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Really enjoying this.  Everything seems just like it did IRL.  When I am reading the results, I can actually picture the matches really happening, as if I have gone back in a time machine.   The interviews, as I am reading them, I can actually hear the wrestlers in their voices. Keep up the good work

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37 minutes ago, sonny912 said:

Uh, what did pierroth Jr say in english?

Google translate is normally pretty good with one or two words maybe being out of context

“¡Escuchen bien, estúpidos! ¡No me importa lo que piensen de mí! ¡Todos ustedes, fanáticos de la WWF, son unos ignorantes! No entienden lo que es el verdadero talento. No entienden lo que es ser una verdadera estrella. ¡Yo soy Pierroth, y soy mejor que cualquiera de esos supuestos héroes que ustedes adoran! ¡No son más que payasos! Mientras ustedes se sientan aquí, perdiendo su tiempo, yo dominaré este lugar y les demostraré que soy superior a todos. ¡Voy a ganar el 'Royal Rumble'!

"Listen well, you stupid! I don't care what they think of me! All of you WWF fans are ignorant! They don't understand what true talent is. They don't understand what it's like to be a real star. I am Pierroth, and I am better than any of those so-called heroes you adore! They're just clowns! As long as you sit here, wasting your time, I will dominate this place and prove to you that I am superior to all. I'm going to win the 'Royal Rumble'!

So maybe the first sentence is a tiny bit off translation wise but the rest makes sense.


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In a major escalation of the war between WCW and WWF, WCW have moved their nWo Souled Out PPV forward one week to directly oppose the WWF's Royal Rumble. This isn't the first time promotions at war have counter-programmed - indeed, the Royal Rumble was first scheduled in opposition to an existing JCP PPV, the Bunkhouse Stampede.

In this case, the intent seems to be driven by Eric Bischoff wishing to deprive the number two promotion WWF of valuable revenue in a war of attrition - after all, fans of both promotions will likely only buy one show, rather than the channel-hopping that's possible through Cable TV. We've seen the Monday Night Wars, are we now in for the dawn of the Sunday Night Wars?

In other U.S. news, ECW have signed Dory Funk Jr. to a contract - the brother of roster member Terry and still a semi-active wrestler, the former NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion is perhaps most renowned in the present day for his Funkin' Dojo training camp. The move is seen by some as an effort for ECW to improve the fundamentals of its more hardcore-based performers.


 Welcome to Monday Night Raw! 
Episode #193, January 13th 1997 - Albany, NY


The show opens from commentary, where Vince McMahon, Jim Ross and special guest the Honky Tonk Man run down the show. "Welcome everyone to Monday Night Rrrrraw! It's one week before the Rrrrroyal Rrrrrrumble and it'll be a clash of super-heavyweight titans in tonight's main event when Nation of Domination's Crush takes on the Underrrtakerrrr!" Vince roars over the sound of sirens. "That's not all, Vince," Ross replies, "we've got an exclusive home town interview with Shawn Michaels from the Alamodome - what's the Heartbreak Kid's state of mind heading into his world title match?" 

Honky chuckles as he adds: "Isn't anybody gonna introduce me, baby? I'm gonna keep the show rollin' for ya while the King... Jerry Lawler that is, is busy takin' care of business in the ring." Vince hums, responding: "Indeed - the King, Marc Mero and Sable have all gotten involved in the war between the Bizarre One Goldust and the Intercontinental Champion, Hunter Hearst Helmsley over the affections of Marlena - and we'll see the four of them in tag team action next! Both teams had this to say earlier today."

We cut backstage to the team of HHH and the King - the Greenwich Blueblood snobbily sticking his nose in the air as Lawler cackles mischievously to himself. "You know, Hunter," Jerry begins, "our opponents tonight have a lot in common. One's called Goldust and the other's a gold-digger - ha-ha! Although I'll give Mero some credit - out of him, Goldust, Marlena and Sable, he's probably the only one not wearing a g-string!" Hunter preens himself as he addresses Marlena in his plummy accent: "Marlena, darling, this is what a champion looks like. This is what class looks like. And at the Royal Rumble, I'm going to take away Goldust's last shred of manhood... and show him what pedigree looks like." He smirks smugly, tapping his large nose knowingly.

We then go to the quartet of Goldust, Marlena, Marc Mero and Sable, with Dok Hendrix squeezed in between: "Your opponents tonight have questioned your masculinity - what do you have to say in response?" Mero grins wickedly as he begins to rave: "Talk is cheap and time is ticking! Let's see who's man enough tonight when we step in the ring and see how wild things really get!" Sable pats his shoulder with a confident smile. Goldust looks unsettled as he speaks seriously: "Hunter, you talk a lot about class - but you've got none. Let me make one thing very clear - Marlena is not a prize, she's not a possession. But I will take your most prized possession, the Intercontinental Championship, away from you at the Royal Rumble." Goldust positively growls his catchphrase out, far from his usual sensual mind-games: "And you will never forget the name of Goldust." [73]



The two teams waste no time when the bell rings, as Goldust goes straight for the Greenwich Blueblood - who runs across and around the ring with the Bizarre One in pursuit, before finally tagging out to Lawler just as Goldust is able to get his hands on him! "Goldust is more wound up than a cheap watch," Honky drawls, "if he don't get his hands on Hunter soon, I think this kid's gonna explode."

Goldust gets an early advantage over Lawler, hitting a series of uppercuts followed by a rebound powerslam off the ropes. "The King looks rusty," Honky notes. "His problem is he gets all his exercise from running his mouth and jumping to conclusions," Ross replies sarcastically, as Vince lets out a half-chuckle. Goldust tags out to Mero, who continues to put a whipping on Lawler, who yelps and complains at every strike and hold. Mero hoists the King onto his shoulders, looking to finish him off - but there's a commotion at ringside when HHH leaves his corner to begin propositioning an uncomfortable Marlena, and Goldust immediately heads in his direction, incandescent with rage!

Hunter rolls into the ring to escape and Goldust follows, grabbing him in a headlock and starting to pound away! Referee Jimmy Korderas tries to physically separate the two illegal men in the middle of the ring, but Goldust shoves him aside and continues to rain down punches on the Intercontinental Champion! Korderas has no choice but to call for the bell, awarding the bout by disqualification to Hunter and Lawler.

"Goldust has lost it! The match and his marbles," Honky chuckles. Mero and Sable look disappointed and more than a little annoyed with Goldust as WWF officials finally manage to pull him off Helmsley, the Bizarre One seething and shaking in rage. The King can barely stand but is celebrating like he just won the main event of Wrestlemania! Hunter indignantly rises to his feet, before he blows a kiss at Marlena in parting. [69]



A self-reflective Shawn Michaels stands in the bleachers looking out over the empty expanse of the Alamodome. We get a sense for what's going through the Heartbreak Kid's head as WWF production pump in faded cheers in the background as if there were a sea of imaginary fans, then we're treated to several short cuts of Michaels flying through the air, hitting the Sweet Chin Music and finally, being dumped on his head by Sycho Sid's power bomb. Michaels speaks in a raw and candid manner direct to the camera.

"You know, Sid... I've been thinking about what you said on Superstars. About that belt being power and that you'll do anything to hold onto it. Well, I've had that belt around my waist too. I've been the man." We cut to a slow-motion scene of Michaels achieving his boyhood dream at Wrestlemania XII, covered in sweat and tears as confetti rains down around him. "But this isn't just about me and that title anymore." 

We then see Sycho Sid taking out Jose Lothario backstage last week, putting a savage beating on the sexagenarian. "This is about my fans, my friends, my family and my mentor - you tried to take him out, Sid, but he's still breathing." We then cut to Michaels dancing down the aisle, in his element surrounded by the WWF fans. "Sid, you may say you'll do anything to hold onto that title... but I'll do anything to not let all those people down." We see a close up of Michaels face, full of conflict and emotion - as if he's holding the weight of the world on his mind.

"You've got power, Sid, no doubt about it. But you're just one man. And on Sunday it'll be one man versus seventy thousand." He gestures at the empty seats around him. "Seventy thousand fans who have stood by me through every high and every low - their voices are gonna fill this arena, cheering their hearts out for me. They believe in Shawn Michaels and they believe you're gonna get what's coming to you. Because on Sunday at the Royal Rumble, you're gonna learn the hard way that you don't rule the world, Sid... love rules the world." Michaels gives the camera a faint smirk as we cut to commercial. [71]



After the break, Dok Hendrix is backstage interviewing Bret Hart: "Ladies and gentleman, I'm standing here with Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. Firstly, Bret - I apologise we had to cut away from you last week." Bret gives Dok a lopsided grin, responding: "I know how it is around here, Dok - don't worry. What I wanna say tonight is - well, Steve Austin may have got in a cheap shot last week, but on Shotgun Saturday Night, I sent him slithering like the snake he is."

Bret lets out a satisfied laugh. "Which got me to thinking about two weeks ago when the British Bulldog did the same thing on Superstars and stood up to that bully. And you know, Dok, Davey and I - we've had our differences. Everyone knows that. We've fought, we've argued and we've gone head-to-head - but the one thing you can't deny is that when the chips are down... he's family. So tonight, I'm going to be at ringside tonight to repay the favor - I'm not gonna let Austin sneak in another cheap shot on my watch."

Vince excitedly exclaims as Dok throws back to him: "That's right, up next it's Bret Hart on commentary for one-half of the WWF World Tag Team Champions the Brrrritish Bulldog, versus the undefeated sensation Rrrrrocky Maivia!" Honky Tonk Man gulps suddenly, rising to his feet in a rush and half-murmuring into his headset before he hurriedly leaves: "I uh, I forgot I had to be somewhere else." Vince looks to Ross in confusion, who explains: "I think Honky has checked into Heartbreak Hotel, Vince - he gave Rocky the big pitch to be his protege and got turned down!" [89]



Bret joins Vince and Ross at commentary as McMahon hypes up his appearance as one of 30 men in Sunday's Royal Rumble. Bret looks a little displeased, replying sharply: "Yeah, well - let's talk about that. I don't see why I'm in the Royal Rumble in the first place - I shouldn't have to compete for a title shot I've already earned. Michaels cost me my shot, and he gets to face Sid while I have to go through twenty-nine other guys?" Vince clears his throat uncomfortably, before trying to move it on: "Be that as it may, another man with high hopes for the Rumble is Rocky Maivia! What are your thoughts on the blue chipper?" Bret grumbles as he admits: "He's one of the brightest prospects I've ever seen come into the WWF."

Bulldog outmuscles Maivia in the early going, pulling the rookie up for a loooong stalling suplex as he flexes one bicep, before bringing Rocky down hard against the mat. Bulldog grabs a headlock, but Maivia fights out and dropkicks him to the floor! "This is unfinished business from Sunday Morning," Ross notes, "when Bulldog quit the match rather than face Maivia." Bret looks a little perplexed in response, shaking his head: "Davey's a lot of things but he's no quitter. It's that cheat Clarence Mason's influence, I bet. Or maybe it's Owen."

Say his name and he appears - Owen Hart and his Slammys (clap clap) begin marching down to ringside to get a closer look at the melee, as Rocky and Bulldog battle on the outside! Owen suddenly notices Bret on commentary and begins accosting him: "What are you doing here?" Bret snorts in response: "What are YOU doing here?" Owen exclaims: "What am I doing here? He's my partner!" Clarence Mason heads over and starts yelling too!

Referee Dave Hebner becomes distracted by the fracas near the commentary booth, stopping his count to try and wave off Bret, Owen and Mason. Bulldog has just sent Maivia into the guardrail, when out of seemingly nowhere comes Stone Cold, who hits Bulldog with a hit and run Stunner then runs into the crowd before the referee spots him! Bulldog is down outside the ring, as Maivia manages to roll in to beat the restarted count! "What an upset - Rocky remains undefeated," raves McMahon. [70]



Bret and Owen continue yelling blame at each other as they both begin to realise what's happened. "You idiot," Bret yells, "I was watching out for Austin until you got in the way!" Owen angrily insists the opposite: "This is your fault, Bret - he was only out here because of you! You're the one he wants!"

Bret lets out a deep sigh: "You know what... forget it. I was trying to do the right thing for family, after all this time - but I was wrong." As he removes his headset, Owen snaps back: "You're damn right you're wrong. Get over yourself, Bret - talking about family, but it's always me me ME!"

