specifically chosen match. Chord stacked the odds against Andrews, forcing him to face ex-MMA fighter Flint Slater in a Submission Match. Elsewhere, Wolf Hawkins and T-Bone Bright had a match of the year candidate, with Hawkins securing the win, and Chord retained his belt against Sammy Bach. Andrews/Chord is the plan moving forward, and it's definitely as hot as it ever has been as a battle.

4. USPW’s swelling of goodwill from last month died off with an incredibly lacklustre Red, White and Blue! both from booking standpoint, and from the quality of wrestling, even the exceptional women’s division failing to shine. All champions retained, Bad Intentions retained against American Gold, Alina America bested Pariah, Rick Law overcame the momentum of Casey Valentine, and Nicky Champion steamrolled through Eddie Howard in the main event.


5. Thankfully for USPW, SWF were hardly in a position to capitalise, also bereft of direction. Despite the unsatisfying finish at the 50th Anniversary show, they shelved Des Davids vs Remo entirely, Remo moving onto Rocky Golden, which also makes Davids look weak, as Golden is now essentially fighting his battle. Randy Unleashed also fell down the card, but had match of the night with Mikey Lau at Nothing To Lose, and things are beginning to look up as he finished the month viciously targeting Valiant, blaming him for his failure to capture the World Heavyweight Title last month. 


6. South of the Border, EILL finished Guerra de Titans 2022 with an insane 3-way and angle, Angel of Mercy retaining the Campeonato del Mundo against El Leon and Rock God Alvarez, in an all tecnico affair. Following the match El Heroe Mexicano returned to the arena, having been taken away by medical personnel due to an attack by South American Thunder earlier in the evening. Heroe led the crowd in Angel of Mercy’s celebration before viciously attacking the champ! Was this a turn to the rudo side by the beloved star of a nation? The crowd are shocked, and distraught, but things become even clearer as El Heroe Mexicano tears off his mask, to reveal himself as Gino Montero! Montero says he called for the attack on El Heroe Mexicano, he's the “Baddest Man in Mexico”, and he's going to take Mercy’s title as well.



1. RAW made some motions drafting in some new and old faces. SubUrban Legend and Dazzler, who had most recently been seen working APW, have brought in to bolster the lower midcard. Dazzler in particular has already made some good showings on Attitude! An old face was also snapped up, as the month began with the reunion of The RAW Giants. Manhunter being brought back into the fold, aligning once again with Skyscraper. As well as the obvious big men schtick, they've adopted a humourless/exasperated persona, entering an immediate feud with the 3AM Boys.

2. Swoop McCarthy picked up a bit of a knock, but is working through it. To counteract this, RAW have paired him up with other major babyface, Loxley Robbins to help fight his foes. It looks like a story might be brewing with Robbins seemingly coveting the RAW Television Title. Let's see how this plays out.


3. APW are existing. Fun for the family. Literally nothing of interest to report.


4. Arguably DIW are producing better shows than APW. Shogo is doing an exceptional job as champ. A massive number 1 contenders ladder match is announced for next month between Mace Mueller and Blitz Simpson, which has local fans and message boards buzzing.


5. ZEN are also existing, and are making money, which given the state of the economy and wrestling business in the region is a minor miracle. This is showing the decision of moving to two shows a month is paying off, at least for now.

Ahhh RAW signs Dazzler, SubUrban Legend and Manhunter.  Proof to anyone who had any doubts that this diary is legit info from TEWIX.  Watcher saves have those guys signing to RAW about 80% of the time.

Love so many of your stylistic choices with how you present this stuff especially giving a sense of the wider world beyond ZEN.


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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

Ahhh RAW signs Dazzler, SubUrban Legend and Manhunter.  Proof to anyone who had any doubts that this diary is legit info from TEWIX.  Watcher saves have those guys signing to RAW about 80% of the time.

Love so many of your stylistic choices with how you present this stuff especially giving a sense of the wider world beyond ZEN.


The fact I’m booked so far in advance allows me to be able to add a narrative around things to make them seem more real. For example the CWA note; Edd Stone was injured in their first January TV show (legit), I can see the future TV booking (lots of Knight/Stone tags) and next few months of title matches. Similarly, Jack DeColt isn’t actually retired in game, but I know that his main event at Clash Classic is the last match he ever had in CWA. He sat around for about another 50 days and then I believe his contract expired, and they didn’t renew. So tying all the things together (champ injured, need for a big match, who the match was with) it made sense to present it as this, as by December he has not been picked up and had a single indie show appearance.

Sometimes it’s just little hints and things, like PGHW tightening the purse strings, with only home talent in Elite Series (as about 6 months down the road their finances are a mess, spoilers!), or Mitchell Aldred challenging Frankie Perez after winning the Rip Chord, as I know the match happens in March, or the note about RAW potentially bringing in Paul Massey to get the most out of Damien Dastardly, who they are struggling with, as I can see his future booking (or lack of).

I quite like doing this, making rhyme or reason in what the game churns out, it’s the one thing that’s making me think I should continue booking ahead longterm. 

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Oh yeah it's fun to try to head canon some things especially since they can seem inexplicable.  Like why USPW has no actual forward planning - they just sign anyone they can above a certain pop in the US because they think thats the way to stay on top and it's always worked for them or TCW about to go into rebuild mode due to poor roster maintenance trying to compete with the other big 2 over the years meaning a lot of aging guys hit decline at the same time.  Those things happen so often in game.  You know it's just the nature of the way the game works for AI managed company but you can sort of find rationales for most decisions even the poor ones.

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EVENT PREVIEW: Way Of The Healer, 2022

DATE: Saturday 12th March, 2022

LOCATION: Wellington, New Zealand


Way Of the Healer is going to be headlined by a massive quarter final encounter in the ZEN: Art Of Winning tournament. Cyanide and HalloWarped are two of the most recognisable names in ZEN, and this one-on-one encounter is sure to be a barn-burner. Both wrestlers are coming off disappointments from Way Of The Artist, Cyanide was unable to best Ferdy Lloyd in their contest, having to settle for a 15-minute time limit draw, and HalloWarped getting caught out by a shock pinfall, failing to capture the Conceptual Title from Deathwatch Beetle. HalloWarped is desperate to prove himself as a singles competitor, and Cyanide is always desperate to prove himself as the toughest competitor in ZEN. Only one can emerge victorious to face Kalliope Woodchuck in the semi-finals, who will it be?

Having shown their dominance over the last two events Karrg has stated that his alien band will not be at Way Of The Healer, returning out to the cosmos to resupply and restrengthen! He has therefore left the earth born contingent behind, with his second in command MAN O'WAR in control of The Malothian controlled drones, Bucky Snark, Pink Spider and Toady. Bucky Snark has his quarter-final match-up of the ZEN: Art Of Winning, against Ferdy Lloyd. Now going solo, Lloyd showed his heart by lasting 15-minutes, battered and bruised against Cyanide at Way Of The Artist. What shape will Lloyd be in for this match? Where again, he is very much the underdog stepping in. The winner will step into the ring with Skullduggery's Trevor Feather in the semi-finals of the tournament, a chance to get his hands on one of the people responsible for injuring Blue Flea could provide Ferdy Lloyd the strength to rally through.

"Alien-Squared" Hez Jendell has also released a challenge to Pink Spider, which MAN O'WAR has accepted his behalf. Jendell is desperate to get the remaining members of F.E.A.R to listen to them, can the refugee from Falanduq achieve this by going toe-to-toe with the newest member of the Alien Armada?

Speaking of F.E.A.R, the tensions between Halloween Knight and Pumpkin Jack continue to grow, with the pair coming to blows at Way Of the Artist. The two earth conduits for the Lords of the ZEN Temple were called to a private council where the Lords commanded the pair to get on the same page, as the fate of ZEN and the earth relies on it. Both former ZEN masters put forward their proposals for facing down Alien Armada, with the Lords of the ZEN Temple saying they will let the pair release their frustrations in a trios match, as they captain each side, curating a team, with the winner becoming the dictator of strategy moving forward. Any impression this was going to be a friendly affair was very quickly thrown out of the window when Jack announced Devilfish as his first partner on social media, to which Halloween Knight replied with his first partner as Skullduggery's Rekha, who has been targeting Devilfish as of late. Firing straight back, Pumpkin Jack then chooses Lerone Slim, Rekha's tag team partner, for his team! Halloween Knight then took the mind games further, refusing to announce his second partner, stating it will be a mystery revealed on the night! Will Slim and Devilfish coexist? Who is the mystery partner? Are Pumpkin Jack and Halloween Knight simply driving a wedge between themselves, and potential allies on the ZEN roster?

The Ghost Hunters really made a statement at Way Of The Artist, first by beating the fan favourite team of Hez Jendell and Celestina Cherish, and then viciously attacking The Beat prior to their Harmony Title match. Later they were collared by Halloween Knight's fortune teller, it seems the pair know her, and she was not best pleased with their actions. Maybe they run in the same occult/mysterious circles, or maybe there's more to this? Will it become any clearer at Way Of the Healer? Whether it does or not, The Ghost Hunters of Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde will be facing the team of Dizzy G and Urban Fox. G and Fox recently announced themselves as the team of Two Guys on ZEN social media, as they are, in fact, two guys!

With Crime Buster nursing injuries from the aforementioned Ghost Hunters beatdown, Blue Chip will see his first taste of singles action in ZEN. Wanting to prove he can very much handle the beat on his own, Crime Buster has challenged the returning ZERO to a match. ZERO spent a month banished by the Lords of the ZEN Temple, having unleashed a disgusting unprovoked attack on the untrained Molly Cuddle, he will be looking to return to ZEN with winning ways. Killer B has promised to bring vengeance to ZERO, in retribution for the attack on his manager.

Killer B will be in action for himself, as part of a 4-way contest with a shot at the ZEN Conceptual Title on the line. He will be facing off against Auckland Raider, Booster Boy and C-W-A, with the winner getting their match with Deathwatch Beetle at Way Of The Enemy, later in March. 


updated ZEN: Art Of Winning brackets


There will be 8 matches at Way Of The Healer, including

YOUR MAIN EVENT / ZEN: Art Of Winning - Quarter Final
Cyanide, representing Skullduggery vs. HalloWarped, representing F.E.A.R

A Fight For Strategic Leadership
Halloween Knight, Rekha and a Mystery Partner vs. Pumpkin Jack, Devilfish and Lerone Slim

Spider vs. Alien
Pink Spider (w/MAN O'WAR), representing Alien Armada vs. "Alien-Squared" Hez Jendell (w/Celestina Cherish)

Conceptual Contender Match
Auckland Raider vs. Booster Boy vs. C-W-A vs. Killer B (w/Molly Cuddle)

Tag Team Challenge
The Ghost Hunters, of Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde vs. Two Guys, of Urban Fox and Dizzy G

Morality Fight
Blue Chip vs. ZERO

ZEN: Art Of Winning - Quarter Final
Bucky Snark, representing Alien Armada vs. Ferdy Lloyd

+ Kalliope Woodchuck will be in the house.

