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Curses!(that's probably the best swear word i can write) I'm not sure if i manage to win this time, I would have loved to see either rvd, Raven or The Eliminators in wwf.

Still it was an interesting show, the Executioner was cut from Bearer’s parlor as I suspected, and I know papa shango's entry into the rumble foreshadows him as gordy's replacement. If shango's not kama Mustafa anymore then that means flash Funk can turn heel, go back to being Scorpio and join the Nation instead While Terry Gordy can be traded to either ecw of Japan.

I wonder what happens to Chyna now that Marlena's with hhh. But now Goldust could switch back to Dustin Rhodes to show that he's serious about beating hunter down like a dog. No more mind games just a good old butt kicking preferably in a Texas street fight or Bunkhouse brawl at wrestlemania.

Also rocky's gonna fight Honky.

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Marlena with HHH is actually kind of perfect.  I loved her back in the day and her gimmick and his mesh pretty well.  I would find it hilarious if they ended up a couple.  Sure it wasn't what you would have chosen but it's actually pretty perfect.  Chyna with Goldust would ... actually be kind of perfect too strangely enough with her being the "Man" and him being the Damsel in distress.

Great show.


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18 minutes ago, alpha2117 said:

Marlena with HHH is actually kind of perfect.  I loved her back in the day and her gimmick and his mesh pretty well.  I would find it hilarious if they ended up a couple.  Sure it wasn't what you would have chosen but it's actually pretty perfect.  Chyna with Goldust would ... actually be kind of perfect too strangely enough with her being the "Man" and him being the Damsel in distress.

Great show.


Goldust and Chyna together? I love that! She'd have a backstory about being hunter's ex from his training days under Killer Kowalski only to dump her when he signed with wwf to hook up with girls that in his opinion were less mannish for his taste. Speaking of Kowalski ecw's Eliminators, Jack kronus and perry Saturn also trained under him. Maybevthey could be signed to act as triple h's new bodyguards?

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As ever, thanks to everyone who made their picks! Here were the answers to the Rumble bonus questions (for fairness, I gave a point if your choice for winner was incorrect but was still in the final four):

  • Surprise Entrants: Terry Funk & Papa Shango (kudos to @Vandal for getting both right)
  • Iron Man: Bret Hart [60:24]
  • Most Eliminations: Vader [5]
  • Final Four [not including winner]: Bret Hart, Vader, Papa Shango

Here's the scores at present. The pick 'ems prizes are for the winner as of the end of January, so that means there'll be the below shows then one more week before we determine who gets to pick a signing to the WWF roster! As you can see, while we have @Njord narrowly in the lead there's still all to play for!

26 - @Njord
25 - @Kirby
24 - @sonny912
23 - @Blodyxe
22 - @alpha2117
20 - @arlovski
19 - @Lord Byron
18 - @Teasenitryn
17 - @TheAwesomeZero101 @Vandal
15 - @Dawn @phoenixnitro
10 - @Kieran_Lives @Jason Phoenix
8 - @CharDeeMacDennis
6 - @neslo024 @moafnsteel
5 - @TheYEAHMovement


On Shotgun Saturday Night, Savio Vega takes on Faarooq in his signature Caribbean Strap match; on Sunday, the most charismatic showman in the WWF is in action... against Shawn Michaels; and new WWF Champion Michaels and Rumble winner Austin each pick a mystery partner in a blockbuster Raw main event!

There are 15 points to play for - 12 for guessing match results and 3 BONUS questions. NB: Shotgun & Superstars this week take place prior to the Royal Rumble (hence Mankind/Executioner still being together), and Raw is the night after - I'll resolve this quirk in time for the next PPV.

WEEK 3 January 14th to 20th 1997

 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13
Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers
Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico
Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega
BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge?

 Sunday Morning Superstars #536
Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog
Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover
Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon
Shawn Michaels vs The Goon

 Monday Night Raw #194 
Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy
Mankind vs Terry Funk
WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero
Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/???
BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner?
BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner?

Edited by blaustein
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Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13- I'm here for the Ahmed push

Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers tough call could go either way 

Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico- could be a chance for the luchadores to get a win but the Hardy Boys could use one too.

Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega- Faarooq wins unless Ahmed gets involved

BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge? Bart Gunn



 Sunday Morning Superstars #536

Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog- Bulldog squash

Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover

Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon

Shawn Michaels vs The Goon



 Monday Night Raw #194 

Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy

Mankind vs Terry Funk

WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero

Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/???

BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner? Marty Jannetty

BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner? Vader


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7 hours ago, blaustein said:


As ever, thanks to everyone who made their picks! Here were the answers to the Rumble bonus questions (for fairness, I gave a point if your choice for winner was incorrect but was still in the final four):

  • Surprise Entrants: Terry Funk & Papa Shango (kudos to @Vandal for getting both right)
  • Iron Man: Bret Hart [60:24]
  • Most Eliminations: Vader [5]
  • Final Four [not including winner]: Bret Hart, Vader, Papa Shango

Here's the scores at present. The pick 'ems prizes are for the winner as of the end of January, so that means there'll be the below shows then one more week before we determine who gets to pick a signing to the WWF roster! As you can see, while we have @Njord narrowly in the lead there's still all to play for!