The pair shoot each other tense glares as Bret departs, and a staggered Bulldog rises to his feet, looking dazed and angry. The network don't quite manage to censor him on time: "What the FOOK hap-[BLEEP]!" Owen and Bulldog begin arguing with each other, until Clarence Mason quickly gets in the middle and sends them each on their separate ways. "Now this is telling," Vince hums, "the Tag Team Champions finally appear together and they're butting heads." J.R. agrees, adding: "I don't think I've ever seen Paul Bearer smile, but he's got to be grinning ear to ear right about now, folks." [75]



After the break, we get set for the main event - Undertaker is with Dok Hendrix, who says: "I'm here with the Dead Man - the Undertaker! Tonight you'll be going up against Crush and the Nation of Domination, but do you have any words for the Mastodon, Vader?" Undertaker speaks ominously in response: "Vader... you owe a terrible debt. You struck the first blow and in return, I visited vengeance upon James E. Cornette." The slightest hint of a curled mouth betrays the Undertaker's amusement at having taken out the Louisville Lip.

"Yet... the scales of justice do not weigh lightly in the hands of the Reaper. I will see the toll you pay doubled. I will inflict upon you twice the pain. Twice the suffering. Twice the destruction. And at the Royal Rumble, a second grave will be dug alongside that of James E. Cornette - and on its headstone will be carved the name... The Man They Call Vader. And you will... rest... in... peace..." Undertaker's eyes roll into the back of his head as Dok Hendrix narrates excitedly: "That's a big time challenge for the Royal Rumble - Undertaker versus Vader!" [79]



The two giants stand toe to toe as the match begins. "Crush is showing he isn't afraid of the Undertaker," Vince notes. "Well, maybe he should be," Ross replies sharply. Crush tries to take the Undertaker off his feet with heavy strikes, but the Dead Man stands there unfazed - before he rushes the Jailbird into the corner and lays in his own fast punches! Crush fights back, gaining some momentum with a big boot then a hard clothesline - but the Undertaker remains on his feet!

Undertaker hits the ropes for his own running attack, but Faarooq grabs his foot and trips the Dead Man up. "I didn't know this was a two-on-one match, Vince," Ross complains. "The Nation have the numbers advantage," McMahon adds obviously and pointlessly. Crush wears down the Dead Man, keeping him grounded and trying for a series of increasingly frustrated near-falls. Finally, the Dead Man sits up and returns to his feet, battling off Crush - and when D'Lo Brown jumps to the apron in protest, a hard right hand sends him spilling onto the floor, taking out his Nation cohorts in the process!

The Undertaker enters the home stretch, hitting the Old School rope-walk on Crush then turning him upside down for a massive Tombstone Piledriver - but the crowd erupt in boos as Vader charges down the ramp with a wild look in his eyes! He blindsides the Undertaker with a vicious forearm to the back of the head, causing the Dead Man and Crush to crumple onto the mat in a 600lbs pile-up! "This match is over," J.R. exclaims as the referee signals for the disqualification, "but I think Vader's just getting started!" [81]



As the timekeeper continues ringing the bell, Vader lays into the Undertaker with hard shots to the face and stomach. "Who's going to break this up?" Ross asks, "Who CAN break this up?" Vader drags the supine Dead Man into the corner, then climbs the ropes to crush him with a Vader Bomb, before he goes to the second rope again to unleash a second devastating splash! "I would, uh, infer that Vader accepts the Undertaker's challenge for the Rumble," McMahon notes evenly.

The Nation have been standing by as Vader beats Undertaker down, but suddenly Ahmed Johnson comes running down to ringside with a 2x4 in hand, looking to make the save! D'Lo, Wolfie and Ice each get a piece of Sheriff Ahmed's mind, before he aims the wood at Crush - and Faarooq grabs it from behind! The Nation Leader strikes Ahmed with his own weapon, sending the Pearl River Powerhouse down to the mat!

"Vader! The Underrrtakerrrr! Ahmed! Faarooq!" Vince narrates excitedly as we go off the air, "Sid and Shaaaawn and the thirty-man Rrrroyal Rrrrrrumble match this Sunday, live on pay-per-view!" [70]


Show Rating: [82]

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Thanks to everyone that participated in week 2! 2 people correctly guessed entrants in the Slobberknocker match and so get an extra point: @alpha2117 and @Njord! Here's where everyone is - we have one user in the lead but plenty on their toes!

17 - @Kirby
15 - @alpha2117 @Dawn @sonny912 @Njord @phoenixnitro
14 - @Lord Byron @arlovski @Blodyxe
12 - @TheAwesomeZero101
11 - @Teasenitryn
10 - @Kieran_Lives
8 - @CharDeeMacDennis
7 - @Jason Phoenix @Vandal
6 - @neslo024 @moafnsteel
5 - @TheYEAHMovement


We're going to move on now to the 1997 Royal Rumble, including the pre-show Free For All card! Note that in the timeline of the diary, the 18th January Shotgun and 19th January Superstars have already aired by the time of the Rumble but we'll pick these up next week. It might feel a little weird but I'll resolve that issue within the universe of the diary soon enough.

The Free For All event features an AAA trios bout followed by a 5v5 taste of over-the-top chaos to whet your Rumble appetite! The Rumble itself is headlined by Shawn Michaels seeking to regain the WWF World Heavyweight title from Sycho Sid in front of a hometown crowd, the 30 man Rumble itself with the winner main-eventing Wrestlemania, and four other huge clashes that have built over the last few weeks!

There are 16 points to play for - 2 for the FFA, 6 for the PPV, plus a further 8 bonus point bonanza linked to the Rumble itself! Rather than list all 30 men, I've given the ten biggest stars in the match to choose from - but you're welcome to write in your own dark horse pick! You can make predictions for the FFA up until Saturday and for the Rumble all the way up to Monday.

Free For All: Royal Rumble 1997

Fuerza Guerrera/Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Perro Aguayo/Octagon/Hector Garza

5v5 Over the Top Rope Challenge:
Aldo Montoya/Alex Porteau/Barry Horowitz/Freddie Joe Floyd/Jesse Jammes vs
Jason Arnhdt/Leif Cassidy/Salvatore Sincere/The Goon/T.L. Hopper

Royal Rumble 1997

WWF World Tag Team Championship:
Owen Hart/British Bulldog (c) vs Mankind/The Executioner

Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq

WWF Intercontinental Championship:
HHH (c) vs Goldust

The Undertaker vs Vader

30 Man Royal Rumble featuring:
Ahmed Johnson, Bret Hart, British Bulldog, Faarooq, Mankind,
Mil Mascaras, Owen Hart, Stone Cold, The Undertaker & Vader

WWF World Heavyweight Championship:
Sycho Sid (c) vs Shawn Michaels

BONUS x2: Guess the two surprise entrants not on the WWF or AAA roster

BONUS: Predict the Rumble iron-man (longest time in match)

BONUS x2: Predict who scores the most eliminations, plus how many eliminations they get

BONUS x3: Predict the final four (not including the winner)

Edited by blaustein
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3 minutes ago, blaustein said:


Thanks to everyone that participated in week 2! 2 people correctly guessed entrants in the Slobberknocker match and so get an extra point: @alpha2117 and @Njord! Here's where everyone is - we have one user in the lead but plenty on their toes!

17 - @Kirby
15 - @alpha2117 @Dawn @sonny912 @Njord @phoenixnitro
14 - @Lord Byron @arlovski @Blodyxe
12 - @TheAwesomeZero101
11 - @Teasenitryn
10 - @Kieran_Lives
8 - @CharDeeMacDennis
7 - @Jason Phoenix @Vandal
6 - @neslo024 @moafnsteel
5 - @TheYEAHMovement


We're going to move on now to the 1997 Royal Rumble, including the pre-show Free For All card! Note that in the timeline of the diary, the 18th January Shotgun and 19th January Superstars have already aired by the time of the Rumble but we'll pick these up next week. It might feel a little weird but I'll resolve that issue within the universe of the diary soon enough.

The Free For All event features an AAA trios bout followed by a 5v5 taste of over-the-top chaos to whet your Rumble appetite! The Rumble itself is headlined by Shawn Michaels seeking to regain the WWF World Heavyweight title from Sycho Sid in front of a hometown crowd, the 30 man Rumble itself with the winner main-eventing Wrestlemania, and four other huge clashes that have built over the last few weeks!

There are 16 points to play for - 2 for the FFA, 6 for the PPV, plus a further 8 bonus point bonanza linked to the Rumble itself! Rather than list all 30 men, I've given the ten biggest stars in the match to choose from - but you're welcome to write in your own dark horse pick! You can make predictions for the FFA up until Saturday and for the Rumble all the way up to Monday.

Free For All: Royal Rumble 1997

Fuerza Guerrera/Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Perro Aguayo/Octagon/Hector Garza

5v5 Over the Top Rope Challenge:
Aldo Montoya/Alex Porteau/Barry Horowitz/Freddie Joe Floyd/Jesse Jammes vs
Jason Arnhdt/Leif Cassidy/Salvatore Sincere/The Goon/T.L. Hopper

Royal Rumble 1997

WWF World Tag Team Championship:
Owen Hart/British Bulldog (c) vs Mankind/The Executioner

Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq

WWF Intercontinental Championship:
HHH (c) vs Goldust

The Undertaker vs Vader

30 Man Royal Rumble featuring:
Ahmed Johnson, Bret Hart, British Bulldog, Faarooq, Mankind,
Mil Mascaras, Owen Hart, Stone Cold, The Undertaker & Vader

WWF World Heavyweight Championship:
Sycho Sid (c) vs Shawn Michaels

BONUS x2: Guess the two surprise entrants not on the WWF or AAA roster

BONUS: Predict the Rumble iron-man (longest time in match)

BONUS x2: Predict who scores the most eliminations, plus how many eliminations they get

BONUS x3: Predict the final four (not including the winner)

Perro Aguayo/octagon/Hector garza







Shawn michaels

RVD and sabu


Austin again

Bret hart, Undertaker and vader

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Free For All: Royal Rumble 1997

Fuerza Guerrera/Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Perro Aguayo/Octagon/Hector Garza

5v5 Over the Top Rope Challenge:
Aldo Montoya/Alex Porteau/Barry Horowitz/Freddie Joe Floyd/Jesse Jammes vs
Jason Arnhdt/Leif Cassidy/Salvatore Sincere/The Goon/T.L. Hopper


WWF World Tag Team Championship:
Owen Hart/British Bulldog (c) vs Mankind/The Executioner

Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq

WWF Intercontinental Championship:
HHH (c) vs Goldust

The Undertaker vs Vader

30 Man Royal Rumble featuring:
Ahmed Johnson, Bret Hart, British Bulldog, Faarooq, Mankind,
Mil Mascaras, Owen Hart, Stone Cold, The Undertaker & Vader

WWF World Heavyweight Championship: 
Sycho Sid (c) vs Shawn Michaels

BONUS x2: RVD, Raven

BONUS: Bret Hart

BONUS x2: Stone Cold (11)

BONUS x3: Stone Cole, Bret Hart, Brian Pillman


I'll be honest in that I struggled to think of names outside the WWE lol, I had gone with AJ Styles until I looked it up and he only started the indies in 1998 which technically we're into but he was super close to the end in WCW before he got the smallest name value.

Going against history in the winner, we'll see how that works out for me I guess lol, since I do see some of the same beats happening but I know you're not sticking tightly to the history. I've maybe diverged a little far in terms of a completely changed main event to Mania.

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2 hours ago, blaustein said:


Thanks to everyone that participated in week 2! 2 people correctly guessed entrants in the Slobberknocker match and so get an extra point: @alpha2117 and @Njord! Here's where everyone is - we have one user in the lead but plenty on their toes!

17 - @Kirby
15 - @alpha2117 @Dawn @sonny912 @Njord @phoenixnitro
14 - @Lord Byron @arlovski @Blodyxe
12 - @TheAwesomeZero101
11 - @Teasenitryn
10 - @Kieran_Lives
8 - @CharDeeMacDennis
7 - @Jason Phoenix @Vandal
6 - @neslo024 @moafnsteel
5 - @TheYEAHMovement


We're going to move on now to the 1997 Royal Rumble, including the pre-show Free For All card! Note that in the timeline of the diary, the 18th January Shotgun and 19th January Superstars have already aired by the time of the Rumble but we'll pick these up next week. It might feel a little weird but I'll resolve that issue within the universe of the diary soon enough.

The Free For All event features an AAA trios bout followed by a 5v5 taste of over-the-top chaos to whet your Rumble appetite! The Rumble itself is headlined by Shawn Michaels seeking to regain the WWF World Heavyweight title from Sycho Sid in front of a hometown crowd, the 30 man Rumble itself with the winner main-eventing Wrestlemania, and four other huge clashes that have built over the last few weeks!

There are 16 points to play for - 2 for the FFA, 6 for the PPV, plus a further 8 bonus point bonanza linked to the Rumble itself! Rather than list all 30 men, I've given the ten biggest stars in the match to choose from - but you're welcome to write in your own dark horse pick! You can make predictions for the FFA up until Saturday and for the Rumble all the way up to Monday.

