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Japanese Championship Wrestling: Attempting Godhood

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December 31st, 2021


A banner is flown above 8 chairs and a large table. A press confidence was called by Eisaku Kunomasu, exclaiming a new development in the pro wrestling world. Many reporters in the world of Japanese wrestling have gathered. Had to be 100 or so reporters all giddy. Eisaku has been hidden for the past several years, having not made a single appearance on any talk show program, contest show, or commercial. This was a major event, and the fact he announced it himself showed his seriousness. In the midst of the noise....





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The crowd swarmed him as he entered through the audience door. Immediately he was asked if he had anything to do with this new project, only with him responding "I'm just here to see what my old friend is doing...." He took a seat near the back as everyone began to get even more hyped. Is this a PGHW project? Is Eisaku returning to his roots? All questions would be answered as the man of the hour appeared.

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"Ladies and gentlemen...Thank you for coming tonight. I want to keep this initial press conference brief, we will host another tomorrow. But I want to make clear a new project that I am beginning. Something that has been cooking up for the past few years. Gentlemen...if you could come out."

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A series of wrestlers walk out. From all walks of pro wrestling life, you have some of PGHW's most technical wrestlers, BHOWTG's hottest youngster, BCG's toughest, a former Junior Heavyweight superstar, and a deathmatch wrestling legend. Clicks of several cameras can be heard as all 6 men take a seat. Eisaku also takes a seat, but there remains one empty chair. 

"So, there is one seat left. I think many of you would expect my friend in the audience to take the spot. But trust me when I say I have friends with higher power then just pro wrestling...."

The crowd murmors....it can't be...right? 








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Yoshimi Mushashibo!!

The flash photography can be heard even louder now, as Yoshimi walks up the stage and shakes Eisaku's hand! He just announced his candidacy to represent Otsu in the House of Representatives! Why is he back in the pro wrestling world??? He grabs a microphone, and takes some questions.

"What is your role hear Mr. Mushashibo?"

"There are two roles here. First, I want to evolve wrestling, and allow an actual growth of future world champions under my name, not the Pride and Glory name. That's my job as the owner. But...I can announce here that I will be wrestling! And I want to bring my skills back and show how good I still am."

"Is your political campaign still on?"

"I'm Yoshimi Mushashibo! I can do both and win at both! That might sound like an ego, but my friends up here and in the audience can attest!"

"What will Kunomasu do?"

"He has a better mind then I have, and we need him to help make the shows work. He will help the stories, I will help the wrestling. 

"Why are you doing this?"

"To prove how good I am!"


"Thank you for your time, we will be back tomorrow with further details. But for now, take note....this is:




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Azumamaro Shimizu, Eiichi Umehara, "Deathmatch Viking" Hiroshi Morisue, Kazushige Matsuki, Kimi Kawano, "Murder Bomb" Kyuichi Matsumoto

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Masafumi "Mad Dog Torii, Masashi Urogataya, Morimasa Kato, Ryobe Uno, Shingen Miyazaki, "The Butcher" Sozen Ishinomori

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Taheiji "The Animal" Konoe, Tanyu Toshusai, Tornado Nagai, Toyokuni Hardcore, Washi Heat, "The Coming Storm" Yasuhide Tayama

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"Gift From The Gods" Yoshimi Mushashibo

Junior Heavyweights:

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Ko Minamino, The Incredible Koyama, "The Blood Fighter" Totoya Munakata


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Head Booker: Eisaku Kunomasu







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Posted (edited)

January 1st , 2021


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"This is day 2 of our introduction for JCW. Want to thank everyone for coming once again. I'll be here for the first half while Yoshimi will come in for the second half of this press conference. First, I want to introduce some of our heavyweights on the roster. 


Eiichi Umehara, Kimi Kawano, Kyuichi Matsumoto, Masafumi Torii, Morimasa Kato, Sozen Ishinomori, Taheiji Konoe, Tornado Nagai, Toyokuni Hardcore, and Washi Heat!"