26 - @Njord
25 - @Kirby
24 - @sonny912
23 - @Blodyxe
22 - @alpha2117
20 - @arlovski
19 - @Lord Byron
18 - @Teasenitryn
17 - @TheAwesomeZero101 @Vandal
15 - @Dawn @phoenixnitro
10 - @Kieran_Lives @Jason Phoenix
8 - @CharDeeMacDennis
6 - @neslo024 @moafnsteel
5 - @TheYEAHMovement


On Shotgun Saturday Night, Savio Vega takes on Faarooq in his signature Caribbean Strap match; on Sunday, the most charismatic showman in the WWF is in action... against Shawn Michaels; and new WWF Champion Michaels and Rumble winner Austin each pick a mystery partner in a blockbuster Raw main event!

There are 15 points to play for - 12 for guessing match results and 3 BONUS questions. NB: Shotgun & Superstars this week take place prior to the Royal Rumble (hence Mankind/Executioner still being together), and Raw is the night after - I'll resolve this quirk in time for the next PPV.

WEEK 3 January 14th to 20th 1997

 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13
Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers
Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico
Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega
BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge?

 Sunday Morning Superstars #536
Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog
Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover
Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon
Shawn Michaels vs The Goon

 Monday Night Raw #194 
Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy
Mankind vs Terry Funk
WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero
Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/???
BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner?
BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner?


The headbangers

Pierroth Jr and Cibernetico 

Farooq thanks to interference from the Nation

Bret Hart answers the challenge

British Bulldog 


Mankind but instead of the Executioner who was fired by Paul Bearer we get Papa shango as his replacement

Shawn michaels

Bret Hart

Terry funk





Edited by sonny912
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 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13
Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers
Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico
Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega
BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge? Bob Holly
 Comments: If rudo guys don't win against Hardyz I think the lucha project is not gonna live for too much longer.

 Sunday Morning Superstars #536
Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog
Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover
Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon
Shawn Michaels vs The Goon
 Comments: Thought that The Executioner was cut off

 Monday Night Raw #194 
Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy
Mankind vs Terry Funk
WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero
Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/???
BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner? Bret Hart
BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner? Owen Hart
 Comments: Funker gets a W to make this rivalry more even, can't see Mankind winning it already. I know that Bret is already wrestling, but that match would SLAP

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 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13
Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers
Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico
Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega
BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge? Terry Funk
 Comments: It breaks my heart to pick Ahmed ever. The bangers are less naff than the Godwinns, The Hardy Boys get more out of jobbing to the vets than winning against locals on a dark match, Faarooq is on anothe rlevel to Vega.  Bret makes sense to answer Stone Cold but I am going with Funk.   

 Sunday Morning Superstars #536
Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog
Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover
Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon
Shawn Michaels vs The Goon
 Comments: Could there be a surprise win by the underdogs in any of these matches? No. The totally real Diesel & Ramon could pin Executioner if Paul and Mankind abandon him but honestly they need to split up and be repackaged not kept in this ridiculous failed knock-off gimmick..

 Monday Night Raw #194 
Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy
Mankind vs Terry Funk
WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero
Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/??? - Double countout messy finish
BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner? Undertaker  
BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner? Sid
 Comments: 3 wins by the established talent then a messy Main Event setting up Taker & Sid as a program going into Mania and furthering the Stone Cold v Shawn feud. 

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WEEK 3 January 14th to 20th 1997

 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13
Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers
Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico
Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega
BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge? British Bulldog

 Sunday Morning Superstars #536
Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog
Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover
Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon
Shawn Michaels vs The Goon

 Monday Night Raw #194 
Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy
Mankind vs Terry Funk
WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero
Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/???
BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner? Razor Ramon
BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner? Jeff Hardy

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 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13
Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers
Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico
Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega
BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge? Terry Funk
 Comments: I think Ahmed sweeps PG-13. Headbangers have more upside to the Godwinns. I feel the luchas need a win to keep momentum. Faarooq ain't losing to Savio Vega. Honestly wouldnt be surprised if Austin's open challenge was someone like Freddy J Floyd or something but I'm hoping for a great main event.

 Sunday Morning Superstars #536
Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog
Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover
Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon
Shawn Michaels vs The Goon
 Comments: The British Bulldog gets an easy squash. Mil Mascaras uses his doesn't work for me hermano card. While the tag match can go both ways, I'm leaning towards the more popular dysfunctional team. I still love The Goon and part of the squad but I have to do what's best for him to get pushed.

