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The Alpha CVerse Scouting Report

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A list of the best prospects on every Roster in the Cverse.

Everyone is under 30 meaning if you can get hold of them early you could be getting someone special.

Okay I decided to do my picks from each company like a scouting report - I chose to only pick 30 and under people because they are the ones who could reasonably become big with a push.


21CW - Viktor Beskov - The Russian is 29 and is in a Tag Team with Yuri Iliakov.  If they split he could become a great Heel Main Eventer


5 Star - Sayuri Honda - so she's a 19 Technician Flyer who is already really good.  She is only going to get better 


ACPW - Katya Korniskova is 23 with pretty insane Technical and High Flying ability and such a great baseline that she appears a no miss prospect. One downside is that she has a bit of a wild side outside the ring. 


APW - Leon Nemeth - a 23yo Stud Athlete with a solid baseline stats and a lively personality who with a bit of luck could become a lot better.  Even now he's going to be useful on most rosters.  


BCC - Kinpaku Kishi - Mr. High Risk and High Reward, his ability to sell is in doubt and he's inconsistent right now but he's also 19 and his base is so good that if he can ever improve his weaknesses he could be anything.  He's a long term investment if he becomes available.  He's seen as BCG True-born though so unless they cut him loose due to his flaws he's likely to stay there.


BHOTWG - Toi Minomiya - BHOTWG true born brawler who at 6'5 and only 22 has a huge upside.  He's a Stud Athlete with a Professional attitude which bodes well for his future. 


CWA - Sabrina Wells - CWA haven't really pushed her and she's considered unimportant by the fans but her ability is clear for anyone to see.  She's only 25 so she's going to get even better.  The biggest downside is that she loves Alberta Canada and is unlikely to move out of her comfort zone.  If she became available and she was willing to work in your area she is a great buy.


CWW -  Aurelain Bradley - If you are looking for future superstars CWW isn't the place to look.  20 yo Welshman Bradley will probably never be a megastar but what he could be is a brilliant mid card fixture - he's got great fundamentals, strong physical abilities and is already decent in ring and is very strong on the mic for such a young man.  He probably doesn't have the IT factor to be a superstar but not everyone needs to be that.   


CZCW - Skye Hermosa - I was tempted to recommend Zel Quinn or Viento Negro both of whom offer extremely good aerial skills for such young Men but both are already developing reputations of being a little problematic backstage - 24yo Hermosa on the other hand could have the same potential without the potential for drama. 


CILL - Phoenix IV - this 26 year old former OLLIE worker is a flashy Luchador who never holds back in the ring but has somehow managed to avoid any major injury issues. I'll put that down to his great fundamentals and athleticism.  He lives for wrestling and has the kind of style that is easily marketable and if you can get him I'd suggest going after him.


DIW - Rad Masteroff - Tevita Takulua is potentially the next great Islander Monster Heel but his flaws mean he's a long term investment rather than a no miss prospect.  Masteroff is only 21 so 2 years younger and his abilities are considerably better than Takulua at this point.  He comes with a caveat however - he's the sort of party animal that could go off the rails in the wrong environment.  If you are looking at him I'd recommend getting him now before he gets banged up by the DIW style or falls in with any more negative influences


DSPW - Parvin Kishan & Sensational Sarja - I was tossing up which one to recommend but frankly it's too close to call.  23yo pure Babyface Kishan is an easy sell and is already good enough to be useful on most any roster.  24yo Sarja is good too and versatile enough to work face or heel.  If possible sign them both and you'll have two guys who are already good and who could potentially be great.


EILL - Honestly nobody - Everyone is on written deals and only one wrestler is under 25. 22yo Hurakan will probably cost you money to hire if he was to become available and whilst he has impressive star qualities and aerial skills there are probably cheaper options with upsides in the same vicinity.  The person to keep an eye on would be 22yo Manager Analisa, she could be cut for budgetary reasons at some point and she's the sort of stunningly beautiful woman who could elevate a borderline babyface into the big leagues if they are paired up.  


EWA - Apocalypse Ruin - there are a few potential hidden gems in the EWA but the one who probably has the best chance of being a success elsewhere is one half of a tag team.  Ruin is 6'6 and only 21.  He's has a charismatic menacing presence and in ring his strong fundamental and athletic skills back up his emerging brawling skills which are strengthened by good ring psychology for such a young man.  He's a future Main Event Monster Heel in waiting.


EXODUS 2010 - Yuta Isono -  This 23yo is an easily marketable potential Megastar Heel with only one major drawback ... he's a bit of chancer in real life who could easily find himself in legal trouble if he's not careful.  If you can keep him on the straight and narrow then he's a brilliant buy if not then he's going to cause scandals that could hurt your whole company.


 EMLL - Time Master & Samael the Accuser - if you are looking for a couple of cheap solid Luchadores then these two are it.  27yo Technico Time Master is a cheap alternative to someone like EILL's Hurakan and would be easy to market to the fans, he's not quite as good of course but he's great value.  He's in great physical shape and his only real negative is his rep of being insecure about his place on the roster which may have stopped him jumping to the bigger Mexican fed. Samael the Accuser is a big brawler with decent skills who offers enough to make him a decent option.  The downside is at 26yo he's already showing some signs of wear and tear on his lower body.


FCW - Bret Kyle - a 22 yo flashy high flyer who can go all night and who never holds back has the sort of strong fundamentals that should see him have a great career if he can stay healthy.  Definitely someone I'd strongly consider offering a deal too.


GSW - Papa Swoll & Public Enemy 1# - Papa Swoll is 25 and could be a star but he's pretty bad in the ring at this point but 23 yo PE1# is the sort of prospect that can sit comfortably on most any roster.  If push comes to shove I'd go for PE1# as I think he's more likely to be a useful long term roster member, with Swoll it's less certain but he has a much higher upside. 


IPW - Charlie Corner - terrific prospect.  Pure and simple a terrific prospect.  He's 20 and has the sort of look and skillset that makes scouts like me drool.  He never shuts up though.  Sign him if you can.


MAW - The Historian - he's a 25 yo with the basic skills to be a useful roster member for the next decade an the kind of personality who should never cause you drama.

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NYCW - Cory Underwood & Super Massie Destroyer - Underwood has a ways to go but could be anything, his big issue is that he is a problem child whose behavior is going to have to be dealt with. SMD on the other hand is a truly lovely young man who will get along with most anyone despite him looking like an evil monster, he's a long way off being ready for a push in a big company but at 22yo if you are willing to invest the time into him he could be a major star.


PSW - Ernest Youngman, Logan Wolfsbaine & Austin Smooth - these 3 are basically the same thing in slightly different forms- mid 20's natural heels who probably either need a break now or who will be considered career could of beens.  Youngman is probably the best prospect, Wolfsbaine is the best right now but has a prickly personality that could cause issues whilst Smooth has less natural star quality but whose technical skills and good looks make him make him an easily hateable perfect mid card villain.


PGHW - Shinji Mihara - 23yo PGHW trueborn who would cost a bit to get when and if he becomes available but his mercenary mindset means he's probably open to jumping ship.  He's already very good and is likely to get better but he's not a bargain buy.  If money is no problem then he's a good get but otherwise you would perhaps be better signing 2 or 3 slightly less established talents for the same price or to be honest much less. 


SAISHO - Motyuki Miyake - 26yo and very very good.  The downsides are that he tends to no-sell too often and his lower body is showing signs of wear and tear.  If you are going to get him get him soon.   


QAW - Black Diamond, DupliKate, Felicia Luck & Izzy Quick - call me indecisive if you will but it's hard to pick which one of these to recommend.  Diamond looks and talks like a star but has a fair ways to go in ring, DupliKate is beautiful and flashy with solid fundamentals but still needs to bring her in ring work up to scratch, Felicia is a better brawler than the others whose selling is somewhat questionable, finally Izzy Quick is a really flashy high flying Luchadora who needs to work on her consistency a little.  None are the finished product and it really depends on what you are looking for. 


RAW - Jesse Tasman & Will Beaumont - RAW has a lot of young guys with a strong upside but the closest to being ready for a big push is 25yo Jesse Tasman.  He has natural Charisma and looks like a star and his fundamentals are strong.  He needs to work on his in ring psychology and he is so settled in Oceania that it's felt he will never leave.  He might be good for Japanese Touring companies though.  23 yo Beaumont is a MUST SIGN if you can. There are flaws in his game and he may never reach his potential but that potential is so high that the risk is well and truly worth the potential for failure, he wont be that cheap but ... this guy is a marketing dream with the sort of personality that will only help your locker room.     


 RIPW - Son of Vengeance & Moriarty Schnell - RIPW is SPW's development fed so these guys are already signed to a big dog but sometimes these guys get cut or become available.  Vengeance has a way to go in ring but his fundamentals are strong and he has the enterainment side down already as a natural monster heel.  Schnell is coming along nicely but he's the sort of guy who needs to feel wanted all the time and isn't the kind to settle down anywhere for the long term so could jump ship when his contract comes up.


