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The ZENith and the journey there (ZEN)

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Now for your viewing pleasure on WrestleWorld Oceania (and previously for DVD purchase from ZEN, and on a few torrent sites).




---WAY OF THE---


DATE: Saturday 9th April, 2022

LOCATION: Christchurch, New Zealand


ZEN: Art Of Winning Tournament - Semi Finals

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1. Trevor Feather (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery d. Bucky Snark, representing Alien Armada, in 12:54 {49 rating}
The night starts with a bang, with one of the most anticipated matches of the evening. A double rudo affair, but given Snark is seemingly in his current position against his will, the crowd seemed to favour him more. From those not invested in storyline, Snark and Woodchuck have been responsible for some absolute bangers against each other in the Conceptual title scene over the years. Feather’s usual mind games have literally zero impact on Snark, who does not interact at all with his shenanigans, or attempts at referencing Kalliope Woodchuck. Vishni offers advice to Feather, saying he will have to outwrestle the Armada member. This was clearly not going to end well, as whilst Feather is no slouch (with his peacock front literally that, a front), Snark in kayfabe is viewed as one of the most technically proficient strikers in ZEN, and Feather looks to be on his way out of the tournament. However, a moment of rudo genius turns things in Feather’s favour. The Malothian drones have a tendency of not being affected by pain in a traditional way, however often collapse and succumb to accumulated fatigue. After coordinating a distraction from Vishni, Feather sprays copious amounts of hair spray into the eyes of Bucky Snark. Disposing of the evidence Feather speaks to the camera “Mind ain't human, but body still is!”, and in the follow up, Snark is not slowed down, but he has no coordination or ability to connect with anything/know where Trevor Feather is. This provides the opening, Feather Ruffler! 1, 2, 3! Trevor Feather wins!


In-Ring segment - The old and the new {29 rating}
Dustin Thane steps into the ring and introduces the class of ‘22 from the ZEN Temple Dojo. The four dojo graduates head to the ring, in street clothes, clad in a ZEN branded black hoodie. They are B1G, Patrick Howard, Stretch and “The Blast Beat” TJ Ward. A segment follows where Thane gives the rookies an opportunity to introduce themselves. B1G is egotistical and sarcastic, Howard is all laid back and chill, Stretch is silent, and Ward answers for him saying that Stretch wants his actions in the ring do the talking. Ward says whoever their opponents are at Way Of The Champion they are all here to uphold the legacy of ZEN, and are excited to win over the fans and be the stars of tomorrow. B1G and Ward get into a little confrontation, B1G having no interest in winning over the fans.

The music of MAN O’WAR hits and the ZEN Harmony champions, MAN O’WAR and Laguna The Loyal head out, loitering around the entrance area. MAN O’WAR congratulates the rookies for graduating into a warzone, saying ZEN has set them up as lambs to the slaughter, to the Alien Armada! He doesn't need any response today, but the truthful road is to simply “Hail Karrg” as your leader and supreme being, and they may be granted clemency for doing so.

MAN O’WAR dismisses the rookies from the ring but tells Dustin Thane to stay. As the historian of ZEN, he is asked to confirm that when the Lords Of The ZEN Temple decide on a mystery challenger for a championship match, it is accepted that the champion can invoke the timing of said match on the night, in order to counteract the uncertainty. Thane begins to reel off examples of when this has happened, but MAN O’WAR cuts him off with a “thank you, Mr Historian”, turning to Laguna saying “some humans do have their uses”. MAN O’WAR says they are invoking this clause, they want their match now.

Thane says it's interesting, as he actually knows who their opponents are, and will announce them himself. He's just introduced the future of ZEN, now he's personally delighted, for the first time ever to introduce a huge part of ZEN’s history. The first ever Harmony Champions! THE HORROR SHOW!!


—Harmony Title Match—

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2. MAN O’WAR and Laguna The Loyal (C), representing Alien Armada d. The Horror Show, of Nightmare Slasher and Nightmare Stalker, in 8:36, to make the 5th defence of the Harmony Titles {38 rating}
Like a lot of indie talent who never made it and without a regular gig, The Horror Show have not been particularly active in the wrestling scene for a number of years, and there's definitely a bit of ring rust there. Nightmare Stalker and Nightmare Slasher still manage to get some cool spots in, Stalker dropping MAN O’WAR with a reverse DDT on the apron, and Slasher drop toe holding a charge Laguna into the turnbuckle post outside the ring. A back suplex/neckbreaker combo secures a 2 count for the challenges, but it just fires up Laguna leading to the end point of the match. Laguna clotheslines both challengers simultaneously, before hitting Slasher with a chokebreaker and Stalker with a fisherman's buster. Hoisting Slasher into an electric chair position, the champs hit their reverse doomsday device variant, a MAN O’WAR striking Slasher with a flying clothesline to the back of the neck whislt being dropped with an electric chair facebuster. They follow this promptly with the Anchor Drop (Spike Tombstone) to Nightmare Stalker, and 1, 2, 3. The champs retain!


Backstage segment - B-Beat! {35 rating}
There's a short backstage interview with Killer B, Molly Cuddle and The Beat, back at full strength. It's a basic promo hyping their match against the rudos, up next, but there are two interesting points made. Blue Chip mentions that he thinks The Ghost Hunters are up to something, something more than simply attacking them for revenge. Crime Buster waves this off, “perps have simple motives”, and he's been watching too many thrillers. The promo finishes with Killer B requesting Molly Cuddle to remain in the back again. Molly says that he needs her strategy and support, he's immensely talent but without her by his side he lost to Kalliope Woodchuck, and he lost against ZERO and The Ghost Hunters previously. Killer B cannot be moved from his decision, leaving Molly Cuddle frustrated.

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3. Killer B and The Beat, of Crime Buster and Blue Chip d. ZERO and The Ghost Hunters, of Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde, in 13:51 {47 rating}
The match was possibly a little bit too long for some of the competitors involved and to maintain crowd investment, however with a lot of storyline aspects at play there was obviously a decision to let things breathe and to give opportunities for all competitors to look strong. ZERO in particular is made to look ruthless, as he is at various points shown to clearly outlaws both members of The Beat. Much like the previous encounter between variations of the two teams, ZERO is avoiding Killer B, however a strong emphasis from commentators is made that this is not out of fear, it is calculating, as it is throwing Killer B completely off his game. With a more reliable partner by his side, Crime Buster makes bigger inroads with his fight against Strange and Hyde, he attempts his Spinebuster finisher on Mister Hyde but it is reversed with a stiff kick to the face and an STO. They run back the finish of the Way Of The Enemy, with Killer B chasing after ZERO leaving Crime Buster isolated, however with Blue Chip by his side he is able to thwart the Double Chokeslam from the Ghost Hunters. As the match continues, having seen enough Molly Cuddle makes her way ringside. Her appearance upsets Killer B, but he still acts on her directions and is able to begin to outsmart and finesse the opposition. Following Molly's direction he dodged an attack from Mister Hyde that ends up wiping Bruce Strange out, he follows with his back suplex lift backbreaker to Hyde. With his opponent only recovering to his knees he's in prime position for the B-Sting knee strike! ZERO decides the match is a lost cause and already begins to skulk away at the referee counts to 3 for Killer B. The tecnicos have a brief celebration, Killer B seemingly coming back around and thanking Molly Cuddle for the support at ringside.



Backstage segment - A peak in the Alien Armada compound {41 rating}
We cut backstage and a cameraman is following the Harmony Champs as they head back to the Alien Armada compound, trying to get their thoughts on their title defence earlier in the evening. As they head inside the cameraman peers his camera in, magically being able to pick up the sound perfectly! The camera spots Bile chained up in the corner, as Karrg welcomed the Harmony champs back, congratulating them on the successful defence of the titles. Karrg’s tone quickly changes, as he wonders what the problem with the “monster man” is. MAN O’WAR speculates that The Malothian could be weakened. The attack from Hez Jendell, or simply the spreading too thin? How many minds can he control at once? Karrg questions The Malothian on if it's weakness, he remains stoic, expressionless and silent, but shakes his head.

MAN O’WAR attempts to shift focus, “My liege, you mentioned reinforcements. Are we expecting support from the cosmos?”. Karrg is a more subtle self than usual, seemingly pondering an answer. “Why should I need to use reinforcements, risk further souls of valour and meaning, when there are other disgusting and disposable meat puppets. Although...”., at which point Karrg discusses his disappointment with everyone but Laguna The Loyal: Malothian cannot control Bile fully and his controlled Bucky Snark failed in his match tonight, Deathwatch Beetle was almost defeated by the “football boy” at the last show, and MAN O’WAR’s disobedience on the amnesty led to Kalliope Woodchuck and Hez Jendell aligning. MAN O’WAR says he has apologised many times for that, he is eternally sorry, “I am cursed with the mind and body of these meat puppets, but my soul is not the same”. Karrg says he is much grateful for “Mr. War”, helping with customs, insights, strategy, he has been very useful, he should continue to be.

Karrg addresses “Mr. War” and Deathwatch Beetle, he tells MAN O’WAR to take Beetle (who cannot be trusted to do it alone) to make sure he doesn't have to face the “football boy” alone again, lest not until we get a better strategy against his strength. The cameraman frantically runs away as MAN O’WAR leads Deathwatch Beetle from the Armada compound back to the rest of the backstage area.



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4. Booster Boy d. Auckland Raider, in 9:03 {40 rating}
Booster Boy shows a lot of hubris in the early going, he's been putting in the training for this match! The confidence is soon revealed to be misplaced as Auckland Raider has firm control for the vast majority of this context, ragdolling Booster Boy around, throwing out all his favourites such as a the back suplex toss, a suplex variant where Raider remains standing and a big belly-to-belly suplex. Booster Boy tries some underhand tactics to get back into things, to limited success, as he is just outpowered by the tecnico. Raider hoists Booster Boy up for a scoop slam, but instead tosses him over the top rope to the outside! Auckland Raider takes the time to showboat, as Booster Boy tries to recover. It's at this point that Conceptual Champion Deathwatch Beetle and MAN O’WAR begin to walk out ringside. This catches the eye of Raider who makes a championship motion around his waist, MAN O'WAR snaps back “There’s no belt you idiot!”.


The referee seems to sense what's coming and drops out of the ring to tell the pair from the Alien Armada to head to the back. However, this seems to have been part of the plan as The Malothian appears through the crowd and jumps Auckland Raider from behind! He's gloved but attempts the Malothian Claw but Auckland Raider manages to fight it off, however this causes the protective glove of Malothian to fall off, this will unleash the true mind bending power of the claw! Malothian tries again Much like Pink Spider in January, Auckland Raider is staring down the barrel of whatever sinister force is at play in The Malothian's appendage. “WHAT YOU DOING, NERD?!” yells Raider as he powers away again and is able to flatten The Malothian with a clothesline. However, Booster Boy is back and catches Auckland Raider unawares with a low blow. The Malothian slithers from the ring as the Armada team mates agree to leave ringside at the behest of the referees, Booster Boy drops Raider with his Energy Booster (Flatliner). 1, 2, 3! Booster Boy gets his title shot.


Backstage segment - 3.E.A.R make plans {50 rating}
Halloween Knight, HalloWarped and Pumpkin Jack are backstage, the fortune teller who has been present over recent events is not in attendance tonight. The trio are discussing strategy, with Knight stressing the need to stick together and stay strong, and he knows he's upset both men recently, and old him would have been fine with that, but he wants to apologise and say he will try and do better by both of his allies, and by ZEN in the future. HalloWarped and Pumpkin Jack both accept the apology.

Jack says he still plans to facedown Karrg directly himself, and regardless of the outcome of the title match tonight he will head out and challenge Karrg for Way Of The Champion. HalloWarped asks if they think the challenger has a chance of dethroning Karrg, “As good a chance as any one of us”, replies Halloween Knight.

They then talk other avenues. The prophecy (where Halloween Knight says that the fortune teller had to travel to Brisbane), could it be Kalliope Woodchuck? Is she the hope? What about Hez Jendell's ‘fire speaking’, is there really someone in ZEN who has this talent? There's a crack about it likely being black mould in the venue. Halloween Knight posits whether it is worth “reaching out to the orient”, to allies there, to see if there are any mist experts in contact, and whether the human skillsets could possibly translate to the Falandùq. Jack tells Halloween Knight to pause that, we need to get through the night without Karrg turning anymore outsiders into unpredictable monster drones.
However, they should talk to Auckland Raider after what just happened! Pumpkin Jack wants to do it, but Halloween Knight says he needs to. knight let down Pink Spider, he knows what Spider saw in the hand of The Malothian, he will find Raider and talk. Jack should get ready to confront Karrg, and HalloWarped should get himself pumped to outclass Cyanide and Skullduggery.