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YOUR MAIN EVENT / ZEN: Art Of Winning - Quarter Final
Cyanide, representing Skullduggery vs. HalloWarped, representing F.E.A.R

A Fight For Strategic Leadership
Halloween Knight, Rekha and a Mystery Partner vs. Pumpkin Jack, Devilfish and Lerone Slim

Spider vs. Alien
Pink Spider (w/MAN O'WAR), representing Alien Armada vs. "Alien-Squared" Hez Jendell (w/Celestina Cherish)

Conceptual Contender Match
Auckland Raider vs. Booster Boy vs. C-W-A vs. Killer B (w/Molly Cuddle)

Tag Team Challenge
The Ghost Hunters, of Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde vs. Two Guys, of Urban Fox and Dizzy G

Morality Fight
Blue Chip vs. ZERO

ZEN: Art Of Winning - Quarter Final
Bucky Snark, representing Alien Armada vs. Ferdy Lloyd

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OUR MAIN EVENT / ZEN: Art Of Winning - Quarter Final
Cyanide, representing Skullduggery vs. HalloWarped, representing F.E.A.R

A Fight For Strategic Leadership
Halloween Knight, Rekha and a Mystery Partner vs. Pumpkin Jack, Devilfish and Lerone Slim

Spider vs. Alien
Pink Spider (w/MAN O'WAR), representing Alien Armada vs. "Alien-Squared" Hez Jendell (w/Celestina Cherish)

Conceptual Contender Match
Auckland Raider vs. Booster Boy vs. C-W-A vs. Killer B (w/Molly Cuddle)

Tag Team Challenge
The Ghost Hunters, of Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde vs. Two Guys, of Urban Fox and Dizzy G

Morality Fight
Blue Chip vs. ZERO

ZEN: Art Of Winning - Quarter Final
Bucky Snark, representing Alien Armada vs. Ferdy Lloyd

+ Kalliope Woodchuck will be in the house.

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Posted (edited)

Now for your viewing pleasure on WrestleWorld Oceania (and previously for DVD purchase from ZEN, and on a few torrent sites).





---WAY OF THE---


DATE: Saturday 12th March, 2022

LOCATION: Wellington, New Zealand



In-Ring segment: MAN O’TRUCE? {38 rating}
MAN O’WAR opens the show addressing the crowd by himself. Karrg's second in command and betrayer of the human race explains that he is in charge of the Armada this evening, under strict instructions from Karrg. Our otherworldly visitors are elsewhere, refuelling and gathering more reinforcements for the battle to come, but they are not needed, as it's the hubris, arrogance and selfishness of the human race that has already caused their defeat. Allies cannot even stay allies when the world is at stake! He explains that's why he turned his back on humanity, as there was no actual humanity there. He tells the humans to take tonight as a temporary truce, a gift from Karrg, against his own personal better judgement, as it's beyond what they deserve. He'll have to sit back and watch F.E.A.R simply destroy themselves.


ZERO.jpg.91e5d4f34353b9d7f1c33cc9a0fc0466.jpg d. ElAvatar.jpg.900159b7ff84c8c1034b370224a48362.jpg
1. ZERO d. Blue Chip, in 5:39 {43 rating}
Having served his month long banishment for the vicious assault on Molly Cuddle, ZERO returns to boos and jeers from the ZEN crowd. His opponent is making his first singles appearance in ZEN, with his partner and mentor, Crime Buster recovering from his beating at the hands of The Ghost Hunters. Blue Chip is desperate to prove his worth but he is absolutely no match for the former ZEN Master. ZERO toys with the rookie, stretching and contorting him for his amusement (although you wouldn't tell!). After entertained himself enough, ZERO clasps in the Holding Out For A ZERO, and Blue Chip quickly submits.

In-Ring segment: 2 for the price of 1 {29 rating}
ZERO keeps the hold locked in on Blue Chip, wrenching back more and more. There is a bustle from the crowd as charging to the ring comes KILLER B! B slides into the ring and goes to lunge straight for ZERO, but the masked man quickly slides out of the ring. B very quickly shows this is less about saving Blue Chip and more about getting his hands on ZERO, as he quickly drops out the ring after him, causing the normally methodical and composed ZERO to run off with Killer B in pursuit.

ElAvatar.jpg.900159b7ff84c8c1034b370224a48362.jpg -> BruceStrange.jpg.d8eefcf28c86341313cc368fd56d2433.jpgMisterHyde.jpg.1e35b3e1eb07b39141f79a3fb8746b0f.jpg
The referee team and head road agent, New Zealand Pitbull are checking on Blue Chip when the strains of creepy organs music plays across the sound system and The Ghost Hunters make their way to the ring. Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde are clearly here to finish the job they started at Way Of The Artist. The force the gaggle of staff out of the way, and drag Blue Chip to his feet. As quick as he came up he is back down again with a massive Double Chokeslam. This is then followed by a second Double Chokeslam! The veteran New Zealand Pitbull steps in and The Ghost Hunters drop from the ring, however soon Mister Hyde is reaching back in and dragging Blue Chip to the arena floor. Blue Chip is hoisted up by the pair, for a final Double Chokeslam, landing with a thud on the arena floor! Happy with their handy work, The Ghost Hunters re-enter the ring as the music of Urban Fox plays out, their tag match is next. New Zealand Pitbull coordinates the ZEN staff in hurriedly getting Blue Chip to the back.

 BruceStrange.jpg.d8eefcf28c86341313cc368fd56d2433.jpgMisterHyde.jpg.1e35b3e1eb07b39141f79a3fb8746b0f.jpg d. UrbanFox.jpg.50b393d8038e11dd93b894cc487b0582.jpgDizzyG.jpg.8b2125f670ddff83872f9f2ec830eed2.jpg
2. The Ghost Hunters, of Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde d. Two Guys, of Urban Fox and Dizzy G, in 8:48 {40 rating}
The new team of Urban Fox and Dizzy G actually string together quite an impressive showing against the two time Harmony champions. Dizzy G has some unbelievable agility and flexibility, which allows him to outmanoeuvre Strange and Hyde, and Urban Fox has short bursts of high powered offence, able to match the intensity of Mister Hyde throughout the match. The match is a very traditional tag team contest, and both teams get their fair share of near falls. The Ghost Hunters rack up some close calls with a sidewalk slam/legdrop double team move, a superplex from Strange to Dizzy G, and Urban Fox is required to break the pin after Bruce Strange catspults Dizzy G up into a big Lariat from Mister Hyde. Two Guys also manage a couple of nearfalls, a big running powerslam from Urban Fox, and a slingshot from the apron into a destroyer Piledriver from Dizzy G, which also gets a nice reaction from the crowd. In the end The Ghost Hunters have the strength and experience to take it. Dizzy G is caught midair around the throat by Mister Hyde, who is then joined by Bruce Strange to drop their opponent with a Double Chokeslam, securing the 3.


Backstage segment - 3falling 3.E.A.R? Maybe not… {42 rating}
We head to the backstage area where HalloWarped and Halloween Knight are in discussion, Knight’s fortune teller is again shadowing the ZEN legend. Warped is adamant of the idea of going to Skullduggery for help, he says that both he and Pumpkin Jack know it's a good idea, there's a reason they've got Lerone Slim and Rekha in their teams for tonight! Pumpkin Jack steps in and says “Yeah to piss each other off”. Despite their masks hiding their faces, you can sense the tension “Nice of you to join us”. Jack throws some shade at the fortune teller, for the beating her guys “put on that cop boy”. The fortune teller says they are not her guys, they are simply old friends, she was worried about them. Pumpkin Jack is hesitant to believe, but Halloween Knight reminds him the occult community is small.

Moving on Jack says he's been thinking about what the Lords of the ZEN Temple said to him and Halloween Knight, and the words of MAN O’WAR, he doesn't want their pride to be their downfall. Devilfish is furious for roping Casual Violence into this, he was one of the few in ZEN who came to their aid, no questions asked. Knight agrees, and says tonight is just about who leads the charge against Karrg, and the strategy they use. The pair then shake hands, and share a brief hug, although there is some intense stalling.

During this HalloWarped has gotten curiously distant. Jack asks Halloween Knight who the mystery partner is, but he merely laughs it off and says he'll have to wait and see, he wants ro keep any advantage he can get! HalloWarped steps out of the F.E.A.R locker room, in the background, as the segment finishes.


ZEN: Art Of Winning - Quarter Finals

AlienArmada.jpg.0903061975fc552a3e3d95a86abf7d9c.jpgBuckminsterSnark.jpg.7b72c78d763d89f472c794818243c4f2.jpg d. FerdyLloyd.jpg.0fda29fe19676c415070cfcfc1cc07fe.jpg
3. Bucky Snark, representing Alien Armada d. Ferdy Lloyd, in 9:41 {40 rating}
Despite Malothian not being in attendance, Snark is still very much under the mind control of the monster, showing no flickers of emotion as he strides to the ring. Ferdy Lloyd is still suffering the effects of his extended battle with Cyanide, and isn't his usual energetic self. Snark has control for the majority of the match, stomping a mud hole into Lloyd, who withstands all that Snark throws at him in the early stages. Snark gets a couple nearfalls with sitout pumphandle slam, and a surprisingly effective looking overdrive. Some back and forth reversals culminates with Lloyd spiking the brainwashed Armada member with a ridiculous poison rana! This completely changes the momentum of the match. Despite still being worse for wear Lloyd gets some nearfalls of his own, such as after a rolling thunder/lionsault combo, and a sunset flip (which Snark rolls free from and blasts Lloyd in the face with a soccer kick). Ferdy attempts a handspring back elbow, but is intercepted by a big dropkick from Snark, which gets a huge “ohhh” from the crowd, completely wiping him out. From here Snark is able to secure the win, dropping Ferdy Lloyd with the Snark Attack (GTS).


HalloWarped.jpg.0fbf80d65d917785383efbd2f139d8f6.jpg -> Cyanide.jpg.fd5fb7a3cf38abf5b3f132257e4c64e0.jpgGuruVishni.jpg.18d0d52e5ecf95b0cb50ea9adafc8acf.jpg
In-Ring segment - Warped sense of purpose {44 rating}
HalloWarped makes his way to the ring, he's out much earlier than his schedule main event. Warped cuts a short promo on the issues in F.E.A.R, and how ZEN all need to come together go fight off the alien invaders. He calls out Cyanide, telling the leader of Skullduggery that he can't stay in the sidelines, he needs to join the war on the side of ZEN!

The leader of Skullduggery saunters out, accompanied by Guru Vishni. Cyanide says HalloWarped has an inflated self of worth to be making demands of him. He questions the position of HalloWarped in F.E.A.R, he's there as fodder and convenience. Everyone else has a proven their acumen as stars in their own right in ZEN, he is simply a tag team wrestler, where Karrg decided his “partner was worth more than you were!”. The mind games from Cyanide are clearly landing, as the half mask of HalloWarped does little to disguise how much this is getting to him.

Cyanide continues, this isn't his fight. Skullduggery thrives in a scorched earth, so why should they care for this war? HalloWarped snaps back that Cyanide has his ruthless training methods, building real warriors, not only in Skullduggery, but also wanting to get his hands unfettered on the students in the ZEN Temple Dojo. “Are real warriors scared to fight?

This causes Cyanide to square up to HalloWarped. “You are far from a warrior. You know nothing of real warriors. You are a weakling who is continuously propped up by the strength and sacrifice of others”. Cyanide makes a proposal to prove him wrong, if HalloWarped beats him tonight, one-on-one, proving he has what it takes to stand as a warrior in his own right, then Cyanide will THINK about joining the cause. With that Cyanide and Guru Vishni leave HalloWarped to stew on things.