SNP - ummmm well ... Kitty Katz? - Sorry but the SNP roster is problematic at best and frankly I dont think any of their wrestlers are worth taking a risk on.  Katz is a 20 yo Irish dancer of the Exotic kind who looks good and unlike most of the SNP roster is straight edge.  The downside is she's a fiery redhead stereotype who could cause issues backstage.  The fact that a non wrestler with a slightly problematic personality is the best potential signing sums SNP up.


SWF - Garry the Entertainer - look you aren't going to get any of the SWF roster cheap so no bargains here.  If Garry became available though he would be worth considering - he really is an entertainer whose in ring skills are good.


TCW - Jaylon Martins - TCW is the smallest of the US big 3 so getting one of their talent is a little cheaper and 22yo Martins has the tools to be a really fine talent for a long time.  The question as it always is with people for people from the larger companies is the money you need to get him worth it in comparison going for cheaper emerging talent from lower down the worlds wrestling pecking order?


UEW - Juan Mendoza - There are a few potential gems in UEW but the Sundqvist Brothers & Sigurdsson Blood-Axe are all green as grass and flawed at this point, however 26yo Spaniard Juan Mendoza is a good guy both in ring and in real life and would be well worth looking at.


USPW -  nobody ... at a push Turk Trenneman.  USPW rarely develops good talent in house they poach from elsewhere and any one you get from them is likely going to want more money than they are truly worth.  Some of them have the sort of personailties you should run a mile from too.  26 yo Trenneman is unlikely to get cut but if he was then he would at least be worth considering but as always is the cost worth it in comparison for a lower profile emerging talent?


VWA - Michael Gregory, Fabian Schwarz & Hans Piccard - None of these guys is perfect, Gregory is 28 and a decent enough worker with enough about him to be a star if handled right but the clock is probably ticking - Schwarz & Piccard are a younger tag team (both 22) who are a ways off in the ring but have a good upside.  Piccard could be really good and is easy to market but he needs to be watched as he enjoys the wilder side of life. Schwarz is a little less likely to become a huge star but he's a joy to have around backstage and would be the one I would choose if forced to pick between the 3.


WLW - Kaito Doan - WLW trueborn Kaito Doan is good and is only going to get better.  He's an easily marketable Heel but backstage is beloved by most everyone.  It's often hard to pry trueborn away from their home feds but he's definitely worth the effort.


ZEN - Buckminster Snark, Hez Jendell, Kalliope Woodchuck & Celestina Cherish - ZEN produce entertainers - Snark is a good hand who could be a star if handled right but the clock is ticking, Hez is a 22 yo Rookie with a terrific High Flying base to work from, Woodchuck has 6 years experience at 26 and is very pretty with good fundamentals and Cherish is a 23 yo rookie who is unique in that she's a transwoman - her Comedy and Improv skills mean she has a good upside but she's a long way off in ring as of yet.   Snark is an obvious choice for a lot of feds as he's both the best worker and the best prospect right now but all 3 of the girls bring something to the table.


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USA based Free Agents


Doctor Funkenstein - 22 yo with a huge upside.  Has the entertainment side down but lacks polish in ring right now.  Could be used as a hype man/tag partner for a better in ring talent until his in rign skills come around.  Has a future backstage.


Jack Holder - 20 yo talent with almost limitless potential.  Could make most rosters straight out of the gate.  Another guy who appears destined for a backstage role in the future.  


Joanna Silver - I know I know but hear me out.  This 27yo former exotic dancer is no in ring genius but she's charismatic, athletic, with loads of stamina and oozes sex appeal and more than a little natural star quality.  Used right and in the right sort of matches she can be a valuable asset.  Comedy and Eye Candy is her forte right now but she has enough fundamental skill that she could develop into something more. 


Joy Ryder - If she had more natural star quality Ryder would be a must sign for any company with a womens division.  She's beautiful and has strong fundamentals and good in ring skills.  As is I'd still recommend signing her even if she may never quite be a superstar.


Mellow Flasheart - There are holes in her game especially in regards to consistency but this 21 yo has great potential as a mic worker and Technician.  Has another career in TV acting which offers the mixed positive/negative of potential unavailability but also potential free publicity and popularity for whomever employs her.


Prime Time Jack Pryde -  There is a huge caveat on this guys recommendation, right now he's borderline in regards to his fundamental skills.  He's easily marketable, has got the performance skills in spades and great physical capacity and can brawl fine but he's inconsistent, no sells too often and is frankly potentially dangerous.  At 21 if he can develop the basics he's a great buy if he doesn't he's just going to be a heel that you can only use in short simple bouts.  Someone will take that chance I am certain. 


Texas Hangman - He's 23yo 6'7 and is already good enough for most companies to consider signing.  He's not the best seller and lacks a lot in terms of in ring psychology but pair him with someone who can steer the match or in short brawls in he's more than handy.  He's known to be a quiet guy who can suddenly explode into anger which means theres a chance he could become a problem backstage in the wrong environment. 


The Masked Grappler - this 24yo menacing young brawler has enough about him to make him worth a long look.  He has outstanding fundamentals and looks to be destined for a backstage role as well.  He's the kind of multi purpose talent who can be used as a Menacing Heel, backstage enforcer and a part of the booking team.  He's going to end up being a locker room leader too.


Zippy Deverell - He's only 5'11 and 217 so he's really suited to being a weasly heel - he has the mic skilsl to carry that off and both in ring the 21yo has the fundamental brawling and comedy skills to be a real asset.  Backstage he's a mixed bag who never shuts up but also tells very entertaining stories - needs to be watched due to his enjoyment of partying which could see him go off the rails. 


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Canada based Free agents


Kate Mishler - is a 21 yo with great fundamentals as well as good technical and aerial skills and some really flashy moves and nice performance ability.  She's quiet but has shown a knack for booking on the backyard scene.  Any company with a womans division could do a lot worse than signing her.

She's really the only unsigned Canadian under 30 I can recommend at this time.


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Mexico based free agents


Blue Phantom - this 27yo former OLLIE worker has the sort of star quality and flashy aerial moves to make a great addition to most any roster.  He's fundamentally sound and unlike some Luchadores his age not banged up.  He's known to be a professional backstage and a guy who is willing to make a less talented worker look better in any match.  He's a guy I would strongly recommend to most any company. 


El Avatar - at 21 this guy might be on the small side at 5'7 and around 200lbs but he has the sort of skills that make me genuinely excited.  He's been booking local indy shows since he debuted which means he could be a long term investment in both a front and backstage role.  He's perhaps not the shining star type I would normally recommend but at 21 those performance skills may still develop - at worst he will be a good midcarder.


El Enigma - this guy is maybe 19 and his fundamentals are very strong.  He's more a technician than a the high flyers we normally see out of the Region.  He's on the small side though maybe 5'8 190lbs.  He's got charisma and mic skills and would likely make a solid mid card heel with his weasly knock-off of the famous Winged Rodent Superhero's Questioning Antagonist.  He's also done some booking on the indy circuit meaning he can slot into a backstage role if needed.


El Hijo del Aguila - this 29yo is a decent aerialist with great fundamentals who is probably best suited to selling the offence of others as an underdog.  Like a lot of Luchadores reaching their 30's his body is showing signs of wear and tear from taking a few risky bumps but not so much that it will significantly effect his ability to perform.   He's never leaving Mexico so he's only really available in that area but I've included him for Mexican and Japanese Touring company information.


Fuego Fantastico - this 21yo is very much a work in progress he's already got a bag of flashy aerial tricks but needs to work a little on his consistency - he's not terribly inconsistent but he's still a little spotty.  He has a gymnastic background which helps and always goes for it in every match.  Backstage he's a ball of energy who tends to never shut up and will probably fit in well with most people.


Mustang Blanco Jr - this 29yo is in really good shape for a luchadore his age and his skills aren't in question.  There's is an Asterix though - he's quick to take offence and anger which means he could be problematic backstage.


Shandi - I normally wouldn't recommend a manager/valet but this 21 yo is so genuinely likeable in real life that pairing her with someone who needs a bit of a boost is well worth considering


Styx - this 25yo would probably be considered a borderline recommendation.  He's a 6'4 Brawler with the requisite amount of charisma and menace to become a really good heel.  His skills are solid but nothing special but his gimmick is marketable and he has enough drive that theres a good chance he'll improve significantly.  He's not overly keen on putting workers lower down the totem pole over but he's not a nightmare to work with. 


Velver Suarez - Unemployed Luchadoras are thin on the ground and this 27yo is worth a look.  She has great fundamental skills and is decent in the air.  She's probably not going to be a star but she is such a genuinely up person that her mere presence is likely to make your backstage enviroment better for having her around. 


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British Isles Free Agents


Chaz Hayter - this 20yo is a 6'5 Brawler with a great look.  His fundamentals are sorely lacking at this point and you are going to have to keep it simple and show some patience for him to become a useful talent.  It's about the long game with this guy.  Your going to have to watch him backstage because he's young and loves to party and we all know that can lead to issues if handled poorly.