In-ring segment - Art of Winning showdown {52 rating}

After intermission a table and a trophy that is definitely not brand new for this occasion, have been placed in the centre of the ring. Dustin Thane introduces this as the ZEN: Art Of Winning trophy, and brings out the two competitors who will be fighting for it in 3-weeks. The place goes nuts for Kalliope Woodchuck, who is bordering on the most over tecnico in the company at the moment. Her new stablemates of Celestina Cherish and Hez Jendell aren't here tonight, commentary mentioning this is due to them not being cleared following the mass brawl involving Bile last show. Trevor Feather is next out, and is accompanied by members of Skullduggery pushing a giant box, wrapped as a present?! They leave it ringside, leaving Trevor to enter the ring and go face to face with Kalliope.

The pair cut promos, Kalliope says this must be the moment of Feather’s life going against her, but he doesn't register to her, whatever he tries to do to get under her skin doesn't work, he's merely a inconsequential annoyance. Feather rebuts that what she said was unbelievably mean. What type of champion would she be when she is so mean to her biggest stan?! Feather says that Woodchuck should be thanking her, he prevented her from having to face off against her ex, he prevented her from the heartbreak of having to step up face to face with Bucky Snark. Only he knows what's best for her, he's her biggest stan, nobody gets her like he does. She needs to lose in 3 weeks, winning a tournament of this magnitude will bring scrutiny she can't deal with right now, he is going to beat her, but it's for her own good!

After a bit more back and forth Trevor Feather says he knew she'd be angry and upset, so he has a gift sure to cheer her up, nobody can be upset when they see a clown! At which point C-W-A jumps out of the box and into the ring, and jumps Kalliope Woodchuck. The ring is cleared and it looks like an impromptu match is underway.

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5. Kalliope Woodchuck, representing 2 Girls And A...Whatever d. C-W-A, in 4:35 {43 rating}

This was essentially a showcase for Kalliope Woodchuck, with C-W-A rolling through some clown based comedy spots. Woodchuck hits some of her key moves, a missile dropkick, her handspring rana, a tiger suplex and a standing tornado DDT. She then plants C-W-A with with Woodchuck Cutter, securing the easy 3. A strong victory heading into the final of the ZEN: Art of Winning tournament.



Backstage segment - Checking in with Raider {40 rating}
Halloween Knight finds a furious Auckland Raider backstage, who is letting his anger out on a punching bag. Raider is unleashing a train of thought about “nerds”, “dweebs” and “weirdos” when Knight softly asks if he is okay. “No coach! They all trying to screw me out of the title belt again”. Knight can't help but correct that there's technically not a belt, before saying that wasn't what he was on about, is he okay after what The Malothian did. Raider looks at Knight, he has no idea who he is referring to. He talks about the Malothian Claw and it clicks for Raider, “You mean the nerd who tried to rub my face? That pale freak who walks like he has a stick up his...”, “That would be the one”, interjects Halloween Knight.

Knight asks Raider what he saw. “Disgusting. The horrors coach!”, Knight gets in position to comfort Raider, “Grandma hands! Pale, chalky and disgusting. Someone needs to tell white boy to exfoliate or something!”.
Knight seems confused “Is that all you saw? A hand? Nothing about fleeting mortality?”

 “Is that freak called Mort?”

“No Mortality.”
“Mort for short?”
“No, they are The Malothian.”

“He's called, The?”
“So who's Mort?”
“No, mortality, death, do you understand?”
“Mort is deaf! Poor guy! So the nerd was trying to rub my face to hear me better?”
“How would rubbing you face help him he...OH NEVERMIND! Let's just say, yes. Back to the point. All you saw was a hand?”
“Yes coach”.

Raider interjects on Halloween Knight's pondering again asking about the title belt, Knight says Raider still has a match for the title in 3-weeks, and Knight is confident that nobody else will leave Way Of The Champion with the Conceptual Title Belt.



The crowd are somewhat surprised as the ZEN Master, Karrg The Insidious heads to the ring. The announcer notes that they title match is up next. Karrg stands waiting in the ring, soaking up the boos of the crowd. The PA system plays some tribal style chanting, those with lasting memories jump to their feet as the chanting morphs into some fast metal music, and out through the curtain steps


Now more commonly seen in Australia with APW, one of the original members of rudo F.E.A.R and former best friend and tag partner of Cyanide makes his way out, and for quite possibly for the first time in his ZEN career, to a hero's welcome!

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—Master Title Match—
6. Karrg The Insidious (C), representing Alien Armada d. Massacre, in 10:13, to make the 2nd defence of the Master Title {46 rating}
These two beat the absolute snot out of each other. For a company quite often based on the elegance of lucha libre, which despite the nuance of the artform, outside of Mexico is often condensed to be high flying, this match is about as far removed as you can expect, a pure indie-hoss-fest. The match opens at 100 miles per hour, with the exchanging of clubbing blows and literally doesn't stop until the final bell rings. If there were worries that now he has a profile in Australia that Massacre would hold back upon a return to ZEN, there needn’t have been. The scene is set when within the first two minutes he has jumped from the apron delivering a splash to Karrg who was on his back on the wooden arena floor. Karrg however is no slouch himself, and is able to match the intensity of the challenger, and has the crowd shook after nailing Massacre with an Alabama slam onto the arena floor, the impact of Massacre’s back with the solid wood floor resonating sickeningly around the room. Both competitors gain close falls as things continue, both from key signature moves. Karrg hits his Mafia Kick variant, but Massacre kicks out at 2. Massacre also hits the ropes and delivers his charging flying headbutt, but is only able to secure a 2-count, before the champ recovers. Things continue and after some more back and forth action Karrg looks for the Conquest Bomb but Massacre fights loose and charges the champ back into the corner. Massacre unloads with huge punches, scaling the turnbuckle punching away at the head of Karrg, Karrg rallies through the pain and latches Massacre into the powerbomb position. Massacre keeps punching at Karrg but he cannot prevent the Conquest Bomb from coming. Karrg collapses onto Massacre, 1, 2, 3. The champ retains! But it was a war!

In-Ring segment - The trials of Jack {47 rating}
As Karrg struggles back to his feet the recognisable strains of Pumpkin Jack's theme music hits and one of the key members of 3.E.A.R heads out ringside. Jack is given a mic and says he's here to challenge Karrg, one-on-one for 3-weeks time at Way Of The Champion. He will take his belt from him, and then go further, and take him and the Armada out altogether! Karrg says this is interesting but pure fiction. Nobody in or out of ZEN has afforded Karrg a loss, and a weakling like Pumpkin Jack is not going to start. As champion, he sees no challenge in facing him in 3-weeks, he declines the challenge, to boos from the crowd. Jack laughs and says it sounds like Karrg is scared. Karrg comes back and says, “maybe I can make you worthy of my time”, Karrg proposes “the five trials of Pumpkin Jack”. Jack will face down 4 opponents of Karrg's choosing, over the coming months, and if he survives all 4, he will get his match with Karrg. Karrg notes it's not even about Jack beating all 4 chosen opponents, it's simply about surviving to make it to Karrg! Jack reluctantly agrees to this, it's his only way to get Karrg one-on-one.
As Jack goes to leave, Karrg stops him. Karrg points out that the humans are advertising an event around champions. This offer to Jack has made him feel extra generous. He will defend his title in 3-weeks! Against someone much more worthy of his time than Jack (twisting the knife). But it's someone who is scared to face him directly, and instead sends his own puppets to the slaughter! Karrg noting, are they truly any different? “Tell your skeleton friend to find his heart, I want him at Way Of The Champion”.


Contenders Match - Harmony Titles

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7. DevilShark, of Devilfish and Lone Shark d. Casual Violence, of Lerone Slim and Rekha (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery, in 19:52 {51 rating}
DevilShark make their way one step closer to their elusive Harmony Title reign with victory in their return match as a duo after many years. At times the match follows the expected formula of a plucky tecnico team and a brutish rudo outfitz Casual Violence drawing a line across the ring and keeping Devilfish isolated from his partner. Slim and Rekha had been tasked with taking Devilfish out but Skullduggery leader, Cyanide, and this portion of the match worked as a perfect illustration of this whole situation, the powerlessness of Devilfish to take the forces of Skullduggery on alone, but when the hot tag comes it shows that with Lone Shark in his corner things are going to change, he has the support to fight back. The match is littered with double team moves, the tecnicos get their total elimination spin kick/sweep combo, and a wheelbarrow rocker dropper. Casual Violence with assisted backbreakers and gutbusters, and a big double flapjack to Devilfish. A moment of showboating seems to prevent Casual Violence from getting the win. Rekha has Lone Shark in a position for a powerbomb, but she takes time to taunt before hoisting the tecnico up. This gives him enough time to recover and reserve into a rana, draping the Skullduggery member across the middle rope. This is followed with the 619, which sends Rekha rolling backwards into her knees, with Shark following with a springboard dropkick. Lone Shark does not have time to go for a pin as he is grabbed by the scruff of the neck by Lerone Slim, whipped off the ropes and blasted with the Slim Pickings (pop-up forearm smash). Slim again takes a moment to taunt the crowd over the crumpled body of Lone Shark, at which point Devilfish is recovered. He attempts a flying crossbody but is caught midair by Slim. Slim attempts to boost Devilfish up into a power move but Devilfish spikes him with a DDT reversal. Devilfish scales the top rope, Frog Splash! 1, 2, 3! Rekha is beginning to recover but not in time to break up the pin. DevilShark get the victory! They will face MAN O’WAR and Laguna The Loyal in 3-weeks time.



Backstage segment - Friends reunited? {42 rating}
We cut backstage to the other members of Skullduggery. They are aware of the outcome of the previous match, with Cyanide hyping up Vortex and Dee Lucketti, this is a huge match for his apprentices, he is drilling in the need to focus as a team. Cyanide emphasis that Jack and Knight feel they are superior to the rest of ZEN, and HalloWarped thinks he deserves respect purely by association, tonight we prove them wrong.
He then takes time to school Trevor Feather, commends his smarts in winning, but says he owes it to himself and to Kalliope Woodchuck to have a clean fight in 3-weeks. Feather questions why Cyanide cares about Woodchuck, why he bowed to her. Cyanide claimed she has proven herself a true warrior, one of the few in ZEN. But, Trevor is also a true warrior. He knows Kalliope is not to be taken lightly, it's why he is dedicating time to his psychological warfare, but this is the biggest match of his career, he can win, but he should not win with a blemished record.

Feather is listening to Cyanide, whether he agrees with the sentiment it's difficult to tell. He doesn't have the chance to respond when a voice bellows out “Well, you still have some honour”. The camera pans and the room turns and it's Massacre! Still feeling the effects of his title match defeat Massacre steps towards the Skullduggery members. There's an intense staredown, and Massacre bows to Cyanide. There's a huge delay and eventually Cyanide reciprocates, with the other members of Skullduggery soon following the lead of their leader.

“Ah mister corporate! What an honour to get to speak to you, I thought all contact is through your agent now?”
There's only one of us who stopped talking here, and it wasn't me.”, snaps back the APW star.
You can cut the tension with a knife.

Back doing Halloween Knight's dirty work. Pathetic.”
“Never one to back down from a fight. I remember when you were the same.”

“Try me.”

Massacre pivots to try and reduce the tension, he calls Cyanide his brother, he'd only fight with him, never against him. Massacre discusses Cyanide’s reference of Skullduggery thriving in a scorched earth, “You know there is no pride in standing atop the ashes of a fallen empire!”. Massacre continues, he thinks that Cyanide is scared. Cyanide interjects that he is never scared of a fight, but this is not his fight, it is not a fight he needs to put Skullduggery through.

 “How long until it comes knocking at your door? Until it's not your choice?”
“I protect my warriors.”,
Cyanide unflinching from his position.
“And so do I. So when, yes, when you decide to stop being scared, and step up, I will be by your side, I will fight with you!