Backstage segment - B by your side {34 rating}
Backstage Killer B is with his manager Molly Cuddle. He tells her that ZERO got away, is somewhere around the arena, so he doesn't want her in danger, so should stay backstage for his match. Cuddle says she's his manager, knows the dangers, and he needs her support and strategy. Killer B is adamant, well at least until Cuddle points out her staying backstage leaves her completely unprotected from ZERO. Killer B pauses to think, and only due to this agrees for Molly Cuddle to join him ringside.


AuklandRaider.jpg.aec42b1eae3565e719b64140e3a46031.jpg d. BoosterBoy.jpg.bf7d4066d86ecf602c317f52bb6075c4.jpg | C-W-A.jpg.06d43c847d49ccab8faa60a53e749e93.jpg | KillerB.jpg.7f47d44370f0b82d79e09beb4c636ed5.jpg w/ MollyCuddle.jpg.3f6d8b84ca2937f04bab66d9489ff614.jpg
4. Auckland Raider d. Booster Boy, C-W-A, and Killer B (w/Molly Cuddle) in a 4-way match, in 10:02 {47 rating}
Due to this victory, Auckland Raider has earned a shot at the Conceptual Title later this month. All wrestlers get some of their signature spots in, there's not a huge amount of psychology on show. C-W-A and Raider roll back some of the interactions from Way Of The Toad, and Molly Cuddle shows her tactical skills by helping Killer B navigate through all of the incoming attacks from his competitors. The ending sequence is triggered as the dastardly ZERO makes his appearance within the crowd, it looks like he might be heading towards Molly Cuddle, the composed manager shows fear, screaming, causing Killer B to abandon the match and dive onto ZERO, the pair exchange clubbering blows. Booster Boy ends up getting caught up in this brawl, as a wild charge from ZERO is dodged by Killer B, causing the rudo to steamroll into Booster Boy, knocking him into the chairs set up for the crowd. Meanwhile in the the ring Auckland Raider and C-W-A are alone, Raider flattens the clown with with his football tackle. The impact goes even beyond Way Of The Toad, C-W-A’s clown wig comes flying off, but his costume has been gimmicked up to expand/explode and turn inside out due to the power of the impact! A fun little spot to pop the crowd. After the match Killer B and ZERO continue to brawl all the way to the back, Raider celebrates his victory, whilst Booster Boy furiously complains to the referee that he was “robbed”.


AlienArmada.jpg.0903061975fc552a3e3d95a86abf7d9c.jpgPinkSpider.jpg.b1beaa70447275328427a738d50cfcb1.jpg w/ ManOWar.jpg.4b94e2eac4696e657fc5115524323a2e.jpgToady.jpg.2f0d10a42c384a9feb10fb4c45aae7aa.jpg d. HezJendell.jpg.ba0700e22df4ef9b146c0efdd174a599.jpg w/CelestinaCherish.jpg.ca7a827fb00d9127e883b67cd6894923.jpg
5. Pink Spider (w/MAN O’WAR and Toady), representing Alien Armada d. “Alien-Squared” Hez Jendell (w/Celestina Cherish), in 7:16 {44 rating}
Karrg promised a temporary truce with the humans (besides the Bucky Snark tournament match), which was technically not broken with this match, due to Jendell’s Falandùq origins. Jendell wanted to use this match to get F.E.A.R to take them seriously, and does their absolute best to step up to the former ZEN Master. Cherish acts as a cheerleader outside the ring, shouting positive affirmations to Jendell throughout the match. MAN O’WAR gets more and more wound up by her preppy positivity as the match goes on. Hez gets a nearfall with a running double knee in the corner, followed by a bulldog. She then attempts a la magistral cradle but it is blocked partway, which Spider turns into some form of intricate submission move. Jendell manages to scrape herself across the ring and reach the ropes, forcing the hold to be released. However, it's not long until Pink Spider hits the Spider Smash (Styles Clash), securing the 3 count victory.

Celestina enters the ring to help Jendell recover, clearly having had enough of Cherish, MAN O’WAR gestures to Toady, who jumps Cherish from behind. So much for the truce! This begins a beatdown, until the music of KALLIOPE WOODCHUCK hits. Woodchuck charges to the ring, there's a little bit of jaw jacking, and an impromptu trios match seems to be in place! {43 rating}


d. AlienArmada.jpg.0903061975fc552a3e3d95a86abf7d9c.jpgManOWar.jpg.4b94e2eac4696e657fc5115524323a2e.jpgPinkSpider.jpg.b1beaa70447275328427a738d50cfcb1.jpgToady.jpg.2f0d10a42c384a9feb10fb4c45aae7aa.jpg
6. Kalliope Woodchuck, Hez Jendell and Celestina Cherish d. MAN O’WAR, Pink Spider and Toady, representing Alien Armada, via a purposeful countout, in 9:06 {44 rating}
With Jendell and Cherish not 100% at the start of this, Woodchuck takes the lead and spends most of the match as the legal competitor for her team. She is able to easily dispose of Toady, and whilst he's already had a match so isn't at full strength, she also seems to be coming out on top against Pink Spider as well. Woodchuck almost secures a win with a flying cross body to Spider, and then a tornado DDT to follow. The match begins to break down and somehow there is a referee bump, meaning things become completely lawless. This provides MAN O'WAR the opportunity to grab a steel chair from ringside, which he cracks across the back of Celestina Cherish as she runs the ropes! He hands the chair to Toady as he scales the the middle rope, he's going to hit a chair assisted Toad Splash to Celestina! Hez Jendell frantically slides into the ring to make the save but is cut off by MAN O’WAR grabbing her legs, Jendell fights free with an enziguri. She's not going to reach Cherish to stop Toady’s chair assisted dive! **BLUE MIST** Out of desperation Jendel figures out how tol fire her blue mist at Toady, whilst a mind controlled drone he clearly still has enough wits about him to block the brunt of it with the chair. MAN O’WAR screams “RETREAT!” and Pink Spider and Toady join him in scrambling to the back. The ref recovers to see the Alien Armada disappear, and the countout follows, Jendell and Kalliope check on Celestina and help her up and to the back.


In-Ring segment - Mystery partner {40 rating}
Pumpkin Jack is first to the ring, and is then followed by Halloween Knight. Devilfish hits the ring, slapping the hands of the crowd on his way, which is immediately contrasted by Casual Violence, who stroll to the ring together, before heading to separate corners, bowing at each other in signs of respect, as per the guidance of Cyanide. Slim and Devilfish in the same corner is already very tense. Jack asks Halloween Knight to “reveal his hand”, Knight says his partner is a “blast from ZEN’s past”, an example of what his strategy will involve. His mystery partner is


d. HalloweenKnight.jpg.4429b5c8596d6f978bbf90f015ecc309.jpgRekha.jpg.100f4d39d2bcc2e581d50817fa8c0f5e.jpgLonesharkupdate.jpg.3b0511a38efbff9671dcea1bb87778c1.jpg
7. Pumpkin Jack, Devilfish and Lerone Slim d. Halloween Knight, Rekha and Lone Shark, in 22:39 {53 rating}
Lone Shark gets a long welcome back chant, as he starts the match with Pumpkin Jack. They begin with a chain wrestling stalemate, Lone Shark keeping up with Pumpkin Jack, almost to prove to the ZEN crowd that Lone Shark still has it. The commentators emphasise despite what was said earlier tonight, there are so many levels of mind games here, Devilfish and Casual Violence’s involvement, splitting the team, the mystery partner that turned out to be Devilfish’s old tag team partner! The match is structured cleverly as Jack and Knight are kept apart for the first ten minutes, as well as Devilfish and Lone Shark, keeping the crowd waiting for the first interaction. However, Slim and Rekha do come face to face, and with only a single hesitation, purely to bow to each other once again, the tag partners begin to absolutely obliterate each other with power moves. Building character, building strength, this is what they've been used to with Cyanide's techniques in Skullduggery! Devilfish and Rekha also have an extended section in the match, she has been who Cyanide had tasked with eliminating Devilfish (to allow him greater influence over the ZEN Temple Dojo). Eventually the two captains are in involved together, everything else seems to stop as the pair go toe-to-toe, exchanging signature moves, spot after spot after spot, building the crowd. The inevitable breakdown happens (would it be a lucha tag rules trios match without this?), and for a brief moment it looks like Slim has flipped on his team, as he looks like he's attacking Devilfish, but is instead using him as a weapon! He powerbombs Devilfish down onto Halloween Knight, and then hoists him into a military press, before running across the ring and lawndarting him down onto Lone Shark and Rekha (and technically also Pumpkin Jack) outside the ring. The finale comes as Devilfish finally gets his first victory of the year, and one over on Skullduggery, securing the 3 count for Pumpkin Jack's team following a Frog Splash to Rekha.

Devilfish.jpg.1ae479e98caa5beef6475491fe1e1cc9.jpgLeroneSlim.jpg.aa70367b8ffba9d8a157536d58ba07e2.jpgRekha.jpg.100f4d39d2bcc2e581d50817fa8c0f5e.jpg -> Devilfish.jpg.1ae479e98caa5beef6475491fe1e1cc9.jpgLonesharkupdate.jpg.3b0511a38efbff9671dcea1bb87778c1.jpg -> HalloweenKnight.jpg.4429b5c8596d6f978bbf90f015ecc309.jpgPumpkinJack.jpg.153a531dc4d9ce78a5d843789d10a805.jpg
In-Ring segment - ‘Lone or not? {42 rating}
As soon as the bell rings Lerone Slim does flip on his team, as he whips Devilfish off the ropes, before tossing him up into a massive forearm smash (Dustin Thane exclaims that this move is called the Slim Pickings). Slim helps up Rekha, and the two look to double team Devilfish, but Halloween Knight and Pumpkin Jack show some solidarity and togetherness that hasn't been seen in a while, as they step between the former Harmony champs and Devilfish. There's a tense staredown, but Slim and Rekha obviously think better of going through the members of F.E.A.R. They turn around into a double flying dropkick from Lone Shark, who had positioned himself on the top rope. Casual Violence roll from the ring and scarper to the back. Having avoided eachother directly the whole match, Devilfish and Lone Shark are face to face. Halloween Knight and Pumpkin Jack look on as a staredown ensues. The crowd let their feelings known as a wholesome “You Should Hug” chant breaks out. That is exactly what they do! DevilShark reunited!! The camera swoops in on Jack and Knight who first bump, Jack saying to Knight (having clearly seen the benefits of the ZEN alumni first hand) “Okay. Both plans!”, before the tecnicos head to the back.


Backstage segment - A new trio {35 rating}
Kalliope Woodchuck, Hez Jendell and Celestina Cherish are backstage. Jendell thanks both Celestina and Woodchuck for coming to her aid. Woodchuck mentions how she's been bottling a lot up, but she realises she doesn't have to fight alone, and her loss is nothing in comparison to what Hez Jendell has been through, and she felt all three of them made a fantastic team, stepping up to the Armada.