Iggy Riot - the 2nd High Risk High Reward prospect in a row.  His fundamentals are ordinary but he's got a real sense of menace about him - of course for fellow workers thats no comfort given his lack of control.  He's all about the Money and if you pay him he should be happy.  He's another longterm project though rather than a no miss surefire hit right now.


Lone Wolf - this 20yo guy is unlikely to ever be a star but what he does he does very well - hitting people hard and often.  He's a physical specimen with pretty good fundamentals.  All good right?  Well yeah except he's a chancer who has a love for slightly dodgy schemes away from the ring which could prove problematic.  He's not a criminal but he's the sort of guy who could do something borderline.   


Lucy Hooper - a ref - yeah I am recommending a ref.  She's good looking skilled and gets on with everyone backstage.  She also has some indy booking experience which makes her a solid investment for what would be very little money.


Khloe, Kourtney & Marbella - would I recommend these 3 SNP alums for any wrestling promotion - no - but if you are organising a bucks night then they are your girls.   In all seriousness Marbella could be of use as a Valet or mouthpiece as she has some decent mic skills.   The other two look good but dont offer much else - Kourtney might buy you an expensive gift - she might also steal your wallet.  

Sadly the Isles offer no real sure bets other than the referee.  


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Japanese Free Agents.


Aki Kamio - this 23yo Joshi Aerialist has solid fundamentals and good entertainment value.  She's still a work in progress in ring but her base is strong.  Backstage she loves nothing more than clowning around and in ring she's known to be generous with giving lesser workers some shine during their bouts.  Not sure if she's a star but she's going to be a more than serviceable smiley babyface for the next decade.   


Edo Phoenix IV - I'm making an exception of my normal under 30 cutoff for 30yo EP4 because he simply is too good, a flash aerialist with great fundamentals who is still in great condition and who is a consumate professional backstage there aren't really any downsides to this guy.  The fact he's never got a big break and become a bigger name in Japan or Mexico is somewhat inexplicable.


Kichi Mochizuki - this 21 yo Joshi High Flyer has great fundamentals and a lot of flashy moves,  She may not have stellar star power but she's so good already that if she can develop those entertainment skills further then she's an absolute steal.  She's always working on new spots and ideas and is the sort of worker who can end up going viral if she pulls out something truly special. I cant recommend her strongly enough. 


Nakayama - this 19yo needs to be signed ... sign him ... sign him now if you can.  His fundamentals are incredible, his physical capacity is incredible, his in ring skills are superb for a 19 year old and his entertainment skills are great.  This guy is the definition of NO DOWNSIDE.  Get him now - sign him for as long as you can and then push him to the moon ... ready made stars are hard to find.  If he never improves from what he is now he's still going to be better than most people on most rosters. SIGN HIM!


Nami Genda - Scouting Japan for young talent is a gift that never stops giving.  25yo Nami is stilla work in progress but theres enough there to ensure she is going to be a solid worker for the next decade even is she is never a major star and her backstage influence cannot be overstated - she makes everyone around her feel that much happier just by being her.  


Spider Isako - Look at her ... just look at her.  She's 21 and she already has the It factor is spades.  She;'s got work to do to get more consistent and learn to sell better but if she can do that she's going to be golden.  


The Great Kendo - this 23yo has great fundamentals and athleticism and brings a lot of flashy technical and aerial moves to the table.  He's worked on the booking team for some indies and would be a great get.


Yayoi Kurmochi - this 21yo flashy high flyer struggles with consistency but the rest of her game is pretty strong.  She's someone you will need to be patient with until she develops into someone who can be relied on but if she does that then she's going to be someone who regularly makes the highlight reels.  You're just going to have to accept a few bloopers until then.


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Europe based free agents


Annihulus - This 27yo 7ft Finnish Giant is an ordinary worker with mediocre salesmanship who lumbers around the ring in a Frankenstein's Monster kind of way.  Why is he on the recommendation list then - because he's a 7ft Monster who lumbers around the ring in an incredibly menacing way.  Sadly he's also a bit of an unpredictable hothead.  I would only recommend him being brought in for a run where you first set him up as an unstoppable monster before having a babyface you need to get over... well stop him.  He's incredibly flawed but if used right then he will be effective.

Sadly right now he's the only person I can recommend based in Europe and even then it's a grudging recommendation. 

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I figured I would do something a little different. So this is only opinion and is written as if it's a scouting report from a professional talent scout giving reasons why or sometimes why not people should be signed - like any one persons opinion it's going to be imperfect and prone to the writers own biases but I've tried to be a little detached in the same way scouts have to be.  At the moment I've done the Cverse proper companies and I intend to do the base free agents, Historians Womens pack, Martels FWP pack, SHEHEROES, GHA's Womens & Central Asia pack and ALTCverse.  If any other expansions come out that appeal to me and people like having someones opinion on the talent thats out there then I will probably do these for those as well.    Feel free to disagree with the Scouts opinions - this is a game and it's about having fun and sometimes disagreeing is fun.  

(Disclaimer: Anyone whose game is destroyed by taking the scouts suggestions has only themselves to blame - signing Yuta Isono or Kitty Katz is on your own head.)

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Oceania free agents


Carey Fry - he's a 21 yo Technician with strong fundamentals and physical gifts.  He's also got enough inate charisma and mic skills to be a solid midcard act for any promotion.  He lacks the IT factor but the world needs hard working workhorses too and thats his forte.


Dave Normal - If you see this man call your local law enforcement authorities straight away - do not under any circumstances approach him.  I kid ... I kid.  Normal is a great guy who shows promise as a ref and has been booking indie shows for the last few years.  He's a perfect buy for any company looking for a reliable part of the team who will also help backstage morale.   


Davey Ice - like Carey Fry 23yo Ice brings really good athletic and fundamental skills to the table and in this case some nice Hardcore brawling too.  A solid midcard heel option. 


Edwin Velasquez - Oceania is the land of solid midcard workers it seems - 25yo Velzaquez is another guy who has the fundamentals and athelticisim to work a good bout and has some decent technical skills too.


Gareth Case - rinse and repeat - 28yo Case brings solid fundamentals and athleticism to go with Hardcore Brawling to the table.  Another natural midcarder.   


Hack the Hunter - finally someone with a bit more potential.  Phenomenal athlete and legit hardman who needs to work on his selling a bit but has some great natural brawler instincts. The big powerhouse is the sort of easily marketable babyface every company longs for.


Peril -Oh look another Hardcore brawler with enough athleticism and fundamaental skills to find a place as a reliable midcard act.  


Surfer Dude Lucas - why hasn't SDL broken through - who knows - he's got the skills and enough charisma to merit a place on most rosters and has a natural easily marketable presence.  He's a great guy backstage and a fitness fanatic.  Sign him.  It's that simple if you can sign him and reap the rewards.    

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Indian Free Agents


Boomer Singh - the Master of Sikh Style has terrific physical gifts and is a born entertainer as I am sure he will tell you ... over and over ... he's a bit inconsistent and his selling needs work but there's a very good very creative brawler developing here - there is also a Highly strung ultra ambitious egomaniac already fully running amok. He's booked indies - largely seemingly to push himself but lets give him his due he's done that well.   If you are willing to deal with his raging egomania then he's well worth giving a run too.

He's the best free agent in India by quite a long way and sadly as of now the only one I can recommend and even then its a recommendation that comes with some serious red flags .

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Historian released a expansion pack of 41 female workers which is very easy to integrate into the CVerse product.  As people have noticed the Cverse has a dearth of female talent and this is one of the packs that really does add a lot of flavour tot he CVerse.  As part of the Scouting Report I am going to quickly scout all 41 workers


Aisla Strachan- The Young Scottish Unicorn has very strong entertainment skills and is quite decent in the ring but she needs to work on her fundamentals and stamina if she is to reach her potential.  Great talker right now but should be kept in short bouts whilst she develops.  Backstage she's an upbeat prankster. 


Alice Armstrong - Big youngish Powerhouse from Nebraska in the US who really could become a star if handled right.  Now though she's  way too clumsy and inconsistent. It's going to take a while for her to be anywhere near ready enough for anything other than short simple bouts.  You cant even use her in Jigglefests because despite being almost purpose built for them she refuses to be used as eye candy - this of course removes the easiest and most obvious starter matches for her as an option.  She's also a natural drifter who may struggle to settle in any company which makes the effort required to get her up to speed a little problematic.  I would keep tabs on her for when she becomes better but right now I cant recommend her.


The Blamazons (Amiah & Omara Gibson) - These two Canadian sisters look like they should be wrestlers but honestly both of them are so fundamentally weak and sloppy in ring that they are likely to hurt themselves or someone else right now.   They might be something one day if they avoid killing themselves or someone else but right now I would hesitate to even recommend them as one night enhancement talents.


Aoi Kobayashi - A good looking lass but her fundamentals and general skillset is a fair way off right now.  Absolutely useless on the mic or in any acting capacity whatsoever.  If you were looking at her I would say she's an enhancement talent only really useable in short bouts for a while with the hope that she develops.  That inability to talk is going to make pushing her difficult.