The two lock eyes, Guru Vishni appears with Casual Violence, banged up, tail between their legs after defeat. Vishni indicates it's time for Cyanide, Lucketti and Vortex to head to the ring.


d. Skullduggery.jpg.0e5f7236d78e97f8eee598f5c1947a9f.jpgCyanide.jpg.fd5fb7a3cf38abf5b3f132257e4c64e0.jpgVortex.jpg.bd31d8786456457a5fb78fd9ac1c5181.jpgDeeLucketti.jpg.db5d2be65ff48483cb81f8d7be959bd6.jpg
8. Halloween Knight, Pumpkin Jack and HalloWarped, representing 3.E.A.R d. Cyanide, Vortex and Dee Lucketti (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery, in 15:17 {49 rating}
This match will have done wonders for both Vortex and Dee Lucketti in the eyes of the fans. Whilst Vortex has been with ZEN for a short while, building a reputation in the midcard, Lucketti has only been with the company a few months, yet both are given a number of key opportunities to showcase themselves in this main event, and aren't shown as out of their depth against the veteran tecnicos. The story of the match seems to be that as a sum of individual parts the group of Skullduggery are outclassed by the veterans, but have much superior togetherness and Cyanide has drilled the team ethic, and are able to work together to bring the tide back in their favour. There are some awesome spots through the match, the obligatory tower of doom makes an appearance with all 6 men wiping each other out, Dee Lucketti hits his running moonsault topé landing in all other competitors outside the ring to a nice pop, Cyanide hits his DVD into the turnbuckle on Halloween Knight but with HalloWarped also sat in the corner, Halloween Knight absolutely decimates Dee Lucketti with a Piledriver and 3.E.A.R get a breathtakingly close nearfall on Vortex after a triple combo of rolling fireman's carry from HalloWarped, flying elbow from Halloween Knight and then a triple jump moonsault starting from the apron by Pumpkin Jack. The ending sequence sees Cyanide drive HalloWarped to the canvas with his Skull Splitter Brainbuster. Before Cyanide is able to go for the pin he is sent staggering by a Pumpkin Jack superkick, and then a leaping neckbreaker. Jack is back to his feet in time to be caught by Vortex who had scaled the top rope, Vortex flings himself at Jack for a flying DDT, but Pumpkin Jack shows off the surprising upper body strength of his and manages to grab Vortex, halting the momentum of the move, adjusting into an exploder position and spiking the Skullduggery member with the Pumpkinhandle Suplex! This time it's Cyanide's turn to prevent a cover, and soon Jack is in place for the Skull Splitter. Jack tries to fight the move, and his weight distribution causes both men to go tumbling over the top rope when Cyanide attempts the move. HalloWarped has subsequently recovered and notices prone Vortex, lucha rules, they're the only 2 competitors in the ring, 1, 2, 3! 3.E.A.R get the victory.

After the match at Halloween Knight requests a microphone. He first accepts Karrg's challenge for Way Of The Champion, and then turns to Cyanide and says he too needs to accept his duty, not because of Knight, HalloWarped or Jack, not because the Lords Of The ZEN Temple will it to be so, but because this war is coming for everyone, and he knows it's the right thing to do, the only thing to so. Cyanide points out the victory tonight from HalloWarped was on the back of the work of others, that is what Knight instills in his people! He and his warriors will not be fodder. Cyanide protects his warriors, did F.E.A.R protect Pink Spider? Bile? Bucky Snark? Toady? So the answer is “no”.


 At this point the Alien Armada (without the unstable Bile) descend into the arena, from all directions and launch into attack mode. Cyanide grabs Vortex and drags him from the ring, where they gather Dee Lucketti from the outside and scurry away to the back. 3.E.A.R are laid out by the Alien Armada who stand tall to end the show. {38 rating}

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2022 and The Curious Case of ZEN

Looking back as we are from the end of the year, the year of 2022 has been an interesting one for ZEN. ZEN has always been a cult favourite here at totalextremewrestling.com, with a fan base across the globe in online circles way beyond its popularity domestically and ability to draw. It is this fanbase and online sales that has the company sitting in a relatively stable financial position in comparison to companies of equivalent size and influence.

2022 (well the end of 2021 onwards) seemed like the beginning of a change in ZEN’s approach. The reopening of the ZEN Temple Dojo, increasing in production values, running two shows a month instead of the historical one, ZEN looked to be implementing a strategic growth plan. It seems a dangerous plan given the state of the economy in New Zealand, and even more so when globally pro wrestling is seen on a decline everywhere outside of the UK. However, lingering on this a bit more, is it that dangerous? ZEN at its heart is pro wrestling, it even houses some of the finest pure wrestling talents in Australasia, but ZEN is also more than that, it has its own lore, narrative world, ventures of good vs evil with shades of grey between, there’s mythical, spiritual and supernatural, with colourful characters for all of the family. This puts ZEN in a unique position.

Once the past-time of the fringe of society, the “geeks” and “nerds”, in 2022 the world of super heroes, villains, the mythical, spiritual and supernatural are now the stuff of high grossing films and of prestige TV. They are the mainstream summer blockbusters, replacing thrillers and action films of old. This could be ZEN’s window of opportunity to survive the hardships of the industry, opening up a potential new fanbase.


In April of 2022 ZEN announced a relationship with WrestleWorld. This would lead to live broadcast of their shows across the continent of Oceania. Fans in the US were disappointed that they wouldn’t get the shows on their network, even on a delay, but this seemed smart as it still kept the lucrative DVD market open, whilst making the shows more easily accessible in regional areas, albeit in a place where they were unlikely to court those outside of the traditional wrestling fanbase.

The company had intended to launch this partnership at Way Of The Champion, with the culmination of the ZEN: Art Of Winning Tournament, however various technical issues saw this initially delayed until their traditional season ended, Way Of The Warrior. Within new ZEN lore these two shows were rebranded alongside Way Of The Dead and Way Of The Master as “premier showcase events”,

The 4 ZEN Premier Showcase Events



These events would feature more than the 8-matches regularly expected from a ZEN show (between 9 and 11 in 2022), quite often large scale feud ending matches, or matches of high stakes. Whilst the successive three were all streamed live and remained on-demand on WrestleWorld Oceania, Way Of The Champion has not been available until now. In celebration of this we will be reviewing this show next week (as spoiler free as possible to encourage those who have not caught up with ZEN to the end of 2022 to do so, we 100% recommend it!).

Months down the line has the WrestleWorld relationship paid off? It’s hard to say. It has seen ZEN take a financial hit. Live broadcasting is not cheap, and with on-demand access, a number of fans who aren’t the collector type are opting for subscriptions over DVD purchase (and even those who are, 24 shows is an awful lot different to 12 in this economy!), but you could argue there are more eyes on the company than ever across their home continent, with hints of an Australian event coming soon!


Writer note:

As I wasn’t 100% on top of the lore, and was just thinking story ideas from the free agent pool, Bile’s appearance was going to be Shaolin (minus brainwashing) and Massacre’s appearance was going to be Bile (minus all the Cyanide stuff’, obviously). But something cropped up that led to me putting Shaolin into use elsewhere and when editing F.E.A.R to 3.E.A.R in stables I saw about Massacre and good lord! An infinitely better outcome was born.

The 4-events mentioned will get totalextremewrestling.com reviews. This will be a separate post to the show, and is to serve 2 purposes. First to just make them feel a little more special, as whilst big matches/title changes/feud ending matches will obviously happen elsewhere, these are the events that I generally book towards. Secondly, it gives an opportunity to summarise each storyline that’s been in place/run its course, which is a key aspect of ZEN as a company.

Edited by Eugh
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EVENT PREVIEW: Way Of The Champion, 2022

DATE: Saturday 30th April, 2022

LOCATION: Wellington, New Zealand


16 of the most fierce competitors on planet earth have been competing over recent months as part of the ZEN: Art Of Winning tournament. The competition is finally whittled to two, Kalliope Woodchuck and her “biggest stan” Trevor Feather. After showing huge amounts of respect to Kalliope following their match, Skullduggery leader, Cyanide, has instructed Feather that he should fight this fair, he owes it to himself to push himself to the limit as a warrior. This doesn't seem like Trevor Feather’s style, as this match comes after months of attempted emotional warfare from Feather, picking at the wound left by the brainwashed Bucky Snark.

In the background of this, not referenced by either finalist as of yet, is the prophecy given to Halloween Knight about the tournament identifying the one to change the tide in the war with the Alien Armada. Kalliope Woodchuck has many reasons to go after Karrg already, and she has promised that one winning the tournament she is coming from Karrg and The Malothian for what they did to her beau, Bucky Snark. However, could Trevor Feather also be the unexpected hero? in his semi-final match with Bucky Snark, his underhand tactics highlighted a specific weakness in the brainwashed humans, that whilst they might not feel certain attacks, the effects of them will still resonate. Feather effectively blinded his opponent to gain an advantage. Is Trevor feather the unlikely and reluctant hero ZEN needs?

All three titles will be up for grabs at Way Of The Champion. ZEN Master, Karrg The Insidious has released a challenge to former 5-time champion, Halloween Knight, which was promptly accepted. Part of this may have been to try and drive a wedge between Knight and Pumpkin Jack, but Karrg also made an accusation that Knight and he, were not too different. Just like Karrg and his mind washed human drones, Knight setting up allies, ZEN wrestlers and more recently alumni, as fodder in the war (sentiments that Skullduggery’s Cyanide also spouts). Karrg said Knight should stop having others do his dirty work and step up to him, himself. Could Halloween Knight be the man to afford Karrg his first defeat and bring the Master title back to the tecnicos?

As the 3.E.A.R member in charge of strategy in the war with the Alien Armada, Pumpkin Jack wants to set himself in a collision course with Karrg The Insidious. Originally challenging him for Way Of The Champion, Karrg refused, saying that Jack was not worthy of his time. Instead he proposed the “5 Trials of Pumpkin Jack”. Over the next few months Jack must face face-off in 4 matches curated by Karrg, he doesn't have to win these matches, merely survive! An ominous notion! If he does that, he will get his match with Karrg as the 5th trial. Karrg’s first opponent for Jack is brainwashed Armada henchman, ex-ZEN Master and former ally of Pumpkin Jack, in Pink Spider! This will also be a submission match!

Jack has indicated he doesn't care if his face-off with Karrg is for the title or not, it is about more than that. Karrg will have no shortages of challengers before then who may dethrone him, if he manages to make his way through Halloween Knight, the next in line being decided tonight. Earlier this month the Lords of the ZEN Temple announced a 4-way top contenders match at Way Of The Champion, the victor going on to face Karrg The Insidious or Halloween Knight at best month’s Way Of The Poet. The match sees two rivalries collide as Killer B and ZERO bring their issues to the fray, based on ZERO’s heinous and unprovoked attack on B’s manager and ZEN favourite, Molly Cuddle. You also have Cyanide and HalloWarped, 3.E.A.R’s attempt at courting Skullduggery into the war with the Alien Armada has been far from successful, originally spearheaded by HalloWarped, Cyanide took exception to this, getting under HalloWarped's skin implying his success is not of his own merit, instead on the backs of other more successful individuals. Throw a future shot at the biggest championship in ZEN and this match is going to be a barn burner!

Devilfish started the year with limited success. Stretched in two directions, he was being ruthlessly targeted by Skullduggery, with Cyanide wishing to gain a greater level of control over the training methods at the ZEN Temple Dojo, whilst also being a key support for F.E.A.R as a tecnico ally against the Alien Armada, and it seemed like he was missing a support system of his own. Halloween Knight drafted back Lone Shark, and the former allies reunited, promising to do the one-thing they couldn't do previously, win the ZEN Harmony Championships! At Way Of The Philosopher they bested Casual Violence, of Skullduggery, potentially putting a full stop on Lerone Slim and Rekha’s targeting of Devilfish, and they earned a shot at the elusive Harmony Titles. MAN O’WAR and Laguna The Loyal have been dominant champions, with 5 successful defences to their name, will to fight make it 6, or will DevilShark correct the record books?

Speaking of Casual Violence and Skullduggery, the Lords of the ZEN Temple have still not given up on courting Cyanide and his group to the side of humanity in the war with the Alien Armada. To help tempt Cyanide on-side they have announced that the first official showcase of the Class of ‘22 graduates of the ZEN Temple Dojo will be against Skullduggery, namely Lerone Slim, Rekha, Vortex and Dee Lucketti. Skullduggery will definitely go in looking to toughen the rookies up, in a way only the group can.