The reporter click their cameras as each photo come up on the screen. They haven't seen the likes of Kato or Nagai on a big stage like this in years! Meanwhile those coming in from WEXXV are getting another opportunity here. 

"Moving on, I want to reveal some of our big events during the year. First, and this is a pretty big one,


The Elysium Climax! 20 of the best heavyweights in JCW will fight it out for the shot at reaching the status of the Gods! Many of the people just shown will participate, and they will get the shot at wrestling some of the best wrestlers like Yoshimi, Kazushige, and Tanyu Toshusai!"

"Next, I want to bring out some of the people helping me on the booking team!

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With me, you have Junior Heavyweight Booker Dark Eagle, Youth Progression Leader Naizan Uboshita, and Heavyweight Co-Booker Tasuku Iesada!"

Lots of hype and woos were heard when Eagle and Tasuku cam on the stage, but no one really knew who Naizan was. Not the same reputation that everyone else here has. 

"And we move on, with Yoshimi to start the second half of the press conference."




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"Good evening everyone."

Cameras were clicking every second for the first minute or so of Yoshimi's portion of the conference. After some basic introductions and political talk, Yoshimi began talking about his basic tenants for JCW.

"1. A strong foundation of safety in the ring. The only reason I could return is through stem cell therapy in Hawaii. The wrestlers of tomorrow need to be not physically wrecked by the end of their careers. 

2. A strong 2 division system. Similar to BHOTWG, the more smaller wrestlers not in a big promotion need a shot. The full roster will be revealed in a few days. 

3. A series of factions will be formed, with strong groupings and partnerships. Taken from most other promotions, it will allow for more easy stories to make sense for the crowd.

4. International exposure, as we go on we will be brining in more and more guys from different cultures, which we use to help us have an audience outside of Japan. 

We want to ensure that we are not only the best promotion in Japan, but help compete to be the best in the entire world. That is the plan, and I will ensure that-"














"Think you forgot about some Golden Lions!"

That's Haruki Kudo!

"And don't worry, I brought some men with me!"

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5 former members of the GCG roster come out from the crowd and rush the stage! They are attacking Yoshimi! Azumamaro Shimizu, Masahi Urogataya, Ryobe Uno, Shigen Miyazaki, and Yasuhide Tayama! The pelt the living legend with punches and kicks, before picking him up and slamming him through the table! Tayama grabs a flag from Kudo...


All 5 men yell, as Kudo chuckles at Yoshimi's downed body. What is Kudo's plan here in JCW??

Edited by Martel123
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Posted (edited)

January 3rd, 2021


 Eisaku Kunomasu.jpg

"Thank you all for coming for our third press conference! I want to first address the elephant in the room...."


















"Come on, you all knew I'd show up!"

"The announcement of Haruki Kudo and his Lion Roar people was going to start off today...but I think they made their intentions felt already." 

"That's right Eisaku....Compared to you and Yoshimi I'm essentially immortal, a GOAT in 3 different organizations while you can't muster up one. Me and my soldiers just proved how dilapidated Yoshimi truly is, and my goal of dominance will not stop at just him. Everyone in this company will feel the power of the Lion!"

He walks off stage, tearing down a campaign poster for Yoshimi. Several cameras snap pictures as he stomps on the poster.

"I apologize for that display of anger and stubbornness. Pride from the older generations must be stomped out. Which is the most optimal way to segway into our next topic...



The Youth!

Big Boss Emperor, Goro Hatamoto, Noritaka Imakura, Ritsu Ibata, Shuga Amano, and Taiji Chajima will be short term young lions for JCW. They have already gritted it out on the independent scene for a couple of years, but need a bit of time to deal with some of the bigger names in our company. They will rise up the ranks quickly, and "true" young lions will come in and replace them quickly as well. We have already made a deal with Tokyo Wrestling Dojo, and that is the planned base of new homegrown talent."