Free For All: Royal Rumble 1997

Fuerza Guerrera/Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Perro Aguayo/Octagon/Hector Garza

5v5 Over the Top Rope Challenge:
Aldo Montoya/Alex Porteau/Barry Horowitz/Freddie Joe Floyd/Jesse Jammes vs
Jason Arnhdt/Leif Cassidy/Salvatore Sincere/The Goon/T.L. Hopper

Royal Rumble 1997

WWF World Tag Team Championship:
Owen Hart/British Bulldog (c) vs Mankind/The Executioner

Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq

WWF Intercontinental Championship:
HHH (c) vs Goldust

The Undertaker vs Vader

30 Man Royal Rumble featuring:
Ahmed Johnson, Bret Hart, British Bulldog, Faarooq, Mankind,
Mil Mascaras, Owen Hart, Stone Cold, The Undertaker & Vader

WWF World Heavyweight Championship:
Sycho Sid (c) vs Shawn Michaels

BONUS x2: Guess the two surprise entrants not on the WWF or AAA roster

BONUS: Predict the Rumble iron-man (longest time in match)

BONUS x2: Predict who scores the most eliminations, plus how many eliminations they get

BONUS x3: Predict the final four (not including the winner)

Heavy Metal, Fuerza Guerrero & Abismo Negro

Team T.L. Hopper, following assistance from not only The Fake Goon, but also Fake Salvatore Sincere and new arrival Fake T.L. Hopper


Bret Hart gets involved - No Contest 



The Undertaker

Mil Mascaras

Shawn Michaels


Mabel (eliminates Mark Henry) & Bill Dundee (eliminates Jerry Lawler)

Jason Arndht

Mark Henry - 13

Vic Venom, Barry Horowitz, Cibernético 

Edited by Jason Phoenix
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Free For All: Royal Rumble 1997

Fuerza Guerrera/Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Perro Aguayo/Octagon/Hector Garza

Garza's kid is watching

5v5 Over the Top Rope Challenge:
Aldo Montoya/Alex Porteau/Barry Horowitz/Freddie Joe Floyd/Jesse Jammes vs
Jason Arnhdt/Leif Cassidy/Salvatore Sincere/The Goon/T.L. Hopper

Look I've highlighted the guy worth feeding

Royal Rumble 1997

WWF World Tag Team Championship:
Owen Hart/British Bulldog (c) vs Mankind/The Executioner

One of these things is not like the others and is taking the pin 

Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq

One of these is a good guy and the other is Ahmed Johnson.

WWF Intercontinental Championship:
HHH (c) vs Goldust

This was in the era when Trips needed his behavior reigned in

The Undertaker vs Vader

Taker v Vader rematch at Mania

30 Man Royal Rumble featuring:
Ahmed Johnson, Bret Hart, British Bulldog, Faarooq, Mankind,
Mil Mascaras, Owen Hart, Stone Cold, The Undertaker & Vader

The next match result determined who I chose as the winner - that and who doesn't want to see that match in 97

WWF World Heavyweight Championship:
Sycho Sid (c) vs Shawn Michaels

Lets face it Sid was a very poor worker and Michaels for all his flaws was great.  

BONUS x2: Guess the two surprise entrants not on the WWF or AAA roster

It could easily be 2 WCW guys but no Edge or Chrisitan yet so I will go for them.  I do sort of hope it's two of Sting, Kanyon, DDP, Eddie G, Rey Mysterio Jr, Raven, Lance Storm or Jericho though 

BONUS: Predict the Rumble iron-man (longest time in match)

Owen Hart, the guy had a hell of a motor 

BONUS x2: Predict who scores the most eliminations, plus how many eliminations they get

Stone Cold, I dont have him winning but I think the big dogs are doing well - 6

BONUS x3: Predict the final four (not including the winner)

Owen, Stone Cold, Rocky, Mankind, Vader and Taker come out late when there are just the winner these 2 and guys like Mil, Rocky, the 2 surprises, Bulldog and Mankind are still around and clear out a few people before eliminating each other.  Mil does a flying spot to eliminate himself landing on the brawling Taker and Vader because - that HAS to happen.     

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3 hours ago, blaustein said:


In a major escalation of the war between WCW and WWF, WCW have moved their nWo Souled Out PPV forward one week to directly oppose the WWF's Royal Rumble. This isn't the first time promotions at war have counter-programmed - indeed, the Royal Rumble was first scheduled in opposition to an existing JCP PPV, the Bunkhouse Stampede.

In this case, the intent seems to be driven by Eric Bischoff wishing to deprive the number two promotion WWF of valuable revenue in a war of attrition - after all, fans of both promotions will likely only buy one show, rather than the channel-hopping that's possible through Cable TV. We've seen the Monday Night Wars, are we now in for the dawn of the Sunday Night Wars?

In other U.S. news, ECW have signed Dory Funk Jr. to a contract - the brother of roster member Terry and still a semi-active wrestler, the former NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion is perhaps most renowned in the present day for his Funkin' Dojo training camp. The move is seen by some as an effort for ECW to improve the fundamentals of its more hardcore-based performers.


 Welcome to Monday Night Raw! 
Episode #193, January 13th 1997 - Albany, NY


The show opens from commentary, where Vince McMahon, Jim Ross and special guest the Honky Tonk Man run down the show. "Welcome everyone to Monday Night Rrrrraw! It's one week before the Rrrrroyal Rrrrrrumble and it'll be a clash of super-heavyweight titans in tonight's main event when Nation of Domination's Crush takes on the Underrrtakerrrr!" Vince roars over the sound of sirens. "That's not all, Vince," Ross replies, "we've got an exclusive home town interview with Shawn Michaels from the Alamodome - what's the Heartbreak Kid's state of mind heading into his world title match?" 

Honky chuckles as he adds: "Isn't anybody gonna introduce me, baby? I'm gonna keep the show rollin' for ya while the King... Jerry Lawler that is, is busy takin' care of business in the ring." Vince hums, responding: "Indeed - the King, Marc Mero and Sable have all gotten involved in the war between the Bizarre One Goldust and the Intercontinental Champion, Hunter Hearst Helmsley over the affections of Marlena - and we'll see the four of them in tag team action next! Both teams had this to say earlier today."

We cut backstage to the team of HHH and the King - the Greenwich Blueblood snobbily sticking his nose in the air as Lawler cackles mischievously to himself. "You know, Hunter," Jerry begins, "our opponents tonight have a lot in common. One's called Goldust and the other's a gold-digger - ha-ha! Although I'll give Mero some credit - out of him, Goldust, Marlena and Sable, he's probably the only one not wearing a g-string!" Hunter preens himself as he addresses Marlena in his plummy accent: "Marlena, darling, this is what a champion looks like. This is what class looks like. And at the Royal Rumble, I'm going to take away Goldust's last shred of manhood... and show him what pedigree looks like." He smirks smugly, tapping his large nose knowingly.

We then go to the quartet of Goldust, Marlena, Marc Mero and Sable, with Dok Hendrix squeezed in between: "Your opponents tonight have questioned your masculinity - what do you have to say in response?" Mero grins wickedly as he begins to rave: "Talk is cheap and time is ticking! Let's see who's man enough tonight when we step in the ring and see how wild things really get!" Sable pats his shoulder with a confident smile. Goldust looks unsettled as he speaks seriously: "Hunter, you talk a lot about class - but you've got none. Let me make one thing very clear - Marlena is not a prize, she's not a possession. But I will take your most prized possession, the Intercontinental Championship, away from you at the Royal Rumble." Goldust positively growls his catchphrase out, far from his usual sensual mind-games: "And you will never forget the name of Goldust." [73]



The two teams waste no time when the bell rings, as Goldust goes straight for the Greenwich Blueblood - who runs across and around the ring with the Bizarre One in pursuit, before finally tagging out to Lawler just as Goldust is able to get his hands on him! "Goldust is more wound up than a cheap watch," Honky drawls, "if he don't get his hands on Hunter soon, I think this kid's gonna explode."

Goldust gets an early advantage over Lawler, hitting a series of uppercuts followed by a rebound powerslam off the ropes. "The King looks rusty," Honky notes. "His problem is he gets all his exercise from running his mouth and jumping to conclusions," Ross replies sarcastically, as Vince lets out a half-chuckle. Goldust tags out to Mero, who continues to put a whipping on Lawler, who yelps and complains at every strike and hold. Mero hoists the King onto his shoulders, looking to finish him off - but there's a commotion at ringside when HHH leaves his corner to begin propositioning an uncomfortable Marlena, and Goldust immediately heads in his direction, incandescent with rage!

Hunter rolls into the ring to escape and Goldust follows, grabbing him in a headlock and starting to pound away! Referee Jimmy Korderas tries to physically separate the two illegal men in the middle of the ring, but Goldust shoves him aside and continues to rain down punches on the Intercontinental Champion! Korderas has no choice but to call for the bell, awarding the bout by disqualification to Hunter and Lawler.

"Goldust has lost it! The match and his marbles," Honky chuckles. Mero and Sable look disappointed and more than a little annoyed with Goldust as WWF officials finally manage to pull him off Helmsley, the Bizarre One seething and shaking in rage. The King can barely stand but is celebrating like he just won the main event of Wrestlemania! Hunter indignantly rises to his feet, before he blows a kiss at Marlena in parting. [69]



A self-reflective Shawn Michaels stands in the bleachers looking out over the empty expanse of the Alamodome. We get a sense for what's going through the Heartbreak Kid's head as WWF production pump in faded cheers in the background as if there were a sea of imaginary fans, then we're treated to several short cuts of Michaels flying through the air, hitting the Sweet Chin Music and finally, being dumped on his head by Sycho Sid's power bomb. Michaels speaks in a raw and candid manner direct to the camera.

"You know, Sid... I've been thinking about what you said on Superstars. About that belt being power and that you'll do anything to hold onto it. Well, I've had that belt around my waist too. I've been the man." We cut to a slow-motion scene of Michaels achieving his boyhood dream at Wrestlemania XII, covered in sweat and tears as confetti rains down around him. "But this isn't just about me and that title anymore." 

We then see Sycho Sid taking out Jose Lothario backstage last week, putting a savage beating on the sexagenarian. "This is about my fans, my friends, my family and my mentor - you tried to take him out, Sid, but he's still breathing." We then cut to Michaels dancing down the aisle, in his element surrounded by the WWF fans. "Sid, you may say you'll do anything to hold onto that title... but I'll do anything to not let all those people down." We see a close up of Michaels face, full of conflict and emotion - as if he's holding the weight of the world on his mind.

"You've got power, Sid, no doubt about it. But you're just one man. And on Sunday it'll be one man versus seventy thousand." He gestures at the empty seats around him. "Seventy thousand fans who have stood by me through every high and every low - their voices are gonna fill this arena, cheering their hearts out for me. They believe in Shawn Michaels and they believe you're gonna get what's coming to you. Because on Sunday at the Royal Rumble, you're gonna learn the hard way that you don't rule the world, Sid... love rules the world." Michaels gives the camera a faint smirk as we cut to commercial. [71]



After the break, Dok Hendrix is backstage interviewing Bret Hart: "Ladies and gentleman, I'm standing here with Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. Firstly, Bret - I apologise we had to cut away from you last week." Bret gives Dok a lopsided grin, responding: "I know how it is around here, Dok - don't worry. What I wanna say tonight is - well, Steve Austin may have got in a cheap shot last week, but on Shotgun Saturday Night, I sent him slithering like the snake he is."

Bret lets out a satisfied laugh. "Which got me to thinking about two weeks ago when the British Bulldog did the same thing on Superstars and stood up to that bully. And you know, Dok, Davey and I - we've had our differences. Everyone knows that. We've fought, we've argued and we've gone head-to-head - but the one thing you can't deny is that when the chips are down... he's family. So tonight, I'm going to be at ringside tonight to repay the favor - I'm not gonna let Austin sneak in another cheap shot on my watch."

Vince excitedly exclaims as Dok throws back to him: "That's right, up next it's Bret Hart on commentary for one-half of the WWF World Tag Team Champions the Brrrritish Bulldog, versus the undefeated sensation Rrrrrocky Maivia!" Honky Tonk Man gulps suddenly, rising to his feet in a rush and half-murmuring into his headset before he hurriedly leaves: "I uh, I forgot I had to be somewhere else." Vince looks to Ross in confusion, who explains: "I think Honky has checked into Heartbreak Hotel, Vince - he gave Rocky the big pitch to be his protege and got turned down!" [89]



Bret joins Vince and Ross at commentary as McMahon hypes up his appearance as one of 30 men in Sunday's Royal Rumble. Bret looks a little displeased, replying sharply: "Yeah, well - let's talk about that. I don't see why I'm in the Royal Rumble in the first place - I shouldn't have to compete for a title shot I've already earned. Michaels cost me my shot, and he gets to face Sid while I have to go through twenty-nine other guys?" Vince clears his throat uncomfortably, before trying to move it on: "Be that as it may, another man with high hopes for the Rumble is Rocky Maivia! What are your thoughts on the blue chipper?" Bret grumbles as he admits: "He's one of the brightest prospects I've ever seen come into the WWF."