Another hope in the war with the Alien Armada may have appeared over the last month. At Way Of The Enemy it looked like Auckland Raider had dethroned Deathwatch Beetle, in a convincing manner, only for a jealous Booster Boy to interfere and allow Beetle to retain on a technicality. This clearly spooked Karrg, as he assigned his second in command MAN O’WAR to make sure that Auckland Raider would not get a one-on-one rematch with Beetle. Through shenanigans of the Armada, Booster Boy ended up defeating Auckland Raider, finding his way into the match, with the Armada viewing this as fodder for Beetle, for the hope for a more achievable victory. This was not the main talking pint of Way Of The Philosopher however, that was how Auckland Raider seemed entirely unphased by the aura and doom of the Malothian Claw, a stark contrast to the glimpses of death seen by Pink Spider. What does this mean?!?

Hez Jendell is on a mission to gain revenge on the Alien Armada for the eradication of the Falandùq race. Having recently aligned with Kalliope Woodchuck and BFF Celestina Cherish, she has showcased the beginning of an ability of their people called “fire speaking”, where they produce a mist like substance, a substance that temporarily incapacitated The Malothian and his drones, and arguably he hasn't quite been the same since, with the Armada even speculating this could be the issue with the corruption of the monster, Bile. This power could be a way of overcoming The Malothian and the Alien Armada forces (and why the Armada had targeted the Falandùq race for eradication?), however, Hez cannot control this power, and needs the training that would have been offered by their people. Shockingly Hez believes that that is a “fire speaker” in hiding in the ZEN locker room, FEAR alternatively suspect the residue was merely black mould. Either way, the increased prominence of Jendell, and the fact the tecnicos forces are rallying around them has led to increased attention from the Alien Armada, as they are sending Bucky Snark and Toady to take on Hez Jendell and Celestina Cherish at Way Of The Champion.

And finally, we have a 9th match-up for this showcase event! After an upset defeat at the turn of the year, The Ghost Hunters have been viciously targeting Crime Buster and his rookie partner on the beat, Blue Chip. Screwing the pair out of their Harmony Title match, and then taking both of the wholesome boys in blue out of action over the next few months. The Beat returned at full strength at Way Of The Philosopher and came out victorious over The Ghost Hunters as part of a trios match. Blue Chip thinks The Ghost Hunters are up to something beyond attacking The Beat, with ZEN cameras catching some suspicious interactions with Halloween Knight’s fortune teller, is he correct? Or is Crime Buster’s assurances they are merely villains of simple motive the correct call? Will The Beat get the best of The Ghost Hunters again, or will Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde gain a victory back over ZEN’S wholesome boys in blue?

There are 9 matches at Way Of The Champion, the first of ZEN’S premier showcase events for 2022.

(C) Karrg The Insidious, representing Alien Armada vs. Halloween Knight, representing 3.E.A.R

Kalliope Woodchuck, representing 2 Girls and a...Whatever vs. Trevor Feather (w/Guru Vishni) representing Skullduggery

Pumpkin Jack, representing 3.E.A.R vs. Pink Spider, representing Alien Armada

Cyanide, representing Skullduggery vs. HalloWarped, representing 3.E.A.R vs. Killer B (w/Molly Cuddle) vs. ZERO

(C) MAN O’WAR and Laguna The Loyal, representing Alien Armada vs. DevilShark, of Devilfish and Lone Shark

The Temple Dojo Class of ‘22, of B1G, Patrick Howard, Stretch and TJ Ward vs. Skullduggery, of Lerone Slim, Rekha, Vortex and Dee Lucketti (w/Guru Vishni)

(C) Deathwatch Beetle, representing Alien Armada vs. Auckland Raider vs. Booster Boy


Bucky Snark and Toady, representing Alien Armada vs. Celestina Cherish and Hez Jendell, representing Two Girls and a...Whatever

The Beat, of Crime Buster and Blue Chip vs. The Ghost Hunters, of Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde

Edited by Eugh
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Way Of The Champion 

(C) Karrg The Insidious, representing Alien Armada vs. Halloween Knight, representing 3.E.A.R

To me the Alien Armada is fun but it's the default Main Event feud at the start and having Knight w1n here allows you to shape things the way you want going forward.

Kalliope Woodchuck, representing 2 Girls and a...Whatever vs. Trevor Feather (w/Guru Vishni) representing Skullduggery

Woodchuck is a future Main Eventer and it's time to pull the trigger on that run to the top.  I'd book a Skullduggery beatdown and a save by the other 2 girls and whatever too. A Feather v Woodchuck rematch is very tempting.

Pumpkin Jack, representing 3.E.A.R vs. Pink Spider, representing Alien Armada

Jack is going over for at least the first 4 trials as far as I am concerned.

Cyanide, representing Skullduggery vs. HalloWarped, representing 3.E.A.R vs. Killer B (w/Molly Cuddle) vs. ZERO

As I said time to pivot the Main Event and Cyanide v Knight is a perfect feud at the top of the card.

(C) MAN O’WAR and Laguna The Loyal, representing Alien Armada vs. DevilShark, of Devilfish and Lone Shark

I honestly have the Armada going down in flames here so they can take a step back and regroup for a new era - perhaps splittign in two and feuding with each other.

The Temple Dojo Class of ‘22, of B1G, Patrick Howard, Stretch and TJ Ward vs. Skullduggery, of Lerone Slim, Rekha, Vortex and Dee Lucketti (w/Guru Vishni)

I've got it as being a biggish night for Skullduggery well until Feather's loss

(C) Deathwatch Beetle, representing Alien Armada vs. Auckland Raider vs. Booster Boy

Time to pull the trigger on Hall.

Bucky Snark and Toady, representing Alien Armada vs. Celestina Cherish and Hez Jendell, representing Two Girls and a...Whatever

Time for the Armada to go down big time.

The Beat, of Crime Buster and Blue Chip vs. The Ghost Hunters, of Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde

The Beat's time will come but I think the Rudos get a win here because later on I am predicting a rout for the Armada.

Comments: I am probably wrong on all the Armada stuff but to me it just feels right to change things up soon.  

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(C) Karrg The Insidious, representing Alien Armada vs. Halloween Knight, representing 3.E.A.R

Kalliope Woodchuck, representing 2 Girls and a...Whatever vs. Trevor Feather (w/Guru Vishni) representing Skullduggery

Pumpkin Jack, representing 3.E.A.R vs. Pink Spider, representing Alien Armada

Cyanide, representing Skullduggery vs. HalloWarped, representing 3.E.A.R vs. Killer B (w/Molly Cuddle) vs. ZERO

(C) MAN O’WAR and Laguna The Loyal, representing Alien Armada vs. DevilShark, of Devilfish and Lone Shark

The Temple Dojo Class of ‘22, of B1G, Patrick Howard, Stretch and TJ Ward vs. Skullduggery, of Lerone Slim, Rekha, Vortex and Dee Lucketti (w/Guru Vishni)

(C) Deathwatch Beetle, representing Alien Armada vs. Auckland Raider vs. Booster Boy


Bucky Snark and Toady, representing Alien Armada vs. Celestina Cherish and Hez Jendell, representing Two Girls and a...Whatever

The Beat, of Crime Buster and Blue Chip vs. The Ghost Hunters, of Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde

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(C) Karrg The Insidious, representing Alien Armada vs. Halloween Knight, representing 3.E.A.R

Kalliope Woodchuck, representing 2 Girls and a...Whatever vs. Trevor Feather (w/Guru Vishni) representing Skullduggery

Pumpkin Jack, representing 3.E.A.R vs. Pink Spider, representing Alien Armada

Cyanide, representing Skullduggery vs. HalloWarped, representing 3.E.A.R vs. Killer B (w/Molly Cuddle) vs. ZERO

(C) MAN O’WAR and Laguna The Loyal, representing Alien Armada vs. DevilShark, of Devilfish and Lone Shark

The Temple Dojo Class of ‘22, of B1G, Patrick Howard, Stretch and TJ Ward vs. Skullduggery, of Lerone Slim, Rekha, Vortex and Dee Lucketti (w/Guru Vishni)

(C) Deathwatch Beetle, representing Alien Armada vs. Auckland Raider vs. Booster Boy


Bucky Snark and Toady, representing Alien Armada vs. Celestina Cherish and Hez Jendell, representing Two Girls and a...Whatever

The Beat, of Crime Buster and Blue Chip vs. The Ghost Hunters, of Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde

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Now for your viewing pleasure on WrestleWorld Oceania (and previously for DVD purchase from ZEN, and on a few torrent sites).




---WAY OF THE---


DATE: Saturday 30th April, 2022

LOCATION: Wellington, New Zealand


The first "premier showcase event" of 2022 gets underway with a bang! 

ZEN: Art Of Winning Tournament - Grand Final

2gwhatever.jpg.8c3e84e147fd39204ecaf1073b384eab.jpgKalliopeWoodchuck.jpg.5edbe5840a33a2841e0c0c837357e829.jpg d. Skullduggery.jpg.0e5f7236d78e97f8eee598f5c1947a9f.jpgTrevorFeather.jpg.853d446f95c7106a6b3b0289acb49112.jpg w/ GuruVishni.jpg.18d0d52e5ecf95b0cb50ea9adafc8acf.jpg
1. Kalliope Woodchuck, representing Two Girls and a…Whatever d. Trevor Feather (w/Guru Vishni), representing Skullduggery, in 12:27 {62 rating}
I don't think the crowd were expecting this to open the show, so it led to an electric atmosphere as Dustin Thane emerged with the trophy as the special ring announcer for the contest. Woodchuck is out first to a big pop, slapping hands, rallying the crowd up. Feather can't resist one last dig at Woodchuck, coming out to his house party remix of Woodchuck's social media wallowing. The match the follows, wow! If there is another match in ZEN this year that tops this then the fans have been spoiled. It's absolutely all out from the first bell, the brimming resentment between the two competitors indicating from early doors that this is not going to be a technical wrestling clinic, or a slow build. Interestingly Feather limits his underhand tactics, so eye pokes and gouges, and psychological games with his opponent, but doesn't seem to push it too far with his rudo ways, potentially taking on-board what Cyanide said about this match. There are some cool innovative spots, Feather is caught celebrating sitting on the apron by Woodchuck’s handstand rana from the arena floor, sending him crashing hard to the wooden ground. Feather also busts out and avalanche powerslam, which gains a nearfall. The pair jostle to attempt their signature moves, Woodchuck looks for the Woodchuck Cutter but Feather manages to block with a cobra clutch, for his Feather Ruffler. He hoists up Woodchuck but there is a reversal into an armdrag, which Woodchuck turns into a la magistral, 1, 2, close! Woodchuck takes a short run-up and spikes Feather with a jumping tornado DDT, another cover, 1, 2, Feather kicks out again. Feather doesn't hold on much longer as he falls victim to the Woodchuck Cutter. The crowd count along, 1, 2, 3!

Kalliope Woodchuck celebrates in the ring with the trophy to the delight of the crowd. Trevor Feather begins to eye her up and is very clearly telegraphing attacking her from behind. However, Cyanide appears through the crowd at ringside, he glares at Trevor Feather, who steps down and out of the ring, leaving with the Skullduggery leader and Guru Vishni. Kalliope Woodchuck is far too engrossed in her celebration, not making her way into the crowd to celebrate among the fans, to even notice Trevor Feather lining up for attack, and Cyanide's intervention. {51 rating}


BruceStrange.jpg.d8eefcf28c86341313cc368fd56d2433.jpgMisterHyde.jpg.1e35b3e1eb07b39141f79a3fb8746b0f.jpg d. CrimeBuster.jpg.95f6dfef8e4eb0376ad15c83f9890beb.jpgElAvatar.jpg.900159b7ff84c8c1034b370224a48362.jpg

2. The Ghost Hunters, of Bruce Strange and Mister Hyde d. The Beat, of Crime Buster and Blue Chip, in 7:56 {47 rating}
The crowd definitely seemed more invested in this contest than the first time these teams met, a greater familiarity with Blue Chip, the building up of the storyline, and the high the crowd were on after the first match all definitely helped. Back and forth, standard tag team affair, with a few nice spots. The Ghost Hunters’ sidewalk slam/legdrop combo is just so clean, Buster and Chip introduce a new spot where Chip is vaulted by Buster over the top rope into a front flip topé. The Beat almost have it, but a last minute pin breakup from Bruce Strange saves his teammate. The situation arose as Mister Hyde attempted a big Lariat on Blue Chip, but the rookie highflyer essentially back flipped out of it, sending Hyde staggering into a spear from the oncoming Crime Buster. A little clunky, but it popped the crowd. This ends up with Strange and Blue Chip in the ring as legal men through the lucha tag rules. Chip knocks Strange down and after scaling the top rope hits a Moonsault. This move has won matches before, but Blue Chip doesn't attempt a pin, instead rolling Bruce over into an attempt at a headlock choke, although the rookie seems to lack the upper body strength and technique to pull it off. Chip starts to interrogate and scream at Strange “Tell us what you are planning!”, however all this accomplishes is to distract Crime Buster outside the ring who tells Blue Chip just to finish the match, leaving his guard down to be blasted with a Mister Hyde lariat. Strange breaks out of the hold and tags in Mister Hyde. Crime Buster is trying to recover but Blue Chip must be regretting his decision, as he is manhandled by his larger opponents and dropped with the Double Chokeslam, allowing Mister Hyde to seal the victory.