Bindi Hume - Finally someone I can recommend.  She's young, she's good, she's a real athlete and she'll get over with fans and backstage and her Aboriginal heritage and fire juggling skill brings something pretty unique to the world of wrestling.  There's only one negative - she's a fan of Reggae Music, if you know what I mean ... if you're not worried about that or are happy to try to convince her to lay off that stuff then she's an obvious buy.


Captain India - She's not bad and if you are looking at a babyface you can market to kids and one of the biggest potential areas in the world she's perfect.  She's funny and super creative but wrestling isn't her first priority - she wants to get onto TV and eventually have her own Bollywood Film franchise and sees wrestling as a stepping stone to that.  I'd happily recommend her but the caveat is it's possibly a short term hire as she's going to keep trying to get to where she wants no matter what.

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Ivy & Vine - Charlotte Walker & Chloe Ryan, it is with absolutely no IIRONY that I strongly recommend these two Australians.  They are only moderate in the ring right now and are still a work in progress but they look and sound like superstars, play comedy really well and are just really nice to have around.  Give them the stick and let them talk and they will get over.  With a bit of luck the solid basics they have will mean they develop in ring too but even if they dont they are really useful on any roster.


Diya Singh - The daughter of Kasmir Singh and it shows - she's using the same moves and she's clearly been well trained in the fundamentals of wrestling.  Almost more important than her emerging skills though is her attitude - this is a consummate professional who eats sleeps and breathes wrestling and understands the concept of doing the job.  Hire her before somebody else does.


"Awesome" Fatima Chahal - standing 6'3 she's very much a Monster Heel and it's clear her training was good.  She's genuinely threatening and on that alone I'd recommend hiring her.  Her only real drawback is she's carrying useless extra weight that effects her stamina - if you can convince her to get in the Gym and do some cardio then she might turn that flab into muscle and then you will really have something - if not she's still good enough to provide a genuine threat.   


FiaFia Malietoa - the younger sister of King Malietoa and Charger Siaki is a long way off being ready for a major push.  She's got the look and requisite menace to be a good powerhouse but she's carrying too much extra weight and that effects her stamina and movement and the sad thing is she seems happy to stay that weight and isn't really interested in doing weights or cardio that could take her to the next level.  Her fundamentals need a lot of work too. She's worth considering due to her natural ability to intimidate smaller women but she's more a long term project that someone who can have an impact right away.


Franziska Ritter - what can I say - she can talk and she looks fantastic but right now she cant wrestle ... not just isn't good she really has no real skills at all.  She's clumsy, she has the stamina of a newborn and the athleticism of superman - in that it's purely fictional.  So should the former Miss Liechtenstein be hired?  Yeah, maybe but what you would need to do is use her primarily as a Manager/On Screen Personality and only use her in ery basic matches - even then it would be advisable to keep even her involvement to a minimum as she could hurt herself by moving and with the simple act of walking to ring likely to have exhausted her to the point of collapse. She's probably a Tag-team worker only and her involvement needs to be negligible. There are other issues - she's a marketing dream but she's also highly strung and needy so you need to tread carefully around her.  So if you are looking for an almost useless beautiful trinket she's your girl.


Georgia DeColt - DeColt is a name to conjure with and this girl has both the looks and the mic ability to be a star - right now - in ring - not so much.  She's got poor Stamina and Athleticism and her fundamentals aren't really up to scratch either.  She looks to have the genes to be something and she's improved at a great rate since she commenced training so my guess is she will end up getting the in ring side of her game together.  Backstage she seems both positive and upbeat and prone to mood swings, my guess is she will mainly be a positive but there's always a chance she will do something inexplicable.  Would I hire her ... yes in a heartbeat it's Georgia DeColt.


Hazel Brown - Hire her ... dont debate and dont wait just hire her.  I know I could be accused of having a bias towards workers from Oceania but I could care less if this girl was from Parramatta (which she is) or from Mars, you simply dont pass up athletes like this.  She's a legit Olympic level Gymnast and that shows in her burgeoning aerial skills.  Right now she's good enough to be a useful roster member - if she improves in ring she's potentially one of the best there has ever been.  Downside - there's not two of her.


Heather Luck - Is this Las Vegas gal is a gamble worth taking? Maybe ... she has the look and the entertainment skills to get herself over and oozes star power but her fundamental skills are a fair way off.  Honestly I would hire her in a heartbeat on the understanding she's a long term project.  Her only real downside is she's very Vegas - it's a party town and she's a party animal and we all know thats potentially problematic. That said she still seems a low risk hire.  


Hermana Gracia - I'm in two minds here - she's a genuinely lovely girl who will only positively effect the backstage atmosphere of any company she works at but she's a moderate talent whose abilities are very much average - not bad just average.  Despite being a good looking girl she's also not a sexy nun type so dont expect that you can use her in that risque way or in eye candy matches.  Overall her plusses outweigh her negatives  If you wanted to run Occult themed angles though she's pretty perfect.  


Iilosava Simovic - Talking of Occult gimmicks we've now got a Demon from Balkan folklore - the girl can talk and she got the inate ability to scare the crap out of people only problem is that includes people who work against her right now.  She's a super creative Deathmatch worker who seems to think it's real which means she no-sells anything short of an incapacitating blow and is dangerously stiff when it comes to delivering her offence.   If someone manages to sit her down and explains to her how to actually work and she decides to listen then she could be golden but it's impossible to be certain how she will react in any given circumstance.  I look at her and WANT to recommend her because I know she could be money but I dont know if it's worth the risks.  She reminds me of an ex-girlfriend especially the demon part.


INAYA - This ones tough, she looks like a Star and has a lot of the tools to be one, the question is will she ever be committed enough to be one. She's still green in ring but thanks to her stunt training her selling is good. She's already done minor Bollywood & Lollywood roles and has done stunt work for them as well and has appeared on TV a few times too and thats her focus not wrestling.  If you are looking for a part timer who might bring in extra eyes to your product through their outside fame then she's it.


Jackie the Ripper - She can talk - thats it.  I love the look - I love the concept but the basic skills are just not there and I dont know if they ever will be.  If you could convince her to be primarily a Manager to a silent Monster Heel she could work though because the acting and talking is not the issue here.


Kyung Kang - She's very pretty and her parents fled North Korea when she was a child so she's got a nice backstory but right now as a worker she's decidedly average.  Nothing is awful but nothing really stands out either.  She's super moral and anything but an eye candy worker so her one stand out feature cant really be leveraged that much either.   She's fine but I doubt she will ever be much more than a midcard babyface.  


La Bandida - Her dad is El Bandido and her brother is El Bandido Jr so she's got the pedigree, her athletic skills are super strong and her fundamentals and aerial skills are solid enough for a newly debuted luchadora.   She's fluent in both English and Spanish which makes crossing her into other markets easy.  I'd hire her if I was the one making the decision.

Part 2 to come




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Historians Women Part 2


La Cisne - Look if you hire her it's on her undoubted potential.  She looks like a star and if you cant market her you are incompetent.  Her athletic abilities are pretty average are her in ring skills and fundamentals and she's a bit hard to deal with backstage sometimes unless she's getting the rub.   Theres enough there to make the issues wrth dealing with though.  Now I am just waiting for someone to come up with La Cisne Negra and we have ourselves a feud. 


La Nieve Leopardo - Good athlete with the look of a star.  Her skillset is decidedly average right now but she recently came up with a new move that saw her become viral online which indicates that the Snow Leopard might become something special if she's brought along properly.  Looks a good investment for the future.


Laynie Evans - She has decent skills and basics and in normal circumstances I'd probably recommend her on that but she has a history of punching people in the face oftentimes unprovoked and negligible IT factor meaning if you hired her you are getting a midcard problem child.  I dont care if she's a legit bad@$$ who can give and take real beatings and bounce back from them well - I am not recommending someone I know is going to be a problem to anyone unless the upside outweighs the potential downside and given this girl decked a Security Guard at an indy show I am certain in this case it doesn't.


Logan Byrne - Guess where she is from ... thats right Haiti ... or maybe Dublin Ireland, lets go with Dublin.  She's an unreserved buy recommendation.  Her only real negatives are her athleticism and cardio - so you will need to get her onto a treadmill but once they come up she's golden.  She's a good worker now and one can only imagine how good she can becoems if she can get her fitness up to speed.


Luna Borg - So this Maltese girl with dyed white blonde hair a name that sounds like a Swedish Tennis Player and a Gimmick straight out of a Fantasy Novel (literally) is an absolute MUST hire.  She's got the capacity to be something special.  In the meantime whilst her skills develop she's more than happy to flaunt what the universe gave her which means you can get her over on her looks alone.


Magda Vidal - This one is super interesting - she's a legit athlete from the small nation of Andorra who you can legit market and her strong look works for her. ALL the skills are either there or getting there too.   She's a specialist in short matches worked in an explosive manner and is really best used squashing less impressive physical specimens.  Theres almost no real downsides to her to be honest.  She wont work Eye Candy matches but you wouldn't want to destroy her mystique in those anyway. Once she fully develops she could be a megastar.