Cherish says “Us girls need to stick together”.
On cue Jendell drops “I am not a girl!”.
Brainstorming, Cherish comes back with “Fabulous people need to stick together?”. “I am not people!
Woodchuck chimes in “WE will stick together!”
An excitable Cherish decides they need a name. “TWO GIRLS AND A um um um whatever” frantically gesturing at Hez Jendell. Jendell laughs, and says they like it.
We are, Two Girls And A... Whatever



ZEN: Art Of Winning - Quarter Finals

Skullduggery.jpg.0e5f7236d78e97f8eee598f5c1947a9f.jpgCyanide.jpg.fd5fb7a3cf38abf5b3f132257e4c64e0.jpg w/ GuruVishni.jpg.18d0d52e5ecf95b0cb50ea9adafc8acf.jpg d. FEAR.jpg.69a29f5299556fc892eeddf68cc434dd.jpgHalloWarped.jpg.0fbf80d65d917785383efbd2f139d8f6.jpg
8. Cyanide (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery d. HalloWarped, representing F.E.A.R, in 19:40 {55 rating}
These two competitors were given quite a while to craft a strong, narrative driven match up. HalloWarped is desperate to prove himself, but this leads to him trying too hard, leaving him vulnerable to attack from Cyanide. Cyanide works as a bass to HalloWarped’s lucha antics, lots of takedowns, arm drags and vaults in the early stages of the match. Cyanide prefers a more striking based offence, but this then transitions into technical takedowns and stretches, looking to wear down his opponent. The first particularly close fall comes as HalloWarped ducks a spinning backfist from Cyanide, before spiking him with a lungblower from behind. It only is enough for a 2-count, and in the long run may not have been the best decision as it adds to the damage already inflicted on the knees of HalloWarped throughout the match. Much like his match with Ferdy Lloyd, struggling to get his Skull Splitter Brainbuster to connect, he looks for an alternative means of victory, working the midsection and legs of HalloWarped, both slowing him down to suit Cyanide's preferred style, but also weakening him for a cloverleaf submission. Cyanide whips HalloWarped hard into the turnbuckle causing him to flip up so that he ends up hanging from the top rope. This allows Cyanide to hit a vicious rope hang neckbreaker, but HalloWarped gets his foot onto the bottom rope. HalloWarped fights back, a patented rolling fireman's carry only gets a 2-count, continuing an ongoing theme of his part of his former tag team finisher not being enough to end a match on its own. This again leads to HalloWarped’s anxiety to rise, lessening his focus, and soon he's tangled up in a Cloverleaf. After much struggle he manages to wriggle to a position to reverse into an inside cradle, 1, 2, SO CLOSE! The match continues, and it's HalloWarped who seems to have landed the killer blow, managing to connect with his Warped Speed knee strike! However his knees give out on him, and he's not able to reach for the pin straight away. HalloWarped drags himself and simply collapses onto Cyanide. Guru Vishni senses danger and out of the view of either the ref or HalloWarped, drapes Cyanide’s foot over the bottom rope! The ref stops the count. This seems to be the breaking point for HalloWarped, he doesn't know about Vishni’s intervention, or that it looked like Cyanide would not have kicked out on his own! He has nothing left to give, he looks exhausted. He gets reckless and tries a top rope dive, but his agility is gone and gets caught, and obliterated with a DVD variant into the turnbuckle from Cyanide. Cyanide connects with a spinning backfist that sends HalloWaroed staggering, Skull Splitter!! It's over! 1, 2, 3!!! Cyanide defeats HalloWarped, and will face Kalliope Woodchuck in the semi-finals of the ZEN: Art Of Winning tournament.

Guru Vishni helps an unstable and exhausted Cyanide to his feet. Cyanide staggers to the floored HalloWarped. He leans over his fallen opponent and laughs. Cyanide declares this proof HalloWarped is weak, and he would never come to the aid of a weakling! “Let this world burn!” {45 rating}

Edited by Eugh
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EVENT PREVIEW: Way Of The Enemy, 2022

DATE: Saturday 26th March, 2022

LOCATION: Auckland, New Zealand


Karrg is leading his rejuvenated Armada back into the ZEN compound for a mammoth 10-being tag main event. Having declared a temporary truce earlier in the month, as the alien contingent visited the cosmos to recuperate and re-strengthen, Karrg seemed to have factored on the hubris and selfishness of humanity to continue to cause ZEN forces to unravel. However with only MAN O’WAR and the brainwashed contingent remaining on Earth, the ZEN forces seem to have taken this respite to re-strengthen and unite. Halloween Knight and Pumpkin Jack released their frustrations on each other in combat, but seem to have come out the other end of their disagreement even stronger, planning an offensive on two fronts moving forward. Pumpkin Jack aiming to go straight for Karrg himself personally, with others acting as backup, Halloween Knight working to not only rally current ZEN personnel, but liaise with alumni of previous eras to join the war. 


Parallel to this, the refugee alien Hez Jendell’s entourage has increased, with Kalliope Woodchuck joining forces alongside Jendell and Celestina Cherish. This comes after Woodchuck promised she was going to win the ZEN: Art Of Winning tournament, and then come for both Karrg and The Malothian. The only silver lining in this for Karrg is that all of New Zealand’s humanity are not on the same page. HalloWarped’s pleas to Cyanide for support were met with ridicule, with Cyanide happy to “let this world burn”. 


Cyanide’s want for Skulkduggery to stay out of the war might not be going to plan, with Casual Violence being drafted into the main event, the promise of an opportunity to retain their Harmony Titles by the Lords of The ZEN Temple acting as an incentive for Lerone Slim and Rekha to step up alongside Pumpkin Jack and DevilShark, despite the fallout of their match at Way Of The Healer. Furthermore, Trevor Feather is on a collision course with Bucky Snark in the semi-finals of the ZEN: Art Of Winning tournament next month.


Cyanide himself has his semi-final contest in the ZEN: Art Of Winning tournament to contend with first. After being pushed to the limit by HalloWarped, and realistically only getting through by an intervention from Guru Vishni, Cyanide must now face-off against Kalliope Woodchuck. One of the most popular wrestlers in ZEN has beaten two other ZEN mainstays in Booster Boy and Killer B so far, and has promised to go all of the way to the final. If she is able to topple the more experienced Cyanide, what stands before her may be even worse. She would either have to take down her biggest stan, Trevor Feather, who has been antagonising her for months, or Bucky Snark, her brainwashed love, to be declared the victor of the tournament.


Woodchuck’s new stablemates, Celestina Cherish and Hez Jendell have finally got an audience with F.E.A.R. I mean, they still aren’t listening to Jendell, but having seen Jendell once again by instinct resort to “fire speaking”, blowing a blue mist at the Alien Armada forces, Halloween Knight has requested a tag team contest, teaming with HalloWarped against the pair in order to investigate this further. Jendell is happy to oblige, hoping to prove herself to F.E.A.R, and to get help in finding the supposed powerful “fire speaker” hiding within the ZEN locker room, as Jendell believes this power will be able to topple The Malothian, Karrg’s biggest weapon.


Elsewhere, Auckland Raider will get his Conceptual Title shot against Deathwatch Beetle, which he earned in a 4-way match at Way Of The Healer. Booster Boy has spent the week following Way Of The Healer complaining on social media about the result of that match, how he was screwed over by the interfering ZERO, getting caught up in his scuffle with Killer B. With Blue Chip on the shelf due to an attack by The Ghost Hunters, the Lords of the ZEN Temple felt that a quest for vengeance would make Booster Boy a perfect, if unlikely partner, to Killer B and Crime Buster, for a trios match against ZERO and The Ghost Hunters. Booster Boy has not been online since.


We have the other members of Skullduggery in action. Warming up for his ZEN: Art Of Winning semi-final, we have Trevor Feather teaming with Vortex to go up against Two Guys, Urban Fox and Dizzy G. Dee Lucketti is also taking assignment from Cyanide to “finish” Ferdy Lloyd.


For the final match on the card, Halloween Knight requested Karrg to put forward any member of the Alien Armada to face a hand chosen opponent from ZEN’s past. Karrg chose The Malothian. Does the ZEN alumnus know what they’ve got themselves in for? Who will it be? Find out at Way Of The Enemy.


There will be 8 matches


Karrg The Insidious, MAN O’WAR, Laguna The Loyal, Bucky Snark and Pink Spider, representing Alien Armada vs. Pumpkin Jack, Devilfish, Lone Shark, Lerone Slim and Rekha, representing ZEN


ZEN: Art Of Winning - Semi Finals

Cyanide (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery vs. Kalliope Woodchuck, representing 2 Girls And A…Whatever


An audience with F.E.A.R

Halloween Knight and HalloWarped, representing F.E.A.R vs. Celestina Cherish and “Alien-Squared” Hez Jendell, representing 2 Girls And A…Whatever


A Knight’s Champion

The Malothian, representing Alien Armada vs. A Mystery ZEN Alumni


A Chance For Revenge - Trios Match

ZERO and The Ghost Hunters, of Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde vs. Killer B (w/Molly Cuddle), Crime Buster and Booster Boy


Conceptual Title Match

Deathwatch Beetle (C), representing Alien Armada vs. Auckland Raider


Finishing What Cyanide Started (Couldn’t?)

Dee Lucketti (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery vs. Ferdy Lloyd


Tag Team Action

Trevor Feather and Vortex (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery vs. Two Guys, of Urban Fox and Dizzy G

Edited by Eugh
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Karrg The Insidious, MAN O’WAR, Laguna The Loyal, Bucky Snark and Pink Spider, representing Alien Armada vs. Pumpkin Jack, Devilfish, Lone Shark, Lerone Slim and Rekha, representing ZEN

I've probably been wrong by having the Armada lose both earlier bouts but if I am right then they go over here.  I can see Rekha and Lerone walking out on their team because lets face it - they are heels   

ZEN: Art Of Winning - Semi Finals

Cyanide (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery vs. Kalliope Woodchuck, representing 2 Girls And A…Whatever

I love Woodchuck and I can see Ferdy costing Cyanide the match as being a way to continue that storyline here.  Cyanide doesn't need the Art of Winning win at this point. 

An audience with F.E.A.R

Halloween Knight and HalloWarped, representing F.E.A.R vs. Celestina Cherish and “Alien-Squared” Hez Jendell, representing 2 Girls And A…Whatever

Th obvious booking is F.E.A.R but I think the girls going over is the best choice story wise.  Knight and Warped actually letting themselves be counted out after the girls prove themselves would be the way I would book it.

A Knight’s Champion

The Malothian, representing Alien Armada vs. A Mystery ZEN Alumni

Not too many choices of who it could be - many are heels too.  Azazel, Shaolin and Kane Wilde are all NZ based which makes it easier to use them, my guess is one of them has a mystery ability they can use to beat Malothian.  Not sure if that is fallen angel power, Ninja power or insane power though but all make a kind of sense and it could be fun to pivot the story by potentially taking the Armada's most powerful piece off the board at least temporarily. I'd use Shaolin because he's the best worker but thats me.  I could kind of see Shaolin getting a decent run too.

A Chance For Revenge - Trios Match

ZERO and The Ghost Hunters, of Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde vs. Killer B (w/Molly Cuddle), Crime Buster and Booster Boy

I like CB but Killer and BB are sort of expendable and giving the mid-card heels a win makes a lot of sense.

Conceptual Title Match

Deathwatch Beetle (C), representing Alien Armada vs. Auckland Raider

It's sort of time to reposition the mid-card non-belt.  Raider getting a win here makes sense to me and he then has a ton of rudo opponents to face.  Deathwatch meanwhile might be needed in the Main story if the tide turns against the Armada in late bouts so freeing him up from the non-belt to work Main events makes sense.

Finishing What Cyanide Started (Couldn’t?)

Dee Lucketti (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery vs. Ferdy Lloyd

Lucketti is there to job right now and thats what he should do here to further that story.