Bulldog outmuscles Maivia in the early going, pulling the rookie up for a loooong stalling suplex as he flexes one bicep, before bringing Rocky down hard against the mat. Bulldog grabs a headlock, but Maivia fights out and dropkicks him to the floor! "This is unfinished business from Sunday Morning," Ross notes, "when Bulldog quit the match rather than face Maivia." Bret looks a little perplexed in response, shaking his head: "Davey's a lot of things but he's no quitter. It's that cheat Clarence Mason's influence, I bet. Or maybe it's Owen."

Say his name and he appears - Owen Hart and his Slammys (clap clap) begin marching down to ringside to get a closer look at the melee, as Rocky and Bulldog battle on the outside! Owen suddenly notices Bret on commentary and begins accosting him: "What are you doing here?" Bret snorts in response: "What are YOU doing here?" Owen exclaims: "What am I doing here? He's my partner!" Clarence Mason heads over and starts yelling too!

Referee Dave Hebner becomes distracted by the fracas near the commentary booth, stopping his count to try and wave off Bret, Owen and Mason. Bulldog has just sent Maivia into the guardrail, when out of seemingly nowhere comes Stone Cold, who hits Bulldog with a hit and run Stunner then runs into the crowd before the referee spots him! Bulldog is down outside the ring, as Maivia manages to roll in to beat the restarted count! "What an upset - Rocky remains undefeated," raves McMahon. [70]



Bret and Owen continue yelling blame at each other as they both begin to realise what's happened. "You idiot," Bret yells, "I was watching out for Austin until you got in the way!" Owen angrily insists the opposite: "This is your fault, Bret - he was only out here because of you! You're the one he wants!"

Bret lets out a deep sigh: "You know what... forget it. I was trying to do the right thing for family, after all this time - but I was wrong." As he removes his headset, Owen snaps back: "You're damn right you're wrong. Get over yourself, Bret - talking about family, but it's always me me ME!"

The pair shoot each other tense glares as Bret departs, and a staggered Bulldog rises to his feet, looking dazed and angry. The network don't quite manage to censor him on time: "What the FOOK hap-[BLEEP]!" Owen and Bulldog begin arguing with each other, until Clarence Mason quickly gets in the middle and sends them each on their separate ways. "Now this is telling," Vince hums, "the Tag Team Champions finally appear together and they're butting heads." J.R. agrees, adding: "I don't think I've ever seen Paul Bearer smile, but he's got to be grinning ear to ear right about now, folks." [75]



After the break, we get set for the main event - Undertaker is with Dok Hendrix, who says: "I'm here with the Dead Man - the Undertaker! Tonight you'll be going up against Crush and the Nation of Domination, but do you have any words for the Mastodon, Vader?" Undertaker speaks ominously in response: "Vader... you owe a terrible debt. You struck the first blow and in return, I visited vengeance upon James E. Cornette." The slightest hint of a curled mouth betrays the Undertaker's amusement at having taken out the Louisville Lip.

"Yet... the scales of justice do not weigh lightly in the hands of the Reaper. I will see the toll you pay doubled. I will inflict upon you twice the pain. Twice the suffering. Twice the destruction. And at the Royal Rumble, a second grave will be dug alongside that of James E. Cornette - and on its headstone will be carved the name... The Man They Call Vader. And you will... rest... in... peace..." Undertaker's eyes roll into the back of his head as Dok Hendrix narrates excitedly: "That's a big time challenge for the Royal Rumble - Undertaker versus Vader!" [79]



The two giants stand toe to toe as the match begins. "Crush is showing he isn't afraid of the Undertaker," Vince notes. "Well, maybe he should be," Ross replies sharply. Crush tries to take the Undertaker off his feet with heavy strikes, but the Dead Man stands there unfazed - before he rushes the Jailbird into the corner and lays in his own fast punches! Crush fights back, gaining some momentum with a big boot then a hard clothesline - but the Undertaker remains on his feet!

Undertaker hits the ropes for his own running attack, but Faarooq grabs his foot and trips the Dead Man up. "I didn't know this was a two-on-one match, Vince," Ross complains. "The Nation have the numbers advantage," McMahon adds obviously and pointlessly. Crush wears down the Dead Man, keeping him grounded and trying for a series of increasingly frustrated near-falls. Finally, the Dead Man sits up and returns to his feet, battling off Crush - and when D'Lo Brown jumps to the apron in protest, a hard right hand sends him spilling onto the floor, taking out his Nation cohorts in the process!

The Undertaker enters the home stretch, hitting the Old School rope-walk on Crush then turning him upside down for a massive Tombstone Piledriver - but the crowd erupt in boos as Vader charges down the ramp with a wild look in his eyes! He blindsides the Undertaker with a vicious forearm to the back of the head, causing the Dead Man and Crush to crumple onto the mat in a 600lbs pile-up! "This match is over," J.R. exclaims as the referee signals for the disqualification, "but I think Vader's just getting started!" [81]



As the timekeeper continues ringing the bell, Vader lays into the Undertaker with hard shots to the face and stomach. "Who's going to break this up?" Ross asks, "Who CAN break this up?" Vader drags the supine Dead Man into the corner, then climbs the ropes to crush him with a Vader Bomb, before he goes to the second rope again to unleash a second devastating splash! "I would, uh, infer that Vader accepts the Undertaker's challenge for the Rumble," McMahon notes evenly.

The Nation have been standing by as Vader beats Undertaker down, but suddenly Ahmed Johnson comes running down to ringside with a 2x4 in hand, looking to make the save! D'Lo, Wolfie and Ice each get a piece of Sheriff Ahmed's mind, before he aims the wood at Crush - and Faarooq grabs it from behind! The Nation Leader strikes Ahmed with his own weapon, sending the Pearl River Powerhouse down to the mat!

"Vader! The Underrrtakerrrr! Ahmed! Faarooq!" Vince narrates excitedly as we go off the air, "Sid and Shaaaawn and the thirty-man Rrrroyal Rrrrrrumble match this Sunday, live on pay-per-view!" [70]


Show Rating: [82]

That was awesome

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Great show as usual, excited to see the paths of several stories like Vader vs. Taker and Hart against Austin.

Free For All: Royal Rumble 1997

Fuerza Guerrera/Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Perro Aguayo/Octagon/Hector Garza

This team has more names I recognize so choosing them.

5v5 Over the Top Rope Challenge:
Aldo Montoya/Alex Porteau/Barry Horowitz/Freddie Joe Floyd/Jesse Jammes vs
Jason Arnhdt/Leif Cassidy/Salvatore Sincere/The Goon/T.L. Hopper

I'm pulling for battle royal specialist the Goon.

Royal Rumble 1997

WWF World Tag Team Championship:
Owen Hart/British Bulldog (c) vs Mankind/The Executioner

I'm guessing Hart and Bulldog tension cost them the titles.

Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq

Going based off the rule of the winner on the go home show loses on the PPV.

WWF Intercontinental Championship:
HHH (c) vs Goldust

There's more juice in this feud and I feel Goldust's anger will cost him.

The Undertaker vs Vader


30 Man Royal Rumble featuring:
Ahmed Johnson, Bret Hart, British Bulldog, Faarooq, Mankind,
Mil Mascaras, Owen Hart, Stone Cold, The Undertaker & Vader

Nobody really sticks out as a clear winner and I'm unsure if we're gonna get 97 Rumble shenanigans so sticking with a safe guess. 

WWF World Heavyweight Championship:
Sycho Sid (c) vs Shawn Michaels

It's his home town he can't lose right?

BONUS x2: Guess the two surprise entrants not on the WWF or AAA roster

I'm going with my boy Raven and Mr. Perfect

BONUS: Predict the Rumble iron-man (longest time in match)

Stone Cold is my choice for iron man.

BONUS x2: Predict who scores the most eliminations, plus how many eliminations they get

It will be Austin with 8 eliminations I feel

BONUS x3: Predict the final four (not including the winner)
Austin, Mankind and Maivia

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My picks: 
Free For All--Perro Aguayo/Octagon/Hector Garza, Jason Arnhdt/Leif Cassidy/Salvatore Sincere/The Goon/T.L. Hopper (with The Goon winning)

Royal Rumble: Owen Hart/Bulldog (c), Ahmed Johnson, HHH (c), Vader, Bret Hart wins the Rumble, the two surprise entrants are Randy Savage and Chris Jericho, Stone Cold is the Iron Man, Stone Cold has 7 eliminations, and the final four (not including the winner) is Austin, Mankind, and Undertaker...

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Fuerza Guerrera/Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Perro Aguayo/Octagon/Hector Garza

5v5 Over the Top Rope Challenge:
Aldo Montoya/Alex Porteau/Barry Horowitz/Freddie Joe Floyd/Jesse Jammes vs
Jason Arnhdt/Leif Cassidy/Salvatore Sincere/The Goon/T.L. Hopper

Royal Rumble 1997

WWF World Tag Team Championship:
Owen Hart/British Bulldog (c) vs Mankind/The Executioner

Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq

WWF Intercontinental Championship:
HHH (c) vs Goldust

The Undertaker vs Vader

30 Man Royal Rumble featuring:
Ahmed Johnson, Bret Hart, British Bulldog, Faarooq, Mankind,
Mil Mascaras, Owen Hart, Stone Cold, The Undertaker & Vader

WWF World Heavyweight Championship:
Sycho Sid (c) vs Shawn Michaels

BONUS x2: Guess the two surprise entrants not on the WWF or AAA roster

Terry Funk, Dusty Rhodes

BONUS: Predict the Rumble iron-man (longest time in match)


BONUS x2: Predict who scores the most eliminations, plus how many eliminations they get

Austin, 7 eliminations

BONUS x3: Predict the final four (not including the winner)

Owen, Bret, Rocky

Edited by Blodyxe
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Free For All: Royal Rumble 1997

Fuerza Guerrera/Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Perro Aguayo/Octagon/Hector Garza

5v5 Over the Top Rope Challenge:
Aldo Montoya/Alex Porteau/Barry Horowitz/Freddie Joe Floyd/Jesse Jammes vs
Jason Arnhdt/Leif Cassidy/Salvatore Sincere/The Goon/T.L. Hopper

Royal Rumble 1997

WWF World Tag Team Championship:
Owen Hart/British Bulldog (c) vs Mankind/The Executioner

Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq

WWF Intercontinental Championship:
HHH (c) vs Goldust

The Undertaker vs Vader

30 Man Royal Rumble featuring:
Ahmed Johnson, Bret Hart, British Bulldog, Faarooq, Mankind,
Mil Mascaras, Owen Hart, Stone Cold, The Undertaker & Vader

WWF World Heavyweight Championship:
Sycho Sid (c) vs Shawn Michaels

BONUS x2: Terry Funk, Rob Van Dam

BONUS: Steve Austin

BONUS x2: Steve Austin (9 eliminations)

BONUS x3: Steve Austin, Owen Hart, Rocky Maivia

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Free For All: Royal Rumble 1997

Fuerza Guerrera/Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Perro Aguayo/Octagon/Hector Garza

5v5 Over the Top Rope Challenge:
Aldo Montoya/Alex Porteau/Barry Horowitz/Freddie Joe Floyd/Jesse Jammes vs
Jason Arnhdt/Leif Cassidy/Salvatore Sincere/The Goon/T.L. Hopper

Royal Rumble 1997

WWF World Tag Team Championship:
Owen Hart/British Bulldog (c) vs Mankind/The Executioner

Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq

WWF Intercontinental Championship:
HHH (c) vs Goldust

The Undertaker vs Vader

30 Man Royal Rumble featuring:
Ahmed Johnson, Bret Hart, British Bulldog, Faarooq, Mankind,
Mil Mascaras, Owen Hart, Stone Cold, The Undertaker & Vader

WINNER: Bret Hart

WWF World Heavyweight Championship:
Sycho Sid (c) vs Shawn Michaels

BONUS x2: Guess the two surprise entrants not on the WWF or AAA roster - Terry Funk, Kama/Papa Shango

BONUS: Predict the Rumble iron-man (longest time in match) - Steve Austin

BONUS x2: Predict who scores the most eliminations, plus how many eliminations they get - Steve Austin, 8

BONUS x3: Predict the final four (not including the winner) - Steve Austin, Vader, Undertaker

Edited by Vandal
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Free For All: Royal Rumble 1997

Fuerza Guerrera/Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Perro Aguayo/Octagon/Hector Garza

5v5 Over the Top Rope Challenge:
Aldo Montoya/Alex Porteau/Barry Horowitz/Freddie Joe Floyd/Jesse James vs
Jason Arnhdt/Leif Cassidy/Salvatore Sincere/The Goon/T.L. Hopper

Comments: *Pats self on back* Let's Go Barry!!!