Majorie Oxford -  The daughter of American Tag Team specialist Robert Oxford is very much in his mold.  A solid technician with a creative mind who could one day develop into a fine Road Agent.  She has a few downsides though - she's not much on the mic and feels like her dad, a career midcarder - the other big issue is that she doesn't really want this and wrestling is secondary to her.  She's okay but it's hard to recommend someone so ambivalent about her job unless they have the star power to be somethign special.    


Masuyo Hayashi - She started late and that means that whilst her entertainment abilities show plenty of promise her fundamentals are behind the curve for someone in her mid 20's.  If she was anywhere but Japan that would be less of a problem but Joshi workers tend to have a higher work rate than elsewhere so she feels behind the curve.  She's creative and is a wonderful presence backstage which makes her current in ring limitations all the worse because she feels like someone you want to push but she probably isn't quite ready.  She honestly might be better heading overseas and working the old foreign heel way.  She's definitely someone who I would tell people to consider as the upsides are very good and the downsides will hopefully reduce over time.


Miraya Shukla - She's Diya SIngh's childhood best friend and the eye patch isn't an affectation she's legally blind in one eye.  She's got decent entertainment skills but is a ways off in ring and fundamentally. As for her personality ..... lets just go with a hard pass on this one unless you enjoy chaos. 


Miss Canada - She's good and the gimmick is such a dream it will definitely work big time in USA and Canada - I cannot stress this enough however - if you hire this woman that is your responsibility!  She's Highly Strung, refuses to be considered a piece of meat but also is a ... well let's put this nicely she has an enormous body count and will steal peoples husbands, is reluctant to do the job under any circumstances and will probably throw a tantrum is left off a big show.  I strongly recommend you let her be somebody else's problem no matter how appealing her positives are.  


Nanisca - Yes please ... she's from Benin and based in Western Europe - her athletic skills are insane and at 6'0 and ripped she has the almost unique abillity to be both menacing and sexy at the same time.  In ring she is okay but needs to work on her fundamentals.  It wont take that long for her to be so good it makes a scout like me cry.   She's not keen on jobbing to anyone she considers further down the pecking order but look at her - it's not like you are going to be using her to put people over very often anyway. Sign her and you are signing someone you can build around for the next decade.


Peta - To the Moon ... Push to the MOON! She's never leaving home but if you are in the US or Canada this is the one that you can market as the face of your company.  At her age her abilities are insane and she's a good person too.  She wont work risque or eye candy but who cares when you are this good you dont need that stuff.  If you are in the US & Canada sign her and laugh all the way to the bank ... if you are from anywhere else cry about the unfairness of the universe.


Rachel Watkins - she's a very petite former Gymnast but that suits her natural high flying instincts.  There are holes in her game and she will take time to develop things like her stamina but she's already a pretty decent worker.  She has a slight downside which isn't her fault which is a Speech Impediment which causes her issues on the mic.  Given the time to develop properly she's going to be a good buy for someone.


Rhiannon Hughes - If you want an MMA figther you could do worse than this Welsh prizefighter.  She has solid skills at this point and her athletic capacity isn't in doubt.  Backstage she's a bit of Loner and whilst not actively seeking out fights she wont back down either. 


Sioned Evans - from one type of Welsh performer to a vary different end of the scale - Evans isn't great in ring or that great an athlete and her fundamentals still need work but her entertainment value is through the roof.  Only real issue with her is she's well a sexy witch which is fine in Eye Candy bouts but can lead to drama backstage.  Both her and Rhiannon Hughes are the sort of workers who definitely work for the right company but that definitely wouldn't be the same company.


Sophie Cornell - Edward Cornell's daughter has strong all round skills and a good attitude - whats not to like.  She is a pretty girl but maybe not quite the natural star someone like her Uncle is, that said she's not in any way a dud or unmarketable.  Signing her seems like a no brainer, at worst you'll get a good worker who will be a reliable part of your roster for a long time. 


Toci - should you sign her?  Look at her?  Are you serious?  Of course you should sign her - thats a star right there.  She's a project but thats a project with such a great upside that it's well worth embarking on.  She's not the best athlete and her fundamental skills and in ring abilities need work but none of them are awful.  It's as an entertainer where she shines though she can work the mic and work a crowd and she's someone who can be pushed with ease.           


Umeka Ikeda - She's a former J-Pop star and has the entertainment side down pat - she's a million miles off on the athletic, in ring and fundamental side of things though.  She's going to be a comedy/Eye Candy worker and she doesn't really show any aptitude to be more than that.  She's gorgeous though so that might well be enough for some companies.  


Xue Gao - She's 6'11 ... yes 6'11.  This former Chinese National Team Basketballer is going to take a fair while to get up to speed in the ring and she's already in her mid 20's so she's probably never going to be a regular Main Eventer but what she could be is the female Bruce the Giant.  She sadly already has a bad knee and her body appears a bit fragile so is she worth the risk?  I think the answer is yes probably.  The booking is simple - she's huge - everyone else is small - Crush Kill Destroy ... Level Tokyo Gojira style then leave ... do it mainly in angles to cover up her deficiencies and use her as a squash machine when you do put her in ring.  She's actually pretty enough to work sex appeal angles with her too.  Reap the rewards while you can and then watch her limp off into early retirement when that knee eventually gives up the ghost.     

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SHERES by Blessed is an expansion pack which adds a bunch of new female workers to the game.   

I'm giving you a scouting report on the new ladies who can add flavour to the world.

Part 1


"Ruthless" Riley Quinn - 29yo MMA fighter Quinn is really good, she is also a troublemaking pain in the butt.  A brilliant technical talent she may be but it doesn't make up for the fact she is a horrible human being.  If you sign her you will be getting a fine worker who will refuse to job, stir up trouble and punch people in the head.  Sign her if you will but it's on your own head.

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Krakow Hit Squad - Ania Wojick, Elena Kowalska & Marta Nowak - 3 Olympic Wrestling Medalists in one nice neat little package.  These three are tight and talented technicians.  Elena is the Gold Medalist out of the 3 and the most obvious one to push. Unlike someone like Riley Quinn these 3 aren't going to poison your locker room.  If you are looking for women who add a aura of legitimacy to your company then these 3 are a good choice.  Elena and Ania are okay on the mic too - Marta isn't (overall she's the weakest at most everything pro wrestling wise).  They are somewhat limited as you aren't getting flash or glamour here but if you want heel leaning legit feeling workers then you could do much worse than these 3.   

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The Island Dynasty Arihi Kari & Lani Kari - One look tells you what you are getting here.  A classic Samoan Tag Team - the younger sister Arihi has some nice aerial skills and both are good brawlers and have a real aura of menace around them.  They are delightful people in real life.  Right now Arihi is ripped but looking at family photos and how Lani has bulked up over the last couple of years you are probably going to have to stay on top of them to do the work to keep their weight down.  That extra weight has already had an effect on Lani's stamina and it's not where you like it to be if you want them to work longer bouts.  I'd hire though.


Chloe - By all thats Holy destroy that ... thing.  In all seriousness though my instinctual horrified reaction to Chloe is exactly what she is going for.  Whilst she laughs readily there is absolutely nothing funny about this Canadian clown.  She's still young and learning her craft  and her stamina isn't where it needs to be yet but she is already spectacularly good and brutal hardcore bouts and she scares the crap out of most everyone.  If you are looking for a truly terrifying heel then she's a great choice if you want to sleep again .. ever ... dont.


The Headliners - Daisy Monroe & Tess Cole - This Australian tag team are weasly, they are bratty, they are annoying and oblivious to the feelings o everyone around them - they are great.  They need to work on their fundamentals and they are just moderate in the ring but thats almost to their benefit because the whole schtick is that they are horrible self absorbed idiots who exist to draw heat and cheers when they get beaten.  In reality they are class clown style sweethearts who will usually get along with most locker rooms.  They work the mic, look great and have the kind of IT factor that can make them stars and if you are willing to have some patience whilst they fully develop their in ring abilities you'd be picking up a couple of gems here.  


Devil's Granddaughter - Cordelia Krauss's kid is a classic all-rounder decent at a lot of things but not a standout in any - right now she is a good hardcore brawler but she isn't horrible at any aspect in ring.  Same goes with most every other metric.  She needs to work on her cardio and her basic skills, selling and especially safety need work but none are so bad that I would write her potential off.  She's got a decent mix of scary sexy which means you can lean into either or both.  Right now she's a low level heel given her stamina and basic skills deficiencies but with a little patience she'll be a fine hire.  


Hera - Another worker whose mission is life is to scare the crap out of people, this time using a sort of J-Horror/Corpse Bride gothic horror.  Darn good at it she is too.  Needs to work on her athleticism and cardio and her fundamentals are only average right now but with a little work she'll be golden because people with her natural creepy menace are rare.  This American is a bit of a loner and hard to get to know - I'm not sure if it's kayfabe or just thats she's naturally creepy and that might be a good thing.