"Now I take it to Dark Eagle and The Incredible Koyama, to introduce our Junior division...."


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"Thank you Eisaku. Junior Heavyweights have long been a tradition here in Japan. From the top tier flyers in BHOTWG, to the fun stories and great upside characters in EXODUS, we look for great talent around the country to join the man to my side, Koyama."

"I want to fight some of the best wrestlers in the country, having done so for so long in The Burning Hammer. Eagle and me want to recreate that here, and I think we did just that....


"These are 6 Japanese stars who have been looking for a shot. From the high flying Edo Phoenix and Beetle Kimura, to the sneaky White Samurai and Stealth Z, and the technical wizardry of Kenko Takemitsu and Stunner Sayuki. These 6 have been waiting for an opportunity to show out, and get to try here."

"There is more though. I have spent some time in my career in Mexico, and I wanted to make sure Koyama and the other 8 announced so far have some international flair to go up against...


Amo Del Gato, El Orgulloso, and Huracan Sandoval Jr! These 3 Luchadors will be mixing it up with some of Japan's very best. Those 3 will also be joined by....


From Australia, we have Francis Burke, Lance Lott, Monday Next, and Shaolin! All 4 will be joining JCW full time and will be mixing it up in the Junior Division. We plan on having the most stacked Junior division in the world, and to do that, we must bring in these international flavors in and let them kill it!"

"Finally, this last segment was to be revealed by Yoshimi, but due to his temporary injury, I will be revealing the first ever show for JCW! The New Light Tour, a 6 Night event taking place in the Kanto region will begin. The card is as follows:



JCW New Light Tour Day 1 Card:


Yoshimi Mushashibo, Kazushige Matsuki, and Tanyu Toshusai vs The Golden Roar (Yasuhide Tayama, Shingen Miyazaki, and Azumamaro Shimizu)

Morimasa Kato and Tornado Nagai vs The Golden Roar (Masahi Urogataya and Ryobe Uno)

The Incredible Koyama, Ko Minamino, and Beetle Kimura vs Kenko Takemitsu, Stunner Sayuki, and Totoya Munakata

Hiroshi Morisue and Taheiji Konoe vs Big Boss Emperor and Kimi Kawano 

Huracan Sandoval Jr, Stealth Z, and Edo Phoenix IV vs Amo Del Gato, El Orgulloso, and White Samurai

Sozen Ishinomori and Toyokuni Hardcore vs Ritsu Ibata and Goro Hatamoto

Kyuichi Matsumoto, Masafumi Torii, and Eiichi Umehara vs Taiji Chajima, Shuga Amano, and Noritaka Imakura

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JCW New Light Tour Day 1 Card:

Yoshimi Mushashibo, Kazushige Matsuki, and Tanyu Toshusai 

Morimasa Kato and Tornado Nagai 

Kenko Takemitsu, Stunner Sayuki, and Totoya Munakata

Hiroshi Morisue and Taheiji Konoe

Amo Del Gato, El Orgulloso, and White Samurai

Sozen Ishinomori and Toyokuni Hardcore 

Taiji Chajima, Shuga Amano, and Noritaka Imakura

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Yoshimi Mushashibo, Kazushige Matsuki, and Tanyu Toshusai vs The Golden Roar (Yasuhide Tayama, Shingen Miyazaki, and Azumamaro Shimizu)

Morimasa Kato and Tornado Nagai vs The Golden Roar (Masahi Urogataya and Ryobe Uno)

The Incredible Koyama, Ko Minamino, and Beetle Kimura vs Kenko Takemitsu, Stunner Sayuki, and Totoya Munakata

Hiroshi Morisue and Taheiji Konoe vs Big Boss Emperor and Kimi Kawano 

Huracan Sandoval Jr, Stealth Z, and Edo Phoenix IV vs Amo Del Gato, El Orgulloso, and White Samurai