Royal Rumble 1997

WWF World Tag Team Championship:
Owen Hart/British Bulldog (c) vs Mankind/The Executioner

Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq

WWF Intercontinental Championship:
HHH (c) vs Goldust

The Undertaker vs Vader

30 Man Royal Rumble featuring:
Ahmed Johnson, Bret Hart, British Bulldog, Faarooq, Mankind,
Mil Mascaras, Owen Hart, Stone Cold, The Undertaker & Vader

WWF World Heavyweight Championship:
Sycho Sid (c) vs Shawn Michaels

BONUS x2: Guess the two surprise entrants not on the WWF or AAA roster
Guess: Terry Funk & Carlos Colon

BONUS: Predict the Rumble iron-man (longest time in match)
Guess: Stone Cold

BONUS x2: Predict who scores the most eliminations, plus how many eliminations they get
Guess: Ahmed Johnson with 8 eliminations 

BONUS x3: Predict the final four (not including the winner)
Guess: Stone Cold, Rocky Maivia & The Undertaker

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Free For All: Royal Rumble 1997

Fuerza Guerrera/Abismo Negro/Heavy Metal vs Perro Aguayo/Octagon/Hector Garza

5v5 Over the Top Rope Challenge:
Aldo Montoya/Alex Porteau/Barry Horowitz/Freddie Joe Floyd/Jesse Jammes vs
Jason Arnhdt/Leif Cassidy/Salvatore Sincere/The Goon/T.L. Hopper

Royal Rumble 1997

WWF World Tag Team Championship:
Owen Hart/British Bulldog (c) vs Mankind/The Executioner

Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq

WWF Intercontinental Championship:
HHH (c) vs Goldust

The Undertaker vs Vader

30 Man Royal Rumble featuring:
Ahmed Johnson, Bret Hart, British Bulldog, Faarooq, Mankind,
Mil Mascaras, Owen Hart, Stone Cold, The Undertaker & Vader

WWF World Heavyweight Championship:
Sycho Sid (c) vs Shawn Michaels

BONUS x2: Terry Funk, Rob Van Dam. (surprise entrants)

BONUS: Rocky Maivia. (iron man)

BONUS x2: Stone Cold, 7. (eliminations)

BONUS x3: Stone Cold, Rocky Maivia, Vader. (final four minus winner)

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This week, WCW Monday Nitro featured Hollywood Hogan and Kevin Nash teaming to defeat Chris Benoit and DDP in a cage match. The segment of the night was an injured Ric Flair cutting a fiery, defiant promo. The Dirt Sheet can exclusively reveal that despite a wrist injury to the Giant, he is slated for an upcoming long-term feud with Randy Savage. The contracts of the Nasty Boys, who are up soon, are expected to be renewed.

In somewhat of a coup, WCW have brought aboard WWF legend Bruno Sammartino as a road agent and personality. Sammartino, 61, held the WWF World Heavyweight title for over eleven years across two reigns - but has been an outspoken critic of Vince McMahon's flirtations with a more risky product. The signing of Bruno along with WCW's Souled Out opposing the Rumble show that Eric Bischoff is determined to get into McMahon's head.

WWF have hired female independent prospect Joanie Laurer, who has reported to USWA for polishing. Laurer, 27, is a trainee of the Killer Kowalski pro wrestling school, and dating WWF Intercontinental Champion HHH. Joining Laurer in developmental will be Shane Stevens, actually the son of Vince McMahon, who has been a referee of late but now wishes to train as a wrestler.

NJPW are expanding their line up of gaijins, signing top lucha libre stars El Canek and Gran Apache to touring deals, alongside MMA standout Ken Shamrock and the Botswana Beast.


Dark Matches:
Four Corners: Can-Am Express def The Godwinns, The Headbangers & Hardy Boys []
D'Lo Brown/PG-13 def The Stalker/Dr. X/Brakus []

Welcome to Free For All: Royal Rumble! 
 January 19th 1997 - San Antonio, TX


The Free For All broadcast opens with a wide pan of the Alamodome, a good many seats still empty but with fans slowly filing in through the turnstiles. "Folks, we're live here in San Antonio's historic Alamodome," an excited Jim Ross calls on commentary, "and a capacity crowd will be in attendance to witness hometown hero Shawn Michaels' quest to regain the WWF Championship from Sycho Sid!"

"Puh-lease, J.R.," Lawler protests. "Let me give you a history lesson: in 1836, a bunch of inbred Texan idiots about a mile down the road thought they were headed for a big victory, but they got squashed by a much bigger army at the Battle of the Alamo! And tonight it's gonna happen again when that runt Shawn Michaels gets stepped on by Sycho Sid! After tonight, they'll be saying 'remember the Alamodome,' ha-ha!"

"Only time will tell, King," J.R. responds, "but until then, we've got some exclusive in-ring action and a special look at tonight's biggest matches - and if you haven't yet ordered the Royal Rumble, call your cable or satellite provider now and don't miss out!" Ross then throws to Todd Pettingill, who is on the ground floor of the arena: "Guys, the energy here at the Alamodome is electric - everyone in town seems to have a ticket to the Royal Rumble, and they can't wait to see what goes down tonight!"  [66]



To the musical accompaniment of tense and disjointed percussion, Pettingill takes us through the feud between Ahmed Johnson and Faarooq. "Ahmed's unstoppable rookie year ended in tragedy after a thuggish assault from Faarooq - costing Johnson a Summerslam main event and the Intercontinental title!" We see Ahmed training to return to the ring juxtaposed with Faarooq forming the Nation of Domination. "Faarooq may have moved on with a new look, new attitude and new friends, but Ahmed didn't forget - or forgive!"

We see lone wolf Ahmed taking out all the Nation members one by one including hitting the Pearl River Plunge on D'Lo Brown on a car! The package ends with Johnson's words from last week's Shotgun Saturday Night: "YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT YOUR NATION? WELL, I GOT MY OWN NATION - THE FANS, THE PEOPLE, THE ONES WHO KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE KNOCKED DOWN AND HAVE TO FIGHT BACK!"

We then segue to a recap of the HHH/Goldust feud over Marlena and the Intercontinental Championship, as elegant chamber music plays over the footage. "Hunter Hearst Helmsley is used to getting anything he wants," Pettingill notes as we see HHH propositioning Marlena with advances and gifts, "but when he tried to seduce Marlena, he provoked a fiery response from Goldust." We see Goldust beating down Hunter on this week's Raw, drawing a disqualification.

"The Bizarre One is normally the master of mind games, but the Greenwich Blueblood seems to have hit a raw nerve - and he just keeps poking." The final words are from HHH's smug promo on Raw: "Marlena, darling, this is what a champion looks like. This is what class looks like. And at the Royal Rumble, I'm going to take away Goldust's last shred of manhood... and show him what pedigree looks like." [63]



The San Antonio crowd don't seem to react much to the AAA luchadors trotted out for the opening contest, though Perro Aguayo gets some polite applause. "San Antonio has a large Latino population," Jim Ross notes, "and we're proud to showcase the best of AAA lucha libre alongside in a WWF ring tonight." The veterans Aguayo and Guerrera open things with some deft matwork, trading holds with neither managing to establish an advantage - they each tag out to Hector Garza and Heavy Metal, and the younger pair's higher risk offence soon goes in the direction of the rudos after Garza misses a flying crossbody.

The rudo trio take turns wearing down the isolated Garza's neck and shoulder, as Ross speculates on the team's strategy: "I think they're softening him up for the signature move of Abismo Negro - the Martinete." Lawler is baffled: "The Martin-what? You know I don't speak Spanish!" Ross chuckles slyly: "You of all people should know what it is, King. It's a piledriver." Lawler scoffs, employing some extremely questionable humor when he responds: "The only piles these Mexicans know how to drive are piles of grass after they mow my lawn." Ross admonishes him harshly: "King! I apologise for that, folks."

Garza manages to create some separation with a desperation dropkick to Guerrera, tagging in to Octagon who runs wild with chops, kicks and arm drags! Octagon tags out to Aguayo, before he gets flattened by a stiff Abismo Negro clothesline! Negro tries to plant Aguayo with the Martinete, but the wily veteran wriggles out and gets a cradle for a two count. Negro tags back to Fuerza Guerrera, who hits a backbreaker on Aguayo and goes up high for the Flying Senton - but Perro rolls out of the way and hits La Lanza, his running foot-stomp, on the rebound to a prone Fuerza! 1... 2... 3 in 8:28! "That's all she wrote," Ross notes as the tecnicos celebrate their win. [36]



Our Pettingill-presented pay per view preview continues with a look into the rivalry between the Dead Man and the Mastodon, as an eerie piano melody plays. "The two biggest, most dominant men in the WWF have been trading blows for weeks," Todd notes as we see Vader attack Taker, then Undertaker assault Jim Cornette, "and nobody is safe from the carnage!"

We hear Vader's ranting promos from previous weeks, followed by shots of him beating on Bret, Taker and others. "Vader is out of control and on the war-path - but the Dead Man isn't afraid!" Todd exclaims. Undertaker's ominous words close out the package: "You may believe your strength can save you, that your brutality can protect you... but the Reaper has come for you. Vader, you will... rest... in peace..."  

A countdown-themed techno piece accompanies the Royal Rumble match preview, spotlighting the volatile feud between Stone Cold and Bret Hart, the belligerent tension between WWF World Tag Team Champions Owen Hart and the British Bulldog, then a range of other WWF superstars who have built momentum in recent weeks: Jake Roberts, Rocky Maivia, Mankind and more!

"I'm going to win the Royal Rumble, Todd - and I'm going to make my father Rocky Johnson and my grandfather the High Chief Peter Maivia proud," Rocky says. "Michaels cost me my shot, and he gets to face Sid while I have to go through twenty-nine other guys?" Bret complains. "I'm going to take what's rightfully mine - the WWF Championship," Austin brags. "30 men enter," Todd concludes, "but only one can win the Royal Rumble match!" [82]



"We've got some over the top rope action to prepare you for the Rumble," J.R. promises, as the ring starts to fill up with colorful competitors. "Some of these guys are over the top," Lawler agrees, "where else are you gonna see a pug, a Portuguese man-o-war, a rocker, a hockey player and a plumber in one place?" Ross thinks seriously for a moment, before he's forced to concede wearily: "Only in the WWF, King." All ten men immediately go at each other as the bell rings, the match quickly becoming an ugly and chaotic brawl.

Alex Porteau is the first over the top after T.L. Hopper and Salvatore Sincere combine forces. "That ugly pug didn't stand a chance," Lawler quips, "I have socks taller than him." J.R. sighs: "Careful King, Porteau is as tough as they come - I'm sure he could twist you like a pretzel." Lawler quickly replies: "Oh, I'll gladly tell him how short he is to his face. If I can bend that far, ha-ha!" Next over the top is Jason Arnhdt after a big clothesline from Freddie Joe Floyd, evening things to four aside. Salvatore Sincere pulls down Aldo Montoya's mask, blinding the man-o-war long enough for the conniving Italian to toss him out of the ring, but as he smugly celebrates, Barry Horowitz comes up from behind and tips him out too!

"You know, J.R.," Lawler notes as the match continues, "I heard a rumor that Leif Cassidy was in the Rumble match but then he sold his spot to someone else." Ross grumbles: "Don't believe everything you hear, King." Barry Horowitz falls prey to a Leif Cassidy dropkick, spilling over the top rope and to the floor. Freddie Joe Floyd and Jesse Jammes are now outnumbered by Cassidy, Hopper and Goon - but manage to hold their own, before they both throw Cassidy screaming out of the ring! Goon holds on for dear life as Jammes and Floyd try to eliminate him, but Hopper comes from behind and dumps Jammes to the ground!

In the closing stretches, Goon and Hopper try to toss Floyd over the top, but the Bow-Legged Cowboy lands on the apron, ducks a charge from Goon to send him flying to the floor, then guillotines Hopper and uses the plumber's weight to pull him out of the ring! "Floyd is the last man standing," J.R. notes as the Cowboy celebrates, "it's a good day to be from Oklahoma!" Lawler snarks back: "The only good thing about Oklahoma is the road out of there." [50]



As the minutes count down to the PPV broadcast, our final hype package covers the WWF World Heavyweight title match between Sycho Sid and Shawn Michaels. We see their history since 1995, with both men switching between allies and rivals, before their title match at Survivor Series 1996. "A hostile crowd for the Heartbreak Kid," Pettingill notes as we hear uncharacteristic boos from the New York crowd, "and Sid's psychological edge only grew after he targeted Michaels' mentor, Jose Lothario." We see Sid deck Jose with a camera, and Michaels nailing the Sweet Chin Music - but going to check on his fallen friend rather than go for the pin, a move that would cost him the title after a devastating powerbomb.