Isabelle Laurent - I know what you are thinking, she's a useless piece of eye candy but the truth is she's a useful bit of eye candy.  She's got emerging skills and understands how the business works, a lot of people even think she'll end up as a Road Agent one day.  She's a person I would hire now and bring along over time and reap the long term rewards.  Be aware that her fundamentals are still a ways off though and she's not someone you can use in longer more complicated bouts right now.


Ivy Whitlock - If you are looking for a midcard babyface underdog to put your heels over then this British lass with an easily marketable Steampunk gimmick is a good candidate.  Okay at a lot of things but not brilliant at anything I doubt she will ever rise above the midcard but that's fine, not everyone is built to be a headliner.  She's young and her skills are still getting there but even now she's serviceable. 


Kaede Kong - hmmm she broke her opponents jaw in her first match but since then hasn't seemed particularly incompetent.  In ring she's a top class brawler and has decent menace.  She's carrying a little extra weight but it hasn't affected her stamina too badly.  She's known to be pretty thin skinned and prickly.  I'm ambivalent about her to be honest - she has the tools to be a great monster heel and but there are those little red flags that make me worried.  She's the sort of hire that you make and then fret about afterward.  It's a tentative recommendation.


Kana Fujita - Look at her - dont you just want to have your monster heels destroy her?  She's a perfect underdog.  She is NEVER going to be a star but she's the sort of easy to market midcard babyface with really good skills who every company needs.  She is super creative and is known to shake off stiff shots that would take other workers out of a match.  Hire her and then have people beat the crap out of her.


Kaya Ama - she's a nice woman and an easily marketable babyface but honestly she has lost 3 years of her career to a bad knee injury and that means her skills aren't as developed as they should be at her age.  I just cant recommend her when there are better options out there.       


Kuroki Kagawa - A tiny super flashy high flyer who moved to Mexico to follow her Lucha dreams Kagawa is easy to recommend.  She's pretty much a one note worker right now and once you ground her on the mat she's ordinary but get her coming off the top rope and she's special.  


Las Calaveras - La Catrina & La Dama Oscura - A classic Tag Team combo La Catrina is a talker and better technical mat wrestler whilst La Dama Oscura is a flashy high flyer, there strengths cover the others weaknesses.  The Sugar Skull inspired look is striking and marketable.  Catrina gets along with everyone and Oscura is more a free spirit.  They aren't perfect but they are pretty good at this age. I have only one real negative to report and that is they have a love of Reggae Music and the music and lifestyle of Bob Marley ... Jamming ... Jamming, if you aren't bothered by that or feel you can get them to lay off it then there's not really any other reason not to sign them.   


La Espectra - A good aerialist who lacks the IT factor to rise above the midcard she's a fine comedy worker for a midcard role as either a face or heel.  She's in no way a bad option.  Her personality is a bit like having a pebble stuck in your shoe however when she is around you end up agitated.   Love the look, love the gimmick just dont think I can recommend her when there are better options out there.


Lauryn Carter - Look at her - you just want to push her ... then you see her in ring and you being to worry.  She's a pretty flashy high flyer who is borderline dangerous in ring and is wildly inconsistent.  She could legit kill herself or someone else whilst flinging herself off the top rope like a Lemming who is tired of life.  If I thought she would stick around then I'd still consider recommending her but she's got the sort of personality that wants to move on to new experiences all the time so I dont know if the effort and patience required to get her up to speed would be worth it as she's likely to jump ship.  Pass.

Part 2 to come 

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SHEROES part 2


Lila Storm - Yes thank you I'll take two if you have them.  Lila Storm is 21 and already really good.  How good is she going to end up being?  Who knows but well and truly good enough for me to say she's a must hire.  Cant work Hardcore but everything else is solid or in may cases a lot better.  Right now she's a Technician who can go Aerial when required but she has decent brawling and Puroreso skills too.  So you've got a incredibly beautiful 21yo who has no major holes in her game and almost limitless potential - why wouldn't you hire her?


Luz Estrella - She's an ultra flashy High Flyer with tremendous physical ability, her fundamentals need work though.  She's currently sloppy and inconsistent in ring and her inability to hold back in any match makes bringing her along slowly to get her up to speed a challenge.  I'd say keep an eye on her and see if she develops rather than grab her right now.  She could be great or she could injure herself or others pretty badly right now - soft pass.


Mei Li - She's a solid young Technician from China currently working in Japan.  She's got a quiet respectful personality and will probably be fiercely loyal to whomever hires her and her skills and attitude seems suited to big matches.   There is a downside though - she doesn't feel like a star and she's just a nice normal looking girl with no ability to menace others - there's not a lot there to push her above midcard level.  Hire her if you want a midcard workhorse who you can rely on for the next decade.


Mika Satomi - I'm told she's good but for whatever reason every time I've tried to watch her to evaluate her some disaster has occurred preventing me doing so. .... Scouting report pending. 


Mizuki Toyota - She's the real deal, a brilliant technical aerialist with plenty of flash who can work the mic and who still photos dont do justice too, in real life and on film she looks like a superstar and the way she moves is absolutely magnetic. She's the sort of babyface that every company needs and you'll be selling her merchandise like hotcakes.  Are there downsides - hmmm she is on occasion a bit stiff and she's a weird mix of being against risqué angles and also a "Reggae Music" fan ... the latter is a particular issue in Japan where the possession of "Reggae Music" paraphernalia is a biggish criminal matter.  She's still a MUST Hire though.


Natsuki Onami - I love her - LOVE her - she's 5'10 and Ripped and a real intimidating presence.  She isn't overly flashy but there are NO holes in her game.  what you are getting here is someone who is versatile enough to work Face or Heel and who can do most anything proficiently in ring has great physical capacity and is solid on the mic with a good fundamental to build on.  Must hire for mine.


Nocturna - Creepy chick - really creepy chick.  Wonderful mic work backed by good technique and brawling ability make for an intimidating package.  She's not really a natural athlete and blows up too fast for mine and her fundamental skills are just average. At about 5'4 she's not a big Monster Heel type but with those mic skills she more than makes up for that lack of size with genuine evil sounding character work.  If you had a Monster Heel who wasn't great at speaking she would make the perfect complimentary piece. 


Paige Wilson - An Australian late starter who is already in her early 30's would normally be somebody you would write off straight away but she's got great physical gifts and a pretty solid all round game for a relative newcomer.  She's a great looking woman who does really well as a babyface. Downsides she's a party gal who is the wrong side of 30.  She's a decent option.


Raven Black - I like her - she's not the complete package yet but this openly Rainbow Mafia young lady is an intriguing prospect.  She's on the small side and most everything is solid rather than outstanding at this point but right now her relaxed easygoing nature has seen her get a groundswell of support from fans and even on the indy scene she's moving merch.  This girls a project who honestly isn't too far off.


Reina Hoshino - Sometimes you look at someone and hope they are good because you just know they could be money.  Luckily she's great with super flashy aerial skills to go along with some really good Puroreso brawling. Whilst she's an ambitious loner by nature she's also easy to do business with and a straight edge fitness fanatic so she's not really a problem backstage .  Are there downsides, yeah she never holds back in any match and that is going to increase the wear and tear on her body working the style she does.  It's still an unequivocable hire recommendation from me though.  


Thunderstorm Sisters - Rina Hatoyama & Yumi Hatoyama - Kit Hatoyama's nieces are a fun bubbly babyface tag team whose personas are really just who they actually are.  They have good aerial skills and their training means there really is no obvious holes in their game and they both seem to be the naturally creative workers who will innovate a lot of stuff over their careers.  I could mention that they are Cannibals to give them a downside but it would be a lie.   What you see is really what you get here.   


Super Mega Powers - Roxy Rivers & Vicki Maverick - So if the Thunderstorm Sisters were from the Deep South in the US they would be these two - not as naturally creative as the Thunderstorms but better at the entertainment side of the game these two are in most other ways the same sort of people as their Japanese counterparts.  What you see is what you get.  They are nice girls who work as nice babyfaces in and in a very similar style to their Japanese counterparts and who have no obvious weaknesses ... like the Thunderstorms they are actually evil ... yeah no that was a lie it's just getting hard as a scout not to find a weakness y'know, it makes me feel like I am not doing my job.


Tasha Morgan - this 6'3 former basketballer is very much a work in progress.  She's got a great look and her size means she has some intimidation potential too.  Her previous career means she is comfortable in front of a camera with some wonderful ad-libbed responses in interviews and her athletic gifts are obvious.  Obviously having started training for wrestling late means her fundamentals and in-ring skills are nowhere near where you would like yet.  In College she got into trouble with her Coach for her Smoking and hard Drinking ways and she actually quit and focused on her basketball so those are no longer major issues for her.  She's a merch selling machine too.  One thing that looks likely to carry over from her previous career is that she was known to be a big game player who especially upped her game in a Final.   Other than her skills being behind where you would like them to be the only real downside is that Tasha really only cares about Tasha.  Should you hire her ... you need to decide if a project with a big upside is worth it for yourself to be honest.