Tag Team Action

Trevor Feather and Vortex (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery vs. Two Guys, of Urban Fox and Dizzy G

Honestly Two Guys are expendable fodder 

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Karrg The Insidious, MAN O’WAR, Laguna The Loyal, Bucky Snark and Pink Spider, representing Alien Armada vs. Pumpkin Jack, Devilfish, Lone Shark, Lerone Slim and Rekha, representing ZEN


ZEN: Art Of Winning - Semi Finals

Cyanide (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery vs. Kalliope Woodchuck, representing 2 Girls And A…Whatever

An audience with F.E.A.R

Halloween Knight and HalloWarped, representing F.E.A.R vs. Celestina Cherish and “Alien-Squared” Hez Jendell, representing 2 Girls And A…Whatever

A Knight’s Champion

The Malothian, representing Alien Armada vs. A Mystery ZEN Alumni

A Chance For Revenge - Trios Match

ZERO and The Ghost Hunters, of Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde vs. Killer B (w/Molly Cuddle), Crime Buster and Booster Boy

Conceptual Title Match

Deathwatch Beetle (C), representing Alien Armada vs. Auckland Raider

Finishing What Cyanide Started (Couldn’t?)

Dee Lucketti (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery vs. Ferdy Lloyd

Tag Team Action

Trevor Feather and Vortex (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery vs. Two Guys, of Urban Fox and Dizzy G

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Now for your viewing pleasure on WrestleWorld Oceania (and previously for DVD purchase from ZEN, and on a few torrent sites).




---WAY OF THE---


DATE: Saturday 26th March, 2022

LOCATION: Auckland, New Zealand


Skullduggery.jpg.0e5f7236d78e97f8eee598f5c1947a9f.jpgTrevorFeather.jpg.853d446f95c7106a6b3b0289acb49112.jpgVortex.jpg.bd31d8786456457a5fb78fd9ac1c5181.jpg w/GuruVishni.jpg.18d0d52e5ecf95b0cb50ea9adafc8acf.jpg d. UrbanFox.jpg.50b393d8038e11dd93b894cc487b0582.jpgDizzyG.jpg.8b2125f670ddff83872f9f2ec830eed2.jpg

1. Trevor Feather and Vortex (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery d. Two Guys, of Urban Fox and Dizzy G, in 9:12 {40 rating}
The show opens with a solid if not too exciting tag team contest. It's a very clear cut tecnico/rudo affair with Vortex and Trevor Feather playing basic heel archetypes, winding up the crowd, distracting the referee, and unleashing underhand tactics like cheap shots from the apron, eye pokes and gouges. The match only seems to briefly get out of second gear as Dizzy G is still trying to ingratiate himself with the ZEN crowd, unleashes a number of his key spots, from suicide dives and his slingshot destroyer piledriver. Vortex matches this energy and soon both guys end up wiped out. This leaves Feather and Fox to take up the closing section of the match. Feather shows his acumen, and why he's a ZEN: Art Of Winning semi-finalist as he comfortably puts Urban Fox away with his Feather Rustler (Cobra Clutch Slam) finisher.

After the match Feather cuts a short promo on Kalliope Woodchuck. As her biggest stan he is devastated at her forthcoming loss to Cyanide, but failure keeps our heroes grounded! He tells her to be positive, he will make sure the scumbag Bucky Snark, who never deserved her, and broke her heart, will get his comeuppance at Way Of The Philosopher. Skullduggery will then reign supreme, with an all Skullduggery final! {39 rating}


BruceStrange.jpg.d8eefcf28c86341313cc368fd56d2433.jpgMisterHyde.jpg.1e35b3e1eb07b39141f79a3fb8746b0f.jpg -> TanikoJo.jpg.37dfd14b2bf2a7519fa20b49a5fe5a97.jpg
Backstage segment - Are Hunters being Hunted? {31 rating}
Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde are standing backstage, scouring a particularly busy background scene (staff, ring crew and soon to debut students acting like security). Strange notes there seems to be an “increased enforcement presence in the area.” Maybe they've been rumbled? Maybe it's not safe to proceed? Halloween Knight's fortune teller walks up to them sniping “Maybe not talk plans out loud?”. She tells the pair not to flatter themselves, they're not here for you. She then drops a little joke about Blue Chip and Crime Buster being like whack-a-mole, one down, the other pops back up. She wishes them luck tonight, and tells them “Remember. Don't bring bad omens to the door.


ZERO.jpg.91e5d4f34353b9d7f1c33cc9a0fc0466.jpgBruceStrange.jpg.d8eefcf28c86341313cc368fd56d2433.jpgMisterHyde.jpg.1e35b3e1eb07b39141f79a3fb8746b0f.jpg d. KillerB.jpg.7f47d44370f0b82d79e09beb4c636ed5.jpgCrimeBuster.jpg.95f6dfef8e4eb0376ad15c83f9890beb.jpgBoosterBoy.jpg.bf7d4066d86ecf602c317f52bb6075c4.jpg
2. ZERO and The Ghost Hunters, of Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde d. Killer B, Crime Buster and Booster Boy, in 10:50 {45 rating}
One thing very much noticeable is that Molly Cuddle is not accompanying Killer B, at the last event B was very hesitant to have Cuddle accompany him, to keep his manager safe, and tonight knowing ZERO is at ringside, maybe those feelings won out. There are hundreds emotions throughout this, Killer B is desperate to get his hands on ZERO who makes the most of the lucha tag rules to slip out of the match and away from him. Hyde and Strange are forensic in their targeting of the back of Crime Buster, which is still sold as sore from the assault last month. Buster however is not just looking for retribution for himself and the disrupted Harmony Title match, but also for the heinous follow-up assault on his rookie partner 2-weeks ago, and has flashes of babyface fire throughout. The only person less than enthused is Booster Boy. Not gelling with his tecnico teammates, he is hesitant to get his hands on ZERO, who he claimed screwed him over. Without Cuddle, Killer B lacks tactical nounce, and is outsmarted continuously by ZERO and his partners. Eventually after ZERO slides from the ring, B has enough and dives down after him, the pair brawl ringside. At this point Booster Boy metaphorically throws in the towel and abandons his team, chatting to the camera that this is ridiculous, he should have been in the title match, not this nonsense! This leaves Crime Buster alone with both of The Ghost Hunters, which is only going to end one way. A Double Chokeslam, and a 3-count victory for The Ghost Hunters.


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3. Ferdy Lloyd d. Dee Lucketti (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery, in 6:41 {35 rating}

This match is a sloppy spot fest with both competitors making a few errors. Dustin Thane does his best to cover, highlighting Lucketti’s inexperience and that Lloyd could still be suffering the effects of going toe-to-toe with Cyanide, and then his match with Bucky Snark. Some regular high spots make their appearances, the rolling thunder/lionsault combination from Lloyd, a satellite headscissor takedown and a sunset flip bomb. Lucketti manages to show off his Moonsault topé and a slingshot cyclone cross body. The end comes as Lucketti catches Lloyd in an electric chair position as he tries to vault over him from the corner, Lloyd gets out of the predicament with an armdrag, following it with a rolling fireman's carry, which is promptly followed by the 460 Splash! Ferdy Lloyd gets the victory. As Lloyd walks to the back he talks to the camera, telling Cyanide if he wants rid of him, he has to finish the job himself!


In-Ring segment - Hold nothing back {34 rating}
Hez Jendell and Celestina Cherish come to the ring for their forthcoming match. They cut a short promo with Jendell thanking F.E.A.R for beginning to listen, and tells Halloween Knight and HalloWarped to hold nothing back, she wants to learn how to activate her power, but also prove to ZEN how tough they can be.

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4. Halloween Knight and HalloWarped, representing F.E.A.R d. Celestina Cherish and Hez Jendell, representing Two Girls And A...Whatever, in 9:19 {43 rating}
This all tecnico affair very much has the theme of apprentice vs. master, as Knight and Warped take Jendell and Cherish to school. Knight encourages Jendell to fire her mist at parts of the match, to see it's power firsthand, even including weird spots such as inspecting her mouth during a turnbuckle 10-punch combo, but Jendell is unable to conjur her “fire speaking”. There is a breathtaking nearfall to Celestina Cherish after a rolling fireman's carry from Warped, followed in quick succession by a flying elbow drop from Knight. Jendell and Cherish get some good shots in as well, Cherish with a nearfall on HalloWarped after a backslide driver and shining enziguri, and Jendell with two close calls with a standing Moonsault to HalloWarped and a flip over neckbreaker to Halloween Knight. Ultimately the finish comes down to Knight forcing Jendell to submit, applying a Rings of Saturn submission variant with a mandible claw in place, trying to activate Jendell’s “fire speaking”. Ultimately this is to no avail, and Jendell can't withstand the pain, and taps out. After the match Jendell apologises to Cherish and F.E.A.R for not being able to activate her power. Knight, Warped and Cherish brush these off and reassure her it's okay, they victors then raising the hands of the losing team in a sign of respect.



Backstage segment - Inside the house of skulls {46 rating}
Backstage we join the Skullduggery war room. Guru Vishni is spraying incense and talking about chakras, trying to get Cyanide into a focussed state of mind for his big match later. Lerone Slim is sitting with a training hoodie up, headphones in. Vortex, Rekha and Dee Lucketti are in training in the background, which basically amounts to the latter getting beaten up by his more experienced peers. Trevor Feather is chatting incessantly to Cyanide about an all Skullduggery final to the ZEN: Art Of Winning tournament. You can see Cyanide get more and more annoyed until he flips and silences the room. Cyanide berates the group, Lucketti for his failure to finish Ferdy Lloyd, despite him being softened up. He snaps at Rekha and Lerone Slim for getting involved against The Alien Armada, despite him directly telling them not to. Slim tentatively responds to the leader of Skullduggery, saying that it's all to get back their Harmony Titles - but, given the Armada have all the championships, for Skullduggery to reign supreme, they will need to face them eventually! Why is he so bothered about it?

Cyanide seems to deflect and questions if that's really the reason behind Slim’s agreement to join the tecnico alliance tonight, or if Slim is simply looking for another chance of teaming with “The fish”, referncing their double team heroics 2 weeks earlier. Slim shows his disgust at the comment, and promises that he and Rekha will destroy Devilfish (and now also Lone Shark), just as they promised. Cyanide smiles and beckons both Slim and Rekha close, he pats them on the back/shoulders and laughs everything off saying he fully trusts that they will.



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5. Via DQ - Auckland Raider d. (C) Deathwatch Beetle, representing Alien Armada, in 8:49, Deathwatch Beetle makes the 3rd defence of the Conceptual Title {42 rating}
A slobberknocker. A match of big blows, strikes and power moves. Auckland Raider’s innovative offence is very popular with the ZEN crowd, it basically amounts to regular wrestling moves with and emphasis on merely yeeting his opponent. A suplex where he doesn't fall and instead just tosses Beetle backwards, and a back suplex lift where he vaults the champion into the air and onto his back, being two standout pops from the crowd. Beetle reverts to his more strike based offence, he delivers some powerful body shots to Raider, and picks up a nearfall following a swinging uranage. However there is a touch of electric as Raider has Beetle staggered, the crowd chant along, “HUT! HUT! HUT!” and Beetle is blasted with a full force football tackle. 1, 2, the pin is broken!! The referee calls for the bell! It's a DQ!!

