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I was just starting up a game with SAISHO and have a few ideas for them running through my head. They're not as daunting as PGHW/BHOTWG and quite quick and easy to get your head round.

Was just wondering if anyone else has had a look/play around with them. What ideas have you had for them? Who do you sign for permanent/touring wrestlers. I'm having a look through everyone who would work in Japan to see who I think would fit the SAISHO style.

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I've personally loved booking SAISHO in both 2020 and so far in IX. I have so many good ideas regarding that roster, and feel free to ask away, but the main thing that comes to mind is that the tag team of The Hurt (Billy Robinson and Nigel Svensson) are the greatest duo you will ever have. They have always been there whenever my tag division needed it most, and I feel like Billy Robinson could be a solid star on his own. When it comes to free agent workers, I'm only just getting started with playing with the touring contracts but I'm excited with it. Danjuro Kikuchi has been a solid technical worker for me and that's usually the furthest I'll end up going for permanent contracts for guys that already have some name value. Aside from that, I tend to lean more towards signing really young, young-lion talent that I can start building for the future.

Would love to hear what your personal SAISHO ideas are! As well as anything you might be doing in your save. 

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I'm not long into my save, just going into the A-1 GP tour. So far I've done the following:


Created a 'New Year Battle Royale' Title to be held on the first tour show of each year, with the winner fighting for the Destiny Title at Battleground Japan. This was partially done as you join the game mid tour and needed to arrange a Title challenger quickly, but also because it can be set up to be a decent tradition each year. Motoyuki Miyake won the inaugural battle Royale and went on to lose in a great effort against KAZ, with a 76 Match rating. I've also created the 'Six Peak Challenge' Title, inspired by one of the Grand Prix in Bad Collin's RTG, in which six competitors fight on the first tour show, then 5, then 4 etc. until the final two fight for the Title during the Warriors Tour. Winner gets a title shot at Dream Clash, but obviously I've not gotten to this yet.

So far, Miyake and The Force have challenged for the Destiny Title. The Force, I had decided when I started the save, I would sign in my first full tour and have him have a couple Tag Team tour matches before challenging for the title. I had read that the Destiny Title would only be challenged by people who have earned it. I decided I'd have Force come in, not really earn anything, and use that to motivate others. (His match, obviously, was not great).

Lion Genji is the guy, currently, I want to focus around for now at least. He's always someone I look at and want to sign but haven't, so now feels like the time to use him. I decided before making the save, I want him winning the A-1. After winning he will announce SAISHO's first stable, probably something like 'Lion's Share' or something equally corny. The idea behind it being, after what happened with The Force, he wants to fight for the honour of SAISHO and ensure that only people who earn a shot will get it, etc. Isoruko Arakaki and MUSCLE Serizawa are the first two I have 'pencilled' in to join him so far. Arakaki has won the Ride The Tiger belt and I had Wild Springboks drop the Tag Titles to Diamond Dogs whilst I build them up a bit.

Even better for the Lion Genji story. I had him face Miyake in the semi main event beneath The Force challenging for the title. Thanks to a creative finish to the match, they received an 81 rating compared to the KAZ/Force match which got a 50. In my head, that's now even more reason for Lion Genji to do what he's doing.

I signed Taheiji Konoe and had him debut after KAZ's defence against Miyake, just for a stare down. He won't be challenging for the title for a while yet but wanted to give off the impression he was a big deal. Though, his ratings could be better tbh.

Otherwise, I haven't got too many plans yet, thinking of ways to use different guys. Zeshin, Lion and KAZ are currently the guys I'd be happy to hold the Title anytime but they have a lot of young guys who are very close to stepping up, which is great!

I'm just heading into the A-1. I'm going to run it as all 26 (+6 tour workers) competing in a 32 man tournament over the tour, but I don't know if I adjust to a round robin next year, we will see.


Wouldn't mind hearing some of your ideas. I plan to add a few factions throughout the year, just need the timing, motivation and ideas!

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Great idea honestly with that New Year Battle Royale title! One of the unfortunate parts of s SAISHO save IS indeed that the year starts in the middle of a tour, but you basically solved that problem. Motoyuki Miyake is the damn GOAT in most of my SAISHO stuff and he's just overall such a good and reliable worker in the Main Event scene.

The Lion Genji story is really awesome! Introducing a stable into SAISHO is probably gonna provide a nice mix-up to the roster and Genji is just so damn good that it works with a guy like him.

Also would love to see where you go after the A-1! I still got a long ways to go still as I'm only in January of my IX save, but I might implement that A-1 idea with having the whole roster participate.

Will be sure to share more stuff about my save as I get deeper into it!! Hope to hear more about yours too!