Trinity Douglas - Hmmm great athlete, naturally decent entertainer, not bad in the air, dangerously incompetent and inconsistent to the point of making Lauryn Carter look safe - darn we were doing so well.  Shame too because she's a really lovely sweet girl who you could absolutely push and make money with.  If you ask me then you could definitely hire her and use her predominately as a mouthpiece for someone and in very short bouts and hope that she can develop her consistency up to any sort of decent level.  The question would be is there options out there that wont make you tear your hair out with frustration every time they botch something a child could get right for the next 3 years or so in the hope that by then she's good enough to use in any significant matches? Or for those of you running Deathmatch companies hire both her and Carter and put them in a match and let the legitimate carnage commence - there's a very real chance of a fatality.


Valeria Gomez - Ahhh Mexico home of colourful Lucha Libre entertainers and then there's Valeria Gomez.  She's the daughter of the legendary luchadora Concepción Gomez and has inherited both her mother's technical expertise and her no-nonsense approach to wrestling.  She's very much a beige technician with little flair but she is ripped and intimidating.  Her selling needs work but the rest of her fundamental skillset is flawless.  Her actual personality mirrors her in ring game - she's a no nonsense girl who tries to make her matches as good as they can by making her opponent look good as well.  If you were looking to hire her I'd pair her up with someone who can talk and has some flair.  


Zena Mwamba - So she's 6'8 and could intimidate Bruce the Giant but she also cant wrestle - not quite Ritteresque cant wrestle but close.  Her fundamental skill set is terrible and she can almost throw a convincing blow in a brawl but not much else.   Is she hirable ... yeah but she is limited - honestly use her as bodyguard muscle for a weasel who can speak where Zena just menaces people in angles and maybe have her work short sharp squashes against enhancement talent and hope the wrestling gods decide to smile on her and you and she ends up improving and being the Monster Heel of your dreams. 


Zuri Ndlovu - This South African Judoku currently resides in Japan she's strongly built and has enough intimidation value to make an excellent monster heel or a legit bad@$$ babyface. Whilst her strong fundamentals and technical skill should carry her far.  Right now character wise she's a blank slate who you can shape as you will.  Very hirable.  

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Martells Future Worker Pack number 1

Now for something a little different where I get to use my scouting skills to check out a bunch f prospects who haven't even finished their training yet and give you a long range forecast on what you might be able to get sometime in the future - breaking out the crystal ball right now..  


Samoan Firing Squad - Aleki & Tala Brave - These two are cousins of Akima Brave and have only just started training.  I would estimate they should be ready around early 2024.  Aleki isn't small at 6'3 and is the better natural athlete but his 6'8 brother is somewhat surprisingly the better talker and has the potential to become a truly spectacular eloquent mic worker. Aleki is already working on the Shooting Star press and a 6'3 guy who can hit that will draw attention.  Based on my very early impressions I dont think they are going to be much in ring or fundamentally when they debut but they have an intimidation factor that bodes well.  I've seen prospects with much worse tools succeed.


Akuma - So the moment I saw the costume tests for this big (somewhere between 6'8 and 6'10 it was hard to tell whilst he was in costume) ripped powerhouse soon after he commenced his training I had a Scoutgasm.  He likely wont be available till 2024 but the Titan Factory has a history of producing great big men.  Saw him cut a promo too and he's going to be more than a big silent monster if it was anything to go on - he just had the IT factor.  Got to speak to him and he seemed like a nice kid.  Downsides are that he played Football in High School and was set for a College scholarship before his knee went on him.  Also the TITAN Factory has a history of ... well how shall I say it ... being a Juice bar. 


The Daniels Bros - Alex Daniels & Harry Daniels - yeah I know it looks more like father and son but Harry is in fact only 22 and not 45 despite him being the oldest looking 22 yo I have ever seen.  They are due to finish training around August 22.  I can therefore give a fair idea of what to expect.  Alex is going to be a decent babyface but right now he cant talk - and his fundamentals still need refinement.  Harry is 6'5 and actually is the more natural athlete ... he is also and I cant overstate this enough ... useless ... he is a clumsy inconsistent oaf without any discernable in ring ability.  I doubt Harry will even make a decent security guard in angles as he's likely to Shockmaster it up and break something ... possibly his own leg.


Alex Smith - this currently 14 yo Ontario native already has a full beard.  He's been running odd jobs at the House of Stone since he was 12.  Saw him doing some basic workouts when I checked out the House of Stone and whilst it is way too early to judge someone who probably wont debut till 2026 I'd say he's someone who wants to be a wrestler and has little natural skill to be one.  On the plus side he's not Harry Daniels bad but thats like saying Typhoid isn't as bad as the Black Death.  The kid looked clumsy and unless he gets a surprising growth spurt is going to be lucky if he's 5'8 or 200lbs. 


Alexa Christian & Emma Smith - some of you may already have heard these names after a local news report about the two young lesbian girlfriends training together went viral online.   Emma is going to be a star- she's an athlete with some good aerial skills and her interview with the local news reporter was quite simply some of the best mic work I've ever heard.  When May 22 comes around there is going to be a scramble for her signature.  Alexa meanwhile could be a star but theres a bit of work to be done.  Right now she can talk and she has enough natural charisma and star quality to be intriguing but her fundamentals are a ways off where they need to be.  My guess is that some company will sign them as a Tag Team in the hope that both develop into major players. 


Alexandre Dupont - This French kid is due to graduate about July 24, What I saw was a good looking kid with the basics of a decent technical grappler but not a lot to get excited about.  He's likely going to have to work the indy circuit and as enhancement talent for a few years after his debut whilst his skills mature and even when they do I saw nothing to excite me. 


Amy Wilder - An American former Teen Soap actress who is now based in Canada and due to finish trianing under Duane Stone mid 22.  She's got the entertainment side covered but from what I could tell she's a long way off being ready for doing much in ring.  She's young though and has plenty of time to devlelop but I cant state this enough she is NOT Harry Daniels bad but few people are ... that should not in any way indicate I think she has the ability to perform in anything more than short 3 minute max eye candy bouts or the like at this point in time - even then I would have concerns.   


Anthony Wilder - no relation to Amy Wilder he just started at the 21CW school and looks to be ready about March 23.  Has pretty solid skills from what I can see but not much in the way of IT factor.  I think he will probably be best suited to being a tag team worker.  The depth in British Wrestling isn't great right now and whilst this guy wont be a star the wrestling world usually has a place for 6'3 powerhouses with decent skills. 


Atlas Aegeleus - the grandson of the late Ares Aegeleus was a back-up lineman for the L.A Bisons until he blew his knee at the end of last season when he was coming off his first year Rookie contract.  His football career appears to be done and he's currently rehabbing his injury.  He's already spoken to the TITAN factory and at 6'10 he fits the profile of the guys they work with.  He's definitely got the look of a Monster Heel and I've seen him in interviews and he can definitely speak well.  By the time he fully recovers if he does decide to start training I cant see him debuting before late 25 maybe mid 26. So he'll be a mid 20's rookie with suspect legs.  that said an eloquent 6'10 Monster is almost certainly going to find some sort of employment straight away.  


Beast - This 6'1 Australian Aboriginal Woman comes in at around 220lbs and looks likely to debut around March 23.  I didn't really see much to excite me in the time I saw her train - the fundamentals seemed lacking.  She did seem to be a decent promo worker though and she has a decent amount of sex appeal.   

part 2 to come

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On 8/17/2024 at 3:56 AM, beemer said:

In my game for my new fed, I happened to nab every US free agent you mentioned (except The Masked Grappler) and Kate Mishler from Canada.

Grappler is worth it if you need a backstage enforcer too ... I debated whether to include the Avatars but quickly realised the quality of the free agents without them is pretty weak.

Thats why I am going to scout the expansion packs too - to give anyone who wants more flavour an idea of what can be brought into the CVerse pretty easily.

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4 hours ago, Anderz said:

Excellent thread! Some great pick ups in here.

I honestly had no idea who Nakayama was before I started doing this then I looked at him properly and thought ... this guy is the Great Muta .... a young insanely good version of Muta.  

I just thought I would scout stuff for myself and then realised I could give my thoughts to other people and if they found them useful - good - if not ... no harm done.

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Martells FWP part 2


Benny Cage - Do not under any circumstances hire this man ... heck dont let him into your building.  He's training now and will be graduating (or be kicked out of wrestling school) sometime in 23 and from what I could see he makes Ritter or Harry Daniels look like a Blue Chip prospect.  The words dangerously incompetent dont do him justice ... I saw him running drills and he seemed to be high and literally couldn't get anything right.  If you were to hire him he WILL botch everything and almost certainly injure himself and/or others.  If you decide you want a small skinny incompetent Stoner in your company then ask yourself is running a wrestling company really for you? 