It's Booster Boy! Any thoughts of Booster being under Armada control can be quickly dispelled as he rants and raves at Raider whilst putting the boots to him, that this should have been his title match, he's the only one who is going to win this title! Booster drops Auckland Raider with his Flatliner variant, the Energy Booster. He soaks up boos from the crowd. He can't help but have words with Deathwatch Beetle as well, leaning over the still floored champ, “You should thank me, bug face!”, which the champ responds with a punch from a grounded position to the throat of Booster Boy. Booster Boy does some overdramatic selling of the throat punch, as Deathwatch Beetle leaves. With Booster Boy still suffering the effects of the punch, staggering around, it gives Auckland Raider time to recover and get a small measure of payback, blasting him with his patented football tackle! {32 rating}


Backstage segment - DevilShark are back {41 rating}
A short backstage promo with the reunited DevilShark, of Devilfish and Lone Shark. They talk about how they were a once great tag team of ZEN, with Lone Shark saying how Devilfish then went on to be a three time Master Champion, and Devilfish hyped up Lone Shark’s successes on ZEN but also “around the globe”. There has been one success that has alluded them in all this time, the ZEN Harmony Titles, and they're going to put that right!


The Malothian strides to the ring slowly for his match. He waits silently in the ring as the lights remain low. The enforcement members alluded to earlier in the night scuffle around the entrance way, and introduce the opponent organised by Halloween Knight



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6. The Malothian, representing Alien Armada d. Bile, in 5:56 {26 rating}
Before this there was an entire generation of ZEN fans who had not seen Bile wrestle. Following this, you could still argue there is a generation of ZEN fans who had not seen Bile wrestle. This was not pretty. Punch, kick, slow wander, grab, punch, saunter. Repeat. The initial spectacle was good, the Silence Of The Lambs entrance was cool, and the 6’6 Bile did stand over the 6’0 figure of The Malothian at a level that added a genuine sense of dread and jeopardy for the Armada’s monster. After much punching and walking, Bile attempts his skull crush submission, trying to wrestle free The Malothian frees his arm from his glove and locks in The Malothian Clawz. It is Bile who succumbs first and passes out from The Malothian's hold, the power of the claw in place.

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Following the match Karrg steps out from the back applauding his man. He cuts a promo laughing that the humans thought they stood a chance in fighting back against them. We've had envy and jealousy deny a championship changing hands, and The Malothian has easily beaten this man that earthlings dread. Karrg says humans never see the big picture. They cannot put petty differences to one side for a greater goal, and will also always underestimate their enemies. Karrg says that the Armada do not fear any man, but this man is feared by many. Karrg exhales for Bile to “Rise”, The Malothian gestures and Bile steps up. There’s a moment of tension as Bile lunges at The Malothian but a sharper gesture causes him to drop to one knee and fall in line, following The Malothian. Bile’s handlers attempt to grab him as he leaves the ring, but he merely tosses them all to one side and follows behind The Malothian. {44 rating}


Backstage segment - F.E.A.R and Loathing {47 rating}
The camera cuts backstage where F.E.A.R seem to have been deep in discussion for some time, Halloween Knight's fortune teller sitting in with them. Pumpkin Jack questions the use of Bile as he is unstable at best. Knight said if there are anyone insane enough to want to step in there with The Malothian, and could instil fear in the monster, it is Bile.

Knight goes on to say that this is just the start, as the Lords of the ZEN Temple have okayed special challengers for MAN O’WAR and Laguna The Loyal’s Harmony Titles, as well as a competitor to face Karrg himself. By the tone of the conversation it's clear that deep in their locker room discussion that they are unaware of what has just happened in the ring!

Jack and Knight then turn their attention to HalloWarped, referring back to him reaching out to Cyanide despite their requests not to, at Way Of The Healer. Knight says he's worked with Cyanide before, he is untrustworthy, but there are different ways to get through to him. Jack says he doesn't trust Slim and Rekha not to walk out on the team tonight. Knight responds saying he and HalloWarped will be waiting in the wings if that happens.

Knight continues, schooling HalloWarped, saying that if he had patience he'd have seen they actually listened to him and took his contribution on board, it's why they're trying to bringing Casual Violence on-side, through the carrot, not the stick, not through ultimatums! If anything, HalloWarped has reduced the likelihood of Skullduggery coming on side due to his actions. This comment makes HalloWarped petulant, exclaiming he is not a rookie, and whilst he doesn't have the titles of Jack or Knight, he is just as much a deserving member of F.E.A.R and should be treat as such (the words of Cyanide still rotting at him). He can't believe the two guys intent on fighting each other for the last month are pointing the finger of blame at him, making him the target of criticism.

HalloWarped goes to leave when Devilfish and Lone Shark come storming into the room. “THEY’VE TOOK BILE!”. There's some initial confusion but Devilfish lays out what was just seen in the ring. The repaired relationship between Jack and Knight shows some cracks again, with Jack accusing Halloween Knight of not thinking this through. After a bit of bickering, Jack says strategy is his call, he's changed his mind, no more outsiders! The risk is it's just funnelling Karrg new fighters, and now they've got a 6’6 psychopath to worry about! Who knows what else Knight might have just gift wrapped for the Armada!

Knight reluctantly agrees, but says he will have to visit the Lords of the ZEN Temple to see if they will rescind their decision on the decided matches. Jack says he would go as the second permitted representative, but he has to put his plan into action, rally the troops to give Karrg a taste of defeat! Jack heads off with Devilfish and Lone Shark.

HalloWarped requests to be permitted to go with Knight to the ZEN Temple (he should be permitted, he's a member of the inner circle, he is an equal part of F.E.A.R, afterall!). Knight contemplates, saying it would be proper for the Lords themselves to request counsel for an earthly conduit, but these are unprecedented circumstances. Knight’s fortune teller places her hand on his shoulder, suggesting that she herself go with him, and HalloWarped use his influence as a member of the inner circle, and a key part of F.E.A.R to rally others in the locker room, like the alien and their friend, to be waiting to support Pumpkin Jack if things turn. The flattery clearly an attempt to disguise her pushing HalloWarped’s nose out.

Halloween Knight agrees, that is a better use of HalloWarped. “This is war, we all have our part to play!” With that they go their separate ways HalloWarped visibly frustrated.


Backstage segment - Kalliope Woodchuck speaks {53 rating}
A short promo from Woodchuck. This is the 3rd time she's going one-on-one with Cyanide in her career in ZEN. She recaps the beatings he gave her as a rookie, she never stood a chance, but now it's different, she's his equal, and she will win. “Kalliope out!”, accompanied by her trademark heels click and peace sign.

ZEN: Art Of Winning Tournament - Semi Finals

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7. Kalliope Woodchuck, representing 2 Girls And A...Whatever d. Cyanide (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery, in 19:24 {55 rating}
If the quality of matches tonight had not been up to scratch with what has been the case for the rest of 2022 so far, this definitely changes that. Cyanide is his usual brutish self, stiff strikes and blows to Woodchuck, but the tecnico withstands everything thrown at her and rallies the crowd on side. Cyanide is not afraid to fight dirty, with gouges and chokes, earning a number of warnings from the referee. Cyanide delights in the jeers from the crowd, but this actually leads to an opening for Woodchuck to get back into the match. Cyanide hits a rib breaker, back breaker and then fallaway slam combo, before taunting sitting atop the turnbuckle. He doesn't notice a Woodchuck recovery, a quick dash and a handspring rana sends Cyanide crashing to the canvas. Woodchuck connects with some big moves, a missile dropkick, tornado DDT and a satellite bulldog from her regular repetoir. However momentum switches again as she's caught with a massive knee to the midsection, which sends her flipping over due to her velocity. Cyanide follows with his turnbuckle charge Death Valley Driver, but Woodchuck breaks the count with a rope break at 2. Cyanide returns to his strike based bludgeoning, Woodchuck attempts a desperation moonsault from the corner, but is tripped by Cyanide, she is stranded on the top buckle and Cyanide follows up, delivering a disgusting avalanche back suplex. 1, 2, Woodchuck just gets a shoulder up! Cyanide stalks Woodchuck as she struggles to return to her feet, he attempts a spinning backfist, but it's blocked, la magistral cradle, 1, 2, Cyanide kicks out! Cyanide responds by connecting with the backfist! Cyanide hoists up Kalliope for his Skull Splitter Brainbuster variant, Woodchuck does everything she can to fight it and begins to knee the Skullduggery leader in the head, she breaks free, and unleashes a Brainbuster of her own, simply on momentum! 1, 2, NO! Cyanide just gets his shoulder up. Both competitors are spent and struggle to their feet, the appreciation from the crowd turns to a negative reaction as Cyanide’s stablemate Trevor Feather wanders out with a glittery sign supporting “My favourite loser” Kalliope Woodchuck - “Loser in Love. Loser in Matches.” Woodchuck shakes her head, no time for this and begins to scale the ropes. Guru Vishni provides a distraction to the ref, and Feather takes the chance to shove Woodchuck from the top rope, to the arena floor!! The ref is not best pleased, but Feather claims “She slipped!”. The referee begins his countout as Cyanide is back to his feet in the ring, he is furious with Trevor Feather! Cyanide dismisses Feather, and tells him to stay out of things. With it looking unlikely Kalliope Woodchuck will make the referee’s count, Cyanide drops from the ring and slides her back in, however does not go on the offensive, simply waits with a face of determination until Woodchuck rises of her own accord. The match is back on! Kalliope again seems to have the Skull Splitter scouted, he cannot get it delivered. With every ounce of energy she has, Woodchuck however does manage to connect with her Woodchuck Cutter!!! 1, 2, 3!! She's done it! Kalliope Woodchuck has done it!!

A fatigued Woodchuck makes it to her feet after the match, worse for the wear she conjures enough energy for a small celebration. Guru Vishni assists Cyanide back to his feet, the Skullduggery leader staring daggers at his conqueror. Cyanide makes some steps into the middle of the ring, he's a number of strides from Woodchuck and a staredown commences. CYANIDE BOWS TO WOODCHUCK! That is the Skullduggery sign of respect for warriors. Woodchuck seems to have been expecting a jumping, but it never comes, Cyanide leaving the ring for Woodchuck to have her moment. {48 rating}



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8. Karrg The Insidious, MAN O’WAR, Laguna The Loyal, Pink Spider and Bucky Snark, representing Alien Armada d. Pumpkin Jack, Devilfish, Lone Shark, Lerone Slim and Rekha, representing ZEN, in 20:13 {52 rating}
This definitely feels more like an orderly match than the last time Pumpkin Jack led a team opposing the Alien Armada at Way Of The Artist. I think a creative decision was made to make the most of the quality across the two top of the card matches, due to some of the other limitations through the rest of the card. This means the match is lacking some of the intensity of earlier Armada encounters, but the commentary team put over that this could be due to the Armada’s uncertainty around the team they're facing, and the uneasy alliance on the ZEN side of things. Everyone gets to showcase for a bit, the match in particular working as a way of highlighting the reformed DevilShark, familiarising the newer fans with their double team offence, and popping the longtime ZEN faithful in attendance, such as their much loved spin kick/sweep combo, double northern lights suplex and wheelbarrow/rocker dropper manoeuvre. Slim and Rekha make sporadic appearances but make the most of the lucha rules and drop out of the ring to force a tag on most occasions, obviously taking the words of Cyanide on board from earlier in the night. This begins to cause friction between the already uneasy allies, Devilfish begins to challenge the pair, and a brawl is only spared by Pumpkin Jack getting between them and reminding Slim and Rekha that the Lords could rescind their Harmony Title request. Eventually the inevitable happens, as Slim and Rekha walk out on their team, as a battered Pumpkin Jack looks for a hot tag. As they head to the back, Devilfish and Lone Shark charge after them and a brawl between the two teams breaks out. Karrg and his villains hold Pumpkin Jack in place and tell him to watch the failure of humanity, as the duos disappear out of view in the arena, leaving Jack all alone. Sensing the inevitable defeat Jack has one last heroic stand and unleashes a flurry of rapid fire offence to the five members of the Armada in the ring, he manages some success and the crowd go wild, but eventually the numbers are too strong. At this point HalloWarped comes storming out to the ring with Hez Jendell and Celestina Cherish in tow. They don't make it to the ring as they are blindsided by the monster Bile, who is followed by Deathwatch Beetle, Toady and finally The Malothian stepping out from the shadows behind them all Karrg laughs hysterically as he plants Pumpkin Jack with the Conquest Bomb and the match is over!

