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HYPE: Cornellverse Branched Timeline (97 to 04)

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just giving a quick update on what I've done so far, which has mostly been to get the data to work with the new calendar related stuff.  The Japanese promotions active at the start of the game have had their schedules converted, with sims being run to make sure they work year on year, so far this is working well.  A couple of promotions there haven' yet been finished, just the ones that already had their schedule set.  Title lineages have been set properly, with all lineages now having real world dates and their title defences filled in for those stat lovers who like to see who the best champs have been.  Most title lineages from 97 to 04 hasven't been created properly yet due to having workers yet to be created and / or added so this is mostly done up to 97, with only a few exceptions deviating from the actual CV lineages, most notably AAA's beginnings and a lot of Mexico as the defaults were only added AFTER I had created the CV97 versions.

I've also got my notes on all the stuff that needs to be added and imported from the default CV for this now, most of which is future workers due to the time period being 18 years apart.  The big decision I need to commit to is what images to use, and I am leanig 80% towards the CV_alt versions that come with the game.  I know they aren't as versatile but I prefer the larger images and don't want to bring in a full picture pack from elsewhere that I may not be able to get permissions for, while the default CV stuff comes with permissions to use in TEW.

As long as I commit to that picture pack then the next thing I do is to probably import all the workers and add all the suggestions and ideas I've had from people so far.  Once I've got them done I can finish up things like title lineages and work on the first few years of yet to debut workers to work towards a beta release that everyone can get their hands on and should be fully playable, at least up to the point where the new workers haven't been done yet 😛

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On 8/14/2024 at 8:23 PM, Derek B said:

And perhaps the biggest drama of all?  Hanshiro Furusawa has continued to drag GCG’s name further into the mud, frustrating star Kazu Yoshizawa so much that Kazu quit the company, taking some stars and under-utilised talent with him to form BCG.  The split was the latest in a never-ending run of publicity disasters for GCG who have been criticised for being slow to adapt, cursed with injuries, plagued with bad ideas (like closing GCG:WW), crippled by poor investment towards the future, and driven to irrelevancy and near bankruptcy by Sadaharu Jimbo’s PGHW, who are everything that GCG could have been.  With sole remaining top star Yoshifusa Maeda clearly past his prime and trying hard to steer the ship towards the future despite Hanshiro’s determination to crash it onto the shores of the past, GCG needs to be built up from the ground once more and find ways to draw money soon or face the very real danger of going out of business forever

*shakes fist* Furusawa!

As a giant GCG fan and there penchant for just being a total basket case of a company, I can't wait to play this once I'm able to get XI. Maeda being washed at this point an interesting turn since obviously in the real game he was still excellent, hopefully there's still some stuff in the company that it can be salvaged. I'm really excited to see how this grows chief :D

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15 hours ago, Derek B said:

just giving a quick update on what I've done so far, which has mostly been to get the data to work with the new calendar related stuff.  The Japanese promotions active at the start of the game have had their schedules converted, with sims being run to make sure they work year on year, so far this is working well.  A couple of promotions there haven' yet been finished, just the ones that already had their schedule set.  Title lineages have been set properly, with all lineages now having real world dates and their title defences filled in for those stat lovers who like to see who the best champs have been.  Most title lineages from 97 to 04 hasven't been created properly yet due to having workers yet to be created and / or added so this is mostly done up to 97, with only a few exceptions deviating from the actual CV lineages, most notably AAA's beginnings and a lot of Mexico as the defaults were only added AFTER I had created the CV97 versions.

I've also got my notes on all the stuff that needs to be added and imported from the default CV for this now, most of which is future workers due to the time period being 18 years apart.  The big decision I need to commit to is what images to use, and I am leanig 80% towards the CV_alt versions that come with the game.  I know they aren't as versatile but I prefer the larger images and don't want to bring in a full picture pack from elsewhere that I may not be able to get permissions for, while the default CV stuff comes with permissions to use in TEW.

As long as I commit to that picture pack then the next thing I do is to probably import all the workers and add all the suggestions and ideas I've had from people so far.  Once I've got them done I can finish up things like title lineages and work on the first few years of yet to debut workers to work towards a beta release that everyone can get their hands on and should be fully playable, at least up to the point where the new workers haven't been done yet 😛

Keep up the good work buddy, this is one of my most anticipated versions of the game. Will it be the 97 start date like in TEW 2020?

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Im looking forward to this so much, i managed to get the Total Extreme Wrestling/Warfare 2004 game working on my laptop....It has all the heights and weights and rosters from May 2004.... If you need any info i can look...

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What kind of image packs to you plan to use?

I wonder if there possibly exist "AI renders" for all wrestlers in historic CV environments to fit the new TEW IX look. Searching the forum I found a lot (but no young Mushashibo f.i.)

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4 hours ago, Eugucgi said:

What kind of image packs to you plan to use?

I wonder if there possibly exist "AI renders" for all wrestlers in historic CV environments to fit the new TEW IX look. Searching the forum I found a lot (but no young Mushashibo f.i.)

You might be able to img2img them, I'll probably try to check it out later.

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1 hour ago, ubernoobDXA said:

You might be able to img2img them, I'll probably try to check it out later.

That would be amazing. I don't know what derek plans yet, personally I'd love to see a consistent image pack for historical CV mods.

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Nice. Loved the '97 mod and good that someone is working on a conversion, but what I didn't like was the additions of ahistorical workers, especially considering most of them were quite decent. I'd only accept jobbers as filler as they would all go on to fade into obscurity. It'd feel weird to have them win any title at all.