—Conceptual Title Match—

AlienArmada.jpg.0903061975fc552a3e3d95a86abf7d9c.jpgDeathwatchBeetle.jpg.7d06e03e863d79afa98a1ac514d86116.jpg d. AuklandRaider.jpg.aec42b1eae3565e719b64140e3a46031.jpg | BoosterBoy.jpg.bf7d4066d86ecf602c317f52bb6075c4.jpg
3. Deathwatch Beetle (C), representing Alien Armada d. Auckland Raider and Booster Boy in a 3-way, in 7:40, making the 4th defence of the Conceptual Title {46 rating}
Auckland Raider is a man with a purpose, and takes immediate control of the match alternating between clubbing blows on the two opponents. The Armada clearly saw Booster Boy as an easy target, and Beetle’s plan for victory reflects this, as he seems content to toss Auckland Raider out of the ring at any given chance, and then trying to steal a pin over Booster Boy. Auckland Raider gets visibly more and more frustrated at this, as it is messing up his momentum in the match. At the fourth time of Beetle attempting this, Raider is able to wriggle free and instead and tosses Beetle to the outside. This gives Booster Boy an opening to attempt the Energy Booster (Flatliner) on Raider but Raider merely shoves him to the canvas. He hoists Booster Boy into a military press and tosses him over the top onto the rising Deathwatch Beetle on the outside. Raider begins to psyche up the crowd “HUT! HUT! HUT!”, he dashes and launches himself through the middle rope with a suicide dive and absolutely wipes out his two opponents! Backstage the Alien Armada have obviously sensed danger and The Malothian makes his way out through the curtain. Raider hasn't noticed this and is instead working away on Deathwatch Beetle in the ring. The Malothian grabs Auckland Raider's feet and drags him from the ring, he begins to tear at Raider's mask/helmet as Beetle unloads on Booster Boy in the ring. He finishes a punch combo with a Discus Punch, 1, 2, 3! Deathwatch Beetle retains.


Outside the ring The Malothian has torn the visor off Raider's mask and seems to be trying to apply The Malothian Claw. Raider is screaming at him “SORRY MAN I DON’T SPEAK BRAILLE! I DON’T SPEAK BRAILLE!”. The Malothian’s hand is ungloved, he is clearly trying to gain control over Raider! His hand is inside the helmet/mask of Raider, but it doesn't seem to be having an effect on the intended victim at all!!


The music of Hez Jendell hits and Jendell, Celestina Cherish and Kalliope Woodchuck charge the ringside area. Scared of Jendell’s mist, Beetle gets Malothian to cover his hand and they step away. Auckland Raider seems okay and unaffected by the attack, besides anger at being screwed out of his belt again, and rants that the pale nerd needs to be institutionalised. 

Standing at the curtain The Malothian gestures and not too long later Bucky Snark and Toady appear, it looks like our tag match is up next. {30 rating}

2gwhatever.jpg.8c3e84e147fd39204ecaf1073b384eab.jpgCelestinaCherish.jpg.ca7a827fb00d9127e883b67cd6894923.jpgHezJendell.jpg.ba0700e22df4ef9b146c0efdd174a599.jpg w/KalliopeWoodchuck.jpg.5edbe5840a33a2841e0c0c837357e829.jpg

d. AlienArmada.jpg.0903061975fc552a3e3d95a86abf7d9c.jpgBuckminsterSnark.jpg.7b72c78d763d89f472c794818243c4f2.jpgToady.jpg.2f0d10a42c384a9feb10fb4c45aae7aa.jpg
4. Celestina Cherish and Hez Jendell (w/Kalliope Woodchuck), representing 2 Girls and a…Whatever d. Bucky Snark and Toady, representing Alien Armada, in 11:24 {40 rating}
Woodchuck stays ringside with her stable mates and comes face to face with her ex-beau, the brainwashed Bucky Snark. Snark does not seem to register Woodchuck at all, well he registers her presence, but who she is does not seem to mean anything to him. The tecnico team are all about high paced offence, nothing particularly high flying, at least in the early stages, but fresh out of lucha libre seminar work or armdrags, takedowns and chain moves is the bulk of the offence. It pops the crowd, and Jendell in particular comes across looking really good. Bucky Snark is the provider of most of his teams offence, his striking game being able to generate large levels of sympathy for the tecnicos, and provides a storyline beat of an increasing discomfort for Kalliope Woodchuck, watching her former love brutalise her new friends. The imperviousness to direct pain of The Malothian's men is also a theme through this match, however there are a couple of situations where the tecnico team look like they might get the better of Toady. Cherish hits and enziguri and then a shining enziguri back to back, but only secures a 2. A jawbreaker from Jendell into a backslide driver from Cherish is broken up by Bucky Snark at 2 as well. Another key spot sees Toady in the corner, a charging Jendell connects with double knees, and then a running bulldog to the centre of the ring. After composing herself, Jendell goes for a standing Moonsault, but is shoved midair, halfway across the ring by Bucky Snark! The best type of fan groans to a wrestling match happen in response to this, it looked sick! Snark continues the rough approach, later tossing Celestina Cherish from the top rope by her hair. He is warned by the ref, and this seems to be the straw that breaks the camels back for Kalliope, who jumps onto the apron and begins yelling at Bucky Snark to wake up, and he’s better than this, this isn't the real him. After a momentary staredown, Snark roundhouse kicks the victor of the Art Of Winning tournament off the apron, but as he turns around he is caught with an inside cradle from Celestina, 1, 2, 3! What a victory for Celestina Cherish!



Backstage segment - B-ready {36 rating}
Killer B and Molly Cuddle are backstage. Killer B again apologises for being overprotective, Molly says she understands, but she's a manager, she knows the risks, this is what she does. She asks again if he understands the plan or if he wants to go over it again. B thinks for a bit before saying "Maybe once more", Molly Cuddle shoos the cameraman away as the pair clearly talk strategy for the ZEN Master contenders match later tonight.


Skullduggery.jpg.0e5f7236d78e97f8eee598f5c1947a9f.jpgLeroneSlim.jpg.aa70367b8ffba9d8a157536d58ba07e2.jpgRekha.jpg.100f4d39d2bcc2e581d50817fa8c0f5e.jpgVortex.jpg.bd31d8786456457a5fb78fd9ac1c5181.jpgDeeLucketti.jpg.db5d2be65ff48483cb81f8d7be959bd6.jpg w/ GuruVishni.jpg.18d0d52e5ecf95b0cb50ea9adafc8acf.jpg

d. ZEN--ALTlogo.JPG.7df773b279a501ddd6fd56426928bac3.JPGB1G.jpg.790a33d7bbaf227837e12da4b5515ad7.jpgPatHoward.jpg.b687bd101c3c2fa8e629b7303e159786.jpgStretch.jpg.4b0afc8c7a25556d999650383201e234.jpgTJWard.jpg.d0ecd1637664828563f253e60e5a15f6.jpg

5. Skullduggery, of Lerone Slim, Rekha, Vortex and Dee Lucketti (w/Guru Vishni) vs. ZEN Temple Dojo Class of ‘22, of B1G, Patrick Howard, Stretch and TJ Ward, in 8:59 {35 rating}
The dojo graduates really never stood a chance here, the powerful forces of Skullduggery always seemed to have enough in the tank to get the victory. Of the graduates it was Patrick Howard and TJ Ward who were the pair that got in the most successful offence, Ward hitting a beautiful fisherman's DDT to Vortex, who sold it like an absolute champ as well, and having some good chain wrestling moments with Dee Lucketti. Howard also has a moment of babyface fire where he is temporarily able to takedown both members of Casual Violence with back-to-back offence, until he gets a bit too ahead of himself and ends up getting roughed up quite comprehensively by the pair. Stretch is simply tossed around and battered by all members of the opposition. Perfect foil for a squash. He is victim of two significant moments, whilst lying on the apron he is crushed by a Vortex flying double stomp, and later on he is tossed high into the air by Lerone Slim, before receiving a brutal Slim Pickings, forearm smash. B1G seems to grate on his team. He has two key moments, tagging himself in off the back of TJ Ward and attempts a Swanton Bomb on a downed Dee Lucketti, only for Lucketti to move and the big man to crash to the canvas, where in agony he instantly tags himself back out by slapping TJ Ward. Earlier in the encounter he joins in a run of dives to the outside, when he hits a Moonsault to all other 7-competitors outside the ring. Unfortunately it's a Moonsault which the members of Skullduggery actually avoid, with B1G simply wiping out his own team! Although he was far too busy celebrating to notice this, well until he was knocked out by a Rekha roundhouse kick. The finish sees Dee Lucketti get his first pinfall victory in ZEN, driving Patrick Howard to the canvas with a Michinoku Driver for the 3.



Backstage segment - Lloyd won't back down {33 rating}
During the intermission there's a short backstage promo from Ferdy Lloyd. He says he's disappointed to not be in action tonight, and has been nursing a small knock. However, Cyanide and Skullduggery have not got rid of him, and he's still coming for Cyanide. He challenges Cyanide to a match next month, no time limit, there must be a winner!



Backstage segment - 2 Girls And A...Whatever {48 rating}
Two Girls And A...Whatever also have a promo backstage, which airs during the intermission. Celestina Cherish is in absolutely buoyant spirits, yapping away following her victory with Hez Jendell tonight. Jendell and Woodchuck aren't quite as chipper, but are supportive of their friend. Jendell promises it is step 1 in taking down the Armada, and tells F.E.A.R to take note that The Malothian was scared of her, we need to find the more powerful "fire speaker" in the locker room, and that could hold the key for taking them down. Woodchuck says she's had many battles with "her Bucky", before they fell for each other. He looked at her like he didn't know her, but she didn't recognise him at all either. That was a cheap shot kick, but it was the weakest he has ever hit, is the warrior even still in there? "Speak for yourself, girl! He kicked me pretty damn hard! I'm about beating my face, not getting my face beat!", chimes in Celestina Cherish. Woodchuck finishes by saying she loves her shiny new trophy, but it will soon be outshined by the glove of a fallen Malothian, the mask of a fallen Karrg, "her Bucky" back to the warrior he was, "in my arms" ("She said ARMS!" reverberates out from the expected source), and the title of ZEN Master around her waist! 