Sozen Ishinomori and Toyokuni Hardcore vs Ritsu Ibata and Goro Hatamoto

Kyuichi Matsumoto, Masafumi Torii, and Eiichi Umehara vs Taiji Chajima, Shuga Amano, and Noritaka Imakura

Edited by siah463
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Yoshimi Mushashibo, Kazushige Matsuki, and Tanyu Toshusai vs The Golden Roar (Yasuhide Tayama, Shingen Miyazaki, and Azumamaro Shimizu)

Morimasa Kato and Tornado Nagai vs The Golden Roar (Masahi Urogataya and Ryobe Uno)

The Incredible Koyama, Ko Minamino, and Beetle Kimura vs Kenko Takemitsu, Stunner Sayuki, and Totoya Munakata

Hiroshi Morisue and Taheiji Konoe vs Big Boss Emperor and Kimi Kawano 

Huracan Sandoval Jr, Stealth Z, and Edo Phoenix IV vs Amo Del Gato, El Orgulloso, and White Samurai

Sozen Ishinomori and Toyokuni Hardcore vs Ritsu Ibata and Goro Hatamoto

Kyuichi Matsumoto, Masafumi Torii, and Eiichi Umehara vs Taiji Chajima, Shuga Amano, and Noritaka Imakura

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January 10th, 2022


Attendance: 764




The show begins live in Kanto, as the small arena sits several hundred fans awaiting the in-ring return of Yoshimi Mushashibo. Before we can get to that, we get an introduction to our commentary team 


Hiroya Iwamoto and Naizan Uboshita were expected, both were announced on japanesechampionshipwrestling.com before the show, but Haruki Kudo is a bit more surprising. Seems he will be the heel commentator for the company. 

First Match

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Kyuichi Matsumoto, Masafumi Torii and Eiichi Umehara vs Noritaka Imakura, Shuga Amano, and Taiji Chajima.

A bit of a one-sided affair, Matsumo and Torii took most of the offense, throwing their bodies at their opponents and landing sickening lariats with several team like moves. The three youngsters didn't gel well, with Imakura trying to wrestle the opponents down while Shuga and Taiji tried to throw fists back. The best moment for the team was Taiji hitting a nice 6 punch combo, stunning Torii for a second. Eventually, 35 year old Eiichi Umehara was tagged in and brought his trademark hardcore style. He immediately threw Taiji into the ring post, before starting to untie the turnbuckle above Taiji. Taiji's partners tried to stop him but Torii and Matsumoto covered Umeharas actions from the Referee's eyes. A big slam to the exposed turnbuckle, and then the 3 count giving Eiichi and his two bald partners a win!

Winners: Kyuichi Matsumoto, Masafumi Torii and Eiichi Umehara

Grade: 48


Second Match


Sozen Ishinomori and Toyokuni Hardcore vs Ritsu Ibata and Goro Hatamoto

Even more lopsided then the last, the big thing here was Sozen basically instructing Toyokuni on what do. Almost like he was under his control or something. Hardcore did the majority or the action, slamming Ritsu and Goro all around the ring with several high leverage suplexes. Sozen remained on the apron, only for Goro to start getting some offense, hitting in a suplex. Hardcore tagged in Sozen, who immediately landed and standing missile drop kick. Goro was immediately gassed, and tagged in Ibata. Ritsu git a couple good overhands, but Sozen caught the last one, and hit an over the arm throw which was enough to get the win. 