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So I finished A-1, the final 4 were KAZ, Lion Genji, Motoyuki Miyake and Tahieiji Konoe. It was Lion and Konoe in the finals, with Konoe taking his first loss. I went ahead with Lion Genji, MUSCLE Serizawa and Isoruko Arakaki forming a stable afterwards.

Going into Grand Slam, I went against what I previously decided and had Konoe go after KAZ for the title. Lion Genji will hold off on his title shot until the July Season Ending show, and to be honest, Konoe has woefully underperformed really and I don't really see him lasting long at SAISHO, let alone at the top of the card. He does not get good ratings and he also causes a lot of issues backstage. Doesn't seem worth the money when I have Arakaki, Miyake, Arato and Katou who are all ready to step up at the top and are outperforming everyone except Lion Genji.

The creative finish thing has been amazing, I've had ones come up for Lion, Konoe and Arato, and also had a natural one come up for Shuzo Utagawa who is coming along nicely. Zeshin Makioka has stepped up after initially he wasn't doing as well as Lion and KAZ. He offered to put over Water Kikumoto which I went ahead with in a singles match at Giant Slam, but I regret it a bit as Wataru isn't ready yet and I need Zeshin at the top. I think I'll use it as a catalyst for him to rebuild and form a faction himself., not sure on the other members yet though.

Due to one of the creative finishes being given to Arato, I had him and Katou go over Lion and MUSCLE at Giant Slam and it worked great, giving them an 81 rating which is my joint highest match rating yet.

Babau is also someone who has consistently been one of the top performers, so I want to find a way to reward him for that. Maybe a Ride The Tiger run at some point.

Going in to the Mega Explosion tour, I'm looking at signing Yasushi Hatanaka and Kurt Komagata as Young Lions, as I feel like that is something we are missing. 

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Konoe is unfortunately limited by the explosive ring style attribute in a company that gets great scores for 20+ minute matches, he can only really go 10 without any penalties to his performance and they get worse the longer his matches go over 10, I really wanted to bring him into SAISHO and give him a decent push but that limits him a bit in the context of SAISHO's product, but it could also be a case of him being a bit older and worn down from his WEXXV days to top that off. Good luck on Komagata I think he could be really good if his potential backstage issues are quelled. But in a game more about backstage interactions than previous I think he might end up being more trouble than he's worth which is why I've ignored him in some of my puro saves so far.

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Yeah, I'm not very good with different functions of the games, like the penalties they receive etc. But I don't mind that I brought him in, as it's a learning curve and I can work it into stories for the promotion etc. But yeah, I think he has a limited shelf life and don't expect him to last out the year, especially with him being such trouble!

Yeah Komagata is another one, I didn't really look at her personality etc which I'm often guilty of doing, I just was seeking a couple Young Lions who looked half decent and didn't think to look past that. I've not had chance to play the last couple days, so the young lions have had one match each, so we will see how it goes.

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I've just finished Destiny Awaits.

Babau, Lion Genji & Motoyuki Miyake all had 85+ individual match performances, but I didn't book the show well, thinking I had changed my product when I hadn't, so didn't book people in 20+ minute matches that needed to be. Live and learn!

Taheiji Konoe is gone. He wasn't performing well enough and complained about putting people over and, despite being a positive person to have, kept causing problems. That's fine, I won't miss him.

Lion Genji became champion at Destiny Awaits, and KAZ's performances are starting to decline so I am not sure he will be back holding the title, especially not when there are multiple younger guys outperforming him.

Oh, Isoruko Arakaki broke his neck at Destiny Awaits, so that sucks. I'm thinking of adding Shuzo Utagawa, the man who had previously taken the Ride The Tiger belt off of Arakaki, to the Lion's Share stable, with Genji, Arakaki and MUSCLE. That should play into a long-term story, but give them an extra man in the meantime.

Miyake and Arato are the two that are ready to step into the main event, IMO. Katou is a little further behind, more inconsistent.

I've higher a few more wrestlers, and we are now small too! I'm enjoying rolling through different tour guys and a personal favourite of mine was bringing in Samson Sharpe during the Destiny Awaits tour, as he had been released and was very, very affordable. He may even become my first permanent Gaijin signing, as I think I want to see if I can hold onto him and make him into something, but we will see.

Going into the Warriors tour now, where I created the Six Peak Challenge Title, which 6 men will compete for, being knocked out one at a time per tour night, so that should be fun!

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Yeah, i have been playing around with SAISHO and PGHW. I love both of their products, probably the "easiest" type of companies to book in my opinion, if you cannot be bothered with Storylines, Gimmicks and want to focus more on building up talent and the actual match quality. I also love how the tour contracts work in this version of the game, great addition. 

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