—Harmony Title Match—

AlienArmada.jpg.0903061975fc552a3e3d95a86abf7d9c.jpgManOWar.jpg.4b94e2eac4696e657fc5115524323a2e.jpgLagunaTheLoyal.jpg.d6373b52caee86d2c475855cac774ea5.jpg d. Devilfish.jpg.1ae479e98caa5beef6475491fe1e1cc9.jpgLonesharkupdate.jpg.3b0511a38efbff9671dcea1bb87778c1.jpg
6. (C) MAN O’WAR and Laguna The Loyal, representing Alien Armada d. DevilShark, of Devilfish and Lone Shark, in 14:35, making the 6th defence of the Harmony Titles {56 rating}
For those hopeful for an undercard fall for the Alien Armada, that would ultimately not happen. However, much like the Conceptual Title victory earlier in the evening this is not a glowing and dominant victory, which continues to give hope to the tecnicos in the ZEN ranks. It genuinely feels like DevilShark have not missed a beat, running rings around the larger Laguna The Loyal. Unlikely the earlier tag team contests this built a lot more around double team moves, from both groups. DevilShark get a couple of nearfalls requiring breakups from their wheelbarrow/rocker dropper combo, as well as their total elimination spin kick/sweep. Laguna gets a brief moment to show his power, reversing a double suplex from the challengers by suplexing both simultaneously. His momentum is short-lived, as he hits the ropes only to be caught with a double hip-toss and a pair of basement dropkicks. It isn't one way traffic, the champions getting in their inverse doomsday device to Devilfish. Fish is also the victim of a rather innovative (but not sure how effective) double team move as he is monkey flipped from the corner by MAN O'WAR, doing a full flip, only to be caught in a black hole slam from Laguna The Loyal in midair. This is only enough for a 2, as Lone Shark breaks things up. The challengers manage to get Laguna out of the action and can focus on the traitorous MAN O’WAR. This seems as though it could yield dividends until MAN O’WAR drags the referee into a collision with Lone Shark. With the referee out this opens the window for shenanigans.


Interestingly these shenanigans don't come from the Alien Armada, but Lerone Slim and Rekha! Casual Violence hit the ring and attack Devilfish and Lone Shark. The assault culminates with Slim unmasking Devilfish!! Lone Shark dives to cover his partner’s face as Slim and Rekha taunt to jeers from the crowd. A towel is given to Devilfish for his face to be covered, the referee has seen none of this! Casual Violence bark at MAN O’WAR and Laguna as they leave that they haven't forgotten about their titles either. Lone Shark very much has to go it alone now, and it's not long until he is dropped with the Spike Tombstone/Anchor Drop. The referee counts the three. Heinous actions from Casual Violence tonight!


Contenders Match - Master Title

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7. Killer B (w/Molly Cuddle) d. Cyanide, representing Skullduggery, HalloWarped, representing 3.E.A.R, and ZERO, in a 4-way match, in 22:07 {52 rating}
Before the match gets underway Dustin Thane on commentary runs down that the first pinfall or submission will secure the victory, and will receive a match against the winner of tonight's main event at the next show, Way Of The Poet. A competitor can be disqualified and removed from the match due to excessive violence or using a foul in front of the referee. Thane seems to be stressing this due to the bad blood between the competitorss, with Cyanide and HalloWarped far from being in good turns, and Killer B and ZERO in the heat of a bitter feud. Killer B is accompanied by Molly Cuddle tonight, yes there's the fear of ZERO, but her help and strategy was essential to victory at Way Of The Philosopher, and so it turns out, in this match as well! When the bell rings HalloWarped and Cyanide at straight at it and ZERO and Killer B are exactly the same. They all fight around the ringside area, the referee with very little hope of keeping it under control. The battles remain segregated for about the first third of the match, before the inevitable happens and the battles cross contaminate. It is ZERO who throws the first stone, so to speak, hitting HalloWarped with a cheap shot double axehandle from behind, before sticking the boots in. There's an initial 2-on-1 alliance between ZERO and Cyanide who put a beatdown on HalloWarped, however that is quickly broken, and it's Cyanide who comes out on top of the rudos initial exchange with a spinning backfist. This however this puts him into the sights of a recovered Killer B, there's an exchange between the two that ends with a bridging German suplex from Killer B, and now it's HalloWarped's turn to break the pin at 1, and we get a tecnico vs. tecnico exchange, HalloWarped coming out on top with a lungblower. The match continues with neither of the four competitors gaining and ultimate advantage, however all have moments of looking strong. There's far too much happening ringside for ZERO to even be thinking of going after Molly Cuddle, but the action packed nature of the match is also making it impossible for Molly’s instructions to cut through to Killer B as well.

It's Killer B who starts to take a brunt of offence and is soon tangled up by ZERO into his Indian Deathlock variant, Holding Out For a ZERO. It’s an almost impossible move to escape, very few have. Killer B does his very best to hold on and hope someone else is there to save him, he's in luck as HalloWarped breaks the submission. With HalloWarped and ZERO brawling Cyanide pounces and applies a cloverleaf to the sprawled Killer B, applying more pressure to his back. Again Killer B does everything to hold on, and again HalloWarped is his saviour. Although, not for long, as it's all just a means for HalloWarped to hit a vertical but struggling Killer B with his Warped Speed running knee strike! 1, 2, so close! Killer B just gets his shoulder up! HalloWarped can't believe it, once again the Warped Speed knee is not enough! Does he have a move in him to guarantee a singles victory? The frustration is clearly causing him to lose focus and he is soon dumped from the ring by the rudos. Molly Cuddle is learning into the ring talking to the fallen Killer B who has made it to the corner, still not recovered. ZERO and Cyanide go at it until Cyanide is tied up into a cattle mutilation submission from ZERO. He's got it wrenched in but Cyanide is holding on, Cuddle is still simply talking to Killer B softly. Cyanide seems to be fading but HalloWarped to the rescue once again, as he makes it to the apron and breaks the hold with a slingshot rolling senton, landing hard on the unprotected stomach of ZERO. The camera catches Molly Cuddle frantically tapping Killer B, “Now!” she says. Killer B jumps up and charges across the ring, HalloWarped had rolled through onto his knees, a perfect position for the B-Sting knee strike! Killer B falls onto HalloWarped, 1, 2, 3! 

ZERO.jpg.91e5d4f34353b9d7f1c33cc9a0fc0466.jpgKillerB.jpg.7f47d44370f0b82d79e09beb4c636ed5.jpg -> MollyCuddle.jpg.3f6d8b84ca2937f04bab66d9489ff614.jpg

ZERO had used all his might to start and crawl towards the pin, however it became apparent he wouldn't reach, and instead stayed on all four manically laughing as the ref counted three. There's a great shot as Killer B starts celebrating on the mat, only to turn and notice ZERO still laughing metres from his face. “You worry about me, but now you're going to offer her up unprotected to the alien who takes bodies and minds at will!”. ZERO breaks his laughter enough to deliver this as a parting shot before rolling out of the ring leaving Killer B looking shell shocked. Well, this is all assuming Karrg retains the Master title (emphasises the commentary team). {38 rating}


The 5 Trials of Pumpkin Jack #1 - Submission Match

3EAR.png.d8d3d1941497ea17ed62c133ac88a726.pngPumpkinJack.jpg.153a531dc4d9ce78a5d843789d10a805.jpg d. AlienArmada.jpg.0903061975fc552a3e3d95a86abf7d9c.jpgPinkSpider.jpg.b1beaa70447275328427a738d50cfcb1.jpg
8. Pumpkin Jack, representing 3.E.A.R d. Pink Spider, representing Alien Armada, in 18:17, via ref stoppage {57 rating}
Pumpkin Jack comes out to a huge response, looking fired up for this match. The stipulation is really not for the benefit of the long-time ZEN tecnico, a high impact high flyer and grappler, whilst he does have some takedowns and holds in his arsenal, he is not a competitor known as a submission expect. Unlike his opponent, who whilst adding the Spider Smash to his arsenal since he won the Master Title back in 2021, has long been known as a technical expert in ZEN, with his much feared Web of Destruction submission, the move which Pink Spider actually used to defeat Pumpkin Jack to become ZEN Master in 2021. You can tell Jack is conflicted at fighting his former ally, particularly as he knows that Pink Spider is in this position against his will, under the mind control powers of The Malothian, but at a certain point it becomes a need for self preservation, as Pink Spider clearly has the upper hand during the early stages of the contest. Jack attempts a technical approach, but his submissions seem to be having very little effect on Pink Spider. It could be easy to write this off as poor technique and application on the part of Pumpkin Jack, but as we've seen over the past few months, the pain thresholds of The Malothian's mind controlled drones are insane. Unfeeling to traditional pain, instead at certain points succumbing to accumulated fatigue. However, the lack of pain soon becomes a big talking point of the commentators, it really looks like Karrg has put Pumpkin Jack in an impossible position. Will Pink Spider ever submit!? Will he feel enough pain to ever do so? Then more philosophically, Pink Spider is his friend, his friend is still in there somewhere (we hope), what is Pumpkin Jack going to have to do to Pink Spider's body to potentially win this match? The match therefore lives up to its name, and there is a storyline running throughout, of a conflicted Jack who is hesitant to go too hard on Pink Spider, but eventually realising he is going to have to push it more and more and more.

Realising the submissions are getting nowhere, Jack changes tact, switching to his regular high flying and high impact offence. In doing so he begins to notice he has been weakening the body of Pink Spider, particularly his shoulders and neck through the holds applied. Pink Spider keeps trying to return it to a submission exchange, he almost gets his Web Of Destruction octopus stretch locked in, but Pumpkin Jack wriggles free, dropping Spider to the canvas and locking in an STF/cravat variant. Pumpkin Jack is screaming and wrenching back on Pink Spider, but it's as if the submission is taking more out of him than his opponent. Jack adjusts his hand and wrenches at one of the few remaining Spider legs on Pink Spider's mask, he pulls off one, and then another, leaving only 2 of the original 8 pink legs remaining on his opponents mask. As they are torn off Jack begs for Pink Spider to submit, he still does not! Jack scoops up Pink Spider and spikes him with a muscle buster, "Orange Bowl!" screams Dustin Thane on commentary. Jack rolls around and locks his opponent into a rear naked choke! Pink Spider will not submit, but his airflow is very clearly disrupted, and whilst he shows no inclination to give up, his body makes that decision for him as he completely passes out! The referee calls for the bell and declares Pumpkin Jack the winner.


A devastated Jack quickly releases his lifeless (former) friend and calls for road agents, referees and medical personnel to come out to check on the limp and unconscious Pink Spider. It's not long until MAN O'WAR leads out a gaggle of the Armada, including Laguna The Loyal, Deathwatch Beetle, Toady and The Malothian. Head road agent New Zealand Pitbull encourages Jack and the other ZEN personnel out of the ring, as the members of the Alien Armada step into the ring. The Malothian gestured for Pink Spider to rise, but he is unconscious. The Malothian cocked his head to the side, clearly not sure as to why his summoning didn't work. MAN O'WAR taps Laguna The Loyal who hoists the limp body of Pink Spider over his shoulder and they lead him off to the back. As they head behind the curtain, MAN O'WAR steps back out alone, but he has a microphone. 


MAN O'WAR congratulates Pumpkin Jack for his first success in his trials. He notes that the mighty Karrg didn't think Pumpkin Jack had it in him to do what he just did, however MAN O'WAR has known him a long time, he knew he'd be able to justify to himself the excessive violence and damage he did to his friend. MAN O'WAR says he's sure Jack will have no conflict in bringing violence to his next trial, as at Way Of The Poet, at the behest of Karrg the Insidious, Jack's second trial is with MAN O'WAR! {45 rating}



Backstage segment - It's going to be a Fight Knight {47 rating}
Before the main event there is a short promo with Halloween Knight. He talks about how many people think that this is his company, but it is not true. He was merely chosen by the Lords of The ZEN Temple to be their first earthly conduit, to train and equip warriors to face down evil forces in the cosmos and nether realms who wish to disrupt, destroy and enslave our planet and people. He has not always taken this responsibility seriously, he admits the power often went to his head, at times he has been seduced and corrupted by the evil that he should have been protecting the world from, trying to take it as his own to use. However, he has never met evil like Karrg and The Malothian, and this time he will not shirk his responsibilities, he will not be seduced and corrupted by evil, he will take his role seriously, he will rid the world of evil, he will rid the world of Karrg and his forces!