Winners: Sozen Ishinomori and Toyokuni Hardcore

Grade: 48


Third Match 


Edo Phoenix, Huracan Sandoval Jr, Stealth Z vs Amo Del Gato, El Orgulloso and White Samurai 

Our first Junior Match was a high flying affair. Immediatly all 6 men began to brawl in the ring, all hungry to get their first win here. Stealth Z started going crazy with several high kicks to everyone on the other team. Del Gato and Orgulloso rolled out of the ring, only for Phoenix and Huracan to fly out of the ring and onto them! After that the match went back to being a normal 3 v 3 contest. Edo Phoenix was the star of this match, doing extremely complex technical and luchador esque moves. Stealth Z continued his hard hitting kicks, and Sandoval also got some great moves in, hitting a sweet senton onto Amo Del Gato who kicked out at 2. El Orgulloso started to get some momentum back on his side though, grabbing Phoenix, putting him onto the ropes, and hitting a hurricanrana! The White Samurai entered the ring after that, and started to get his own offense in, hitting both Stealth and Huracan off the apron with stiff forearms. He then set Phoenix up, hitting him with The Art Of War and getting the win.

Winners: Amo Del Gato, El Orgulloso and White Samurai 

Grade: 54


Fourth Match


Hiroshi Morisue and Taheiji Konoe vs Kimi Kawano and Big Boss Emperor

Out of the 6 "young guys" on the roster, Emperor had the most offense, with his tall stature and frame being a perfect match against fierce powerhouses like Morisue and Konoe. A lot of quick powerslams by Emperor, who proved his speed and youth against the lumbering giant Morisue. His body is really gone and he gave the worst pro wrestling performance of the night. He did get  a good couple shots, and really intensified near the end of the match. Kawano, the youngest of the match, got a bunch of good chest chops on Konoe at one point, but Morisue came back in and gave a nasty headbutt to stop it. He then picked Kawano and hit a big brainbuster. He then tagged in Konoe who hit a a big spear (Animalistic Gore) which got the team the win

Winners: Hiroshi Morisue and Taheiji Konoe

Grade: (43)



Fifth Match


Ko Minamino, The Incredible Koyama and Beetle Kimura vs Kenko Takemitsu, Stunner Sayuki, and Totoya Munakata

Two different styles are colliding here. Left side filled with more flashy wrestlers while the right either technically or striking wise bringing down their opponents. So immediately you see Sayuki slowing down Beetle's high flying action and trying to tangle him up in some holds. Meanwhile Munakata gets in and hits a series of machine gun chops onto The Incredible Kayoma. While it wasn't the most exciting style, it was effective for the first half of the match. Finally Minamino gets some momentum, and he started to hit a series of drop kicks and flying arm drags. He then hit a huge cannonball to the outside onto Kenko. He then brought him back into the ring, and hit a huge curbstomp from the top rope, getting the win

Winners: Ko Minamino, The Incredible Koyama and Beetle Kimura

Grade: 54



Sixth Match

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The Golden Roar (Masashi Urogataya and Ryobe Uno) vs Morimasa Kato and Tornado Nagai

A match about chemistry here. Both Nagai and Kato came in interlocked. They were doing double clotheslines and dropkicks, just really swift and great moves. Meanwhile Masashi spent a lot of the match training up Ryobe Uno. Uno is in that middle group of wrestlers who are past the young lion stage but aren't veterans like the 3 other men in the match. So when Uno has a tight lock in on Kato, he is looking at Masashi who is helping him tighten it up even more. They both also had good chemistry, with a nice shatter machine seemingly being their finisher move. But the veteran skills of Nagai and Kato were too much, as a nasty lariat on the outside by Nagai to Urogataya left Uno left in the ring, where he got double teamed hard. A big Nagai Fireball and a win goes to Kato and Nagai

Winners: Morimasa Kato and Tornado Nagai

Grade: 57



Main Event: 


Yoshimi Mushashibo, Kazushige Matsuki, and Tanyu Toshusai vs The Golden Roar (Yasuhide Tayama, Shingen Miyazaki, Azumamaro Shimizu