The referee quickly hightails it out of there, noticing the sheer numbers of the Alien Armada. The tecnicos are beaten badly, but the Armada may have bitten off more than they can chew as upon closer inspection Bile seems to be attacking members of the Armada as well. He's unhinged and fighting indiscriminately! Has something gone wrong with The Malothian's control? Or is it just the unstable nature of Bile? Malothian's normally gentle gestures of control are frantic, and don't seem to be fully registering with the giant. Karrg directs MAN O’WAR to take care of the situation. MAN O'WAR pushes the mind controlled Toady, Pink Spider and Bucky Snark to overpower Bile and strap him to the gurney he was introduced on earlier in the night. During the scuffle Pink Spider has another one of his masks spider legs grabbed and torn off, leaving him with only 4 remaining. Eventually Bile is restrained and the Armada leaves wheeling the monster. It feels like a bit too much was happening here for this to really resonate with the crowd. {37 rating}

A big night for the Alien Armada, a new member, a victory, but what seemed like strategic dominance seems to be coming with a huge asterisk!

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6 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

Wow I called Rekha and Slim walking out ... I mean it made total sense for Rudos to Rudo it up.

Another fun show and from a booking standpoint pretty faultless.  Everything just feels right and feels ZEN.

Thank you, really appreciate it. Having a lot of fun with this and actually surprising myself as I'm going far more in-depth with shows than I ever expected (don't think you'll ever get full dialogue from me though, nowhere near good enough for that). 

Interestingly, you were close with Shaolin as well. When I booked this he was going to be the choice and Bile was scheduled for another appearance, but something cropped up that led to a slightly different one-off appearance for Shaolin that's still to come. Shaolin was not to fall victim to the Armada like Bile did, that became a decision as I literally booked it and kind of changed my storyline plans. The replacement for the original Bile appearance s also a much better choice from a lore perspective (which was something I only discovered after I had sorted the contract) and infinitely better for match quality! It did mean some of the earlier teases around the Armada storyline like the "fire speaking" and "the prophecy" kind of take a temporary backseat, but everything comes back around in the end.

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What was happening March 2022.




1. A Campeonato del Mundo title match defeat at Guerra de Titanes 2022 in February led to a rather confusing and hotshotted rudo turn for El Leon in EILL. All soon became clear as this culminated in defeat to fellow stalwart, Mexican Beast at Campeones, in a Loser Leaves EILL match, before popping up at the McGaw arena on the 30th of March, answering and winning an open challenge match from Kirk Jameson on USPW American Wrestling live. El Leon has made a jump to the US, but with a company not known for backing someone of his size and style. Will this work out for the luchador? Elsewhere in EILL, Gino Montero continues his run as the "Baddest Man in Mexico", feuding with both the champion Angel Of Mercy and huge fan favourite, El Heroe Mexicano, with help of his dastardly allies, South American Thunder. Mexicano and The Mayan Warriors bested South American Thunder and Gino by the skin of their teeth at Campeones, in the match of the night, it's well worth even those who don't follow lucha libre to check out for good old fashioned face/heel match for a hot crowd. Despite defeat it is still Montero who is next in-line for a shot at the Campeonato del Mundo.


2. #GrimReaver was the social media hashtag that was the rage this month. Block A of the of PGHW's Elite Series was stacked with former champions; Bussho Makiguchi, Chojiro Kitoaji, Kozue Kawashuma and Seiji Jimbo, all fighting it out, with absolutely world class matches. In the end however, it was Magnum Kobe who came out on top, helped as Kitoaji and Makiguchi obliterated each other to a stalemate during the last fixture. Meanwhile, the B-Block was lacking in comparative star power, and when early in the competition Reaver bested both up-and-coming favourites Avalanche Takano and BISON Yano, the IWC started to fear the worse. Once the much loved Hell Monkey, the aging gaijin has managed to cultivate a place himself as part of the PGHW inner-circle, with lots of backstage power, and it is this influence is the reason many suspect he finished the tournament with the best record, suffering only a single defeat to Masaru Ugaki, topping group B. Thankfully PGHW did the right thing and gave Magnum Kobe his well deserved flowers, but the 26:33 final was nowhere near the standard expected from this "Elite" tournament, with blame online being placed very much at Reaver's door. If this had been 10-years ago, at his prime, it would have went down a storm, but arguably nobody wants to see the 43-year old, broken down Reaver in this position, in 2022.


3. The Canadian Wrestling Alliance continues to put on the most entertaining shows in North America. Edd Stone returned from injury at the end of last month with the threat of being stripped of his title, and needing to face number one contender, Cameron Vessey. Aaron Knight was added to the main event of WrestleFestival 5, due to a victory over Vessey, and spent the build-up protecting Edd Stone from injuring himself further. It was Knight who ultimately picked up the victory, defeating Vessey, in a match described as almost perfect by critics and fans alike, from both an action and storytelling perspective. Whilst obviously disappointed in not retaining his belt, Stone showed utmost respect to the new champion, with Knight promising him a rematch when he is back at 100%. Elsewhere, Donte Dunn failed to get revenge on Christian Price for retiring Jack DeColt, and Shooter Sean Deelay humbled the behemoth, Blockbuster.


4. Returning to USPW. Despite losing his USPW National Title match at Red, White And Blue!, Casey Valentine somehow found himself in the main event, challenging Nicky Champion at March's Liberty And Justice! This was the only match worth seeking out from an otherwise lacklustre show, with the January momentum of USPW very much fading away. Valentine was again unsuccessful in capturing gold here. The babyfaces holding a lot of the gold seems to be hindering the excitement level, but "No Nonsense" Tiffany Jade dethroning Alina America to win her 3rd Women's Title, at least provides some variation with regards that position moving forward. The biggest news from the show was the return of Alicia Strong, saving Sarie Marie from a beatdown from Glorious Gloria and Juliette King.


5. Elsehwere TCW have been having some perception issues regarding their prestige and size, but have battled through this extending the contracts of a number of key players across all levels of the card, such as Mighty Mo, Bradley Blaze, Greg Gauge and Eddie Chandler. They have however let the contract of Titan expire, the writing was on the wall for this as the company had been working to reposition Killer Shark as a singles talent since the turn of the year. There is reportadly no major company interest in Titan, but many expect him to appear on some Japanese tours in the coming months.


6. Of the big USA based companies, SWF's Awesome Impact 2022 was the best of the PPV's for the month of March. Rocky Golden retained the World Heavyweight Title against Rogue in a high quality main event, with build centered around Rogue bullying recent RIPW call-up, Rocky Weatherfield who accompanied Golden to ringside for the title match. Spencer Spade and Angry Gilmore absolutely killed it with a ladder match for the North American Title, and the feud between Valiant and Randy Unleashed carried the month, although the crowd are desperate for the company to pull the trigger on Randy, but again, they failed to do so, Valiant coming out on top of their PPV encounter. The feud however, is very much still continuing! Elsewhere RIPW got some new blood, the hot prospect Aldous Blackfriar finished up his indie dates in February and made his first appearance at the beginning of March, under the pseudonym Matthew DeVille, coming in as a more steam punk inspired babyface variant of his character, leaning less into an occult inspired gimmick, and instead coalescing a contingent of "freaks and geeks" of RIPW around him, including Drew Danson, Ollie Howells and Ed James. The seeds seem to be sown for him going after the longstanding Infamous stable with his new allies.


7. On the indie scene, Rip Chord Invitational winner, Mitchell Aldred got his shot at Frankie Perez for the COTT World Heavyweight Title. They went an astonishing 40-minutes at MAW Super Showdown, with Perez getting a submission victory. The show finished with both men receiving a standing ovation. Following the match there is a brief moment of humility from Aldred, until he runs down MAW legends of the past, saying he is going to prove he is better than them all, and become the first person to win both the Rip Chord Invitational and Sam Keith Classic in a single year! He will be hosting trials for a suitable partner moving forward.




1. Just under two years later, RAW have extended an olive branch to one of the victims of the Monday Massacre, as Rod Sullivan returned to the company at the end of the month. "The Heartthrob" has so far been kept away from ex-partner, Nicky Gilbert, who has been involved with support of The 3AM Boys, as they battle The RAW Giants, instead seems to be getting involved with Damien Dastardly and his RAW Quest Championship. Dastardly has struggled to find his stride in RAW, with Paul Massey being brought in especially to road agent for him, having worked together in ZEN. Could the reliable hand of Sullivan be the next way the company tries to get Dastardly to break out with the fans?


2. With Swoop McCarthy nursing a knock, there was only one defence of the RAW TV Title through the month, as he bested Kerry Wayne, the leader of the Wayne Family on the 18th of March. The rest of the month continued the storyline of McCarthy being supported by fellow babyface Loxley Robbins, with again some teases of distrust from McCarthy to Robbins, and some title based glances from Robbins to the RAW gold. This seems to be the big feud in waiting as we progress through the Autumn, with a variety of different ways it could go.


3. APW continue to exist. DIW continue to outperform their family friendly rivals. Mace Mueller defeated Blitz Simpson in a thoroughly entertaining ladder match (definitely worth hunting out online for the hardcore indie fans), earning a shot at Shogo's DIW Title next month.


4. For those of you waiting on your ZEN DVD's, you may notice that the production quality has underwent a small increase. Despite the downturn in the industry across the region, the company is picking up some buzz online due to their innovative alien storyline, an entertaining single elimination tournament format, and a small buzz as an LGBTQ+ community ally, with the rising presence of transgender female, Celestina Cherish in the ZEN pecking order. For those downloading it online from the torrent places online, you will probably not notice much difference, as shows a basically ripped to a 1.2gb filesize by that guy, yeah you know the guy!

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Early April 2022 website updates.


The roster section of the ZEN: Art Of Wrestling website was updated before Way Of The Philosopher in April. These updated sections are linked below.




This was followed by a news update on Friday 8th April, the day before Way Of The Philosopher.



This coming month the four newest rookie graduates of the ZEN Temple Dojo will make their debuts in ZEN. All four will be in Christchurch tomorrow night, supporting the show and meeting the fans before their official debuts at Way Of The Champion in 3-weeks time.

This is the first group of trainees to leave the Temple Dojo since the infamous class of '14 and '15, which yielded ZEN favourites (and not so favourites), Kalliope Woodchuck, Bucky Snark, Booster Boy, The Ghost Hunters and the voice of ZEN, Dustin Thane.

So before you see them step into the ring, we've had a catch up with all of the graduates and their trainers to give you the inside scoop of what to expect.