—Master Title Match—

AlienArmada.jpg.0903061975fc552a3e3d95a86abf7d9c.jpgKarrg.jpg.5097ae0407bb65ee6e0872efd75b50f1.jpg d. 3EAR.png.d8d3d1941497ea17ed62c133ac88a726.pngHalloweenKnight.jpg.4429b5c8596d6f978bbf90f015ecc309.jpg
9. (C) Karrg The Insidious, representing Alien Armada d. Halloween Knight, representing 3.E.A.R, in 14:01, making the 3rd defence of the Master Title {52 rating}
If you are keeping score, ZEN vs. The Alien Armada was currently at 2 wins a piece heading into this match. Hez Jendell and Celestina Cherish beat Bucky Snark and Toady earlier in the evening, the victory from Pumpkin Jack we just saw, however the Armada were able to hold onto the undercard titles of ZEN earlier in the evening, would their mighty leader be the one to fail and drop his title? If anyone could provide Karrg his first defeat since returning to ZEN in his new tyrannical form it surely would be the most decorated ZEN Master in the company's history? Any questions raised by Karrg that Halloween Knight had been scared to step up to him alone can go out of the window, in fact Halloween Knight seems to be aiming to release Pumpkin Jack from his burden of trials, as he has an intensity to his offence that hasn't been seen since the rudo F.E.A.R years of old, clearly aiming to wipe Karrg out himself. There's a recurring theme of the match that Halloween Knight keeps returning to the piledriver, which has risen in prominence in his moveset recently. He first drops Karrg with it in the middle of the ring, although it only secures a 2-count. Later in the match he hits a piledriver onto the apron (the hardest part of the ring!), causing Karrg to collapse to the arena floor. It takes Halloween Knight some time to roll the champ back into the ring, and it's just enough time to give him the energy to kick out at 2, once again. How close he was to losing seems to shock Karrg, and inspires a second wind. He unloads with some big moves, before nailing a vicious looking Mafia Kick, squashing Knight up against the turnbuckle for added measure. This time it's Halloween Knight's turn for a last minute kickout, which gains a big pop from the crowd.

Karrg attempts to keep the pressure on with a Samoan drop, but Halloween Knight reaches around and gets a mandible claw locked in. Karrg weakens and drops to the canvas, as Knight ties him up in his rings of Saturn/mandible claw variant, Dustin Thane screaming "It's the Last Knightmare! The Last Nightmare!". The more powerful Karrg is able to turn himself around and in sheer desperation reaches a foot to the bottom rope, forcing Knight to release the hold. Karrg rolls out of the ring hoping to catch a breather, but is instead wiped out by a Halloween Knight suicide dive! Knight drags Karrg to his feet outside the ring, Piledriver to the wooden floor! Halloween Knight could be looking to kill the Armada leader, let alone beat him in a match! The crowd are on their feet, they sense it's over. Knight rolls Karrg into the ring, 1, 2, 3! NO! Herbie Reedman points out to Halloween Knight that Karrg's foot is on the ropes! Knight scoops the larger Karrg to his feet and hoists him up onto the top rope, Halloweem Knight follows to the middle rope, he starts positioning himself in a rather unnatural way. "HE'S GOING FOR A PILEDRIVER, DUSTIN! HE'S GOING FOR A PILDERIVER!" yells a shocked Sparky Sparks, as Halloween Knight is in fact looking to hit an avalanche piledriver on Karrg The Insidious! It looks like it's going to come off but Karrg manages to shift his weight and instead comes crashing down, rotating further and landing on Halloween Knight. It looks a bit sloppy but the commentary team do a good job for the DVD viewers at highlighting Karrg's weight shift to reverse the move. Both competitors are to their feet, Karrg connects with another Mafia Kick. He then shoves Knight into a familiar position, Conquest Bomb! The champ holds onto a bridge, 1, 2, 3!

Karrg The Insidious has retained. The evil warlord is still undefeated in ZEN!! The show ends with Karrg leaning over Halloween Knight screaming that he will lose, he cannot kill Karrg, Karrg and his Armada will destroy everything, and everyone that he loves!

Edited by Eugh
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ZEN WAY OF THE CHAMPION 2022 REVIEW - by Alvaro Bryant, for totalextremewrestling.com (event April 30th April 2022, posted December 2022)


With ZEN finding a home in WrestleWorld Oceania, and all shows from 2022 making their way onto the app, to celebrate, we are returning to look at Way Of The Champion from back in April of this year.

If you are unfamiliar with ZEN they are a lucha inspired company from New Zealand, a long time favourite of tape traders, which feature a mixture of zany antics (there's a partially blind referee), nuanced characters (and some less so, cop boys!), elaborate story (we join in the midst of an alien invasion) and particularly at the top of the card, fantastic wrestling, it can be dark, but it's a family friendly promotion at its heart as well.

Whether it's due to the remoteness of New Zealand, coupled with the fragmentation of the wrestling landscape, or the individuals involved being unable to go all-in on their wrestling careers, the fact that so few of the ZEN roster have broken out globally, or even Australia over the years is astounding. You can point to a Damien Dastardly or Necromancer in Japan, but the fact the likes of Pumpkin Jack has not got years of Japanese tours under his belt, or that USPW or CWA are not sniffing around Kalliope Woodchuck is a disgrace. There is some exceptional talent here, but I feel a lot of the wrestling world, quite often a bit “up itself”, write a lot of the ZEN regulars off as “cartoon dorks”, instead of great in-ring performers who can really tell a story.

Speaking of story, you join at the heart of an alien invasion, as Karrg The Insidious leads a group of various aliens hellbent on conquering the earth, and currently control all of the titles in ZEN. One alien, The Malothian, has the ability control minds through a claw move, with some sort of power in his hand. There are currently 3 mind controlled humans in their ranks (well 4, with an unhinged giant underworld crime boss, but he was not on this show). There's a budding storyline developing of Auckland Raider not succumbing to the mind control, which (remaining spoiler free as possible) begins to unravel the mystery behind the power of The Malothian.

The commentary team do a fantastic job of bringing you up to speed of the goings on. The production is also good at highlighting alliances and stables. Stables and factions are a big part of ZEN and at this time there were 4 active factions:

  • The Alien Armada - a 9-strong faction of alien invaders, turncoats by choice and brainwashed fodder.
  • 3.E.A.R - the first line of defence, top of the card babyfaces.
  • 2 Girls and a...Whatever - a trio of rising star Kalliope Woodchuck and 2 rookies. The “whatever" relates to an anti-Armada alien, who in storyline had their people wiped out by the bad guys prior to arriving on earth.
  • Skullduggery - bad guy fight club, all about respect and roughing up. Trying to stay out of the alien related shenanigans.

There are also references to the Lords of the ZEN Temple. In the lore of the promotion these are mythical/spiritual/godlike entities, that are unseen, who instructed an earthly conduit (Halloween Knight) to create a training school and promotion to train chosen humans in combat, to fend off evil and from this realm and beyond. All a bit Mortal Kombat! There's also something in there that despite all technologies and magic in the galaxy, hand to hand combat is seen as the true test of mettle, hence professional wrestling. I guess!


If you are using your WrestleWorld subscription in Oceania to check out the US indie scene, or APW, you'd be mad not to check this out. A really good show, top to bottom, that is just as good as APW’s recent fayre.



The first match really tells you everything ZEN is about. It's a high energy match, unashamedly intergender (as of the end of the year there are 8 female competitors on the ZEN roster), colourful characters, a definitive bad guy, and a hot storyline. Easily the best match on the show, and I will repeat, the fact USPW or CWA are not throwing the world at Kalliope Woodchuck is a disgrace. Even if you have not seen Kali before, watch this match and if you don't want her to have the world, you have literally no soul. I also have to give props to Trevor Feather. He's such an unbelievable heel, top class character work, but is also a total darkhorse in the ring, much better than many give him credit for. He was recently on the WRESTLING WITH DUSTIN - HALLOWED BE THY THANE (ep.19) podcast, where he said he sees himself now as a comedy wrestler, showing even he needs to reassess his perception of himself as well.

Next we had The Ghost Hunters vs. The Beat. Blue Chip is green, Crime Buster isn't much better. The Ghost Hunters can pull some very basic heel heat but nobody's really paying to see them get their heads kicked in. Storyline wise, there's also an undertone of mystery with a fortune teller, but literally nobody cares about that (yet) to be honest. Solid tag match, nothing more. Given the fact ZEN is in many ways a training school (out of kayfabe) you are going to get situations like this, not everything can be CZCW super-indie spectaculars!

The first title match was next, for a title without a belt. Hence, the Conceptual Title. This match also pokes at a couple of storyline threads around the alien invasion. Auckland Raider is great, the right side of brute for the roster that works as a babyface capable of giving the heels a taste of their medicine, and he's able to play some comedy spots painfully straight, which is just hilarious. This is very much early days in a storyline of him being impervious to The Malothian's mind controlling claw. There are some dark days ahead fans, buckle up! Kayfabe aside, under the mask of Deathwatch Beetle is a former boxer, immense cardio and his strikes are sick, but very snug, definitely someone a number of years down the line I could see working unmasked in RAW, given their credentials. Booster Boy is just an annoyance, and I love that even in storyline he was put here by the Armada purely so they had someone easy to beat. He is another that does comedy well too, I had thought his requests of a rematch due to an interference (that had zero effect on him) was on this show, but it must be on the following one.

This ran into the tag match with 2 Girls and a...Whatever and the brainwashed Armada contingent. This is actually the first time Kalliope Woodchuck and Bucky Snark, as ex-lovers, have been face to face directly since his initial brainwashing and turn. It's been smart combining these three women together, and they are getting over as a unit with the fans. Kalliope is an outstanding talent who can help rise up her younger allies, they are also pretty damn hilarious, Hez Jendell plays the fish out of water, alien so well, Celestina Cherish is just wild and hysterical alongside, and whilst her current booking isn’t lending itself to this, Woodchuck has great comedy chops too. A big win for the tecnicos, which was popular with the crowd, and another step in Woodchuck moving on to fighting the Armada directly.

Next we had Skullduggery squash the 2022 ZEN Temple Dojo graduates. I absolutely love B1G. It's the meta-gimmick that ZEN can do so-so well. So yes, in kayfabe he's a rich boy, egotistical snob, who has no respect for wrestling. He's an inappropriately sized spot monkey, who just wants to do highlight reel material. But it's also a wonderful commentary on the type of wrestlers who are dime a dozen on the indie scene, who just care about “getting their sh*t in” at the expense of others. The spot with his outside dive literally only taking out his partners, and no opponents, yet he celebrated regardless, **chefs kiss**. I have never seen him not eat sh*t on his Swanton Bomb, yet every match, without fail, he goes for his Swanton Bomb (knowing the ZEN crowd the day he eventually hits it, which I hope never comes, will be the source of a massive pop). Just a total ZEN gimmick that works, I'm going to enjoy watching him grow. As for the other rookies, I could watch Stretch get beaten up all day, Pat Howard has potential but given his main focus is his surf career makes it unlikely he will reach it, and TJ Ward is the most fundamentally sound, but at this point is a beanie hat away from being the 3rd best guitarist in an indie-rock band where he's one of only 2 guitarists. This fight club incarnation of Skullduggery totally works for me, definitely playing into the strengths of Casual Violence. Both Vortex and Lucketti are going places, and the fact this was Lucketti’s first direct victory shows that with the new rookies coming in his perception up the card is starting to grow.

Ferdy Lloyd challenged Cyanide. Their first match was actually shockingly good, and I appreciate ZEN trying to do something with Lloyd after his partner left, but all the other tangled storylines involving Cyanide and Skullduggery are way more exciting than this one, whether that's 3.E.A.R, Kalliope Woodchuck or Devilfish/ZEN Dojo power struggle.

Speaking of Devilfish, we are back in the ring for the Harmony Title match, as DevilShark challenge MAN O’WAR and alien entity, Laguna The Loyal. Outside of Pumpkin Jack I think Devilfish is the guy who should have got a bigger run elsewhere, I also think it would have done his ZEN perception good, as he's very much a perpetual tecnico, so is a little bit stale, feeling like he's been there done that.Which is ironic, as one thing he hasn't done is win the Harmony Titles. In many ways I think turning Devilfish through Malothian’s Claw rather than Pink Spider could have been a much more compelling story. I mean they could still have brought Lone Shark back to save his old friend. Lone Shark is a bit of an Oceania journeyman at this point, old school ZEN, but also spending an extended period of time in APW in Australia.

He's really not developed much character since his return besides ZEN Legend/Devilfish’s best mate, but for most of the crowd that's all he needs. The build up to the event very much implied the issues between Casual Violence and Devilfish were over, but clearly not. Nice use of the partially blind referee to not notice the unmasked Devilfish. The unmasking heats things back up a bit. There's the logic of why didn't Casual Violence let DevilShark win the belts before going for them? However, this can be explained away by the fact Casual Violence lost the belts to the Armada, and want to gain their victory back, which is very much in character for Lerone Slim and Rekha.