Dramatic piano music underscores the remainder of the package - we see Michaels taking out Sid at December's In Your House show, Sid attacking Jose again backstage at Raw, then dueling promos from both men in recent weeks. "THIS BELT CHANGES YOU, TURNS YOU MEAN, MAKES YOU WANT TO DO ANYTHING TO HOLD ONTO IT! I DON'T CARE WHO I HURT TO KEEP THIS TITLE," Sid rants into the camera. A contemplative Michaels responds from an empty Alamodome: "Sid, you may say you'll do anything to hold onto that title... but I'll do anything to not let all those people down. You're just one man. And on Sunday it'll be one man versus seventy thousand."

We end the promo with Todd Pettingill interviewing various fans earlier today about their predictions for the match. "Shawn Michaels is gonna win because it's his hometown and he's just too good," a young fan raves into the microphone. "Here in Texas, we love our rasslin'," a gruff older man says next, "and there's no better rassler in the world today than Shawn Michaels. He's going to win back that belt, mark my words." A group of fawning young ladies finishes, squealing: "We love you, Shawn! Kick that psycho's ass!"

Todd finishes the broadcast by noting: "Shawn's got a lot of weight on his shoulders tonight, but there are a lot of fans in San Antonio and around the world that believe in him. Will tonight be another defining moment in Michaels' storybook career, or will the dominant run of Sycho Sid continue unchecked? And who will win the 30 man Royal Rumble match to face either man at Wrestlemania? It will all be decided tonight... next!" [73]


Show Rating: [60]



"Hey WWF fans, it's me - the Toddster! I'm coming at you from outside the previously-watertight continuity of this diary to remind you that the clock is ticking - the Royal Rumble will be posted on Monday the 16th! So don't miss out before it's too late - if you haven't already, order n-- I mean, predict now, and witness history unfold at the 1997 Royal Rumble, exclusively on pay per view!"

Royal Rumble 1997

WWF World Tag Team Championship:
Owen Hart/British Bulldog (c) vs Mankind/The Executioner

Ahmed Johnson vs Faarooq

WWF Intercontinental Championship:
HHH (c) vs Goldust

The Undertaker vs Vader

30 Man Royal Rumble featuring:
Ahmed Johnson, Bret Hart, British Bulldog, Faarooq, Mankind,
Mil Mascaras, Owen Hart, Stone Cold, The Undertaker & Vader

WWF World Heavyweight Championship:
Sycho Sid (c) vs Shawn Michaels

BONUS x2: Guess the two surprise entrants not on the WWF or AAA roster

BONUS: Predict the Rumble iron-man (longest time in match)

BONUS x2: Predict who scores the most eliminations, plus how many eliminations they get

BONUS x3: Predict the final four (not including the winner)

Edited by blaustein
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Pat Patterson gave the WWF locker room a rousing pre-show speech, telling them this is their biggest live audience in years and they're going head to head with WCW's PPV - so make sure they steal the show and have everyone talking about the Rumble rather than Souled Out. No indication has been given at press time as to whether Patterson ended the speech with a karaoke rendition of 'My Way'.

Though the WWF has been hyping the idea of filling the 70,000 seat Alamodome and referring to attendance as a 'capacity crowd', in reality we're told that around 28,000 tickets were sold. This is still the WWF's largest attendance since Summerslam 1992, but does speak to the fact that the promotion remains second in the war with WCW.

Several surprises are in store for WWF fans for the Royal Rumble match, with at least two non-contracted performers reportedly flying in for the show. Four AAA luchadors are due to compete in the Rumble itself - Mil Mascaras, Pierroth Jr., Cibernetico and the Latin Lover.


Welcome to Royal Rumble 1997! 
 January 19th 1997 - San Antonio, TX


Over the sound of a bluegrass rock anthem and exploding pyro, the voice of Vince McMahon roars excitedly: "Welcome everyone to the Rrrrrroyal Rrrrrrrumble! We're live here on pay-per-view with a capacity crowd filling the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas - the home town of the Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels, who tonight looks to regain the WWF Championship from the formidable Sycho Sid!" J.R. adds: "That's not all, Vince - thirty top superstars will compete in the Royal Rumble match for a chance to headline WrestleMania and face the winner of Sid vs Michaels!"

Lawler snorts: "I think you've both made your mind up already, same as the rest of these morons packing the Alamodome - but let me tell you something, Sycho Sid crushed Shawn Michaels at Survivor Series and tonight, it'll be deja vu. I can't wait to see Shawn Michaels cry like a baby in front of all his friends and family when he loses again!" Vince hums in protest, noting: "Shawn Michaels has risen to the occasion a great many times - and with the support of a hometown crowd, there's no telling what the Showstopper might accomplish."

The melancholy strains of Mankind's theme play as Paul Bearer's charges shamble out to ringside. Ross notes: "But first, we're getting underway with the WWF Tag Team titles on line - the word of the day for this one, folks, is family." We cut to an inset promo filled earlier today by Dok Hendrix, who opens with: "Ladies and gentlemen, it's great to be back in Texas. And with me now are Owen Hart and the British Bulldog. We've seen you two at odds in recent weeks - will you both be on the same page tonight?"

The tag team champions step into frame, with Clarence Mason lurking in the back. "Well Dok," Bulldog answers gruffly, "we've had our differences but there's no question about it, we're still the best tag--" Owen cuts Bulldog off: "What Davey is trying to say is, we're professionals - so even though I've been carrying this team on my back--" Bulldog squares up to Owen, annoyed: "What are you talking about? I've saved your skin more times--" Suddenly, Clarence Mason raises his voice, pushing into frame: "Gentlemen, gentlemen! Mr. Hendrix, my clients are under no obligation to answer any further questions that might prejudice their performance tonight. We're finished here." [77]



Owen and Bulldog argue over who should start the match, as Executioner moves to the apron and Mankind slumps into the corner in preparation. "This doesn't bode well for the champions, folks," Ross comments, "they're already bickering like an old married couple." King chuckles, quipping: "Owen and Davey are just doing their best Stu and Helen impression, J.R. - that whole family is a powderkeg waiting to go off!" Vince steers us back on track as Mason negotiates with his clients and Bulldog gets ready to square off with Mankind: "Be that as it may, this championship match is about to get underway - and here we go!"

Bulldog outpowers a shrieking Mankind in a test of strength, before starting to grind down the masked man with clubbing strikes and a long stalling suplex. "Bulldog is lifting Mankind like a sack of potatoes," J.R. drawls, "but folks, that's a 280 pound human being." Lawler snarks back: "Are you sure Mankind qualifies as human? He's missing an ear, teeth... and oh yeah, a brain!" Bulldog can't keep Mankind down, and begrudgingly tags out to Owen, who is immediately knocked off guard by Mankind making a rally!

The Executioner enters the fray, forcing Owen back into the corner - but Owen ducks a forearm and counters with a crisp enzuigiri, knocking the Executioner off balance. Hart follows up with a snap suplex on the bigger man then struts around the ring with a cocky grin, before he tags out to Bulldog with a: "follow that, Davey!" A determined Bulldog sets Executioner up for a running clothesline, but the bigger man displays uncanny agility when he ducks the attack, hits the ropes and comes back with a massive stiff clothesline of his own! Executioner gets a two count as Owen squirms on the apron: "Tag me back in! I had him!"

The Executioner sinks in the Asiatic spike, keeping Bulldog grounded and in agony as Owen slaps the turnbuckle - and some of the fans clap along, not quite knowing which side to root for. Bulldog fights the pain to reach his feet, while Executioner keeps the submission hold locked in, but creates some separation when he elbows out! Bulldog hits a huge DDT on Executioner, then sets him up for the running powerslam, backing into his corner - when Owen blind tags in and climbs to the top rope. Bulldog hits the slam, Owen comes off the top with a missile dropkick to prevent Mankind interfering, then Bulldog makes the cover - but he's not the legal man! Owen smugly covers Executioner in 9:39 to retain the gold. [82]



Bulldog is not happy with Owen afterwards, shoving him and ranting in his face - but Owen protests his innocence. "What's his problem?" Lawler asks, "they won the match, didn't they?" Ross replies sharply: "They did, but no doubt in his view, Bulldog did all the work - and Owen stole the pin." Vince concludes evenly: "Nonetheless, there they are - still your WWF World Tag Team Champions, Owen Hart and the British Bulldog!"

Mankind recovers from Owen's dropkick, looking distraught as he moves to grab the urn from Bearer for comfort - but instead, an angry Paul Bearer lifts the urn high in the air and smashes it over the Executioner's head! Bearer leads Mankind away from his fallen charge like an obedient mutt, the masked man shooting Executioner a pained look over his shoulder as if he's having second thoughts. "So much for family," Ross opines, "in the end, 'Uncle Paul' has discarded the Executioner - just like he did with the Undertaker." Lawler protests: "Well, Executioner is a loser, J.R. - Paul Bearer wants to manage winners!"

Executioner rolls to the floor as Clarence Mason gives the tag champions a pat on the back and sends them off - though he remains in the ring, taking a microphone from Howard Finkel. "Ladies and gentlemen," Clarence begins, "allow me the pleasure of thanking my clients - the Tag Team Champions of the World! And now, allow me to introduce a man who is not just a client, but an inspiration to all of us and a personal friend. He is a visionary! He is a revolutionary!"

The Nation of Domination's militant music plays as a stern Faarooq heads to the ring, with Crush and D'Lo Brown at his side and PG-13 performing their rap. Over the top of all this, Clarence Mason recites: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the Nation of Domination and to the cause for which it stands! One Nation under Faarooq, indivisible, with-- LOOK OUT!" Ahmed Johnson rushes from behind with his 2x4, whacking Crush in the head! Faarooq beats a retreat into the ring, sacrificing D'Lo and PG-13 to Ahmed's righteous fury. "Ahmed with the equaliser," Ross notes, "he wants to make sure this stays one on one!" [68]



Ahmed relinquishes his 2x4 to referee Mike Chioda as the bell rings. "'Sheriff Ahmed' might be able to do what he wants on Shotgun Saturday Night," Lawler rails, "but tonight there'll gonna be law and order - it's like one of Clarence Mason's courtrooms, only Faarooq is going to be judge, jury and executioner!" Ahmed charges Faarooq and rains down punches as Ross quips back: "I think the role of Executioner in the WWF is filled, but Ahmed has a lot of righteous fury of his own to unload."

A visibly rattled Faarooq hits the ropes to build momentum, but falls victim to a spinebuster! "WHATAMANUEVER! Faarooq just got pounded hard by the big Johnson," Vince hums. "Wait, what did you just say, McMahon?" Lawler chuckles. Around the ring, the Nation have been recovering from Ahmed's assault and soon make their presence known when Crush grabs Ahmed's foot from the outside and causes the Shotgun Sheriff to fall to the mat! "So much for rules and order," Ross says sarcastically. "It ain't cheating if you don't get caught, J.R.!" King snaps back, "I think Clarence said that's the twenty-eighth amendment!"

Faarooq presses his advantage, grounding Ahmed and wearing him down with kicks and a long sleeper hold. The Alamodome's chants of "AH-MED, AH-MED, AH-MED" revives Johnson long enough to break free and hit Faarooq with a gut punch, before hitting a big diving shoulderblock then setting him up for the Pearl River Plunge! Clarence Mason jumps to the apron to try and draw the referee's attention, as PG-13 sneak into the ring and try to sneak attack Ahmed - but Johnson pushes Faarooq to one side and levels them with a double clothesline!

In the fracas, D'Lo Brown strikes Ahmed with a low blow, sliding out of the ring as the referee turns his attention back to the match. Faarooq capitalises with a brutal Dominator onto the staggered Ahmed, covering him for the victory in 7:36. "This was never a fair fight," a disgusted Ross rants, "that was a blatant low blow from the Nation." Lawler cackles: "That's what Ahmed gets for having no friends. Besides, that wasn't a low blow - it was a D'Lo blow, ha-ha!" [72]



The Nation begin beating Ahmed down five on one, stomping on the fallen Shotgun Sheriff. "Ahmed stood up to them, and now they're going to make an example of him - this makes me sick," Ross says furiously. The bell continues to ring as Vince notes dispassionately: "The official's decision may be final - but the Nation had better not push their luck should he see fit to overturn this match result." Lawler replies: "If he does that, ol' Clarence will have him tied up in appeal court for months!"