The Aura can be felt from around the arena for this one. Yoshimi and Shingen started the match, two men who had great things expected for them, and two very different paths for their careers. A technical showdown begins, with Yoshimi always being one step ahead. Shingen gets frustrated, sucker punching Tanyu off the apron. This enraged Yoshimi who got a double legged takedown on Shingen and started hammering forearms! Evenetually Shingen got out, and tagged in Yasuhide. The calm deputy of The Golden Roar, Haruki Kudo hyped him up as he started to really get ahead of Yoshimi. The next 10 or 15 minutes invovled several tags, with Matsukis machine gun style and Tanyu's old school puro getting put against the teaming style of The Golden Roar. Shimizu seemed just out of step from everyone else, but still put up a really good performance. Eventually Matsuki gave a big machine gun kick to Miyazaki onto the outside, and they began to brawl for the end of the match. This allowed Yoshimi to give a big suplex to Shimizu from the top rope! A big show that he still has it! Tanyuthen grappled him up and hit a dangerous brainbuster suplex! And he gets the pin in Yoshimi's return match!

Winners: Yoshimi Mushashibo, Kazushige Matsuki, and Tanyu Toshusai

Grade: 70



After The Match


Yoshimi is pretty wet-eyed after that match. A lot of energy put in for his return. The Golden Roar leave, nursing their wounds. Matsuki was getting ready to fight Shingen again, but Tanyu pulls him back. Tanyu and Matsuki leave Yoshimi in the ring, as he remains misty-eyed. "YOSHI, YOSHI, YOSHI." The crowd loves him. He grabs a mic from the ring announcers table, and is ready to speak....until a hooded man attacks him! He beats him down and picks him up and slams him with a powerbomb. Who is this man!?! He finally takes off his hood, to reveal























WHAT IS RAYMOND DIAZ DOING IN THE JCW ZONE??? WHY DID HE JUST ATTACK YOSHIMI! The security rush the ring, but the big man jumps over the top rope and leaves through the crowd. What is going on in?!

Segment Rating: 55

Show Rating: 62

(Post Show coming soon.)

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Kyuichi Matsumoto and Masafumi Torii



(Note Eiichi Umehara left before being interviewed)

Torii: I like the sound of my hand on that guys chest Kyuichi!

Matsumoto: We got strong arms...strong slaps...and strong heart. We'll make a great team

Torii: 100%!







Sozen Ishinomori and Toyokuni Hardcore



Sozen: You all haven't seen me in a minute. But lemme be clear, I am here for gold. Toyo here....he wants gold for me too. And I will reward him handsomely in due time.....Sozen-Gun will grow and become the predominant group in JCW....







Hiroshi Morisue and Taheiji Konoe



Hiroshi: Ai....we did good Konoe

Taheiji: A legacy must me followed....we must continue what the Hardcore gods began. 

Hiroshi: Ai....JCW....Yoshimi....Golden Roar....we are coming for you and everyone else! 

Taheiji: The Mohawk of Insanity and The Animal are here to conquer!








Kenko Takemitsu



Kenko: Too many of these flippy show stealer type guys....that isn't real wrestling! I used to be like that, really flippy with moonsaults and the like! That isn't how to win! We need to make wrestling technical again!







Ko Minamino



Ko: Munakata beat me hard there! So many fists to my face! I love it! I want him 1 on 1 as soon as possible! 






Morimasa Kato and Tornado Nagai



Kato: I've been waiting for this for so long! 

Nagai: WOOOO

Kato: We have been fighting in low tier venues for SO LONG! And we are ready! Inspire Impact-


Kato: Is Coming! 






The Golden Roar (Yasuhide Tayama, Shingen Miyazaki, Azumamaro Shimizu



Shingen: I hate that guy...Matsuki! Hate him!

Azumamaro: You have to cool off! 

Shingen: What did you say...What did you say! 

Yasuhide: Take a breather for christs sake! We will take down Yoshimi, we will get that guy. Cause that's not just what Kudo would do, but what The Golden Roar would do! 






Raymond Diaz



Raymond: You thought you were the only one to get stem cells! Give me a break. New technology means a new Raymond Diaz. I am here to take flesh and become a world champion! And if that means I gotta kill Yoshimi...then so be it! 