The four way contenders match was a lot of fun. Given the stories being told it was really open who was going to win. I think Killer B was a less likely choice given the storylines than HalloWarped or Cyanide, but sometimes playing straight into the expected storyline beats is far too formulaic. Realistically, ZERO was only a logical victor if Halloween Knight was to win the belt later in the night, which didn't happen but everyone got a chance to shine here. Lots of storyline development here, strategic genius Molly Cuddle, the mind games of ZERO to Killer B, HalloWarped trying to prove himself as a singles wrestler and failing, and the fact Cyanide has now got further ammunition to poke the bear with regards that. Could have had a tighter structure, but was still a lot of fun, and I quite liked the victor. Does anyone expect Killer B to beat Karrg? Probably not, but will it be a good placeholder defence, and do we trust further development in the Killer B/Molly Cuddle story? Almost definitely.

When it was announced that the nearlier 2024 ZEN shows were coming to WrestleWorld a lot was made about seeing the ZEN: Art Of Winning tournament. However, for me, the key thing for any wrestling fan to watch are the 5-trials of Pumpkin Jack. These 5 matches are absolutely top class, and again goes to show that Jack deserves more respect and opportunities elsewhere, which in some ways, heading into 2023 looks like it might finally be happening. On a normal ZEN show this would have been match of the night, for fans there were some callbacks to their title match from last year, and it was an interesting on the foreshadowed pain thresholds of the brainwashed Armada folk. The (minor) twist that the challenge was also psychological, of Jack being put in the position to possibly do permanent damage to a friend was nice and sets the stakes for what is to come. On another positive note, Pink Spider lost more mask legs! There is much rejoicing! I always hated Pink Spider’s mask, it was grand when he was a midcard annoyance, but even in ZEN, it's not a top guy look.

As for the main event, it was a little bit of a hot shotted build, but that's the joy of Halloween Knight, he can always step into a title match position and seem like a genuine threat to win. Honestly for both Karrg and ZEN, the man behind the mask’s brief and poor tenure as an unmasked entity in RAW did them both the world of good. It allowed them change presentation, increase the danger of the character, and it's been a smash hit. The type of thing I mentioned before that someone like Devilfish could benefit from. The fact it legitimately looked like Halloween Knight was aiming to main and cripple Karrg really added to the intensity. I know the finisher kickout trope can be overdone, and I get the want to build Karrg as a monster, but I felt this had more legs (I'd have loved a few more minutes) and Halloween Knight should have kicked out of the Conquest Bomb, give a bit more hope, but alas it was not to be.




If you are a longtime fan of ZEN you've probably already seen this. Is it worth revisiting? The opener and the last 2 matches, definitely, and I loved the 4-way as well. If you're getting into ZEN, it's not a bad show to start at. Chronologically of the shows on WrestleWorld it is the best quality show that had happened to this point, it's got a number key storyline developments, but these act more as pivots or extensions as opposed to conclusions, so can be a great place to jump in on the road to Way Of The Warrior.

It was a very solid event, however, and I don’t know if this is just the world of ZEN rubbing off on me, I can’t help shake this weird feeling that somewhere in an alternate parallel world, there was likely a monumental, genre changing ZEN show happening, which this just wasn’t. 

If you have a WrestleWorld Oceania subscription, you can find Way Of The Champion and all other shows at this link.

Alternatively you can purchase this show on DVD from here.


This is my 4th ZEN show review for this year, however this happens to be the first chronological event. The others were reviewed at the time due to streaming live on WrestleWorld Oceania. You can find these reviews below;




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What was happening April 2022.



1. Let's start in Mexico. Specifically with the "Baddest Man In Mexico". Gino Montero (flanked by South American Thunder) continues to transcend the business, and seems to have caught the country in the same way as Champagne Lover before him. The gimmick pops, Montero's charisma is unmatched within the company, and it's tapping into the current media obsession of cool villains permeating TV and film. His defeat by Angel of Mercy in January was the catalyst for launching this gimmick, perfect foil for the pure-white Angel of Mercy, and at Festival del Homenaje Montero captured the Campeonato del Mundo for the 2nd time, sitting at the top of the tree. in EILL El Heroe Mexicano is next waiting in the wings, as he has been feuding with Gino since the turn of the year, with Gino even imitating El Heroe when attacking Angel of Mercy. Logic dictates this was going to be a transitional reign for Gino, leading to the overdue crowning of El Heroe Mexicano, but will the company get cold feet once again, due to the popularity and buzz around Montero?


2. EILL were not the only company with a major title change this month. Built since the turn of the year, including a victory for Team Andrews over Team Chord last month at Battleground, Aaron Andrews dethroned Jay Chord for the TCW World Heavyweight Title in an outstanding 32-minute showdown at Where Angels Fear To Tread. A No DQ rematch is already set for Total Mayhem XXVI, which goes some way to answer why this "money match" wasn't delayed until then to begin with. Elsewhere on the show two feuds overlapped with T-Bone Bright and Greg Gauge defeating Wolf Hawkins and Sammy Bach in a tag team strap match. Bright is on a collision course with Hawkins for Total Mayhem, and Gauge is promising to end the career of Bach there as well. The gimmick of the match was that T-Bone was strapped to Bach, and Gauge was strapped to Hawkins, teasing these matches, but not letting the competitors get their hands on each other entirely before the matches next month.


3. Let's talk Women's wrestling. Starting with the big guns and USPW. Things are hot in the women's division with the return on Alicia Strong, coming to the aid of Sara Marie last month to fend off The Muscle Monsters. Those expecting a tag match at Freedom Fight! were to be unfortunately disappointed, word being that Alicia Strong doesn't feel in "ring shape" yet to perform. However, her presence around is a big lift, and with "No Nonsense" Tiffany Jade winning the belt last month, the division is also benefitting from being the only one with a heel at the pinnacle, is adding freshness to the programming which is affecting the others. Jade retained the belt in a rematch against Alina America on TV this month, in part due to a big interference from Pariah. This led to two high profile women's matches at Freedom Fight! Pariah bested Alina America, and Tiffany Jade retained against Charity Sweet. An unholy (and uneasy) alliance seems to have formed between Pariah and Jade, as they both helped each other win their matches. This alliance is looking even more uneasy due to a 4-way title match taking place at Declaration of Independence! next month, where the pair will be joined by Jaime Quine and Charity Sweet. However, it was the women of CWA who really shone this month, with the company across the board really solidifying itself as the best wrestling in North America (if only the average American had any respect for them!). At Super Slam 2022 Amber Allen continued her trend of always eventually winning back the title she loses, as she captured the CWA Women's Title once again. It's a dangerous road to travel, as the fans could get sick of it, but there was nothing but love when Allen covered Nadia Snow to start her third title reign. Elsewhere Brooke Tyler and Lauren Easter had a generational technical encounter, an absolute 5* classic head and shoulders above the rest of the show. Go out of your way to find it!


4. In Japan 5SSW started their JoshiMania tour towards the end of the month, which will culminate with JoshiMania 27 in May. The two big matches being built don't involve titles, with a grudge match between Fuyuko Higa and Shiori Jippensha pencilled to headline, which has the internet abuzz, and a fantastically built showdown between Gemmei Oonishi and MAYA, based around what makes a positive role model. QAW are still plugging along, although whilst both great, Danielle Sweetheart vs. Emma May is starting to feel a little stale at the top of the card, although Farrah Hesketh seems hesitant to move on from it! The scene is really missing OLLIE, and their permanently strong division. There are a number of rumours of various personnel wanting to get involved in launching a company, sensing an opportunity and demand in the market, but the sad thing is, given how the industry is perceived currently, finding major financial backing for a venture that is more women's wrestling and less Babes of Sin City 2 seems like a non-starter.


5. Movers and shakers time! Jungle Lord has left SWF. Whilst his success in the company is the best part of a decade behind him, he is a recognisable name on the show and quite a bit merchandise mover, so this caught some by surprise. That being said he was pretty much instantly announced for Black Canvas Grappling's Champions Tour. Whilst Jack Marlowe's body at his age might not cope with the BCG singles style, he seems to be set up to be utilised alongside Big Bruiser Findlay as a tag team moving forward, as big time gaijin heels. In the UK, 21CW have failed to secure their last World Champion to a new deal, as "The British Lion" Leigh Burton is heading stateside with USPW. Due to a no-complete clause it could be a while before he is seen, but at only 30 years of age the word is that USPW see the Englishman as a long-term anti-American villain near the top of the card. Only time will tell. Meanwhile in Mexico, EILL seem to have been spooked at losing El Leon and have been trying to firm down key talent to more lucrative deals or providing additional sweeteners to boost morale. Gino Montero, Rock God Alvarez and El Hijo Del Aguila Americana, Soul Taker, Lunatic, Dr Rudo and Devious Doctor Fang have all agreed to new contracts, with El Heroe Mexicano already secured in until 2024. Velocidad is now being internally referred to as the company tecnico figurehead, looking to transfer him back towards the singles divisions and top of the card, and has been added to the inner circle, with Snap Dragon and Axxis Jr also being added to the booking team. There were two holdouts on the contract offers, Multimillonario and Pharoah King. This has resulted in Pharoah King being dropped instantly from TV this month, as his contract ends very soon, so it looks like he will be moving to pastures new. Multimillonario's contract does not end until later in the year, but it will be interesting to see what decision he makes then.




1. ZEN had been scheduled to start on WrestleWorld Oceania this month, however issues with production has halted this. These seemed to have always been on the cards, as no official announcement of the deal was made. Suspect an announcement soon, word on the grapevine from both sources is that the target is for the showcase event, Way Of The Warrior in July, to be the debut of the company on the app.  Suggestions are the deal will see the broadcaster have the shows it streams available as on-demand, however the deal does not include any older ZEN material being made available through the app.


2. Continuing with ZEN, a few months back some deals were announced with EMLL in Mexico and EX2010 in Japan, although what these business relationships pertained was unclear. Some clarity may have arisen as EX2010 have announced that young lions, Iron Hyodo and Takuro Awatari will be heading to Australasia on excursion until 2024. This could be completely unconnected, but given the previous announcement of an unspecified business arrangement, it wouldn't shock me to see the pair appear in New Zealand's ZEN in the near future.


3. APW still exists, it's still SO BORING! DIW's Havoc 2022 was headlined by Mace Mueller getting his title match against Shogo. Shogo retained, it was a great match for where they are, but it's hard to know where they go from here, as everyone had kind of geared up for Mueller to take the belt back from Shogo, as the champ has already beaten just about everyone else. The biggest note from DIW actually comes outside of the ring, once suspected DIW lifer, Milton Hittlespitz has left the company by mutual agreement. A huge fan favourite, we're not 100% sure what went down, Hittlespitz has taken a social media sabbatical, the company have confirmed it was a mutual agreed decision, and talking to those in the locker room they were unaware of any bust ups or disagreements between Milton and DIW owner, The Comedian. 


4. Finally to RAW, It's not all happy families backstage, in fact there seems to be a lot of egos clashing, our sources on the ground very happy to brief against each other. The month opened with Spiffy Stan Standish walking out on his contract and the company. Whilst Standish has never been a bright light in a dark room, so to speak, even going back to his APW days, he was a wrestler with future star written all over him and at times it felt RAW! believed the same as well, so for things to get to this stage is surprising. Standish has been fairly vocal on social media saying he has no issues in breaking his contract as the company broke agreements that were in place with him leading to this. RAW have remained silent on the situation. There seems to be a lot of frustration the singles division midcard/upper-midcard, about the complete lack of TV time, character development or storylines, and if they do appear it seems to merely be to be fed to those higher up the food chain, with nothing for themselves. In our show reviews we have highlighted this, particularly with the perception the company is developing of being unable to get the best out of Damien Dastardly. They're not really doing anything to get anything out of him, let alone the best. He's not given time to develop himself, but none of his challengers are afforded that opportunity as well. It did temporarily look like they were doing this with Rod Sullivan, but literally 3-weeks later he is back teaming alongside Nicky Gilbert instead. For a company that prides itself on entertainment and storyline elements, the dramatic lack of us for those outside of the main event, or tag teams is so painfully clear at the moment. 


5. At the top of the card Swoop McCarthy seems to have recovered from his knock, and it back working more singles matches. The storyline partnership, but slight mistrust with Loxley Robbins is continuing. After retaining the Television Title against Tombstone at the end of the month, the current build is for a fatal 4-way for the 20th of May episode of Attitude! McCarthy will defend against Loxley Robbins, Will Beaumont and Maurice Jackson.

Edited by Eugh
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