A hopeful pop echoes through the Alamodome as Savio Vega sprints to the ring, looking to make the save for Ahmed! "Saaaavio Vega has had his own differences with Faarooq," Vince narrates excitedly - but Savio soon gets outnumbered and beaten down, before PG-13 pull him up to his feet and hold the Puerto Rican prone to receive a devastating Heart Punch from Crush! Vega crumples to the mat, his limbs spasming, as the Nation depart the ring. "Faarooq is leaving the scene of the crime," J.R. snarls. [60]



We cut backstage, where Dok Hendrix has comments from the Intercontinental Champion, Hunter Hearst Helmsley. "Goldust, Goldust, Goldust," HHH scoffs, "you may have these fans fooled with your ridiculous facepaint and absurd outfits, but I see through all that chicanery. I see you, Goldust. You are in crisis. You hide your heritage behind make-up, you guard your feelings with the facade of 'the Bizarre One', but I can see you're afraid. Afraid of losing again. Afraid of losing... Marlena."

The camera pans in slowly as Hunter smirks wickedly. "And why shouldn't you be afraid, Goldust? I am everything you will never be. I am a man of class, sophistication and impeccable breeding. I am the Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion of the World. And I can offer Marlena that world - she need only take my hand," Hunter chuckles arrogantly, before walking off screen.


A wave of static hits the broadcast feed and we go to grainy backstage CCTV footage of Goldust's locker room, where he's clutching a bouquet in his hands and speaking angrily at Marlena: "Did he send you these? Again...?" Goldust throws the bouquet at the wall, scattered flowers falling down to the floor as Marlena comforts him with a hug. Her soft voice can barely be heard over the light hissing of the video feed: "Don't worry, Dustin. It's all going to go to plan. I promise." She kisses him on the cheek as the regular feed returns. "Uh, I apologise for that interruption to our broadcast," Vince grumbles uneasily, "it won't happen again." [73]



Goldust starts the match off hot, rocking the Intercontinental Champion with open-palm strikes before hitting an inverted atomic drop followed by a clothesline to the mat! "Hunter has been playing mind games with Goldust for weeks," Ross drawls, "and perhaps that was a mistake, looking at the aggression and intensity displayed by the challenger." Lawler retorts: "You know, rich people don't make mistakes - they just make unexpected investments." Vince chimes in too: "The Bizarre One had better keep his temper in check after Monday - the championship cannot change hands on a disqualification." The title also can't change if Goldust loses in any way, so thanks Vince.

Goldust remains in control, hitting a running bulldog for a 2 count then lifting Hunter up for the Curtain Call - but the wily champion wriggles out and hits a chopblock to the calves to turn the tide of the match. Hunter locks in an Indian Deathlock as Goldust cries out in agony, sweat already streaking his facepaint. "Give up, Goldust," Lawler goads from commentary, "tuck your tail between your legs before Hunter breaks 'em!" Goldust manages to flip onto his belly, reversing the pressure on the Greenwich Blueblood, who now screams in pain before breaking the hold.

Goldust continues to wrestle offensively, dropping to his knees and catching HHH off guard with an uppercut - then hits him with a bionic elbow with theatrics for good measure, drawing an approving pop from the Texas crowd. "It doesn't look like Goldust is 'hiding his heritage' right now, folks," Ross narrates excitedly. Goldust lifts Hunter up for the Curtain Call again, and this time hits it! He goes for the cover! "1... 2... NOW WAITAMINUTE," Vince yells as suddenly Marlena moves Hunter's foot onto the rope, out of the view of the referee!

Jerry Lawler cackles victoriously as Jim Ross splutters: "Wait, it can't be--" Goldust shoots a look of confusion and horror over to Marlena, his jaw dropping as he can't quite seem to process what just happened. Hunter staggers to his feet and turns Goldust around, hitting him with a gut kick then slamming him down to the mat with a pedigree for the victory in 8:54. [76]



"Folks, I'm speechless," Jim Ross states in bewilderment, "I don't know what we just saw - Goldust had that match won." Lawler giggles in response: "I know exactly what I just saw - Marlena's had a change of heart! She's dumped that face-painted freak and got with a real man!" As if to punctuate the King's statement, Marlena grabs the Intercontinental title from ringside and enters the ring, placing it around the waist of a very smug HHH. Goldust's sweat, tear and paint stained face raises from the canvas long enough to see Hunter pull Marlena in for a liplock! "This has got to be the worst day of Goldust's life," Ross states sympathetically. "No way, J.R.," Lawler replies, "that's going to be the divorce hearing, ha-ha!" [72]



We move along to the next bout, with Vader marching down to the ring ready to do battle. "This one is all about who's the biggest and the baddest man in the WWF, folks," Ross notes. "Vader's bad, alright," Lawler replies, "when he walks into a room, even the walls look scared!" The sound of a gong then hits and the lights go out as the Undertaker's dirge is heard throughout the Alamodome. When the Dead Man appears, he isn't alone - he makes an entrance dragging a body bag along the ground behind him.

"Is this symbolic?" Vince wonders out loud, "Two weeks ago on Sunday Morning Superstars, Undertaker placed the manager of Vader, Jim Cornette, in a body bag." The King is incredulous: "Symbolic?! What do you mean, McMahon - I think Cornette's in there right now! Jim, blink twice if you need help!" There's a short beat as the camera focuses in on the vacant features of the body bag. "I think he's alright," Lawler concludes. Ross grumbles, seemingly ignoring the King: "Without Cornette in his corner, Vader has been out of control the last few weeks. More dangerous and destructive than ever." [91]



Vader charges the Undertaker as he enters the ring mid-entrance and the bell rings! "Vader isn't getting paid by the hour here," J.R. notes with a droll tone. The Mastodon clobbers the Dead Man with his forearms, before hitting a short-arm clothesline that knocks the Phenom to the mat! "We haven't seen anyone manhandle the Undertaker like this since..." Vince stops and thinks, humming, "well, I don't know!" Lawler chuckles: "The answer is since never, McMahon. Undertaker may put on a good smoke and light show, but Vader is what real power looks like."

Vader continues his assault with a falling powerslam, climbing up to the second rope for a Vader Bomb - but the Undertaker suddenly rises to his feet and strikes the prone Mastodon! "That's no fair," Lawler complains, "Vader wasn't even looking!" Ross retorts: "Vader's mistake was thinking he could finish the Undertaker off so quickly. This one could go the distance, folks." The Undertaker and Vader spend the next few minutes exchanging strikes and power moves, neither gaining a clear advantage - until things spill to the outside.

"These men had better get back into the ring before the count of ten," Vince notes. Vader whips Undertaker into the ring post, then follows up with a charging clothesline - but the Dead Man ducks and Vader hits the ring post hard with his arm, howling in pain and fury! When the match returns to the ring, Undertaker manages to walk the ropes long enough to hit Old School onto the injured arm - and Vader is now clutching his bad arm close to his chest.

"The Mastodon is a wounded animal," Ross notes. "Vader only needs one arm to pop the Undertaker like a balloon," Lawler snarks back, "in fact, he could probably do it with his little toe!" Vader's offense doesn't land - he can't lock his second arm for a bearhug attempt, and the Undertaker instead gets a hand around his throat and powers the big man up and down with a Chokeslam! A groggy Vader is lifted upside down with some difficulty by the Undertaker, who somehow manages to hit an enormous Tombstone Piledriver for the win in 11:36!  [79]



"UnbeLIEVable," Vince raves as the Undertaker's theme fills the arena once more, "that's got to be the biggest Tombstone I've ever seen!" Ross notes: "Vader went blow for blow with the Undertaker, but just couldn't recover from losing control of one of his arms." Vader is filled with an exhausted rage after he regains consciousness, seeming to shake with anger but somehow managing to avoid lashing out long enough to march to the back. "I've known Vader for years, folks," Ross recounts, "he's a proud man and he won't suffer this loss lightly."

After a short vignette counting down Royal Rumbles of years past, Howard Finkel explains the rules of the contest: "Two superstars will start in the ring! Every ninety seconds, another superstar will enter! Superstars are eliminated by going over the top rope, and both feet must touch the floor to be eliminated! The winner of the Royal Rumble match will go on to challenge for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship in the main event of WrestleMania!"

The unmistakable opening riff of Bret Hart's theme plays as the Hitman marches to the ring, his face the very picture of grim determination. "The Hitman has drawn the unluckiest number tonight," Ross notes, "which means his path to victory lies through twenty-nine other men." Lawler giddily responds: "Well, Bret is number one in his own mind, so he might as well be number one in the Rumble!" Vince adds evenly: "Just two years ago, the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels outlasted them all to win from the number one entry position. And now Bret will look to repeat the feat of perhaps his greatest career rival."

Second into the Rumble is the Sultan, flanked by Mr. Bob Backlund and Iron Sheik each heckling the crowd. Sultan stares a hole into Bret Hart as he walks slowly and purposefully down to the ring. "You know, Sultan probably wants this just as much as Bret or Michaels," Lawler claims, "why does nobody care about the Sultan's boyhood dream?" [75]



A focused Hitman seizes the initiative early on, taking control of the Sultan but being unable to lift the 400+ pounder over the top rope. After eighty seconds have elapsed, a countdown appears on screen as the fans chant: "TEN! NINE! EIGHT! SEVEN! SIX! FIVE! FOUR! THREE! TWO! ONE!"


A buzzer sounds to herald the arrival of the third man: Cibernetico! The fresh rudo saves Sultan from elimination, as the pair both beat down Bret. "It's every man for himself in the Royal Rumble," Vince notes, "but temporary alliances will form - and the Hitman has a big target on his back." Rocky Maivia hits the ring full of energy at number four, making the save for Bret as he unloads on both men!

The British Bulldog enters at five, walking gingerly down the ramp as J.R. notes: "The Bulldog is pulling double duty tonight for a chance at headlining WrestleMania." Lawler grumbles in response: "Typical Bulldog, always out for himself! He'd leave Owen to fend for himself if it meant a shot at personal glory." Bulldog and Bret exchange looks, and they each decide to attack separate opponents rather than each other. "A begrudging respect shown between family members," Vince notes.

Latin Lover enters at six, hitting a series of dropkicks on the various opponents in the ring, before climbing up to the top rope - where Bulldog cuts him off and sends him falling to the floor outside for the first elimination! "Latin ain't loving that," Lawler quips. The Sultan looks to throw Maivia over the top, but with the arrival of Jake Roberts at number seven, he shoves the Iranian from behind onto the apron and Rocky manages to save himself before the pair both rock Sultan with strikes and cause him to fall backwards to the floor, to Backlund and Sheik's dismay! "So much for the boyhood dream," Lawler sighs.


Flash Funk enters at eight with some flashy offence - staggering Cibernetico long enough for Roberts to eliminate the rudo with a clothesline! The strains of Cool, Cocky, Bad are heard as Honky Tonk Man comes in at number nine - he immediately goes to Rocky's assistance, trying to eliminate the British Bulldog. Davey overpowers the uncoordinated pairing, and when Honky goes charging back at Bulldog, Davey ducks and Honky sends Rocky spilling to the floor with a clothesline! "I didn't mean to," a shocked Honky begins to explain to a devastated Rocky on the outside, before Bulldog tosses him out. "The undefeated streak of Rocky Maivia comes to an end at the hands of his would-be mentor," Vince notes.

Justin Hawk Bradshaw is out next, shooting Rocky an evil grin as he enters the match. "Another son of Texas - and this one's a big hoss," Ross notes. Bradshaw runs wild on Bret, Jake, Funk and Bulldog with clotheslines and big boots, until Razor Ramon enters at eleven and helps Bradshaw try to eliminate Bret. "Unusual allies," Vince hums. "I love it," Lawler responds, "you've got the Bad Guy and the Brad Guy, ha-ha!"

The crowd are on their feet as Terry Funk enters at twelve. "One of Texas' most legendary grapplers," Ross says, "and the people here know it." Lawler protests: "Sure, he won a bunch of championships - but how many years ago was that? I heard when Terry Funk was growing up, the Dead Sea was just sick." Funk rocks Bradshaw with some stiff right hands, and a recovered Bret Hart finishes him off with a clothesline over the top!


Owen Hart enters next, but he seems upset for some reason, before he goes over to the commentary team and grabs a headset, explaining: "I'm not entering at number thirteen, that's an unlucky number! I'm gonna stay here and do some commentary." Crush is next at fourteen, the monster from Kona marching down to the ring and attacking everything that moves - before catching a diving Flash Funk in mid-air and throwing him out of the ring! "Why didn't Terry save his brother Flash?" Lawler asks sarcastically.

Mankind arrives at number fifteen, stalking around the ring before slowly starting to approach commentary. "Time for me to get in the match," Owen says hurriedly as he throws his headset off and rolls into the ring, immediately going for his brother Bret. Mankind enters the ring and is immediately blindsided by Terry Funk, the two brawling wildly in the center of the ring before Mankind backs him into a corner and begins choking Funk! "I'd say Mankind had a screw loose," Lawler remarks, "but I don't think he has a single screw fully tightened!"