 Monday Night Raw #194 
Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy
Mankind vs Terry Funk - Double DQ or countout.
WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero
Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/???
BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner? The Undertaker
BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner? Vader
 Comments: Bret Hart wins in a fun match. I feel like Mankind and Funk is a longer term feud so it won't blow off here. I'm predicting an upset for Mero, always liked him and I feel that Goldust needs a bit of revenge on HHH. Main Event is a tossup but I feel Bret Hart is gonna interfere and cause some trouble.

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8 hours ago, blaustein said:


As ever, thanks to everyone who made their picks! Here were the answers to the Rumble bonus questions (for fairness, I gave a point if your choice for winner was incorrect but was still in the final four):

  • Surprise Entrants: Terry Funk & Papa Shango (kudos to @Vandal for getting both right)
  • Iron Man: Bret Hart [60:24]
  • Most Eliminations: Vader [5]
  • Final Four [not including winner]: Bret Hart, Vader, Papa Shango

Here's the scores at present. The pick 'ems prizes are for the winner as of the end of January, so that means there'll be the below shows then one more week before we determine who gets to pick a signing to the WWF roster! As you can see, while we have @Njord narrowly in the lead there's still all to play for!

26 - @Njord
25 - @Kirby
24 - @sonny912
23 - @Blodyxe
22 - @alpha2117
20 - @arlovski
19 - @Lord Byron
18 - @Teasenitryn
17 - @TheAwesomeZero101 @Vandal
15 - @Dawn @phoenixnitro
10 - @Kieran_Lives @Jason Phoenix
8 - @CharDeeMacDennis
6 - @neslo024 @moafnsteel
5 - @TheYEAHMovement


On Shotgun Saturday Night, Savio Vega takes on Faarooq in his signature Caribbean Strap match; on Sunday, the most charismatic showman in the WWF is in action... against Shawn Michaels; and new WWF Champion Michaels and Rumble winner Austin each pick a mystery partner in a blockbuster Raw main event!

There are 15 points to play for - 12 for guessing match results and 3 BONUS questions. NB: Shotgun & Superstars this week take place prior to the Royal Rumble (hence Mankind/Executioner still being together), and Raw is the night after - I'll resolve this quirk in time for the next PPV.

WEEK 3 January 14th to 20th 1997

 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13
Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers
Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico
Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega
BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge?

 Sunday Morning Superstars #536
Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog
Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover
Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon
Shawn Michaels vs The Goon

 Monday Night Raw #194 
Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy
Mankind vs Terry Funk
WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero
Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/???
BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner?
BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner?


The Headbangers via some sort of shenanigans involving Brother Love

Cibernético & Pierroth Jr.

Savio Vega

Justin Hawk Bradshaw 


Alex Pourteau - Owen Hart "accidentally" trips up British Bulldog

Heavy Metal, Fuerza Guerrera & Abismo Negro win what becomes 3 vs. 2 when The Honky Tonk Man takes out Mil Máscaras 

Diesel & Razor Ramon - "The Goon", "Salvatore Sincere" & "T.L. Hopper" attempt to interfere, but are chased away by "1-2-3 Kid".

The Goon by Countout - Shawn Michaels leaves the ring to flirt with with an audience member, the lady's partner (Brakus) stands up and he is shocked by his physique, missing the ten count.


Leif Cassidy - Bret Hart gets distracted by Owen Hart & British Bulldog arguing at ringside.

Terry Funk

Marc Mero - Triple H gets distracted by Marlena being attacked by a mystery woman at ringside  

Shawn Michaels & Brakus


Justin Hawk Bradshaw 

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 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13
Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers
Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico
Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega
BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge? Bradshaw


 Sunday Morning Superstars #536
Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog
Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover
Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon
Shawn Michaels
vs The Goon


 Monday Night Raw #194 
Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy
Mankind vs Terry Funk
WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero
Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/???
BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner? Razor Ramon
BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner? Sid Vicious


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Shotgun Saturday Night picks: Ahmed Johnson (c), The Headbangers, Hardy Boys, Faarooq, and the Executioner answers Stone Cold's Texas challenge...

Saturday Morning Superstars: British Bulldog, Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover, Diesel/Razor Ramon, and Shawn Michaels...

Monday Night Raw: Bret Hart, Mankind, HHH (c), and Shawn Michaels/Dustin Rhodes (his partner), with Stone Cold's partner being Razor Ramon...

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WEEK 3 January 14th to 20th 1997

 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13
Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers
Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico
Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega
BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge?
Answer: The Stalker

 Sunday Morning Superstars #536
Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog
Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover
Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon
Shawn Michaels vs The Goon

 Monday Night Raw #194 
Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy
Mankind vs Terry Funk
WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero
Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/???
BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner?
Answer: Diesel
BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner?
Answer: The Goon

Edited by Kirby
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 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 
Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13
Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers
Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico
Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega
BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge? The Sultan

 Sunday Morning Superstars #536
Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog
Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover
Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon
Shawn Michaels vs The Goon

 Monday Night Raw #194 
Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy
Mankind vs Terry Funk
WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero
Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/???
BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner? Undertaker
BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner? Sid

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