Height: 6'1
Weight: 250lbs
Style: Spot Orangutan
Key Moves: Swanton Bomb, Moonsault to the outside, Spinning Wheel Kick
B1G (pronounced "Big One") is the current pseudonym of Moore Bush. Moore was a late starter in the dojo who paid over the odds to join the classes (who are we to turn away money!). Obnoxiously throwing around his father's money, lauding his wealth over other graduates, he is not particular popular with his graduating class, with nobody having a nice word to say about him. Although, Moore himself is unphased, as when asked he didn't even seem to register there were other students in his classes with him. Moore seems to have entered professional wrestling as a way of circumventing expectations of his family, looking to annoy his conservative father. Despite his size, he basically just wants to jump off things, or jump through things. The B1G persona is a new development that seems to have stemmed from Booster Boy's recent training at the ZEN Temple Dojo training facility, as he prepares for his match with Auckland Raider. Booster and Moore have hit it off, with Booster christening him "Big One", and the competitor really running with it.


Patrick Howard
Height: 5'11
Weight: 215lbs
Style: Muscled Surfer Dude High Flyer
Key Moves: Curb Stomp (Wave Rider), Surfboard Stretch, Half-Nelson Slam
Yes! That Patrick Howard! Social media surfing sensation, Patrick Howard is now a graduate of the ZEN Temple Dojo! If you'd been paying attention to his socials, then hints were there throughout the last year. New Zealand born and bred, at only 20 years of age, Howard has a huge dual sports future ahead of him. Whilst it's hard to know how much time he can dedicate to wrestling if (or when) his surfing career takes off, he has taken his training very seriously, despite what his mannerisms and outward laid back persona may suggest. 



Height: 5'7
Weight: 173lbs soaking wet
Style: Speedy Technician
Key Moves: Crossface Chickenwing, Victory Roll, Body Scissor Cravate
Not the biggest competitor, far from the stronger competitor, but the competitor with absolutely huge amounts of heart and determination. The youngest member of the graduating class soon found himself the victim of the ire of occasional trainer, Cyanide. In fact, the name "Stretch" was first coined by the leader of Skullduggery, due to how entertained he was by inflicting pain on the trainee, given how malleable and twistable all parts of his body are, with Cyanide taking great delight in pushing him through the pain threshold, anytime he was called by the Lords of The ZEN Temple, to run a session. Instead of shame, Stretch has decided his aim is to reclaim the name, own it for himself. Donning a mask like many of the ZEN favourites over the year, he plans on being a silent assassin, the best technical wrestler in New Zealand, and will continue his training to achieve this. By doing this, he will then reclaim the name Stretch, with himself as the aggressor, the master technician!



"The Blast Beat" TJ Ward
Height: 6'1
Weight: 220lbs
Style: Grappler
Key Moves: Fisherman's DDT, Discus Clothesline, Inverted Samoan Drop
We had planned a joke that we don't even know what TJ stands for, but young mister Ward was very keen to tell us that it is a homage to highly sexed Welsh crooner, Tom Jones. We do know what a "blast beat" is, but we're not sure what that self-given title relates to here, nor how that reference plays alongside Tom Jones. Dustin Thane is highly upset at this development, how little anything makes sense, and has requested that future graduates are not allowed to name themselves for his own sanity, and for the sanity of the fans at home who have to listen to him try and rationalise this. Despite questionable naming decisions, Ward is the mature head who acts as the big brother to the rest of the group, looking out for his fellow trainees. He also has the least high-flying style, instead being a more brawl and grapple based competitor, mixing traditional wrestling power moves with some innovative flair.

Edited by Eugh
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EVENT PREVIEW: Way Of The Philosopher, 2022

DATE: Saturday 9th April, 2022

LOCATION: Christchurch, New Zealand

Only 3 weeks before ZEN returns to Wellington for The Way Of The Champion we will be live in Christchurch for Way Of The Philosopher, with 8 action packed matches, including 2 mystery title matches!

At Way Of The Enemy, Kalliope Woodchuck bested Cyanide to book her place in final of the ZEN: Art Of Winning tournament, as well as earning the respect of the violent leader of Skullduggery. At Way Of The Philosopher she will stand face to face with her opponent for the final, but who will it be? Her biggest stan, Trevor Feather? Who wants to wallow in her misery. Or her former beau-turned brainwashed Alien Armada puppet, Bucky Snark? Who may not even recognise her anymore. We will confirm our final at Way Of The Philosopher, and whatever the outcome, there will be high emotions for the final of the tournament later this month.

Halloween Knight's call to the alumni of ZEN did not go according to plan last month, as The Malothian turned the monster Bile into a mind controlled weapon of Karrg. This turn however did not go fully to plan for the Alien Armada as unlike Toady, Bucky Snark and Pink Spider, Bile was unpredictable and indiscriminate in his attacks at the close of Way Of The Enemy. The outcome still ultimately spooked F.E.A.R, and at the call of director of strategy Pumpkin Jack: Halloween Knight and his fortune teller visited the Lords Of The ZEN Temple to have the agreed upon matches involving alumni talent rescinded. As is the case with spirits and deities of zeal, they can be quite unmoving, and the Lords Of The ZEN Temple said their decisions are final, and cannot be overturned, **mumble mumble** besides by complications caused by earthly contractual obligations **mumble mumble**. That means the two title matches are still going ahead, and we will see MAN O’WAR and Laguna The Loyal put their Harmony Titles on the line, and Karrg The Insidious defend the ZEN Master championship against opponents yet to be revealed.

The Lords Of The ZEN Temple have agreed with the assessment that F.E.A.R needs increased support beyond the tecnico contingent, and have set out incentives to court Skullduggery. Despite walking out on their ZEN teammates last month, Casual Violence are still potentially in line for a Harmony Title challenge, however this is not guaranteed, as they will face the newly reformed DevilShark at Way Of The Philosopher, the victors getting their title match at Way Of The Champion.

The members of F.E.A.R/3.E.A.R (as it now seems to be typeset) have been granted a trios match with the remaining members of Skullduggery. Cyanide will lead Vortex and his newest apprentice, Dee Lucketti into battle. The lords want to see 3.E.A.R returning to the same page, they need to be as one in order to stand a chance against the alien threat, and maybe by having the opportunity to face Skullduggery directly, they can bring the rudos on-side in the war! The match will be the first showdown between Cyanide and HalloWarped since their battle at Way Of The Artist in February, and will also act as teaser for Way Of The Champion, as the pair will stand across from each other again, as part of a 4-way contenders match for the ZEN Master Title.

The other two competitors in that match will also be facing off at Way Of The Philosopher. Killer B and ZERO have been at loggerheads since B defeated the former ZEN Master champion in the first round of the ZEN: Art Of Winning tournament, which led to ZERO viciously attacking Killer B’s manager, Molly Cuddle. This unprovoked assault on an untrained member of the ZEN roster caused the Lords Of The ZEN Temple to banish ZERO for a month, and since his return it's been nonstop brawling between the pair on sight. Frustrated by their defeat at Way Of The Enemy, in part due to their abandonment by Booster Boy, B and Crime Buster have requested a run back of the trios match with ZERO and The Ghost Hunters. This has been accepted, with Crime Buster’s rookie partner, Blue Chip, being back on The Beat.

Finally, speaking of Booster Boy, he straight up screwed over the fan favourite, Auckland Raider, costing him a clear victory over Deathwatch Beetle, which would have earned him the ZEN Conceptual Championship. Motivated purely by jealousy, Booster Boy’s actions also prevented a momentum switch against the Alien Armada that bringing one of the titles back to ZEN would have done. Raider has been granted a rematch at Way Of The Champion, and the Lords Of The ZEN Temple saw it fit to give him a chance at revenge tonight against Booster Boy in preparation. A spanner has been thrown into the works by the Armada on social media, as Karrg announced that if Booster Boy is able to beat Auckland Raider tonight, then Deathwatch Beetle will allow him entry into the title match at Way Of The Champion, making it a triple threat match.

As usual, there will be 8 matches at Way Of The Philosopher, including

ZEN Master Title
(C) Karrg The Insidious, representing Alien Armada vs. Mystery ZEN Alumni

ZEN Harmony Titles
(C) MAN O’WAR and Laguna The Loyal, representing Alien Armada vs. Mystery ZEN Alumni

ZEN: Art Of Winning - Semi Finals
Bucky Snark, representing Alien Armada vs. Trevor Feather (w/Guru Vishni), of Skullduggery

Harmony Titles - Contender Match
Casual Violence, of Lerone Slim and Rekha (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery vs. DevilShark, of Devilfish and Lone Shark

Trios Grudge Match
ZERO and The Ghost Hunters, of Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde vs. Killer B (w/Molly Cuddle?) and The Beat, of Crime Buster and Blue Chip

Trios Showdown With A Higher Purpose
Halloween Knight, Pumpkin Jack and HalloWarped, representing 3.E.A.R vs. Cyanide, Vortex and Dee Lucketti (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery

If Booster wins, he's added to the Conceptual Title Match at Way Of The Champion

Auckland Raider vs. Booster Boy

Edited by Eugh
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ZEN Master Title
(C) Karrg The Insidious, representing Alien Armada vs. Mystery ZEN Alumni

I just sort of want it to be someone in particular who doesn't dethrone Karrg here due to a DQ or Countout finish but who changes things up a lot


ZEN Harmony Titles
(C) MAN O’WAR and Laguna The Loyal, representing Alien Armada vs. Mystery ZEN Alumni

Not that many Alumni that can be pushed to win - it's probably the Horror Show

ZEN: Art Of Winning - Semi Finals
Bucky Snark, representing Alien Armada vs. Trevor Feather (w/Guru Vishni), of Skullduggery

I think it's time for the Armada to rack up some losses

Harmony Titles - Contender Match
Casual Violence, of Lerone Slim and Rekha (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery vs. DevilShark, of Devilfish and Lone Shark

For whatever reason Lerone & Rekha never resonate with me.  I think it's because it's NZ and we are almost Maori & Islander free but have Black people - I guess it causes a disconnect for me.

Trios Grudge Match
ZERO and The Ghost Hunters, of Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde vs. Killer B (w/Molly Cuddle?) and The Beat, of Crime Buster and Blue Chip

Killer B gets distracted by Molly in some way to lose

Trios Showdown With A Higher Purpose
Halloween Knight, Pumpkin Jack and HalloWarped, representing 3.E.A.R vs. Cyanide, Vortex and Dee Lucketti (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery

F.E.A.R need the win

If Booster wins, he's added to the Conceptual Title Match at Way Of The Champion

Auckland Raider vs. Booster Boy

Shenanigans ensue and Booster Boy gets added

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ZEN Master Title
(C) Karrg The Insidious, representing Alien Armada vs. Mystery ZEN Alumni

ZEN Harmony Titles
(C) MAN O’WAR and Laguna The Loyal, representing Alien Armada vs. Mystery ZEN Alumni

ZEN: Art Of Winning - Semi Finals
Bucky Snark, representing Alien Armada vs. Trevor Feather (w/Guru Vishni), of Skullduggery

Harmony Titles - Contender Match
Casual Violence, of Lerone Slim and Rekha (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery vs. DevilShark, of Devilfish and Lone Shark

Trios Grudge Match
ZERO and The Ghost Hunters, of Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde vs. Killer B (w/Molly Cuddle?) and The Beat, of Crime Buster and Blue Chip

Trios Showdown With A Higher Purpose
Halloween Knight, Pumpkin Jack and HalloWarped, representing 3.E.A.R vs. Cyanide, Vortex and Dee Lucketti (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery

If Booster wins, he's added to the Conceptual Title Match at Way Of The Champion

Auckland Raider vs. Booster Boy

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