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January 11th, 2022


Booker Meeting Day 1 


A good day today, the booking team came together for the first time today to finish the booking for the New Light tour. There were a lot of faces in the booking team, but for the first show only me and Yoshimi booked it. 

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The three names I already announced were of course front and center. All 3 were key figures for making the shows run before the matches began. They also had an insane amount of wrestling knowledge, making our booking team the best in the entire world. 


We also had Toshinobu Taku, who is on a shortened deal compared to the three, but is clearly a good hand to have as the promotion starts off. He knows already he is on a short deal, so it's up to him to impress me enough to keep him. 


The Youngest member of the team, Tanyu isn't officially on the team. But we make sure he is here as in due time he will be brought up in be apart of the major group. 


It was no shocker for me that as soon as I brought in Kudo, it became clear he had to be involved with the booking team. While some called his GCG days a failure, he still has a key sense of the wrestling world and how booking people works. 


And of course the main man himself had to be here. Yoshimi has a great mind still, and he can get anyone over if given the shot. 


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This was the team. And we have to drive JCW to superstardom! 



JCW New Light Tour Days 2-4 Cards: 


Night 2 


Yoshimi Mushashibo, Kazushige Matsuki, Tanyu Toshusai, and Taheiji Konoe vs Raymond Diaz, Yasuhide Tayama, Azumamaro Shimizu, and Kimi Kawano

Totoya Munakata, The Incredible Koyama, and White Samurai vs Ko Minamino, Edo Phoenix, and Huracan Sandoval Jr

Sozen Ishinomori, Toyokuni Hardcore, and Eiichi Umehara vs Taiji Chajima, Torii and Matsumoto

El Orgulloso and Kenko Takemitsu vs Monday Next and Amo Del Gato

Stealth Z, Shaolin, and Beetle Kimura vs Lance Lott, Francis Burke, and Stunner Sayuki

Urogataya and Uno vs Noritaka Imakura and Ritsu Ibata

Washi Heat and INSPRE IMPACT (Morimasa Kato and Tornado Nagai) vs Shuga Amano, Goro Hatamoto, and Big Boss Emperor


Night 3

Yoshimi Mushashibo vs Shuga Amano

Raymond Diaz, Yasuhide Tayama and Azumamaro Shimizu vs Washi Heat, Tanyu Toshusai, and Kazushige Matsuki 

Ko Minamino and Edo Phoenix vs The Incredible Kayoma and Beetle Kimura 

Sozen Ishinomori, Toyokuni Hardcore and Eiichi Umehara vs Kimi Kawano and INSPRE IMPACT

Totoya Munakata and Kenko Takemitsu vs Amo Del Gato and Huracan Sandoval Jr

Urogataya and Uno vs Goro Hatamoto and Noritaka Imakura

Lance Lott, Francis Burke, Monday Next, and Stunner Sayuki vs Shaolin, Stealth Z, El Orgulloso and White Samurai

Taheiji Konoe, Torii and Matsumoto vs Big Boss Emperor, Taiji Chajima, and Ritsu Ibata


Night 4


Yoshimi Mushashibo and Kazushige Matsuki vs Yasuhide Tayama and Shingen Miyazaki 

Washi Heat and Tanyu Toshusai vs Sozen Ishinomori and Eiichi Umehara 

Monday Next, Beetle Kimura and Totoya Manakata vs Edo Phoenix, White Samurai, and Ko Minamino 

Hiroshi Morisue and Taheiji Konoe vs INSPIRE IMPACT

Stealth Z and Shaolin vs The Incredible Kayoma and Stunner Sayuki 

Goro Hatamoto and Kimi Kawano vs Urogataya and Uno

Amo Del Gato, Huracan Sandoval, and El Orgulloso vs Kenko Takemitsu, Lance Lott, and Francis Burke

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