Bob Holly and a still-hurt Savio Vega are next at sixteen and seventeen, as the ring starts to get crowded. Vega unloads on Crush until he gets met with a big boot to the face. Owen and Bulldog manage to put their differences aside long enough to dump a distracted Crush over the top rope. "I wonder what Clarence Mason makes of that," Ross speculates.


Glass shatters to herald the arrival of Stone Cold at eighteen, as the fiery Rattlesnake saunters to the ring running his mouth. The camera looks for Bret Hart's reaction, but he's being squeezed into the corner by a mixture of Razor Ramon and Mankind. Austin starts throwing punches in the crowded ring, tossing Bob Holly to the floor then giving Jake Roberts a middle finger and a clothesline over the top! "Stone Cold is cleaning house," King cackles, "but there's still a big pink and black stain over there in the corner!"

As Bart Gunn enters at nineteen, Bret manages to create some space, throwing Razor Ramon out, as somewhere in the background, Savio Vega is eliminated from the match by Terry Funk. HHH is next at twenty, getting a good-luck kiss from Marlena before sending his new beau to the back. Hunter skirts the outside of the ring, opportunistically sliding in to dump Bart from behind. "I think Gunn is firing blanks tonight," Lawler says mockingly.

Ahmed Johnson arrives at twenty one, limping to the ring with determination and leveling Austin, Owen, Bulldog and Bret in turn! Mankind and Funk are going at each other again, and the masked maniac goes charging at Terry with a running clothesline, sending both men falling to the ground. "Did Mankind mean to eliminate himself?" J.R. asks. "Well, I once heard Mankind took an IQ test," Lawler responds, "and he failed."

The buzzer sounds and Pierroth Jr. enters the match at twenty two, hitting HHH and Austin with strikes and armdrags. Owen and Bulldog cut Ahmed off, and try to eliminate the Sheriff, but when Johnson shifts his weight, Owen instead pushes Bulldog over the top and to the floor! Bulldog looks furious as Owen feigns innocence again, but he gets tossed in turn by Ahmed! The match is now down to Bret, Austin, HHH, Ahmed and Pierroth, but there are still eight men to go!


Diesel enters at twenty-three, hitting a big boot to Ahmed then a sidewalk slam on Pierroth. Faarooq is next at twenty-four, immediately going for Ahmed by targeting the injured leg. We enter that late-Rumble slog with Bret, Austin, HHH, Diesel and Pierroth all jockeying for position. Goldust, his facepaint still ruined, enters at twenty-five and goes charging for HHH! The Bizarre One gets overpowered and immediately thrown to the mat by HHH and Diesel however - he furiously tries to re-enter the ring but is blocked by WWF officials.

Marc Mero comes sprinting down to the ring at twenty six, hitting Diesel with a big dropkick then taking Pierroth down with a snap DDT! "Why's that idiot Mero always smiling?" Lawler asks. "Well, if you had the services of the lovely Sable, you'd certainly have a reason to smile," Vince responds. A gong heralds the arrival of the Undertaker at twenty seven, who takes his time coming down to the ring as Marc Mero runs at HHH with a big crossbody, then finishes the Intercontinental Champion off with a clothesline to the outside! "At least Hunter still has Marlena," Lawler sighs.


Undertaker makes it to the ring as the countdown begins again for twenty-eight, and Mil Mascaras jogs gingerly to the ring, soaking up the fans' appreciation. In the ring, Undertaker throws Diesel over his shoulder and dumps him outside. Mascaras climbs to the top rope as he enters the ring, hitting Pierroth with a diving crossbody! A dark blues riff plays and the lights go red for entrant twenty-nine. "Who is it?" Ross wonders, before a familiar facepainted figure appears. "It's the return of voodoo master, Papa Shaaaaango!" Vince announces with a roar.

Shango clobbers Bret, Mero and Austin, before he turns his attention to Faarooq and Ahmed fighting in the corner. Shango helps Faarooq tip Ahmed down to the floor, but when Faarooq raises his fist in solidarity, Shango clotheslines the Nation leader out too! The final entry counts down, and... IT'S TIME, IT'S TIME, IT'S VADER TIME! Still one-armed, a furious Vader makes his way down to the ring - batting Mero out of the air with his good hand then sending him sailing over the top, followed by knocking both Pierroth and Mascaras to the floor as they battled on the apron!

We're down to five men now: Bret Hart, Stone Cold, the Undertaker, Papa Shango and Vader. Hart tries to work on Vader's arm, but the wounded Mastodon knocks him away. Shango exchanges lefts and rights with the Undertaker in the corner. Austin is the odd man out, and tries to dump Vader from behind, but the four hundred pounder is much too heavy for the Rattlesnake and kicks him away. Undertaker grabs Shango by the throat and pushes the voodoo master over the top rope, when Vader comes from behind with a roar and with all the power in one arm, sends Undertaker down to the floor - followed by Shango split-seconds later!

Bret, Austin and Vader stare each other down from across the ring - Hart, in the match for almost a full hour, looking weary but still alert; Austin, sweating and panting but with a twisted smirk on his lips; and Vader, hate itself seeming to keep the one-armed Mastodon still standing. Vader and Austin double team Hart but when the Mastodon tries to eliminate Stone Cold, their alliance crumbles - and instead it's the unlikely pairing of Bret and Austin who push Vader up against the ropes, straining with all their strength to push him over! Vader tries to hang on with his one good arm, but the force of gravity is too much and he slumps to the floor.

Vader finally lets his rage out at ringside, the one-armed Mastodon throwing equipment around and grabbing referees by the collar. All the WWF officials immediately head to try and neutralise Vader before it jeopardises the match - and in the process, Bret winches Austin over the top and to the floor in the far side of the ring. As Bret slumps to the mat in celebration, the devious Austin shoots a look over to the distracted referees and rolls back in. By the time Vader is convinced to head to the back, Bret leans on the ropes recovering - and Austin simply tips the unsuspecting Hitman from behind in 60:21! [85]



Stone Cold's music plays as the Rattlesnake grins ear to ear at his deception playing off and Bret Hart begins to realise what just happened, his head in his hands. "Bret Hart just snatched defeat from the jaws of victory," Lawler gloats. "This can't be right - we all saw Austin get thrown out by Bret," Ross says in exasperation. "Well, it appears the WWF officials didn't see Austin get eliminated from the match," Vince notes evenly, before he's interrupted by an irate Hart, who shoves McMahon's headset off his head and rants: "What kind of GOD-DAMNED BULLS[BLEEP] is this? I wrestle for an hour and then I get screwed? You've got to be kidding me, McMahon."

Stone Cold is joined in the ring by Dok Hendrix, who says: "Stone Cold Steve Austin, a lot of WWF fans have to be thinking right now that y--" Austin snatches the mic from Hendrix, instead ranting: "It doesn't matter what the WWF fans think or say, I just threw Bret Hart out on his worthless ass like I said I would. And I'm gonna do what I said and win the WWF Championship at WrestleMania - so Sid, Michaels, you both better have eyes in the back of your head - and that's the bottom line, 'cause Stone Cold said so!" He heads to the back, cannily avoiding Bret. [87]



We cut to Sycho Sid and Shawn Michaels each preparing for the upcoming main event as tense music plays over the top. Sid is talking himself, his eyes bulging out of his head as he paces back and forth. Michaels is knelt down, seemingly in prayer, before he springs to his feet and begins cockily walking the backstage of the Alamodome - before moving to the entrance curtain. A high-pitched cheer echoes through the arena as the pounding drums of Michaels' theme begin to play, and the Showstopper emerges, basking in the adulation of the hometown crowd! [84]



Shawn Michaels gets the upper hand early, the hometown advantage seeming to supercharge his offense! Sid goes rolling to the floor after catching a dropkick, trying to create some breathing room, and when Michaels follows, Sid throws him hard into the steel steps. "I don't think the hometown steps are on Michaels' side," Lawler notes flippantly. Sid grinds down Michaels with his signature offense, hitting a big boot then a running leg drop for a 2 count. The WWF Champion pulls Michaels up for a powerbomb, but the Heartbreak Kid hits Sid with a 1-2 punch at the ascent of the maneuver, instead reversing into a huricanrana cradle for a near-fall!

"We're seeing both men in their element," Vince notes, "the power of Sid and the resourcefulness of Michaels - which will triumph tonight?" Lawler snorts, responding: "A bug can be resourceful all it wants, but it still splatters just the same when it hits a windshield, McMahon." Sid wears Michaels down in a long arm-trap crossface, but as the crowd will him on, the Showstopper manages to pry his arm lose and wriggle his way out. He goes sailing off the ropes with a flying forearm - but Sid ducks and Michaels hits referee Earl Hebner!

"With no official, this match is in danger of falling apart," Vince warns the viewers. "Hit him with a camera again," Lawler cheers on Sid eagerly. Instead, the WWF Champion grabs Michaels by the throat, ranting at him: "YOU DON'T HAVE WHAT IT TAKES, SHAWN! I'M GOING TO END YOU, JUST LIKE OLD JOSE LOTHARIO!" Michaels responds by spitting in Sid's face then kicking him hard in the groin! "That's against the rules," Lawler splutters in protest, "somebody wake that referee up and disqualify Michaels!"

Sid falls to his knees and a determined Michaels knocks him back against the mat execution-style with a Sweet Chin Music, before he climbs up to the top rope and hits a textbook diving elbow drop, the crowd lighting up with the flashes of camera shutters - then runs back up again and hits a second! The referee begins to come to as Michaels ascends the top rope one last time, looking around his hometown fans before he drives the elbow into Sid's heart a third time and regains the World Heavyweight Championship in 14:55! [81]



The crowd are jubilant as Michaels celebrates his victory, having his hand raised by Earl Hebner and then clutching the WWF World Heavyweight Championship close to his chest. Sid seems to be out cold, simply laying there on the ground as confetti starts to fall all around him. "Michaels just broke the rules and all these idiot fans don't care," Jerry Lawler complains. "Turnabout is fair play, King," Ross responds, "Sid claimed he'd do anything to keep the title and Michaels gave him a taste of his own medicine."

Suddenly, Michaels wells up with tears as Jose Lothario, his arm still in a sling, enters the ring. "You can see the surprise on Michaels' face," Vince notes, "he didn't think Jose would be able to make the Rumble - but he was in the capacity crowd after all, cheering his pupil on!" Jose embraces Michaels, whispers words of encouragement into his ear, then departs the ring with a bittersweet smile on his face. "Lothario is leaving, I think he's giving Michaels all of the spotlight," J.R. speculates. "This is a very moving moment," Lawler adds. Ross is shocked: "Really?" Lawler replies: "Yeah, I wish they'd move it to Antarctica."

Michaels' celebration is suddenly cut short when out of nowhere, Stone Cold Steve Austin slides into the ring, spins him around and hits the WWF Champion with a Stone Cold Stunner! Michaels flops limply on the canvas as Austin flips him off. "Yes, ha-ha! You know, Austin is from just two miles down the road," Lawler cheers, "he doesn't get all this special treatment and confetti when he wins. Shawn's second title run is going to be his shortest, mark my words!" Vince concludes the broadcast as Austin raises his fists to a mixed reception from the crowd: "The road to WrestleMania has begun, and it's going to be Austin vs Michaels!"  [94]


Show Rating: [85]



In the end, I didn't deviate a lot from the real-world outcome of the top two matches - because although the idea of Bret winning the Rumble clean or Sid squashing Michaels in front of a hometown crowd were both appealing concepts to me, ultimately I wanted both Austin and HBK to win in order to get where I want to go long-term with this diary.

In terms of what is already going off on its own direction, the Marlena/Goldust split wasn't in my original plan but they had zero chemistry and it was tanking Goldust's segments - so why not? And now that the Rumble is done, I'm fully untethered from pre-announced matches and feuds that were already in motion prior to the diary start date - which feels good.

The ratings for this show were definitely boosted by the pre-show hype speech and a couple of creative finishes/angles - both features I really enjoy about TEW IX, being able to be more tactical about which shows and parts of shows I want to shine most. On the other hand, being able to micro-manage elimination order in the Rumble was one of those ideas I thought I'd like, but ended up being tedious - I do miss the old TEW 2020 settings of final four, iron man and most eliminations.

The tag title match definitely overperformed ratings wise because the usual weak-link Executioner has a nice popularity boost in the Mid-South area thanks to WCCW. I was surprised the Rumble rated so highly, particularly since I always recall struggling to get more than 70s out of the match in TEW 2020 - but I did deploy a creative finish for the outcome so I'm not sure how much that boosted the score. The main event was about where I thought it would end up thanks to Michaels carrying Sid big-time.

This is obviously the longest show I've done yet and I put a lot of time and effort into it, so as ever, I'm open to feedback regarding the presentation and content of the diary. Let me know, for instance, if you'd prefer to see PPV shows like this broken up into a part one and part two.

Edited by blaustein
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