Bjorn Karlsson - This Finnish guy is going to have a place in wrestling - as a lawn dart.  He's tiny maybe 5'5 but thats fine because it's clear what he's going to be ... a plucky underdog who will get squashed.  He's 16 now doing odd jobs in exchange for basic training so I wouldn't expect him to be actually seen in ring till late 24 or maybe mid 25 but I can see him being a decent enhancement talent eventually. 

image.jpeg.f26afa7e6233153d534660710053b057.jpeg  image.jpeg.2fad8e3a8bcade46a1fe49b3c5463085.jpeg

Blast Team - Blast Fukozawa & Blast Nakazawa - I so wanted to like these guys - look at them you want them to be good - sadly they are pretty flawed right now.  That said they could get good eventually.  They have the intimidating presence to be a good heel team somewhere down the track and Nakazawa in particular has the sort of potential to end up being a top class heel - it's just going to take them both a fair while to get to the point where any major company would feel comfortable pushing them.  Nakazawa also seemed like ... well ... sigh ... he's a bit of an annoying dick.  Things might change by the time they debut in mid to late 23 but early indications are these guys are a long term project that could be worth taking but it's not a sure bet.  The Japanese Young Lion system and excursions seem like the perfect way to progress these guys. 


Bloody Rain - this kid should graduate early 23.  He's built to stink up SNP.  I'm sorry but this guy can cut a promo like nobody's business but he's utterly incompetent in all other ways.  I think he's hireable as a Manager though and his love of Reggae Music wont cause an issue in SNP.  Seriously the kid cant wrestle but he can talk and someone needs to sit him down and explain to him that whilst he might want to be a wrestler his skinny 5'5 stoner @$$ isn't built for it but he can still have a place in wrestling. 


Brandi Hollow - This 14yo fan from Alberta Canada has already had discussions with WWA Canada about training there for a 26 debut.  Impossible to get a good read on her right now of course but I chatted with her at a event in Alberta and she's got a bit of charisma.  If she does follow through with her training she's probably going to be someone with a decent future.


Charlie Matthews - the Porthos to Alexa Chrisitan & Emma Smith's Athos & Aramis - Matthews is tight with the girls and will be debuting in May.  He’s got the basic building blocks of a solid worker and he never holds back.  The issue is that he's built for long technical bouts and thats tough for a young worker who doesn't yet have the skills to make them interesting.  He feels like an old school throwback to an era that rewarded guys like him but right now I project him as a solid midcard act long term rather than a main event level guy.


Chris Shanahan - Good looking kid, nice kid - not a wrestler.  He's training and will be finishing up by the end of 22 but honestly he's too poor an athlete and cant cut a promo to save his life. 


Christian Jacob - Man I wish he was bigger because if he was then he could be anything.  He's just started training with Steve DeColt and already looks the goods.  He's 5'8 but I dont think thats going to hurt too much because the guy can talk and wrestle and has the IT factor and is built to be a sneaky little hatebale bastich.  Spoke to him and he's a heck of a kid already spinning yarns that draw you in.  Steve said he'll be ready around early 24.  Mark my words the next great weasel is in Canada my friends. 


Christopher DeColt, Ryan DeColt, Ron DeColt  - These three are Jack's kids.   Chris is a year older than the twins.  Chris is a bit small and looks like he'll be a good solid midcard technician to me and Ryan is much the same but Ron - he's special - he's well over 6 feet way over ... maybe 6'2 and looks like he'll end up 6'5 or 6'6 by the time these guys are likely to debut in mid to late 24.  Ron has serious star quality and can already talk the house down.  All thes guys are going to have good careers - one is going to be a superstar.


Ricky DeColt Jr - I wish I could say Ricky was the same sort of kid as his cousins.  He looks like a Star and has the physical capacity and natural creativity but he's had a string of run ins with authorites ever since he was 12 years old mainly for alcohol related things.  Theres two ways this guy to go Stardom or an episode of Shadow Side of Wrestling. I hope he goes with option A.


Craneo - Dang but I love that mask.  The Skull Collector is going to be ready in a month or two and theres plenty of signs of him being a solid Rudo for years to come.  He's got the ability to play Technico too.  He's a ways off being good as of now but his ability to intimidate despite only being about 5'8 and emerging promo skills bode well. I'd throw him into a Traditional Rudo Trios outfit till he's up to speed but he looks to be potentially a really solid midcarder - maybe a bit higher. 


Cyber Mizuki - Oh yeah I love this gimmick.  Great looking girl, born entertainer but both the in ring and fundamentals are a fair way off.  You'll need to use her in simple bouts for a while till she gets up to speed.  Will an android gimmick work - I guess we'll find out in early to mid 24 when she finishes her training.


Danny Richardson - Remo Richardson's kid is finishing up his training and should be ready around August this year.  He'll be signed within days and rightly so.  He'll take a while to get up to speed once he debuts but he's not terrible and he's got the IT factor.

image.jpeg.45c53c003ee5dca745b869055563df72.jpeg AI the kid emailed me of the character concept

Deathwatch - So I am in Mexico scouting Craneo and some kid whose family lives south of the border somehow knows who I am and comes up to me and shows me sketches of who he's going to be.   The sketches and ideas were pretty good and he seems like he gets it.  Kid talked my ear off and none of his ideas seemed bad.  This kid is going to follow through with his ideas you just know it.   


Deaven Nighthawk - She's set to finish training around July 23 and someone will sign her within days.  Rightly so too.  Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competitor who looks fantastic and has a real IT factor.  Her technical abilities are stunning ... stunning.   The only question is will you be the one that wins the race to get her signature.


Diego Cuerno - This kid has a bit of promise as a Rudo but his abilities are a long way off as he's just started training. He's pretty small but in Lucha Libre thats not such a problem. Spoke to him briefly and ... he seemed like a bit of a jerk to be honest.  Should be finished training somewhere in 24 or maybe 25.


Dowanhowee - This big Native American kid is potentially the next Nicky Champion.  He's got the look and oozes star power.  You're going to need to be patient whilst his skills develop and you NEED to get a mouthpiece for him because he cant cut a promo but with any luck at all he's going to be huge.  Due to graduate in March and I can see people scrambling to pick him up because on potential alone he's worth it.  


Elizabeth Garner  - Buddy Garner's kid is 14 now and is competing in junior amateur stuff and doing well.  So I guess she'll probably follow her dad and debut sometime in around 2025.  My guess is she will have the skills and a pretty decent worker straight out of the gate given her current abilities.


Eric DeMont -  Big guy who looks to finish training around August this year.  Fantastic talker and a fine athlete.  He punched out a racist teammate on his High School Football team ... on the field.  He's very outspoken on Racial issues and intense about them.  Heck he seems intense about most everything.  He's a tough one because just on potential I would recommend hiring him and I agree with him about so much in life but there are red flags behaviour wise, it's a tentative recommendation.

image.jpeg.8b6c4807b6c8f8bcab6388ea70685bc8.jpeg artists impression of him in 6 years time

Ethan Smith - so this guys a child actor right now but has stated in interviews his dream is to train at the 21CW National School of Wrestling ... no way of knowing what we'll get if he does but one thing is certain he will be able to act and cut a promo. 


Flying Dragon - I think this guy is okay.  It's early in his training but he shows promise as a Japanese Junior.  Creative kid full of ideas who if the girls staring at him are to go on is considered good looking. My Japanese isn't the best but he seemed like a decent talker to me.  Should be out of his Dojo around mid 24.


Fredrik Heikkinen - So this Finnish kid has stellar potential - look at him - thats him now at 15 - and he already looks like a star.  Spoke to him and whilst he can definitely talk he was a bit touchy about certain things, which was a bit of a concern.  He also spoke about using wrestling to see the rest of Europe so he's a restless sort. He's sweeping the floor in exchange to some basic training right now and probably wont debut for 3 or 4 years so who knows where he'll be then.   


Fuego - This kid was legit raised in a cult - thats not Kayfabe.  He understands them and uses it in his character - he's genuinely scary and has patter down.  Come August when he graduates I would take a long look at him because I think he's money long-term.  Right now he's a serviceable aerialist and he's likely to get better.  


part 3 to come

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9 hours ago, alpha2117 said:

I honestly had no idea who Nakayama was before I started doing this then I looked at him properly and thought ... this guy is the Great Muta .... a young insanely good version of Muta.  

I just thought I would scout stuff for myself and then realised I could give my thoughts to other people and if they found them useful - good - if not ... no harm done.

I'm so pleased he didn't get nerfed from TEW20 to IX. I had him as a heel called Switchblade Nakamura in MAW and he was brilliant.

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Added Historians Women above - reviewing all 41 new workers that you can import into the your game including a Decolt and a Cornell, a 6'll Giantess, a woman so unfit she gets exhausted walking to the ring and a bunch of people who really do add great flavour to your game. 

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Great post. Even though BCG's my main fed (even doing a diary of it) I admit I glossed over Kishi's stats. They're pretty damn good. Unless BCG fires him it'll be impossible to sign him to a written deal though. So, I might have gone with Koyo Kinoshita or Ichiro Mitsukuri myself for that reason. Still both only 24 and pretty good stats. Neither are trueborns to BCG so they could be poached pretty easily. 

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