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To Be Announced

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Hi, currently when we pre book matches we have to fill in all competitor’s – We can’t leave any as “to be announced#2.   I think it would be good if we had the option to leave some of the competitors unannounced to simulate real life occasions when that has happened like Seth v Cody at Wrestlemania were Cody was not announced before had or for battle royals and Royal rumble where some of the participants are not revealed ahead of time but the match is still pre booked.   

This could be for multi man matches as well like Money in the Bank where you could announce the match and then update the pre booking as wrestlers qualify.   It would be away through the pre booking to simulate alerting the fans that someone is returning or debuting. 

There could also potentially be bonuses and penalties for the mystery wrestlers based on how well it’s used.  I.E if there was a way for the game to keep track of previous reveals – If the reveals were mostly positive then pre booking a mystery opponent or mystery partner or mystery participant could lead to a bonus to simulate the fans anticipation of who it is.    If the previous reveals were mostly poor or poorly received however it could have no effect or even lead to a penalty to simulate the fans having no faith that it would be anyone they would be interested in.   This could also cause a penalty to the show when the reveal takes place if its a particularly underwhelming reveal as well as causing the fans to be less interested the next time you announce a mystery participant.   

This would mean you couldn’t abuse it as you would end up getting penalised if you used without the appropriate wrestlers being available.  Also it should probably be restricted to appropriate wrestlers debuting and or returning after an absence to be considered 100 % successful. 

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1 hour ago, benjirino said:

I tend to work around it by making the pre-booking of an angle featuring the announced wrestler in the ring awaiting his opponent to build anticipation for the surprise music hit.

Cool nice workaround – I’ll use that going forward – Thanks.   It might inadvertently cause a bit of an exploit as presumably your pre booking the angle with Wrestler A in the ring and wrestler B coming out for the Pop but also Pre booking the Match Wrestler A v Wrestler B so you’re getting the pre booking bonus for both potentially.    Also don't think would work with the Royal Rumble / Battle Royals

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On 8/15/2024 at 5:33 PM, cps_1908 said:


Cool nice workaround – I’ll use that going forward – Thanks.   It might inadvertently cause a bit of an exploit as presumably your pre booking the angle with Wrestler A in the ring and wrestler B coming out for the Pop but also Pre booking the Match Wrestler A v Wrestler B so you’re getting the pre booking bonus for both potentially.    Also don't think would work with the Royal Rumble / Battle Royals

Do pre-bookings work like that? I thought it was just basically "x wrestler will be appearing" was the pre-booking bonus, didn't matter what they did. Genuine question as I'm not sure.

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On 8/18/2024 at 7:19 PM, benjirino said:

Do pre-bookings work like that? I thought it was just basically "x wrestler will be appearing" was the pre-booking bonus, didn't matter what they did. Genuine question as I'm not sure.

I don't know either but I would assume who a wrestler is competing against would have some sort of impact.  Using my current game as an example I have to think announcing Sting v Rick Rude must give a better bonus than say Sting v Terrance Taylor and Rick Rude v Z-Man.     

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On 8/15/2024 at 9:51 AM, benjirino said:

I tend to work around it by making the pre-booking of an angle featuring the announced wrestler in the ring awaiting his opponent to build anticipation for the surprise music hit.

Ya know, this is a fantastic idea and I never even thought of it. 

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8 hours ago, cps_1908 said:

I don't know either but I would assume who a wrestler is competing against would have some sort of impact.  Using my current game as an example I have to think announcing Sting v Rick Rude must give a better bonus than say Sting v Terrance Taylor and Rick Rude v Z-Man.     

It would make more sense being the way you describe, but not sure why I always just assumed it was an "x is appearing, so people want to see him".

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On 8/15/2024 at 6:33 PM, cps_1908 said:


Cool nice workaround – I’ll use that going forward – Thanks.   It might inadvertently cause a bit of an exploit as presumably your pre booking the angle with Wrestler A in the ring and wrestler B coming out for the Pop but also Pre booking the Match Wrestler A v Wrestler B so you’re getting the pre booking bonus for both potentially.

If I understand the handbook correctly, you won't get the prebooking bonus twice.

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17 hours ago, Kingster said:

If I understand the handbook correctly, you won't get the prebooking bonus twice.


I’m not sure but I remember playing a 94 mod and doing Wrestlemania 10 and pre booking multiple wrestlers on the same show.   When I booked Owen Hart v Bret hart it said wasn’t enough.   I booked other matches but when I booked Luger Yokozuna it changed to “Minor Bonus” and when I added Bret Hart v Yokozuna it changed to “Larger Bonus”  so the same wrestler being pre booked twice certainly appeared to effect it as it should as was two separate big matches i.e. two different  selling points.    

In any case the main thing is that much like the new angle systems allows the game to know what the wrestlers are doing it would be good if the pre booking system allowed the game to know what we are actually advertising and also so we could then replicate surprise appearances in the Royal Rumble like John Cena number 30 at Royal Rumble 2008 or Edge’s Royal Rumble return in 2020. 

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