Not that interested in alternate timelines, even though every playthrough you go through is essentially making an alternate timeline. :p

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14 hours ago, Blackman said:

Nice. Loved the '97 mod and good that someone is working on a conversion, but what I didn't like was the additions of ahistorical workers, especially considering most of them were quite decent. I'd only accept jobbers as filler as they would all go on to fade into obscurity. It'd feel weird to have them win any title at all.

Not that interested in alternate timelines, even though every playthrough you go through is essentially making an alternate timeline. :p

it's funny as TEW97 was my "entry" to CV... so all those guys  you call ahistorical are STILL REAL TO ME!


Edited by Eugucgi
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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick update as work keeps getting done.  I've now imported all the new workers from the CV update for TEW IX, with a few family exceptions that I haven't worked out how to handle yet like the new third generation Eisens since they are children of multiple workers who already exist and might never get together or br pregnant at the correct time.  Will work out how to handle them later.

Up next I'm going to be messing around with heights and weights for workers, where there will probably be a little overall shrinkage cos the CV is generally HUGE and never seems to have experienced the general trending down in size that the real world experience since the 2000s began.  That said, it mostly means a few heights will be off a little and some weights will be a little smaller so won't be a huge deal.

I'll also be adding the suggested workers that people have sent in, I've not marked them off vs the list in the first post but CZCW seems to be pretty well covered.  I think the overall worker total one all of these are added will take the full data up to about 4100, with about half of them active at game start and more than 20 years of people yet to debut.  Using narratives I'll be able to turn graduation on and off as appropriate so some places will be debuting workers you recognise in some years, and some you don't in other years, just like in CV97.

Still aiming to have the beta out this year, though the year end is rapidly approaching already. Where did it go?

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7 hours ago, Derek B said:

Quick update as work keeps getting done.  I've now imported all the new workers from the CV update for TEW IX, with a few family exceptions that I haven't worked out how to handle yet like the new third generation Eisens since they are children of multiple workers who already exist and might never get together or br pregnant at the correct time.  Will work out how to handle them later.

Up next I'm going to be messing around with heights and weights for workers, where there will probably be a little overall shrinkage cos the CV is generally HUGE and never seems to have experienced the general trending down in size that the real world experience since the 2000s began.  That said, it mostly means a few heights will be off a little and some weights will be a little smaller so won't be a huge deal.

I'll also be adding the suggested workers that people have sent in, I've not marked them off vs the list in the first post but CZCW seems to be pretty well covered.  I think the overall worker total one all of these are added will take the full data up to about 4100, with about half of them active at game start and more than 20 years of people yet to debut.  Using narratives I'll be able to turn graduation on and off as appropriate so some places will be debuting workers you recognise in some years, and some you don't in other years, just like in CV97.

Still aiming to have the beta out this year, though the year end is rapidly approaching already. Where did it go?

I am very excited for this all Derek. Still haven't really played the game legitimately as I'm waiting for this to take up my focus.

Question, though. Will you be putting together a CVBlue picture pack to go along with this also or are you using AI images fully?

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1 hour ago, Shianne_EB said:

I am very excited for this all Derek. Still haven't really played the game legitimately as I'm waiting for this to take up my focus.

Question, though. Will you be putting together a CVBlue picture pack to go along with this also or are you using AI images fully?

I'm probably going to aim for an entirely Default_alt AI style pack ultimately, as it's uniform and will be supported by default by the base CV, and I'm only intending to have one picture pack released with the mod due to the amount of work involved.  I assume people will use their own selection of images regardless, so I choose not to put too much focus on that side of things.

Obviously that does raise a bunch of issues.... especially with how many characters are in the mod that are non-canon and imported from other mods, which I don't have an answer for at the moment.  Even if I decided to do an entirely blue pack, that would mean that all the new workers Adam added would be on the wrong background so there's no easy choice there and I MIGHT have to release a hybrid pack of sorts where some people use their old blue renders depending on how things go with sourcing new style images for people.  I don't just want to slap all the freepics for people, or use duplicates either if possible.

Ultimately.... I know people care about images a lot, but it's the shiny polish on the actual stuff that makes the dataset work.  So I'm going to focus on that for now, and deal with images later when it becomes more relevant.  Ultimately, I wnat every worker to have an image, I'll use what I have permissions for to try to at least make them as close to consistent as I can :)

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12 hours ago, Derek B said:

I'm probably going to aim for an entirely Default_alt AI style pack ultimately, as it's uniform and will be supported by default by the base CV, and I'm only intending to have one picture pack released with the mod due to the amount of work involved.  I assume people will use their own selection of images regardless, so I choose not to put too much focus on that side of things.

Obviously that does raise a bunch of issues.... especially with how many characters are in the mod that are non-canon and imported from other mods, which I don't have an answer for at the moment.  Even if I decided to do an entirely blue pack, that would mean that all the new workers Adam added would be on the wrong background so there's no easy choice there and I MIGHT have to release a hybrid pack of sorts where some people use their old blue renders depending on how things go with sourcing new style images for people.  I don't just want to slap all the freepics for people, or use duplicates either if possible.

Ultimately.... I know people care about images a lot, but it's the shiny polish on the actual stuff that makes the dataset work.  So I'm going to focus on that for now, and deal with images later when it becomes more relevant.  Ultimately, I wnat every worker to have an image, I'll use what I have permissions for to try to at least make them as close to consistent as I can :)

I see.
I'm sure you already know what my position is 😅
Thank you for the clarification.

Edited by Shianne_EB
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